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Weekly News from Around the World - 08-Dec-2017
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Prof. Walter Maurer (1931-2017) - Österreich
Dr. William Schimmel AAA Meisterklasse und Konzertreihe: "Thinking Inside the Box" - USA
Akkordeon grenzenlos Festival & 2. Internationaler Offener Akkordeon Wettbewerb - Deutschland
Lukas Gogol Poland’s Got Talent Erfolg, Warschau - Polen
Gary Dahl (1937 - 2017), Puyallup - WA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Gorka Hermosa Work ‘The Great Wall’ Premiered by Tian Jianan – China, Spain
Extra Italy Trip in 2018 to Castelfidardo – Italy
Hanzhi Wang Receives 2017 Young Artists Award - USA
Ryanair and the French Accordion Player – Republic of Ireland

Future events

Marko Kassl December Diary Dates – Germany, Netherlands
Erika’s Sunday Afternoon Tea Dance, Lessines – Belgium
Seattle Accordion Social, Washington – USA
John Jones & Rob Howard @ Air Raid Shelters, Stockport – UK
Jerome Richard Concert, Normandy – France
Christmas Concert with Gianluca Campi, Rivoli – Italy
Paier Valcic Quartet Concerts, Klagenfurt, Volkermarkt – Austria
Virginie and Cyril Danrey Concert, Gryon - Switzerland
Declan Aungier plays for dancing – Irish Republic

New and Updated Sites

Marconi Bellows "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italy
Rob Howard Books: Accordion Anthology Still Available - UK
Video: New Renzo Ruggieri Composition La Vita Delle Cose Released - Italy
Free Postage, Super Value Christmas Gifts Books by Benetoux
SqueezinArt New Website Now Online - USA
Beiträge des bekannten Musikjournalisten Gerlando Gatto - Italien
Know the People Interviews Index Page Updated
Accordion Russia News Change of Format - Russia
Christmas Sheet Music Available Online

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Prof. Walter Maurer (1931-2017) - Österreich

Prof. Walter MaurerLeider müssen wir berichten, daß Walter Maurer, langjähriger Generalsekretär der Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) von 1975 – 2006 von uns gegangen ist.

Prof. Walter Maurer hatte ein interessantes Leben mit vielen musikalischen, welche auf der Webseite zu konsultieren sind: Walter Maurer.

Das Celebrity Interview von 1999 findet man auf: MaurerInterview

Prof. Walter Maurer ist am 1. Dezember 2017 verstorben und hinterlässt seine Frau Silvia und seine Kinder Christine und Walter.

Bild unten vom Innsbruck World Music Festival 2007, Österreich, als er die Position des Präsidenten des Internationalen Akkordeonorchesters bekleidete.

Tiefstes Beileid von Akkordeon Weltweit.
Kevin Friedrich, Walter Maurer


Dr. William Schimmel AAA Meisterklasse und Konzertreihe: "Thinking Inside the Box" - USA

AAA 2017 Accordion Seminars
Dr William SchimmelDr. William Schimmel wird erneut als Moderator und Kurator für die 23. jährlichen Meisterkurse und Konzertreihen der American Accordionists 'Association (AAA) fungieren, die vom 27. bis 29. Juli 2018 im Tenri Cultural Institute in New York City stattfinden werden. Meisterkurse gibt es täglich von 15 bis 17 Uhr, Konzerte täglich von 19 bis 21 Uhr.

Die Seminare 2018 werden ein breites Themenspektrum abdecken und sich auf neue Unterrichtsmethoden sowie das Studium verschiedener Methodenbücher konzentrieren, die schon seit längerer Zeit nicht mehr aktuell sind.

Weitere Informationen zur AAA-Website unter: www.ameraccord.com


Akkordeon grenzenlos Festival & 2. Internationaler Offener Akkordeon Wettbewerb - Deutschland

Akkordeon grenzenlos2nd International Open Accordion ContestDas Akkordeon grenzenlos Festival ist bereits nach wenigen Jahren zu einem Fixpunkt geworden und findet jedes Jahr in der Woche nach Ostern vom 3. bis 7. April 2018 in Trossingen statt.

