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Weekly News from Around the World - 08-Jul-2011
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2011 AAA Wettbewerb / Festival, South Carolina - USA
Tropheé Mondial Regeln und Informationen über das Hotel - Italien
Vincenzo Abbracciante / Südafrika Tour - Südafrika
Sommer Akkordeon Meisterklasse in Zheleznogork (Kursk) - Russland / Frankreich

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Kimmo Pohjonen’s CD ‘Uniko’ Selling Well, Helsinki – Finland
Vibratango’s First CD Released, Sabadell, Barcelona – Spain
‘14 Years Ago’ – Day of the Accordion - USA

Future events

International Avsenik Music Workshop, Begunje na Gorenjskem - Slovenia
Kyiv Duo’s 2011 Tour Dates, England, Scotland - UK
Akkordeon Sommerhock - Deutschland
Karen Tweed Workshop and Concert, York – UK
7th Festival of Polish Music, Krakow – Poland
‘Affinité’ Celebrate Bastille Day, Devon – UK
Gabe Hall-Rodrigues Trio Concert, Baltimore - USA
‘Day of Lincolnshire Folk’, Lincoln – UK
‘Les Epingles à Maurice’ Concert, Durtal - France
Ghenadie Rotari Accordion Concert at the Castle Miramare, Trieste - Italy

New and Updated Sites

Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni Releases 4 Arrangements
Alexander Selivanov Updated Site
Franco Cambareri
July 2011 Accordion USA News Online 1st July
July 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st July
July 2011 Accordion Russia News Online 1st July

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2011 AAA Wettbewerb / Festival, South Carolina - USA

American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Header
Joan SommersDie Amerikanische Akkordeonspieler 'Association gibt bekannt, daß das 2011 AAA Festival vom 13. bis 17. Juli im Sheraton am Flughafen Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina durchgeführt wird. Die Veranstaltung umfasst auch einen Internationalen Akkordeon-Orchester Wettbewerb mit Geldprämien, Konzerten, Ausstellungen, Workshops und Wettbewerbe für alle Altersklassen.

In diesem Jahr wird Joan C. Sommers mit dem renommierten Lifetime der AAA Achievement Award geehrt.

Bilder links, von oben nach unten: Joan Sommers, K Trio and Frank Busso Jnr.

Das Festival Orchestra (MD Joan Sommers) präsentiert während des Festivals "Sound of Music", "Welcome to Venice" und "Phantom der Oper".

Zu den Gastkünstlern gehören Walter Kasprzyk, Dr. Robert McMahan, Joy Bechtler - Sopran, Ocotrillo (Gabe Hall-Rodriguez, Sean Brogan, Wes Anderson), Frank Petrill, Eddie Monteiro, Keren Malan-Uribe, Joan Grauman, Mary Tokarski, Donna Dee Ray, Ray Oreggia, The Connecticut Accordion Orchestra (MD AAA Präsident Linda Soley Reed), Joe Natoli, Martin Accordion Orchestra (MD Randy Martin), das Festival Akkordeon-Orchester (MD Joan C. Sommers), Massed Band (MD Frank Busso) Die K Trio, Alicia Baker, Jeff Lisenby, Dr. Ian Blair Fries; Randy Martin, Rita Davidson und viele mehr!

Donnerstag .......Mittags-Konzert, Cabaret Abend
Freitag ............. Massenbandaufführung dirigiert von Frank Busso und Galakonzert
Samstag .......... Auszeichnungs-Konzert, Bankett, Lifetime Achievement Award Präsentation, Festival Orchestra dirigiert von Joan Sommers
Sonntag ........... Vormittags Meeting und Verabschiedung

Die AAA Festival Koordinatoren sind: Mary Tokarski, Frank Busso, Linda Soley Reed.

Für weitere Informationen konsultieren Sie bitte die 2011AArules oder die AAA-Webseite oder per E-Mail Mary Tokarski: mary.tokarski @ comcast.net oder Linda Reed bei AAA1938@aol.com


Tropheé Mondial Regeln und Informationen über das Hotel - Italien

CMA Pineto header
CMA logoDer Präsident der Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon, (CMA) Frédéric Deschamps kündigte auf der aktualisierten Webseite an: "Bald werden wir, um zum 16. Mal in Italien, der wahre Wiege der Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon zusammentreffen, die über ein halbes Jahrhundert von dem verstorbenen Generalsekretär Bio Boccosi (Italien), in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gründer und Präsident Charles Demaële (Belgien) seinen Anfang fand. "

Die Tropheé Mondial internationalen Wettbewerben sind vom 13. bis 18. September in Pineto, an der Adria gelegen und werden vom international höchst renommierten Musiker Renzo Ruggieri veranstaltet.

