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Weekly News from Around the World - 06-Oct-2017
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Prix d'accordéon de Bruchsal 2018 - Allemagne
Appel à projets automatisé de la National Accordion Association (NAA) - USA
Specatulaire concert de Mika Väyrynen "Finland 100 - Väyrynen 50" - Finlande
Festival hivernal de Kokkola 2018 et congrès d'hiver de la CIA - Finlande
Andreas et Naoko Nebl se produisent au World Harmonica Festival - Allemagne

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Masters Coupe Mondiale Category Winners - Italy
Accordion Students Celebrate Lou Jacklich’s 89th Birthday, California - USA
Video: Junior Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment Winners - Italy
Bobby Crowe Inducted Into the Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame, Scotland – UK
Video: Stefano Indino Demonstrates the Master Digital Accordion at Coupe Mondiale - Italy
A Lovely Story: Accidental Friendship That Lasts, Via Reddit - USA
Sasusi Trio (France) in Jazz Category - Italy

Future events

JAC & Co Concerts, Philadelphia - USA
CNIMA J. Mornet Accordion Shows, Paris – France
Joe Soprani Concerts, Two Trios Concerts, PA - USA
‘Harvest Music and Party’, California – USA
CNIMA J.Mornet Deux cycles de masterclasses - France
Noche de Internacional de Acordeones, Nogoyá - Argentina
Lacides Romero Concert, San Francisco de Sales, Colombia
Santa Maria Accordion Band Concert, Valletta – Malta
Erika’s Sunday Afternoon Dance Date, Silenrieux – Belgium
Jean Luc Vicente Tea Dance, Leucate - France
Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic Concert, St. Andrä - Austria
Mazaika ‘Russian and Gypsy music and dancing’ Concert, London - UK
Ferran Martinez Concert, Barcelona – Spain

New and Updated Sites

Giemme Bellows Intervista "Conoscere le Persone", Castelfidardo - Italia
Renzo Ruggieri New Release: Accordion Kids (ten pieces) eBook - Italy
Gary Dahl Releases El Choclo Tango Arrangement - USA
Hotel Almost Sold Out for Las Vegas International Accordion Convention - USA
Franco Cambareri Composition Tristesse Available Online - Australia

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Prix d'accordéon de Bruchsal 2018 - Allemagne

Akkordeon Musik Preis 2018 header
Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV) logoVidéo ci-dessus : Forró de KA, artiste invité.

Ce prix d'accordéon 2018 est un évènement majeur organisé par le Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV), les finales se tenant du 31 mai au 3 juin 2018 à Bruchsal.

Les concours 2018 concernent les solistes, duos, ensembles de musique de chambre et ensembles d'instruments divers. Les participants doivent avoir moins de 27 ans et avoir leur résidence permanente en Allemagne.

Il y a des catégories de concours pour harmonica ainsi que pour diatonique et Styrien.

Les concours sont divisés en 2 phases :
La phase 1 est constituée de 16 concours de qualifications pour amateurs dans toute l'Allemagne, en janvier, février et mars 2018. Ces 16 concours déterminent les participants aux finales.

La phase 2 finale se tient à Bruchsal, et elle est ouverte aussi aux instrumentistes professionnels.

Dans le programme du concert, deux prestations des vainqueurs du concours international de Trossingen d'avril 2017, gagnants de la catégorie Groupes de World music, l'Aldo Duo de Pologne (1er prix) et Forró de KA, Allemagne (2nd prix).

Livret d'information et d'inscription ainsi que la liste des concours de qualifications à :


Appel à projets automatisé de la National Accordion Association (NAA) - USA

National Accordion Association (NAA) header
Norman & Sharon SeatonLe président de la National Accordion Association (NAA) Norman Seaton (photo ci-dessous) annonce le nouvel appel à projets automatisé pour les animateurs, artistes et commerciaux de sa convention accordéon.

La convention nationale de l'accordéon, du 8 au 10 mars 2018, a pour thème “Venir du passé, lancer le futur”, la but étant d”apprécier le voyage”.

