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Weekly News from Around the World - 04-Jun-2010
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Internatales Akkordeonfestival für zeitgenössische Musik – Rom/Italien
Nijkamp Spring Festival 2010, Apeldoorn - Niederlande
Süd Pazifik Akkordeon Meisterschaften - Neuseeland
"Akkordeon im Park" Wettbewerb, Pescasseroli - Italien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Santa Maria Accordion Band’s ‘World Accordion Day’ Concert, Attard – Malta
1930s Excelsior: Information Sought…and Found!, Florida – USA

Future events

Fleadh Cheoil Regional Contests – Ireland, UK and USA
International Accordion Championships and Festival, Sydney - Australia
Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Concert, Scotland – UK
Guy Klucevsek Solo Concert, Staten Island – USA
ZUM in Concert, Maidenhead – UK
Unerhörte Musik" Reihe für zeitgenössische Musik, Berlin - Deutschland
Milos Milivojevic Concert Dates, England, Wales – UK
Courses for ‘Modern Music’, Scalea - Italy
3rd Accordions International Meeting ‘Silvio B. Previale’, Salto - Uruguay

New and Updated Sites

HS Production releases new music
Grayson Masefield updated his site
MusicForAccordion.com releases new music
Yehuda Oppenheimer releases new work
HS Production releases new music

CD Reviews

"Conversation of the Muses"

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Internatales Akkordeonfestival für zeitgenössische Musik – Rom/Italien

Mirco Patarini, Mika Väyrynen, Frédéric Deshamps
Mika VäyrynenMika VayrynenDas Konservatorium Santa Cecilia in Rom organisierte vom 24 bis 27 Mai, das erste internationale Festival für zeitgenössisches Akkordeon. Das Festival hatte das Ziel, das öffentliche Verständnis und die Wertschätzung des Instruments zu fördern, zumal das Akkordeon immer noch nicht zur Gäze auf allen italienischen Theaternbühnen zu finden ist. Über 4 Tage konzentriert der künstlerische Leiter Maximilian Pitocco, Professor für Akkordeon an der gleichen Hochschule eine Reihe von Seminaren, Konzerten und internationale Wettbewerbe. Die Seminare wurden von den Lehrern Mika Väyrynen (Konzertist und Dozent an der Sibeluis Akademie in Helsinki, Finnland) und Frédéric Deschamps (Komponist und Lehrer am Conservatoire de Paris, Frankreich) durchgeführt.

Fantastik war das Bajan Konzert von Mika Vayrynen am 26. Mai. Der Musiker gehört zu den großen Akkordeonisten der Welt und spielte Stücke in d-moll von Bach / Busoni Sonate Nr. 1 "UTRA" Paavo Korpijaakko (gewidmet an Vayrynen M.) und "Sackgasse" von Franck Angelis. Anwesend waren bei diesem Konzert alle Teilnehmer der Seminare, Lehrer und natürlich auch die Direktorin des Konservatoriums M° Edda Silvestri, die nicht nur von den technischen Fähigkeiten und Klang des Bayans, sondern auch den hohen künstlerischen Qualitäten des Akkordeonisten Mika Väyrynen fasziniert war.

Der Internationale Akkordeon Wettbewerb wurde in drei Kategorien eingeteilt: Kategorie A - unter 15 Jahren, Kategorie B - unter 18 Jahren und die Kategorie C – ohne Alterslimit. Die Teilnehmer kamen aus der Slowakei, Finnland, Kroatien, Japan, Serbien und Italien. Die Jury: Fausto Di Cesare (Konzertpianist und Akkordeonist), Alessandro Sbordoni (Komponist und Akkordeonist), Scurti Germano, Mirco Patarini, Mika Väyrynen, Frederic Deshamps und Daniel Rocco (Bassist und Lehrer am Konservatorium von Perugia).

Die Ergebnisse in der Kategorie A: 1. - Michael Toppo, 2. - Francesco Bracci. In der Kategorie B war der Gewinner Samuel Telara – der zweite und dritte Preis wurden nicht vergeben. In der Kategorie C siegte der italienische Teilnehmer Angelo Miele, der zweite Preis ging an den kroatischen Teilnehmer Ivan Sverkom, und der dritte an Petar Maric.

Das Festival ging am Nachmittag des 27. Mai mit der Preisverleihung zu Ende.

