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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 06-Dec-2019
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第三十一届“巴扬和巴扬演奏者”国际音乐节,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯
CIA冬季大会,2020年2月28日至3月1日,布拉格 - 捷克
Efrem Podgaits 70周年音乐会 - 俄罗斯
Rob Howard 发行了手风琴选集2,斯托克波特 - 英国


Semion Schmelkov 先生手风琴大师班 - 奥地利
Prime Time Tejano Award Show Honors Flaco Jimenez and Max Baca – USA
Brandon McPhee Brand New Christmas Song


“Skerryvore”冬季友人之旅 - 苏格兰
Victor Prieto Performances and Master Classes in San Antonio, Texas – USA
手风琴家 Semir Sammy Hasic 二重奏举行音乐会 - 斯洛文尼亚
Fiorindo Martinati Performs 10th Anniversary Concert - France
Candlelight Christmas Concert with Mario Tacca & Mary Mancini in New York – USA
Pascal Contet二重奏组在巴黎举行音乐会 - 法国
Alex Meixner Band Performs at Christmas Party in Florida - USA
Romano Viazzani Performs at Christmas Show in Chelsea - England
Christmas Day Performance in Krefeld - Germany


Renzo Ruggieri 发行 Il Tuo Sguardo 乐谱 - 意大利

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第三十一届“巴扬和巴扬演奏者”国际音乐节,莫斯科 - 俄罗斯

Bayan poster
Renzo Ruggieri, Arseniy Strokovskiy艺术总监 Friedrich Lips 和组织者 Alexander Gataullin 一起欢迎大家参加于2019年12月11日至15日在位于莫斯科的俄罗斯格涅辛音乐学院音乐厅举行的第三十一届“巴扬和巴扬主义者”国际音乐节。

2019音乐会时间表 - 每个音乐会的海报和节目单,网址为:2019Moscow

12月11日 - 开幕音乐会
多姆拉和管弦乐队的 Efrem Podgaits 70周年音乐会以及巴扬交响乐队的2号音乐会 “Vivavoce” 将由 Ekaterina Mochalova 和 Aidar Salakhov 进行表演,伴奏者是俄罗斯格涅辛音乐学院的俄罗斯灵魂乐团,艺术指导和指挥则是 Vladimir Shkurovsky。

第二部分将介绍来自世界各地的独特和声。你可以听到 巴赫、肖邦、加格里亚诺、皮亚佐拉、威廉姆斯 和其他作曲家的作品,其中相关乐器包括手风琴,印度口琴,英式六角琴,德国口琴,非洲安比里琴,班德琴,中国笙和键钮式手风琴。独奏家 Pyotr Tkachenko 和 Sergey Soimenov 将得到以 Lyudmila Zykina 命名的俄罗斯国立学院民乐团“俄罗斯”的支持,该团的艺术总监兼指挥家为 Dmitry Dmitrienko 。

Stravinsky,M.Mussorgsky 和 A.Na-Yun-Kin。独奏者是国际比赛的获奖者 Yuri Kononov,他是西伯利亚学校的代表。

A. Vivaldi,I. Albeniz 和 S. Prokofiev 的作品将由 Nikita Syrchin 和 Vladimir Anikin 组合的 Krasnoyarsk 二重奏进行表演。

Evgeny Derbenko Pavel Ukhanov,Anton Lukyanovsky,Pavel Fomin,Nikita Tabaev 和斯图皮诺爱乐乐团的俄罗斯民间乐团“俄罗斯旋律”70周年纪念日,艺术总监兼指挥家 Aleksey Sysoev 将表演 Evgeny Derbenko 的作品。

Yuri Shishkin 将表演 J. Rossini, Yu. Zarembsky, Viatcheslav Semionov , G. Gontarenko, V. Vlasov,J. Bizet 和 A. Marquez 的作品。世界杯电子手风琴类别的银牌得主 Stanislav Malyshev 参加了音乐会。