La convention de la NAA est l'évènement d'ouverture de la saison 2018 des conventions et festivals nord-américains. La NAA a volontairement choisi mars de chaque année de sorte que la convention annuelle ne fasse pas concurrence aux autres événements accordéon programmés annuellement.

L' appel d'offres automatisé est un procédé innovant de programmation de la Convention de l'Accordéon qui offre l'opportunité aux animateurs, artistes et commerciaux de “faire le design” de l'événement.
En gros, le process automatisé place les informations dans un dossier unique et permet aux animateurs, artistes et commerciaux de proposer de nouvelles méthodes de rencontres des participants, d'exprimer leur souhaits, le but étant de créer une convention interactive et attractive.

Pour toute information et pour participer à l'appel à projets automatisé, visitez le site web : National Accordion Association (NAA).
NAA team


Specatulaire concert de Mika Väyrynen "Finland 100 - Väyrynen 50" - Finlande

Mika Väyrynen
Pour fêter son prochain 50ème anniversaire, Mika Väyrynen prépare actuellement un spectaculaire concert de gala "Finland 100 - Väyrynen 50" qui se tiendra au Camerata Hall de l'Helsinki Music Center, le 11 octobre 2017 à 19h00.

Mika Väyrynen donnera les premières mondiales de 6 nouvelles oeuvres. C'est probablement la première et unique fois qu'un accordéoniste se lancera dans une si monumentale entreprise.

Le même soir Mika Väyrynen enregistrera un nouveau CD des pièces pour accordéon de Jouni Kaipainen (1956-2015).

L'ambassadeur de la CIA et contributeur AWW Kevin Friedrich est invité pour "Finland 100 - Väyrynen 50" et un reportage complet par Kevin Friedrich sera à lire dans nos news de vendredi prochain/


Festival hivernal de Kokkola 2018 et congrès d'hiver de la CIA - Finlande

2018 Kokkola Winter Festival poster
Raimo VertainenLe festival d'accordéon de Kokkola 2018 court du 10 au 18 février et propose un large panel d'accordéonistes et de musique finnoise issue des 100 ans d'histoire de la Finlande, riches en activités accordéon.

Liste des artistes sur l'affiche ci-dessus. Télécharger l'affiche : 2018Kokkola.pdf

Le directeur du festival Raimo Vertainen relate que plus de 5 100 personnes, enfants et adultes, ont participé au 19ème festival hivernal d'accordéon de Kokkola et le festival 2018 espère une fréquentation encore plus large.

Le 20ème festival d'accordéon projette de mettre en évidence l'extraordinaire versatilité de l'accordéon à travers la musique classique, contemporaine, la variété, plus la danse, le chant choral et des évènements en plein air.

Le festival 2018 comprendra aussi le congrès d'hiver de la CIA auquel assiteront de nombreux délégués des 43 associations internationales membres.


Andreas et Naoko Nebl se produisent au World Harmonica Festival - Allemagne

Naoko and Andreas NeblWorld Harmonica FestivalVidéo: El Choclo tango, en rappel à Castelo Branco, Portugal, en 2009.

Le World Harmonica Festival organisé par la Fédération Internationale de l'Harmonica se tiendra du 1er au 5 novembre. Le samedi 4 novembre à 20h15, Naoko et Andreas Nebl se produiront en concert dans le cadre du festival à Trossingen.

Le célébre duo germano-japonais jouera des pièces de Nevanlinna, Handel, Piazzolla et improvisera également. Andreas et Naoko Nebl seront accompagnés de la danseuse Leonie Kratz.

