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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Feb-2018
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Nello Mengascini, 12 de marzo de 1934 - 5 de febrero de 2018, Castelfidardo - Italia
Informes diarios: XX Festival de Invierno de Kokkola y Congreso de Invierno de la CIA 2018 - Finlandia
Entrevista “Conoce gente” sobre Fuelles Galassi, Castelfidardo - Italia
Joseph Natoli nuevo presidente del Gremio Internacional de Profesores y Acordeonistas - EE.UU.
Conciertos Marco Lo Russo, Latina - Italia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

27th Finnish Accordion Association 24 hour Cruise - Finland & Sweden
Renzo Ruggieri New Accordion Duo Composition 'Lo Scuro e il Chiaro', Italy
Enrollment Deadline for Zurich Classes is 15th March - Switzerland
Hotel Accordion Block Oversold for 2018 NAA Convention - USA
Viivi Maria Saarenkylä Accordion Artist Of The 2018 Year - Finland
Harry Hussey Unwell, Glasgow – UK
Gorka Hermosa New CD, Donastia – Spain

Future events

‘Tango Sensations’ Concert, Fribourg – Switzerland
Valentine’s Day Concert, Pretoria - South Africa
Iñigo Mikeleiz-Barrade – Winter Concert Season, London, Kent - UK
NY Klezmer Series in Manhattan, New York – USA
Accordion Orchestra Workshops, Wesseling - Germany
Martynas Lunchtime Concert @ St Martin-in-the-Fields, London – UK
Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Ceilidh, Renfew – UK
East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra Concert, Maghera - Northern Ireland
Gorka Hermosa Master Class, Opole – Poland

New and Updated Sites

New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK

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Nello Mengascini, 12 de marzo de 1934 - 5 de febrero de 2018, Castelfidardo - Italia

Nello MengasciniNello Mengascini, fundador de la prestigiosa fábrica de acordeón Mengascini, Italia, falleció el 5 de febrero de 2018, a la edad de 83 años.

Nello Mengascini comenzó a trabajar, a principios de la década de 1950, como sintonizador en la compañía E. Sagni en Recanati y como artífice colaborando con importantes fábricas de la región.

Durante un período en el que muchas grandes fábricas estaban cerrando, Nello Mengascini decidió hacerse cargo de toda la maquinaria necesaria de la compañía Accordiola y en 1980, comenzó su propio negocio como productor de acordeón con la ayuda de otros trabajadores.

Desde un comienzo, junto sus hijos Fabio y Stefano, Mengascini Nello S.r.l. se ha convertido en uno de los productores de acordeón de calidad más importantes de Italia y en un proyecto de vida satisfactorio para Nello, que todavía estaba activa, trabajando en 2018.

Muchos detalles interesantes de la vida de Nello Mengascini y la historia de la Fábrica de Acordeón Mengascini están incluidos en la entrevista "Conoce a la gente" en: 2017MN-Interview
Know the People Mengascini Factory Interview


Informes diarios: XX Festival de Invierno de Kokkola y Congreso de Invierno de la CIA 2018 - Finlandia

2018 XX Kokkola Daily Reports
Raimo VertainenXX Festival de Invierno de Kokkola y Congreso de Invierno de la CIA 2018, del director artístico Raimo Vertainen, se realizará desde el 11 al 18 de febrero y los Reportes Diarios presentarán música finlandesa de los 100 años de historia de Finlandia, que es rica en actividades de acordeón.

El evento de 2018 también incluirá el Congreso de Invierno de la CIA con muchos delegados de las 43 asociaciones de miembros internacionales.

Vea los Informes Diarios en videos e imágenes aquí: 2018KokkolaReports

Descarga el afiche: 2018Kokkola.pdf


Entrevista “Conoce gente” sobre Fuelles Galassi, Castelfidardo - Italia

Know the People Galassi Interview
Galassi Bellow logoEntrevista “Conoce gente" en: 2017Galassi
Con: Renzo Galassi (dueño)
Editora: Holda Paoletti-Kampl

"Conoce gente" de Castelfidardo ha hecho de esta pequeña ciudad muy famosa en todo el mundo por sus productos de acordeón de calidad. Entrevista en: 2017Galassi

Imagen abajo: Renzo Galassi con sus padres, Rino y Vanda, quienes comenzaron el negocio en 1948 y aún hoy, trabajan a diario en la fábrica.
Rino, Renzo and Vanda Galassi


Joseph Natoli nuevo presidente del Gremio Internacional de Profesores y Acordeonistas - EE.UU.

