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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Jul-2015
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Особенности Highlights

20-летие школы ‘CNIMA’, май 2015, Сен-Сов-д’Овернь, Франция
16 ежегодная международная аккордеонная Конвенция в Лас-Вегасе – США
Белма Саранчич Находович (Belma Šarančić Nahodović) – первая балканская аккордеонистка со степенью кандидата искусствоведения (PhD), Сараево – Босния
Королевская награда ‘Queen’s Service Medal’ Для Хизер Митчелл-Глэдстоун (Heather Mitchell-Gladstone) – Новая Зеландия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: #1 Hit, Calibre 50 performing Contigo - USA
21st Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration - Canada
Video: Accordion Virtuosi, Anatoly Shalaev - "Russian Snow-Storm" - Russia
Bradford Accordion Band’s Summer Concert, West Yorkshire – UK
Video: Iryna Serotyuk Performs Two Confessions for Accordion, Runchak - Ukraine
‘Weird Al’ Yankovic at Peabody Opera House, Saint Louis - USA
Video: Vitali Dmitriev Performs The Beautiful Blue Danube - Russia
Historic LP "Lou Jacklich Plays", Re-released as eTracks Album - USA
Video: Attilson & Maximo Music ft Max Salsapura "Ratata" - Italy
‘14 Years Ago’: "The World of the Accordion" Radio Show in Australia in 2001

Будущие события

Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival - Finland
Milos Milivojevic News and Concerts – UK
Paris Moscou Duo Concert and Course, Reims – France
Motion Trio Concert, Krotoszyn – Poland
Deco Ensemble Concert and CD Launch, London – UK
Hans-Günther Kölz and Matthias Anton Concert, Trossingen – Germany
Eddie Giffney, Studying UK, Farewell Concert, 2nd August - New Zealand
Bjarke Mogensen Concerts – Denmark
Sergio Zampolli’s Bastille Day, Johannesburg – South Africa
Peter Soave Music Academy (PSMA) Seminar, Sauris – Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

New: Tian Jianan, Now Available eTracks mp3 Download - China
Updated Site: New Version of Just Because Polka - USA

CD Отзывы

CD Review: L'armonica a mantice di Giuseppe Greggiati

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Особенности Highlights

20-летие школы ‘CNIMA’, май 2015, Сен-Сов-д’Овернь, Франция

CNIMA J.Mornet 20th Anniversary Festival
CNIMA 20th Anniversary Festival posterВидео выше: Кристина Росси (Christine Rossi) исполняет Сонату No.2 in F (K280) В.А. Моцарта.

Это был огромный праздник аккордеона! Только студенты школы Жака Морне ‘CNIMA’, бывшие и нынешние, выступали в течение первых двух дней аккордеонного фестиваля (29 и 30 мая), отмечая двадцатую годовщину этой знаменитой школы французского аккордеона. Полную программу и информацию можно скачать здесь: 2015CNIMA.pdf

В пятницу 29 мая состоялся большой бал (бал мюзетов), собравший любителей аккордеона, мюзета и танцев со всей центральной Франции. На сцене выступили трио Алена Музикини, Натали Буше, Амели Кастель, Стефани Мето и двадцать студентов школы, исполнив все стили танцевальной музыки. Многочисленные зрители были впечатлены разнообразием музыки!

В субботу состоялся замечательный концерт в переполненной церкви Сен-Сов, которая не смогла вместить всех слушателей! Жан-Батист Боден, победитель Трофея Мира 2014, исполнил эстрадную музыку. Чудесная Кристина Росси (видео выше) и дуэт Алена Музикини и Кристофа Савойя отвечали за классическую часть концерта.

После концерта состоялся ужин на 150 гостей, на котором демонстрировался фильм о 20-летней истории ‘CNIMA’ и о том, как Жак Морне посвятил свою жизнь аккордеону. История школы включает 104 победителя крупных международных соревнований.

На третий день, в воскресенье 31 мая, аккордеонисты из любой страны, города, любого возраста, размера и уровня были приглашены выступить вместе на большой, зеленой, солнечной территории кемпинга. И ... они выступили! (фото слева).

14 сентября нынешние и новые студенты начнут еще один аккордеонный учебный год в школе Жака Морне ‘CNIMA’ Сен-Сов-д’Оверни. Почему бы вам не быть среди них?