Naoko a remporté le premier prix du World Harmonica Festival de Trossingen 1997 et
Naoko et Andreas Nebl enseignent tous deux au conservatoire Hohner de Trossingen. Ils ont joué leur repertoire (essentiellement classique) dans de nombreux endroits du monde.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Masters Coupe Mondiale Category Winners - Italy

Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli
1st Masters Coupe Mondiale, Arkadii Shkvorov (Russia)

2nd Masters Coupe Mondiale, Artur Adrshin (Russia)

3rd Masters Coupe Mondiale, Radu Ratoi (Moldavia)
The 2017 Masters Coupe Mondiale category results were:
1st Arkadii Shkvorov (Russia)
2nd Artur Adrshin (Russia)
3rd Radu Ratoi (Moldavia)

This competition category is in one round. Above is video of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed players. You can view all the Masters Coupe Mondiale contestants videos at: 2017MastersCM

The Scandalli Accordion Factory is the sponsor of the 2017 Video Archive and Education Project.
Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli


Accordion Students Celebrate Lou Jacklich’s 89th Birthday, California - USA

Lou Jacklich 89th birthdayThirty-two people (including 16 current and past students with a cumulative total of over 100 years of lessons) gathered in August, 2017 to celebrate the 89th birthday of Northern California accordion performer and teacher, Lou Jacklich.

Highlights included:

- live accordion music during the pot-luck supper;

- a portrait cake with photo of Lou Jacklich during his days on tour as a pioneer with the electronic accordion using the Lovell organ attachment;

- an interactive game to engage the audience and guest of honor in revealing his musical career and accomplishments captured on official proclamations printed on a framed eloquent Certificate of Recognition issued by California Senator Bob Wieckowski, which was presented at the game’s conclusion;

- accordion and singing performances by students (with a demonstration of the Titano bass converter accordion with Bach melody);

- solo and duet performances by the maestro and hostess;

- and party favors of wrapped Hershey chocolate bars decorated to look like the master treble switch.

Due to a lack of time, Lou Jacklich’s lecture and demonstration on jazz technique, and group band participation has been postponed for a future event (Birthday Celebration – Part 2!).

A good time was had by all.

eTracks album "Lou Jacklich Plays" with 12 well known tracks is available for only US$8 at Catalog: jacklicheT


Video: Junior Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment Winners - Italy

1st Aleksandra Mikhailova (Russia)

2nd Dantong Wang (China)

3rd Diego Gatte (France)
The 2017 Junior Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment category results were:
1st Aleksandra Mikhailova (Russia)
2nd Dantong Wang (China)
3rd Diego Gatte (France)

This competition category is in one round. Above is video of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed players. You can view all the Junior Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment contestants videos at: 2017JuniorEnt

The Scandalli Accordion Factory is the sponsor of the 2017 Video Archive and Education Project.


Bobby Crowe Inducted Into the Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame, Scotland – UK

Bobby Crowe picturesThe late Bobby Crowe, accordionist and bandleader, has been inducted into the Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame.

Bobby Crowe was as renowned for his generosity of spirit in passing the Scottish dance band tradition on to younger generations as he was for the distinctive, high quality sound of his internationally regarded band.

He was born in Balmullo in Fife on February 1st 1933 and took up the accordion after a particular instrument caught his eye in a music shop in Dundee. His uncle Hector bought it for him and encouraged by Dougie Maxwell, who played bass with Jimmy Shand, and inspired by accordionists Jack Forsyth and Lindsay Ross, Bobby began working on tunes including ‘Cock o’ the North’ and the ‘High Level Hornpipe’.

In 1950 Bobby and Dougie Maxwell’s son, Dougie Jnr, formed the Olympians, with Dougie Jnr, who had earlier played second accordion with Bobby, playing trumpet. This was to be one of the last examples of a long tradition of having brass in a Scottish dance band and two years later, with David Finlay having joined on piano, the band passed its audition for the BBC at the first attempt, going on to make its first radio broadcast soon afterwards.

Following his National Service, Bobby formed his own band in 1956 and five years later he began a long association with the BBC as a broadcasting bandleader. He also appeared with other bands during this time, including the New Cavendish Band, and enjoyed a particular affinity with fiddlers Ron Kerr and Angus Fitchet. Bobby went on to play lead accordion on Angus Fitchet’s revered ‘Fitchet’s Fancy’ album and they also appeared as a duo on the Accordion & Fiddle club circuit for many years.

