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Weekly News from Around the World - 05-Mar-2021
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Coba tritt beim 3.11 Wohltätigkeitskonzert auf, Tokio - Japan
Virtuelle Präsentation: Linda Soley Reed AAA Lifetime Achievement Award - USA
Online: Ghenadie Rotari Konzert _Die Kunst der Akkordeontranskription_ - Italien
Leavenworth Internationale Akkordeon-Feier 2021 - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Trio Basarab Balkan Music Concert – Spain
Semion Shmelkov's Class Concert in Moscow – Russia
New Works For Accordion Ensemble/Orchestra Released by Gary Daverne
New Video: “Dreamy Harmonica” by Andreas Terzer & Hanspeter Nocker - Italy
Cancelled: Tag der Harmonika 2021 - Austria
Video: Brazilian Accordion Panorama

Future events

Online: “Tunes in the Hoose” March Sessions - Scotland
Online: Duo "In Vento" Concert, Manosque - France
Alex Meixner Band at St Patrick’s Day Shindig - USA
Canterbury Accordion Association "Jam Session", Christchurch - New Zealand
Online: Concert “The Joys of Spring” by John Kirkpatrick – UK
Bridge & Wolak play "Gankino Concerto" in USA & Canada
CNIMA Celtic Music Workshop - France

Childrens Corner

Kokkola Childrens Concert - Finland

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association
New Website: Accordion House New Site - New Zealand
Updated Site: Exciting Renzo Ruggieri New Releases - Italy
Updated Site: Antonio Spaccarotella - Italy
Updated Site: 2021 Accordion Examination Board of NZ (AEBNZ) - New Zealand
Updated: Russian News

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Coba tritt beim 3.11 Wohltätigkeitskonzert auf, Tokio - Japan

311 poster
Santory HallCobaVideo: Auswahl an Stücken von Coba.

Coba (Bild rechts) wird am 11. März 2021 beim 3.11 Charity Concert in der Santory Hall, Tokyo (Bild oben links) auftreten, das von der Japan Cultural and Sports Support Organization für Waisenkinder nach dem 3/11 Erdbeben, Team Smile und Engine 01 Cultural Strategy Council organisiert wird.

Coba ist jedes Jahr bei diesem jährlichen Gedenkkonzert zum Jahrestag des Erdbebens und Tsunamis 2011 in Tohoku, Japan, aufgetreten.

Der Veranstaltungsort, die Santory Hall, ist einer der berühmtesten Säle in Tokio für klassische Musik, doch dieses Konzert umfasst eine Vielzahl von Musikstilen wie Klassik, Rock, Jazz und traditionelle japanische Musik.

Alle Interpreten geben ihre Zeit umsonst. Coba wird eine Solo-Performance geben, bevor er zusammen mit dem Tenor John Ken Nuzzo und dem Symphonic Orchestra den "Mambo Italiano" aufführt, der speziell von Coba arrangiert wurde.


Virtuelle Präsentation: Linda Soley Reed AAA Lifetime Achievement Award - USA

AAA header
Linda Soley ReedBitte merken Sie sich den Termin vor und besuchen Sie zu uns, wenn die American Accordionists' Association (AAA) am 23. Mai um 15:00 Uhr EST unsere Preisträgerin des AAA Lifetime Achievement Award 2021, Linda Soley Reed, ehrt.

Als Pädagogin, Performerin, Dirigentin, ehemalige AAA-Präsidentin, Wertungsrichterin und seit Jahrzehnten aktives AAA-Vorstandsmitglied werden Lindas außergewöhnliche Leistungen gebührend gefeiert!

Diese virtuelle Präsentation bietet eine Diashow, Videos und Auftritte von Frank Busso, Sr., Joe Cerrito, Don Gerundo, Guy Klucevsek, Dan Mastroiani, Eddie Monteiro, Alexander Poeluev, Mario Tacca, Mary Tokarski, Frank Toscano und die Weltpremiere eines für Linda komponierten Stücks von Dr. Robert Young McMahan.