Weiters gibt Frédéric Deschamps bekannt, dass es eine neue diatonische Kategorie für 2011 geben wird, sowie die Fortsetzung der nationalen Kategorie, die zum ersten Mal im letzten Jahr durchgeführt wurde. Die Regeln für 2011 mit Hotel Informationen, sowie der Zeitplan sind ab sofort auf der Webseite nachzulesen. Der Anmeldeschluss ist der 1. August 2011.

Konsultieren Sie die aktualisierte Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon, (CMA) Webseite für alle weiteren Informationen.


Vincenzo Abbracciante / Südafrika Tour - Südafrika

Vincente AbbraccianteNach seiner äußerst erfolgreichen der Firma Borsini Akkordeons von Castelfidardo gesponserten Tournee in den USA, wird der er bekannte italienische Akkordeonist Vincenzo Abbracciante in dieser Woche zum erstgen Male in Südafrika auftreten. Er wird in mehreren Konzerten zusammen mit dem Luca Ciarla Quartett zu sehen und zu hören sein. Einen Meisterkurs gibt es mit ihm in Johannesburg.

10. Juli - National Arts Festival, Grahamstown
Juli 11./12 - Volksblad Arts Festival, Bloemfontein
15. Juli - Glenshiel Heritage House, Westcliff, Johannesburg
17. Juli - Brooklyn Theater, Pretoria
18. Juli - Master Class im Club Italiana, Johannesburg
19. Juli - North West University, Potchefstroom

Für weitere Informationen email: info@borsiniaccordions.it


Sommer Akkordeon Meisterklasse in Zheleznogork (Kursk) - Russland / Frankreich

Viatcheslav Semionov and Alexander Selivanov with students
class watching Skype teaching seminar by Frédéric Deschamps.Foto oben: Viatcheslav Semionov mit Studenten-, Foto-Seite: Klasse beobachten Skype Lehrerseminar von Frédéric Deschamps.

Im Juni diesenJahres hatten die russischen Akkordeon-Spieler eine gute Gelegenheit, Erfahrungen mit einigen der weltbesten Lehrer zu sammeln. Alexander Selivanov und Yulia Amerikova unterrichteten auf der "Internationalen Sommerschule" in Zheleznogork (Kursk) (aktiv seit 2006) und dazu die beiden berühmten Lehrer - Viatcheslav Semionov und Frédéric Deschamps eingeladen.

Die Schüler kamen aus allen Teilen Russlands und hatten vom 20. Juni-1. Juli die Möglichkeit einen Live-Unterricht mit Viatcheslav Semionov, Alexander Selivanov und Yulia Amerikova mit Frédéric Deschamps mit ihren Studenten über die Internet Skype-Verbindung zu verfolgen.

Der Skype-Unterricht wurde vom Source Center of Zheleznogorsk Gemeinde Educational Abteilung unterstützt und veranstaltet, die alle kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Eine interessante Erfahrung sowohl für die Lehrer, Gäste und Journalisten, die dieser Veranstaltung beiwohnten.

Foto unten: Dmitri Yarkinov, Vassili Yurchenko und Roman Nikitin.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Kimmo Pohjonen’s CD ‘Uniko’ Selling Well, Helsinki – Finland

UNIKO CD coverThe CD ‘Uniko’ by Finnish accordionist Kimmo Pohjonen and percussionist Samuli Kosminen, with the US-based Kronos Quartet, produced by Valgeir Sigurdsson and released by Ondine of Finland, is now in its fourth month in the World Music Charts Europe Top Ten, this month July 2011 in position Number 5.

For May and June, ‘Uniko’ was at the Number 2 position after debuting at Number 6 in April.

The ‘Six Degrees’ magazine of Finland reviewed ‘Uniko’ for their June issue:

"For those who don't know, Kimmo Pohjonen is an unconventional accordion virtuoso from Finland, involved in many extraordinary projects. Now, Pohjonen, Samuli Kosminen and the Kronos Quartet join forces in an alluring performance of masterpiece magnitudes.

The result is a great 52 minutes of otherworldly high not to be missed. ‘Uniko’ is currently in second position on the World Music Chart Europe, where it has been hanging on for the last three months.

The CD contains seven chapters composed by Pohjonen and Kosminen. Critics have praised the record as ‘majestic’, ‘compelling’ and ‘hypnotic’. ‘Uniko’ is indeed all those and more."

For further information email: pap@hoedown.com


Vibratango’s First CD Released, Sabadell, Barcelona – Spain

The trio Vibratango, featuring accordionist Ferran Martínez, have released their first CD, ‘Vibratango’, featuring the music of Gardel, Canaro, Piazzolla, and others.

Vibratango’s CD is officially released at a concert performance on July 8th, 9pm, at Espai Agora, Centre Civic Sant Oleguer, Sabadell, Barcelona.

