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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Sep-2010
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Masters Degree in Akkordeon, Castelo Branco - Portugal
US Roland V-Accordion Festival, Los Angeles - USA
15jähriges Jubiläum für CNIMA J. Mornet, Saint-Sauves d'Auvergne - Frankreich
Antonio Spaccarotella Konyert im intern. AFAM Campus - Italien
Sergio Pinget Konzert /neues DVD, Buenos Aires - Argentinien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

HotScotch Ceilidh Band, Monte Carlo – Monaco
Jimmy Shand LP ‘Step We Gaily’ Now On CD, Scotland - UK

Future events

Friedrich Lips’ Future Dates – Russia, Croatia
Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Bologna, Lanciano - Italy
Evelina Petrova Concert, London – UK
“A Valtaro Celebration Remembering Gelso Pellegrini”, New York - USA
Open House Festival, Belfast – UK
6th European Festival of Accordion Orchestras, Prague – Czech Republic
‘Spirit of Django’ Tour Dates – UK
Cavagnolo New Products Exhibition, Paris – France

New and Updated Sites

September 2010 Diatonic News Now Online
Friedrich Lips Site Update for EcLipse CD
September USA Accordion News Now Online
Peter Piccini Releases One New Composition
Viatcheslav Semionov Releases a New Two CD Pack - Russia
Donald E Grzanna Releases New Music

CD Reviews

My Images

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Masters Degree in Akkordeon, Castelo Branco - Portugal

Paulo Jorge FerreiraIm akademischen Studiumjahr 2010/2011 bietet die Hochschule für angewandte Kunst in Castelo Branco, Portugal ein Masters Degree (nach Lizentiat) in Akkordeon an. Die Studiendauer beträgt zwei Jahre und der Dozent ist Paulo Jorge Ferreira.

Paulo Jorge Ferreira (geboren 1966 in Lissabon) ist ein international renommierter Solist, Dozent, Juror, Komponist und Arrangeur. Er hielt Solo-Konzerte in Frankreich, Mexiko, Belgien, Österreich, Italien, Macau, Spanien und Ungarn und tritt in Konzerten mit verschiedenen Kammer-und Sinfonieorchestern auf.

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: pjorgef@hotmail.com


US Roland V-Accordion Festival, Los Angeles - USA

Roland V-Accordion FestivalRoland-USA hat ihre Finalisten ausgewählt, die im USA Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival, am Samstag, 18. September im Roland Corporation Hauptsitz in Los Angeles, Kalifornien ausgetragen wird.

Der Gewinner des Hauptpreises wird gewinnt ein Roland FR-7x Akkordeon und eine Reise nach Rom, Italien, um beim WM-Titel des 4. Internationalen Akkordeon-Festivals (Senior Division nur solistisch) am 16. Oktober anzutreten, der mit einem Preisgeld von 5.000 Euro dotiert ist.

Die Roland Finalisten sind, in alphabetischer Reihenfolge:

Youth Division - Andre Fry, Johan Knoff, Hannah Jane Robbins, Kassandra Patterson, Daniel Pavlotsky
Adult Division - Alicia Baker, Steven Gordon, Christopher Gorton, Svetlana Ivanchenko, Cassandra Nelson
Reserven: Jugend - John Moceo, Anthony Federici
Adult - Alexei Bordei, Tatiana Semichastnova, Lou Fanucchi

Roland setzte in diesem Jahr einen Meilenstein von weltweit 10.000 verkauften V-Akkordeons.

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: steven.albini@rolandus.com


15jähriges Jubiläum für CNIMA J. Mornet, Saint-Sauves d'Auvergne - Frankreich

CNIMA J.Mornet graphic
Die etablierte Musikschule CNIMA J.Mornet von Jacques Mornet geleitet von Nathalie Boucheix in Les Ludines, 63950 Saint-Sauves d'Auvergne, feiert dieses Jahr ihr 15jähriges Bestehen. Von Montag 27. September bis Sonntag 3. Oktober wird es eine Reihe von Konzerten, Tanzvorführungen, Abendessen sowie andere Veranstaltungen und Events.

