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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Nov-2017
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67ème Trophée Mondial de l'Accordéon de la CMA 2017, Onet-le- Château - France
Compte-rendu de la 18ème Convention Internationale annuelle de l'Accordéon de Las Vegas - USA
20ème Akkordeono Festival 2017, Vilnius – Lithuanie

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

30th & 80th Anniversaries October Club Night, Cheshire – UK
Video: 10 Years of Zoe Tiganouria Musical Career - Greece
Updated Arrangements by Gary Dahl - USA
Natasha Enquist New Single ‘Unbroken Girl (White Rose Remix)’, Berlin - Germany
Jon Hammond Stolen Giulietti Classic model 127, Serial No. 14258 - USA

Future events

Weekend de l’Accordeon, Normandy - France
Murray Grainger Concert, Manchester – UK
Jac & Co Concerts, England – UK
Ezequiel Tatich Dancing Show, Buenos Aires – Argentina
Carismático with Martin Alvarado Concert, Somerset – UK
Natalya Chesnova @ Gourmet Cuisine Evening, San Pellegrino Terme – Italy
Rob Curto’s Dance Party, Maryland - USA

New and Updated Sites

New Album by Arseniy Strokovskiy & Ivan Dyma - Russia

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67ème Trophée Mondial de l'Accordéon de la CMA 2017, Onet-le- Château - France

Trophée Mondial de l'Accordéon 2017
Nikita Vlasov (Russia)Le Trophée Mondial 2017 organisé par la CMA s'est tenu du 23 au 29 Octobre à Onet-le-Château, France.

Tous les résultats du Trophée Mondial à : 2017ResultsCMA.pdf

Les gagnants des grandes catégories sont :
Senior Classique:
1er Nikita Vlasov (Russie – photo de droite)
2e Artur Adrshin (Russie)
3e Ma Qi (Chine)

Senior Variété :
1er Andrea Di Giacomo (Italie – photo en bas à gauche)
2e Jean-Baptiste Baudin (France)
3e Nikolay Ovchinnikov (Russie)

1er Evgeniia Chirkova (Russie – photo du bas)
2e Maksym Hafych (Ukraine)
3e Artem Tretiakov (Russie)

Le Trophée Mondial a été diffusé en direct sur une Web TV, et après l'évènement, toutes les vidéos sont en ligne sur la chaîne Youtube de la CMA.
En plus des concours se sont tenus 5 concerts et 2 soirées dansantes.
Andrea Di Giacomo and Evgeniia Chirkova


Compte-rendu de la 18ème Convention Internationale annuelle de l'Accordéon de Las Vegas - USA

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention Header
Paul PasqualiLa 18ème Convention Internationale de l'Accordéon de Las Vegas courait du 23 au 26 octobre 2017 au Gold Coast Hotel. Reportage complet avec photos à : 2017LasVegas

Les participants venaient de nombreux lieux des USA, du Canada, Brésil, Autriche, France, Nouvelle Zélande, Australie et Suisse.

L'événement utilisait la salle de bal pour repas et concerts, offrait une boutique où était vendus partitions, accordéons, vêtements et CDs, 2 grandes salles pour les masterclasses et une salle de concert plus petite.

Lumières, son et équipements techniques, tout est venu de l'Utah dans un camion Uhaul.

Avant le début de la convention, un groupe de concertistes animait un dîner et une masterclasse le dimanche 22 octobre.

Ont animés masterclasses et concert (par ordre alphabétique): Gina Brannelli, Kim and Dan Christian, Liz Finch, Gordon Kohl, Grayson Masefield, Cory Pesaturo, Joan Sommers, Mary Tokarski, Stas Venglevski et Michael Zampieni.

Les médaillés 2017 sont : Gordon Kohl, Prof. Joan Sommers et, photo de gauche, Prix de l'Accordion Leadership à Paul Pasquali.

Des hommages à Dick Contino étaient rendus par son fils Pete, son épouse Judy et tout au long de l'évènement par de nombreux musiciens.

Les répétitions de l'Orchestre sous la baguette de Joan Sommers avaient lieu tous les jours et sa prestation clôturait l'évenement avec Lady of Spain.