Das Akkordeon grenzenlos Festival bietet eine große Auswahl an Konzerten, Workshops und Foren. Alle Details unter: 2018grenzenlos.pdf

Die Organisatoren, das Hohner Konservatorium und der Deutsche Harmonika Verband (DHV) veranstalten vom 3. bis 6. April 2018 in Trossingen den 2. Internationalen Open Akkordeon Wettbewerb (IOAC).

Die spannenden IOAC-Wettbewerbe sowie das grenzenlos-Festival sind für alle Besucher ein hervorragendes Musikerlebnis.

Beiträge und alle Wettbewerbsinformationen unter: 2018IOAC.pdf

Einsendeschluss für Wettbewerbsbeiträge ist der 1. März 2018


Lukas Gogol Poland’s Got Talent Erfolg, Warschau - Polen

Lukas GogolDer 15-jährige Akkordeonist Lukas Gogol hat vor Kurzem den Poland's Got Talent das Finale im Live-Fernsehen in Polen mit dem Stück "Ekigrama", komponiert von Gorka Hermosa (erstes Video oben) gewonnen.

Seine Halbfinaleinlage beeindruckte die Juroren und erntete auch im Studio und später auch in den sozialen Medien eine enorme Publikumsreaktion.

Im Finale am 3. Dezember setzte sich sein Erfolg fort und Lukas Gogol gewann den Polen-Jubiläums-Wettbewerb "Mam Talent". TV-Interview oben.


Gary Dahl (1937 - 2017), Puyallup - WA

Gary DahlEiner der bekanntesten Akkordeon-Arrangeure Amerikas mit mehr als einem Dutzend Büchern, die zur Zeit von Mel Bay veröffentlicht werden, plus 10 beliebte eBooks und mehr als 200 Solo-Arrangements, die online verkauft werden, am 2. Dezember verstorben.

Gary Dahl war ein bekannter Lehrer, virtuoser Akkordeonist sowie Komponist, Arrangeur und Aufnahmekünstler.

Seine Tochter, die professionelle Musikerin Leesa Dahl, schrieb: "Mein Vater, der große Gary Dahl, ist heute früh friedlich, aber unerwartet zu Hause in Puyallup, WA, gestorben. Er hatte es gerade auf 80 geschafft, obwohl er mir immer versprochen hatte, dass er bis mindestens 120 leben würde.

Er war ein Veteran, ein Pilot, ein Jazz-Virtuose, Arrangeur, renommierter Pädagoge, aber am schönsten für unsere Familie - er liebte meine süße Mutter und mich.

Ich bin immer noch völlig schockiert, aber wenn ich zu Weihnachten zu Hause bin, werde ich seine Weihnachtslieder spielen und ich hoffe, er hört zu. "

Weitere Informationen online, sobald verfügbar


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Gorka Hermosa Work ‘The Great Wall’ Premiered by Tian Jianan – China, Spain

Tian JiananGorka HermosaGorka Hermosa writes:
“Yesterday (December 3rd) Tian Jianan premiered in Europe my piece ‘The Great Wall’ after its premiere in Beijing a few days ago. It was in Sabadell, as part of the concert tour that the winner of the International Competition of Arrasate, Northern Spain, makes every year."

The concert tour for the winner of 2017 Arrasate winner Tian Jianan also includes:
6th December in Alcañiz,
7th December in Donostia,
8th December in Arrasate,
9th December in Aretxabaleta, and
10th December in Arrasate.

CD's available online at: Gorka Hermosa, Tian Jianan.


Extra Italy Trip in 2018 to Castelfidardo – Italy

Trip organiser Peter Le Geyt writes:

"Many of you will have seen the details of the accordion visits to Castelfidardo I arrange each year including the visit in May 2018. I have since been asked to organise a private visit to Castelfidardo, June 18th – 22nd 2018, for a small group of ladies from a UK Accordion orchestra.

