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Weekly News from Around the World - 06-Nov-2009
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60ème anniversaire de Alexander Skliarov Festival "les jeunes talents et stars de la Russie", Koursk - Russie
Méga concert de trois Accordéonistes célèbres, Tokyo - Japon
2009 Trophée Mondial DVD Neuf Disponible - Portugal
6eme Festival Klezmore de Vienne 2009 - Autriche
Klaus Paier et Asja Valcic au European Music Festival, Hanoi et Hô Chi Minh-Ville - Vietnam
Grayson Masefield Victoires Aimes Award - Nouvelle-Zélande

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New CD ‘Nuevo Mundo Duo’, Bogota - Colombia
Norwegian-Lithuanian Accordion Concert, Vilnius – Lithuania
Gordon Pattullo’s New DVD, Scotland – UK

Future events

Milos Milivojevic Recital, Cambridge – UK
Organ and Accordion Concert, Auckland – New Zealand
Ludovic Beier to Demonstrate the Roland FR7X, New Jersey - USA
Yuri Shishkin Concert, Shanghai – China
Dolina Polish Folk Dancers 60th Anniversary Concert, Minnesota – USA
Harry Hussey at Lindum AC, Lincolnshire – UK
Victor Prieto Concerts, New York - USA
‘Accordions Against Cancer’, California – USA

New and Updated Sites

November Diatonic News Online 1st November
November USA News on 1st November
Available 2009 Coupe Mondiale Video Download
CIA Website Updated With Winter Congress Information

CD Reviews

Acco Duo Romance

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60ème anniversaire de Alexander Skliarov Festival "les jeunes talents et stars de la Russie", Koursk - Russie

Alexander SkliarovCe festival dédié à l'accordéon bayan en circulation Alexander Skliarov joueur russe a eu lieu à Koursk en Octobre 20 au 22 mai. L'organisateur est Galina Gutorova, Directeur du Centre méthodique de l'Education, «Creative School Master Class" - la CIA et membre de l'AMC (CMA) - et «Zénith» de la Banque.

Beaucoup d'accordéonistes les plus célèbres de la Russie participent à cet événement, deux concerts et d'ateliers, et un rapport complet en anglais et en russe avec des photos est lié - Kursk Festival 2009


Méga concert de trois Accordéonistes célèbres, Tokyo - Japon

Richard Galliano, Frank Marocco and CobaPour marquer le 90e anniversaire de Victoria accordéon (Victoria Accordions), un concert vraiment superlative a été organisée - un méga-événement avec trois accordéonistes très célèbre ensemble sur scène, l'autorisation Megura Hall, un théâtre de 1200 places à l'acoustique excellente, à Tokyo.

Les trois étaient Richard Galliano (France), Frank Marocco (USA) et Coba (Japon), qui a enchanté le public avec un programme de concert d'une durée approximative de 2 heures.

Un rapport complet du concert, en anglais et en allemand ainsi que les photographies est lié - Victoria Tokyo 2009.


2009 Trophée Mondial DVD Neuf Disponible - Portugal

CMA video pictureUn DVD de trois catégories Mondial Trophée 2009 est maintenant disponible. Le DVD sera envoyé par courrier aérien, et est la taille de l'image de YouTube et de qualité pour un prix de seulement € 50 plus 5 € frais de port.

Vous pouvez lire le DVD sur votre ordinateur, idéale pour les professeurs et aux élèves de voir le style, la technique et le répertoire utilisé lors de cette compétition internationale au Portugal. Un must pour tous les enseignants avec les élèves avancés et ceux participant à des compétitions nationales et internationales.

Pour plus de renseignements, consultez le site Web de 2009 DVD Trophée Mondial (CMA)


6eme Festival Klezmore de Vienne 2009 - Autriche

Klezmore posterLe 6e Festival de Vienne Klezmore se tiendra du 7th Novembre à 23. Il ya quelque 25 concerts / évènements de ce festival rempli de musique Klezmer dans toute sa diversité, avec le slogan "les anciennes routes, New Ways" et un accent important sur tout ce que le mot «plus» signifie!

