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Weekly News from Around the World - 08-May-2020
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Retransmission du 9 mai, la journée mondiale de l’accordéon (World accordion day – WAD), le spectacle de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)
Report: 9th May World Accordion Day Broadcast – Worldwide
Reportage: retransmission de la Journée mondiale de l’accordéon du 6 mai - monde
VIème compétition russe "Yugoria 2020", à Sourgut - Russie
Résultats: le 2020 Big Squeeze de la Folklife du Texas - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Nova Wan Composition Wind Chimes Dedicated to World Accordion Day, Shanghai - China
"Happy Birthday" World Accordion Day - North Macedonia
Concertino Accordion Band World Accordion Day Video - Moldova
Accordionist Tom Pixton Records Sound Track of Fun Short Film
Romano Viazzani Ensemble Covid 19 Lockdown Video “Tango Italiano”
Cancelled: Stowe Tango Music Festival Bandoneon International Competition – USA
Cancelled: Ian's Music Weekends but Online Events Planned - UK
Cancelled: 30th Annual Cotati Accordion Festival, California – USA
Accordion 101: How an Accordion Works with Ted Lange and Mollie B
Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Daily Hymns - USA
Lockdown Videos of Music by Gorka Hermosa - Italy
Gold Award Performance, Introduction and Toccata by Gary Daverne - Russia

Future events

50th Anniversary of Reykjavik Arts Festival Going Ahead in New Format – Iceland

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Retransmission du 9 mai, la journée mondiale de l’accordéon (World accordion day – WAD), le spectacle de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)

WAD header
World Accordion Day logoLa retransmission de la journée mondiale de l’accordéon (World accordion day – WAD) qui a eu le le 6 mai. A voir à : WAD2020

La deuxième partie de la retransmission WAD a eu lieu le 9 mai, aux horaires suivants : New York – 4 heures du matin * Rome – 10 heures * Shanghai – 16 h * Auckland – 20 h

Cette retransmission a eu lieu en live à la fois sur WAD2020 (via youtube) et sur FacebookCIA et a presentée les vainqueurs de la Coupe Mondiale ainsi que des entretiens et des prestations avec des associations affiliées au CIA. Les présentateurs étaient Kevin Friedrich et Grayson Masefield.


Report: 9th May World Accordion Day Broadcast – Worldwide

World Accordion Day header 9th May 2020
World Accordion Day logoWAD2020 9th May includes:

An introduction by Xu Xiaonan (China) speaking about his experience at the CIA Coupe Mondiale where he was the first Chinese Coupe Mondiale winner in 2012 in Spoleto, Italy. He then performs his own composition “Breeze in Summer” with pianist Xu Gehui.

A performance by Matthias Matzke (Germany) who won the Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment class in 2011 and the Digital Accordion class in 2014. Matthias performs Ghost Love Score – Nightwish.

An interview with DHV Vice President Georg Hettman who gives information about the DHV such as what the organisation offers, where they operate and members of the organisation. He then presents a performance by the HUMI Accordion band (Poland), 1st place winners of the Mixed Instrumentation Orchestra Youth division at the Innsbruck Festival.

Georg Hettman is then joined by CIA Music Committee member Andreas Nebl and the CEO of the Hohner Konservatorium, Bernhard van Almsick who give interesting interviews regarding musical styles and how the school assists students to find their own musical style. This is followed with a video performance by Felix Fritschi.

A performance by past Coupe Mondiale winner Valerio Russo, who performs a composition by Renzo Ruggieri.

An interesting interview and performance with Vincent van Amsterdam from NOVAM (Netherlands) and performances from their 90th anniversary celebration concert. This is followed by information on the accordion in The Netherlands.

Interview and performance with the Royal Danish Academy of Music Professor, Geir Draugsvoll who talks about the Academy, teachers, programs etc. along with various performance videos.

Interview and performance with Mikk Langeproon from Eesti Akordioniliit (Estonian Accordion Society) who talks about their society, members and events organised by them.

The broadcast finished with the winners of the Coupe Mondiale International Ensemble World Music 2018 - The Pillers (Austria).

Plus much more for your enjoyment at: WAD2020


Reportage: retransmission de la Journée mondiale de l’accordéon du 6 mai - monde

World Accordion Day
WAD logoDes accordéonistes du monde entier ont pris part à la retransmission du 6 mai, WAD2020 à travers des entretiens et des vidéos du monde entier.

WAD2020 inclut :

Une présentation et prestation par le vainqueur de la coupe mondiale 2019, Kirill Rusinov.

Un mot de bienvenue de Grayson Masefield (Nouvelle Zélande) et Kevin Friedrich (USA).