作曲家和手风琴家 Artyom Nizhnik 将表演 J.S. Bach, O. Messian, S. Rachmaninov, Franck Angelis 和 J. Bizet 以及他自己的作品

现代马加丹作曲家 Alexander Nagaev,独奏家 Mikhail Burlakov 创作的手风琴,室内乐团和打击乐交响曲《20世纪末大交响曲》;
以及著名的莫斯科作曲家和手风琴演奏家 Roman Galiev 的中提琴,手风琴和室内乐团的音乐会作品。
独奏家:Michiru Soeda(中提琴,德国-日本)和 Arseniy Strokovskiy (手风琴,右图下)。表演者将是莫斯科室内管弦乐团季,艺术总监兼指挥家是 Vladislav Bulakhov 。

Peter Soave(班德琴,美国 - 法国)将在 RAM 的 Gnesins 室内乐团(指挥是 Andrei Rein)的陪同下表演 A. Piazzolla 的作品; Renzo Ruggieri (意大利-右图上)将与爵士三重奏 Daniel Adiyants 一起表演爵士乐和自己的作品。

活动结束后,若需查看海报,活动单和完整报道,请点击: 2019Moscow
festival poster


CIA冬季大会,2020年2月28日至3月1日,布拉格 - 捷克

CIA Winter congress banner
Winter congress logo2020年2月28日至3月1日,第143届 CIA 国际手风琴家联合会 (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes CIA) 冬季大会将在捷克共和国布拉格 Sokolovská138 的奥林匹克饭店举行。

大会由 CIA 投票成员布拉格音乐学院的指导 JiríLukeš 主持策划。


想要获得 CIA 特价酒店入住价,请在2020年2月15日之前进行预订。在线报名网址:http://www.accordions.com/cia/cia_winter_congress.php


Efrem Podgaits 70周年音乐会 - 俄罗斯

Efrem PodgaitsLips作为莫斯科秋季音乐节的一部分,为庆祝作曲家 Efrem Podgaits 诞辰70周年(左图),他的作品 “Double Mirror” 于11月29日在莫斯科作曲家之家的巴扬,大提琴和交响乐团音乐会上进行了演出。

表演者包括来自由指挥家 Sergey Kondrashev 指挥的 Orpheus 交响乐团,以及独奏家 Friedrich Lips (巴扬 -右图)和 Alexander Buzlov (大提琴)。

“Double Mirror” 是2016年应 Friedrich Lips 的要求创作而成的。该曲的题词是 George Eliot 的小说《中间派》(The Middlemarch)的内容:
“Like a double mirror,
The soul will give birth to rows of beautiful reflections,
Forward prolonging them and back.”

Efrem Podgaits 录制的巴扬,大提琴和交响曲协奏曲 “Double Mirror” 的录音获得了“纯音”奖,该奖项是俄罗斯学术音乐作品“ Concerto for Solo Instrument and Orchestra”类别的最佳录音奖。这段录音于2018年10月4日在莫斯科著名的柴可夫斯基音乐厅(Tchaikovsky Hall)录制。独奏者 Friedrich Lips

Lips Pure Sound Certificate


Rob Howard 发行了手风琴选集2,斯托克波特 - 英国

Book cover
Rob Howard续篇“Accordion Anthology 2”(目录 robaccord08 )介绍了与手风琴相关的文章和传记。 文章包括手风琴家庭成员,音乐厅和多样化时代的手风琴,爱护您的手风琴,Caroline的古董手风琴, Castelfidardo ,Diatonic Accordion Musings(由 George Garside 撰写),使用手风琴进行人声伴奏(由 Jack Emblow 撰写), 杰出的演奏家( Douglas Ward ),第一的女士手风琴乐队,故事与琐事,伦敦手风琴乐队 (London Accordion Orchestra) ,苏格兰的手风琴遗产,爱尔兰的手风琴遗产等等。

