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Weekly News from Around the World - 08-Jan-2021
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Особенности Highlights

Поздравляем с Новым годом всех аккордеонистов и энтузиастов со всего мира!
16-й Национальный конкурс аккордеонистов для солистов и камерной музыки NOVAM - Нидерланды
Последние новости: смерть Джеффа Лизенби - США
Премия Марко Тамбурини Сальваторе Каутеруччо - Италия
Онлайн: 21-й Международный фестиваль исполнителей на музыкальных инструментах, Красноярск - Россия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

GAPO - The Challenge of Time - UK
2021 National Accordion Convention Registration Now Open – USA
Two Film Soundtracks by Marco Lo Russo Rouge - Italy
2020 Cotati Accordion Virtual Winter Festival
Will Marshall New CD Release in January 2021 - Scotland
Video: Sergei Teleshev Plays “Orange Blossom Special”
Online: Rebel Reed Presents: "Exploring the Bellows" Workshops - USA
Bachtopus Ensemble Release 2nd Commission for 2020 - USA
Andrew (Andy) Glover Passes Away – New Zealand
New CD release: Corey Ledet Zydeco – USA

Будущие события

Accordion Youth Summit (AYS) Meeting – USA
Reading Books to Music in Wesseling - Germany
Heinrich Biegenzahn Concert Evening - Austria
Online: Virtual Accordion Camp IV - USA
Talisk Perform at Roazhon Celtic Live, Rennes – France

Детский уголок

Tremenda Polka Performed by 10 year old Accordionist Hillary Carroccia - Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

Newly Available Sheet Music "Poetic Rhapsody" by Stas Venglevski

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Особенности Highlights

Поздравляем с Новым годом всех аккордеонистов и энтузиастов со всего мира!

2021Accordions Worldwide желает всем счастливого Нового года и процветания в 2021 году. Мы искренне надеемся, что вам понравились Еженедельные новости за последний год, что вы останетесь счастливыми и здоровыми, а в 2021 году Covid-19 исчезнет.

Мы знаем, что вы все с нетерпением ждете возможности снова давать живые концерты, и мы с нетерпением ждем новостей об этих событиях в этом году.

Продолжайте присылать информацию о выпусках ваших компакт-дисков, фестивалях, конкурсах, концертах (в прямом эфире или онлайн) и детских мероприятиях по адресу: cjmusic@outlook.co.nz

Пожалуйста, наслаждайтесь этой шуткой ниже. С наилучшими пожеланиями от команды Accordions Worldwide!


16-й Национальный конкурс аккордеонистов для солистов и камерной музыки NOVAM - Нидерланды

NOVAM 2021
16-й ежегодный Национальный конкурс аккордеонистов для солистов и камерной музыки NOVAM (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica) состоится 14 марта 2021 года в Музыкальной и танцевальной школе Амстелвен в Амстелвене, Амстердам, Нидерланды.

Конкурс предлагает четыре возрастных категории соло:
Молодежь: до 11 лет
Раздел IV: 12 и 13 лет
Раздел III: 14, 15 и 16 лет
Раздел II: от 17 до 19 лет

Категории камерной музыки будут проводиться для групп до 12 игроков без дирижера, 2 возрастные категории для музыкантов до 16 лет и категория для студентов и профессионалов консерватории.

Мероприятие также будет включать бесплатный концерт на обеденный перерыв.

Регистрация завершится 8 февраля 2021 г.

Скачать правила конкурса на голландском языке можно здесь: 2021NOVAMRules.pdf

Подробности по электронной почте: secretaris@novam.net


Последние новости: смерть Джеффа Лизенби - США

Video 1:

Video 2:
Video 3:
Jeff LisenbyВидео 1: Джефф Лизенби, 1990: Легкость в пути, Хайнц Сименс YouTube.

На фото внизу справа: исторический плакат 1977 года с изображением чемпиона ATG.