Полная информацию по обучению в школе находится здесь: CNIMA J.Mornet


16 ежегодная международная аккордеонная Конвенция в Лас-Вегасе – США

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Paul PasqualiВидео выше: Грейсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield) исполняет «Тико-Тико» в Лас-Вегасе.

Фотогалерея здесь: 2015LV
Фото справа: организатор мероприятия Паул Паскуали

Целью Лас-Вегасской Международной Аккордеонной Конвенции Аккордеон всегда было проведение на высоком профессиональном уровне качественных развлекательных и образовательных семинаров.

Мероприятие началось 21 июня с выступления знаменитой музыкально-комической группы 'Riders in the Sky’, которое вывело наш приветственный концерт на пятизвездочный уровень. Для многих цена посещения мероприятия была оправдана уже одной только возможностью увидеть выступление обладателей Грэмми в интимной обстановке нашего концерта.

На заключительном концерте выступил пятикратный чемпион мира Грейсон Мейсфилд, где продемонстрировал потрясающее шоу техники, музыкальности и артистизма. Его программа отличалась восхитительным разнообразием музыки, которая пленила зрителей и подняла зал.

Каждое утро начиналось с занятий и семинаров с последующей дневной программой. Послеобеденное время было наполнено индивидуальными и оркестровыми репетициями.

Каждый вечер во время ужина проходили концерты, в которых приняли участие Грейсон Мейсфилд, Джои Мискулин, Уолтер Останек, Мэри Токарски, Стас Венглевски, Джоан Соммерс, трио Europa, Пит Барбутти, дуэт: Поль Беткен и Джерри Циглер, Гордон Коль, Чак Генри, Джина Бранелли. В грандиозном финале выступил Лас-Вегасский международный оркестр аккордеонистов.

После вечернего концерта участники мероприятия смоги выйти на сцену в клубе 'Concerto’ в интимной обстановке кабаре. Эти выступления продолжались до предрассветного часа.

В этом году мы увидели участников из таких отдаленных стран, как Австралия, Новая Зеландия, Франция, а также из почти каждой провинции Канады, Мексики и со всей территории Соединенных Штатов.


Белма Саранчич Находович (Belma Šarančić Nahodović) – первая балканская аккордеонистка со степенью кандидата искусствоведения (PhD), Сараево – Босния

Belma Šarančić Nahodović
Belma Šarančić Nahodović4 июня на Балканах была впервые присвоена степень кандидата искусствоведения аккордеонистке. Белма Саранчич Находович, ассистент профессора кафедры аккордеона Музыкальной Академии Сараево, была удостоена кандидатской степени.

Программа получения кандидатской степени PhD разработана по правилам Болонской Конвенции и трехфазного цикла обучения продолжительностью три года, выпускной экзамен которого включал два сегмента: артистическое выступление и диссертация.

Кандидатский курс курировали два профессора – профессор Гер Дрогсволл (Geir Draugsvoll, Дания) в качестве наставника художественного проекта и профессор д-р Сенад Казич (Senad Kazic, Сараево), ответственный за письменную диссертацию.

Финальное артистическое выступление состоялось в Зале Сараевской Армии, одном из лучших акустических залов на Балканах. На программе прозвучал Концерт для баяна и оркестра ‘ad Astrum’ литовского композитора Анатолиюса Шедероваса.Белме Саранчич Находович аккомпанировал Филармонический Оркестр Сараево под управлением Эмира Мейремича из Музыкальной Академии Сараево, что создало потрясающую атмосферу и привело к десяти минутным овациям.

На следующий день Музыкальной Академии Сараево Белма защитила диссертацию на тему «Alexander Technique и аккордеон», посвященную методике, известной как ‘Alexander Technique’.

В составе комиссии работали профессора Гер Дрогсволл, Казич Сенад, Радомир Томич, Даниела Гаждич, Альмира Хадзович Дзуво.
Belma Šarančić Nahodović


Королевская награда ‘Queen’s Service Medal’ Для Хизер Митчелл-Глэдстоун (Heather Mitchell-Gladstone) – Новая Зеландия

Heather Mitchell-Gladstone
Heather Mitchell-Gladstone19 июня 2015 года Хизер Митчелл-Глэдстоун из города Крайстчерч была представлена к награде Queen’s Service Medal (Медаль Служения Ее Величеству) за свое многолетнее служение музыке. Награду вручал Генерал-Губернатор Новой Зеландии сэр Йеремия Мэйтпарэ (Sir Jeremiah Mateparae) на церемонии в Доме Правительства в Веллингтоне.

