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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 03-Feb-2023
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2022年日历年访问AWW的人数创下纪录 - 国际
Antonio Spaccarotella, 令人激动的 AAA 作曲家委托计划 - 美国
第26届国际手风琴周 "Alcobaça 2023" - 葡萄牙
Trossingen 青年手风琴家成功举办音乐会 - 德国
Trio Fratres 30th Anniversary Concerts, Helsinki, Kokkola - Finland
"Gator by the Bay" 节日 - 美国


Bete Ilin 作曲的《新明天 The New Tomorrow》音乐会 - 摩尔多瓦
2023 BCA 3rd International Online Festival - UK
ATG President Mary Ann Covone Performed for SAI National Convention - USA
Salvatore Cauteruccio Releases New Single “Love Theme” - Italy
2023 Valentine’s Day Online Celebration – USA


Accordionists Entertain at Illinois Polka Fest – USA
Children’s Puppet Concert with Trio con Abbandono - Germany
Josef Purits & Ekaterina Mochalova "Folk Times" Concert – Russia
Hugo Anriquez Entertains at Birthday Celebration – Argentina
Andy Cutting Performs in Cardiff - Wales
Tacoma Accordion Gathering – USA
Frevo Trio Concert - Finland
Accordionist Chiharu Terada Performs in Osaka - Japan
Accordion Lovers Evening - France
“Nuvo Zydeco” Entertains at Zydeco Mardi Gras - Canada

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links


Video: Anna Yurkevich Winning Performance - Belarus


2023 Coupe Mondiale 规则和条例发布 - 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
2023年 ATG 音乐节邀请国际嘉宾 - 美国
2023年CIA冬季大会,3月3-5日,Paks - 匈牙利

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2022年日历年访问AWW的人数创下纪录 - 国际

AWW header
Christine JohnstoneAccordions Worldwide (AWW) 自2015年以来一直记录着流量。在2022年,流量创造了一个新的记录! 我们要感谢我们的观众和广告商,在这创纪录的一年里,有1120万的页面浏览量,或每月平均941,231的惊人的页面浏览量。

我们的广告商在 AWW 上的横幅被大多数手风琴爱好者看到

正是我们的广告商使AWW所提供的所有免费新闻和信息服务成为可能。 我们感谢我们的广告商继续使 AWW 成为全球范围内的免费服务,我们要求我们的观众,当你在寻找手风琴相关产品时,请支持这些广告商。他们值得您的支持。

最后,感谢所有提供新闻的人,感谢为热爱手风琴而做了大量工作的 AWW 团队,最后感谢我们来自世界各地的手风琴爱好者的忠实读者。能为你们服务是我们的荣幸。
AWW traffic banners


Antonio Spaccarotella, 令人激动的 AAA 作曲家委托计划 - 美国

Antonio Spacarotella
Video 1:

Video 2:
Dr Robert Young McMahan视频1: Tango Revenga 创作 Antonio Spaccarotella 并由意大利OFC卡拉布里亚爱乐乐团演奏。指挥家 Volodymyr Runchak, 独奏者 Grayson Masefield.
视频2:Antonio Spaccarotella(手风琴),Alberto La Neve(萨克斯),BHU--第五轨专辑 "Non c'è tempo"

我非常高兴地宣布 Antonio Spaccarotella 已经同意接受AAA作曲家委托委员会(CCC)的首次国际委托。这将是CCC自1954年成立以来的第六十三首作品。

Antonio Spaccarotella 位国际知名的手风琴演奏家,也因其独特的作曲和即兴演奏而闻名,经常尝试爵士乐元素。 此外,他还以完全不同的身份,担任着著名的卡斯特尔菲达多音乐节的艺术总监。

这部新作品是一部独奏,将由另一位著名艺术家首演。Grayson Masefield 作为2023年 AAA 音乐节的一部分,将于2023年7月12日至16日在美国宾夕法尼亚州的Conshohocken举行。

Antonio Spaccarotella 将出席这场世界首演,同时还将举办一场关于他的作品和他的音乐任命的研讨会。他充满活力的个性和有趣的音乐立场将成为2023年AAA音乐节的一个非常受欢迎的补充。Grayson Masefield也将在AAA音乐节上介绍他的一个热情洋溢的研讨会。
Grayson Masefield


