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Weekly News from Around the World - 07-Jul-2017
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World Accordion Orchestra IX Conducted by Joan Sommers, Coupe Mondiale - Italy
New Lips Album "Hymn to Aphrodite" Released - Austria
Unprecedented $100,000 Prize Awarded in Chamber Competition - USA
Victoria International Accordion Festival, British Colombia - Canada
Accordionists Perform at Buckingham Palace, London – UK

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

You should watch this video: Alexander Poeluev Plus 4 - Russia
John Jones MBE Collects Two More Awards, Cheshire - UK
Video: Martynas and the Mikroorkéstra
Gary Blair Jr Success @ Leavenworth, Receives Great Publicity – USA, Scotland
Release of eSheet Music by Ivano Battiston - Italy

Future events

‘Amigos do Acordeon das Rias Baixas’ Concerts – Spain, Portugal
Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK
Christophe Lampidecchia and Sarah Quintana Concert, Marseille – France
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert - New Zealand
Catskills Irish Arts Week, New York – USA
‘Accordion Get-to-gether’, Enderby - Canada
‘Musicality Course - Tango Music, Cape Town – South Africa
SqueezinArt to Offer Discounts of Up to 75% at 2017 AAA Festival - USA
2017 AAA Festival Exhibitors - USA
Titano Display at AAA Competitions & Festival - USA
Nick Ariondo celebrates Bastille Day, California – USA
‘1001 Noites de Acordeao’ Concert, São Miguel – Portugal
Karen Street and Karen Tweed ‘Time to Sing’ Events, Birmingham, Burton-on-Trent – UK

New and Updated Sites

Baffetti Accordions "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italy
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia
Updated Site: Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov Passed Away, 14th May 2017
Updated Information: Osvaldo (AKA Ossie) Mazzei (1913 - 2017), Brisbane - Australia
Updated Site: Grayson Masefield, New Pictures, Qualifications and Text - Switzerland

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World Accordion Orchestra IX Conducted by Joan Sommers, Coupe Mondiale - Italy

Coupe Mondiale 2017 header
World Accordion Orchestra posterFollowing the very successful inaugural Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) World Accordion Orchestra debut performance at the Coupe Mondiale 2007 under the Direction of Prof. Joan Sommers, the Italian IAC, hosts of the 2017 Coupe Mondiale, are delighted to announce that the World Accordion Orchestra IX will be held in Osimo, Italy as part of their 70th Coupe Mondiale Festival.

World Accordion Orchestra IX will perform three works on the Gala Concert on September 10, 2017 in Osimo.

The first work “Omaggio a Pietro Overture” by Pietro Frosini is a fitting tribute to the early Italian pioneers of the accordion that kick-started the accordion movement in the United States. Both Frosini and Deiro (who wrote the original work that Frosini's piece is based on) were Italian immigrants, while Galla-Rini (who arranged the piece for Accordion Orchestra) was a first generation son of Italian immigrants. All were considered important pioneers in the American accordion movement.

The other two Medleys including “La La Land” composed by Justin Hurwitz and "Beauty and the Beast" by Alan Menken feature some of today's most recognized music from Hollywood's Academy Awarding Films.

Joan Cochran Sommers was awarded the title of Professor Emerita upon her retirement from the University of Missouri – Kansas City Conservatory of Music (USA), where she established and taught the accordion degree program for forty years. She has arranged innumerable works for the accordion orchestra, often for the UMKC Accordion Orchestra, a large symphonic accordion orchestra, which, under her direction, competed in and won more First Prizes in Virtuoso Accordion Orchestra Competitions than any other American group.

Professor Sommers has held positions in many important national and international musical organizations and upon her retirement as CIA Vice President, she was unanimously awarded the status of CIA Honorary Member.

For full program notes, information and registration, please visit http://coupemondiale.org/2017/it_worldorchestra.htm
WAO III, New Zealand


New Lips Album "Hymn to Aphrodite" Released - Austria

Friedrich Lips
Friedrich Lips Productions has released the new album, catalog CD028 "Hymn to Aphrodite" which features the revered Friedrich Lips performing with three different chamber and symphony orchestras.