Accordions Worldwide с сожалением сообщает о безвременной кончине (Covid) Джеффа Лисенби 6 января 2021 года. Джефф был замечательным одаренным музыкантом, которого все очень уважали, и в настоящее время в социальных сетях размещено большое количество трибьютов.

Он получил степень магистра в Музыкальной консерватории Университета Миссури в Канзас-Сити.

Джефф был двукратным национальным чемпионом по аккордеону и бронзовым призером Международного конкурса классических аккордеонистов Coupe Mondiale. «Когда я был ребенком, - сказала Лизенби, - моей целью было выиграть чемпионат мира по аккордеону, который проводился для« серьезной »музыки. Так что я тренировался по 7-8 часов в день, когда был подростком. Я устану заниматься «тяжелой» музыкой, и тогда я начинал играть стандартные поп- или джазовые мелодии и импровизировать под них. Для меня это был хороший музыкальный микс ».

Лизенби использовал свой гений на аккордеоне и клавишных, чтобы занять нишу на рынке, и выступил с Симфоническими оркестрами Нэшвилла, Канзас-Сити и Лос-Анджелеса, оркестром Palm Beach Pops Orchestra, а также с концертом, сопровождавшим Лучано Паваротти во время части его тура по США.

Конечно, не ограничиваясь классической музыкой, Лизенби много гастролировала с братьями Миллс, Бутс Рэндольф и Брендой Ли и сопровождала Ли Гринвуд, Донну Саммер, Тришу Йирвуд, Ночь трех собак, Подставки, Дэвида Кэссиди, Марти Стюарта, Джо Ди Мессину. , Пэм Тиллис, Лоретта Линн, Рой Кларк и Долли Партон, и это лишь некоторые из них.

Недавно Лизенби удостоился чести быть дирижером / пианистом / оркестратором в "Ring of Fire: The Music of Johnny Cash", для которого он использовал свой обширный опыт поддержки кантри-артистов в Нэшвилле. Лисенби также был одним из первых аккордеонистов, которых вызвали. для записи сессий в Нэшвилле.

Среди проектов, над которыми он работал, - альбом, получивший премию Грэмми: «Песни из района; Музыка мистера Роджерса »и джинглы для Budweiser и Sutherland's Lumber (которые он также написал и спродюсировал). Лизенби преподавала в Музыкальной школе Университета Бельмона и активно участвовала в звукозаписывающей индустрии в Нэшвилле. Он также провел семинары для ATG.

Всем будет очень не хватать Джеффа Лизенби.


Премия Марко Тамбурини Сальваторе Каутеруччо - Италия

Salvatore Cauteruccio
Marco Tamburini AwardВажное признание аккордеониста Сальваторе Каутеруччо. Жюри Acep, Unemia и PJF присудили премию Marco Tamburini VI edition Сальваторе Каутеруччо как музыканту 2019 года со следующим заявлением: художник с высокой стилистической фигурой и великой человечностью.

Премия Марко Тамбурини проходит уже в шестой раз и организуется Джазовым фестивалем Peperoncino (художественный руководитель Серджио Джимильяно) в сотрудничестве с Acep и Unemia. Он посвящен известному трубачу Марко Тамбурини, музыканту, который всегда был рядом с фестивалем и который преждевременно скончался.

Аккордеонист Сальваторе Каутеруччо дал множество концертов в Италии, Бразилии, Голландии, Швейцарии, России, Англии, Албании, Словении и Германии, сотрудничая с такими, как Джефф Уэстли, Мариэлла Нава, Анна Маццамауро, Амедео Минги, Паоло Валлези и многими другими.


Онлайн: 21-й Международный фестиваль исполнителей на музыкальных инструментах, Красноярск - Россия

Russia competitionС 18 по 31 января 2021 года в городе Красноярск в России пройдет 21-й Международный фестиваль-конкурс исполнителей на музыкальных инструментах.

