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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Jan-2009
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Особенности Highlights

CIA объявляет 6 мая Всемирным Днём Аккордеона
Charles Camilleri Passes Away - Malta
Скончался Ларс Холлмер (Lars Hollmer), Уппсала - Швеция
IX Международный Конкурс Аккордеонистов «Ascoltate 2009», Приенаи – Литва
Лина Климкайте (Lina Klimkaite), март 1965 – декабрь 2008 – Литва

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Performance of Kusjakov's last Composition now on YouTube - Spain
XVI Certamen Internacional “Arrasate Hira 2008”, Gipuzkoa - Spain
Mary Tokarski Releases New CD - USA
Tragic Death of Tom Bruno, Pennsylvania - USA
Salomon Canelo‏ on New CD, San Miguel de Allende – Mexico

Будущие события

NAMM Show 2009, Los Angeles – USA
NAO Area Festival Season - UK
Alex Meixner Concert, New York - USA
Saltarello Workshop, Accademia del Mantice, Rome - Italy
Bon Accords Concert, Stockport – UK
Victor Prieto at Latin Jazz Festival, Washington DC - USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Sergey Osokin new CD
Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions
Peter Piccini New Accordion Composition
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
Yehuda Oppenheimer Releases 2 Arrangements and 3 Compositions for Accordion.
H S Production New Music Releases

CD Отзывы

“Opera deLight” by Le belle voci (Sud Africa)

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Особенности Highlights

CIA объявляет 6 мая Всемирным Днём Аккордеона

World Accordion Day logo
Международная Конфедерация Аккордеонистов (CIA) с радостью сообщает об официальном учреждении Всемирного Дня Аккордеонистов (the World Accordion Day).

На последней 120-й Генеральной Ассамблее Делегатов CIA, прошедшей в Глазго, Шотландия, члены Ассамблеи, представляющие почти 30 стран, единогласно проголосовали за то, чтобы объявить 6 мая Всемирным Днём Аккордеона (само понятие «день аккордеона» было запатентовано в 1829 году). CIA будет координировать усилия, чтобы ежегодно в этот день, в рамках проведения празднования по всему миру, осуществлялся единый глобальный подход к поощрению разнообразия аккордеонного искусства и выдающихся артистов, которые играют на аккордеоне.

Уже существующий на национальном уровне, проходящий в различные дни во многих странах мира, Всемирный День Аккордеона представляет собой уникальную возможность для глобальной просветительской деятельности и повышения уровня осведомленности общественности об аккордеоне, инструменте без границ, охватывающем все культуры и музыкальные жанры.

Первый Всемирный День Аккордеона CIA проведёт 6 мая 2009 года, в день 180-летия со дня рождения аккордеона. Приглашаем аккордеонистов всего мира присоединиться к этому первому празднику, чтобы отдать дань нашему инструменту. Это международное событие станет захватывающей возможностью объединить наши усилия с целью помочь миру узнать как можно больше об аккордеоне и его возможностях.

Пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайт Всемирного Дня Аккордеона для получения дополнительной информации и доступа к регистрационной форме, которая будет активирована в середине января. Мы с нетерпением ожидаем празднования этого события вместе с вами!

За дополнительной информацией, пожалуйста, обращайтесь к Харди Джонсу (Harley Jones) – PR-менеджеру CIA. E-mail: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com


Charles Camilleri Passes Away - Malta

Charles Camilleri and Raymond BodellLong acknowledged Maltese composer Charles Camilleri died on Saturday morning, aged 77.

Camilleri is today recognized as one of the major composers of his generation. He has over 300 compositions, half of which are recorded on some 36 CDs, sold all over the world.

Charles Camilleri, composer of the 1964 CIA Coupe Mondiale Test Piece Danza Latina, organiser of the Coupe Mondiale event in 1965 in Valleta Malta and CIA Merit Award recipient in 1972.

He leaves his wife Doris, son Charles, daughter Anya, 5 grandchildren in Malta and his only sister Yvonne Attard in Sydney Australia.