The hallmark of Bobby’s own bands was that they were always great to dance to, due to Bobby’s attention to getting the tempo just right and his insistence on choosing tunes that went together naturally in a set. He would spend hours searching through books and old manuscripts to find good tunes. As a result of this, together with their musical quality, his band became very popular in Scottish dance circles in England and as far afield as Oman as well in Scotland.

Bobby went on to record upwards of a dozen albums for the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, becoming a regular at their summer schools in St Andrews, and he played for the Queen three times at Balmoral before a stroke caused him to retire prematurely from playing in 1994.

After he retired Bobby remained a strong presence on the Scottish dance band scene. In November 1997 he was recognised by both the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society itself and the Leeds and Doncaster Branch for his outstanding contribution to music and right to the end of his life he would travel round the country, listening to the music, talking to fellow enthusiasts and promoting his high quality approach to band-leading by sharing his immense collection of tunes and arrangements.

Bobby died on September 17th 2014 and is remembered as a real character who, following his retirement, would turn up on occasion still carrying his accordion case. On opening it, instead of his beloved instrument, he would reveal a well-stocked cocktail bar that he would declare open as and when he chose.

Picture below of: Bobby Crowe, Frank Marocco and Gary Blair.
Bobby Crowe, Frank Marocco, Gary Blair.


Video: Stefano Indino Demonstrates the Master Digital Accordion at Coupe Mondiale - Italy

Antonella ToccaceliVideo: Stefano Indino Performance at Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Concert.

On the last Sunday of the Coupe Mondiale in Osimo, manufacturers of digital accordions had been invited by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) to contribute a performer for a concert of "expert and high level digital accordion performance".

To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Master Production, Director Antonella Toccaceli (picture right) is proud to release two new digital accordion models. One model has internal amplifier and battery and the other, digital only, weighs a mere 6 kilos.

Performing with Stefano Indino is percussionist Massimo Carrano. Since a young age, Stefano Indino has pursued a dual career, as a sound engineer, recording studio producer as well as accordion teacher, accordion entertainer.


A Lovely Story: Accidental Friendship That Lasts, Via Reddit - USA

masemjThis lovely story was published yesterday in the New Zealand Herald Sideswipe column by Ana Samways, Via Reddit. It involves accordion, so we have also published it. Enjoy.

When I was 23, a random old guy in his 70s sat next to me on the train one day. I was listening to music at the time but didnt want to come across as rude so I switched off my iPod, struck up some crap conversation about the weather and we started to chat.

He asked about my music taste and if I played any instruments. I play violin, guitar and piano and my granddad plays accordion and his eyes lit up when I mentioned this. Turns out that he composed both classical music and Scottish country dance music, however he was not great at playing the required instruments and had never heard his composition being played, he had only imagined what it would sound like.

We exchanged phone numbers and addresses before we parted ways and he sent me some sheet music of a song that he had composed with violin and accordion parts. My granddad and I got together and practised the music and surprised the man with a visit, instruments in tow.

Guy was bawling like a baby when he heard his music being played and said, apart from his wedding day, it was the best day of his life! He said that when I started chatting to him that day that I restored his faith in the younger generation and he will be forever grateful for my friendship.

That was almost 10 years ago and him and my granddad now get on like a house on fire! I still see him regularly and we exchange cards at Christmas. (Via Reddit)


Sasusi Trio (France) in Jazz Category - Italy

The Sasusi Trio (France) took part in the new Jazz Category J on 15th September using two Roland accordions. The competition was held on a stage in the Piazza della Repubblica (Town Square) of Castelfidardo.

See video of other competitors in the Jazz category at: http://www.accordions.com/concorso/2017/15.htm


Future events

JAC & Co Concerts, Philadelphia - USA

Jacques Pellarin (accordion) and Corrine Pellarin (vocals), known as the duo JAC & Co, are on another tour in the USA. On Friday October 6th they perform their French music at A la Maison French Bistro Restaurant, Philadelphia. Admission is free.