“ Accordion Anthology 2”是一部A4大小的高质量精装著作,其中包含375张彩色图片。


有关更多信息和线上订购 “Accordion Anthology 2”,请访问:robaccord08



New Zealand Accordion Association header
2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary Daverne新西兰手风琴协会 New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) 公布了由新西兰著名作曲家 Gary Daverne 举办的2020年国际视频比赛和手风琴音乐推广活动。


该比赛是一个免费的在线“各年龄段和国籍的手风琴家视频大赛”。一等奖可获得去新西兰参加2020年5月30日至31日南太平洋手风琴锦标赛 (South Pacific Accordion Championships) 的往返机票,地点为新西兰奥克兰。包括3晚住宿以及一些额外的音乐会/度假活动。

参赛者必须发送由 Gary Daverne 创作的一个(或多个)作品的 mp4 视频,Gary Daverne 拥有丰富的手风琴曲目,包括:
- 独奏;
- 手风琴二重奏或手风琴与另一种乐器;
- 手风琴三重奏/合奏或带弦乐合奏的手风琴;
- 手风琴管弦乐队;
- 与手风琴管弦乐队合作的手风琴独奏或与弦乐团合作的手风琴独奏,又或是与交响乐团合作的手风琴独奏。


国际评委会将包括:Gary Daverne、Kevin Friedrich、Grayson Masefield、Stephanie Poole。





Semion Schmelkov 先生手风琴大师班 - 奥地利

Semion Shmelkov & Prof. Grzegorz Stopa上图:Grzegorz Stopa 教授与大师班学生
左图:Semion Shmelkov 和 Grzegorz Stopa 教授

维也纳音乐与艺术私立大学与俄罗斯莫斯科格涅辛音乐学院合作举办了大师班,其中包括11月26日至28日俄罗斯讲师 Semion Shmelkov 的讲座和最后的音乐会。

Semion Shmelkov (克麦罗沃)曾向 Alexander Krupin 教授学习,并毕业于新西伯利亚的格林卡州立音乐学院,然后在俄罗斯莫斯科国立格涅辛音乐学院向 Friedrich Lips 教授学习巴扬演奏。 他目前在格涅辛音乐学院任教。

His lecture on the "Russian Bayan School of Friedrich Lips", not only covered the life and work of his revered teacher, but also showed video recordings of former students of the great bayanist, in order to promote and prove his musical diversity in education.

Lips has made an outstanding contribution through his 80 world premieres of new works as well as his pedagogical and musicological works, including countless recordings.

During the masterclass, Semion dealt with questions about transcriptions and interpretations of classical and contemporary works. The focus was always on the optimal sound, how the respective work can best be made to sound on the accordion. The development of the instrument as well as various playing methods by means of bellows and finger articulation result in enormous possibilities, which must be used in the design of a work in a targeted manner.

In the works of Bach, Denissow, Lundquist, Ishi, de Falla, Strauss and Majkusiak, among others, there was a lot of material for discussions in search of the optimal sound.

The students had been well prepared for the final concert by their teacher Prof. Grzegorz Stopa, but were also able to incorporate these new ideas into their performances.

Semion performed samples of his repertoire such as "No comment" (Merab Gagnidze), "Four Pieces for Accordion" (by his composer-wife Olga Tchistokina), "Aria" (Heitor Villa-Lobos) and "Military March" (Franz Schubert).

Overall, the event was very positive and one can already look forward to future cooperation between the Vienna MUK and the Moscow Gnesin Academy.

Pictures below: Semion Shmelkov , Sophie Herzog, Krzysztof Bratasz.
Semion Shmelkov, Sophie Herzog, Krzysztof Bratasz


Prime Time Tejano Award Show Honors Flaco Jimenez and Max Baca – USA

primetime poster
A Prime Time Tejano Award Show and Dance honoring “Los Texmaniacs” members, Flaco Jimenez and Max Baca took place at the H & H Ballroom in Austin, Texas on December 1st.