A much fuller write up of the musical achievements of Charles Camilleri will be published shortly. Charles Camilleri Memorial


Скончался Ларс Холлмер (Lars Hollmer), Уппсала - Швеция

Lars Hollmer photosМой дорогой друг и коллега по «Accordion Tribe» («Аккордеонное племя») Ларс Холлмер (Lars Hollmer) (1948-2008) скончался 25 декабря 2008 года в возрасте 60 лет.

Впервые я услышал музыку Ларса в начале 1990-х годов, благодаря певцу, композитору-песеннику и экстраординарному ди-джею Давиду Гарланду (David Garland). Я моментально почувствовал родственный дух, и он стал первым, кто предложил мне быть частью того, что в конечном итоге превратилось в «Accordion Tribe». Мы собрались в группу в 1996 году и продолжаем по сей день, хотя теперь и на сцене, и в наших сердцах будет зияющая пустота.

Ларс был мульти-инструменталистом самоучкой (аккордеон, клавиши, вокал, мелодика и т.д.), абсолютно бесстрашным в своём подходе к музыке. Он мог быть беззастенчиво сентиментальным (Boeves Psalm, Soon Song), писать невероятно густой и сложный контрапункт (Pas de Valse, Utflykt med Damcyckle), быть озорным и радостным (Circus I, II). И это только для репертуара Accordion Tribe! Ему удалось записать в общей сложности около 30 альбомов, в основном на своей легендарной домашней студии Chickenhouse, как солных (11), так и с его многочисленными группами, включая The Looping Home Orchestra и Samla Mammas Manna.

Что является общим элементом во всем его творчестве? По словам Ларса из документального фильма, «Accordion Tribe: Music Travels» («Аккордеонное Племя: Музыка Путешествий») (Stefan Schwietert, Maximage Films, 2002): "Все начинается здесь, - говорит он, указывая на сердце, - в конце концов оно может пройти и здесь, - он указывает на свою голову, - но все начинается с сердца."


IX Международный Конкурс Аккордеонистов «Ascoltate 2009», Приенаи – Литва

1Xth International Accordion Competition ‘Ascoltate 2009’ logo9-ый конкурс «Ascoltate 2009» пройдёт с 3 по 7 июня 2009 года в Приенаи (Prienai), Литва. Спонсорами этого уникального мероприятия для молодых аккордеонистов выступили Приенайский район, Школа Искусств Veiveriai A.Kucingis и Каунасское аккордеонное общество.

Международное жюри будет оценивать участников по шести категориям, начиная от классики и заканчивая джазом. В конкурсе могут принять участие музыканты, родившиеся после 1990 года. Приветствуются как солисты, так и ансамбли аккордеонистов.

Дополнительная информация также по email: mindaugas@akordeonas.lt


Лина Климкайте (Lina Klimkaite), март 1965 – декабрь 2008 – Литва

Lina Klimkaite, March 1965 to December 2008 - LithuaniaВыдержки из немецкой газеты Intermusic Новогодний выпуск 2009: полный текст Некролога на веб-сайте Lina Klimkaite Memorials.

Уважаемые читатели, прошедшие праздники Рождества и Нового года оказались для нас нерадостными. Неожиданной для нас оказалась смерть человека, который работал в самом сердце издательства: Лина Климкаите (Lina Klimkaite). Неординарность ее личности является достаточной причиной для того, чтобы посвятить выпуск только ей одной.

Около 20 лет назад девушка из Литвы стала сотрудничать с музыкально-издательской компанией Intermusic Schmulling. Вскоре она начал работу по развитию подразделения EDP notation и руководила им до настоящего времени. 18 лет назад она стала одним из основателей газеты Intermusic и на протяжении последних 5 лет управляла литовской компанией UAB Intermusic, единственным музыкальным издательством в этой стране.