De l’information et un emploi du temps pour la 73ième Couple Mondiale CIA présentés par l’association d’accordéon d’Algarve au Portugal du 5 au 11 octobre 2020.

Des informations et des prestations musicales de l’association tchèque d’accordéon – l’accordéoniste Milan Rehak aime divertir son public en jouant des choses différentes et a joué un arrangement fascinant intitulé “Bach rencontre ACDC”.

Un entretien avec Motion Trio et une première mondiale d’une nouvelle composition de Motion Trio et le Ratingen Kammerchoir intitulée “Helicopter” pour célébrer le 25ième anniversaire du Motion Trio. Le CD paraîtra prochainement.

Des prestations musicales à la Coupe Mondiale CIA 2019 (à Shenzhen en Chine) par des vainqueurs et concertistes, ainsi que le festival d’accordéon du printemps de Shanghai 2019 et une nouvelle composition par Nova Wan furent aussi inclus dans la section consacrée à l’association chinoise d’accordéon. Article ci-dessous pour plus d’infos.

La dernière prestation musicale est de Radu Ratoi qui joue la danse macabre de Saint-Saens. Radu est le vainqueur de la Coupe Mondiale CIA 2019 dans la catégorie Masters

Retransmission du 6 mai : WAD2020


VIème compétition russe "Yugoria 2020", à Sourgut - Russie

1st comp header
Dmitry YerginLa VIème compétition russe pour bayanistes et accordéonistes "Yugoria 2020" a eu lieu le 29 avri,l à Sourgout en Russie. La compétition a lieu tout les 4 ans. Cependant cette année, pour la première fois, elle a eu lieu en ligne, pour prévenir la contagion du Covid-19.

A partir du 4 avril, des compétiteurs de toute la Russie, ont envoyé des vidéos de leur prestation. Au total, 59 musiciens (42 solistes et 15 groupes) de Moscou, St. Petersbourg, la République du Bachkortostan, du Tatarstan, de la région de Krasnodar, de Kemerovo, d’Arkhangelsk, de Rostov, de Sverdlovsk, des régions de Tioumen, de Yamalo et de HMAO-Ugra ont pris part à "Yugoria 2020" au bayan ou à l’accordéon.

Les musiciens âgés entre 8 et et 23 ans ont concouru pour deux nominations : "Solistes – direction académique" (avec deux tours) et "Ensembles" (jusqu’à 6 personnes).

Parmi les membres du jury : Viatcheslav Semionov (président), Oleg Sharov, Yuri Shishkin, Ignatievn Aleshin, Leonid Kurakin et Anatoly Yumayev.

Le grand prix a été gagné par Dmitry Yergin âgé de 11 ans et de Sourgut (photo en haut à gauche).

Yugoria est membre de l’association russe qui sélectionne les joueurs de bayan et d’accordéon pour le champion de Russie et champion du monde.

Quatre solistes et trois duos ont été recommandés pour participer aux sélections internationales :
Petro Milovanov (Moscou)
Nikita Voytenko (Sourgut)
Dmitry Boroviknikov (St. Petersbourg)
Rodion Shirokov (Moscou)

Sofia Kavardakova & Ivan Koltonov (Tarko-Sale)
Duo "NikStep" : Nikita Voytenko & Stepan Matoshin (Sourgut)
Duo d’accordéon : Karolina Desyatkova & Alina Matyushenko (Rostov sur le Don)

Résultats complets: 2020Yugoria.pdf


Résultats: le 2020 Big Squeeze de la Folklife du Texas - USA

Texas folklife
Vidéo ci-dessus : prestations musicales et résultats de la compétition en ligne Big Squeeze.

La finale du Big Squeeze annuel de la Folklife du Texas a eu lieu le 1er mai. Des champions de Big Squeeze 2019 ont joué comme Elijah Clements, Chloe Johnson, Perla Hernandez et Eduardo Garza.

La liste des finalistes pour 2020 est sur le poster ci-dessous.

Les résultats pour Big Squeeze 2020 pour la compétition jeunesse accordéon sont :

Champion Cajun - Bridget Roberts, 24 (Bridge City)
Champion genre polka - Isaak Wolfshohl, 18 (Seguin)
Champion de set 17 & sous genre - Jorge Ramirez, 17 (Roma)
Conjunto 18-21 “Anthony Ortiz, Jr Prize” Champion - Jose Angel Torres, 19 (Roma)
Texas poster


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Nova Wan Composition Wind Chimes Dedicated to World Accordion Day, Shanghai - China

Video: Wind Chimes composed by Nova Wan is dedicated to World Accordion Day. Above is a segment from the WAD2020 broadcast about this new composition.