Für die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung wird eine steuerlich absetzbare Anmeldegebühr von $25 erhoben. Bitte klicken Sie auf den Link, um ein "Event Ticket" im AAA-Store zu kaufen. Sie erhalten vor der Veranstaltung am 23. Mai eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail und einen Link für Zoom.

Wir hoffen, Sie werden auch da sein !


Online: Ghenadie Rotari Konzert _Die Kunst der Akkordeontranskription_ - Italien

Ghenadie RotariVideo: Eine Heimaufnahme des ersten Satzes von Antonio Vivaldis "Winter" von Ghenadie Rotari.

Ghenadie Rotari gibt ein kostenloses Online-Konzert mit dem Titel "Die Kunst der Akkordeontranskription: Bach, Haydn und Grieg" am 21. März 2021 um 6.30 Uhr UTC+13.

Dieses Konzert beinhaltet Musik, die ursprünglich nicht für das Akkordeon gedacht war, da es dieses zu dieser Zeit noch nicht gab. Die klanglichen Möglichkeiten des modernen Konzertakkordeons erlauben eine überzeugende Transkription der Werke und bereichern sie durch eine bunte Palette von Klangfarben.

Das Konzertprogramm besteht aus:
J. S. Bach - "Französische Suite in G-Dur"
F. J. Haydn - "Sonate in G-Dur"
E. Grieg - "Holberg-Suite"

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: g.rotari@yahoo.com


Leavenworth Internationale Akkordeon-Feier 2021 - USA

Die Leavenworth Internationale Akkordeon Feier (LIAC) 2021 wird vom 17. bis 20. Juni 2021 stattfinden und von der Northwest Accordion Society gesponsert.

Die diesjährige Veranstaltung wird wegen des Covid-19 im Freien stattfinden.

Ihr ursprüngliches Programm, das für 2020 geplant war (und dann auf 2021 verschoben wurde), wurde nun auf den 16. bis 19. Juni 2022 festgelegt. Dies beinhaltet das Programm in der Festhalle, Workshops und Grange-Aktivitäten.

Die Änderungen für die Veranstaltung 2021 beinhalten:

- Die Aktivitäten in der Festhalle müssen in diesem Jahr ausfallen.
- Es wird viel Unterhaltung in der Gartenlaube geben.
- Es gibt auch einen schönen Gartenbereich für Jams und Workshops im Freien.
- Es ist auch geplant, eine virtuelle Jurierung für Studenten zu veranstalten.

Die Organisatoren freuen sich darauf, dieses Jahr ein großartiges, aber sicheres Festival für Akkordeonisten und Touristen zu haben.

Wenn Sie während der Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration 2021 im Pavillon auftreten möchten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an: dorisosgood@frontier.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Trio Basarab Balkan Music Concert – Spain

Basarab posterTrio Basarab gave a Balkan music concert at La casa de los cuentos in Barcelona, Spain on March 5th, 2021.

The trio includes accordionist Anatol Eremciuc, Juan Carlos Buchan (double bass) and Albert Enkaminanko (percussion).

They enjoy playing all styles of folk music such as klezmer, gipsy and Balkan.


Semion Shmelkov's Class Concert in Moscow – Russia

Moscow posterOn March 5th, 2021, a concert of the class of HG. Gnesin's assistant Semion Shmelkov, was held in the Shuvalovsky Lounge in Moscow, Russia.

Danila Avaev, Sergey Danilkevich, Marina Maximets, Dmitry Dergach, Grigory Teleshov, Guzel Latypova, Alexey Kolymaev, Milan, Snezana, Steshan and Elisha Kolmogortseva, as well as Dmitry Shipitsyn, Rafael Sapukov, Daria Krasina all took part in the concert.

