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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Aug-2013
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Accordion-YellowPages.com gratis Eintrag aller Akkordeon Veranstaltungen - Cyberspace
38. Internationaler Akkordeon Wettbewerb und Festival, Castelfidardo - Italien
Akkordeon International 2013, Norfolk – GB
Alexander Pouleuv Neue CD, Rostow am Don - Russland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Jukka-Pekka Kuusela Acclaimed at Kuhmo Festival, Kainuu - Finland
Video: Kanonensong (Weill/Brech), Ensemble Poing & Ratkje with 100 Singers - Belgium
Vow Accordion @ Sons of Ulster Portrush Parade - Northern Ireland
Videos: Associazione Musical Garden Suzuki Accordion Project - Italy
Video: Espoirs Perdus (Speranze Perdute) by Richard Noel - USA
Video: Claude in a Cage by João Barradas and José Valente - Portugal
Video: Linda Herman Trio Perform Rampart Street Parade - USA
Video: "Contre-attaque du Jazz Musette" - France
Video: Popular Slovenian Group Atomik Harmonik Directed by Jani Pavec - Slovenia
Video: Recent Emanuele Rastelli Performances - Italy
Video: Exceptional Accordion Busker, Amsterdam - Netherlands
‘14 Years Ago’ – KODA’s 1999 French trip

Future events

Renzo Ruggieri and Mauro De Federicis Concert, Castiglione - Italy
Radio Show Recording and Broadcast, Champex-Lac – Switzerland
Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Val Tidone, Catanzaro - Italy
Scandinavian Night Concert, New York – USA
Seamus O’Sullivan @ Tynedale Accordion & Fiddle Club, Hexham - UK
Festival de l’Accordéon Gala Dance, Voulême – France
Tribute to Dermot Byrne, Cavan – Republic of Ireland
Cape Town Tango Ensemble Concert/Milonga, Hout Bay - South Africa
Sancyberie Franco-Russian Festival‏, Auvergne - France
Cory Pesaturo Workshop and Concert, Seattle – USA

New and Updated Sites

Dražan Kosoric Releases Two New Compositions
Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions

CD Reviews

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio
‘Fairy Tales’ CD by Ksenija Sidorova, London - UK

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Accordion-YellowPages.com gratis Eintrag aller Akkordeon Veranstaltungen - Cyberspace

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Wir möchten alle Konzert-, Wettbewerbs-und Festival-Organisatoren daran erinnern, ihre künftigen Veranstaltungen für das Jahr 2013/14 in den Accordion-YellowPages.com Events-Liste einzutragen. Die Einträge sind gratis und können direkt online vorgenommen, jederzeit abgeändert oder mit neuen informativen Details aktualisiert werden.

Der Accordion-YellowPages.com Veranstaltungskalender erscheint in der oberen rechten Seite der Wöchentlichen Nachrichten in allen 7 Sprachen von akkordeon.com und auch auf den USA , Diatonischen und Russland Nachrichten.

Eine große Anzahl von Lesern, ca. 50.000 pro Woche, sehen diesen Veranstaltungskalender im Display auf unseren verschiedenen Webseiten. Deshalb erlauben wir uns die Akkordeon Veranstaltern daran erinnern, dieses kostenlose Service zu nützen und die große Akkordeon-Community immer ausreichend mit Information zu versorgen.

Jeder Veranstalter kann aber auch gerne per E-Mail die Veranstaltung Details an uns schicken:


38. Internationaler Akkordeon Wettbewerb und Festival, Castelfidardo - Italien

Castelfidardo header
150 Accordion Anniversary logo150 Accordion Anniversary logoDer Anmeldeschluss zum 38. Internationalen Akkordeon-Wettbewerb in Castelfidardo wurde bis zum 24. August verlängert und findet vom 14 bis 22 September statt.

Um den 150. Jahrestag der Akkordeon-Industrie in Castelifdardo (seit 1863) gebührend zu feiern, sind Wettbewerbsbeiträge für die Edition 2013 kostenlos.

Der Wettbewerb, für Akkordeon Solisten und Gruppen, wird in zwei Abschnitten (klassisch und Unterhaltung) und neun Kategorien unterteilt. Zum Download gibt es die Wettbewerbsregeln und Vorschriften unter: 2013castelfidardo

Dieses Jahr gibt es auch den "Akkordeon Video 'Wettbewerb für unveröffentlichte Videos oder Videos, die im Internet veröffentlicht und sowohl von Profis oder Amateur-Video-Macher im Zeitraum Januar - Juli 2013 aufgezeichnet wurden. Die Videos sollten die Rolle des Akkordeons in der Welt der Musik und Show-Business im Allgemeinen als Thema haben.