Interviewed for the China segment of the WAD2020 broadcast (pictured above) were:
Prof. Li Cong, President Accordion Association of Chinese Musicians Association (CAA) and China member of the CIA.
Crystal Wang, President Shanghai Musicians Association Accordion Committee (SMAAC)
Nova Wan, composer and Deputy Secretary General SMAAC

Included in the interview was information about the 2019 Coupe Mondiale hosted in Shenzhen China and the amazing 2019 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival reported at: 2019Shanghai


"Happy Birthday" World Accordion Day - North Macedonia

Video: Macedonian Accordionists & Friends celebrate World Accordion Day 2020 with a video wishing everyone a very Happy Birthday.

Thank you to the CIA member. Republic of North Macedonia, Ljubiteli na Klasicnata Muzika in Skopje led by President: Zorica Karakutovska, picture above.


Concertino Accordion Band World Accordion Day Video - Moldova

Concertina Accordion BandThe Concertino Accordion Band from Chisinau, Moldova have released this video to celebrate World Accordion Day.

The group includes Eugene Negruta, Misha Grossu, Roman Balatel, Sergio Paramonov, Sergiu Mirzac, Gheorghe Rosca, Irina Caraghenov, Sergio Belevak, Vitalie Negruta and Max Cazacov.

Concertino Band is a group of professional musicians promoting accordion in all genres of music!

We hope you enjoy their WAD video.


Accordionist Tom Pixton Records Sound Track of Fun Short Film

Tom PixtonVideo above: “Six Feet” Safety first, followed by fun! A very short film about social distancing. Safely produced on location. Concept and direction: Christopher Harting Man: John DiCocco Music: Accordionist Tom Pixton plays “The High Drive” by Gordon Duncan.

Accordionist Tom Pixton (picture left) has recorded the sound track for a short film, “Six Feet”. The film is humorous while delivering a message about social distancing”.

Filmmaker Christopher Harting came up with a concept for a comical video about social distancing. Filmed at The Pinehills in Plymouth, Mass and edited in his North Plymouth Christopher Harting Studio, the short film “Six Feet” offers a chance to laugh while underscoring the seriousness of maintaining a safe distance in the age of coronavirus.

Accordionist Tom Pixton is one of Boston’s most active International, Balkan and Scottish folk dance musicians.


Romano Viazzani Ensemble Covid 19 Lockdown Video “Tango Italiano”

Romano Viazzani EnsembleThe Romano Viazzani Ensemble have released their Covid 19 Lockdown Video “Tango Italiano” on social media which features one of the tracks from their recent album “London Tango”.

The group released the video to thank their friends and musician colleagues in Italy amd have dedicated it to all those people in Italy who had the idea of getting through the isolation at home by making music together as a family, by belting out arias from their windows, or by playing musical instruments, many of them accordions, from their balconies.

They hope you enjoy this video.


Cancelled: Stowe Tango Music Festival Bandoneon International Competition – USA

Stowe poster
cancelledStowe posterStowe Tango Music Festival and Bandoneon International Competition organisers have just announced the cancellation of this year’s event which was planned for August 2020.

Organisers Hector Del Curto and Jisoo Ok are already working on meaningful virtual ways the STMF community can come together and enjoy music and each other. The medium may be different, but they can and will still share the essence of the Stowe experience.

If you have a 2020 festival pass, you can take one of the following options:
** Donate the value of your credit as a tax-deductible contribution. Your generous support during this difficult time helps the festival to remain strong and keep providing tango music and education.
** Use your credit towards the 2021 Festival Pass.
** Request a full refund to your original method of payment by June 1st. After June 1st, your 2020 pass will be converted to a credit toward the 2021 Festival Pass.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com


Cancelled: Ian's Music Weekends but Online Events Planned - UK

music weekends
cancelledIan Lowthian has had to cancel his music weekends which take place in Ettrickbridge in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders as follows:

May 16th and 17th: Composition weekends for mixed instruments – cancelled but check below for further information
June 13th and 14th: Gypsy Jazz and Blues weekend for accordion - cancelled
August 8th and 9th: Hillbilly weekend for mixed instruments – cancelled

Announcements will be made later re weekends organised from September 2020 onwards.

Good news: Ian has plans to run the May 16th and 17th composition weekend online - attendees will need a device with a camera and speakers.

Firstly Ian will deliver a lesson then send everyone some notes and give you some time to go away to compose. Then we'll meet up again a bit later, perhaps individually and he will give further advice.