Эта медаль присуждается Правительством Новой Зеландии и Королевой Елизаветой II, королевой Англии, Новой Зеландии и 15 других Королевств Содружества.

Хизер Митчелл-Глэдстоун – известная эстрадная артистка, преподаватель аккордеона и вокала и руководитель Хора Сообщества Св. Албана (St Alban’s Community Choir).

В 2005 году Хизер получила Почетную Награду от Аккордеонной Аттестационной Комиссии Новой Зеландии (AEBNZ) в признание ее выдающегося вклада в аккордеонного движение, а в 2013 году стала обладательницей награды «Пожизненное Членство» Аккордеонной Ассоциации Кентербери.

С 11 лет Хизер выступала перед публикой, играя на аккордеоне и фортепиано, а также пела. Она получила музыкальное образование в Университете Кентербери и позже вернулась в Университет, чтобы преподавать курсы повышения квалификации по аккордеону.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: #1 Hit, Calibre 50 performing Contigo - USA

Edén MuñozMusic video by Calibre 50 performing Contigo. (C) 2015 Disa Latin Music A Division Of UMG Recordings.

Regional Mexican Group Calibre 50 adds another hit to its remarkable story with #1 on the Billboard ‘Contigo’. And with unstoppable momentum, this song has soared to No. 1 on this week's Billboard for Regional Mexican Airplay chart.

‘Contigo’ is written by Edén Muñoz, the SESAC Latina-affiliated composer who is also the group's lead singer and accordionist.

As the most-played and listened-to song on the radio in the United States, Contigo tops the chart for the Billboard magazine publication date of March 21-27, 2015.

It took just four weeks for Contigo to power its way to the top, and its latest weekly move was the most impressive, jumping from No. 10 all the way to No. 1.

It's another prodigious achievement for Edén Muñoz, who also co-wrote the 2014 SESAC Latina Song of the Year, titled ‘Y Te Vas’, with Alfonso Flores Arocha, and performed by Banda Carnaval.

The song ‘Contigo’ marks the fourth No. 1 hit for SESAC Latina and Calibre 50 on the Regional Mexican charts.

The group's other SESAC Latina-represented chart-toppers are titled ‘Ni Que Estuvieras Tan Buena’, ‘Tus Latidos’ and ‘Javier El De Los Llanos’.


21st Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration - Canada

Michael Bridge and Alicia Baker
Emmanual GasserPicture above: Michael Bridge and Alicia Baker

Annually around Father’s Day weekend the charming Bavarian-like town of Leavenworth, Washington State, is converted into a community of accordion players and fans attending the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC).

The success of this annual event is due to the dedicated volunteers of the North West Accordion Society. The 4-day venue spans about 4 blocks / 3 sites.

Events include:
Bands • Competitions • Concerts • Evaluation • Jamming • Free Lessons • Free Performances • Vendors • Volunteer Opportunities • Workshops

Quality workshops and world class evening concerts for a nominal fee were held by: Alicia Baker, Bonnie Birch Trio, Michael Bridge, Beverly Fess, John Giulani, Toby Hanson, Cooksie Kramer, Max Kyllonen, Jamie Maschler, Jim & Shirley O’Brien, Kory Tideman, Sergei Teleshev and Valinor Quartet.

Seating capacity for the evening concerts was approximately 280. Attendance was excellent at the Alicia Baker and Michael Bridge concert that I attended. After their individual concerts, Alicia and Michael played dance music duets.

There were several competition divisions. Competitors mostly represented Washington and Canada. Congratulations to Emmanual Gasser (picture left) of Saint-Charles, Ontario who swept 3 opens including the Leavenworth Open (top prize). Results download: 2015LIAC.pdf

Like the Cotati Accordion Festival, there is a mass play-along. The LIAC features a parade that marches from Festhalle to the Gazebo, while playing accordion favorites along the way.

Next years dates are set for June 16-21, 2016.


Video: Accordion Virtuosi, Anatoly Shalaev - "Russian Snow-Storm" - Russia

Appearing Saturday, November 14 at Jones Hall, Wortham Theater in Houston, USA. The Accordion Virtuosi from Russia has thrilled audiences around the globe with a diverse repertoire ranging from folk music to arrangements of rock songs.