ATG header
Joseph NatoliAWW felicita a Joseph Natoli (foto derecha) por convertirse en el nuevo presidente del Gremio Internacional de Profesores y Acordeonistas. Sucede a Amy Jo Sawyer, cuya dedicación al acordeón es muy apreciada. Le deseamos a Joseph Natoli, 1972 segundo lugar en la Copa Mundial Coupe de 1972, (notable intérprete y compositor), una de las presidencias más exitosas. Puede ver el sitio web de ATG su mensaje de bienvenida completo en: http://www.accordions.com/atg

Extractos del mensaje de bienvenida de Natoli: “Amigos, quería anunciar mi primer día oficial como presidente del ATG. Me siento halagado y honrado de ocupar este puesto de liderazgo en una organización tan grande.

Como presidente, espero poder convencerlos de asistir a nuestro 78° Festival Anual en Hyatt Regency en Lisle, IL (cerca de Chicago), desde el 25 al 28 de julio. Tenemos un gran line up que incluye a Cory Pesaturo, Matthias Matzke, Mike Alongi, Stas Venglevski (anterior presidente de ATG), Xia Gang (China) y la increíble Orquesta Festival ATG bajo la batuta de Joan Cochran Sommers.

Nuestros talleres son siempre sobresalientes e informativos en todos los niveles. ¡Será un maravilloso 2018 para el acordeón!”.

Para más información, visite el sitio web en: www.accordions.com/atg
ATG 78th Annual Festival


Conciertos Marco Lo Russo, Latina - Italia

Marco Lo RussoBach, Satie, Piazzolla, Bacalov, Rota, Morricone y Lo Russo fueron algunos de los compositores de las canciones programadas para el concierto “Sacred Harmony” de Marco Lo Russo, programado para el pasado domingo 11 de febrero en la Abadía de Valvisciolo en Sermoneta, Latina, Italia.
El concierto “Sacred Harmony”, después de un estreno internacional el 15 de agosto para la Noche de Cracovia Sagrada en Polonia, llega a Italia. Entre las canciones del programa se encuentra 'Ave María', compuesta por Marco Lo Russo y dedicada al Papa Francisco: una producción musical de producción de sonido Rouge y el canal de televisión italiano RAI: ediciones de música ya disponibles en tiendas en línea.

Además, la Abadía de Valvisciolo acogió el rodaje del videoclip oficial del “Ave María”. Video oficial, producción de una sola mano en https://youtu.be/_lrGM6-9XS
la Banca Popolare del Lazio.

Marco Lo Russo también actuará el viernes 23 de febrero a las 8.15 p.m. en el Teatro Moderno de Latina, Italia, para un evento con motivo del 20 aniversario de UPTEL, Universidad Popular para todas las edades.

Para más información, escribir a: press@marcolorusso.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

27th Finnish Accordion Association 24 hour Cruise - Finland & Sweden

The 27th annual Finnish Accordion Association 24 hour Cruise from Turku, Finland to Stockholm, Sweden took place on the 27th and 28th January.

The whole ship was full with 1,700 accordion players and accordion music lovers. Many people came on the 27 "accordion buses" from all over Finland and the rest by car or train etc.

There were 17 accordion orchestras playing on the cruise plus many more ensembles playing traditional Finnish accordion music, dance music, jazz, tango nuevo, pop etc.

Well known performers were Cory Pesaturo (USA), Jörgen Sundeqvist (Sweden), and from Finland, Jonna Pirttijoki, Viivi Maria Saarenkylä, Tiia Karttunen, Henna Leppänen with her Tango Ensemble, Seppo Lankinen, bandoneon player Sami Pirttilahti.

We also had a wonderful Variete concert with young musicians. Two of them will represent the Finnish
Accordion Association at the 2018 Coupe Mondiale.

They are Pilvi Huhta, 16 years old and Tiia Karttunen, 21
years old. Pilvi is a school girl from Vihti and her teacher is Sofia Ahjoniemi. Tiia is studying at the Sibelius Academy to become music teacher.

There were music all over the ship for 23 hours with people singing and dancing and having fun all night long.

All who wanted to join were unable to be there because there were no more space. But no worries... the next Accordion Cuise will take place, 26-27 January 2019 and it's already on sale! (www.harmonikkaristeily.fi)


Renzo Ruggieri New Accordion Duo Composition 'Lo Scuro e il Chiaro', Italy

Cover page of Lo Scuro e il Chiaro accordion duoRenzo RuggieriThis composition is taken from the OPERA? project, CD rruggieri09, for accordion, orchestra and reciting voice, which had the world premiere in Italy in 2008 in Pineto and in 2010 at the "State Theater" of Rostov-on-Don (Russia).