第26届国际手风琴周 "Alcobaça 2023" - 葡萄牙

Portuguese Accordion Association
Aníbal Freire葡萄牙手风琴协会将于2023年5月20日至28日在葡萄牙阿尔科巴萨举办第26届国际手风琴周 "阿尔科巴萨2023",由Aníbal Freire组织。

该活动将包括第26届全国手风琴比赛和第7届 "阿尔科巴萨2023 "手风琴独奏和团体比赛,以及各种音乐会和大师班。




Trossingen 青年手风琴家成功举办音乐会 - 德国

Theresa Monsees _Biberach Symphony Orchestra
Andreas Winter, Theresa Monsees, Andreas NeblTrossingen 德国巴登-符腾堡州的音乐学院目前非常活跃。

- 首先,17岁的 Theresa Monsees 来自音乐学院青年班的特蕾莎取得了许多人梦寐以求的成就:上周末她与安德烈亚斯-温特指挥的比伯拉赫交响乐团一起演奏了伯恩哈德-莫利克的 "G小调音乐会"(见上图)。 老师 Andreas Nebl.

图片从左至右。Andreas Winter (指挥家), Theresa Monsees and Andreas Nebl.

- 其次,同样来自Andreas Nebl青年班的Patrick Meier(下图),已经在Filderstadt的国家音乐日上获得了一等奖,最近被邀请在2023年3月7日在斯图加特的经济宫举行的总理Kretschmann的接待会上演奏音乐。

详情请致电。07425 326512
Patrick Meier


Trio Fratres 30th Anniversary Concerts, Helsinki, Kokkola - Finland

Concert detailsThere will be a live video broadcast of the Helsinki concert at:

Trio Fratres 30th anniversary is a celebration of their many years of music, with one concert in Helsinki and the second concert in Kokkola. Download festival program: 2023KokkolaFest.pdf

Trio Fratres, an accordion trio of Raimo Vertainen, Heikki Jokiaho and Toni Hämäläinen will commemorate a number of Finnish Premieres 1996-2003. Their program also includes Finnish folk music, Baroque music, Russian romance as well as techno.

Trio Fratres has performed in 14 countries in Europe as well as Lebanon, Mexico and Japan. The anniversary concerts will include original works interpreted by four different accordion trios in collaboration with music academies in Denmark, Lithuania and Finland. Pictures below.
Kokkola Festival Trios


"Gator by the Bay" 节日 - 美国

Gator by the Bay Festival
Terrance SimienCedric WatsonGator by the Bay 节日将于2023年5月11日至14日在美国加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥举行。

表演者包括两届格莱美奖得主Terrance Simien(图左),他将在开幕式音乐会上表演Zydeco,The Revelers将与手风琴家Larry Miller一起表演Cajun、Zydeco、乡村和蓝调,以及Cedric Watson(图右)将表演Cajun、Creole和Zydeco。




Bete Ilin 作曲的《新明天 The New Tomorrow》音乐会 - 摩尔多瓦

Bete Ilin视频。由 Bete Ilin 创作的手风琴和管弦乐《新的明天》音乐会本月在摩尔多瓦的Tera电视台播出。

2022年12月8日,一场名为 "欧洲音乐名页 "的交响音乐会在摩尔多瓦蒂拉斯波尔的国家文化中心 "共和国宫 "大礼堂举行。

在音乐会上,手风琴演奏家瓦迪姆-波罗申在指挥家格里戈里-莫西科的指挥下,与摩尔多瓦共和国国家交响乐团共同演奏了Bete Ilin 的作品《新明天》。在演出过程中(在乐队后面的大屏幕上),放映了一段视频,其中包括作曲家的问候和马其顿的美丽风景。

Bete Ilin 为伟大的手风琴家格雷森-马塞菲德 Grayson Masefield(新西兰)创作了《新的明天》。2017年 Grayson Masefield 在瑞士洛桑演出了贝特-伊林的世界首演《新的明天》。新闻文章和视频见。


2023 BCA 3rd International Online Festival - UK

2023 BCA poster
The 2023 British College of Accordionists (BCA) will hold their 3rd International and National Festival online in March this year.

