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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Jul-2009
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www.Diatonic-News.com, segunda edición-Internet
Master Class y Serie de Conciertos de la AAA, Nueva York-EE.UU
Curso de Jacques Mornet y Nathalie Boucheix-China
“Días del Acordeón”, Wuerzburg-Alemania
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival-Finlandia
João Gentil en Gira, Ontario-Canadá
Coupe Mondiale Entries close 10th July - New Zealand

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Antonio Spaccarotella Concert, Imola - Italy
Accordion and Alexander Technique Course, Urbino – Italy

Future events

‘Accordion Showcase’, Skipton – UK
Pascal Contet Dates – France
Kyiv Duo Concert, Stockport – UK
2nd ‘Accordion Gathering’, Alberobello - Italy
Kimmo Pohjonen’s International Concert Dates - International
Magnolia Sisters Concert, East Sussex – UK
Accordion Course for Modern Accordion Playing & Into to Jazz - Italy

New and Updated Sites

USA News, July Edition online - USA
2009 Coupe Mondiale Draft Schedule Updated
Gary Dahl 1 new work
H S Production New Music Releases
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

CD Reviews


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www.Diatonic-News.com, segunda edición-Internet

Diatonic News banner
La segunda edición de www.diatonick-news.com (Diatonic News) esta acualmente disponible en internet. Este es un espacio web dedicado al acordeón diatónico, concertina, bandoneón, etc. Cada nueva edición es “uploaded” cada mes.

Este sitio web es único (Diatonic News), siendo las contribuciones publicadas en la lengua en las que son enviadas. Los internautas pueden usar servicios de traducción si es necesario acceder a información que no aparezca en sus lenguas originales. Para aportar noticias a esta página web, enviarlas a Holda Paoletti-Kampl o Werner Weibert. email: weibert.werner@tele2.at


Master Class y Serie de Conciertos de la AAA, Nueva York-EE.UU

Estas (2009 AAA) actividades darán lugar el 24, 25 y 26 de Julio en el Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West St. (Entre la 5ª y la 6ª avenida), Nueva York. Las master clases empezarán a las 3pm cada día y los conciertos a las 7pm

Los conciertos incluyen actuaciones con una gran variedad de estilos y las master clases contendrán un importante elemento interactivo. Todos aquellos que deseen participar en las master clases como alumno activo, deben contactar con el Dr. Schimmel directamente, trayendo a la clase su respectivo instrumento. Cada día serán cubiertas diferentes áreas de la interpretación del acordeón. Los asistentes tendrán la posibilidad de actuar y recibir opiniones, consejos y motivación para su futura andadura musical.

Los acordeonistas colaboradores son: Robert Young Mc Mahan, Rocco Jerry, William Schimmel, Thomas Massucci, Ingrid Kvale (Noruega), Doug Makofka, Michael Century, John Foti, Mary Tokarski, Marni Rice. Art Bailey, Mark Birnbaum (compositor y pianista de ragtime), Hugo Goldenzwieg (Pianista argentino), Marion Jacobson (Musicólogo), Micki Goodman (video-artista/coreógrafo y bailarín), Brian Dewan (performance artist y sound sculptor), Kathleen Tipton (actriz), Godfrey and Lorraine (grupo electrónico/guitarra/voz/arpa) y Ken Laufer – humorista.

Para más información: billschimmel@billschimmel.com


Curso de Jacques Mornet y Nathalie Boucheix-China

Nathalie Boucheix and Jacques MornetLos famosos profesores Franceses Jacques Mornet y Nathalie Boucheix del CNIMA J.Mornet (Francia) han sido invitados a China para realizar unas clases de “Training” del 30 de Junio al 6 de Julio en Beiing.
Este evento es co-patrocinado por la Asociación Nacional de Profesores de Acordeón y el Instituto de Educación de Beijing, el cual ofrecerá un concierto por parte de Nathalie Boucheix.

Estas clases tienen la particularidad de que han sido diseñadas tanto para profesores de acordeón como para acordeonistas interesados en Popular Music. Por otra parte se incluirá las asignaturas normales de cualquier curso de acordeón de esta duración.


“Días del Acordeón”, Wuerzburg-Alemania

Friedrich Lips and Stefan Hussong
Semion ShmelkovPara la edición de este año de los “Días del Acordeón” en la Universidad de Música de Wuerzburg, Friedrich Lips, profesor de la Academia Gnessin de Música de Moscú, fue invitado para llevar acabo una master class y un concierto del 26 al 28 de Junio.
En su concierto, Lips impresionó al público no solo gracias a su virtuosismo, sino también por el amplio rango musical de su programa: Desde la Suite Gótica (Boëlmann) a música original de autores como Gubaidulina y Cholminov, acabando con transcripciones de Khatchaturyan, Schumann, Schubert, Piazzolla, Brubeck y Johann Strauss.