Merci à Paul Pasquali. J'attends impatiemment l'année prochaine – du 15 au18 October 2018.
Photo ci dessous : Cory Pesaturo, Grayson Masefield et Stas Venglevski
Reportage complet avec photos à : 2017LasVegas
Cory Pesaturo, Grayson Masefield and Stas Venglevski


20ème Akkordeono Festival 2017, Vilnius – Lithuanie

Lars Karlsson Band, Johanna Juhola
Akkordeono Festival 2017 PosterLe 20ème Akkordeono Festival 2017 se tient dans des salles de Vilnius, Lithuanie, du 10 au 24 novembre, présentant plusieurs accordéonistes de classe internationale et une exposition.

Organisé par la Lithuanian Accordion Association, Directeur Artistique Raimondas Sviackevicius et coordonateurs du Festival Dangira Goštaltaviciute, Asta Žeromskiene et Kristina Žebrauskaite.

L'Akkordeono Festival 2017 propose de nombreuses prestations couvrant les genres classique, académique, électronique, musique expérimentale et jazz, projets tango et pop.

Programme :
Vendredi 10 novembre 19:00, Johanna Juhola (Finlande) & Imaginary Friends
Samedi 11 novembre 19:00 Bartosz Kolsut (Pologne),
Mardi 14 novembre 19:30 Daniele di Banventura (Italie),
Jeudi 16 novembre 17:30 concert virtuel en ligne (Vilnius, Copenhague, Helsinki), en association avec LMTA Music Innovation Studies Center, Danish Royal Music et la Helsinki J.Sibelius Music Academy.
Dimanche 19 novembre 16:00 Tadas Moticius,
Lundi 20 novemebre 19:00 Jean Louis Matinier
Mardi 21 novembre 19:00 Luciano Biondini (Italie)
Mercredi 22 novembre 18:00 concert de nouvelles compositions du LMTA ensemble dirigé par R. Sviackevicius.
Mercredi 22 novembre 20:30 Music club "Tamsta", Button Hacker
Jeudi 23 novembre 19:00 Stefan Hussong (Allemagne)
Vendredi 24 novembre 19:00 Lars Karlsson Band (Suède)

Acheter des billets : 2017Akordeono
Pour autres informations email: info@akordeonofestivalis.lt
Stefan Hussong, Daniele di Bonaventura


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

30th & 80th Anniversaries October Club Night, Cheshire – UK

Rob Howard, Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Bob Jones MBE
Stockport Accordion Club book coverStockport Accordion Club’s Club Night concert on October 18th featured the talents of our playing membership and was a great success. The concert celebrated 30 years since Stockport AC was revived in 1987, and 80 years since the original club was formed in 1937.

Thanks to all who played their hearts out and also to those who did the behind the scenes stuff (Joan Campbell i/c door admissions, Sue Wynroe i/c raffle tickets, Adrienne i/c playing order organisation and raffle prizes, Betty Molloy i/c the kitchen). We had a full and varied programme that went down very well with our audience.

It was great to see our former Musical Director Brian Jenkins, plus Anita Basic, Anna Leskela and Pete Jebb from the Bradford Accordion Band visiting us, and I hope they enjoyed the evening. It was also great see Martina Hall, who played in the club’s band in the 1980s/90s, in the audience.

The programme featured:
- Rob Howard – Oliver Selection: Consider yourself/Food/Got to pick a pocket or two/I’d do anything/Be back soon/Oompah-pah/As long as he needs me/Who will buy?/Reviewing the situation; SAC Band – Liberty Bell, Amapola, My Way;
- Dorothy Brincat – Scottish Waltzes; Accordion Spice – Harmonica, Amazing Grace, Katyusha;
- Adrienne Sharpe/John Curvis – Scottish Reels;
- Chris Green/Helen Rich – Frances MacDonald, Ashokan Farewell;
- Helen Rich - Trieste Overture, Bourrasque, All Hands For'ard;
Interval – entertainment by John Jones MBE;
- Pearl Fawcett-Adriano – Comedian’s Gallop, Mariana, Quick Silver, Happy Birthday - a hilarious spot of fun played as a cha-cha/waltz/funeral march/Argentine tango/tarantella; -
- Dennis Pepler – Gourmand Polka;
- Chris Green/Betty Molloy – Unity March, Granada;
- Scottish Quartet - Set 1: (Reels) Mairi's Wedding/Wish We Were Married/Happy We've Been Together, Set2: (Strathspeys) Orange and Blue/Loudon’s Bonnie Woods, Set 3: (Polka) I Have A Bonnet Trimmed With Blue, Set 4 (Gay Gordons Marches) Scotland the Brave /100,000 Welcomes/Thistle of Scotland;
- SAC Band – Wien bleibt Wien, Simple Gifts, Las Chiapanecas.