Le Festival 6e Klezmore offre en outre à tous les moments musicaux, un programme cadre large avec un design créatif et intellectuel, pour une fête vraiment créatif.

Il existe un Pass Festival qui est une grande valeur pour tous les festivaliers aussi.

Pour plus d'information, e-mail organisateur Friedl Preisl: friedl.preisl@aon.at


Klaus Paier et Asja Valcic au European Music Festival, Hanoi et Hô Chi Minh-Ville - Vietnam

Klaus Paier and Asja ValcicAccordéoniste autrichien et bandonéon Klaus Paier et croate violoncelliste Asja Valcic ensemble jouer dans le festival européen de la musique au Vietnam, avec des concerts à Hanoi le 3 Décembre, et à Hô Chi Minh-Ville, sur Décembre 6ème.

Le duo présentera des pièces de leur dernier CD «À Deux ', qui a été publié plus tôt cette année.

Klaus Paier a étudié l'accordéon, le jazz et la composition au Conservatoire de Klagenfurt, et son jeu a été influencé par musette français, argentin tango, la danse des Balkans et jazz. Il a été particulièrement inspiré par des instrumentistes de jazz comme Keith Jarrett, Bill Evans, Charles Mingus et Thelonious Monk.


Grayson Masefield Victoires Aimes Award - Nouvelle-Zélande

Grayson Masefield
2009 vainqueur de la CIA Coupe Mondiale Grayson Masefield était muni d'un billet d'avion depuis la France vers la Nouvelle-Zélande pour effectuer le 31 Octobre pour le club de North Harbour Annual Black Tie Dinner at the Bruce Mason Centre à Takapuna. Ce fut le lieu où Grayson a remporté la Coupe Mondiale et de la catégorie Virtuoso Entertainment en août de cette année.

Aimes Les prix sont de classe mondiale pour aider les jeunes dans tous les domaines des arts, de musique ou les sports et la compétition pour le premier prix est extrêmement compétitif avec les sportifs gagner souvent. Grayson a été décerné NZ $ 10,000 (environ 7.500 dollars) comme le gagnant du premier prix, pour la première fois un accordéoniste n'a jamais atteint la finale.

Ce fut une bonne promotion pour l'accordéon et un moment de grande fierté pour la Côte-Nord-né Masefield Grayson (Grayson Masefield), qui sera présenté ce prix prestigieux, devant autant de gens importants Côte-Nord.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New CD ‘Nuevo Mundo Duo’, Bogota - Colombia

Nuevo Munco Duo CDOn October 29th the Nuevo Mundo Duo, Lacides Romero –accordion, and Francisco Rivera - clarinet, performed in concert at ‘Fundacion Santillana para Iberoamerica’ in Bogota.

At this concert they presented their new CD, which aims to rescue from oblivion some forgotten Latin American and Caribbean works from the 19th and 20th Centuries - a meeting with their cultural roots.

There are rhythms from Brazil, Cuba and Colombia: Brazilian "maxixes and choros", from 1884 to 1920, Cuban "country dances" from 1836 to 1890, Colombian "pasillos and dances" from 1925 to 2008. In this recording, the accordion and clarinet are accompanied by Gabriel León - percussion, Ricardo Zapata - cavaquinho, and William Romero – tiple.

For further information email: lacidesromero@yahoo.com


Norwegian-Lithuanian Accordion Concert, Vilnius – Lithuania

Norwegian-Lithuanian Accordion
A joint Norwegian-Lithuanian accordion concert, with folk dance performances by a Lithuanian dance team, took place on Wednesday, October 7th in the multifunctional hall of the Embassy of Finland in Vilnius. There were performances by the Sandnes Accordion Orchestra, from Norway, and the Lithuanian accordion orchestra Consona. The musicians and dancers presented an eclectic mix of music and dance from the two countries.

Consona had participated at the Norwegian Accordion Championships in Sandnes last year, and this was an opportunity for the Norwegian orchestra to return the visit.