CD's online at: Semion Shmelkov


New Works For Accordion Ensemble/Orchestra Released by Gary Daverne

Gary DaverneGary Daverne New work released for Accordion Ensemble/Orchestra

ED0093a - The German Polka Accordion Ensemble/Orchestra, Score
Score provided free for conductors to view.
Instruments: Accordion 1, 2, 3, 4, Bass, Drum kit, Electronium 1, 2.
ED0093b - The German Polka Accordion Ensemble/Orchestra, all parts

Gary Daverne New Arrangement for Accordion Orchestra Released
gd104a - Sounds of the South (arrangement) for accordion orchestra Score
Score provided free for conductors to view.
gd104b - Sounds of the South (arrangement) for accordion orchestra All Parts

Well known melodies from the USA Southern States:
Oh Suzanna
Yellow Rose of Texas
For When the Saints Go Marching In
Jimmy Crack Corn
Steam Boat Bill
Deep in the Heart of Texas
arranged for:
Accordion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 plus bass and drums.


New Video: “Dreamy Harmonica” by Andreas Terzer & Hanspeter Nocker - Italy

A new video entitled “Dreamy Harmonica” has been released by Tyrolis Music and features musicians Andreas Terzer (accordion) & Hanspeter Nocker (guitar) from South Tyrol, Italy.



Cancelled: Tag der Harmonika 2021 - Austria

cancelledThe HVO - Harmonica Verband Osterreichs (Accordion Association of Austria), organisers of the Tag der Harmonika 2021 competition (Day of the Accordion), regret to announce that the event which was due to be held in Perg, Austria from 3rd to 6th June 2021 is cancelled due to Covid-19.

They sincerely hope that they may be able to run the event later in the year, however this depends on the ever changing virus situation in the future.

Further details will be published as they come to hand.


Video: Brazilian Accordion Panorama

This video is Season 2 of the Ori-Gen Series entitled “Brazilian Accordion Panorama”. The video is “A journey through the many regions of Brazil” and features performances by Bebe Kramer, Felipe Hostins, Vitor Gonçalves, Nonato Lima, Mestrinho, Lulinha Alencar, Rob Curto, Luciano Maia and Toninho Ferragutti.


Future events

Online: “Tunes in the Hoose” March Sessions - Scotland

Tunes poster
“Tunes in the Hoose” will hold their next Scottish Session live online on Sunday March 7th. Hosts include accordionist Peter Wood and Ross McNaughton (bagpipes) who will be joined by guests Gary West and Douglas Montgomery.

“Tunes in the Hoose” is an online community created to keep Scottish musicians playing together at a time when opportunities are uncertain.

For details email: hello@tunesinthehoose.com


Online: Duo "In Vento" Concert, Manosque - France

Duo In Vento
Duo “In Vento” will give a free online concert on March 13th, 2021 at 6pm (March 14th at 6am UTC+13) from Manosque, France, organised by the Association Jeux d'Anches.

Duo “In Vento” includes Ambre Vuillermoz (accordion) and Marion Fermé (recorder). They will perform works by Bach, Vivaldi, Derbez and Cashian.

For details email: asso.jeuxdanches@gmail.com


Alex Meixner Band at St Patrick’s Day Shindig - USA

AM Band posterAlex Meixner performs his new Polka composition titled: "Give It A Go!"

The Alex Meixner Band will entertain at the St Patrick’s Day Shindig “Shamrockin the Haus” at the American German Club of the Palm Beaches in Lake Worth, Florida, USA on March 13th, 2021 from 4pm to 9pm.

The event will feature a variety of pieces suited to the occasion!

For details phone: 561-967-6464


Canterbury Accordion Association "Jam Session", Christchurch - New Zealand

CAA poster
The Canterbury Accordion Association will hold their first 2021 "Jam Session" at St Stephen's Church in Christchurch on March 14th, 2021 at 3pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend on all instruments. For details email: jkperry@xtra.co.nz


Online: Concert “The Joys of Spring” by John Kirkpatrick – UK

John KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick will give an online concert entitled “The Joys of Spring” on March 21st, 2021 at 7.30pm GMT.

John will play a programme of “uplifting, cheerful songs and tunes to celebrate the coming of spring, the rising of the sap, and everything that used to make us want to dance, leap, caper, and rejoice at this time of year”.