This newly published version of 'Lo Scuro e il Chiaro' is a reduction for duo accordion and is very effective, usually used in international competitions as well as in concert repertoires.

Video above: Performance of Lo Scuro e il Chiaro (accordion duo) by Lorenzo Bosica and Andrea Di Giacomo "Virtuosity Duo" who won the "World Music" category in CIA Coupe Mondiale, Turku (Finland) in October 2015.

Purchase and view sample pages at: rrenzo516


Enrollment Deadline for Zurich Classes is 15th March - Switzerland

Mika VäyrynenAccordionists interested in enrolling at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste/Zürich University of the Arts (ZHdK) in Zurich, Switzerland for the new accordion classes offered by Mika Väyrynen, are invited to apply by the March 15th, 2018 deadline. Entrance examinations will take place on May 3rd, 2018.

Accordionists may take Bachelor, Master and Post Graduate studies and degrees studying under renowned Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen who will being the news courses in addition to his regular teaching at The Sibelius Academy in Helsinki and The Tampere University of Applied Sciences in Tampere, Finland.

With around 2,800 students and 650 teaching staff, the Zurich University of the Arts is one of the major Universities of the Arts in Europe and easily accessible from all over Europe and abroad. The University Campus features many venues for exhibitions and performances, where the results of the education provided can be showcased to the public.

Mika Väyrynen has distinguished himself as one of the world's leading exponents of the accordion not only as a performing and recording artist, but in working with and commissioning some of the world's most well known composers to include the accordion in their work. with worldwide performances as a soloist, a chamber musician and with symphony orchestra, his recording work, his teaching at the elite academic institutions Finland, his global Master Classes and working with some of the world's leading and most well known composers, inspiring them to create valuable new repertoire for the accordion.

For more information at https://www.zhdk.ch/en/classical-music-2445 or you may contact the head of the Master's Department Prof. Cobus Swanepoel at e-mail: cobus.swanepoel@zhdk.ch or Mika directly at e-mail: mikaaccordion@gmail.com.


Hotel Accordion Block Oversold for 2018 NAA Convention - USA

NAA Header
Norman SeatonNational Accordion Association (NAA) President Norman Seaton (picture right) has written that the "NAA has oversold their Hotel Accordion Block for March 7 - 10, 2018 for the NAA Convention. The exciting list of performers and clinicians has attracted the accordion fans.

If you cannot book direct with the hotel (information on NAA site), then please contact me and we will manually book the rooms."

For further information about the event and my contact details are at: NAA


Viivi Maria Saarenkylä Accordion Artist Of The 2018 Year - Finland

Viivi Maria SaarenkyläFor the first time in Finland, The Finnish Accordion Association made the award "Accordion Artist Of The Year". Legandary Finnish accordionist Veikko Ahvenainen handed out this award to Viivi Maria Saarenkylä.

Viivi Maria Saarenkylä has found her own music style and genre. She has studied abroad after her basic music studies and she has achieved international successes in many international accordion competitions all over the world.

She has now become a full-time musician and is also studying at the international Glomas Programme at Sibelius Academy.

Viivi has represented her country with great success and has also been an excellent role model for other young accordionists as well as demonstrating just how versatile and modern sounding the accordion can be.

Viivi is an important public relations person for the future of Finnish accordion music and its continuity which is also very important to the Finnish Accordion Association.


Harry Hussey Unwell, Glasgow – UK

Harry HusseyOne of the UK’s favourite accordion players, Harry Hussey, became unwell last week. After consulting with his GP he promptly drove himself to hospital and an operation was performed later that evening.

We can report that Harry is now sitting up in bed (asking for his accordion) and feeling much better with the world.

His operation does mean that he will not be able to perform at next week’s Eastbourne Accordion Festival and all further gigs over the next few weeks have been cancelled whilst he is recuperating. It is hoped that he will be back on his feet for the Blackpool Accordion Festival in early March.

Harry Hussey (born 1929) has long been one of Britain’s busiest and most popular accordionists, well known for his spontaneous jazz performances at accordion clubs and festivals.

His hugely successful musical career has seen Harry playing for and alongside some of the biggest names in show business including George Chisholm, Matt Monro, Alan Littlejohn (who once introduced Harry by saying “Here is a man on the squeezebox & wireless set” referring to his amplifier), Norman Wisdom, Jack Emblow, Frank Marocco, Rolf Harris, and Anthony Newley.


