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Weekly News from Around the World - 04-Mar-2011
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Application Squeezebox de Hohner pour Apple iPad, iPhone et iPod Touch, Virginia, USA
Aydar Gaynullin gagne l’Award de la meilleure musique de film, Khanty-Mansiysk - Russia
Grammy Award pour Chubby Carrier, Los Angeles, USA
‘The World Accordion to Phil’ sur la BBC 2 Ecosse TV – UK

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Martynas Levickis Interview by Roland Williams - UK
‘14 Years Ago’ – Large Accordion Collection Located in Germany

Future events

Film Music Ensemble at the "Nuova Fenice" Theatre/Osimo - Italy
2011 Roland US V-Accordion Festival at ATG, Florida - USA
Frank Marocco Concerts – Italy, Moldova, Germany, USA
Entries Closing for International Accordion Competition, Vilnius – Lithuania
Mario Tacca & Mary Mancini Perform for Mothers Day - USA
Entries Closing for International Competitions ‘Olimpo Musicale’ and ‘Kaunas Sonorum' - Lithuania
Cours d'accordéon et de concert, Rennes - France
CT Tango Ensemble In Concert, Stellenbosch - South Africa
Claudio Jacomucci Performs at International Accordion Festival, Samara – Russia
Richard Galliano Concert Schedule – France
Stefan Andrusyschyn & Denise Leigh Perform at Stockport Accordion Club, Cheshire – UK
Duo Mascagni Concert, Rovinj – Croatia
Accordion Variety Evening, Yorkshire – UK

New and Updated Sites

March 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st March
March Accordion USA News Online 1st March
March Accordion Russia News Online 1st March

CD Reviews

Duo MARES Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion).

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Application Squeezebox de Hohner pour Apple iPad, iPhone et iPod Touch, Virginia, USA

Hohner apps graphic
Hohner annonce l’introduction d’une nouvelle application révolutionnaire pour Apple iPad, iPhone et iPod Touch : Le Hohner SqueezeBox. Mimant le design de l’accordéon diatonique de Hohner Corona Classic, cette application virtuelle intuitive offre un clavier à trois rangées, très réactif, qui sonne comme l’instrument traditionnel.

Le Hohner SqueezeBox permet aux musiciens d’entraîner des combinaisons d’accords, des gammes, et des mélodies en route, et cela en cinq différents modes. Des écouteurs peuvent être utilisés pour un travail individuel, mais la sortie son peut être amplifiée par des haut-parleurs.

Les musiciens ont l’option d’afficher le nom des notes sur le grand clavier blanc à boutons perlés. De plus, la « registration » peut être changée afin d’avoir des sons plutôt musettes, secs, ou plats.

« Même si cette application ne remplace évidemment pas un accordéon réel, elle est un outil facile pour apprendre, s’entraîner, ou enseigner. Le SqueezeBox est génial pour tous les styles de musique », commente le manager-produit de Hohner US, Gilbert Reyes Jr.

L’application Hohner SqueezeBox est disponible sur le App Store iTunes à un prix de lancement de $1.99 dans les tonalités suivantes : Hohner-GCF, Hohner-FBbEb, Hohner-EAD, Hohner-ADG, and Hohner-BbEbAb. La version Hohner-Mini est disponible en GCF pour l’iPhone et iPod Touch pour $.99

Pour plus d’informations : GReyes@hohnerusa.com
Hohner how to play app graphic


Aydar Gaynullin gagne l’Award de la meilleure musique de film, Khanty-Mansiysk - Russia

Aydar GaynullinLe film „Siberia. Mon Amour“, réalisé par Slava Ross, a gagné le grand prix du 9ème International Debut Film Festival „Spirit of Fire“, qui a eu lieu à Khanty-Mansiysk, Sibérie, du 19 au 25 février. Lors de la cérémonie de clôture du festival, le régisseur du film a obtenu l’award « Golden Taiga, Best Debut ». Aydar Gaynullin a remporté l’award de la meilleure musique de film.

Le scénario de « Siberia. Mon Amour », de Slava Ross, est inspiré de la nouvelle « Perdu en Sibérie ». Le tournage s’est déroulé dans les régions de Krasnoyarsk (Moscou) et Sverdlovsk entre 2008 et 2010. Monamur est le nom d’un magnifique village en Sibérie ou vivent Ivan, un vieil homme conservateur, et son petit-fils Leshka, 7ans, en attendant le retour du fils prodigue, respectivement père.

« L’idée principale du film est que derrière l’équité se cache la pitié. Nous vivons dans un environnement rempli de personnes différentes, dans lesquelles se trouvent beaucoup de personnalités cyniques, indifférentes, hargneuses. Mais de telles personnes sont également une parie de Dieu. Il est nécessaire de considérer cela pour les aider à regretter, changer » explique Slava Ross, directeur et auteur du scénario dans un interview.