Video Published on Apr 30, 2013


Bradford Accordion Band’s Summer Concert, West Yorkshire – UK

Bradford Accordion Band
Bradford Accordion Band’s Summer Concert on June 24th at the Dubrovik Hotel in Bradford proved to a wonderful evening of music and fine advert for the accordion. Performing were the Bradford Accordion Band (MD Anita Basic), their quintet Note-able Accordion Ensemble, and soloists Anna Leskela, Helen Rich, and Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, the latter two very capably representing Stockport Accordion Club.

There were excellent performances all round, which began with the Bradford Accordion Band performing ‘Te Deum’ (Charpentier), ‘High Noon’/Ghost Riders in the Sky’, and ‘Memory’ (Lloyd-Webber) for their first set. Their second set, which concluded the concert, included ‘The Dam Busters’ (Coates), ‘I’ve had the time of my life’ (from ‘Dirty Dancing’) and ended with ‘We are the champions’, the 1980s Queen hit song, with the ‘Trumpet Voluntary’ (Jeremiah Clarke), as an encore.

Pearl Fawcett-Adriano was her usual brilliant self, performing ‘Dance of the Comedians’, ‘Fossettes’, ‘O Sole Mio’, and ‘Ciribiribin’, with style and virtuosity. The Note-able Accordion Ensemble performed ‘Serenata’ (Leroy Anderson), ‘Pavanne’ (Faure), and ‘Violentango’ (Piazzolla) with excellent timing and style. Helen Rich gave classy renditions of ‘Marcia’ (G. Deiro), ‘At a Loose End’ (Rich), ‘Hungarian Dance No 4’ (Brahms), and ‘Golden Slippers’ (Frosini). Anna Leskela, from Finland, performed ‘Prelude & Fugue in B Minor’ (JS Bach), ‘Sonata in C Sharp Minor’ (Scarlatti), and ‘Gypsy Inspiration’ (Pihlajamaa), with a virtuosity that marked her out as a young accordionist to watch out for. The concert attracted a full house attendance.

This concert replaced a proposed club visit to the Bradford Accordion Band by Stockport Accordion Club, which was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. A group SAC members – Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Helen Rich, Rob & Marj Howard, John Jones, Moira Hague, Walter Perrie, John Higham - attended the concert.


Video: Iryna Serotyuk Performs Two Confessions for Accordion, Runchak - Ukraine

Iryna Serotyuk was filmed at the Three Festival of contemporary music “Kharkiv contemporary 2015” Published on Jun 27, 2015. Two Confessions for Accordion by Volodymyr Runchak


‘Weird Al’ Yankovic at Peabody Opera House, Saint Louis - USA

‘Weird Al’ Yankovic‘Weird Al’ Yankovic presented a concert on June 28th, singing parodies of popular songs, such as Pharrell Williams’ popular song, ‘Happy’, which was turned into ‘Tacky’. With his four piece band, he made fun of songsters of today and of the past. The show took place at the Peabody Opera House, Saint Louis, Missouri.

His concerts are always sold out. He is also famous for recreating popular songs as polkas, using his accordion.

‘Weird Al’ Yankovic is an American singer, songwriter, parodist, record producer, satirist, actor, music video director, film producer, and author. He is known for his humorous songs that make light of popular culture and often parody specific songs by contemporary musical acts, original songs that are style pastiches of the work of other acts, and polka medleys of several popular songs, featuring his favored instrument, the accordion.

Since his first-aired comedy song in 1976, he has sold more than 12 million albums (as of 2007),recorded more than 150 parody and original songs and has performed more than 1,000 live shows.

His works have earned him four Grammy Awards and a further 11 nominations, four gold records, and six platinum records in the USA. Yankovic's first top ten Billboard album (‘Straight Outta Lynwood’) and single (‘White & Nerdy’) were both released in 2006, nearly three decades into his career.

His latest album, ‘Mandatory Fun’ (2014), became his first number one album on its debut week. With many costume changes and constant videos on the screen, the show is high energy and full of laughs. And, the accordion always has its special place in his shows.


Video: Vitali Dmitriev Performs The Beautiful Blue Danube - Russia

This was performed by Vitali Dmitriev at the St Peterburg International Accordion Festival (2011). Recordings and DVD's are available online at: Vitali Dmitriev


Historic LP "Lou Jacklich Plays", Re-released as eTracks Album - USA

Lou JacklichDuring the July 2014 Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) convention in San Francisco, Lou Jacklich was recognized in honor of his lifetime dedication to the accordion profession.