‘Stockport Accordion Club through the years’, a fully illustrated book telling the club’s history going back to the 1930s, had its launch at the concert. Available from author Rob Howard For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
Accordion Spice, Scottish Quartet


Video: 10 Years of Zoe Tiganouria Musical Career - Greece

Popular Greek accordionist and composer Zoe Tiganouria has released a video to celebrate the last 10 years of her musical career, showing the many different performers she has been on stage with and her international performances. You are asked - Watch till the end.!!


Updated Arrangements by Gary Dahl - USA

Gary DahlUpdated Arrangements just released:
Silver Bells composed arranged by Gary Dahl Catalog: DH0044
Tarantella Napolentana arranged by Gary Dahl Catalog: DH0261

View samples of the music online.


Natasha Enquist New Single ‘Unbroken Girl (White Rose Remix)’, Berlin - Germany

Natasha EnquistMixing dark female vocals with haunting melody lines from the accordion, ‘Unbroken Girl (White Rose Remix)’ is about the 1920s Berlin-based German silent film actress and Otto Dix muse, Anita Berber, whose life was cut short at the age of 29.

Among her many vices, one of Berber's favourite habits was to mix chloroform and ether in a bowl, to then stir with a white rose and consume the petals.

The original mix is the 5th track from Natasha Enquist’s debut album, ‘MNE’, and has been featured on the soundtrack for the Berlin-made short film ‘The Birthday’ (2015), along with three other of her original compositions, which was nominated for Best Sound & Music at the ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival.

‘Unbroken Girl (White Rose Remix)’ will also be available at all major online music shops, or wherever you like to stream music, in the coming days (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, etc).

For further information email: info@natashaenquist.com


Jon Hammond Stolen Giulietti Classic model 127, Serial No. 14258 - USA

Jon HammondWell known musician Jon Hammond has now found the serial number of his stolen accordion, a Giulietti Classic model 127 Serial No. 14258.

This accordion was stolen from his mother's house in Boston, MA in 1976. Picture right of Jon Hammond circa 1976, playing the stolen accordion.

At the time, John was attending Berklee College of Music and this accordion has a history, being an accordion of the great pioneer USA accordionist John Molinari.

If you have any information about the accordion, please email Jon Hammond at:


Future events

Weekend de l’Accordeon, Normandy - France

PosterOn Saturday November 4th, 8.30pm, and Sunday, November 5th, 2pm, a ‘Weekend de l’Accordeon’ takes place at the Forum de Falaise, Boulevard de Liberation, 14700 Falaise, Normandy. These are dance events, with both featuring Jerome Richard and members of the Falaise Accordion Club.

Falaise is a commune in the Calvados department in the Normandy region in northwestern France.


Murray Grainger Concert, Manchester – UK

Murray GraingerMurray Grainger performs a solo concert on Tuesday November 7th, 11am-12noon, at St James & Emmanuel Church, 6 Barlow Moor Rd, Didsbury, Manchester M20 6TR. Tickets cost £10, and include refreshments.

Murray Grainger studied the classical accordion at The Royal Academy of Music in London, and has performed internationally, and taught classical, folk and traditional techniques at Chetham’s School of Music, Newcastle University’s Folk and Traditional Music course, and as the Director of Education for Young Musicians Stornoway.

He has performed at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the BBC Promenade Series, The South Bank Centre with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, Celtic Connections, the Edinburgh International Festival, Lorient Interceltic Festival in France, Folk Est in Italy, The Usher Hall in Edinburgh, with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, and the Sidmouth International Folk Festival.


Jac & Co Concerts, England – UK

Jac & CoFrench accordionist and composer Jacques Pellarin and his vocalist wife Corinne, as the duo ‘Jac & Co’, have taken the music of France to many countries. Having returned from a tour of the USA, the duo will be performing in England during November.