The group consists of 2 couples and 6 other ladies. They have agreed to open it up to a few other people to help share the costs. The maximum group number would be 18.  Travel is with British Airways from London to Bologna (other UK airports may be possible). Extra night or two is also possible in Bologna if required. 

It is a flexible programme not dissimilar to the May trip, including visits to major accordion manufacturers and some of the smaller factories. As for May, high quality accordions will be supplied for the group to play during the stay. Various optional visits and non-accordionists who like the accordion would also find plenty to enjoy."                                                                                                                                              
For further information email Peter Le Geyt: plg@plgmarketing.com


Hanzhi Wang Receives 2017 Young Artists Award - USA

Hanzhi Wang and William SchimmelOn November 11, 2017 four 1st prizes were awarded at the 2017 Young Concert Artists International Auditions, in New York City.

The 2017 1st prize winners are:
18 year old American VC Young Artist, cellist Zlatomir Fung
22 year old South Korean pianist Do-Hyun Kim
26 year old Chinese accordionist Hanzhi Wang
The Omer String Quartet

All 4 winners will be invited to join the Young Concert Artists’ roster – granting access to a minimum of 3 years management services plus coveted recital debuts in New York City and at the Washington DC Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

This is the first time that an accordionist was chosen by the jury of eminent musicians, a decision supported by the single accordionist judge Dr. William Schimmel, pictured right with Hanzhi Wang.


Ryanair and the French Accordion Player – Republic of Ireland

Francois Colussi on Ryan Air
Francois ColussiThe following true story was reported in the Irish news website www.independent.ie.
As headlines go, it was perfect. 'Ryanair flight attendant asks man to open bag... and soon the whole flight is singing.'

It promised. It intrigued. It delivered.

When you clicked, you were rewarded with a genuinely heart-warming scene. A confused Frenchman on a Ryanair flight from Dublin to Nice, asked to reveal the contents of a bag on his lap... and plucking out a "squeeze box".

"What is this? An accordion?" one of the flight attendants asked. "This is an Irish company and you have to play the accordion."

So he did. And soon a plane-load of passengers joined in.
Since then, the video has been viewed almost 20 million times on Facebook alone, and featured in publications ranging from Ireland to the UK, US and India.

"Meanwhile in Ireland... Ryanair are no United Airlines," quipped The Irish Post, referring to the now-infamous incident in which passenger David Dao was dragged down the aisle of a United aircraft, before being removed from the flight.

"It was just this little moment of magic," says Francois Colussi, the man at the centre of the video, sharing his story exclusively with Independent.ie Travel.

But was the video a genuine moment, or a pre-rehearsed PR stunt, as some on social media have suggested? What was the real story behind it?

Colussi lives in Ireland, where he runs the Pure Magic kitesurfing centres in Achill Island and Dublin, as well as the city's Battle for the Bay watersports festival. While travelling to Nice, he says he bumped into a friend - Clontarf businessman Ronan Morris, of Together Digital - and the two managed to switch seats for a chat.

It was then that the plan for mischief was hatched.

"It was a little magic trick," Colussi says. Shortly afterwards, the pair were asking the Ryanair crew "if they had five minutes to do something unusual. We were worried that the stewards would not allow it, but they were very enthusiastic... I mentioned the United Airlines incident, and the idea we had to show how we do things differently in Ireland. They loved the idea!"

A few minutes later, the two cabin crewmembers approached Colussi and asked what was in his bag. "They were very convincing," he says.

The moment itself was improvised, he adds. Asked to play a song, Colussi struck up the opening bars of 'Dirty Old Town', made famous by The Pogues, just a few minutes before the plane was due to begin its final descent.

Unlike other recent airline cabin encounters, this one ended happily with some off-key singing from Morris... clapped along by dozens of fellow passengers.

