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Weekly News from Around the World - 03-Feb-2017
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2017 Fleadh Cheoil bei hÉireann Ennis - Irland
Auszeichnung "Paolo Soprani" an Simon Zanchini, Castelfidardo - Italien
Video des Eröffnungs-Konzertes auf Dalian TV Broadcast - China
DHVev Oster-Seminar / Trossingen - Deutschland
Internationales Akkordeonevent "Vilnius 2017 Konkursas" - Litauen
NZAA Merit Award an Prof. Li Cong (China) - Neuseeland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Pieter Bosma Demonstration - Netherlands
Gary Innes new CD ‘Era’, Scotland – UK
Video: Music and the Brain, Jessica Grahn at TEDxWesternU - USA
Video: Tuulispää (Kuu Records, 2016) CD by Karuna - Finland

Future events

Lady Maisery Concerts – Netherlands
Antonio Spaccarotella Concert, San Giovanni in Fiore – Italy
Oivind Farmen and Havard Svendsrud ‘Trekspillcafe’ Tour – Norway
Budapest Café Orchestra Concerts, Channel Islands - UK
Marcelo Caldi and Soraya Ravenle Shows, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Bayan Mix and Quartetto Gelato Concert, Ontario – Canada
Nicolas Demizieux Dance Afternoon, Compiegne – France
Christine Schmid & Olaf Creutzburg Cabaret, Kirchzarten - Germany
Ian Lowthian’s Accordion Weekends, Scotland – UK
Ksenija Sidorova Concerts, Tokyo – Japan
Rosemary Wright Recitals, Rugby, Hinckley – UK
2nd Grand Gala D’Accordeon, Gien - France

New and Updated Sites

Alessandrini Accordions Interview, Castelfidardo - Italien
Renzo Ruggieri New Solo Arrangement With String Orchestra Arrangement Free - Italy
Two New Works by Douglas Ward Released by Charnwood Publishing - UK
Gary Dahl Releases Ashokan Farewell Arrangement - USA
Updated Site: New Information Alessandro Mugnoz CD
New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden
New: Espana Cani Ensemble Arrangement by Palmer-Hughes - USA

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2017 Fleadh Cheoil bei hÉireann Ennis - Irland

2017 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann EnnisDer von Comhaltas veranstaltete 2017 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann findet vom 13. bis 21. August 2017 in Ennis, Co. Clare in der Irischen Republik statt

Der Fleadh Cheoil ist ein riesiger Wettbewerb und Festival mit irischer Musik, Gesang und Tanz, mit ungefähr 10.000 Konkurrenten und Künstler, einschließlich Auftritte mit einer große Anzahl von Akkordeonisten, Melodien, Konzert- und Harmonika-Spielern, sowie viele Ceili-Bands, Akkordeon- und Marschbands.

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann hat drei sehr bekannte Elemente: Wettbewerbe, Konzerte und Straßen-Jams.

Dies ist ein Festival mit Akkordeons in fast allen Bands und spielen an vielen Plätzen der Stadt. Akkordeonisten lieben sowohl als Zuschauer sowie als Teilnahme am Festival teilzunehmen.

Schätzungsweise werden 400.000 Besucher in Clare County vom 14. bis 22. August für das, was als weltweit größte Schaufenster der irischen traditionellen Künste gilt, erwartet.

Für weitere Informationen email: info@fleadhcheoil.ie


Auszeichnung "Paolo Soprani" an Simon Zanchini, Castelfidardo - Italien

Mirco Patarini, Simon Zanchini, Ruben Cittadini, Mayor Roberto Ascani
Video: Simone Zanchini, Angelika Niescier & Stefano Senni, Europäische Musikfest in Vietnam, Latakia Mischung Live @ Hanoi 19. November 2016.

Die "Paolo Soprani" Auszeichung, im Jahr 2010 gegründet, wird jährlich vom Unternehmen Scandalli an prominente Persönlichkeiten der Musikwelt, vergeben.

Die Idee war, im Namen des Gründers der Akkordeonindustrie von Castelfidardo eine prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung zu schaffen.

Die Auszeichnung "Paolo Soprani" wurde im Jahr 2015 an Andrea Bocelli vergeben und für das Jahr 2016 wurde in Anwesenheit des Bürgermeisters von Castelfidardo Roberto Ascani und dem Castelfidardo Stadtrat für Kultur, Ruben Cittadini und vom Präsidenten der Firma Scandalli Akkordeons Mirco Patarini, dem Akkordeonisten Simone Zanchini präsentiert (Bild oben).

Es ist eine Anerkennung für Simon Zanchini, der ein gefeierter Akkordeonkünstler ist weltweit sowohl für Jazzliebhaber als Weltmusik, das Akkordeon entsprechend präsentiert.

Die bisher ausgezeichneten Persönlickeiten des „ Premio Paolo Soprani Awards“ sind:
2010 an Gian Mario Spacca, Präsident der Region Marche;
2011 bis Vincenzo Canali, Präsident des Akkordeon-Museums Castelfidardo;
2012 an Harley Jones, Gründer von Accordions Worldwide Internetnachrichten
2013 an Viatcheslav Semionov, Komponist, Konzertkünstler und Lehrer;
2014 Raymond Bodell, Präsident der Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA);
2015 an Andrea Bocelli für das Einfügen des Akkordeonbildes auf der ganzen Welt.
2016 an Simon Zanchini, gefeierter Jazzakkordeon-Exponent.