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte: Massimiliano Pitocco m.pitocco @ dotcube.it
- Bilder von Mika Väyrynen und Frederic Deschamps während ihrer Seminare;
- Bild von der Jury (von links nach rechts: Scurti Germano, Daniele Roccato, Frederic Deschamps Alessandro Sbordoni, Fausto Di Cesare, Mika Väyrynen e Mirco Patarini)
- Bild der Gewinner von links nach rechts: Michele Toppo cat A, Samuele Telari cat B, Angelo Miele cat C, , Ivan Sverko 2. cat C und Maric Petar 3. cat C)
Festival Winners


Nijkamp Spring Festival 2010, Apeldoorn - Niederlande

Musiekhuis Gert Nijkamp hielt sein jährliches Frühlingsfest am Wochenende vom 29./30 Mai in Apeldoorn, Niederlande. Viele Kunden und Akkordeon-Fans kamen nicht nur um ein Instrument mit Sonderpreisenh abzuholen, sondern auch von talentierten Akkordeonisten unterhalten zu werden. Und sie wurden nicht enttäuscht!

Der Höhepunkt in diesem Jahr waren das russische Duo Yulia Amerikova und Alexander Selivanov, als "Una Sinistra" bekannt. Sie sind beide hoch anerkannte Akkordeonisten und zeigten ihre Vielseitigkeit als Duett auf Freibass Akkordeons mit einem bunt gemischten Repertoire von Klassik und Volksmusik und Französisch Musette auf dazu geeigneten Instrumenten.

Weiters war zu Gast: Dominque Paats, aus Belgien, der die Fähigkeiten des neuen Roland V Akkordeon in vollem Umfang vorstellte; Tony Roel, ein beliebter Interpret bei solchen Veranstaltungen, und schließlich wurde der neue Nijkamp Team Mitarbeiter Pieter Bosma vorgestellt, der vor kurzem und als Spezialist für elektronische und Tastenakkordeons eingestellt wurde.

Es war wirklich für jeden etwas an dieser Show! Die nächste Veranstaltung wird Nijkamp in den späten Herbst.


Süd Pazifik Akkordeon Meisterschaften - Neuseeland

NZAA daily reports banner
Die South Pacific Accordion Championships/ Süd Pazifik Akkordeon Meisterschaften und die Neuseeland Meisterschaften werden in Epseom am Samstag 5. Juni und Sonntag 6. Juni durchgefüht. Den 2010-Meisterschaften und Festival Zeitplan können von der New Zealand Accordion Association Webseite heruntergeladen werden.

South Pacific Daily Reports einschließlich der Ergebnisse und Fotos werden während des Events online verfügbar sein.


"Akkordeon im Park" Wettbewerb, Pescasseroli - Italien

Das Festival "Akkordeon im Park" findet in Pescasseroli, Abruzzen, vom 25. Juli bis 8. August statt. Diese Veranstaltung umfasst Wettbewerbe, Konzerte, Workshops und Konferenzen.

Am 6. August bietet das Festival den ersten Tommaso Coccione Internationalen Akkordeon und Diatonischen Harmonika Wettbewerb. Tommaso Coccione war eine lokaler Akkordeonist, der nach Amerika auswanderte, wo er sehr bekannt wurde und auf allen berühmten Theaterbühnen zu Hause war und oft mit den Brüdern Pietro und Guido Deiro zusammen spielte.
Der Präsident der Jury ist Renzo Ruggieri und der künstlerische Leiter der Wettbewerbe Danilo Di Paolonicola.

Das Festival umfasst Konzerte mit international bekannten Akkordeonisten wie Frank Marocco, Gennaro Ruffolo, Vincenzo De Ritis, Adriano Ranieri, Riccardo Taddei, Giancarlo Caporilli, das Akkordeon-Orchester des Libertango Roberto Fuccelli, Guido Ferrarese und Dario Marchese, Danilo Di Paolonicola, Gianni Mirizzi und Renzo Ruggieri.

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: redazione@accordionplanet.net


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Santa Maria Accordion Band’s ‘World Accordion Day’ Concert, Attard – Malta

e Santa Maria Accordion BandThe Santa Maria Accordion Band celebrated World Accordion Day in style with a concert on May 8th at St. Catherine's Retirement Complex in the town of Attard on the Mediterranean Island of Malta. The venue was a Mothers' Day Concert, for elderly people, who were all very happy to hear these musicians.

For further information email: josephpgrima@gmail.com


1930s Excelsior: Information Sought…and Found!, Florida – USA

Excelsior accordion
Accordionist Joe Romiti was for many years keen to know some technical details about an Excelsior accordion that once belonged to his late father, Tony Romiti. Purchased in the 1930s, Tony Romiti frequently used this accordion to accompany the then up-and-coming Perry Como, who was also a long time family friend.

Joe this week wrote to Accordions Worldwide, who referred him to the very knowledgeable Steve Navoyosky. Thanks to Steve, Joe now has alot of information about this model, described by Steve as “an accordion set up longed for by the polka playing accordion player”. This model was similar to one that was built for Pietro Deiro in 1932.