The album tracks include:
1. "Hymn to Aphrodite" (2013) by Konstantin Yaskov
2-9. "I'm floating on the waves of love" (8 sonnets) by Michael Bronner
10. Tanguango by Astor Piazzolla
11. La Cumparsita by GM Rodríguez

The CD album is also available as eTracks mp3 download files for only € 9.50

Sound samples and full information at Catalog: CD028 "Hymn to Aphrodite"

This brings to 28 albums now published by the most remarkable Friedrich Lips and available online at: Friedrich Lips


Unprecedented $100,000 Prize Awarded in Chamber Competition - USA

Video 1: Russian Renaissance 1st, 2016 Coupe Mondiale winners
Video 2: Avido Duo Promotion Video
M-Prize logoThe 2016 CIA Coupe Mondiale Champions in the International Competition for Chamber Music, 'Russian Renaissance' have won the world's largest cash competition prize, winning the 2nd M-Prize organized by the University of Michigan’s School of Music, Theater and Dance. Accordionist Aleksandr Tarasov was joined by fellow musicians Ivan Kuznetsov (balalaika), Anastasia Zakharova (domra) and Ivan Vinogradov (Contrabass balalaika).

The quartet of Russian Renaissance captivated the audience and jury on Thursday, May 4, inside Hill Auditorium to capture the second M-Prize chamber music competition. At $100,000, it is the largest chamber music prize in the world. In addition to their cash prize, they also will receive important performance opportunities as well as being invited to teach at the school of music, theatre and dance at the University of Michigan during their 2017-18 School year.

Aside from the unprecedented prize money, the M-Prize Competition is renowned for the breadth of music that is welcomed as part of the competition. In addition to the traditional winds and strings categories in both senior and junior divisions, the main Category is an open category: a musical catch-all for ensembles that don’t fit cleanly into the more customary instrumental combinations.

Coming out firing behind a ferocious interplay between the strings of a balalaika, performed by Ivan Kuznetsov, and domra from Anastasia Zakharova, Russian Renaissance executed their program with speed and precision, garnering loud applause following their 25-minute performance. Russian Renaissance competed for the $100,000 grand prize with Senior Strings division winner, the Argus Quartet and Senior Winds division winner the Donald Sinta Quartet.

The ensemble, Russian Renaissance, debuted in October 2015, performing with world-renowned director Emir Kusturica, two-time laureate of the Cannes Film Festival and the No Smoking Orchestra. In Russia, the ensemble has performed in Tchaikovsky Concert Hall and Gnesins' Academy Concert Hall in Moscow; Yota Space concert hub in St. Petersburg; and the Youth Theatre in Rostov-on-Don. In Serbia, they have performed in the National Theatre of Uzice and the Concert Hall of the Russian House in Belgrade. The group describes their style as bringing together tradition and modernity, in unique crossover and fusion styles.

The M-Prize competition, hosted by UM's School of Music, Theatre and Dance, received attention during its inaugural running last spring for its format and large cash prize offerings, with the Calidore String Quartet taking home the $100,000 Grand Prize.

The International Jury included former New York Philharmonic concertmaster Rodney Friend, Juilliard String Quartet cellist Astrid Schween, Swiss saxophonist Lars Mlekusch, renowned flautist Carol Wincenc, multi-genre cellist Jeffrey Zeigler and Grammy Award-winning soprano Dawn Upshaw.

Complimenting the grand prize, three $20,000 prizes are awarded to winners of three different categories of strings, winds and open competition, as well as junior strings and winds categories for ages 18 and under.

In addition to the accordion being represented in the winning ensemble, the accordion was also featured in the 3rd place ensemble 'Avido Duo' comprising Alvaro Collao Leon (sax) and Djordje Davidovic (accordion). Djordje was the winner of the CIA Junior Coupe Mondiale in Spoletto, Italy in 2012.

Next year's M-Prize 2018 Competition will be held from May 3-6, 2018. For more information and competition guidelines, please visit: http://mprize.umich.edu.