Lou Jacklich, teacher-performer-electronic accordion pioneer, born in 1928, has had a fascinating professional life with the accordion which is detailed in the new website, written by Pamela Tom.

Also re-released is the LP "Lou Jacklich Plays", now released as eTracks mp3 download for only US$8. Cat: jacklicheT

The album features many evergreen accordion favorites. You can also purchase individual tracks as mp3 downloads for only 99 cents each.

1. Holiday for Strings
2. Espana Cani
3. Dance of the Hours
4. Jalousie 'Tango Tzigane'
5. Kitten on the Keys
6. Dizzy Fingers
7. Who's Sorry Now (A La Shuffle)
8. On the Trail
9. The Flight of the Bumble Bee
10. Malaguena
11. Carnival of Venice
12. Granada

Picture below: San Francisco Accordion Club first lifetime achievement award presented to Lou Jacklich by club president, Lynn Ewing, September 2014.
Lou Jacklich presentation


Video: Attilson & Maximo Music ft Max Salsapura "Ratata" - Italy

Attilson & Maximo Music ft Max Salsapura "Ratata" by Green Garage label, published 29 April 2015


‘14 Years Ago’: "The World of the Accordion" Radio Show in Australia in 2001

Peter PicciniThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending June 29th 2001 included the announcement that a radio show dedicated to accordion music, run by Peter Piccini, had been set up in Perth, Australia. Peter Piccini was a noted accordionist and accordion composer with a high profile music career.

Sadly Peter Piccini passed away on the 11th October 2011 in Perth and is survived by his wife Sarah. A full obituary was published at:

"The World of the Accordion" Radio Show – Australia

"The World of the Accordion" radio show compered by accordionists Robert Gesmundo and Peter Piccini airs weekly in Perth, Western Australia. The show features accordionists from Australia and all over the world.

Recent recordings featured in the show include the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra (New Zealand) and Eddie Chavez (USA), who sent the radio station recordings of American accordionists such as Guido Deiro, Anthony Galla-Rini, Ernie Felice and Charles Magnante. The station is interested in receiving new recordings from accordion players for the show.


Будущие события

Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival - Finland

Sata-Häme Soi
The Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, incorporating the Primus Ikaalinen 2015 competition, takes place until July 5th 2015.

Competitions: The Golden Accordion (senior), The Silver Accordion (junior), and The Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championships for Chromatic and Diatonic Accordions.

The idyllic centre of Old Town Ikaalinen is the centre of the large scale Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, and music is in the air in the Festival Park and in the concert venues for a week. Both amateurs and world class musicians perform at Ikaalinen – providing the festival audience with an astonishing variety of musical styles.

For further information email: toimisto@satahamesoi.fi


Milos Milivojevic News and Concerts – UK

Milos MilivojevicSerbian accordionist Milos Milivojevic performs a duet on Astor Piazzolla's ‘Libertango’, a track on guitarist Craig Ogden’s latest album release for Classic FM – ‘Craig Ogden and Friends’. The arrangement was done by pianist and conductor Paul Bateman. Craig's new album features a whole range of collaborators and friends, including pianist Ji Liu, cellist Natalie Clein, and flautist Gareth Davies.

Milos Milivojevic’s forthcoming concerts include:

July 3rd, 7.30pm – with Kosmos at the Chichester Festival, Halnaker Park Cottage, Park Lane, Halnaker, Chichester PO18 0QH
July 5th, 3pm - with Paprika at the Chichester Festival, venue as above
July 8th, 7.30pm - duo with Craig Ogden, Hoylake Chapel Station Rd, Hoylake CH47 4AA
July 16th, 3pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
July 17th - with Paprika at Rhythmtree Festival, Three Gates Farm, Shalfleet, Calbourne, Isle of Wight PO30 4NA
July 21st, 3pm - Alice in Wonderland family opera, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
July 22nd, 3pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
July 23rd, 6.30pm - with Kosmos, Holt Festival, St Andrew's Church, 15 Market Place, Holt NR25 6BE
July 24th, 25th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, all at 3pm – Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
August 1st, 3pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, London
August 6th, 6pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, Wilderness Festival, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire
August 7th, 4pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, Wilderness Festival, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire
August 9th, 12pm and 4pm - Alice in Wonderland, Opera Holland Park 2015, Wilderness Festival, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire
August 21st, 7.30pm – with a classical ensemble that includes Craig Ogden, Burton Bradstock Festival of Music and Arts, Dorset
August 22nd, 7.30pm – with guitarists Craig Ogden and Gary Ryan, Birdfair 2015, Fishponds Cottage, Hambleton Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 8AB

