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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 09-Dec-2016
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Editors Note
NürnbergerAkkordeonorchester 70周年双人音乐会--德国


Video: Sergey Osokin Performing in Nigniy Novgorod ——俄罗斯
‘Game Of Thrones’ Star Natalia Tena is an Accordionist – UK
Renzo Ruggieri版本的“圣诞颂歌”,Ancona--意大利


Stephane Chapuis Concert, Neuchatel – Switzerland
Will Holshouser @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA
Sam O'Doherty 'Christmas Party', Tipperary – Irish Republic
Rob Howard & John Jones @ Stockport Air Raid Shelters, Cheshire – UK
Natalya Chesnova Concerts, Milan, Bergamo - Italy
Gorka Hermosa performs in Flamenco Concert, Navarra – Spain
Stanislav Angelov performs Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, Western Cape – South Africa
A.C. Amigos Do Acordeon Das Rias Baixas Concert, San Cipriano – Spain
Alphen Opus 2 Concert, Zwammerdam – Netherlands


Gary Dahl发行波尔卡电子书和圣诞颂歌电子书--美国
Renzo Ruggieri发布Grande Jo作品,独奏版本--意大利

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Editors Note

Rob HowardChristmas draws ever closer, and if you are looking for presents for accordionists, please take a look at what the pages of Accordions Worldwide have to offer, including the reviews section.

There is a very large selection of books, CDs and DVDs, music books, sheet music, instruments, accessories, etc, advertised on this website – something for everybody.

Please consider supporting our loyal advertisers, whose quality products should meet the needs of most accordion enthusiasts.

Rob Howard



CIA Winter Congress graphic
Georg Hettmann2016年12月2 - 4日,国际工程师协会(CIA)在德国纽伦堡举行了第137届代表大会(冬季大会)。

该活动由国际手风琴联盟创始成员,德意志协会Harmonika-Verband e.V主办。 (DHV)与着名的NürnbergerAkkordeonorchester WilliMünche的Gala 70周年音乐会一起举行。 V.,在Stefan Hippe的指导下。全音乐会报告下一篇文章。

来自新西兰,巴西,美国,整个欧洲和斯堪的纳维亚的代表们欢迎活动组织者Georg Hettmann的开幕招待会和晚宴。在美丽的纽伦堡市举行,成员们可以享受城市的丰富遗产,以及世界上最着名的圣诞市场之一。


在冬季大会上决定的几个奖项如下:中央情报局“国际手风琴演奏杰出贡献奖”授予Zorica Karakutovska(马其顿)和MikaVäyrynen(芬兰)。

手风琴奖的荣誉朋友是对那些对他们各自的国家手风琴演奏作出杰出贡献的人的嘉奖。今年的获奖者是Anna Bodell(英国),Amando Bugari(意大利)和WolframMärzendorfer(奥地利)。


音乐委员会报告了推广电子手风琴的地位的变化。在不断探索推广手风琴及其各种流派的新方法时,国际手风琴联盟决定在音乐会上展示数字手风琴,而不是比赛。 2017年,将邀请电子手风琴领域的专家一起推广这一令人兴奋的手风琴领域,以突出技术的各个方面。

到目前为止已经享有八个不同的世界手风琴乐团将于2017年9月10日星期日在奥西莫举行的下午音乐会上在Coupe Mondiale音乐节结束时举行。由世界手风琴管弦乐团Joan Cochran Sommers(中央情报局名誉会员)创办人组织的世界手风琴管弦乐队九将由来宾乐团,国际代表和嘉宾组成。两场彩排将在联欢晚会之前举行。


世界手风琴博物馆联盟是在中央情报局的主持下举办的一项全球性倡议,旨在协调世界各地手风琴博物馆和收藏家的努力。它旨在作为致力于保护,保护和促进我们全球手风琴遗产的国际伙伴关系。主任包括助理总监:Kimmo Mattila(芬兰)和执行官员:Raymond Bodell(英国),Harley Jones(新西兰)。

CIA代表们应邀参加了纽伦堡Akkordeonorchester WilliMünche庆祝70周年纪念活动。 V.,在Stefan Hippe的指导下。下一篇文章。