He will notate all the tunes on his music software and then play them all for you. There are many ways to compose tunes, so he expects there will be a few different lessons and tunes over the weekend. Last year attendees had 22 new tunes between them.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Cancelled: 30th Annual Cotati Accordion Festival, California – USA

Cotota cancelled banner
cancelledCotati Accordion Festival Executive Director Scott Goree has just announced the following regarding the 30th Annual Cotati Accordion Festival due to be held in Cotati, California in August:

“It is with a heart that is feeling so much empathy for all the people involved in our great community event that we have to announce the cancellation of the 2020 Cotati Accordion Festival…..We understand that the community is going to be safer without mass gatherings this summer. We stand by the difficult decisions that the Board of Supervisors have made, and have decided to wait until 2021 for the 30th annual Cotati Accordion Festival.”


Accordion 101: How an Accordion Works with Ted Lange and Mollie B

In the above video, Mollie B interviews two-time Grammy-nominated artist Ted Lange to give you the basics on a button box…. The right hand, the left hand, the bellow shake, etc.

101Video 2: Mollie B from the Mollie B Polka Party on RFD-TV presents the First EVER "Virtual" Mollie B Polka party performing her composition – “Out The Window Polka”.

Mollie B is the host of the "Mollie B Polka Party" on RFD-TV (airing 2 hours every week) and a member of the International Polka Association Hall Of Fame. Ted & Mollie host the Mollie B Polka Party Radio Show on both on Rural Radio, Channel 147, (Sundays, 11:00am to 1:00pm EST) and kneiradio.com (Sundays, 8:00-10:00pm EST).

Mollie B & Ted also lead the award-winning band SqueezeBox. The band has become one of the most popular and well-known bands specializing in live folk dance music and entertaining stage shows. Currently based in NW Ohio, their performances span multiple genres with a repertoire of over 800 songs, and solid vocals in English, Polish, German and Czech. Squeezebox is known for their ability to play "something for everyone", and easily adapts to any venue, ranging from town festivals, polka festivals, ethnic festivals including Polish, Czech, and German festivals and Oktoberfests, to weddings, anniversary parties, church festivals, state and county fairs and music festivals.

Recently, they appeared in the Warner Brothers film "The Mule," starring Clint Eastwood. Clint Eastwood is a big fan of Mollie B and Ted Lange. He watches their show every week. Mollie and Ted usually perform over 120 engagements a year in over 18 states a year, including an annual Caribbean Cruise.


Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Daily Hymns - USA

Mary Mancini & Mario TaccaMary Mancini (vocals) and Mario Tacca (accordion) have been uploading daily hymn videos, from the Assumption Parish in New York, USA. The video above is an inspirational song for these challenging times “You Raise Me Up!”.


Lockdown Videos of Music by Gorka Hermosa - Italy

Gorka HermosaArmando RizzoAccordionist and composer Gorka Hermosa (picture above left) is very happy that his compositions have been recorded and videos made in a variety of countries during the lockdown. The video above is a performance of his piece entitled “Anatango” played by Armando Rizzo (picture above right - Italy).

Directed and edited by Carlo Maria Todini, the video was taken at the 99-seat theatre in Mercogliano, Italy with dancers Pierpaolo Calandro & Emilia Argenziano.


Gold Award Performance, Introduction and Toccata by Gary Daverne - Russia

Gary Daverne competition posterVideo: A Gold Award competitor in the 2020 International Video Competition and Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary Daverne.

Introduction and Toccata, composed by New Zealand composer, Gary Daverne, performed by Russian accordionist, Sergey Danilkevich,

Sergey Danilkevich, was born June 8, 1999.in the small town of Ivanovo, Republic of Belarus, Russia.


Future events

50th Anniversary of Reykjavik Arts Festival Going Ahead in New Format – Iceland

Iceland logoThe 50th Anniversary of the Reykjavik Arts Festival in Iceland will go ahead this year under a different format. Preparations have been under way for the past two years planning ahead for a mind blowing 3 week festival in June.

It should come as no surprise that the worldwide epidemic of Covid-19 has now interfered with these plans and it is clear that the people of Reykjavik will not be ready for a city-wide festival in June, even if the worst of the epidemic might be behind us at that time.

The festival is devoted to both its audiences and artists and wants to find a way to materialise the programming without compromising anybody’s safety.

So the Reykjavik Arts Festival has now made an agreement with all of its artists, partner institutions and venues to launch the full programme of the festival, in spite of the situation. The programme will be accessible from the festival’s website in full, including descriptions of the events and exhibitions, full credit lists and venues.

Reykjavik Arts Festival will deliver its programme – even if it takes a full year to do so. In due course, when it is judged safe by the authorities and when the artists and audiences are ready to attend events, one by one will get a date and a time.

The theme for this year’s festival is “Worlds”, which feels highly fitting at these strange times we live in.

For further details email: edda@artfest.is


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