Gorka Hermosa New CD, Donastia – Spain

Gorka HermosaSpanish accordionist and composer Gorka Hermosa has released a new CD of his compositions, ‘ELE, Lauaxeta – Lorca’.

He describes this recording as “the most biographical CD that I have done:

- ‘Ode to grandmother Josefa’ is about the misfortunes of my family in the Spanish Civil War;

- ‘Belarri Motzak’ is about the immigration of my parents;

- Gernika (Guernica) ... South and North, Lorca and Lauaxeta.

I hope that you feel goosebumps at least half more than me...fff!!... how many emotions together...”

For further information email: elkar@elkar.eus


Future events

‘Tango Sensations’ Concert, Fribourg – Switzerland

Stéphane ChapuisThe quintet ‘Tango Sensations’, featuring accordionist and bandoneonist Stéphane Chapuis, performs ‘Misa Tango’, by the Argentinean composer Martin Palmeri, at l'Université de Fribourg, Switzerland, on Sunday February 11th, 8pm.

Stéphane Chapuis teaches at the Conservatoire de Lausanne - HEMU (Haute Ecole de Musique University), the Conservatoire cantonal de musique de Sion, l’EJMA - VS (Ecole de Jazz et Musique Actuelle), and the Conservatoire de Musique Montreux.


Valentine’s Day Concert, Pretoria - South Africa

Israeli mandolin player Alon Sariel leads a quartet, featuring accordionist Sergio Zampolli, for a Valentine’s Day Concert of famous Neapolitan Café Music on Wednesday February 14th, 7pm, at the Brooklyn Theatre, Pretoria, South Africa.

For further information email: info@brooklyntheatre.co.za


Iñigo Mikeleiz-Barrade – Winter Concert Season, London, Kent - UK

Iñigo Mikeleiz-BarradeAccordionist Iñigo Mikeleiz-Barrade performs, as follows:

February 15th, 7.30pm - Royal Academy of Music, London (David Josefowith Recital Hall). An evening of chamber music by Dvorák, Mozart, and Efrem Podgaits, as well as Václav  Trojan’s beautifully descriptive and poetic ‘The Emperor’s Nightingale’ for violin, guitar and classical accordion.

February 27th, 10.45am - Diphonon Duo (accordion and viola duo), The Faversham Assembly Rooms, Faversham, Kent. Repertoire includes from original contemporary works to transcriptions from baroque and classical music.

March 6th, 11.30am - Concordia Foundation Solo Recital @ UCH Macmillan Cancer Centre, London. Concordia encourages excellence in both performance and technical musicianship. There is a focus on developing the whole artist, illustrating the benefits of giving back to the community and helping to foster a well-rounded personality able to surmount the challenges of a life in the Arts.

Born in 1994 in Navarra, Spain, Iñigo Mikeleiz Berrade, studied at the Conservatory of Music ‘Pablo Sarasate’, the Superior Conservatory of Music of Navarra, graduating with Bachelor of Music with honours, and moved to London for postgraduate studies with Professor Owen Murray at the Royal Academy of Music. He has attended masterclasses with, among others, Anne Landa, Javier López Jaso, Miguel Ituarte, Alexey Artemyev, Antonio Serrano and Javier Colina.

For further information email: info@zzmusic.uk


NY Klezmer Series in Manhattan, New York – USA

The 2018 NY Klezmer Series begins on Thursday February 15th, 7pm, at FUNKY JOE'S!, 455 West 56th St. (near 10th Ave.), Manhattan, New York. There is ample free street parking after 7pm near Columbus Circle subway). The evening timetable is: 7pm - Instrumental Klezmer Workshop, 9pm - Short Concert set and Tantshoyz (Dance Party), and 10.30pm until 11.30pm - Jam Session.

The musicians are Lauren Brody – accordion, Alicia Svigals – violin, and Aaron Alexander – drums, and the dancing instructor is Sarah Myerson.

For further information email: newyorkklezmer@gmail.com


Accordion Orchestra Workshops, Wesseling - Germany

Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling
Anita BrandtstäterThe Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling (MD Anita Brandtstäter, picture left) is, for the 6th year running, presenting a series of workshops, ‘Playing together with a pinch’, for accordion students to experience the interaction with others in an orchestra. The workshops are on consecutive Thursday evenings, 6.15pm, February 15th, 22nd, March 1st, March 8th, and March 15th. On the final date, March 15th, the workshop is planned as part of an accordion concert.