CIA将于2017年9月5日至11日在意大利奥西莫的Coupe Mondiale举行会议。有关所有信息,请访问:Coupe Mondiale
CIA Museum Alliance and CIA 2017 Coupe Mondiale


NürnbergerAkkordeonorchester 70周年双人音乐会--德国

Poster, 70th Anniversary of the Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester
Video 1: Jubiläumsmusik 2.015 (Premiere) composed by Stefan Hippe.
Video 2: "Capriccio Italien, op. 45", Arrangement: Willi Münch
Stefan Hipper, Marco RöttigJochen Hausmann, Fritz Dobler上面的视频是每个音乐会的第一部分。



开始的音乐会是为新现代音乐的歌迷,其中由Stefan Hippe执行的NürnbergerAkkordeonorchester为手风琴乐队演奏了4场世界首演的曲目。


随着DHV总裁Jochen Hausmann和着名的德国作曲家,指挥和前Coupe Mondiale世界冠军Fritz Dobler,有许多其他重要的德国和国际的与会者(包括CIA执行)享受这个音乐的活动。


Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester logo



Benetoux books
Merry Christmas logo手风琴圣诞节给朋友和家人的礼物想法:2016Christmas Ideas


免费邮费特别:手风琴的进出口由Thierry Benetoux(目录benetouxen00)。一本关于手风琴修理,调音等的质量书确实非常受欢迎。英语和法语。 Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon(目录benetouxfr00)。

免费邮费特别:探索Thierry Benetoux手风琴(目录bthierryen)。一本非常优质的书,关心你的手风琴的声音和调整。英语和法语。 L'Accordeon&SA Diversite Sonore(目录bthierryfr)。

新 - 目录: rrenzo401 - 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook Renzo Ruggieri 
新 - 目录:ek203 - The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows - Technique for The Accordion Lars Ek

播放John Bonica的Without Pain

请支持手风琴艺术,并选择超过2,347件电子表格,300多张CD / DVD,1,903张eTracks录音,833张印刷作品和许多书籍(文字)供选择。
Books covers for sale



Video: Sergey Osokin Performing in Nigniy Novgorod ——俄罗斯

Sergey Osokin Space album录像:Sergey Osokin最近的演出



‘Game Of Thrones’ Star Natalia Tena is an Accordionist – UK

Natalia Tena
Natalia TenaThe band Molotov Jukebox play Fibbers in York tomorrow as Natalia Tena's lively Londoners see out 2016 with seven intimate shows on the ‘Just The Thrill Tour’, named in honour of their latest single. The title could apply to lead singer and accordion player Natalia's feelings as the popular TV drama ‘Game Of Thrones’ star returns to a city where she felt love at first sight.

"York is an incredibly beautiful city. The first time I came to York, I cycled around and it was so beautiful I nearly cried," reveals the 32-year-old London musician and actress. "I came up there about ten years ago with Shared Experience in a play called Bronte at the Theatre Royal, where I played Cathy and Mrs Rochester and had to portray two characters' madness, so I had 17 or 18 costumes and every time I came off stage I had to change costume! It was absolutely mad."

On her return tomorrow, expect sizzling tunes from this spring's ‘Tropical Gypsy’ album, plus carnival vibes and nautical attire as Natalia leads her ferociously energetic band through such Molotov favourites as ‘Pineapple Fruit’ and ‘If I Knew’.

Incorporating newly found sounds collected first hand on a South American tour last year, Molotov Jukebox have added flavours of samba, fohó and cumbia to their existing Balkan influences on their April follow-up to 2014's Carnival Flower.

"We've changed from being a gypsy-step band to saying we're a tropical gypsy band, so our music is now Balkan melodies and instrumentation but with Latin rhythms – and sometimes I'll sing in Spanish as well as English," says Natalia, who is of Spanish descent. "The main thing is that even though the music is 'dancey', the lyrics are often really dark."

Nevertheless, tomorrow's prevailing mood will be high spirited. "We're having a nautical theme on this tour, encouraging people to dress up with a dress code of sexy sirens and salty sea dogs. Take that as you will!" says Natalia, by way of an invitation.

Natalia's show in York revives her memories of a previous visit to Yorkshire at the age of 21 to play Fevvers in Kneehigh's stage adaptation of Angela Carter's ‘Nights At The Circus’ on tour at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds. "That was the show where I said, 'Can I play the accordion on the trapeze?' and I went through a phase where I did this manoeuvre and kept falling off.