В возрасте 43 лет у нее обнаружили рак, эта новость была сюрпризом для всех. Она умерла в Паневежисе, городе, где она родилась и который покинула в молодости, для того, чтобы учиться в столице Литвы Вильнюсе, а затем путешествовать по всему миру по делам издательства и, в значительной степени, ради всего аккордеонного искусства.

Несмотря на весь наш журналистский опыт, нам трудно подобрать слова, чтобы описать, каким ценным и важным сотрудником была Лина, мы только начинаем это осознавать.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Performance of Kusjakov's last Composition now on YouTube - Spain

Mika Väyrynen during the Sata-Häme Soi Festival in Finland in 2009 performing the Sonata No. 7 'Misterium' by Anatoli KusjakovThe last composition of renowned Russian composer Anatoli Kusjakov, his Sonata No. 7 'Misterium' is now available for viewing on the popular YouTube site.

The work is performed by Finnish concert accordionist Mika Väyrynen during a concert in Andoain, Spain on 16th November 2009, an event sponsored by the Unión de Acordeonistas de España (UNAC), organized by
their President Angel Luis Castaño.

This last composition of Kusjakov before his untimely passing on July 11th 2007, this work was commissioned by the Finnish Accordion Institute and dedicated to Mika Väyrynen. This new work has remained a relative mystery to the accordion world, with very few people having had the opportunity to hear it so far.

The World Premiere was given by Mika at a concert at the Royal Academy of Music in London on 14 April 2008 and he has since recorded for his upcoming CD, due for release this year.

To share this work with the accordion world and general public, Mika has granted permission to release this live performance on YouTube. The music will be published during this Spring, and will be available from the Finnish Accordion Institute.

To watch the performance, please follow the links at


XVI Certamen Internacional “Arrasate Hira 2008”, Gipuzkoa - Spain

Arrasate Hiria XVI Competition logo
The Arrasate Hiria XVI competition took place in Gipuzkoa, in the Basque region of Northern Spain from December 5th to 9th. Sixteen Contestants from around the world competed in the renowned XVI Certamen Internacional “Arrasate Hira International Accordion Competition, representing 10 different countries.

The International jury was made up of: Cao Xiao-Qing (China), Matti Rantanen (Finland), Claudio Jacomucci (Italy), Stefan Hussong (Germany) and Carlos Iturralde (Spain).

Prizes were awarded as follows in each of the four categories:

XVI Certamen Internacional Arrasate Hira 2008:
1st - Nikola Tanaskovic - Serbia (3,600 Euros and a series of concerts in 2009)
2nd -Terhi Sjöblom - Finland (1,800 euros)
3rd - Lulu Wang – China (900 Euros)

Senior Category:
1st – Cristina Cortina Farràs
2nd – Nerea Pérez Beltrán
3rd – Blai Navarro Garcia

Junior Category:
1st – Helena Sousa Estevez
2nd – Maria Mogas Gensana
3rd – Mikkel Cerrada Laurrauri

Infant Category:
1st – Lore Amenabar Larrañaga
1st – Nestor Gascue Mateo
2nd – Asier de Miguel Anaut
3rd – Maite Miqueleiz Berrade


Mary Tokarski Releases New CD - USA

Mary Tokarski New CD - USAMary TokarskiConcert accordionist, Mary Tokarski, has recently released her second solo CD :”Music with Mary . . . with my friends!”

Mary Tokarski, is an internationally renowned accordionist winning two U.S.Championship Titles and a 3rd place in the 1973 Coupe Mondiale. Mary is a Board of Directors member for the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) as well as the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG).

As a member of the internationally reknowned K Trio, Mary performed in concert throughout the United States and internationally with her sister Julie and brother Walter. The K Trio included a wide variety of musical genres, and has been acclaimed as one of the finest accordion ensembles.

Her 2 solo CDs have received international acclaim. Mary was chosen by New Zealand composer Gary Daverne to perform many of his compositions for accordion and symphony orchestra on his new CD release “Rhapsody”.