El segundo día, Lips llevo acabo una clase sobre la nueva música Rusa para Bayan (fin del siglo XX y comienzos del XXI) llamada “Made in Russia”. Lips ha estrenado alrededor de 70 obras para Bayan. Este hecho le hace poseer una enorme experiencia y entendimiento sobre esta música, aportando interesantes detalles sobre la creación de estos trabajos.

En el contexto de un concierto compartido llamado “Accordion Night”, alumnos de las clases de Lips en Moscú y del profesor Stefan hussong (Wuerzburg), mostraron sus considerables capacidades como acordeonistas. Los jóvenes acordeonistas Stefanie Mirwald, Silke Huber, Sissi Retschmeier, Oroitz Maiz Morea, Marja Kandic, Denis Patkovic, Olivia Steimel y Semyon Shmelkov fueron artistas invitados a esta ocasión.

Durante su master class, Friedrich Lips presentó a los estudiantes técnicas específicas acerca de la gran versatilidad del bayan. Una exhibición de instrumentos, partituras y CDs completó la variada oferta de los “Días del Acordeón”

Muchas gracias al organizador, el profesor Stefan Hussong.


Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival-Finlandia

Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival 2009 - Finland
Grayson MasefieldEl ganador del la quinta edición del Concurso Internacional de Ikaalinen fue Grayson Masefield (Nueva Zelanda), obteniendo la segunda posición Petar Maric (Serbia)
Es posible acceder a los diversos videos relacionados con el certamen de este año en http://areena.yle.fi/video/283112

Para más información sobre las actividades del Festival: 2009 Daily Reports-Finland


João Gentil en Gira, Ontario-Canadá

Luis Formiga  and João GentilEl acordeonista João Gentil y el batería Luis Formiga realizaron recientemente una gira en London, Ontario. Joao fue el invitado especial en la tradicional fiesta Anual Portuguesa organizada por el presidente de la comunidad Portuguesa, Sr. Joaquim Delgado y Sr. Amandio Carvalho del Club Portugues ( www.portugueseclublondon.ca)
El evento se desarrolló en el Portugues Club los días 20 y 21 de Junio para una audiencia de 400 personas. Para este evento João Gentil y Luis Formiga interpretaron música tradicional portuguesa y música folk para los emigrantes portugueses asistentes de Canadá.

El 19 de Junio, se desarrolló otro concierto en el Aroma Restaurant, uno de los mejores restaurantes mediterráneos de la ciudad, interpretando un programa de clásicos, jazz y repertorio internacional.

El tour de João finalizó en las cataratas del Niágara donde muchos portugueses residen.
Para más información: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Coupe Mondiale Entries close 10th July - New Zealand

Coupe  Mondiale PosterTeachers are reminded that the closing date for entries in the 2009 Coupe Mondiale is 10th July 2009.

The reason for the earlier closing date than normal is because the dates of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale are 25-29 August so as to be during the holiday period for most European countries.

This allows people travelling to New Zealand to have more time here for a holiday than if the event was held during October, the more usual month for the Coupe Mondiale.

The Draft Schedule for the Coupe Mondiale has been updated on the website. Most of the performances are now listed there.

There is an extensive list of press releases for the media online on the press pages of the website.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Antonio Spaccarotella Concert, Imola - Italy

Antonio SpaccarotellaAccordionist Antonio Spaccarotella performed in a major concert last week at the festival ‘Imola in Music’. This concert featured different forms of jazz, French music, and tango, and was very much appreciated by a large audience.

Antonio Spaccarotella, a student of Renzo Ruggieri, has performed in many countries and competed successfully in prestigious international contests.


Accordion and Alexander Technique Course, Urbino – Italy

Italian Accordion Academy
The Italian Accordion Academy, based in Urbino, is organising a course, running from October 2009 until June 2010, incorporating elements of the principles of the Alexander Technique with accordion performance.

The Alexander Technique is an aid to relaxation and coordination, and is well-known for its many benefits to musicians, actors, dancers and other performers.

The course includes:
- 7 workshops of two days each from October 2009 to June 2010
- 2 lessons by email through audio or video recordings
- 2 public concerts

The main teachers are Claudio Jacomucci - accordion and Alexander Technique, and Kathleen Delaney - Alexander Technique.

Student places are limited, and applications should be made by July 15th.

For further information email: info@accademiafisarmonicistica.com


Future events

‘Accordion Showcase’, Skipton – UK

Harry HinchcliffeOn July 4th, 7.30 pm, the Craven Accordion Orchestra (MD Harry Hinchcliffe) is hosting an evening of accordion music. Also performing will be some of their NAO national and local champions, and also the Craven Junior Orchestra.