Tour dates:
November 7th, 8th, 9th - Frederic Bistro, Maidstone, Kent
November 10th - Alliance Française de Bristol, 15 Belvoir Rd, Bristol
November 11th - Alliance Française de Bath, 3 Woodside Cottage, Kilkenny Lane, Bath  
November 15th, 16th - Restaurant La Popote, Manchester Rd, Marton, Macclesfield, Cheshire
November 17th, 18th - Carpenters Arms, Great Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire
November 19th, 20th - Restaurant A la Russe, Windsor, Berkshire

According to the French magazine Le Progrès, they “bring back almost a century of the traditional French 'chanson' songs in the likes of Édith Piaf and Yves Montand, Francis Lemarque. With just voice and accordion, Jac & Co captivate audiences and transport them to the dance halls and street side cafés of France's yesteryear!

Jacques Pellarin’s two most recent CDs are ‘My French Cinema’ and ‘Paris Ma Jeunesse’, available via his website.

For further information email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr


Ezequiel Tatich Dancing Show, Buenos Aires – Argentina

PosterThe popular accordion entertainer Ezequiel Tatich, known as ‘El Gringo del Acordeon’, performs for dancing in a variety show on Friday November 10th, 9pm, at the Salon Imperio Roma, Chile St, Talar, Buenos Aires.


Carismático with Martin Alvarado Concert, Somerset – UK

Carismático poster
On Friday November 10th, 7pm until 10pm, the ensemble Carismático, featuring accordionist Karen Street and saxophonist Andy Tweed, perform in concert with the Argentinean tango vocalist Martin Alvarado. This concert takes place at Cedars Hall, Wells Cathedral School, Somerset. The programme includes the compositions of Saúl Cosentino, Astor Piazzolla, and Karen Street, all arranged by Street.

The concert includes dancing demonstrations by Miriam Orcutt & Dante Culcuy, finalists in the 2015 World Tango Championships in Buenos Aires and guest artists in milongas and festivals across the world.

For further information email: karen@karenstreet.com


Natalya Chesnova @ Gourmet Cuisine Evening, San Pellegrino Terme – Italy

PosterNatalya Chesnova performs a classical repertoire at an evening of music and gourmet cuisine with traditional Russian cooking recipes at the Istituto Alberghiero, Viale della Vittoria 9, San Pellegrino Terme, Bergamo (BG), on Friday November 10th. The buffet opens at 7pm, and the concert begins at 8.30pm.  

Natalya Chesnova, from Minsk, Belorus, is based in Milan. She graduated from the Minsk Conservatory in 2004, then moved to Italy where she teaches and performs.

For further information email: nataliabajan@libero.it


Rob Curto’s Dance Party, Maryland - USA

Rob CurtoRob Curto’s ‘Forro for all Dance Party’ will be held on Friday November 10th, 7pm, at the Milky Arthouse in College Park, MD. The Milky Arthouse is located on 7416 Baltimore Ave., College Park, MD.

Rob Curto’s Forró for All is led by accordionist Rob Curto, originally from New York City, and widely lauded as forró’s main ambassador in the United States. Rob is one of the foremost musicians responsible for introducing North American audiences to northeastern Brazilian Music.

He was an original member of the band Forro in the Dark along with Mauro Refesco (David Byrne, Red Hot Chili Peppers) and Smokey Hormel (Beck). He is a member of the band Matuto, which he founded with guitarist Clay Ross to explore the cultural intersections between Brazilian music and folk traditions of Appalachia and the American South. Rob also composes his own music and collaborates with musicians from all over the world.

Rob Curto's Forró For All band includes drummer Chad Brown and Baltimore-based singer Rose Moraes.


New and Updated Sites

New Album by Arseniy Strokovskiy & Ivan Dyma - Russia

Arseniy Strokovskiy
SaxAkkord album coverArseniy Strokovskiy, is the winner of 2016 Klingenthal and Laureate of Coupe Mondiale, Castelfidardo, Rostov-on-Don, Vivat Bayan in Samara and many other international competitions.

Arseniy Strokovskiy has teamed up with Ivan Dyma (saxophones) to form the Duo SaxAkkord with a very distinctive sound.

They have now released their first mp3 download album. The tracks are:
1. Prelude No. 1 G. Gershwin
2. Prelude No. 2 G. Gershwin
3. Prelude No. 3 G. Gershwin
4. Metamorphoses Lundquist
5. Sempre Majore S. Berensky
6. Sonata No. 2 A. Shcnittke
7. Sonatina I. Tamarin
8. Sabre Dance A. Kachaturyan

The album is available as an online download for only € 9.00 - Catalog: SaxAkkord You can also purchase individual tracks and listen to sound samples of each track at: SaxAkkord.


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