For more information about booking a presentation, concert, or to order a CD, view the Mary Tokarski website. Order online from MusicForAccordion.com “Music with Mary . . . with my friends!” or “Music with Mary . . . for my friends!”


Tragic Death of Tom Bruno, Pennsylvania - USA

Tom Bruno, aged 36, accordionist, repair technician and expert tuner, who had a shop in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, died on December 30th as the result of an accident. Tom was cutting a tree down, which fell on him.

Mr. Bruno began an accordion repair and restoration apprenticeship at the age of 12 under Mario Mosti, his teacher and mentor, eventually taking over the business upon Mosti’s retirement in 1997.

Tom Bruno was also a fine concert accordionist, and had performed with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.

He was a great admirer of Charles Magnante, and specialized in performing Magnante's compositions and arrangements. Tom was the featured artiste when the Magnante Estate was donated to A World of Accordions Museum in Superior, Wisconsin, in 2000. He has also recorded a CD of Magnante's music.

The funeral took place on January 5th at Mount Saint Peters church, and accordionist Henry Doktorski played ‘Ave Maria’ during the service.

Our condolences to his family and friends.


Salomon Canelo‏ on New CD, San Miguel de Allende – Mexico

On January 4th 2009 the CD ‘Jump the Borde’, by the jazz and blues singer Scott Buck from New York, was broadcast on the San Miguel de Allende-based radio program World Accordion.

The CD was recorded in San Miguel de Allende, and involved musicians Salomon Canelo (accordion), Julian Arcos (quarto), Pedro Cartas (violin), Luis Gasca (trumpet), Jorge Estrada (organ and piano), Gilberto Gonzalez (bass) and Cody Moffet (drums).

For further information email: salomoncanelo@hotmail.com


Будущие события

NAMM Show 2009, Los Angeles – USA

The NAMM Show 2009 takes place from January 15th to 18th at the Anaheim Convention Center, Los Angeles, California. This event features a variety of musical instruments and accessories.

Leading jazz accordionist Eddie Monteiro will be demonstrating the Roland FR-7 along with 21 year old Cory Pesaturo from Rhode Island.

For further information email: kevinj@namm.org


NAO Area Festival Season - UK

The New Year sees three further NAO Area Festivals to be held in the next four weeks.

The NAO NORTHERN IRELAND Area to be held on Saturday 24th January organised by Clyde Johnston in Larne, the NAO MIDLANDS Area on Sunday 25th January organised by Pauline Noon in Countesthorpe Hall Leicester and the NAO NORTH CENTRAL Area on Saturday 7th February organised by Harry Hinchcliffe in Victoria Hall, Saltaire Yorkshire.

All these competitions are qualification festivals for the UK Championships 2009 in April and feature categories for all ages and levels including digital accordion.

For full details of the NAO festival season visit the NAO website or Email: naouk@btinternet.com


Alex Meixner Concert, New York - USA

On January 12th, 7.30pm, accordionist Alex Meixner performs at The Bell House, 149 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY. Alex Meixner leads his band through an eclectic musical journey that includes Gypsy folk music, jazz, polkas, hoedowns, latin rhythms and more.

Alex recently was nominated for a Grammy for his work with Bubba Hernandez on their album ‘Polka Freak Out’.


Saltarello Workshop, Accademia del Mantice, Rome - Italy

Gianni Donnini posterGianni Donnini, of the group La Damigiana will be the teacher of the Saltarello workshop.

Saltarello was previously many centuries before, an Italian dance improvisation practiced outdoors and in local work during breaks or at the end of farm work (harvesting, reaping, harvesting), in each season and at any time.

Gianni Donnini, organettista / researcher born in Osimo and resident in Fabriano (AN), plays this music since he was twelve years of age.

He had the good fortune of being able to learn the Saltarello Marches directly from older players in the local area between Osimo Jesi and Filottrano (province of Ancona) and, in turn, now, is trying to convey this important traditional cultural heritage to others.