There will be a special guest performance from Thom Hardaker (Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory, St. Petersburg).

The concert takes place at Skipton Town Hall, North Yorkshire.

On July 7th, 7.30pm, the Craven AO will perform at Bradford Accordion Club, The Dubrovnik Hotel, Bradford BD8 7AQ.


Pascal Contet Dates – France

French accordionist Pascal Contet performs as follows next month:

July 10th, 10pm – Cloître des célestins, Avignon Festival
July 12th, 5pm – duets with Jean Pierre Leguay, organist (from Notre Dame, Paris), Temple Saint Martial, Avignon
July 19th, 5pm, with violinist Marianne Piketty – Langres CatheDral, Festival Les musicales d’Auberive

For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Kyiv Duo Concert, Stockport – UK

The Kyiv Duo – accordionists Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoiets - on tour from the Ukraine, perform in concert at Stockport Accordion Club on Wednesday, July 8th, 8pm.

The venue is Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel Street/A560 Hyde Road, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1ND (J25/M60). Support players are welcome.

Concert organizer Rob Howard will have his new book, ‘An A to Z of the Accordion, Volume 4’ on sale at the concert.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


2nd ‘Accordion Gathering’, Alberobello - Italy

The second ‘Accordion Gathering’ of the Città di Alberobello, Bari, takes place on Sunday July 12th, from 5pm onwards. This is a largely informal event where accordionists, amateur or professional, are invited to perform in venues throughout the town.

For further information email: info@casadellafisarmonica.com


Kimmo Pohjonen’s International Concert Dates - International

Kimmo PohjonenIn July and August Finnish accordionist Kimmo Pohjonen faces a busy schedule, appearing at concerts and festivals in Russia, the Czech Republic, Finland, and Australia.

On July 9th, the trio KTU (Kimmo Pohjonen – accordion and vocals, Trey Gunn – guitar, Pat Mastelotto - drums) appears in concert at SKIF, St Petersburg, followed by a performance at the Colours of Ostrava Festival in Ostrava Czech Republic on July 11th. KTU’s new CD ‘Quiver’ is released this month.

Pohjonen will perform his ‘Earth Machine Music’ project at the Kaustinen Festival, Finland on July 16th.

Next, Kimmo Pohjonen’s ‘Earth Machine Music’ visits Australia, for a tour organized by the Queensland Music Festival.

July 25th - Winton, Queensland
July 28th - Blackall, Queensland
July 31st - St. George, Queensland
August 2nd - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia - Tivoli (solo concert, double bill with the Liro Rantala New Trio

For further information email: pap@hoedown.com


Magnolia Sisters Concert, East Sussex – UK

On July 16th, 8pm, the Magnolia Sisters are the guests at the Royal Oak Folk Club, The Royal Oak, Station St, Lewes, East Sussex. The Magnolia Sisters, from Louisiana, USA, are one of the leading female Cajun bands.

Their line up is: Ann Savoy – diatonic button accordion, vocals, Jane Vidrine – fiddle, guitar, Anya Burgess – guitar, fiddle, vocals, and Lisa Reed – bass, vocals.

For further information email: folk@brighton.co.uk


Accordion Course for Modern Accordion Playing & Into to Jazz - Italy

Salvatore CauteruccioFrom the 6-9th July Salvatore Cauteruccio will hold an accordion class for modern accordion playing and introduction to jazz during the summer stage in Oriolomusica (Oriolo, CS) with individual lesions and courses.

During this time Salvatore Cauteruccio will give a concert with contemporary music. The artistic directions is under M° Leonardo Saraceni.

For information: info@salvatorecauteruccio.it


New and Updated Sites

USA News, July Edition online - USA

There is an amazing array of accordion events coming up in the summer months! Read about it on the Accordions USA news.


2009 Coupe Mondiale Draft Schedule Updated

The updated draft schedule for the 2009 Coupe Mondiale, 25-29 August, New Zealand is online. There is also considerable press release material been added to the Coupe Mondiale site.


Gary Dahl 1 new work

Gary Dahl - Mel Bay Publishing Author, composer, arranger, Mel Bay recording artist and music educator announces the following titles for purchase on-line. 'Port Orchard Blues, catalog:DH0219'. Samples for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Menuet In Rondo Form, catalog:hs527 ', 'Waltz, catalog:hs528', 'German Dance, catalog:hs529', 'Ecossaise, catalog:hs530', 'Hunting Song, catalog:hs531' and 'Kuvyavyak. Polish Dance, catalog:hs538'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 2 new pieces - 'There Is A Tavern In The Town, catalog:mfa7023' and 'Where Is My Little Dog Gone, catgalog:mfa7025'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews


“ Fryderykata”CD Reviews Index for the Review of “ Fryderykata” by Renato Belardinelli.


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