Joe comments: “I have no intention of selling this instrument. It will stay in the family as an heirloom”. Accordions Worldwide thanks Steve Navoyosky for his much appreciated assistance.


Future events

Fleadh Cheoil Regional Contests – Ireland, UK and USA

Fleadh CheoilThe regional series of Irish music contests that lead as qualifying stages to the annual Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann are taking place all over Ireland, including the All Britain event this year held in Glasgow, Scotland, and a festival in Illinois, USA. These festivals are organised under the name of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), the body responsible for promoting Irish music, song and dance activities.

June 3rd to 6th - Monaghan Fleadh, Scotstown, Co. Monaghan
4th to 6th - Sligo Fleadh, Dromore West, Co. Sligo
4th to 6th - Laois Fleadh, Mountmellick, Co. Laois
4th to 6th - Limerick Fleadh, Hospital, Co. Limerick
4th to 6th – Armagh Fleadh, Portmór, Co. Armagh
4th to 6th - Waterford Fleadh, Ballyduff Upper, Waterford
4th to 7th - Cavan Fleadh, Kilnaleck, Co. Cavan
13th - Fermanagh Fleadh, Derrygonnelly, Co. Fermanagh
18th to 20th - Clare Fleadh, Kilfenora, Co. Clare
25th to 27th – Kerry Fleadh, Causeway, Co. Kerry
25th to 27th – Down Fleadh, Warrenpoint, Co. Down
25th to 27th - Mid West Fleadh (USA), Village of Forest Park, Illinois, USA
26th to 27th - All Britain Fleadh, Jordanhill College of Education, Glasgow

The Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann (All Ireland Festival) takes place this year in Cavan Town, Co. Cavan, August 20th to 22nd.

For further information email: eolas@comhaltas.ie


International Accordion Championships and Festival, Sydney - Australia

Tania Lukic-MarxThe 2010 Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival organized by the AATA will be held on June 12th and 13th at the Club Marconi, Prairie Vale Road, Bossley Park Sydney, NSW 2. The event's timetable is on line now at: Australian International Championships

Festival highlights include: International Open Accordion Championships with competitors from Australia and New Zealand; Roland Interactive Session and Gala Concert that will feature Nerida Farmer, John Cave, John MacDonald, the Sydney Balalaika Orchestra with soloist Lina Chegodaev, the Roland Duo, Funkordion, and the Accordigles accordion ensembles.


Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Concert, Scotland – UK

Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra
The Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra (MD Gary Blair) will be performing in concert on Sunday June 6th, 2pm, in Robertson Park, Renfrew, Glasgow, as part of the annual Renfrew Gala Day.

Renfrew Gala Day, held on the first Sunday in June is supported by over 10,000 people who gather to watch the opening parade from Canal Street to Robertson Park. The parade is led by the Renfrew North Pipe Band and includes a horse drawn carriage carrying the ‘Renfrew citizen of the year’. Local groups enter into the spirit of the celebrations by dressing up in eye-catching costumes.

The Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra became Advanced Champions at this year’s NAO UK Championships, held in Blackpool.

For further information email: gazzapt@yahoo.co.uk


Guy Klucevsek Solo Concert, Staten Island – USA

Guy KlucevsekAccordionist Guy Klucevsek performs a solo concert on Sunday, June 6th, 2pm, at the
SHOW Gallery, 156 Stuyvesant Place, Staten Island, NY 10301. Admission is free.

The SHOW Gallery is literally just up the hill from the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, a 5-minute walk. From Manhattan, take the 1pm ferry, getting into St. George at 1.25pm.

This concert is a part of SummerFest, a series of FREE music, comedy, animation, and performance art interventions by Staten Island artists, presented by the Council on the Arts & Humanities for Staten Island (COAHSI). SummerFest Excellence in the Arts Awards are made possible through the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.

Guy writes: “If you care to come early for brunch or lunch, I can highly recommend the St. George Parish Grill, 100 Stuyvesant Place, just down the street from SHOW. Great New Orleans-style menu, and very reasonably-priced. Jan and I are frequent guests there”.

For further information email: gklucevsek@si.rr.com


ZUM in Concert, Maidenhead – UK

ZUMEddie HessionZUM, featuring accordionist Eddie Hession, are in concert at Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, Altwood Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4PF, on Friday June 11th, 7.30pm. This is part of a concert season organised by the Maidenhead Music Society.

The following evening, June 12th, 7.30pm, ZUM perform at St George’s, Great George Street, Off Park Street, Bristol BS1 5RR.