Victoria International Accordion Festival, British Colombia - Canada

11th Victoria International Accordion Festival
Jelena MilojevicMichael Bridge & Patricia BartellThe 11th Victoria International Accordion Festival takes place from July 13th to 17th at venues in Victoria, BC. This year’s festival celebrates Canada’s 150th birthday, and Victoria will be filled with accordion music throughout the four days.

Picture left: Jelena Milojevic Pictures right: Michael Bridge, Patricia Bartell.

The festival includes concerts, accordion competitions, workshops, free accordion sessions, an accordion museum, accordion history lectures, a dinner dance, trade show, and free open air performances. Workshop leaders include Michael Bridge, Kornel Wolak, Mary Ross Klektau, Jelena Milojevic, Jesse Mea, and Patricia Bartell.

The Gala Opening night concert on July 13th features Canadian digital accordion champion Michael Bridge, jazz duo Jesse Mea and R. Bougeoos, the Daniel Lapp trio with accordionist Adrian Dolan, and Pierre Shryer trio JUNO winner teamed up with leading Irish accordionist Dermot Bryne.

The dinner and dance night on July 14th features Michael Bridge, the Roma Swing Ensemble (Romania), and the accordion groups Bijou de Bayou and the Ensemble Transatlantico de Folk Chilean.

The July 15th concert presents Jelena Milojevic (Croatia), the festival competition winners, and the Double-Double duo, whose mixture of comedy, virtuosity, and musical sensitivity with their all original arrangements of classical showpieces, sensitive jazz ballads and fiery folk music from around the globe provides great entertainment.

On July 16th the concert features the Victoria Accordion Club Band, the Victoria Youth Accordion Ensemble, and the locally based Bijoux de Bayou.

This year’s Victoria International Accordion Competition will have a solo and one ensemble category, with prizes of over $5000 offered.

For further information email: contact@bcaccordion.ca
Street March


Accordionists Perform at Buckingham Palace, London – UK

Brandon McPhee
Four accordionists – Brandon McPhee (picture above outside Buckingham Palace), Liam Stewart, Wayne Robertson and Tom Orr – plus a large group of other musicians, performed for a private event in Buckingham Palace for Prince Charles, Camilla, and 350 invited guests. The entertainment was coordinated by the Scottish singer Robert Lovie.

Brandon McPhee commented that “It was a lovely experience. It was a real honour for me to play, and a memory I will never forget. The palace inside was beautiful and the weather outside was lovely to add to it”.

The four players involved have been All Scotland Accordion Champions.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

You should watch this video: Alexander Poeluev Plus 4 - Russia

Alexander and LizaVideo published on Jul 2, 2017. This very innovative performance was at the festival "Accordion Plus" in the big hall of the Rostov State Musical Theater, Rostov-on-Don as part of the concert by Alexander Poeluev and New-Centropezn Jazz Quintet.

The combination of J.S. Bach (Prelude in Cm) and A. Piazzolla (Libertango), performed on one accordion by five musicians was inventive and unique and also a hit with the audience.

Performers: Alexander Poeluev, Nikita Seryogin, Mikhail Starodubtsev, Carolina Desyatnikova, Eduard Abrahamyan.

Liza Poelueva had the idea to play 1 accordion - 8 hands. She wrote: "We rehearsed this piece firstly in duet at home together with Sasha, trying to find new ways and the possibility of playing with many hands. It was really fun."

Liza Poelueva also wrote about ideas. (English transation): "How come the ideas?
Ideas, such an interesting thing, someone is after them chasing, someone is looking for them, someone is stealing, and someone is selling. Ideas are something special in the history of mankind, what underlies the evolution, the development of civilization.

For people of creative professions, interesting ideas are especially valuable. Ideas was how the idea to play the one accordion by a few performers was created? We just live in the search for new solutions, ideas on how to draw people's attention to a young, complex, but such an interesting instrument - the accordion.

The desire to interest young people, to support the accordion, to inspire us to search for new techniques, the performance techniques, has been driving us for many years. Probably, that's why God sends different ideas, and we have to worry a lot to not only prepare an unusual concert number, but also record it and share it with the world."