The competition will include categories for soloists (of all ages) and ensembles.

Closing date for entries is 15th February, 2023.

See poster for details.


ATG President Mary Ann Covone Performed for SAI National Convention - USA

Mary Ann CovonePicture above, link to large photo: 2022SAI.jpg Audience attending the performance.

On July 29th, 2022, immediately following the 2022 ATG Festival, ATG President Mary Ann Covone, was off to Greensboro, North Carolina to perform for the Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI) Triennial National Convention.

Sigma Alpha Iota is a professional sorority for women in the field of music. Most members are initiated in college by invitation only; however, there is a membership category for patronesses who did not study music in college.

In addition to being ATG president, Mary Ann Covone is an active alumnae member of the Oak Park Alumnae Chapter of SAI. The audience of 650 fellow professional musicians, professors and college students was most enthusiastic about the performance, and for many of the younger students in the audience, this was their first exposure to a classical/concert accordion performance.


Salvatore Cauteruccio Releases New Single “Love Theme” - Italy

Salvatore Cauteruccio CDSalvatore Cauteruccio has released his new single “Love Theme”, which was recorded as an accordion tribute “to the great Maestro Ennio Morricone, one of the most important composers of the twentieth century.”

The single, recorded in Spoleto (PG), Italy and mastered at the Roberto Guarino studio (Rome) was released by the prestigious Spanish record label "Hit Record".

Salvatore says “During the recording I played this song with my heart and with all the love I have for music. I am very happy , because it is the first time that one of my songs has been produced by a Spanish record company!”

For details email: salvatorecauteruccio77@gmail.com


2023 Valentine’s Day Online Celebration – USA

accordion valentineSan Antonio Accordion Association President Laura Niland invites everyone to attend a Valentine’s Day ZOOM online meeting with the San Antonio Accordion Association on February 14th, 2023 at 7pm Central Time.

1. Rules for Group Play on Zoom: Only one person leads. The rest of us follow the Leader and play along silently. We will need volunteers to lead us with play along.
2. Enable Original Sound is important. Do this under the Audio portion of zoom, otherwise your sound will be terrible. Having an audio interface and condenser microphone is best for music.
3. Have your solo song(s) Two at most, ready to perform. If you are playing a solo, let Laura know at the beginning of the meeting so she won’t miss you! Group songs will be selected from the list below in the box. Have a third song ready in case we have time!
4. Keep your video on and your ZOOM sound feature on mute. Please stay on mute during the performances.
5. The zoom meeting will begin at 6:45pm with everyone being checked in by Laura. We start promptly!

President Laura shares, “Please put your music in a notebook in order so that we can all be together when the time comes for our ZOOM meeting. I am counting on you to do your best and Practice, Practice, Practice! Let’s have fun!

Music for Group Play is listed below! Get your two solos ready! For information on how to get the music email: laurajniland@outlook.com or call 210-651-4359

1. All My Loving
2. Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart
3. Hey Good Lookin
4. Let Me Call You Sweetheat
5. Bye Bye Love
6. Somewhere My Love
7. Those Were the Days



Accordionists Entertain at Illinois Polka Fest – USA

Illinois Polka Fest
The Illinois Polka Fest will be held at The Hyatt Regency in Schaumburg, Illinois, USA on February 3rd and 4th, 2023.

The event will feature accordionists entertaining the crowd such as Alex Meixner (who will perform solo and with Klancnik & Friends), Joey Miskulin, Garrett Tatano Band, Eddie Rodick, and Steve Meisner.

See poster for details.


Children’s Puppet Concert with Trio con Abbandono - Germany

Trio con Abbandono
The Trio Con Abbandono will take part in a children’s puppet concert with the Bielefeld Puppet Shows - Dagmar Selje in Bielefeld, Germany on February 5th, 2023 organised by Kulturpunkt Skala e.V.