Конкурс включает в себя различные возрастные категории инструментов, включая аккордеон, солистов-баянов, дуэтов, оркестров и ансамблей, которые могут включать аккордеон, баян и другие инструменты, такие как фортепиано, деревянные духовые, перкуссия, бас, синтезатор и т. Д.

Участники соревнований 2021 года будут соревноваться, отправив видеозаписи своего выступления. Выступления можно записывать в концертном зале, классе, дома, а также во время экзаменов, зачетов, концертных и других выступлений.

Прием заявок на участие в конкурсе заканчивается 17 января 2021 года.

Скачать правила конкурса на русском языке можно здесь: 2021KrasnoyarskRules.pdf

Подробности по электронной почте: video-rus@mail.ru


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

GAPO - The Challenge of Time - UK

Video: 2nd in the Trilogy - The Challenge of Time
Video: 1st in the Triology - Horizon
Ian WatsonOn December 22, "The Challenge of Time", Global Accordion Project Orchestra (GAPO), 85 accordionists from all over the world premiered on the London Accordion Orchestra Facebook & youtube. This was the last piece for 2020 written by Ian Watson and commissioned by members of the orchestra.

I reached out to a few members of the GAPO orchestra to get their thoughts on being involved in this global project.

"In these difficult moments in which only "social distancing" is heard, it has been a real pleasure to be able to make music surrounded by people who I do not know in person but who I know very well that our love for the accordion unites us. Undeniable the extraordinary work of Ian and Sam, always so close and attentive. I have participated in the 2 GAPO projects and I will continue participating in whatever they continue to prepare. Of course, as soon as all this happens, I can't find a better way to finish the project than playing all together in person." Jasone Camara Telleria - Zumarraga, Spain (participated twice).

"I find the playing in the GAPO very interesting. I could concentrate on the melodies of my part and lay all the music into it. It works the senses. It is a special wonderful feeling to play with so many accordionists together, around the world. So we all stand together in this time and give ourselves an outstanding beautiful thing – music! The idea from Ian and Sam is so old and so good. In former times, the composers earned money from the dukes or kings, they were employed. Today, the composers go back to the roots and use the infinite possibilities of the net. Norbert Schneider - Essen, Germany (participated in all recordings)

"With each piece, this virtual accordion orchestra seems to be evolving and improving. It’s so much fun to be part of these projects along with other accordionists from around the world!" Jane Christison - Kansas, United States. (participated in all recordings).

"I had the chance to join GAPO. What a brilliant project! I like trying out new ways, so this was a great opportunity. Even more, as I saw that Ian Watson is the composer - I have seen him conducting the LAO at the festival in Austria and I definitely wanted to join this orchestra as basso player. The biggest challenge was actually, to take a reasonable video. "The challenge of Times" is very well reflecting the situation we have all been through recently. The ups and downs, the different moods." Marjeta Neftenbach, Switzerland.

“It was a real pleasure to participate in the GAPO project. With covid 19, rehearsals are forbidden, concerts are cancelled and The Challenge of Time was a good opportunity to come together around music. Thank you for that, it's so important during this terrible period.” Jerome Ortet, the Ensemble d'accordeons de Falaise conductor.

"Being able to play with accordionists from around the world is brilliant – especially in a time when meeting with others is restricted. Feeling a connection with others, and uniting people is something that was much needed by all. How often do you get a chance to play with people in the USA or New Zealand? There was a bit of nostalgia for me too as I grew up playing in competitions with Ian Watson, so I was keen to support this project. He was always a phenomenal player and someone I aspired to play like. The pieces he has composed are just incredible – they are so atmospheric and intricate. I cant wait for the next one!" Victoria Molnar, UK.

Ian Watson has confirmed that this is the second piece in the 'Lockdown Trilogy' with the third piece to be written and recorded late March.