Spezialisiert auf Akkordeon Schulungen, hat CNIMA J.Mornet seit 1995 ihren Studierenden erfolgreich insgesamt 87 Preise bei internationalen Wettbewerben erspielt.

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Antonio Spaccarotella Konyert im intern. AFAM Campus - Italien

Am 3. Abend der 1 wöchigen Show-Veranstaltungen des Tschaikowsky-Konservatoriums in Nocera Terinese (CZ) gab es eine sehr dynamische und energische Darbietung des Jazz Duos mit Antonio Spaccarotella (Akkordeon) und Alberto La Neve (Sax).

Ein zahlreiches Publikum feierte die beiden Musiker und die Darbietung ihrer Original-Musik mit ethnische Einflüssen, Tangonoten, vor allem ihren Jazz. Ein befreiender Musikstil, ab aller Richtlinien in denen Fragmente unregelmäßiger Rhythmen, Atonalität und verschiedenen Formen von Sound dominierten.

Hervorragendes und harmonievolles Zusammenspiel in ihrem stilistisch ungewöhnlichem Projekt läßt sie auf ihren erfolgreichen Konzerten durch Europa unzählige Mengem an Zustimmung des fachlich anspruchsvollem Publikum erhalten, wie in Santa Severina beim Internationalen AFAM Campus.

Ein Campus mit über 300 Teilnehmern aus allen italienischen Konservatorien, sowie dem illustren Musikwissenschaftler Guido Salvetti. Der begeisterte Direktor des Konservatoriums M Pierfrancesco Pullia dankte und gratulierte am Ende des Konzerts den Musikern für ihre großartige Leistung und dem modernen Projekt.


Sergio Pinget Konzert /neues DVD, Buenos Aires - Argentinien

Sergio Pinget
Am Freitag, 17. September, 22.oo bis 2.oo Uhr morgens wird der junge argentinische Akkordeonist Sergio Pinget seine neue DVD in einem Konzert im "Teatro Vivo IFT ', Peña Los Cardones, Jorge Luis Borges 2180, Buenos Aires präsentieren. Das DVD wurde im selben Theater am 23. Oktober letzten Jahres aufgenommen. Die Musik: "La Tempranera ',' Merceditas", Argentina Sekrete "gefilmt", Kilómetro 11 ',' El tren expreso "," Libertango "und andere Stücke.

Ursprünglich aus der Stadt Columbus, stammt Sergio Pinget aus der argentinischen Region, wo der Chamamé Volksmusik Stil vorherrscht. Auch er wuchs mit diesen Rhytmen auf, hat sich aber für eine andere Musikrichtung entschlossen und wurde zu einem erfoglriechen Konzertisten mit bereits mehreren veröffentlichen CD’s.

Für zusätzliche Information email: info@sergiopinget.com.ar


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

HotScotch Ceilidh Band, Monte Carlo – Monaco

Christina O
HotScotchOn August 28th, the HotScotch Ceilidh Band, from Edinburgh, Scotland, were invited out to play in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The band is led by Paul Chamberlain on accordion, with Christine Anderson – fiddle, and Jim Walker – drums. They were providing a Scottish ceilidh for guests on board the super-yacht ‘Christina O’, as part of a wedding celebration with a Scottish connection. 
It was a fantastic occasion and the ceilidh went down very well, with popular favourites such as ‘Strip the Willow’ and ‘The Eightsome Reel’, on the rear deck of the boat. Certainly a most memorable event for the band, and enjoyed by the mixture of French and Scottish guests. Their next function is in the magnificent Stirling Castle on Saturday September 4th.

For further information email: paul@theaccordionist.com


Jimmy Shand LP ‘Step We Gaily’ Now On CD, Scotland - UK

Step We Gaily CDThe classic LP ‘Step We Gaily’ by Sir Jimmy Shand and his Band, issued in 1960 on the EMI Parlaphone label, has just been released on CD for the first time. The original recording was made during Shand’s peak years, and at the height of his fame.