On Sunday October 8th, with shows at 6pm, 7.30pm, and 9pm, they are at the Paris Bistro in Philadelphia.

Jacques and Corrine Pellarin live in Savoie, France, and perform regularly in Switzerland, as well as the UK, Germany, and the USA.

“We are happy to share some French culture through icons such as Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, Yves Montand and Juliette Greco and take the public to St. Germain des Pres in the 1950s and ’60s or the Champs-Elysees,” says Jacques Pellarin, who plays the accordion in the duo. “The public likes to sing along with us!”


CNIMA J. Mornet Accordion Shows, Paris – France

CNIMA J. Mornet header
Salon de l'AccordéonCNIMA J.Mornet presents a show titled Salon de l'Accordéon on Saturday October 7th, 10am until 8pm, and Sunday 8th, 10am until 6pm, at La Bellevilloise, 75020 Paris, France.

The two days involve concerts, accordion demonstrations, and a trade show.


Joe Soprani Concerts, Two Trios Concerts, PA - USA

Joe SopraniJoe Soprani concerts:

October 7 and 8 - Two Trios Concerts

Joe Soprani is performing in a trio setting with mandolin and guitar. The Mandolin Society of Philadelphia presents the Connecticut-based Hampton Trio and the Philadelphia-based Sycamore Muse Trio in concert together.

The October 7 concert will be presented at 8:00 PM in the Whittier Room, in the Swarthmore Friends Meeting House, on the campus of Swarthmore College, 500 College Ave, Swarthmore, PA 19081.

The October 8 concert will be presented at 3:00 PM at the Ethical Society Building on Rittenhouse Square, in Center City, Philadelphia.

Joseph Soprani music arrangements at: www.musicforaccordion.com/inform/jsoprani/


‘Harvest Music and Party’, California – USA

On Saturday October 7th, 4pm to 8pm, there is a ‘Harvest Music and Party’ event at D'Argenzio Winery, 1301 Cleveland Ave, Santa Rosa, California. The event includes newly released hand-crafted wines, live music, dancing, and an Italian feast! The entertainers include accordionists Steve Albini and Fabio Turchetti.


CNIMA J.Mornet Deux cycles de masterclasses - France

CNIMA J. Mornet logo
CNIMA J.Mornet Deux cycles de masterclasses avec prise en charge totale.

Impro, harmonie, arrangements, styles, compo, ... Faire un bond avec de grands pros.

Ludovic Beier
Développer ses capacités d'improvisation et de styles ; jazz, musique actuelles, world, ...
5 sessions de 2 jours réparties sur l'année, de janvier à juin. Tous instruments.

André et Christian Mornet
"Techniques de création musicale" : renouveler ses impros, harmoniser, arranger, composer.
7 sessions de 2 jours et 1/2, de décembre à mai. Tous instruments.

Sessions en pension complète avec prise en charge totale y compris frais de route possible, si intermittent(e) et 48 cachets mini sur deux ans. Anne vous aidera à monter votre dossier (Attention !!! Délai 1 mois).
Extraits vidéo des 2 thémes


Noche de Internacional de Acordeones, Nogoyá - Argentina

Noche de Internacional de AcordeonesThe 4th ‘Noche de Internacional de Acordeones’ is an evening accordion event taking place on Saturday October 7th in Nogoyá, a city in the province of Entre Ríos, Argentina.

The evening includes events at the Plaza Libertad at 6pm and the Comienzo Asociation Cultural at 9pm.

Many local accordionists will be performing, and international players include the highly accomplished Silvio Previale (Uruguay) and Ignacio Hernandez (Chile).


Lacides Romero Concert, San Francisco de Sales, Colombia

Lacides Romero ConcertClassical accordionist Lacides Romero performs in concert on Saturday October 7th, 6.33pm, at the Sala de Conciertos del Claustro, San Francisco, Colombia. Entrance is free.