After a welcome speech by Ambassador Steinar Gil, the Sandnes Accordion Orchestra (MD Tore Koppang) gave the first performance, playing traditional Norwegian and Nordic music. Their conductor, Tore Koppang, also played a trumpet solo of an arrangement of a traditional tune. Their performance was accompanied with folk dancing by the Lithuanian dancers.

The accordion orchestra Consona is made up of music teachers from the Vilnius region, and consists of seventeen accordionists, a drummer, and conductor Rita Auksoriute. They played classical as well as popular music, and during some numbers accompanied the opera singer Natalja Krauter.

The last performance of the evening involved both accordion orchestras playing the winner of this year’s Eurovision song, Aleksander Rybak's ‘I’m in love with a fairytale’. Ambassador Steinar Gil finally thanked the musicians for their contributions, and was presented with a gift from the Mayor of Sandnes. The Ambassador of Denmark to Lithuania, Laurids Mikaelsen, also thanked the musicians, and on his first visit congratulated the Embassies of Finland and Norway on their new premises.


Gordon Pattullo’s New DVD, Scotland – UK

Gordon PattulloLeading Scottish accordionist Gordon Pattullo has released his second DVD, ‘Gordon Pattullo his Accordion & Friends, Volume 2’. Music tracks include The Rakes Of Kildare jigs set; Pipe Medley; Caroline's Waltz; Hoedown set; Margaret's Waltz; Fiddle Reels; The Water is Wide; The folks a' ca' me Robbie; Ridin' the Fiddle; The Northlands; Martelette; The Laird O' Dunblair and The Mason's Apron; Ashokan Farewell.

The new DVD features Gordon Pattullo, his band, some special guests, and some of Perthshire’s finest scenery. In addition to music, there are features about the local giant Clydesdale horses, crook making, dry stone walling, making small pipes (with Fin Moore), and accordion repairs (by John Carmichael). Introductions and narration is by Bill Torrance.

The DVD was launched on November 1st at a sell out concert in the Red House Hotel, Coupar Angus, Perthshire.

For further information email: gordonpattullo@hotmail.com


Future events

Milos Milivojevic Recital, Cambridge – UK

Milos MilivojevicAccordionist Milos Milivojevic performs a recital at the Caius Bateman Auditorium, Cambridge, on Saturday November 7th, 1.15pm to 2.15pm.

His programme includes: Vlasov: ‘Five views on country Gulag’, Scarlatti: ‘Four Sonatas’, and Piazzolla: ‘Adios Nonio’, ‘Sarasate: Introduction and Tarantella’. The concert is organised by the Gonville and Caius Music Society.

Serbian born Milos Milivojevic is a first prize winner at International Competitions in Germany, France, Italy and Denmark, and in July 2007 he became the first accordionist ever to win the RAM Club Prize at the Royal Academy of Music, London. After completing his studies in Kragujevac Music School with Vojin Vasovic, in 2002 he moved to London to study at the Royal Academy of Music with Professor Owen Murray.


Organ and Accordion Concert, Auckland – New Zealand

Stephen VincentOn Sunday November 8th, 2.30pm, organists Murray Jenkin and Stephen Vincent are giving a concert of organ music at St Luke's Church, 130 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland. They will perform works by Mendelssohn, Haydn, Elgar, Purcell, Handel, Mathias, Murrill, Leighton, Sumsion and Rawsthorne.

There will also be a guest appearance by accordionist Stephanie Poole, performing the solo keyboard part of Handel's ‘Keyboard Concerto Op. 4, No.6’.


Ludovic Beier to Demonstrate the Roland FR7X, New Jersey - USA

Ludovic BeierFrench accordionist Ludovic Beier will demonstrate the new Roland RF7X at the Holiday Inn, Route 46, Totowa, Clifton, NJ, on November 8th, 1pm until 5pm. The event is organized by Music Magic, and there is no admission charge.