Die diesjährige Veranstaltung umfasst eine besondere Hommage an den großen Gervasio Marcosignori (1927-2013), der unter tragischen Umständen am 9. März 2013 von uns gegangen ist.

Vor dem Festival gibt es eine Reihe von Konzerten mit:
25. August: Lo Que Vendra
31. August: Ciccon 'Dela
13. September: Mirko Dettori
18. September: Astoria Quintet

Auftretende Künstler während des Festivals sind:
Auditorium San Francesco: Giuseppe Scigliano, Filippo Arlia, Gianni Mirizzi, Guglielm Brüder, Orchester Giovanile Castelfidardo, Antonio Spaccarotella, Danilo di Paolonicola, Duo Mythos, Vince Abbracciante.
Musik Reality Show: Mahatma Costa, Alessandro Gaudio, Netta Skog
Musical Cafe Accordeon: Simone Mannarino, Kjell Harald Langhaug, Simon Sciammarella, Harry Hussey, Gabriele Antonelli, Giorgio Albanese, Paolo D'Ascanio,
Christian Riganelli und Gabriele Mirabassi,

Wir werden Sie regelmäßig aktualisieren über Programm, Nachrichten, Gäste, Vorschauen usw. vor der Veranstaltung. Weiters sind tägliche Berichte während der Veranstaltung vorgesehen.


Akkordeon International 2013, Norfolk – GB

Giancarlo Caporilli, Pearl Fawcett, Gennaro RuffoloCristiano Lui & Stephano Ciatola (Italy)'Akkordeons International 2013 ", ein jährliches Festivalund findet in diesem Jahr vom 07 bis 11 Oktober 2013 in Mundeseley Holiday Village, Paston Rd, Norfolk NR11 8BT statt. Der Veranstalter ist Heather Smith.

Zu den Gästen zählen Cristiano Lui & Stephano Ciatola (Italien), Perle Fawcett-Adriano, Giancarlo Caporilli (Italien), Dick Lee & David Vernon (Bild unten), Gennaro Ruffolo (Italien), Harry Hussey, David Price, Alan Young, Rosemary Wright , Bert Santilly und The East Coast Four.

Workshops gibt es mit: Elementary Orchestra (MD Rosemary Wright), Intermediate Orchestra (Brian Jenkins), Swing Band (Geoff Cook), Jazz Group (Bert Santilly), Buskers Band (Bert Santilly), Scottish Band (David Vernon), and Vintage Band (Jean Hanger).

Die Aktivitäten umfassen tagsüber und abends Konzerte, Band-Workshops, schottische Tänze und einer Messe, Ausstellungen mit The Akkordeon-Shop, Birmingham Akkordeon Centre, MAP Editionen und Publikationen Robaccord mit der Buchpräsentation von "Akkordeon: eine bildhafte Geschichte“ von Rob Howard . Perle Fawcett-Adriano wird eine Besonderheit der Musik von MAP Publikationen präsentieren. Für sportliche Besucher und Teilnehmer steht auch ein Schwimmbad zur Verfügung.

Dieses Festival, das im Jahre 1986 im nahe gelegenen Caister begann, wurde schon vom ursprünglichen Veranstalter, dem verstorbenen Malcolm Gee als "...als eine totale Entspannung in Akkordeonatmosphäre" beschrieben. Die Kosten belaufen sich auf £ 199 pro Person mit Vollpension (Einzelzimmeraufschlag!) zu buchen, Telefon 01780 782 093 während der Bürozeiten (Zepter Productions).

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk
David Vernon, Dick Lee


Alexander Pouleuv Neue CD, Rostow am Don - Russland

Alexander Pouleuv CDAlexander Poeluev, Preisträger vieler internationaler Wettbewerbe, zweimaliger Coupe Mondiale Weltmeister, Art-Director von IMC "Harmony" hat jetzt seine erste CD, die in Rostov-on-Don aufgezeichnet wurde vorgestellt.

Diese Top-Level-russischer Künstler, die sich mit großem Erfolg in vielen Teilen der Welt profiliert hat, wird demnächste als Gastkünstler des 75. Jahrestags AAA in New York auftreten.