For further information email: info@vibratango.com

Sabadell is also the home of the Orquestra d’Acordions de Sabadell conducted by Miquel Àngel who not long ago released their new CD titled Monday 22:00. Information about their CD is on the Orquestra d’Acordions de Sabadell website.
CD Cover, Orquestra d’Acordions de Sabadell


‘14 Years Ago’ – Day of the Accordion - USA

Thomas J. CollinsReported in the Accordions Worldwide news for July 4th 1997 was this interesting event with “an array of world class artists” and reported by accordion personality Thomas J. Collins who has now passed away.

Contributed by Thomas J. Collins

The annual "Day of the Accordion" which ended June 29th was a grand success. Accordionists from around the world gathered at the Seattle Center for a day of total involvement with reeds and bellows. The morning was devoted to competitive performances with awards presented by the distinguished jazz accordionist, Art Van Damme.

The afternoon was an array of world class artists including Frank Marocco, Peter Soave, Ken Olendorf, Horace Lazzari and Murl Allen Sanders, almost all of whom received standing ovations for stellar performances. Among the visiting dignitaries were Eddie Chavez, renowned author of "The Golden Days of the Accordion", and Gus Merzi from Sydney, Australia.


Future events

International Avsenik Music Workshop, Begunje na Gorenjskem - Slovenia

Slavko AvsenikThe International Avsenik Music Workshop 2011, organized by the Musik School Avsenik, takes place from August 17th to 19th in Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia. The Workshop offers tuition for accordion and other instruments, plus vocals, in the Slovenian Avsenik style. The application deadline is July 15th.

The leading figure of the Avsenik style is veteran accordionist Slavko Avsenik (born 1929), the founder of the legendary Avsenik Brothers Ensemble. The Avsenik Brothers Ensemble, founded in 1953 by brothers Slavko and Vilko Avsenik, has performed before millions and in thousands of concerts, and has sold over 30 million records.

For further information email: gsa@avsenik.com


Kyiv Duo’s 2011 Tour Dates, England, Scotland - UK

Kyiv Duo, Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoiets
The Kyiv Duo, Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoiets, from Kiev in the Ukraine, are on their third annual tour in England and Scotland in July and August. The main reason for the annual tours is to raise money for a charity which supports disabled children who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.

Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoiets are graduates from the Kiev Conservatory, and are one of the world’s finest accordion duos. They specialize in transcriptions of classical music, interpreting the works of Vivaldi, Bizet, Rachmaninov, Khachaturian, JS Bach, Johann Strauss, Astor Piazzolla, and others.

July 12th - Saffron Walden
July 13th, 8pm - Stockport Accordion Club, Woodley Methodist Church, Stockport SK6 1ND
July 14th - Lancaster
July 15th - New Mill, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
July 17th – Felsted, Essex
July 18th, 7.45pm - Whitstable Labour Club, Herne Bay, Kent
July 19th, 7.30pm – Canterbury Accordion Club, The Barn, Kingston, near Canterbury
July 20th, 7.30pm - Lindum Accordion Club, Wragby Town Hall, Lincolnshire
July 24th, 4pm – Holy Trinity Church, Fareham
July 25th - Black Country Accordion and Music Club
July 26th - Poolewe, Ross-shire, Scotland
July 27th, 7.30pm - St Finbar's Scottish Episcopal Church, Dornoch, Scotland
July 28th - Fortrose, Scotland
July 30th - Thurso, Scotland
July 31st - Aberfoyle, Scotland
August 2nd, 7.30pm – St Augustine’s Church, Dumbarton, Scotland
August 3rd, 7.30pm - Fairkytes Accordion Club, Fairkytes Arts Centre, Essex
August 6th – South East Cornwall Accordion Club

For further information email: uktour2011@ukr.net


Akkordeon Sommerhock - Deutschland

Akkordeon Sommerhock, Schulhof EM-Windenreute posterLocation: Schulhof EM-Windenreute

Der Hock beginnt um
11:15 mit den Akkordeon-Club Freiamt Dirigent Sabine Schmitt als Frühschoppenkonzert und als Mittagsunterhaltung
ab 12:45 Uhr Unterhalten Sie der Akkordeon-Club Reute Dirigent Florian Siegel und
ab 14:30 der Akkordeonverein Denzlingen Dirigent Ronny Fugmann
ab 16:00 die Harmonika-Freunde Windenreute Dirigent Viktor Trippel Dazu laden wir Sie alle herzlich ein. Sie finden uns wie immer auf dem Schulhof der Grundschule EM-Windenreute.

Unser Angebot ab 11.30 Steaks und Würste vom Holzkohlengrill, Kaffee und Kuchen werden natürlich auch angeboten.


Karen Tweed Workshop and Concert, York – UK

The Arts Barge Project aims to have a barge moored permanently in the centre of York as a venue for the arts. A barge has been hired for virtually the whole of July this year when York holds its annual ‘Festival of the Rivers’.