What did Ryanair think of it all? "As Europe's most punctual airline, Ryanair customers are already used to hearing our on-time arrival music on landing," the airline told Independent.ie Travel. "All onboard enjoyed this extra bonus track mid–flight."
"There was no intention whatsoever to gain money or to look for fame," Colussi says. "It was just this little moment of magic to make people think... and smile."

He describes it as "a parody" of negative passenger incidents
Publicity for Pure Magic and the Battle for the Bay festival, due to take place in Dublin next weekend (battleforthebay.com), won't hurt of course.

"So, yes it was a set up but a pretty random one!"


Future events

Marko Kassl December Diary Dates – Germany, Netherlands

Marko Kassl Black Pencil
Austrian accordionist Marko Kassl has the following forthcoming dates in December:

December 9th, 7pm – program is 38.Salon – Geburtstag!, at Mettmanner Str 61, D-40233 Dusseldorf, Germany
December 10th, 3pm – program is 26.Advent concert of Freundeskrels St Pataleon, at St Pantaleon, Am Pantaleonsberg 4, D-50676, Cologne, Germany
December 11th, 8.30pm – Black Pencil ‘Chanson de Geste’, at Splendor, Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 116, NL-1011 LX Amsterdam, Netherlands
December 16th, 6pm – program is Landelijk Accordeondag, at the Amsterdam Conservatory, Oosterdokskade 151, NL-1011 DL Amsterdam, Netherlands

Marko Kassl is a member of the quintet Black Pencil Ensemble, have recently recorded a CD, ‘KAISEKI’, published by the German label GWK-RECORDS. 

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Erika’s Sunday Afternoon Tea Dance, Lessines – Belgium

On Sunday December 10th, 2.30pm, the popular musette accordionist Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie, play for a tea dance at the Rene Magritte Cultural Center in Lessines, Belgium.

Erika Honorez is from Tilly, a village close to Villers La Ville in Belgium. She comes from a musical family, and received her first accordion at the age of 5 years. Erika's teacher was Mr Franz Lebrun from the Brussels Conservatory, and she studied the theory of music and classical music, and then specialized in the musette genre. Since 1981 Erika has been performing, composing, and recording. She has appeared on radio and TV in Belgium and France. Erika has recorded many CDs and DVDs, which are available through her website.

For further information email: erika@erika.be


Seattle Accordion Social, Washington – USA

Seattle Accordion posterThe ‘Seattle Accordion Social’ takes place on Monday evening December 11th, 7.30pm until 9.30pm, at the Senior Center of West Seattle, 4217 S.W, Oregon St, Seattle. This seasonal event features accordionists Bonnie Birch, Jim Tobler, Thomas Cooper, and Bjarne Jacobsen & Friend. Admission is $5. Further information is on the poster.


John Jones & Rob Howard @ Air Raid Shelters, Stockport – UK

Rob Howard, Mayor  and John Jones
Accordionists John Jones MBE & Rob Howard will be back once again playing in the Stockport Air Raid Shelters on Chestergate, Stockport SK1 1NE, on Monday December 11th and Thursday 14th. The evening includes an interesting guided tour at 7pm, refreshments, and a jolly singsong of war songs and carols; booking is essential - to book call (0161) 474 1940.

The Stockport Air Raid Shelters were opened in October 1939, shortly after the outbreak of World War Two, and during the Manchester Blitz of December 1940 to May 1941 provided night-time shelter for up to 7000 people. Accordionists were amongst the entertainers who performed in there to keep spirits up.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
1939 air raid shelter


Jerome Richard Concert, Normandy – France

Jerome Richard
Accordionist Jerome Richard performs in concert on Tuesday December 12th, 6pm until 8pm, at 42 rue abbe Lecornu, 61100 Flers. Flers is a commune in the Orne department in Normandy, France.

Jerome Richard, taught by Frederic Deschamps, is an international star of the accordion, and has many competition successes to his credit, including winning the CIA Coupe Mondiale in 1999 in Trosingen, Gernany.