The rehearsal schedule and for the concert program of the workshop orchestra are new pieces like ‘Wusel's Adventure in the Zoo’, by Sebastian Klein, ‘Anton’s Tango’, by Tobias Dalhof, the Russian ‘Song of the Crocodile Gena’, by Vladimir Shainsky, arranged by Elena Taran, and the suite ‘Blues, Ballad and Boogie’, by Peter Martin, arranged by Ronny Fugman

The Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling is based near Cologne, Germany.

For further information email: a.brandtstaeter@netcologne.de


Martynas Lunchtime Concert @ St Martin-in-the-Fields, London – UK

Martynas LevickisLithuanian accordion virtuoso Martynas Levickis performs a free solo lunchtime concert at the famous St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, London, on Friday February 16th, 1pm until 1.45pm. The concert programme will include transcriptions of Baroque masters and much-loved classics, inspiring contemporary works, beautiful arrangements of traditional Lithuanian folk melodies, and new Lithuanian compositions.

From the age of three Martynas Levickis began to teach himself the traditional folk music of his home country Lithuania. At eight years old he started to learn formally at the S. Sondeckis School of the Arts in his hometown of Šiauliai, and then went on to study with Owen Murray at the Royal Academy of Music in London followed by postgraduate studies with Iñaki Alberdi at Musikene in Spain.

In 2013 he became the first accordionist to be signed to Decca Classics, a Universal Classics label. His debut album achieved great success going straight to the top of the UK Classical Album Charts. Martynas Levickis has performed on tour in China, Germany, South Korea, Spain, the UK and the USA.

He enjoys a busy and varied international career, performing at venues and major festivals across the globe. This season he will direct his ensemble Mikroorkéstra in various projects including his own vibrant arrangement for accordion and chamber orchestra of Vivaldi’s ‘The Four Seasons’. Martynas Levickis is the Artistic Director of Vilnius Accordion Music Week and of Composers+ Summer Academy.

He is an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music and a member of the Advisory Board of the Lithuanian World Arts Council. He plays a classical accordion Pigini NÒVA thanks to the generous support of The Lady R Foundation.


Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Ceilidh, Renfew – UK

Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra
Poster: Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra CeilidhOn Friday February 16th, 7.30pm to 11.30pm, the Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Concert (MD Gary Blair) performs a fund raising ceildhs at the Masonic Hall, Queen St, Renfrew PA4 8TR, Scotland.

The Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra has a history dating back to the early 1970s. During the 1970s, the orchestra was a dominant force in the All Britain Accordion Championships, winning competitions in all orchestra sections and many of the band members won group, duet and solo sections.

The band also played many concerts, including visits France, Belgium and Canada. With the untimely death of Jimmy Blair in 1981, the band was taken over by his wife Lola, until she also died a few years later. In 2009 their son Gary Blair revived the JBAO, which has won first prizes at NAO local and UK Championships.


East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra Concert, Maghera - Northern Ireland

East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra
The East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra (MD Clyde Johnston) performs in concert on Friday February 16th, 8pm, for the Tobermore Boys Brigade at the McKinney Hall, Main Street, Tobermore, Maghera, Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

For further information email: clyde.johnston@hotmail.co.uk


Gorka Hermosa Master Class, Opole – Poland

Gorka HermosaSpanish accordionist, composer and teacher Gorka Hermosa is holding a master class on Sunday February 18th at the Szkola Muzyczna Fryderyk Chopin, Opole, Poland.

Gorka Hermosa was the first Spanish accordionist to play as soloist with a symphonic orchestra, and has since performed all around Europe. He plays in various musical styles including flamenco, fado, folk, pop-rock, jazz, techno, fusion, etc.

As a classical composer, his works are frequently performed around the world. He recorded 3 CDs, written 4 books about the accordion, and has given conferences about the history of the accordion in Macedonia, Italy and Spain. He is currently the Professor of Accordion at the ‘Jesús de Monasterio’ Conservatory in Santander.

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


New and Updated Sites

New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK

Charnwood Publishing header
Douglas WardUK composer Douglas Ward and Charnwood Publishing have released 6 new compositions. Click the links to learn more about each work and see a sample page.

DW944 - Bananas for Two
DW945 - Countryside March
DW946 - Emergency Tango
DW947 - Chasing Rabbits
DW948 - Mosaic Waltz
DW949 - Forest Waltz


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