The tracks include: ‘Mairi's Wedding’ – Reel; ‘Jenny's Bawbee’ – Strathspey; Waltz Country Dance; ‘Miss Mary Douglas’ – Jig; ‘The Duke of Perth’ – Reel; ‘Scottish Reform’ – Jig; ‘The Braes O Tullymet’ – Strathspey; ‘Maxwell's Rant’ – Reel; ‘The Road to the Isles’ – Strathspey; ‘Machine Without Horses’ – Jig

Sir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000), knighted in 1999, was arguably the most famous Scotsman of the 20th Century. He had a phenomenally successful recording career that began in 1933 and lasted over 60 years, and came to personify Scottish dance music around the world.

For further information email: info@footstompin.com


Future events

Friedrich Lips’ Future Dates – Russia, Croatia

Friedrich LipsRussian bayan virtuoso, teacher and adjudicator Friedrich Lips has the following dates in his diary:

October 18th and 19th - concert and master class in Rostov, Russia

October 22nd and 23rd - concert and master class in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia

October 25th to 30th - concert and head of jury in Krasnodar, Russia

November 8th to 12th - master class in Pula, Croatia

December 12th – A. Cholminov: ‘Concert for bayan and symphony orchestra’, Moscow, Russia (world premiere)

December 12th to 19th – Head of Jury at the V. International Competition for Bayan and Accordion in Moscow

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Bologna, Lanciano - Italy

Marco Lo RussoItalian accordionist Marco Lo Russo performs as follows:

September 4th, 9pm - Chiesa di Bargi, Camugnano, Bologna; Festival Internazionale di musica sacra, featuring the Duo ICHNOS
  5th, 9pm - Monastero di San Biagio, loc. Lanciano, Nocera Umbra; Festival di San Biagio Classica, Marco Lo Russo – accordion with Paolo Andriotti - cello

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Evelina Petrova Concert, London – UK

Evelina PetrovaRussian accordionist Evelina Petrova performs in concert on Thursday September 9th, 7.30pm, at Puskin House, 5a Bloomsbury Square, London WC1 2TA.

Evelina Petrova studied at the St Petersburg Conservatory. From 1997 Evelina played in a duo with V. Gayvoronsky (trumpet). In October 1998 at the 5th International Competition devoted to Astor Piazzolla in Castelfidardo, Italy, the duo won a special prize for original music style. Now based in London, UK, Evelina has released her first solo CD, of her own compositions, ‘The Year’s Cycle’, on the British label, Leo Records.

For further information email: chonyi@yandex.ru


“A Valtaro Celebration Remembering Gelso Pellegrini”, New York - USA

“A Valtaro Celebration Remembering Gelso Pellegrini”
“A Valtaro Celebration Remembering Gelso Pellegrini”, an event sponsored by the American Accordionists' Association, takes place on Saturday, September 11th, 12 noon – 5pm, at the Magnanini Farm Winery, 172 Strawridge Road, Wallkill, NY 12589.

Gelso Pellegrini was a Board Member of the AAA. He was born in New York city and during his lifelong accordion career, he recorded about 50 of his compositions in addition to Val Taro Musette Music.

The event will be a wine tasting reception and a sumptuous full course Italian dinner with accordion entertainment provided by Eddie Monteiro, Mario Tacca, Chris Gorton, Enzo Sangiacomo, Frank Toscano, Bruce Gassman, Roberto Milanese, Anita & Bob Siarkowski, Ray Oreggia, and the Connecticut Accordion Orchestra.

For further information email: drjciccone@aol.com


Open House Festival, Belfast – UK

Mumford & Sons and Maírtín O'Connor
The 12th Open House Festival takes place in Belfast, Northern Ireland, September 6th to 12th. This traditional music festival takes place at venues in Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter. The festival advertising states, “We're the ‘Not in a muddy field Festival’ - no tents, no wellies and no mud! Just darn good gigs in the heart of Belfast's arts quarter whose narrow cobbled streets are peppered with hotels, restaurants and friendly local Irish pubs”.