For further information email: lacidesromero@gmail.com


Santa Maria Accordion Band Concert, Valletta – Malta

Santa Maria Accordion Band
On Saturday October 7th, 7pm, the Santa Maria Accordion Band (MD Marthese Bussutil Cassar L.B.C.A) performs in concert at the Notte Bianca Villagg, Valletta, Malta’s biggest annual arts and culture festival.

The Santa Maria Accordion Band is led by one of the foremost accordion teachers and band director Marthese Busuttil Cassar L.B.C.A. The band’s major goal is enjoyment by all players and audiences, and to promote this beautiful instrument, the accordion. It was founded in 1992, is the only one of its kind in Malta, and this year it is celebrating their 25th anniversary. During these years the Santa Maria Accordion Band has performed in various celebrations, community events, church services, national events, and concert halls. This year the band held the first Accordion Festival in Malta. This was on Easter Monday where local and foreign accordionists took part. It was so well received by the audience that the band is organising another festival next year.

For further information email: mtbusuttil@yahoo.com


Erika’s Sunday Afternoon Dance Date, Silenrieux – Belgium

ErikaOn Sunday October 8th, 12noon, the popular musette accordionist Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie, play for a dinner-dance at the restaurant ‘A La Salle La Silene’, Silenrieux, Belgium.

Erika Honorez is from Tilly, a village close to Villers La Ville in Belgium. She comes from a musical family, and received her first accordion at the age of 5 years. Erika's teacher was Mr Franz Lebrun from the Brussels Conservatory, and she studied the theory of music and classical music, and then specialized in the musette genre. Since 1981 Erika has been performing, composing, and recording. She has appeared on radio and TV in Belgium and France. Erika has recorded many CDs and DVDs, which are available through her website.

For further information email: erika@erika.be


Jean Luc Vicente Tea Dance, Leucate - France

Jean Luc VicenteMusette accordionist Jean Luc Vicente, celebrating 25 years as a professional musician, entertains at a tea dance at the Restaurant la table de Lily, Leucate, France, on Sunday October 8th, 2pm.

For further information email: jl.vicente@sfr.fr


Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic Concert, St. Andrä - Austria

Klaus Paier & Asja ValcicThe accordion/cello duo Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic perform their ‘Timeless Suite’ in concert on Thursday October 12th, 6.30pm, at the St. Andrä / Lav., Domkirche, concert for the exhibition opening "Britta Keber & Franco Kappl".


Mazaika ‘Russian and Gypsy music and dancing’ Concert, London - UK

MazaikaThe duo Mazaika – Igor Outkine (accordion, vocals) and Elizabeth Harrison (violin) – perform Russian and Gypsy music on Saturday October 14th, 8pm, at Bethnal Green Working Men's Club, 42-46 Pollard Row, Bethnal Green, London E2 6NB - 5 minutes walk from Bethnal Green tube station. Licensed bar, food (burgers, steaks, fish and chips, chicken wings). Tickets: £15 in advance, £20 on the door.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Ferran Martinez Concert, Barcelona – Spain

Ferran MartinezOn Sunday October 22nd, 7pm, Spanish accordionist Ferran Martinez performs a solo concert at the Auditori Pepita Selles, c/entença, 218, Barcelona.

Programme: ‘Under Paris Skies’ – Hubert Giraud, ‘Carnival of Venice’ - Pietro Frosini, ‘Tango for Claude’ – Richard Galliano, ‘Concert de Aranjuez’ - J. Rodrigo, ‘Tritsch-Tratsch Polka’ - J. Strauss, ‘Voices of Spring’ – J. Strauss, ‘Summer’ from the ‘Four Seasons’ – A. Vivaldi, ‘Romance’ - F. Angelis, ‘Topic and variations of an Ukrainian theme’ – A. Kazakov, ‘Don Rhapsody’ - V. Semionov

Ferran Martinez, born in 1971, is a graduate of the Barcelona Conservatory. He plays solo classical concerts and is a member of the Cavall Bernat group, performing Catalan popular music. He is also both an accordion and computer teacher.