Die CD-Programm Tracks sind:
1. Chromatische Fantasie und Fuge, J. S. Bach
2. Sonate E-Dur, D. Scarlatti
3. Sonate F-Dur, D. Scarlatti
4. Sonata A-Dur, D. Scarlatti
5. Les Roseaux, F. Couperin
6. Le Coucou, L. C. Daquin
7. Le Rappel des Oiseaux, J. Ph. Rameau
8. Arlequine, F. Couperin
9. Fantasy und Fuge a-Moll, J. S. Bach
10 Cinderella, A. Arkhipovsky

Die CD ist online verfügbar unter: Alexander Poeluev


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Jukka-Pekka Kuusela Acclaimed at Kuhmo Festival, Kainuu - Finland

Jukka-Pekka KuuselaLast week Finnish concert accordionist Jukka-Pekka Kuusela had several performances at the world famous Kuhmo Festival that achieved great public acclaim.

Among the performances was Sofia Gubaidulina's ‘Tatar Dance’ for bayan and two double basses, and it was coached by the composer herself. Jukka-Pekka Kuusela was also awarded with the Festival Medal of Honor. The medal was awarded at a special prize ceremony in Kuhmo and personally presented by Artistic Director Vladimir Mendelssohn.

Vladimir Mendelssohn also gave a speech at the ceremony, thanking Kuusela for his long term services as an artist at the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival. This festival began in 1970 and is one of the most prestigious annual chamber music festivals in the world.


Video: Kanonensong (Weill/Brech), Ensemble Poing & Ratkje with 100 Singers - Belgium

Kanonensong (Weill/Brecht) performed by Ensemble Poing and Maja S.K. Ratkje with 100 singers live at Vooruit, Gent (Belgium) June 2013. Published on Aug 8, 2013

The song is also released on their album "Wach auf!"

Three years ago, in response to the financial and political crisis, the Norwegian electronica artist Maja Ratkje, and the contemporary music ensemble POING (Rolf-Erik Nystrøm, sax; Frode Haltli, accordion; Håkon Thelin, double bass), took to the streets of Oslo.

They were armed with the battle songs of Kurt Weill, Bertold Brecht and Hanns Eisler. This acclaimed 'outing' resulted in the album 'Wach Auf', in which a global mix of traditional socialist songs rub shoulders with with quirky versions of songs such as 'True Color' by Cindy Lauper, and hard core classics such as 'Seeing Red' by Minor Threats. The voice of commitment and fighting zeal!

The work, which fluctuates between cabaret, rock and improvisation, received its Belgian premiere in the Vooruit in early 2012. According to Guy Peters, of music site Enola it was "a musical feast from start to finish".

For VOORUIT100, Ratkje and Poing revisit that stirring concert, but are backed this time by a chorus of 100 singers from three Flemish choirs. Let this unique interpretation of old socialist fighting songs awaken your revolutionary spirit! They will perform the 'International', the socialist anthem composed 125 years ago by Ghent-born Pierre De Geyter.


Vow Accordion @ Sons of Ulster Portrush Parade - Northern Ireland

This video recorded by Band Parades shows Vow Accordion marching, 20th July 2013, at the Sons of Ulster Portrush Parade in Northern Ireland. From the videos, it appears some 58 bands were taking part in this parade. Very impressive.

Band Parades is a website "Promoting the Band Scene" which now has an amazing 3,718 videos published, with many of the marching bands having a strong accordion presence. http://www.youtube.com/user/bandxparades/videos


Videos: Associazione Musical Garden Suzuki Accordion Project - Italy

1. Suzuki Accordion Project - Concert
2. Suzuki Accordion Lesson Presentation
3. First Lesson
The Associazione Musical Garden has Suzuki style courses for various instruments including one titled Suzuki Accordion Project (BimboFisa). The three videos above are:

1. Suzuki Accordion Project - Concert in Aosta (Italy), Published on Aug 8, 2013 Performance by Matteo (4 years old) accordion.

2. Suzuki Accordion Project - Presentation in Aosta (Italy) - 2013
Lesson presentation. Matteo (accordion) and Ares (mandolin, 5 years)

3. Suzuki Accordion Project - Riccardo's First Lessons, 4 years old

For further information, email: info@musicalgarden.it


Video: Espoirs Perdus (Speranze Perdute) by Richard Noel - USA

Performer Richard Noel writes: "Espoirs Perdus," also known as "Speranze Perdute" or "Lost Hopes" is a beautiful melody by Alessandro Morelli. It is often played by various combinations of instruments, including accordion, mandolin, guitar, and violin. Published on Aug 7, 2013

I have used the following voices from the Roland FR-7x V-Accordion, in order of appearance:
Accordion Master
Mandolin with Guitar Bass & Chord
Violin with Guitar Bass & Accordion Chord
Musette Accordion Treble with Guitar Bass & Accordion Chord
Musette Accordion Treble with Guitar Bass & Chord
Master Accordion Treble with Guitar Bass & Chord
Musette Accordion with Master Accordion Bass & Accordion Chord


Video: Claude in a Cage by João Barradas and José Valente - Portugal

Claude in a Cage for accordion duo, music by Nuno da Rocha and performed by accordionists João Barradas and José Valente with dancer Bruno Duarte. The dance performance premiere was filmed 30th May, 2013 at the Auditório Vianna da Motta ESML - Lisbon, Portugal.