La distribution mondiale du film est assure par la compagnie “Euro-corp” (France), dont fait partie le directeur et producteur bien connu Luc Besson.

Pour plus d’information : herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Grammy Award pour Chubby Carrier, Los Angeles, USA

Chubby CarrierLe 13 février, au Staples Center, Los Angeles, Chubby Carrier a gagné le Grammy award Zydeco/Cajun 2011 pour son CD « Zydeco Junkie ». Sorti sous son propre label Swampadelic Records, le CD comprends sa version avec accordéon de « Movin’On Up », thème du show TV « The Jeffersons ».

Chubby Carrier (né en 1967) a débuté sa carrière musicale en Louisiane en jouant pour des bals avec le groupe de son père, Zydeco, dans les années 70. Il a ensuite formé son propre groupe Bayou Swamp Band et a produit 11 CD depuis 1989. Chubby et son groupe ont voyagé dans le monde entier, jouant dans toutes les régions des USA, en Alaska, à Hawaii, au Canada, en Afrique du Nord et en Europe


‘The World Accordion to Phil’ sur la BBC 2 Ecosse TV – UK

Phil Cunningham
‘The World Accordion to Phil’ est un documentaire TV en quatre parties sur la BBC 2 Ecosse, présenté par Phil Cunnigam, qui a débuté le mercredi 9 mars, sur les origines de l’accordéon dans un contexte international. La série commence en Chine, va à Vienne, Castelfidardo, dans les pays basques espagnols, en Irlande, en Angleterre, à Paris, Bucarest, Moscou, Prague, en Louisine, au Texas, au Brésil, et en Argentine, en explorant les traditions locales.

Au cours de ces reportages, Phil Cunnignham, l’un des accordéonistes écossais les plus connus, rencontre le russe Viatcheslav Semionov, les irlandais Sharon Shannon et Joe Burke, le français Marcel Azzola, le musicien Tex-Mex Flaco Jumenez, Marc Savoy de Louisiane, et d’autres encore.

« Lorsque j’ai expliqué mon idée à la BBC, il y a presque deux ans, je savais que c’était un vaste sujet, mais lorsque les enquêteurs ont plongé dedans, il est apparu encore plus vaste qu’imaginé ! » dit Phil Cunningham. « Nous avons seulement gratté la surface. On aurait pu tourner des heures et des heures. Je sais que les Inuits jouent de l’accordéon, mais nous ne sommes pas allés en Arctique…


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Martynas Levickis Interview by Roland Williams - UK

Martynas Levickis winning the ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent 2010’
In January 2011 Lithuanian-born accordionist Martynas Levickis caused a sensation by winning the ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent 2010’ contest on live TV. Levickis Interview.

Martynas Levickis was a student at Šiauliai Conservatory and is now studying at the Royal Academy of Music, London. He has won many international competitions including winning the International Piano Accordion category at the 2010 Coupe Mondiale (World Accordion Championships) in Varaždin, Croatia.

Levickis Interview.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Large Accordion Collection Located in Germany

Faithe DeffnerOn March 7th 1997 the Accordions Worldwide news reported the large accordion collection owned by Dieter Plinke in Berlin…

Contributed by Faithe Deffner (picture right), President of the American Accordionists' Association

While in Frankfurt, Faithe Deffner and Harley Jones had the pleasure of meeting Dieter Plinke of Berlin, Germany who has a private collection of some 400 accordions of various vintage, style and manufacture, available for viewing by appointment.

Plinke hopes to set up a museum in the future, but is happy to show his collection to any accordion enthusiast. Of his most interesting squeezebox specimens are a Polish diatonic with unusual systems for both hands and a pedal attachment, a unique free bass system from the early 30s marked 'Meinl & Herold' and a mint-condition 'Titano' with piano keyboard from the 1950s.

When visiting Berlin, call him to see the collection: +49 30-8814916.


Future events

Film Music Ensemble at the "Nuova Fenice" Theatre/Osimo - Italy


2011 Roland US V-Accordion Festival at ATG, Florida - USA

Roland V-Festival banner
ATG logoRoland-USA and the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) announce that the 2011 Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival, previously held in Los Angeles, will take place during the 2011 ATG Festival in Orlando, Florida July, 27th to 30th. The venue will be the Renaissance Orlando Airport Hotel.

The Roland Festival competitions will be held on July 29th. Roland artists will give workshops, master classes and be featured during the ATG's evening concerts. Details regarding auditions for the competition will be released shortly.

Roland artists giving workshops, performing, etc, include Sergio Scappini, Danili Di Paolonicola from Italy, Chris Gorton, Alex Meixner, Steve Albini. and more...