"So there I was on this triple trapeze and I fell off again but this time I fell backwards and landed on my feet and from then on I never fell again!"

The trapeze will be absent tonight but the accordion will be present as Natalia and Molotov Jukebox seek thrills, rather than spills, at Fibbers.

Molotov Jukebox's Just The Thrill Tour visits Fibbers, York, tomorrow. Box office: at fibbers.co.uk or molotovjukebox.com or on the door from 7.30pm.

Did you know? Natalia Tena played Nymphadora Tonks in the Harry Potter film series and the wildling Osha in ‘Game Of Thrones’.


Renzo Ruggieri版本的“圣诞颂歌”,Ancona--意大利

Canto Di Natale“如果我在Ebenezer Scrooge,你还有机会,有希望来拯救你”。

‘Canto di Natale’是复述1843年Charles Dickens的著名小说‘A Christmas Carol’,音乐创作与演奏由手风琴家Renzo Ruggieri和吉他演奏家 Mauro De Federicis,演员Edoardo Nevola。故事讲述了吝啬鬼在圣诞夜遇到了三个鬼怪的过去,现在和未来。专辑可以在商店购买。

小说家Charles Dickens(1812~70),英国文学的重要人物,也是一个业余的手风琴演奏者。

Canto Di Natale可以从网络购买CD和MP3专辑下载:rruggieri12

更多信息请联系: info@renzoruggieri.it






手风琴无处不在。从Ukraine的 Odessa 到Texas 的Odessa,从Mombasa到Mumbai,你会在街角和音乐厅听到他的声音。





Stephane Chapuis Concert, Neuchatel – Switzerland

Stephane ChapuisOn Saturday December 10th, 8.30pm, Stephane Chapuis - accordion, bandoneon, accordina, Claude Schneider - guitar, Veronique Piller - piano, Erwin Zmoos - bass, and Claude Bussard – percussion perform at Les 100 Voix de Café-Café, Temple Du Bas, Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Stephane Chapuis is a versatile accordionist, performing classical, jazz, tango, world music, and contemporary music. He currently teaches at the HEMU - Lausanne (Haute Ecole de Musique), the Cantonal Music Conservatory of Sion, the EJMA - VS (School of Jazz and Current Music).


Will Holshouser @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA

Will HolshouserWill Holshouser is the guest at Brooklyn Accordion Club this Sunday December 11th, 3-5pm, at 61 Local (61 Bergen Street), Brooklyn, New York. His presentation will be called “The accordion as citizen of the world: solo set and thoughts on writing accordion music”. Admission - $5 (kids under 18 free). There will an open-mic session before Will’s presentation.

Will Holshouser began playing accordion in the late 1980s when a friend gave him an old squeezebox as a surprise. He has since performed all over the world as an accordionist, improviser and composer, exploring the areas between jazz, folk and experimental music. Highlights have included touring and recording with jazz violinist Regina Carter, Amsterdam-based improvisers Han Bennink and Michael Moore, modern klezmer clarinetist David Krakauer, and pop visionaries Antony and the Johnsons, as well as with his own groups.

‘Musette Explosion’ is a collaborative trio with guitarist Matt Munisteri and tuba player Marcus Rojas that puts its own spin on French musette and original music. This group has played at festivals around the USA, and their self-released debut CD briefly made it to Billboard’s Jazz Albums chart.

The Will Holshouser Trio, featuring trumpeter Ron Horton and bassist Dave Phillips, has recorded three CDs of Will’s music for the Portuguese label ‘Clean Feed’. Will has been interviewed on NPR’s ‘Fresh Air’ and written music for film, theater, and dance. He has also played accordion with Suzanne Vega, Kiran Ahluwalia, Martha Wainwright, Loudon Wainwright III, Andy Statman, Uri Caine, New York City Ballet, New York City Opera, Mark Morris Dance Group, and the Raymond Scott (tribute) Orchestrette, among others.

He lives in Brooklyn, New York with his wife and daughter.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Sam O'Doherty 'Christmas Party', Tipperary – Irish Republic

Sam O'DohertyAccordionist Sam O'Doherty entertains at the Fethard Ballroom Christmas Party on Sunday December 11th, 7pm, at Fethard, County Tipperary. Admission is €30, which includes a hot meal.