Leonardo "Flaco" Jiménez is a Norteño, Tex Mex and Tejano music accordionist and singer from San Antonio, Texas. Max Baca founded Grammy Award winners, "Los Texmaniacs" who play a mix of Tex-Mex, World, Roots, Texas/Rock-n-Roll, Conjunto, Country and traditional music.

Entertainment was provided by a number of artists including accordionist David Farias.


Brandon McPhee Brand New Christmas Song

Christmas is just around the corner and Brandon McPhee has just released a Christmas Promotional Single for 2019. It’s an original song written by Les Thompson from Cash Returns in Ireland. Enjoy.



“Skerryvore”冬季友人之旅 - 苏格兰

流行乐队“Skerryvore”于11月30日在 Darvel 的 Darvel 音乐节开始了他们的“冬季友人之旅(Winter with Friends Tour)”,门票一抢而空。

该乐队(包括手风琴乐手 Daniel兄弟和管乐手、笛乐手和手风琴乐手 Martin Gillespie)将现场录制巡回演唱会,并准备在2020年发行新专辑。


December 6th: The Ironworks in Inverness
December 13th: Stramash Live Music Bar in Edinburgh
December 14th: Victoria Halls in Selkirk
December 20th: Mclaren Hall in Killin
December 21st: Forfar Reid Hall in Forfar
December 28th: The Queen’s Hall in Dunoon
December 29th: Albert Halls in Stirling
December 30th: Howden Park Centre in Livingston
December 31st: Hogmany Live at Tivoli Theatre in Aberdeen
January 1st, 2020: Skye Gathering Hall in Portree
January 2nd: The Nevis Centre in Fort William

详情请发送邮件至: info@skerryvore.com
Skerryvore poster


Victor Prieto Performances and Master Classes in San Antonio, Texas – USA

Victor Prieto poster
Victor Prieto will begin a December 2019 series of performances and master classes in San Antonio, Texas on December 6th with the Thalea String Quartet.

Concerts will be held on December 6th at Impresario, at Musica Viva on December 7th and at San Fernando Cathedral on December 8th.

Outreach programs and masterclasses as follows:

December 9th:
Price Elementary at 8.30am. Phone: (210) 977-7225
Hutchins Elementary at 9.50am. Phone: (210) 977-7200
Southwest Elementary at 1.30pm. Phone: (210) 622-4420
Heartis Assisted Living & Memory Care at 4pm.

December 10th:
Benavidez Elementary at 8.20am. Phone (210) 977-7175
Kindred Elementary at 9.40am. Phone: (210) 977-7575
Athens Elementary at 11.30am. Phone: (210) 977-7055
SST Discovery at 1.30pm

December 11th:
Palo Alto Elementary at 8.30am. Phone: (210) 977-7125
Five Palms Elementary at 10am. Phone: (210) 645-3850
Kriewald Road Elementary at 1.30pm. Phone: (210) 645-7550

For details email: info@victorprieto.net


手风琴家 Semir Sammy Hasic 二重奏举行音乐会 - 斯洛文尼亚

视频:Semir Sammy Hasic (手风琴) 和 Natalija Stanisavljevic (小提琴)。
手风琴家 Semir Sammy Hasic 先生将于12月7日晚9点在斯洛文尼亚 Piran 的 Caffe Galeria Piran 与小提琴家 Natalija Stanisavljevic 举行二重奏音乐会。

Hasic 演奏曲目丰富,包括从巴赫(Bach),莫扎特(Mozart)和勃拉姆斯(Brahms)到爵士乐的各种乐曲和手风琴曲。

Semir Sammy duo


Fiorindo Martinati Performs 10th Anniversary Concert - France

Fiorindo poster
Accordionist Fiorindo Martinati will perform at the 10th anniversary of the Club Carpentier Accordion at the Dugny-sur-Meuse Hall in Dugny-sur-Meuse, France on December 15th. The concert will also be a tribute to Francis Carpentier who passed away 10 years ago.

The event promises live musette music and dancing.