Christmas Concert with Gianluca Campi, Rivoli – Italy

Gianluca CampiOn Wednesday December 13th, 9.30pm, the accordionist Gianluca Campi entertains for a Christmas concert at La Vecchia Roma restaurant, Via Rivalta, 75 Rivoli. There will also be dancing to the music of the accordionist Romeo and singer Erika.


Paier Valcic Quartet Concerts, Klagenfurt, Volkermarkt – Austria

Paier Valcic QuartetThe Paier Valcic Quartet, led by accordionist Klaus Paier and cellist Asja Valcic, performs in concert this month, as follows:

December 15th and 16th, 8.30pm – Raj, Klagenfurt
December 29th, 8.30pm – Step, Volkermarkt

This year Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic have released a new CD, Timeless Suite’, which is a cross-genre recording of music that involves various influences.

Klaus Paier, Austrian accordionist and composer, studied accordion, jazz and composition at Klagenfurt conservatory. He became interested in other genres, from tango to jazz and world music, in order to fuse them into his own personal style. He works with various ensembles, including as a duo with the highly acomplished Croatian cellist Asja Valcic.


Virginie and Cyril Danrey Concert, Gryon - Switzerland

Virginie and Cyril Danrey Concert posterFrench accordion duo Virginie and Cyril Danrey perform in a concert on Friday December 15th, 8pm, at the Grand Salle de Barboleuse, Gryon, Switzerland. Also performing is a male voice choir.

Virginie and Cyril Danrey are based in Chambéry, located in the Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France. They are an accordion with vocals act, and also host their own radio show on Sunday mornings, 8am until 10am, on Oxygene Radio, on 96.0 or 93.0 FM or on the internet.


Declan Aungier plays for dancing – Irish Republic

Declan AungierAccordionist Declan Aungier plays for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Friday December 8th - Royal Oak, Rathkieran, County Waterford
Saturday December 9th - Ballingarry GAA Centre, North Tipperary
Sunday December 10th, 3pm-6pm - Conna, County Cork
Sunday December 10th, 9.30-12midnight - Ballyglass House Hotel, Tipperary

Born in 1970, Declan Aungier began studying the piano accordion at the age of 9, became interested in Irish/Scottish traditional music at age 13, and became All-Ireland Under 18 Piano Accordion Champion in 1987. He switched to the 5-row Continental button accordion, and works exclusively as a solo entertainer, with many albums to his credit, providing music ranging from Country and Irish, some Irish traditional music, and music from the present day, including some jazz. Equally skilled on keyboards, piano and guitar, Declan is also church organist in his home village of Rathangen, County Kildare.

For further information email: declan@declanaungier.com


New and Updated Sites

Marconi Bellows "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italy

Marconi Bellows
"Know the People" Interview at: 2017Marconi
with: Giorgio Marconi (Owner) and Lorella Marconi(Owner).
Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl

"Know the People" of Castelfidardo who have made this small city so famous around the world for their quality accordion products. Interview at: 2017Marconi

Picture below: Know the People" with: Giorgio Marconi and Lorella Marconi.
Giorgio Marconi and Lorella Marconi


Rob Howard Books: Accordion Anthology Still Available - UK

Accordion Anthology book cover by Rob HowardRob HowardThe book titled Accordion Anthology by popular accordion author and our Weekly News Editor Rob Howard is still available and is an ideal Christmas gift.

Only €17,00 plus postage. Read about Accordion Anthology at: robaccord07

Two other Rob Howard books, "Vintage Accordions" and "Accordion: A Pictorial History" are now sold out and therefore unavailable for this Christmas.

The Rob Howard historical series "An A to Z of the Accordion" Volumes 1 to 4 are also available but numbers for some Volumes are getting low. Order online at: Rob Howard


Video: New Renzo Ruggieri Composition La Vita Delle Cose Released - Italy

Music coverRenzo RuggieriLa Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things) for accordion and symphonic orchestra is "not classic, not jazz and not world... it's crossover music" according to Renzo Ruggieri. Video above.