Sam O'Doherty, who plays the British chromatic 3-row button accordion, is a versatile dance musician and concert entertainer. He previously lived in the USA where he was known as ‘The Man from the Glen’, and performed all around the USA and Canada.

For further information email: samodoherty@eircom.net


Rob Howard & John Jones @ Stockport Air Raid Shelters, Cheshire – UK

Rob Howard, Mayor and John Jones
Accordionists Rob Howard and John Jones MBE will be playing once again in the Stockport Air Raid Shelters on Chestergate, Stockport, Cheshire SK1 1NE, on Monday December 12th, Thursday 15th, and Monday 19th. The evening includes a guided tour at 7pm, followed by a singsong of war songs and carols at 8pm, with refreshments.

Roger, one of the tour guides, adds in a few George Formby songs on his ukulele. It's all very jolly and seasonal. The Air Raid Shelters, a labyrinth of tunnels that stretches underneath the town centre, opened in 1939, and became home each night for up to 7000 people during the Blitz in 1940/41.

The Shelters were closed in May 1945, and were restored and re-opened by the council in 1996 as an educational resource and tourist attraction.

John Jones received the MBE in 2012 for his exceptional fund raising for charities playing the accordion, and is one of Macclesfield’s most recognisable characters.

Rob Howard is well known as the author of several books, the most recent being ‘Accordion Anthology’. He is also the News Editor for Accordions Worldwide. Both are members of the Stockport Accordion Club.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Natalya Chesnova Concerts, Milan, Bergamo - Italy

Natalya ChesnovaAccordionist Natalya Chesnova performs next week, as follows:

Thursday December 15th, 6.30pm – Tango Evening, Hotel Milano Scala, via dell'Orso, 7, Milan
Friday December 16th, 7.30pm – ‘Tribute to Fabrizio de Andre’, with the duo ‘Quello che non ho’, Bar ‘Al quadrato’, via borgo Palazzo 19/A, Bergamo

Natalya Chesnova, based in Milan, Italy, graduated from the Minsk Conservatory, Belorus, in 2004. She then worked as an accordion teacher in Minsk and as an accompanist for choreographers and dance teachers. Natalya was a member of the ensemble ‘Novyi Gorod’, who in 2001 obtained 3rd place in the competition ‘Golden Accordion’ in New York, 1st place at the International Competition in Castelfidardo, and performed dozens of concerts in all the states of the former Soviet Union, South Korea, Poland, Germany and Italy, and played in many broadcasts on radio and TV in Belarus. On 2004 Natalya moved to Italy, where she married the singer Nicola Portonato, and is in demand for concerts, teaching, etc.

For further information email: info@natalyachesnova.com


Gorka Hermosa performs in Flamenco Concert, Navarra – Spain

Poster Gorka HermosaGorka HermosaAccordionist Gorka Hermosa and flamenco guitarist Jose Luis Monton perform in a concert titled ‘flamenco etxea’ on Saturday December 17th, 6pm, at the Centro Cultural, Iorta, Altsasu, Navarra, Spain. Admission is 10 Euro.

Gorka Hermosa was the first Spanish accordionist to play as soloist with an symphonic orchestra, and performs around Europe. He plays in various musical styles including flamenco, fado, folk, pop-rock, jazz, techno, fusion, etc. As a classical composer, his works are frequently performed around the world.

He recorded 3 CDs, written 4 books about the accordion, and has given conferences about the history of the accordion in Macedonia, Italy and Spain. At present he Professor of Accordion at the ‘Jesús de Monasterio’ Conservatory in Santander.

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Stanislav Angelov performs Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, Western Cape – South Africa

Stanislav AngelovStanislav Angelov – accordion, Petrus De Beer - violin, and Schalk Joubert – double bass together perform Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ on Saturday December 17th, 8.30pm, at the World Café, Herte Street, 7600 Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa.

Classical Accordionist was born and educated in Bulgaria with a conservatory degree in Accordion, before he came and settled in Cape Town in 1992. Since then he has appeared on CD’s of many South African artists like Valiant Swart, Koos Kombuis, Daniele Pascal and many more. He has released 3 CD’s with his Cape Town Tango Ensemble with one SAMA nomination, as well as another 2 CD’s with other projects.