Video: Linda Herman Trio Perform Rampart Street Parade - USA

This trio of Roland FR7-X players led by Linda Herman perform Rampart Street Parade, "having fun on a Monday morning in August". Published on Aug 6, 2013.


Video: "Contre-attaque du Jazz Musette" - France

"Contre-attaque du Jazz Musette" by two young French musicians, Erwan Mellec (accordion) and Thomas Le Bris (guitar).


Video: Popular Slovenian Group Atomik Harmonik Directed by Jani Pavec - Slovenia

The first video was released in May 26, 2011, produced and directed by Jani Pavec. The second video was released early this year. Atomik Harmonik are a popular Slovenian group.


Video: Recent Emanuele Rastelli Performances - Italy

Recent performances by Emanuele Rastelli and group.


Video: Exceptional Accordion Busker, Amsterdam - Netherlands

Published on Aug 8, 2013. An accordion busker in Amsterdam, Netherlands performing a segment from the famous Four Seasons work by Vivaldi. Exceptional busking by this unnamed player.


‘14 Years Ago’ – KODA’s 1999 French trip

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending August 6th 1999 reported that Scotland’s Keith Dickson Accordion Orchestra, nowadays better known as KODA, had just come back from a highly successful visit to Normandy. KODA present Scottish and popular music with a ‘Riverdance’ influenced type of presentation, demonstrating that accordion music can be presented in an up to date style that has general popular appeal.


UK Accordion Showband Champions, the Keith Dickson Accordion Orchestra (Scotland) recently returned from a successful trip to Normandy, France. The orchestra met with the Cany Accordion Orchestra for a joint concert in the Cany market.

The main event was an evening concert in Yvetot (which is twinned with the Scottish Orchestra's home district of Clydesdale). The Orchestra was very well received, performing a variety of music ranging from Scottish Traditional Reels to UK Chart Hits. They also played an encore of the France '98 favorite ‘Carnival D' Paris’, which was met with great approval from the audience.


Future events

Renzo Ruggieri and Mauro De Federicis Concert, Castiglione - Italy

Renzo RuggieriOn August 10th, 9pm, accordionist Renzo Ruggieri and guitarist Mauro De Federicis perform in piazza Ugo Dallo, Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova.


Radio Show Recording and Broadcast, Champex-Lac – Switzerland

Radio Show Recording and Broadcast posterOn Saturday August 10th, 11am until 12.30pm, the Hotel Splendide in the resort of Champex-Lac hosts a recording of the radio show ‘Kiosque’, featuring the accordion duo Alain Bourgeois & Jean-Yves Sixt and others. Admission is free. The show broadcast is at 6.10pm on RTS1.


Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Val Tidone, Catanzaro - Italy

Marco Lo RussoItalian accordionist Marco Lo Russo, just returned from a very successful trip to Mexico and Canada, performs this month, as follows:

August 11th – solo performance at a charity dinner for South America, Antica Trattoria Jazz Club, Tempio a Vicobarone, Ziano Piacentino, Val Tidone
August 14th – performance of music with poetry with the Cuban actress Sheila Roche, midsummer festival, Catanzaro, Ionian coast

Marco Lo Russo worked with Sheila Roche at a chamber music festival in Cuba last October.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Scandinavian Night Concert, New York – USA

Ed HendelaMonday August 12th is Scandinavian Night at the Lakeside Theatre in Eisenhower Park, Parking Lot 6, in East Meadow, Long Island, New York. A free outdoor 2-hour music concert, it's going to be an accordion extravaganza featuring the quartet Smörgasbandet, the Swedish ensemble Gamle Aker Spelemannslg, and accordionist Ed Hendela.


Seamus O’Sullivan @ Tynedale Accordion & Fiddle Club, Hexham - UK

Seamus O’SullivanOn Thursday August 15th, 7.30pm, accordionist Seamus O’Sullivan from Glasgow is the guest at Tynedale Accordion & Fiddle Club, Hexham Ex-Service Club, 1 Hallstile Bank, Hexham, Northumberland, NE46 3PQ.