For 2011, the Roland-USA qualifications will again include both Senior Soloist category (minimum age 18 years) and Junior Soloist category (maximum 17 years), plus a new diatonic category for the new FR-18 model. The Roland V-Accordion International Festival is for Senior Soloists only.

The international event will take place on October 21st and 22nd in Rome, Italy and the US winner will be sponsored to that exciting event. The rules are available on the Roland website and may be downloaded - 2011 Rome Rules.

Roland distributors in countries around the world will be holding selection qualifications to decide by September 23rd who will be the competitors representing their country in Rome at the Roland V-Accordion Festival.

For further information about the US Qualifications at the Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival, please email: salbini@msn.com

Photo below is Kevin Friedrich (CIA Executive) and Steve Albini (Roland US) at the Roland International Rome Festival 2010.
Kevin Friedrich and Steve Albini


Frank Marocco Concerts – Italy, Moldova, Germany, USA

Frank MaroccoFrank Marocco, based in California, is one of the world’s most highly regarded accordionists, and one of the most recorded. Apart from his own numerous recordings, Frank Morocco has contributed to over 500 movie and TV soundtracks, and to many sessions recordings for artistes including the Beach Boys, Neil Sedaka, Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd, and many more.

Frank Marocco’s forthcoming concert dates include:
March 5th - quartet with Max Ferri, Felice Del Gaudio and Massimo Tagliata, Chet Baker Jazz Club, Bologna, Italy 
March 8th – guest appearance at the international music festival ‘Martisor’, Republic of Moldova
March 9th, 9pm – Fiumicino, Rome, Italy
April 10th - Milwaukee, Wisconsin 
May 4th to 7th – workshop, Klingenthal, Germany
May 7th, 7pm – concert, Klingenthal
June 2nd to 6th - Frank Marocco Accordion Event and Workshop, Castelfidardo, Italy
June 4th, 9pm –duo with Daniele di Bonaventura, Chiesa San Francesco, Castelfidardo
June 5th, 9pm – concert, Frank Marocco´s International Accordion Orchestra, Teatro Astra, Castelfidardo

For further information email: frankmarocco@yahoo.com


Entries Closing for International Accordion Competition, Vilnius – Lithuania

International Accordion Competition Vilnius 2011 bannerEntries close 10th March for the International Accordion Competition Vilnius 2011, organized by the Lithuanian Accordion Association, which takes place from April 6th to 9th.

The venue is the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.

This includes the ninth annual National Lithuanian Accordion Competition, which also serves as a selection process for entry to the International Accordion Competitions.

Competitors are grouped into 11 categories by the age and the chosen genre of the performance. The audience will enjoy soloists, ensembles and orchestras of various configurations, performing various genres of music.

The rules of the competition and entry form are in English and may be downloaded: 2011 Vilnius and Vilnius 2011 entry. For further information email: info@laas.lt


Mario Tacca & Mary Mancini Perform for Mothers Day - USA

Mario TaccaMario Tacca and his wife, noted singer Mary Mancini, will be performing as part of a spectacular Mother's Day Celebration at the Royal Manor in Garfield, NJ on May 5th and 6th. Produced by Ace in the Hole, a fantastic day awaits with an excellent menu, door prizes, a 50-50 drawing, and more!

Mario Tacca is a Second Vice-President of the AAA and well known internationally for his performances. He is also a composer with works published at Mario Tacca.

For further information email: mariobtacca@hotmail.com


Entries Closing for International Competitions ‘Olimpo Musicale’ and ‘Kaunas Sonorum' - Lithuania

Olimpo posterEntries are closing now for the ‘Olimpo Musicale’ international competition organised by the Kaunas Accordion Society and the Veiveriai Art School. This competition is unusual in that it is open to all types of young instrumentalists, soloists and ensembles (except two pianos). An ensemble should not exceed nine persons, and excludes teachers. You may download the rules and other information at: 2011 Olimpo.

The third international competition ‘Olimpo Musicale’ will be held in Prienai, June 2nd to 5th 2011. The performances will be held in June 2nd to 4th. The closing ceremony of the competition will take place at Prienai Cultural Centre concert hall on June 5th.

Entries are also closing (10th March) for the ‘Kaunas Sonorum – 2011’, the first International Competition for Young Musicians takes place in Kaunas, Lithuania, from March 31st until April 2nd. The competition includes individual sections for accordion, piano, string and wind instruments, and vocalists. Each section has a range of age categories, and all competitors are required to play from memory.

Download Rules and Regulations: 2011Sonorum

For further information email: mindaugas@akordeonas.lt


Cours d'accordéon et de concert, Rennes - France

Camille Privat new CD coverCe weekend a lieu le stage d'accordéon encadré par Maryse Roux, Céline Rivoal et Camille Privat, ce stage est organisé en partenariat avec l'EMCR.