For details email: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk


Bridge & Wolak play "Gankino Concerto" in USA & Canada

Video: Filmed July 2020, at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Michael Bridge (accordion & piano) and Kornel Wolak (clarinet & piano) have created this elaborate fantasia, based on the popular Bulgarian folk tune, Gankino Horo.”

The video is part of Bridge & Wolak's film "From Bach to Benny Goodman." The complete show was filmed in July 2020 at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Kingston, Ontario. Without a live audience, Bridge & Wolak took the opportunity to film in typically-unseen locations around the hall, including an intimate backstage tour of The Isabel. The complete film is 1h 6m.

Michael Bridge and Kornel Wolak are an internationally-acclaimed music & comedy duo, integrating traditional acoustic instruments with 21st century digital technology.

They perform their own uniquely re-imagined repertoire of classical, world and jazz fusion. With deft virtuosity and endless wit, Bridge & Wolak have been called the “Victor Borges of the 21st Century.”

Future 2021 performances include:

• April 17th: Port Ludlow Bay Club @ 7pm Port Ludlow, WA, United States

• April 18th: Bishop Centre for the Performing Arts @ 2pm, Aberdeen, WA, United States

• April 25th: Hobson Public School @ 8pm Hobson, MT, United States

• April 27th: Fort Benton Elementary School @ 8pm Fort Benton, MT, United States

• April 29th: Seeley Swan High School @ 8pm Seeley Lake, MT, United States

• April 30th: Belt Performing Arts Center @ 8pm Belt, MT, United States

• May 5th: The Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts @ 7.30pm Brantford, ON, Canada


CNIMA Celtic Music Workshop - France

Alain PennecThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold a Celtic Music Workshop with Alain Pennec (picture left) from April 26th to 30th, 2021.

Alain is a specialist in Celtic music and will introduce attendees to Breton, Irish, Welsh, Asturian and other music styles. The workshop will also include technical work, ornamentation, phrasing and bellows control.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


Childrens Corner

Kokkola Childrens Concert - Finland

The XXIII Kokkola Winter Festival featured performances by children.

The video above is a performance by the Keski-Pohjanmaan konservatorion Juniorharmonikat conducted by Raimo Vertainen.

View the whole concert at:


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association

NZAA header
The New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) have updated their site with information on the 2021 New Zealand and South Pacific Accordion Championships and Festival to be held on June 5th and 6th, 2021.

They have also updated the page about the Dargaville Museum and the "Accordion Gems" Collection by Kevin Friedrich at the Museum. The contact and other information about the 2021 additions was added to the page.


New Website: Accordion House New Site - New Zealand

Accordion House header
Accordion House Importer/Retailer of Auckland has a new website. Manager Maurice Jones with all new graphics added.


Updated Site: Exciting Renzo Ruggieri New Releases - Italy

Renzo RuggieriVideo: Renzo Ruggieri has released his new work "Il Bosco Incantato" for accordion and string orchestra. The accordion soloist is Claudio Azzaro.

Catalog: rrenzo517 - Il Bosco Incantato for free bass accordion
Catalog: rrenzo524 - Il Bosco Incantato for free bass accordion and string orchestra (full score and individual parts).

Renzo Ruggieri is pictured right with his new accordion by Bugari Armando, has also published an update of his very popular composition "Tango Italian" (ver. 1.3) for solo virtuoso accordion. Real value for only Euro 10 and ideal for competitions and concerts.
Catalog: rrenzo503

Tango Italiano is also released in 5 versions:
accordion & orchestra and
accordion & string orchestra
accordion & strings, rhythmic section
accordion & rhythmic section
added piano
(full score and individual parts). Catalog: rrenzo522
Il Bosco Incantato score


Updated Site: Antonio Spaccarotella - Italy

Antonio SpaccarotellaAntonio Spaccarotella site information has been updated and new photos added.


Updated Site: 2021 Accordion Examination Board of NZ (AEBNZ) - New Zealand

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) has updated its website with the 2021 examination dates and 2021 entry fees and entry forms. There is also a change to the grade 7 and grade 8 music lists.


Updated: Russian News

News Russia
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with important information on upcoming events.


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