Concerts involving accordionists include:

September 6th, 7.30pm - Mumford & Sons at the Festival Marquee, Custom House Square
September 10th, 8pm – ‘Galway County Session’ at the Black Box, Hill Street, featuring diatonic button accordionist Maírtín O'Connor with other Irish traditional musicians
September 11th, 2pm, Bríd Harper, Dermot Byrne & Steve Cooney + Conor Byrne & Friends at the Black Box, Hill Street
September 12th, 8pm, Matthew and the Atlas and others at the Black Box, Hill St

For further information email: info@openhousefestival.com


6th European Festival of Accordion Orchestras, Prague – Czech Republic

The Czech Accordion Association and the Concert and travel agency CTA Prague are organizing the 6th European Festival of Accordion Orchestras in Prague, from October 28th to 31st. The festival will be held in representative City halls and churches, and all registered non professional accordion orchestras, junior or senior, may participate.

For further information email: cta@iol.cz


‘Spirit of Django’ Tour Dates – UK

Jack Emblow and Martin Taylor
Last Train To Hauteville CDThe jazz ensemble ‘Spirit of Django’, led by guitarist Martin Taylor and featuring accordionist Jack Emblow, conclude their tour to celebrate the 100th birthday of the great gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt, as follows:

The ‘Spirit of Django’ tour also features promotion of a new CD, ‘Last Train To Hauteville’.

Jack Emblow (born 1930) has played with ‘Spirit of Django’ since 1994, and is considered by many to be Britain’s leading jazz accordionist. He is also a prolific session musician, performing on the soundtracks of countless films, TV programmes, and the recordings of numerous artistes, including Elton John, Grace Jones, Donovan, The Strawbs, Peter Sarstedt, and the Beatles.

September 24th, 8pm - Town Hall, Ayr
September 25th, 8pm - Scarborough Jazz Festival
September 28th, 8pm - The Stables, Milton Keynes
September 30th, 7.30pm - Buxton Opera House, Derbyshire
October 2nd, 8pm - Turner Sims Concert Hall, Southampton
October 27th, 7.30pm - Empire Theatre, Inverness, Scotland
November 18th, 8pm - Floral Hall, Birkenhead


Cavagnolo New Products Exhibition, Paris – France

The French accordion manufacturer Cavagnolo presents their new range of products at the Salon de Musique, Paris, November 19th to 22nd.

Cavagnolo, now trading under the name Cava-France and based in Beynost, 15km east of Lyon, has been manufacturing accordions since 1904. All products are entirely designed and manufactured in France, and no stage of manufacturing is outsourced.

In 1985 Cavagnolo created and manufactured the extraordinary digital instrument ‘ODYSSEY’, revolutionizing the world of the accordion by the light weight and high quality digital accordion reed sounds.

For further information email: cavagnolo@cava-france.fr


New and Updated Sites

September 2010 Diatonic News Now Online

Diatonic News
The September 2010 Diatonic News is now online.


Friedrich Lips Site Update for EcLipse CD

Friedrich Lips updating his CD titled 'ecLipse', catalog:CD021 with sound samples. Music performed by Friedrich Lips. Purchase online.


September USA Accordion News Now Online

USA Accordion NewsThe September Accordion USA News is now online.


Peter Piccini Releases One New Composition

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online. 'Pretty Waltz, catalog:pp286. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Viatcheslav Semionov Releases a New Two CD Pack - Russia

Viatcheslav Semionov is selling a beautifully presented two CD Pack titled 'My Images', catalog:vs805 with sound samples. This is music composed and performed by Viatcheslav Semionov and includes all his major works. Read the extensive list of works and information about this two CD Pack online at vs805.


Donald E Grzanna Releases New Music

Donald E. Grzanna releases 4 new pieces, 'Kuku Bird Waltz', catalog:grza157, 'Paris Alive', catalog:grza158, 'Bavarian Polka', catalog:grza159, 'Old Mexico Waltz', catalog:grza160. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

My Images

My Image CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of "My Images" by Joan Cochran Sommers. Performer is Viatcheslav Semionov.


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