Accordionist Karen Tweed is coming to do a gig on the barge on Sunday July 10th , 8pm, and has also very kindly offered to run a 2½ hour workshop at 2pm for players of any instrument at intermediate standard and above during the day prior to the gig.

Chris Sherburn, concertina player, is booked to perform a concert on the barge on Thursday July 21st.

For further information email: info@artsbarge.com


7th Festival of Polish Music, Krakow – Poland

7th Festival of Polish Music, Krako, PolandThe 7th Festival of Polish Music takes place at venues in Krakow during July.

On Tuesday July 19th, 7pm, at the Galicia Museum, 18 Dajwor St, Krakow, the ‘TWOgether Duo’ - cellist Magdalena Bojanowicz and accordionist Maciej Frackiewicz - perform Polish contemporary classical music, including Zbigniew Bargielski’s ‘Labirynt’, Rafal Janiak’s ‘After Hours of Muteness’, Cezary Duchnowski’s ‘cROSSFAdE’, Aleksander Nowak’s ‘Satin’, Rafal Zalech’s ‘Romans’, Dariusz Przybylski’s ‘Discours’, and Hanna Kulenty’s ‘Preludium’, ‘Postludium’, and ‘Psalm’.


‘Affinité’ Celebrate Bastille Day, Devon – UK

‘Affinité’ Celebrate Bastille Day poster‘Affinité’ present an evening of French chansons, waltzes and traditional music at The Barrel House, Totnes, Devon, to celebrate Bastille Day, July 14th, doors open 7.30pm. 

Formerly known as ‘Piaffinité’, the act’s slight change of name reflects their intention to expand beyond the repertoire of Edith Piaf whilst retaining a love of French music and dance. 

An expanded band consists of Basil Bunelik (accordion), Mike Cosgrave (guitar), Matt Webb (double bass), and Marc Woodward (mandolin), with Carolyn Saint-Pé (vocalist).

For further information email: bunelik@gmail.com


Gabe Hall-Rodrigues Trio Concert, Baltimore - USA

Current US Virtuoso Accordion champion Gabe Hall-Rodrigues, accompanied by bass and drums, will be performing on July 21st, 8pm, at An Die Musik LIVE, 409 N. Charles St. (2nd floor), Baltimore, Maryland 21201. This trio are on their way back to Arizona after being featured performers at the American Accordionists' Association festival in Charleston, South Carolina.


‘Day of Lincolnshire Folk’, Lincoln – UK

On Sunday August 7th,11am onwards, the ‘Day of Lincolnshire Folk’ takes place at The George Hotel, Leadenham, near Lincoln. There is a full day of stage acts, workshops with David Oliver (accordion), Laura Connolly (clog dancing), Liam Robinson (melodeon), and Gina Le Faux (fiddle), music sessions, Morris dancing, singarounds, stalls, great food - all in all great day if last year was anything to go by, and IT IS ALL FREE!

For further information email: 600whiskies@googlemail.com


‘Les Epingles à Maurice’ Concert, Durtal - France

‘Les Epingles à Maurice’
The accordion-led trio ‘Les Epingles à Maurice’ perform a concert of pop songs, including Lady Gaga, Stevie Wonder and Deep Purple, at the Chateau de Durtal, near Angers, on Friday August 12th, 8.30pm – 11.30pm. Refreshments, including pancakes, will be available.

The trio members are Loïc (guitar), Alexis (accordion) and Julien (percussion).


Ghenadie Rotari Accordion Concert at the Castle Miramare, Trieste - Italy

Ghenadie RotariAccordionist Ghenadie Rotari performs in concert at the Sala del Trono (Throne Room), Castello di Miramare, Trieste, on Friday August 19th, 8.30pm until 11.30 pm.

His program includes music by Haydn, Bach, Scarlatti, Jokinen, Kusjakow, Makkonen, Zubitsky.


New and Updated Sites

Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni Releases 4 Arrangements

Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni releases 4 new pieces. 'Tim The Thatcher', catalog:ec215, 'Connaught Man’s Rambles', catalog:ec216, 'Coleraine', catalog:ec217 and 'Indian Point', catalog:ec218. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Alexander Selivanov Updated Site

Alexander SelivanovAlexander Selivanov, classical accordionist, 2004 World Accordion Champion and
Professor of “Gnessins” Russian Academy of Music site is updated in both English and Russian.


Franco Cambareri

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, release 1 new composition for accordion available for purchase online. 'Buzzing Bee', catalog:cfranco142. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


July 2011 Accordion USA News Online 1st July

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July 2011 Accordion USA News Online 1st July


July 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st July

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July 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st July


July 2011 Accordion Russia News Online 1st July

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July 2011 Accordion Russia News Online 1st July


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