For reservations phone:


Candlelight Christmas Concert with Mario Tacca & Mary Mancini in New York – USA

Mario poster
Mario & MaryThe annual Candlelight Christmas Concert with Mario Tacca and Mary Mancini (picture right) will be held at the Church of the Assumption in Peekskill, New York on December 13th at 7pm.

The event will include entertainment by Mario on accordion, Mary on vocals, the Victor Lionti String Quartet and the Assumption Youth Spirit Singers.

They will perform your favourite Christmas Hymns and Carols, as well as pieces by Bach, Vivaldi, Handel and Mozart.

Light refreshments will be served after the concert in the St. Joseph Hall.

For more information contact the Assumption Rectory at 914-737-2071


Pascal Contet二重奏组在巴黎举行音乐会 - 法国

Pascal poster
手风琴家 Pascal Contet 先生将于12月15日下午6点在巴黎 Galerie Gimpel&Muller 音乐厅与 Joëlle Léandre (低音提琴)举行音乐会。 这场音乐会旨在庆祝二重奏组合作二十五周年。

Pascal Contet 创作了约300部新作品,并以其独奏家,室内音乐家的身份以及他的唱片获得了众多奖项和众多基金奖的桂冠。 他与戏剧、电子音乐等多个专业领域的艺术家合作,创作新颖的音乐和混合媒体作品。

关于音乐会详情,请致电:06 09 68 96 98


Alex Meixner Band Performs at Christmas Party in Florida - USA

Alex M Xmas posterThe Alex Meixner Band will entertain at the American German Club of Palm Beach’s annual Christmas Party on December 14th in Lake Worth, Florida.

The event will include high energy Christmas and German favorites, a visit from Santa plus some great food.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Romano Viazzani Performs at Christmas Show in Chelsea - England

Romano ViazzaniAccordionist Romano Viazzani will perform at the “Joanna Strand & Friends Christmas Show” next month. The show will be held at The Pheasantry in Chelsea, London, on December 21st at 7pm.

The show will include seasonal treats, comedy and song with new and exciting jazz arrangements by vocalist Joanna Strand, Romano on accordion along with John Bailey (piano), Jason Reeve (drums), Alec Dankworth (double bass) and guest vocalists Rebecca Cooper and Lily Mansfield.

For booking information phone: 020 7439 4962


Christmas Day Performance in Krefeld - Germany

Robber HotzenplotzMarko KasslAccordionist Marko Kassl will play at a Christmas Day performance at the Theatre Krefeld in Krefeld, Germany on December 25th at 3pm.

The event will feature “Der Räuber Hotzenplotz” (The Robber Hotzenplotz) which is based on a character in a series of books by children’s author Otfried Preußler. A film was also made about the characters.

Additional performances will be held at the same venue as follows:
December 10th at 10am and 11.45am
December 12th at 10am and 11.45am
December 13th at 10.30am
December 19th at 10.30am

For details email: info@marko-kassl.de



Renzo Ruggieri 发行 Il Tuo Sguardo 乐谱 - 意大利

Renzo Ruggieri
Click to play sound file:
Renzo RuggieriValentino è Tango album coverRenzo Ruggieri 的 ll Tuo Sguardo 乐曲,目录: rrenzo521 ,是 “Valentino è Tango” 专辑,目录: rruggieri11 , 的标准低音手风琴的转录,适用于爵士探戈/virtuoso手风琴。

现在发行的 Renzo Ruggieri 作品《ll Tuo Sguardo》, 目录:rrenzo521(独奏)pdf格式的活页乐谱在专辑编排层面上有即兴演奏。 这首曲子很难演奏,但是由于高效率效的旋律,使其很适合被演奏于音乐会场合和国际比赛。

目录: rrenzo518 Valentango(独奏)乐谱.pdf格式。 “Valentango”是取材自节目“ Valentino è Tango!”的作品。 致敬给 鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺 的传奇和探戈的历史


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