The London-based quintet ZUM performs an inspirational fusion of folk music traditions from around the world in their mission to redefine world music. Salsa, bluegrass, klezmer, calypso and bebop complement masterpieces by Astor Piazzolla, music from the golden era of tango, addictive traditional gypsy melodies and dazzling virtuoso fiddling.

For further information email: cmg@zum.org.uk


Unerhörte Musik" Reihe für zeitgenössische Musik, Berlin - Deutschland

Jorgen Brilling and Uwe MahnkenAm Di. 22.06.2010 um 20:30 gibt es im BKA-Theater, Mehringdamm 34, Berlin
einen Konzertabend mit dem Duo Brilling & Mahnke (Uwe Mahnken/Akkordeon und Jörgen Brilling/klassische Gitarre und E-Gitarre). Karten zu € 10,-/ 7,


Milos Milivojevic Concert Dates, England, Wales – UK

Milos MilivojevicAccordionist Milos Milivojevic performs in various venues throughout June, as follows:

June 5th, 7.30pm – with Kosmos ensemble at All Saints Church, Leek Wootton, Warwick
8th, 1pm - St Andrew’s Church, Devizes Festival
11th, 7.30pm – with the London Tango Quintet, St Peter's Church, Cockfield, Suffolk
18th, 7.30pm - solo recital at Ripley Arts Centre, Bromley, Kent
19th, 7.30pm - Kosmos at St Ethelburgas, 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG
21st, 8pm – 44th Bedford Park Festival, St Michael & All Angels Church – ‘From Hanover to Buenos Aires’; Milos Milivojevic is joined by violinist David Juritz and friends for Piazzolla’s ‘Five Tango Sensations’, Handel’s ‘Organ Concerto’, and other classical showpieces.
27th, 1pm - lunchtime concert? at the Dean & Chadlington Summer Music Festival
30th, 1pm - All Saints Chuch, Oystermouth, Swansea SA3 4BZ, Wales; this event is promoted by Oystermouth Music Society.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Courses for ‘Modern Music’, Scalea - Italy

Laboratori posterMusic courses for ‘modern music’ takes place on July 5th, 6th and 7th in Scalea, Cosenza.

The courses are designed to provide an opportunity for student instrumentalists and singers to meet, improve their skills and to socialize. All participants will be taught by qualified teachers:

1. Singing: Rosa Martirano
2. Drums/percussion: Fabrizio La Fauci
3. Bass: Vincent Germano
4. Guitar: Campaign Enzo
5. Keyboards and Computer Music: Giuseppe Cosentino
6. Accordion: Salvatore Cauteruccio
7. Music groups: Robert Musolino

During the courses also the following seminars will take place:

* Publishing - discography and Copyright - Robert Musolino
* Computer music - Joseph Cosentino

Workshops will be held at the ‘Borgo dei piani de la bruca’, Scalea (CS). Concerts will take place daily and are open to all visitors for free entrance. For each course the maximum number of participants is 10 students.

For further information email: info@ascpitagora.com


3rd Accordions International Meeting ‘Silvio B. Previale’, Salto - Uruguay

Encuentro posterThe 3rd Accordions International Meeting ‘Silvio B. Previale’ takes place at the Teatro Larrañaga. Salto, on July 17th 2010. This year’s festival includes accordionists of varied styles from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ukraine and Uruguay. On July 18th, at 8pm, there will also be a street parade involving numerous accordionists, from the market place to the Teatro Larrañaga.

For further information email: academiaspreviale@hotmail.com


New and Updated Sites

HS Production releases new music

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Etude 3', catalog:hs378, 'Etude 4', catalog:hs379, 'Small Quadrille',catalog:hs374, 'It is Time to Get Up, Boy', catalog:hs375, 'Lingering' , catalog:hs367 and 'On the Sledge', catalog:hs368. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Grayson Masefield updated his site

Grayson Masefield has updated his website with many wonderful photos of accordionist friends on his USA Tour 2010. Join Grayson's Fan Club on Accordion-Space4U.com


MusicForAccordion.com releases new music

MusicForAccordion.com site release 1 new music with 3 parts - 'Sonatina in C Part 1-Part 3', catalog:mfa6016. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer releases new work

Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 2 arrangements for acccordion - 'Sailing (Duet)', catalog:OY602 and 'Silent Night', catalog:OY604. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


HS Production releases new music

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Russian Song (Solo and Duet)', catalog:hs389, 'Etude 11', catalog:hs387, 'Etude 9', catalog:hs384, 'Etude - Waltz', catalog:hs385, 'Etude 5', catalog:hs380 and 'Etude 6', catalog:hs381. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

"Conversation of the Muses"

Borregaard CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of "Conversation of the Muses" by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performers are Andreas Borregaard (accordion -fisarmonica classica) and Asbjorn Norgaard (viola-track7).


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