For further information email: info@MusicMagicUSA.com


Yuri Shishkin Concert, Shanghai – China

Yuri ShishkinOn November 10th, the famous accordionist from Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Yuri Shishkin will perform in the Concert Hall of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (CHINA). Yuri Shishkin is an Honorary Professor of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

His Shanghai concert program will be:
?. Kusiakov - Sonata No.5 ‘Monologue about the Eternity’
S. Prokofiev - Scherzo & March from the Opera ‘Love for Three Oranges’
S. Rakhmaninov – ‘Barcarolle’
I. Khandoshkin - Rondo ‘La Chasse’, from Concerto for Viola & Orchestra in C major
P. Tchaikovsky - ‘Romance in f-moll’
M. Mussorgsky - Scherzo ‘Children Game – Ugolki’
M. Mussorgsky - Varlaam Song from the Opera ‘Boris Godunov’


Dolina Polish Folk Dancers 60th Anniversary Concert, Minnesota – USA

Dolina Polish Folk DancerThe Dolina Polish Folk Dancers 60th Anniversary Concert takes place on November 7th, 7pm, at St. Anthony Village High School, 3303 33rd St NE, St. Anthony Village, MN 55418. Artistes appearing include the St. Mary's Balalaika Orchestra, Izvorasul Romanian Folk Ensemble, Sloneczniki Children's Polish Folk Dance Group, and the Chabry Teen Polish Folk Dance Group.

For further information email: mossak@popp.net


Harry Hussey at Lindum AC, Lincolnshire – UK

Harry HusseyJazz accordionist Harry Hussey is the guest artiste at Lindum Accordion Club, Wragby Town Hall, near Horncastle, Lincolnshire, on November 18th, 8pm.

Harry Hussey, one of Britain’s most capable and popular accordionists, is endeavouring to perform in every accordion club in England during his 80th year.

For further information email: harry.hussey@btinternet.com


Victor Prieto Concerts, New York - USA

Victor PrietoNew York-based Spanish jazz accordionist Victor Prieto will be performing during November as follows:

November 7th – with Lina Orfanos in Missouri, St Louis
10th, 7pm – with the New Tango Trio, Atlantis Jazz Cruise NY, Pier 81, West 41st Street at 12th Ave, New York City
14th – with Emilio Solla and the New York Tango Conspiracy, Brooklyn Conservatory, NY
28th, 7pm and 9pm – with the Victor Prieto Trio at La Lanterna, 129 MacDougal St, New York, NY 10012

‘Rollo-Coaster’ is the title of a new CD by Victor Prieto and bass player Chris Cheek, which should be published by the end of November. Victor comments that “Chris Cheek and me are really happy with the results of our second work”.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


‘Accordions Against Cancer’, California – USA

‘Accordions Against Cancer’ is a benefit concert for the Women’s Cancer Resource Center of Oakland, taking place on November 12th, 8pm, at Ashkenaz, 1317 San Pablo, Berkeley, CA.

Performers include Culann’s Hounds and Big Lou’s Casserole, with special guests including David Gans and Val Romero, and members of Circus Bella. This dance and concert will feature accordion based music from all over the world, including Tex-Mex, polka, Irish, French, Slovenian, German, tango, Polish, and Zydeco.

There will be a big raffle with great prizes, including many signed first edition books, a stay at the Hotel Monaco, and dinners at wonderful restaurants. The Women’s Cancer Resource Center is an organization that provides direct services to women with cancer as well as advocating for broad changes in the health care system.


New and Updated Sites

November Diatonic News Online 1st November

Diatonic banner
The November Diatonic News will be online on the 1st November.


November USA News on 1st November

USA news logoThe USA News for November will be online on the 1st November.


Available 2009 Coupe Mondiale Video Download

CMA Video pictureA DVD of three 2009 Trophée Mondial categories is now available from the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) website. The 59ème Trophée Mondial de l'Accordéon was held in Albufeira, Portugal, 23rd to 26th September 2009.

The DVD of this competition will be sent to you by airmail, and is of youtube size picture and quality for a price of only €50 plus €5 postage from the CMA website.


CIA Website Updated With Winter Congress Information

CIA logoThe Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Website has been updated with Winter Congress Information including a submit form for attendance.


CD Reviews

Acco Duo Romance

Romance CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Acco Duo Romance” by Joan C. Sommers. Performer is Miran Vaupotic and Ivana Levak Vaupotic.


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