John Jones MBE Collects Two More Awards, Cheshire - UK

John Jones
John Jones cakeJohn Jones MBE, who was awarded the MBE for raising over £250,000 for charities by playing the accordion in public places, has just collected two unconnected awards and also celebrated his 75th birthday on June 2nd. The East Cheshire Hospice made a presentation to John for reaching £75,000 on their behalf, plus a birthday cake.

The other award is the Paul Harris Fellowship, inferred by Ray Kramer, President of the Rotary Club of Macclesfield for the commitment that John has shown over the last 27 years in raising funds for many local organisations. Having taken early retirement from his job as a structural engineer, John decided to put his skills as an accordionist to good use, starting in 1991 by raising money for the MAST Appeal at Macclesfield Hospital.

The Paul Harris award was established 60 years ago in 1957 in honour of the Founder of Rotary, so as to express appreciation and recognition of an outstanding commitment to Rotary or to the Community.

Other recipients of this award include Mother Teresa, US President Jimmy Carter, Astronaut James Lovell, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, and the American actress and singer Pearl Bailey. New Zealand composer, arranger and conductor Gary Daverne has also received this prestigious award. John is somewhat bemused by comparisons with Mother Teresa!


Video: Martynas and the Mikroorkéstra

Martynas Levickis director, accordion with the Mikroorkéstra performing Vivaldi The Four Seasons (highlights). Published on Apr 15, 2017.


Gary Blair Jr Success @ Leavenworth, Receives Great Publicity – USA, Scotland

Newspaper article Gary Blair JnrGary Blair Junior won the Open Competition at this year’s Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration, June 15th to 18th, held at Leavenworth in Washington State, organised by the Northwest Accordion Society.

His success was reported prominently in the newspaper upon his arrival back home. Download a readable size version of the newspaper article at: 2017Express.jpg


Release of eSheet Music by Ivano Battiston - Italy

Video 1: Libertango solo composed by Piazzolla
Video 2: Postcards composed by Ivano Battiston
Music by Ivano BattistonIvano Battiston has released the eSheet music (able to be emailed to you as pdf file) of his solo arrangement of Libertango by Astor Piazzolla. Battiston released the music after having lots of requests for the arrangement from people who viewed the video above.
Catalog: battiston101 Libertango

Ivano Battiston has also released his own composition 'Postcards' for accordion and sax (soprano and baritone). The video above is by Simone Brusoni (sax) and Antonio Zappavigna (accordion).
Catalog: battiston102 'Postcards'


Future events

‘Amigos do Acordeon das Rias Baixas’ Concerts – Spain, Portugal

The 10-members ensemble ‘Amigos do Acordeon das Rias Baixas’, from Galicia, Spain, performs in July and August, as follows:
July 7th, 8pm – Barreiros Vigo, Spain
July 15th - Frerigresia do castelo, Maya, Portugal
July 22nd - Auditorium Agora, La Coruña, Spain
August 3rd and 5th – afternoons, Forcadela Tomiño, Galicia, Spain
August 29th, 11pm – Baiona, Galicia, Spain


Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK

The annual Angus Accordion & Fiddle Festival takes place this weekend, July 7th, 8th, and 9th, at venues in Arbroath, Scotland.

The festival includes concerts, dances and pub sessions. Accordionists performing include Wayne Robertson, Marian Anderson, Gavin Piper, Steven Carcary, Iain Anderson, Scott Gordon, and Stuart Cameron.


Christophe Lampidecchia and Sarah Quintana Concert, Marseille – France

posterOn Saturday July 8th, 9pm, jazz accordionist Christophe Lampidecchia and jazz and folk singer/guitarist Sarah Quintana (USA) perform together at the church Haute Banoir, Marseille, France.


Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert - New Zealand

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) PosterAuckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) conducted by Lionel Reekie has a concert on 8th July. Venue details are on the poster.