The first in the trilogy was "Horizon" which premiered in August 2020. Detailed article at:


2021 National Accordion Convention Registration Now Open – USA

NAA header
NAA 2021Registrations are now open for the 34th Annual 2021 National Accordion Convention which will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Richardson, Texas from March 17th to 20th, 2021.

The 2021 Accordion Convention Theme is “From Classic to Folk - the World of the Accordion”.

Social distancing and masks may be required and all government generated COVID-19 requirements will be adhered to. Thanks to Markus and Sabine Baggio, there will be multiple options available that range from a full-convention down to online only (virtual).

2021 Convention Presenters and Workshops as follows:
* Private Lesson with the Professionals: 50 minute private session for $50
* Tutto a Dio - Improvisation, Playing Techniques
* Tris Gour - Lead Sheets 1 and 2: Accompany Techniques
* Sam Falcetti: Left-hand styles and Patterns; MP3 Files; Two for One
* Bob Donovan: Configure and Program the FR4x and/or the FR8x
* Gary Dahl: Gary Dahl, Tris Gour, and Dennis O'Toole: Publishers of the 2020 NAA Music Book
* Arlyn Visentin: 15 Minutes of Fame; NAA Photo Booth
* Walk In Clinic: Roland Technology Accordions
* Sharon Seaton - Circle of Excellence; World of Accordions - Panel of Experts
* Cory Pesaturo - Italian/French; Tango/Brazilian; Klezmer and Balkan
* Richard Noel: From Acoustic to Digital; Prepare for all Occasions
* Mike Middleton - Enhance your Acoustic Accordion
* Randy McPeck: Accordion Bellows
* Ginny Mac: Accordions and Western Swing
* Matthais Matzke: Read Music vs. Understanding Music; Transcribe Pop Tunes to "Cool Accordion Tunes"
* Shelia Lee: NAA Dance Band; Work Session Link - Convert Piano Music into Accordion Music
* Gordon Kohl: Austria Music; Dance Favorites
* Ian Fries: Proxima Digital Accordion, Stradella Bass Jazz Chords, Accordionist's hand.
* Eli Davidsohn: Making Parties Fun
* Gail Campanella: It is not about you!
* Gary Blair: Scottish and Irish Music
* Dick Albreski: Biographical Information


Two Film Soundtracks by Marco Lo Russo Rouge - Italy

Marco Lo Russo
Concert artist, performer and composer Marco Lo Russo has, in recent months, composed two film soundtracks. The first musical production was made in collaboration with RAI Cinema entitled “Vado e Vengo”, directed by Fabrizio Nardocci.

This film is a slice of Italian life that tells the story of a young man looking for his father from the province to the big city. The film invites you to reflect on the value of family and human relationships in a now liquid society.

The second soundtrack is entitled “La Machetera” and was inspired by the 1975 law on the emancipation of women and against violence against women. It is based on the novel of the same name written by Esnedy Milan Herrera, writer, actress and former Cuban model, with whom Marco Lo Russo has shared several artistic projects in the past.

For details email: staff@marcolorusso.com


2020 Cotati Accordion Virtual Winter Festival

”Let It Snow" Grand Finale
Cotati 2020Video 1: Grand Finale Virtual Winter Festival 2020
Video: ”Let It Snow" Grand Finale of "Cotati Accordion Festival - 2020" with Matthias Matzke (Germany), Pietro Adragna (Italy), Sergei Teleshev (USA), Maria Telesheva (USA), Gary Blair (UK), Cory Pesaturo (USA), Erica Mancini (USA), Elena Spitsa (Russia), Jamie Maschler (USA), Jack Garton (Canada), Jenny Conlee (USA), Jason Webley (USA), Tracey Collins (New Zealand).

The Cotati Accordion Virtual Winter Festival took place online on December 19th and 20th, 2020. Over 15 accordionists from 8 different countries performed "from their homes to yours" during the event.


Will Marshall New CD Release in January 2021 - Scotland

CD coverWill MarshallWill Marshall will release his new CD entitled “Destination Home” on January 25th, 2021.