Renzo Ruggieri writes: "The composition has been dedicated to Marco Gemelli who was soloist in world premiere of International Accordion Week, Conservatory Nocera Terinese, 24 April 2017 with the Calabria Philharmonic Orchestra."

"La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things): Things do not have life. But things tell of life by their existence and through this they acquire it. Five moments built with solutions that combine the composer's jazz, world and classical experiences and which need the sonority of the solo accordion also called upon to improvise.

The flow of life is symbolised by a march increasingly rich in melodic-rhythmic events (things), up to the final climax."

Catalog rrenzo514 - La Vita Delle Cose sheet music is available in eSheet pdf format, 82 pages, able to be emailed to you. Full score and single parts for: accordion solo (for free bass but adaptable for standard bass), 2 flute, 2 oboe, 2 clarinet, 2 french horn, 2 Cornet, 2 trumpet, 1 trombone, 2 percussion, Ist Violin, 2nd Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass.

Available online, Catalog rrenzo514, purchase with credit card, only Euro 50 or USD$ equivalent


Free Postage, Super Value Christmas Gifts Books by Benetoux

BellsBenetoux coverAccordion repair author Thierry Benetoux is offering a Free Postage Christmas Special for all his books until 20 December. Take advantage of this special offer for:

Catalog benetouxen00 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion (Book text) € 44,97
- How To Understand and Repair Your Accordion
- How to Tune Your Accordion

Catalog bthierryen Sounding Out The Accordion (Book text) € 42,00

Catalog benetouxfr00 Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (Book text) € 45,00
French language

Catalog: bthierryfr L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (Book text) € 49,00
French language


SqueezinArt New Website Now Online - USA

Dan & Joan GraumanSqueezinArt is back on the internet after an absence of several years. SqueezinArt began in 1994 supplying accordion related holiday gifts and clothing.

SqueezinArt principals are both accordionists (Joan - professional, Dan - amateur, picture right) who love the accordion and the friends they meet. Joan, a noted artist is also an AAA Board member and the AAA Historian.

From a first catalog in 1994 of one page and five items, there is now a large catalog of accordion related "SqueezinArt" on the new site, complete with excellent pictures of each item.

View the popular SqueezinArt t-shirts and so many other accordion related gift ideas, on their new website at: www.squeezinart.com
SqueezinArt logo


Beiträge des bekannten Musikjournalisten Gerlando Gatto - Italien

Gerlando GattoWir freuen uns sehr, auf die Mitarbeit des italienischen Musikreporters Gerlando Gatto, der seit 1974 als professioneller Journalist und Musikkritiker in Rom tätig ist und einige Artikel für Accordions Worldwide zur Verfügung stellt.

Gerlando Gatto arbeitet mit verschiedenen Tageszeitungen und Zeitschriften zusammen (Blu Jazz, Jazz, Jazz, Blues und andere) und hat zahlreiche Jazzprogramme geschrieben, und dirigiert, die von RadioUno und Rai International TV ausgestrahlt wurden.

Gerlando Gatto ist auch ein "Akkordeon-Fan" und hat viele Artikel und Interviews von Akkordeonisten gemacht, er ist künstlerischer Leiter des Orpheus-Preises und 2017 war er Präsident der Jury für die neue Jazz-Sektion des internationalen Castelfidardo PIF.

Er hielt einen Vortrag über Akkordeon Jazz im Conservatorio dell'Aquila mit Renzo Ruggieri. Während seines Vortrags - Konzerte im Casa del Jazz widmete er eine Episode dem Akkordeon Jazz,Tango und mehrere Episoden dem Akkordeon und Bandoneon.

Wir danken dem hoch angesehenen Gerlando Gatto für seine geschätzte professionelle Unterstützung des Akkordeons.

Artikel über den Internationalen PIF Wettbewerb
Italienisch: Quando la fisarmonica, la fa da padrona
Deutsch: Wenn das Akkordeon zum Gastgeber wird ....