Guest Performers are:
Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin - Soloist Alexandra Reekie
Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra by Gary Daverne - Soloist Campbell Bettridge
New Zealand Accordion Championships winners:
Ave Accordeon Ensemble
Owen Fan
Angela Chen

For further information email: ghia@ihug.co.nz


Catskills Irish Arts Week, New York – USA

Catskills Irish Arts Week poster
The annual Catskills Irish Arts Week takes place from July 9th to 16th. This large scale event includes concerts, ceilis, workshops, sessions, lectures, etc.

Many Irish traditional musicians are involved, and the free reed instruments are well represented by Billy McComiskey, Dan Gurney, Patty Furlong, and Colm Ganon - diatonic button accordion, Mirella Murray -piano accordion, Don Meade –harmonica, and Caitlin Nic Gabhann, Doug Barr, and Brenda Castles – concertina.


‘Accordion Get-to-gether’, Enderby - Canada

posterAn ‘Accordion Get-to-gether’ takes place on July 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th at the Riverside RV Park and Campground, 112 Kildonan Ave, Enderby, British Colombia, Canada.

Bring your accordion, lawn chairs or blankets and join in with dancing on the grass, singing, or just enjoying the sounds of accordions.

Monday, 2pm-5pm and 7pm-9pm - Meet & Greet, Casual Jamming
Tuesday, 1pm-5pm and 7pm-9pm - Individual Performances
Wednesday - Music 1pm-4pm and Music 7pm-9pm
Thursday Music - 2pm to 4pm; Dance at Enderby Legion, 7pm-11pm $10 a person

For further information email: jnyl@telus.net


‘Musicality Course - Tango Music, Cape Town – South Africa

Stanislav Angelov"Musicality Course - Tango Music, Explained for Tango Dancers by a Tango musician" is a course, held on three evenings, led by accordionist Stanislav Angelov, in collaboration with Tango Africano and the CT Tango Ensemble. The purpose is to help Tango dancers understand what happens in a Tango composition, how to listen, and what to listen for: explained in detail by a Tango musician and dancer. Pre-registration is required for the course.

The course will consist of 3 sessions, held on July 10th, 19th and 22nd:

The first 2 sessions will be a combination of listening to several Tangos and explanations of what we should listen for, mixed with dancing exercises.

The third session will be with the full CT Tango Ensemble. It will start with a workshop for the participants in the course only, and it will continue with a full on Milonga with live music by CT Tango Ensemble and DJ Wikus Engelbrecht. The Milonga on the 22nd is open to all.

Session 1 - Monday July 10th, 6.30-8pm at 1001 Mutual Heights (The Old Mutual Building) 14 Darling Street, Cape Town

Session 2 - Wednesday July 19th, 6.30-8pm, 1001 Mutual Heights (The Old Mutual Building) 14 Darling St, Cape Town

Session 3 + Milonga - Saturday July 22nd, 6.30-7.30pm (course only), 8-11.30pm Milonga for All
Venue: Alliance Française, 155 Loop St, Cape Town

Stanislav Angelov was born and educated in Bulgaria, and he studied Accordion since the age of 7. He came to South Africa in 1992 after graduating from the Conservatory in Bulgaria (Academy of Music & Dance Art in Plovdiv) with his main instrument being the Classical Accordion. In 2001 he formed the highly acclaimed Cape Town Tango Ensemble, and he has lived in Buenos Aires for several months, taking Bandoneon lessons from Ricardo Fiorio and Hugo Satore.

The CT Tango Ensemble, led by accordionist Stanislav Angelov, performs at the Baxter Theatre, Main Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town on July 23rd and on August 19th.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


SqueezinArt to Offer Discounts of Up to 75% at 2017 AAA Festival - USA

The 2017 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Festival, which takes place in Princeton, New Jersey, July 12-16, will feature outstanding concerts, workshops and much more.

There will also be multiple vendors displaying their wares, including SqueezinArt, which features a variety of gifts for accordionists and lovers of the accordion.

SqueezinArt will be offering some of their products at prices that are reduced up to 75%.

While we’re only in July, it is never too early to stock up on gifts for Christmas. This will be a great opportunity to do that. See you in Princeton!