The album includes 25 original compositions written over the 2020 lockdown and recorded in November 2020.

Guest musicians are accordionist Ian Muir, Archie McAllister (violin), Rory Grindlay (drums), Ade Mckenna (guitar and Tom Oakes (whistle).

For details email: info@willmarshallmusic.com


Video: Sergei Teleshev Plays “Orange Blossom Special”

Enjoy this fast paced piece “Orange Blossom Special” by accordionist Sergei Teleshev and Veronika Shabashova (violin), recorded in Moscow, Russia.

The piece was written in 1938 by Ervin T. Rouse about the passenger train of the same name.


Online: Rebel Reed Presents: "Exploring the Bellows" Workshops - USA

workshop posterAccordionist Dallas Vietty began a 9 week online group class on January 6th, 2021 presented by Rebel Reed. The class is entitled “Exploring the Bellows” and is a bellows-centric survey of accordion techniques, mechanics, science and creativity.

Topics include:
How your accordion sound quality and timbre is affected by your bellows
How your articulations, speed, and gentleness is dependent on your bellows
Managing your air in phrases
Use of the left side of your body to have control of your bellows
Techniques to learn and implement bellows shakes and bellows stops
Creating beauty and expression through dynamics using the bellows, and more!

Each of these topics will be developed with interactive group class lectures, materials, assignments and class collaboration and discussion.


Bachtopus Ensemble Release 2nd Commission for 2020 - USA

Bachtopus header
The Bachtopus Ensemble recently released their second commission from their 2020 Composers Commissioning Fund entitled “The Great Filter,” composed for them by Tony Kovatch.

The inspiration for this piece comes partly from J.S. Bach, who developed elegant rules to yield an ocean of beautiful and complex music and partly from a contradiction in astrophysics called the Fermi Paradox.

The Bachtopus ensemble includes accordionists Robert Duncan, Peter Flint, Denise Koncelik, Mayumi Miyaoka and Jeanne Velonis.

Their 2020 Composer Commissioning Fund is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).


Andrew (Andy) Glover Passes Away – New Zealand

Andrew Glover
Andrew GloverAndrew Glover (Andy), former member of the North Shore Musicale Accordion Orchestra passed away suddenly, yet peacefully (non Covid) at Middlemore Hospital in Auckland in December 2020, surrounded by his family singing “Amazing Grace”.

Andy was a well-known competitor at the New Zealand Accordion Association annual Championships and Festival, usually entering the “Accordion with self vocal” classes as well as a performing in the Musicale Orchestra. He also set up Singing Telegrams in New Zealand.

Andy's composition Tender Tango (Solo) was selected as a test piece for an age category of the 2016 New Zealand Accordion Championships. In honor and remembrance of Andrew Glover, his composition is a free download to our readers. Download Tender Tango (Solo): mfa8051


New CD release: Corey Ledet Zydeco – USA

CD coverCorey Ledet Zydeco will release his new CD on January 15th, 2021 recorded with Nouveau Electric Records. The album pays homage to Ledet’s family and musical heritage which are inextricably combined and includes liner notes and photos of Corey Ledet's musical lineage.

The CD includes tracks such as “This is all I Want”, “Buchanan Ledet Special” and “Flip Flop & Fly”.

Produced by Corey Ledet and Louis Michot
Recorded at Dockside Studio, Maurice, LA, USA
Engineered and Mixed by Justin Tocket
Mastered by Mark Bingham at Nina Hwy Studio, Henderson, LA


Будущие события

Accordion Youth Summit (AYS) Meeting – USA

Joe NatoliThe first Accordion Youth Summit meeting will be held online on January 9th, 2021 at 3pm EST.

Organisers believe that the best way to secure the future and visibility of the accordion would be to make certain that enough young people become interested in pursuing and utilizing all the incredible traits of this wonderful instrument.