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Paris Moscou Duo Concert and Course, Reims – France

Paris Moscou DuocourseThe Paris Moscou Duo (Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov) perform a recital on Friday July 3rd, 9pm, at the church of Monetay-sur-Loire (03), central France.

From July 12th to 18th Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov lead an accordion course at the Ecole de Musique, Reims, France.

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


Motion Trio Concert, Krotoszyn – Poland

Motion Trio
The Motion Trio perform in concert on Saturday July 4th, 10pm, at ‘Wiec Wiec’, Rynek Glowny, Krotoszyn, Poland. Also performing earlier in the concert are Affabre Concinui, Shata QS, and Wiec 2. This is an outdoor event, and in the event of rain the concert will move to the nearby cinema.

The Motion Trio, formed in 1996, are Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn. Using all the advantages of the accordion in their creations, the Motion Trio continually explore the new possibilities of this instrument, changing the way that it is perceived. Their concerts are musical performances that contain action and drama.

For further information email: annawojtarowicz@akordeonus.com


Deco Ensemble Concert and CD Launch, London – UK

Deco EnsembleThe Deco Ensemble release a new CD, ‘Encuentro’, next week. Their CD launch takes place with a concert on Thursday July 9th, 8pm, at the Purcell Room, Southbank Centre, London.

They will perform pieces featured on the recording, along with other exciting contemporary tango music written by the likes of Gustavo Beytelmann, Frédéric Devreese, Ramiro Gallo, and Astor Piazzolla.

Established in 2013, the London-based Deco Ensemble, featuring accordionist Bartosz Glowacki, has been described as an ‘exceptional’ ensemble ‘of the highest calibre’, with a ‘strong and highly individual voice’.

Bartosz Glowacki, from Poland, has just finished his undergraduate course at the Royal Academy of Music and has been very busy working both with the Deco Ensemble and also as a soloist. He recently played in the presence of HRH Prince Charles.

The Deco Ensemble are also performing this month, as follows:
July 11th – Oundle International Festival
July 25th – Festival Noches del Olivar, Spain


Hans-Günther Kölz and Matthias Anton Concert, Trossingen – Germany

Matthias Anton and Hans-Günther KölzOn Thursday July 9th, 8pm, Hans-Günther Kölz and Matthias Anton (saxaphone) perform together in the Galerie Trossingen, Germany. Their concert, titled ‘Voyage’, is a musical journey through various styles and genres, including jazz and classical music, with compositions by Astor Piazzolla, Toots Thielemanns, and some original works.

Kölz and Anton’s performances are characterized by their harmonious interaction and the boundless enthusiasm. Entry is €9.


Eddie Giffney, Studying UK, Farewell Concert, 2nd August - New Zealand

Eddie Giffney
Eddie Giffney Fundraising Concert posterEddie Giffney is a Auckland University piano graduate and NZ and South Pacific Accordion Champion in 2010 and 2013. In 2009, Edward Giffney achieved 3rd place in the Coupe Mondiale Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Music category.

This September, Eddie Giffney is leaving New Zealand to continue his classical piano studies in London with Prof. Ashley Wass at the Royal College of Music. He will also be doing some accordion study with Prof. Owen Murray, from the Royal Academy of Music.

Eddie Giffney writes:
"Although I'll be sorry to leave friends and family, I'm greatly looking forward to starting this exciting stage of my musical journey. As part of my fundraising, I will be presenting a concert on Sunday 2nd August, 6pm - 8pm, Philharmonia Hall, corner of St. Albans Ave and Dominion Rd, Auckland.

I will be playing some of the best of my piano and accordion repertoire - nothing like going out on a bang!

I greatly appreciate all the support I have had from so many people."