Picture below: Joan Grauman at a SqueezinArt display.
Joan Grauman


2017 AAA Festival Exhibitors - USA

AAA Poster Exhibits
2017 AAA Festival Exhibitors List and venue hours information.


Titano Display at AAA Competitions & Festival - USA

Titano AAA Journal advertisement
Titano Accordions will be on display in the Ocean & Cumberland Rooms at the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Competition and Festival is being held in Princeton, New Jersey from 12 -16 July at the Westin Hotel, Princeton, New Jersey (NJ).

Display times are:
Wednesday 12 July, 5 pm to 9 pm
Thursday 13 July, 9 am to 11:30 am and 1 pm to 3:30 pm
Friday 14 July, 9am to 3:30 pm
Saturday 15 July, 9 am to 11:30 am and 1 pm to 3:30 pm


Nick Ariondo celebrates Bastille Day, California – USA

Nick AriondoOn Friday July 14th, noon to 4 pm, accordionist Nick Ariondo celebrates Bastille Day at Nicole’s Gourmet Foods Market and Café, 921 Meridian Avenue, Unit B, South Pasadena, CA 91030.

Nick Ariondo, a recipient of many awards, is recognized as a concert artist and composer of international prominence. His performances and compositions contribute immeasurably to raising the status of the accordion through the promotion and presentation of chamber concerts, solo recitals, and orchestra appearances.

For further information email: accomusic@nickariondo.com


‘1001 Noites de Acordeao’ Concert, São Miguel – Portugal

On Friday July 14th, at 9.30pm, in the Salão de Festas da Sociedade Recreativa of Barão de São Miguel, Portugal, there will be a concert titled ‘1001 Noites de Acordeao’.

This concert features Peter Maric (Serbia), winner of the 2010 CIA Coupe Mondiale, Rodrigo Maurício, Francisco Sabóia, Jorge Alves, João Tomas and Michel.


Karen Street and Karen Tweed ‘Time to Sing’ Events, Birmingham, Burton-on-Trent – UK

Karen Street and Karen TweedAccordionists Karen Street and Karen Tweed have jointly organised two morning and afternoon events on Saturday July 22nd and Sunday 23rd in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society.

They have produced a book of sing-along tunes, which will be available at and for these events. The Classic Kyiv Duo, on tour from the Ukraine, will perform on both dates. Burton-on-Trent.

There will be a collection on the day for and Alzheimer’s Society and families still suffering from the Chernobyl disaster

For further information email: karen@karenstreet.com


New and Updated Sites

Baffetti Accordions "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italy

Know the People Baffetti Interview
"Know the People" Interview: with:
Genuino Baffetti (picture left)
Cinzia Baffetti (picture middle)
Milena Baffetti (picture right)
of Baffetti Accordions

Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl

"Know the People" interview about the people who have made this small city in Italy so famous around the world for their quality accordion products.

Interview at: 2017Baffetti
Genuino Baffetti, Cinzia Baffetti, Milena Baffettim.


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco226 - Guitar Romanca
Guitar Romantica is a Pleasant Sweet Samba.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

cfranco227 - For Little Chiara
For Little Chiara is a sweet melody written for my new grand daughter.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


Updated Site: Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov Passed Away, 14th May 2017

Prof. Vladimir BesfamilnovNew video about life added to obituary article about Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov passing away.
Read about the life of this great educator and musician at: Vladimir Besfamilnov
This site has has been updated and will be updated further. Besfamilnov is sadly missed and our deepest condolences to the family.


Updated Information: Osvaldo (AKA Ossie) Mazzei (1913 - 2017), Brisbane - Australia

Ossie MazzeiA video with a lot of historic information about Ossie Mazzei including some music, has been added to the obituary published in April.

Thank you to Leo Mazzei and family for the video.


Updated Site: Grayson Masefield, New Pictures, Qualifications and Text - Switzerland

Grayson MasefieldUpdated Site. The site of Grayson  Masefield has been updated with new pictures and text and also to list his Master of Arts degree qualifications.


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