Therefore, the Accordion Youth Summit is a strategic and calculated attempt to try something different to attract young players.

Their aim is to build a synergistic coalition of many diverse minds to tackle a problem that needs critical and creative thinkers. Their focus will be to help analyze, discuss, and develop solutions toward this topic of engaging more young people to become happily motivated and involved with our instrument.

If you love the accordion for the incredible instrument that it is, if you want to see it flourish in the future, then we must get youth interested in learning and performing on the instrument in growing numbers.

For further details email: josephnatoli66@gmail.com


Reading Books to Music in Wesseling - Germany

A reading from the children’s book "Der kleine Trecki" will take place at Mines Spatzentreff in Wesseling, Germany on January 12th, 2021.

The event is hosted by Mines Spatzentreff, the Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling and Aigul Lennartz.

Aigul will read for one hour accompanied by her children, Paul (8 years) with accordion and electric guitar and Andreas (5 years) with accordion.

The story is about a small tractor that wants to grow up.

Entry is free of charge. For details email: muemine@gmx.net


Heinrich Biegenzahn Concert Evening - Austria

Heinrich BiegenzahnGyuhui HeoAccordionist Heinrich Biegenzahn (picture left) will perform at a Concert Evening at the Musikverein Wien in Vienna, Austria on January 15th, 2021 from 8pm to 10pm.

He will be accompanied by Gyuhui Heo (picture right) on the cello. Their program will include works by Bach, Wagenseil, Chopin, Elgar and others.

For details email: hbiegen@hotmail.com


Online: Virtual Accordion Camp IV - USA

Camp poster
All accordionists are invited to attend the 2021 Virtual Accordion Camp IV, which will be held online on January 16th.

The event will include workshops with tutors Jamie Maschler (Brazilian music), Rachel Bell, Alex Cumming and Jeremiah McLane who will cover a mix of Celtic, French, and English music. The event will also feature a meet-the-artist-style concert with camp staff.

Workshop subjects include repertoire-building, bellows control and techniques for the left hand.

For details email: info@virtualaccordioncamp.com


Talisk Perform at Roazhon Celtic Live, Rennes – France

Talisk poster
Talisk (Scotland) will perform at the first 2021 Roazhon Celtic Live event at Parquet de Bal, Rennes on January 31st, 2021 at 4.30pm (February 1st at 4.30am UTC+13 and 6.30am UTC+13).

The trio includes Mohsen Amini (concertina), Hayley Keenan (violin) and Graeme Armstrong (guitar).

For details email: taliskmusic@gmail.com


Детский уголок

Tremenda Polka Performed by 10 year old Accordionist Hillary Carroccia - Italy

Video: 10 year old accordionist Hillary Carroccia from Italy playing Tremenda Polka by Castellina, a piece that has been popular and played by many other accordionists. Hillary's teacher is Elio Carroccia (father).


Новые и обновленные сайты

Newly Available Sheet Music "Poetic Rhapsody" by Stas Venglevski

Stas VThe newly available sheet music of "Poetic Rhapsody" Catalog: vstas064 is online.

Other eSheet Individual Compositions by Stas Venglevski.

Catalog: vstas051 Meg Tango (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas052 Maurisa (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas053 A Song (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas054 Stas' Tune (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas055 Octobler Rondo (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas056 Summer Sunshine (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas057 Sunshine Return, accordion (solo )with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas058 In the Garden, accordion (solo) with music page sample and sound sample.
Catalog: vstas059 Butterfly Swing, accordion (duet) with music page sample.
Catalog: vstas060 K's Musette, accordion (solo) with music page sample.
Catalog: vstas061 Shaking Waltz, accordion (solo) with music page sample.
Catalog: vstas062 Ice Meadow, accordion (solo) with music page sample.
Catalog: vstas063 Twelve Hot Tango Compositions For Accordion (solo)
Catalog: vstas064 Poetic Rhapsody for accordion (solo)


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