Know the People Interviews Index Page Updated

Know the People Celebrity Interviews header
A list of Know the People Interviews published in the last 12 months are:

Marconi Bellows interview at: 2017Marconi
Giemme Bellows interview at: 2017Giemme
Baffetti Accordions interview at: 2017Baffetti
Fismen Accordions interview at: 2017Fismen
Italcinte musical instrument straps interview at: 2017Italcinte
MusicTech Factory interview at: 2017MusicTech
Mengascini Nello Accordion Factory interview at: 2017MN-Interview
Giustozzi Accordions & Diatonics Factory interview at: 2017GiustozziAcc
Alessandrini Accordion Factory interview at: 2017Alessandrini
Fisitalia Accordion Factory interview at: 2016Fisitalia
Serenellini Accordion Factory interview at: 2016Serenellini

See over 100 other interviews at: Celebrity Interviews


Accordion Russia News Change of Format - Russia

Accordion Russia header
Arseniy StrokovskiyNew articles released each week.

The Accordion Russia News is changing from a monthly publication to having articles released regularly as they happen and updating. News will be from Russia and Eastern Europe and featuring Russian performers in all parts of the world.

The editors will be international competition laureate Arseniy Strokovskiy (picture right) and journalist Oksana Strokovskaya.

The new format Accordion Russia News is now online.


Christmas Sheet Music Available Online

ChristmasFREE with every order is a copy of the Gary Dahl arrangement of 'Angels We Have Heard on High'.

eSheet Music Christmas Books and Collections (sent by email)

Gary Dahl - Traditional Christmas Carols eBook, Collection #9 of 21 Christmas arrangements (Solo). View samples Catalog: DH09-eB

Gary Dahl - Xmas Special Package (4 pieces) (Solo) Catalog: DHxmaspac
James O'Brien Christmas choice of 12 pieces 50% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas12p
James O'Brien Christmas grade 4-5 pieces 40% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas5gr
James O'Brien Christmas grade 6 pieces 40% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas6gr
James O'Brien Christmas grade 7 pieces 40% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas7gr
James O'Brien Christmas pieces 50% discount (Duet) Catalog: obriensxmas-duo
James O'Brien All Christmas solos 50% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas-solos

Charnwood Publishing Printed Sheet Music (sent by post)

10 Christmas Carols (Solo) Catalog: M015A
Titles are: Good King Wenceslas, Holy Night, Silent Night, While Shepherds Watched, I saw Three Ships, O Come, all ye Faithful, Away in a Manger, Hark, The Herald Angels Sing, The First Nowell, Once in Royal David’s City, The Holly and the Ivy.

Busking as an Art Vol 5 Xmas Carol (Solo) Catalog: M305
Titles are: Good King Wenceslas, The First Nowell, I saw Three Ships, Once in Royal David’s City, Hark, The Herald Angels Sing, Silent Night, Holy Night, The Holly and the Ivy, We Three Kings, While Shepherds Watched, Away in a Manger, Good Christian Men Rejoice, O Come, all ye Faithful.

Christmas Bells (Solo) Catalog: M662
Jingle Bells (Variations) (Solo) Catalog: M332
Ten Christmas Carols (Solo) Catalog: M015