Nous organisons un concert de fin de stage avec en 1ère partie les élèves du master class et en 2ème partie Camille Privat qui présentera une partie de son nouvel album.

Date : Dimanche 6 mars
Heure : 18h
Lieu : Stade Jean Coquelin (Quartier St Hélier, proche de la gare de Rennes).

Le concert est gratuit, venez nombreux !!
L'association Atoût Vent


CT Tango Ensemble In Concert, Stellenbosch - South Africa

CT TangoThe CT Tango Ensemble perform in concert on Sunday March 6th, 6.30pm until 8pm, at the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre, corner of Adam Tas and Oude Libertas Road, Stellenbosch, South Africa. The programme includes traditional tangos, music of Astor Piazzolla, and some of the band’s original compositions.

The CT Tango Ensemble includes Stanislav Angelov - bandoneon and accordion, Albert Combrink – piano, Elina Koytcheva – violin, and Charles Lazar - double bass, with guests Willie van Zyl – saxophone, Michael Hoole – guitar, and Frank Paco – drums.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Claudio Jacomucci Performs at International Accordion Festival, Samara – Russia

Italian accordionist Claudio Jacomucci gives a solo recital, and appears in a multimedia performance with the dancer Kathleen Delaney, at the International Accordion Festival, Samara, Russia, March 6th to 11th.


Richard Galliano Concert Schedule – France

Richard Galliano
French accordionist Richard Galliano’s concert schedule includes the following dates. Some of the concerts are billed as the French Touch Trio i.e. Richard Galliano (accordion), Jean-Marie Ecay (guitar), and Jean-Philippe Viret (bass).

Those dates billed as From Bach to Piazzolla, feature the music of JS Bach and Astor Piazzolla, performed by a sextet led by Galliano.

March 5th - French Touch Trio, Blue Note, Milan, Italy
March 7th and 8th – master class, Livorno
March 9th - solo concert, Livorno
March 11th - French Touch Trio, Azzano Decimo
March 12th - French Touch Trio, Fiorenzuola
March 14th - Guest of jazz singer Kurt Elling, plus the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra, Barbican, London
March 17th - French Touch Trio, Vitré, France
March 21st - Suite Méditéranéenne, Lyon
March 22nd – solo concert, Bordeaux
March 26th – sextet: From Bach to Piazzolla, Brive
March 29th - sextet: From Bach to Piazzolla, Ravenna, Italy
March 30th - sextet: From Bach to Piazzolla, Rouen, France

For further information email: ginga@wanadoo.fr


Stefan Andrusyschyn & Denise Leigh Perform at Stockport Accordion Club, Cheshire – UK

Denise Leigh (soprano) and Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion)Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion) and Denise Leigh (soprano) are the guests at Stockport Accordion Club on Wednesday March 9th, 8pm. The venue is Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St/A560, Woodley, Stockport SK6 1ND. The Stockport AC Band (MD Derek Stubbs) and Orchestra (MD Brian Jenkins) will both perform short sets.

Stefan Andrusyschyn is one of the youngest holders of the performers' and teachers' diplomas from the British College of Accordionists, the winner of several NAO UK Championship titles, and has competed internationally.

He has studied with Oleg Sharov, Friedrich Lips, Peter Soave, Owen Murray, Frédéric Deschamps, and others. Denise Leigh, Stefan’s wife is an acclaimed operatic soprano, and the winner of Channel Four TV’s ‘Opportunity’ competition.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Duo Mascagni Concert, Rovinj – Croatia

Duo Mascagni
Franko Božac (bayan), from Pula, Croatia, and Charlene Farrugia (piano), from Malta, perform as the Duo Mascagni. On Wednesday March 9th they are in concert in Rovinj, Croatia.

For further information email: Fbozac3@gmail.com


Accordion Variety Evening, Yorkshire – UK

The enterprising accordion promoter Harry Kipling presents an ‘Accordion Variety Evening’
at The Pocklington Gliding Club, Pocklington Air Field, North Yorkshire YO42 1NP, on Saturday March 12th, 7.30pm.

The concert features accordionists Harry Hussey, George Syrett, and Sam Pirt & The Hut People.

For further information email: henrykipling@fsmail.net


New and Updated Sites

March 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st March

Diatonic News
March 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st March


March Accordion USA News Online 1st March

USA Accordion News logo
March Accordion USA News Online 1st March


March Accordion Russia News Online 1st March

Accordion Russia News logo
March Accordion Russia News Online 1st March


CD Reviews

Duo MARES Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion).

CD Reviews Index for the Review of Duo MARES CD by Joan Sommers. Performer are Duo MARES, Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion).


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