Bjarke Mogensen Concerts – Denmark

Bjarke MogensenDanish accordionist Bjarke Mogensen performs this month, as follows:

July 11th, 1pm - Frederiksværk Festival 2015, Kottos, Denmark
July 12th, 4pm – accordion and cello, Musikforening
July 13th, 7pm - accordion and cello, Skarrildhus, Herning
July 15th, 7.30pm - duo with mezzosoprano Andrea Pellegrini, Baroque Arias & solos, Ringkøbing Kirke
July 16th, 7.30pm – with Andrea Pellegrini, Baroque Arias & solos, Viborg Kirke
July 17th 7.30pm - with Andrea Pellegrini, Baroque Arias & solos, Hirtshals Kirke
July 26th to August 8th – ‘Leaves’, a new opera by Karsten Fundal, Cph Opera Festival, Efterklang

Danish accordionist Bjarke Mogensen (born 1985), made his concert debut at the age of 13 as a soloist in a German TV broadcast with the Munich Symphony Orchestra. Bjarke Mogensen studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Music as a pupil of Geir Draugsvoll and today he teaches chamber music there.

He has given solo concerts all over the world, and in 2011 Mogensen had his solo debut at Carnegie Hall, New York, and in 2012 he received 1st prize in the prestigious European Broadcast Union’s ‘New Talent’ competition in Bratislava.

For further information email: bjarke@bjarkemogensen.dk


Sergio Zampolli’s Bastille Day, Johannesburg – South Africa

Accordionist Sergio Zampolli entertains on Tuesday July 14th, Bastille Day, at Les Delices de France French Restaurant, Gordon Road, 2 Keith Ave, Johannesburg 1709.


Peter Soave Music Academy (PSMA) Seminar, Sauris – Italy

Peter Soave Music Academy
Peter and Mady SoaveThe annual Peter Soave Music Academy (PSMA) forthcoming dates in Sauris, Italy are:
2015 Dates: 14-Day Seminar, July 26 - August 9, 2015
VIP: PSMA Intense, September 6 - 13, 2015

PSMA will welcome new and returning attendees from Canada, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, and USA. This global assembly convenes to make great music with renowned masters while absorbing the rare and splendid life of Sauris.

Peter Soave writes, “Madeleine and I arrived in August 2006 and immediately fell in love with everything about this alpine jewel: the Place, the People, the Air. Very special and most rare! We were deeply moved to discover a music loving community which welcomed us whole heartedly. The two churches, the quaint Kursaal concert hall, and the Morgenleit Hotel were ideal venues for artists and concerts. Thanks to these powerful ingredients Sauris has become a second home to many PSMA participants”.

The teachers this year include Mary Tokarski (USA), Ralf Bethke (Germany), Nicholas Couvet (France), Duilio Dobrin (USA), Eddie Monteiro (USA), and Viatcheslav Semionov (Russia).

Full information is on the website www.petersoavemusicacademy.com
For further information email: peterasoave@gmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

New: Tian Jianan, Now Available eTracks mp3 Download - China

Brahms's Smile CD CoverNew: Catalog: tjianan03 Now Available as an eTracks mp3 Download - the Brahms's Smile Album.

This album features international competition winner Tian Jianan performing virtuoso entertainment works that she has used so successfully in competition.

Track 1. Steps by Victor Vlasov
Track 2. Mr. Ferrero by Eric Bouvelle & Maurice Larcange
Track 3. L' Aquilon by Andre Astier
Track 4. Shocking Valse by Thomain
Track 5. Acquarelli Cubani by L. Fancelli
Track 6. Radetsky March by Strauss arranged D. Saussard
Track 7. Carnevale by Renzo Ruggieri
Track 8. Brahms's Smile by Victor Vlasov

You can buy the track individually or the whole album for only 8 Euro

Other CD/DVD eTracks albums available at:
tjianan01 Bach Two Part Inventions and Contest Repertoire, Klingenthal
tjianan02 Free Bass Accordion Solo CD


Updated Site: New Version of Just Because Polka - USA

Gary DahlA new version of 'Just Because Polka' is now available. Catalog: DH0037

The polka made famous my Frankie Yankovic...sold millions of recordings . This arrangement is very complete with added harmony for more impact.

eSheet music can be purchased online on the secure server and emailed to you. No postage delays or postage costs.


CD Отзывы

CD Review: L'armonica a mantice di Giuseppe Greggiati

L'armonica a mantice di Giuseppe Greggiati,CD Reviews Index for the Review of L'armonica a mantice di Giuseppe Greggiati, in English and Italian languages. Performer Corrado Rojac, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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