eSheet Music Individual Christmas titles (Solo or Duet) - sent by email

Angels From the Realms of Glory (Orchestra) jay4401
Angels We Have Heard On High (Duet) obriensxmas196
As Lately We Watched (Duet) obriensxmas197
Away in a Manger (Duet) obriensxmas198
Carol of the Bells (Duet) obriensxmas199
Christmas (Solo) hs241
Christmas Medley (Joulusikerma) from Finland (Duet) faies5005
Christmas Song (Solo) DH0123a
Christmas Tree (Solo) hs176
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus obriensxmas200
Deck The Halls (Duet) obriensxmas189
Ding Dong! Merrily On High (Duet) obriensxmas190
Frosty The Snowman (Solo) DH0213
Go, Tell It On the Mountain (Solo and Duet) obriensxmas191
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (Duet) obriensxmas192
Good Christian Men, Rejoice (Duet) obriensxmas193
Good King Wenceslas (Duet) obriensxmas194
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Solo) mfa7080
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Duet) obriensxmas201
Here We Come A-Caroling (Duet) obriensxmas202
Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Duet) obriensxmas203
I Saw Three Ships (Duet) obriensxmas204
I Wonder As I Wander (Duet) obriensxmas205
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear (Duet) obriensxmas206
Jingle Bells (Solo) hs169
Jingle Bells (Duet) obriensxmas207
Little Christmas Tree (Solo) hs125
Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming (Duet) obriensxmas208
O Christmas Tree (Duet) obriensxmas209
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Duet) obriensxmas210
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Solo) mfa7057
O Come, O Come Immanuel (Duet) obriensxmas212
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Duet) obriensxmas212
Olde Tyme Christmas (Solo) gm10
Once in Royal David's City (Duet) obriensxmas213
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (Solo) DH0223
Silent Night (Solo) mfa7079
Silent Night (Duet) obriensxmas214
Silent Night (Solo) DH0183
Silent Night (Solo) OY604
Silver Bells (Solo) DH0044
Silver Bells (Solo) naa160
The Boar's Head (Duet) obriensxmas215
The Christmas Song (Solo) DH0123
The First Noel (Duet) obriensxmas216
The First Noel (Easy Version) (Solo) naa175
The Friendly Beasts (Duet) obriensxmas217
The Holly and the Ivy (Duet) obriensxmas218
Vilia (Solo) mfa7002
White Christmas Song (Solo) DH0121

eSheet Music Individual Christmas titles (Solo or Duet) - sent by email

Angels From the Realms of Glory (Orchestra) jay4401
Angels We Have Heard On High (Duet) obriensxmas196
As Lately We Watched (Duet) obriensxmas197
Away in a Manger (Duet) obriensxmas198
Carol of the Bells (Duet) obriensxmas199
Christmas (Solo) hs241
Christmas Medley (Joulusikerma) from Finland (Duet) faies5005
Christmas Song (Solo) DH0123a
Christmas Tree (Solo) hs176
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus obriensxmas200
Deck The Halls (Duet) obriensxmas189
Ding Dong! Merrily On High (Duet) obriensxmas190
Frosty The Snowman (Solo) DH0213
Go, Tell It On the Mountain (Solo and Duet) obriensxmas191
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (Duet) obriensxmas192
Good Christian Men, Rejoice (Duet) obriensxmas193
Good King Wenceslas (Duet) obriensxmas194
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Solo) mfa7080
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Duet) obriensxmas201
Here We Come A-Caroling (Duet) obriensxmas202
Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Duet) obriensxmas203
I Saw Three Ships (Duet) obriensxmas204
I Wonder As I Wander (Duet) obriensxmas205
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear (Duet) obriensxmas206
Jingle Bells (Solo) hs169
Jingle Bells (Duet) obriensxmas207
Little Christmas Tree (Solo) hs125
Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming (Duet) obriensxmas208
O Christmas Tree (Duet) obriensxmas209
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Duet) obriensxmas210
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Solo) mfa7057
O Come, O Come Immanuel (Duet) obriensxmas212
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Duet) obriensxmas212
Olde Tyme Christmas (Solo) gm10
Once in Royal David's City (Duet) obriensxmas213
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (Solo) DH0223
Silent Night (Solo) mfa7079
Silent Night (Duet) obriensxmas214
Silent Night (Solo) DH0183
Silent Night (Solo) OY604
Silver Bells (Solo) DH0044
Silver Bells (Solo) naa160
The Boar's Head (Duet) obriensxmas215
The Christmas Song (Solo) DH0123
The First Noel (Duet) obriensxmas216
The First Noel (Easy Version) (Solo) naa175
The Friendly Beasts (Duet) obriensxmas217
The Holly and the Ivy (Duet) obriensxmas218
Vilia (Solo) mfa7002
White Christmas Song (Solo) DH0121


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