In 2003 he appeared at the first 46664 Nelson Mandela Concert at old Green Point Stadium in a song together with Brian May, Rodger Taylor from Queen and Dave Stewart from Eurithmics and in another song accompanying Bob Geldof.

He performed Piazzolla Accordion Concerto with CPO in 2004 and with ECPO in 2012. His repertoire is as versatile as his instrument, ranging from Classical to Jazz, to Tango, to French Cafe, Balkan etc.Classical accordionist Stanislav Angelov was born and educated in Bulgaria, and achieved a conservatory degree in accordion before he arrived and settled in Cape Town in 1992.

Since then he has appeared on CDs of many South African artists like Valiant Swart, Koos Kombuis, Daniele Pascal, and many more. He has released 3 CDs with his CT Tango Ensemble, as well as another 2 CDs with other artists. In 2003 he appeared at the first 46664 Nelson Mandela Concert at old Green Point Stadium in a song together with Brian May, Roger Taylor from Queen and Dave Stewart from Eurythmics, and in another song accompanying Bob Geldof. His repertoire is as versatile as his instrument, ranging from classical to jazz, to Tango, to French musette, Balkan etc.

For further information email: denise@iluminarproductions.co.za


A.C. Amigos Do Acordeon Das Rias Baixas Concert, San Cipriano – Spain

Poster A.C. AmigosOn Saturday December 17th the ensemble A.C. Amigos Do Acordeon Das Rias Baixas performs in a concert titled ‘Concerto Solidario’ at Igrexa de Vilanova de Arousa, San Cipriano, Galicia, northern Spain.

For further information email: pdovalo@gmail.com


Alphen Opus 2 Concert, Zwammerdam – Netherlands

Alphen Opus 2
The accordion ensemble Alphen Opus 2 performs in concert on Sunday December 18th, 6pm, at the Grand Café de Haven, Spoorlaan 19, Zwammerdam, Netherlands.

Alphen Opus 2 (MD Hans Barten), founded in 1995, is a highly acclaimed classical orchestra. They have performed in Russia and the USA, and at the Sata Häme Soi accordion festival in Ikaalinen, Finland.

For further information email: alphen_opus2@yahoo.com




Serenellini Accordion Factory
Valerio Russo(意大利),2015 世界杯手风琴锦标赛流行类别冠军。

“"Know The People"”Serenellini手风琴工厂采访2016Serenellini:
- Sabrina Serenellini(经理)
- Luciano Serenellini(Sabrina之父,创始人兼前经理)
- Donatella(秘书/翻译/出口经理)

编辑Holda Paoletti-Kampl

在Castelfidardo制作手风琴背后的"Know The People",这使得这个小城市在世界各地以其高质量的手风琴而闻名。 采访2016Serenellini


Gary Dahl发行波尔卡电子书和圣诞颂歌电子书--美国

Polka eBook by Gary DahlTraditional Christmas Carols eBook by Gary Dahl波尔卡电子书,系列#10目录:DH10-eB只有US $ 18.50或欧元等值。


加里·达尔写道:波尔卡电子书的目标是提供不同程度的困难最喜欢的流行波尔卡。 Clarinet, Achtung Los and Beer Barrel polkas等流行歌曲,是为演唱会设计的。



传统圣诞颂歌电子书,系列#9目录:DH09-eB只有US $ 18.50或欧元等值。

Gary Dahl写道:“21着名的传统圣诞颂歌 - 伟大的价值,每年有超过4亿人在世界各地庆祝圣诞节。唱歌和玩圣诞歌颂和颂歌的伟大的传统在几乎每个国家庆祝,无论哪种语言这是一个常见的音乐纽带,它创造了我们最珍贵的回忆。



Renzo Ruggieri发布Grande Jo作品,独奏版本--意大利

Renzo Ruggieri视频:Danilo Di Paolonicola凭借Grande Jo在2007年Castelfidardo爵士音乐节获奖。
Grande Jo由Renzo Ruggieri作曲,现在可以购买手风琴独奏音乐版本,

另外Renzo Ruggieri最近还发布了:
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo) €10
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo) €10
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo) €10


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