His passion for the Saltarello Marches would help to start research work in this field, going to find older players, with the aim to publish a detailed document about this particular dance. Currently Gianni holds regular courses in the provinces of Ancona and Macerata.

For further information, email gianni.it@libero.it


Bon Accords Concert, Stockport – UK

Stockport Accordion Club’s first concert of 2009 takes place on Wednesday January 14th, with The Bon Accords, from Dumfries, Scotland, as our guest artistes.

The Bon Accords are husband and wife Robin and Deryn Waitt, who play Shand Morino button accordion and piano accordion respectively. They are very experienced accordion entertainers, and well known around the Box & Fiddle clubs.

The venue is Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel Street/A560 Hyde Road, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1ND (J25/M60). Admission is £5, and we begin at 8pm, and all are welcome – especially support players.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Victor Prieto at Latin Jazz Festival, Washington DC - USA

New York-based accordionist Victor Prieto has a busy time ahead, and his appearances include performing at the Latin Jazz Festival in Washington DC on January 13th, in which he will play two sets, 8pm and 10pm, at the Blues Alley Jazz Club.

Future dates include;
January 10th, 9pm – Bar Next Door, New York City
January 11th, 8pm – Smalls, NYC
January 13th, 8pm and 10pm - Latin Jazz Festival, Washington DC
January 14th 8pm – Olea, Brooklyn, NY
January 22nd, 8pm – Tea Lounge, Brooklyn, NY
January 24th, 8pm – venue to be announced, NY
February 8th, 8pm – Joe’s Pub, NYC
February 12th, 8.30pm – K.B. Gallery, NYC
February 17th, 18th and 19th, 11pm – Lincoln Center, NYC
February 20th and 21st, 12 midnight - Lincoln Center, NYC
February 26th, 8pm – La Lanterna, NYC
March 1st, 8pm - venue to be announced, NY
March 2nd – beginning of a tour of Europe

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Sergey Osokin new CD

A new site selling a CD titled "Eternal Returning" with sound samples. Music performed by Sergey Osokin, graduate of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, class of Friedrich Lips, and winner of many international competitions including the prestigious Klingenthal international accordion competition. Purchase online.


Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions

Charnwood Publications releases 6 new pieces by ccomposer Douglas Ward titled, 'The Naughty Monkey', 'Morris Minor', 'Nuance', 'Blog 27', 'Subterfuge Two' and 'Boutique Overture'. Purchase with credit card.


Peter Piccini New Accordion Composition

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, releases 1 new work composed for accordion, available for purchase online. 'Love Waltz'. A sample of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 5 new pieces - 'Pavane', 'Souvenir D’ukraine', 'Portrait Of A Toy Soldier', 'Black Eyes Arrangement' and 'The Russian Pedlar'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer Releases 2 Arrangements and 3 Compositions for Accordion.

Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 2 compositions for acccordion - 'Bingo Arrangement', 'Magic Accordion', and 2 arrangements - 'Jugoslavian Dance’, 'Gavotte and Rondo - Oppenheimer'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Also released, is a version of "Busy Fingers" with fingering for the piano accordion. This is the latest composition by Yehuda Oppenheimer, the well-known Israeli accordionist and educator. This is a Czerny-like Etude called "Busy Fingers"and is based on the famous Canon by Pachelbell. Yehuda Oppenheimer has warmly dedicated "Busy Fingers" to Accordions Worldwide Director busy Harley Jones. The piece will develop the ability to perform broken chords with ease. and this perpetum-like composition is very pleasant to execute and is suitable to be used as an encore. Yehuda Oppenheimer wishes all accordionists "Good Luck"with their "Busy Fingers".

Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'There Was A Maiden', 'The Sun Comes', 'Willow Arrangement', 'No Doubt Arrangement', 'Karolinka', and 'Vistula'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

“Opera deLight” by Le belle voci (Sud Africa)

“Opera deLight” by Le belle voci (Sud Africa)CD Reviews Index for the Review of “Opera deLight”, performers: Le belle voci (Sud Africa).


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