For further information email: secretarytafc@hotmail.co.uk


Festival de l’Accordéon Gala Dance, Voulême – France

Belgian accordionist ErikaAn accordion gala dance will be held at the Voulême municipal park, Poitou-Charentes, on August 15th, 3pm until midnight, featuring Belgian accordionist Erika, accordionists Sébastien Farge, Pascal Terrible, Clody Musette, the Christophe Coineau band and singer Roger Poissac, and many more. There will be an exhibition of Maugein accordions. Hot and cold food will be available. Entrance is 15 Euro.


Tribute to Dermot Byrne, Cavan – Republic of Ireland

Dermot ByrneA Tribute to Dermot Byrne concert takes place on Monday August 19th, 8pm, at the Marquee Tesco Car Park, Main St, Cavan. The concert is an event in the Life of Reilly Festival.

Dermot Byrne, from Donegal, is one of Ireland’s leading diatonic button accordionists. A member of the band Altan, Byrne has also worked and recorded with many of Ireland’s best known musicians, including the Chieftains, Franjie Gavin, Donal Lunny and Dezi Donnelly.

Performing are button accordionists Mick Mulcahy, Damien O’Reilly, Mickey Curran, John McEntee, Peter Staunton, Eugene Teevan, Patricia McDermott, Luke Daniels, Peter Browne, Stephen Doherty, Adamar O Connor ,Jimmy McGreevy, Bobby Gardiner, Keelan McGrath, Seamus Begley, Gerry Gorman, Darren Breslin, Colm Gannon, Jackie Daly, Ciaran Kelly, Darly Dolan, Martin Donohoe, with Padraic O’Reilly, Floriane Blancke, Brendan Regan.


Cape Town Tango Ensemble Concert/Milonga, Hout Bay - South Africa

Cape Town Tango Ensemble Concert/Milonga posterThe Cape Town Tango Ensemble, featuring accordionist, perform in concert and for a milonga dance on Saturday August 24th, 7pm, at Riverside Estates, Valley Rd, Hout Bay, Cape Town.

The Cape Town Tango Ensemble are Stanislav Anguelov – accordion and bandoneon, Albert Combrink – piano, Jacek Domagala – violin, and Charles Lazar – double bass.

For further information email: stanislav@angelmusic.co.za


Sancyberie Franco-Russian Festival‏, Auvergne - France

Sancyberie Franco-Russian Festival‏ posterThe 5th Sancyberie Franco-Russian Festival takes place from August 24th to 31st in Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne, La Bourboule, and surrounding districts. The festival offers a week of Russian and French entertainers including accordionists, bands and dancers.

Performing are the French band ‘Escapade’, featuring accordionist Pierre Laval and with a repertoire of Irish music! From Russia are ‘Russichi’, a team of Russian ballet dancers, and ‘Nokkil’, an instrumental quintet featuring accordionists Victor Bordounov and Olga Bordounova. The event is organized by Roman Jbanov.

For further information email: jr76@mail.ru


Cory Pesaturo Workshop and Concert, Seattle – USA

Cory PesaturoUS accordionist Cory Pesaturo leads a workshop, ‘Playing Outside the Box’, on Monday August 26th, 12 until 2pm, at 1300 Linden St Seattle, WA.

Private lessons are also available by appointment, August 19th to 21st, during which time Cory will also perform in concert.

Cory Pesaturo's career first took off in 2002 when he became the youngest person to win the US National Accordion Championship. He has since won the 2009 Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion category and the 2011 Primus Ikaalinen International TV Competition in Finland.

Pesaturo studied at the  New England Conservatory of Music in Boston,  where he became competent in a variety of music styles ranging from Balkan to Klezmer, French to Tango, Techno to Rock. 

For further information email: accordionboy0815@aol.com


New and Updated Sites

Dražan Kosoric Releases Two New Compositions

Dražan Kosoric - accordionist, composer, professor, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Ballad for accordion solo', catalog: dkosoric106,
'Concert Piece for accordion and piano', catalog: dkosoric107

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Parisian Sunset', catalog: cfranco183,
'Parisian Sunset', catalog: cfranco184

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier TrioCD Reviews Index for the Review of Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio, in Italian language, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.


‘Fairy Tales’ CD by Ksenija Sidorova, London - UK

‘Fairy Tales’ CD by Ksenija SidorovaCD Reviews Index for the Review of ‘Fairy Tales’ CD by Ksenija Sidorova, reviewed by R. Williams.


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