For further information email: ferranbayan@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Giemme Bellows Intervista "Conoscere le Persone", Castelfidardo - Italia

Know the People Giemme Interview
Giemme Bellows logo"Conoscere le Persone" Intervista a: 2017Giemme
con: Giemme Bellows, Gianfranco Marincioni (Proprietario) e Sabrina Alba (Proprietario).
Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl

"Conoscere le Persone" di Castelfidardo che hanno reso questa piccola città così famosa in tutto il mondo per i loro prodotti di qualità della fisarmonica. Intervista a: 2017Giemme

Foto sotto: Gianfranco Marincioni e Sabrina Alba.
Gianfranco Marincioni (Owner) Sabrina Alba (Owner)


Renzo Ruggieri New Release: Accordion Kids (ten pieces) eBook - Italy

Accordion KidsRenzo RuggieriRenowned accordionist, teacher and composer Renzo Ruggieri has just released a new eBook (.pdf file able to be sent to you by email) titled Accordion Kids Catalog rrenzo512

Renzo Ruggieri writes: "Accordion Kids features progressive songs for young accordion students. From first notes, to small imitations of animals, to singular genres such as Disco, Baroque and Blues. The use of the left hand loses regularity in the accompaniment (march / waltz / tango) to bring the young player closer to the new rhythms of the present times."

Price is only 10 Euro (or USD$ equivalent) for these exciting young childrens compositions that are a "must have", for every teacher of young children. Available online at Catalog: rrenzo512


Gary Dahl Releases El Choclo Tango Arrangement - USA

Gary DahlGary Dahl has released an arrangement of the very famous tango El Choclo composed by Ángel Villoldo. Catalog: DH0262

El Choclo is one of the most popular tangos in Argentina and worldwide. The music has been performed and recorded by numerous bands, orchestras and accordion soloists all over the world. You can view a sample page at: Catalog: DH0262

Also, Gary Dahl announces an update of the arrangement of Ashokan, made famous from the PBS Series Soundtrack, The Civil War. Further information about Ashokan (US$5.95) including a sample page is at Catalog: DH0257

Gary Dahl now has released 218 arrangements and 10 great value eBooks in recent years with information at: Gary Dahl


Hotel Almost Sold Out for Las Vegas International Accordion Convention - USA

Las Vegas International Convention Header
Prof. Joan SommersThis year the Las Vegas International Accordion Convention (LVAC) hotel is actually sold out - BUT what I was able to do, was hold a group of rooms in my name - so there are a limited number of rooms available directly from me.

If you contact me direct, I can book the room for you at the convention rate of $39/$47 - deluxe/premium room. This small block of rooms is available until they are sold, so I am urging those who want to come, to contact me immediately at:
1-800-472-1695 (+01 486-1695) or
email me at: paul@accordionstars.com

There is going to be an amazing "Tribute to Dick Contino" and you can read all about that at: www.accordionusa.com/#art3111
and see how three stars, Grayson Masefield, Stas Venglevski and Cory Pesaturo are also part of this exciting tribute arranged by Joan Sommers (picture right) as the Finale of the 2017 Convention.

The stars listed in the banner above include Gordon Kohl who is to be presented the 2017 Honorary Director Award. He joins a renowned family of musicians in this exclusive club that includes Art Van Damme, Dick Contino, Myron Floren, Gina Brannelli, Joan Sommers, Peter Soave, Iona Reed Pukara, Walter Ostanek, Carl Fortina, Pete Barbutti, Frank Marocco, Angelo Di Pippo, Jeff Lisenby, Joey Miskulin, Stas Venglevski, Mary Tokarski, and Mario Pedone.

For more information about the Las Vegas International Accordion Convention, please visit: www.accordionstars.com "


Franco Cambareri Composition Tristesse Available Online - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released online his composition Tristesse (Tristezza) which he describes as a "Beautiful Sentimental Bossa Nova" of grade 3 level.

Listen to a sound sample of the music and view sample page at: Catalog cfranco231


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