Trio con Abbandono consists of three classically trained musicians (clarinet, accordion, cello) who will perform with “a charming hand doll named Astor for a lively, imaginative and age-appropriate children's concert. Together with Astor, children can discover instrumental diversity and experience unknown sounds.”

Their program ranges from Beethoven, Piazzolla to Leroy Anderson, for children 6 years and above.

For details email: info@bielefelder-puppenspiele.de


Josef Purits & Ekaterina Mochalova "Folk Times" Concert – Russia

Folk Times poster
Josef PuritsJosef Purits (bayan) and Ekaterina Mochalova (domra) will perform in concert entitled "Folk Times" at the Moscow International House of Music (MMDM) in Moscow, Russia on February 5th, 2023.

The duo, who will be accompanied by the Governor's Chamber Orchestra "Russian Camerata" conducted by Andrey Kruzhkov, will perform a program of music from different countries such as "Suite of Spanish Folk Songs" (Manuel de Falla), Three miniatures on Georgian folk themes (Sulkhan Tsintsadze), Six Romanian dances (Bartok), Dance of Joy (Feidman) and "Brazilian Bahian" No. 5. (Vila-Lobos).

The concert will also include the world premiere of a double concerto “Jewish Dances” for domra, bayan and chamber orchestra by the Russian composer Mikhail Bronner.

The concert will conclude with a new interpretation of the music from the ballet "Petrushka" by Igor Stravinsky. For the first time, the ballet, subtitled "Russian Funny Scenes in Four Pictures", was staged in 1911 in Paris, France as part of Diaghilev's "Russian Seasons". The musical language of the work is based on the stylization of Russian folk dances and songs. The composer also used the melodies of urban song folklore. Stravinsky's masterpiece, which conquered the whole world, will be performed for the first time by domra, accordion and chamber orchestra. The combination of traditional Russian folk instruments with the instruments of a symphony orchestra will allow you to discover unknown facets in ballet music.

Josef Puritz is a laureate of more than thirty international competitions, including the Peace Trophy in Spokane (USA, 2012) and the Klingenthal Competition (Germany, 2013).

He has performed in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Concert Hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky, at Carnegie Hall (New York, USA), Wigmore Hall (London, UK), Konzerthaus (Vienna, Austria) and other leading concert halls.

For concert information phone: +7 (495) 730-10-11


Hugo Anriquez Entertains at Birthday Celebration – Argentina

Hugo poster
Accordionist Hugo Anriquez will entertain at a birthday celebration for Maria Fernandez, Pedro del Valle and Monica del Valle on February 5th, 2023.

The event will be held at the El Rancho de Don Pedro in Rafael Calzada, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

For information phone: +54 11 3825-0232


Andy Cutting Performs in Cardiff - Wales

Andy CuttingVideo: Andy Cutting playing “Old Light” and “The Abbess” at a concert in Bonn, Germany.

Andy Cutting (melodeon) will perform a solo concert at the Norwegian Church Arts Centre in Cardiff, Wales, UK on February 7th, 2023 at 7.30pm GMT.

Andy has won the BBC Radio 2 Folk Award Best Musician in 2008, 2011 & 2016.

Andy is described as “a warm and emotive performer, modestly engaging his audiences with his self-deprecating wit and then flooring them with downright staggering musicianship. There are few melodeon players who put so much feeling into their playing, whether it is a set of dance tunes or accompaniment to a slow English ballad.”


Tacoma Accordion Gathering – USA

Tacoma Accordion Gathering
The Tacoma Accordion Gathering will feature an afternoon of “accordion music, fun and friendship” be held at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Tacoma, Washington, USA on February 12th, 2023 from 1pm.

All are welcome. See poster for details.


Frevo Trio Concert - Finland

The Heerman-Sandås-Rantala Trio (picture above) will perform at the Schauman Hall in Pietarsaari, Finland on February 16th, 2023 at 7pm.

The Finnish trio features Antti Heerman (violin), Henrik Sandås (bandoneon) and Olli Rantala (double bass).

Their program “takes its audience on a fast-paced journey through the world of Latin jazz in the footsteps of Egberto Gismont, Hermeto Pascoal and Chick Corea.”

Bandoneonist Henrik Sandås is an arranger “whose repertoire includes Argentinean tango and tango nuevo, baroque music, contemporary art music, jazz and improvisation. His sensitive and emotional musicianship has appealed to audiences across Europe and South America.”

For details email: infopoint@schaumanhall.fi


Accordionist Chiharu Terada Performs in Osaka - Japan

Chiharu Terada poster
Accordionist Chiharu Terada will perform in duo with Tomoyoshi Kusano (clarinet) at the b (Flat) Flamingo live venue in Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan on February 17th, 2023 at 7pm.

See poster for details.


Accordion Lovers Evening - France

Nuit poster
An Accordion Lovers Evening will be held at the Salle Rene Cassin in Verdun, Meuse, France on February 18th at 8.30pm.

The evening will include entertainment by a variety of accordionists.

See poster for details.


“Nuvo Zydeco” Entertains at Zydeco Mardi Gras - Canada

Nuvo Zydeco
“Nuvo Zydeco” (which includes accordionist Sue Baines) will entertain at the Zydeco Mardi Gras Dance Party at the Beer Shack in White Rock, British Columbia, Canada on February 18th, 2023 from 8pm to midnight.

“Grab your beads and feathers and wear your dancing shoes.”

For details email: nuvozydeco@gmail.com


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale Release of 2023 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations
2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article



Video: Anna Yurkevich Winning Performance - Belarus

Video: Anna Yurkevich, winner of the audience vote at the 1st International Distance Competition "Naughty Harmonics" 2022, performing S. Gardeychik "Little Engine" and "Dance of the Cubs".

Teacher - Grishuk Valentina Ivanovna State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 8 of Slonim", Republic of Belarus.



2023 Coupe Mondiale 规则和条例发布 - 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那

2023 Coupe Mondiale header
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo Mattila2023 Coupe Mondiale poster,  Slaviša Perić第76届 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Coupe Mondiale 将于2023年9月5日至9日在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的比耶利纳举行。该活动将由CIA成员,艺术家协会(比耶利纳),组织者Slaviša Peric主办。

CIA 主席 Mirco PatariniCIA 秘书长 Kimmo Mattila 热情邀请手风琴选手、教师和支持者参加2023年世界手风琴锦标赛,届时将举办以下音乐会和比赛类别。

• 76th Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music 手风琴娱乐音乐国际比赛
• Junior International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music 青少年手风琴娱乐音乐国际比赛
• Chamber Music - Classical - 室内乐--古典音乐
• Chamber Music - World Music - 室内乐--世界音乐

2023年的规则和条例见。Coupe Mondiale
查看酒店信息和音乐会场馆的图片,Coupe Mondiale

在线手风琴比赛报名系统将在春季开放。 手风琴比赛报名截止日期为2023年7月15日。

2022年Coupe Mondiale视频主页。2022CM-Video
2022年Coupe Mondiale的每日报告、图片、结果见。2022CM-Report


2023年 ATG 音乐节邀请国际嘉宾 - 美国

ATG header
Mary Ann Cavone2023 Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) 音乐节将于2023年7月19日至22日在美国伊利诺伊州Lisle市的Lisle Hyatt酒店举行。 ATG主席 Mary Ann Covone 欢迎来自世界各地的手风琴爱好者。


- Grayson Masefield(新西兰)。
- Polyphonia乐团(留尼汪岛)。
- Das Duo Kollektiv(来自奥地利的长笛和手风琴二人组)。
- Stas Venglevski(美国)与Brett Jones博士合作演奏马林巴琴。
- UMKC)社区手风琴室内乐团,由Joan Cochran Sommers指挥。

更多详情请见。 Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG)
UMKC Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble, Polyphonia Orchestra (Reunion Island)


2023年CIA冬季大会,3月3-5日,Paks - 匈牙利

2023 CIA Winter Congress
欢迎参加 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 冬季大会和CIA第149届代表大会将在匈牙利的帕克斯举行。冬季大会由 CIA 投票成员 "Az Ifjú Harmonikásokért" Alapítvány - "为了年轻的手风琴家 "基金会主办,主席Olga Papp,3月3日至5日。




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