Die Auszeichnung ist gesponsert von Scandalli Akkordeons und die "Paolo Soprani" Preis-Statue ist das Design/Realisation des berühmten italienischen Bildhauers Franco Campanari und ist ein echtes Kunstwerk in Bronze. Präsentiert wird es in einer dafrü speziell entworfenen Box mit einem veröffentlichten Buch über die Kunst der Franco Campanari


Video des Eröffnungs-Konzertes auf Dalian TV Broadcast - China

Dalian TV Provide Video
Sun JiashenVideo oben: 125 Kinder vom Jahr eins, Nr. 1 Dongang Grundschule spielen alle aus dem Gedächtnis.

Jetzt verfügbar auf: Dalian TV Eröffnungskonzert 2016 Dalian International Accordion Festival und 2. Nationalen Akkordeon Festival für Mittel-und Senioren.

Dieses Eröffnungskonzert wurde live in Dalian / China übertragen. Jetzt - Eröffnungskonzert Video: 2016Dalian

Das Veranstalterteam des Festivalfestivals 2016 unter der Leitung des Festivalpräsidenten Sun Jiashen (Bild links) wurde von folgenden Sponsoren unterstützt:
- Dalian Municipal Federation für Literatur und Kunst
Und Co-Sponsoren:
- Dalian Musiker Verein
- Dalian Muncipal Öffentliche Kunst.

Ein vollständiger Report, Abbildungen und Video, von diesem historischen Ereignis: 2016Dalian


DHVev Oster-Seminar / Trossingen - Deutschland

Brochure coverEine DHVev Osterwoche-Seminar für Dirigenten erwachsener Orchesters, Orchesterspieler und Ensemblespieler findet vom 9. bis 13. April in Osterwoche in Trossingen statt.

Zu den Tutoren gehören: Fritz Dobler, Thomas Bauer, Johannes Baumann, Heidrun Neugebauer, Hans-Günther Kölz, Wolfgang Ruß und Andreas Nebl.

Die Veranstaltung beinhaltet auch Konzerte:
9. April, Symphonisches Akkordeonorchester Hessen unter der Leitung von Thomas Bauer
10. April, Hohner-Konservatorium - Leben
11. April, Markgräfler Akkordeon Ensemble
12. April, Matthias Matzke und Leonie Kratz (Sopran)

Anmeldungen schließen 10. Februar.
Broschüre mit vollständiger Information inklusive Preise und Kursanmeldung unter: 2017Oster.pdf


Internationales Akkordeonevent "Vilnius 2017 Konkursas" - Litauen

Vilnius 2017
Lithuanian Accordionists AssociationDie litauische Akkordeonistenvereinigung (LAA) in Zusammenarbeit mit der litauischen Akademie für Musik und Theater veranstaltet vom 29. März bis 1. April 2017 "Vilnius 2017 Konkurksas".

'Vilnius 2017 Konkursas' Wettkämpfe sind für Akkordeonisten aller Nationalitäten geöffnet.

Der Präsident der LAA Raimondas Sviackevicius (Bild links) begrüßt alle und sagt, dass "die Wettbewerber altersmäßig in 12 Kategorien gruppiert sind. Von Solisten und Ensembles verschiedener Konfigurationen, Orchester, mit unterschiedlichen Musikrichtungen."

Download Regeln unter: 2017Vilnius.pdf
Anmeldeschluss: 12. Februar


NZAA Merit Award an Prof. Li Cong (China) - Neuseeland

Sonja Palinich and Prof. Li Cong
NZAA logoAm 28. Januar 2017 veranstaltete die New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) einen Empfang in Auckland Central mit dem NZAA Life Member, Komponist, Dirigent und Arrangeur Gary Daverne.

Die Präsentation erfolgte durch die NZAA-Präsidentin Sonja Palinich (Bild oben).

Englisch: www.germnews.de/archive/dn/1997/03/25.html Der Empfang sollte Prof. Li Cong (China), der sich für ein paar Tage Neuseeland besuchte, wurde für die langjährigen Akkordeon - Beziehungen zwischen Neuseeland und China und vor allem "seine Dienste für die Entwicklung des Akkordeons in Neuseeland und die Welt.", geehrt

Bilder und Preisverleihung: MeritAwardLiCong


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Pieter Bosma Demonstration - Netherlands

Pieter Bosma, specialist Bugari-Evo accordeons at Muziekhuis Da Capo, Netherlands, is demonstraing the Bugari-Evo. Enjoy the music. Published 7th December 2016


Gary Innes new CD ‘Era’, Scotland – UK

Era CD Cover, Gary InnesAccordionist Gary Innes has this week launched a new CD ‘Era’, which can be purchased on all music sites and on his website. All of the tracks on the album have been composed By Gary Innes, including three songs sung by Robert Robertson, Alec Dalglish and Siobhan Miller.

Track list: Yarra Wine Valley, The Road to Lochaber, The Caman Man, Crazy Street, May Life Always Be Peachy, The Highland Obama, Zara, Loch Arkaig, Grace and Pride, Our Heroes.

Gary Innes has recently become the presenter of the popular long-running BBC Radio Scotland programme ‘Take the Floor’ in succession to Robbie Shepherd MBE. He also plays in the Scottish award-winning celtic supergroup Manran.


Video: Music and the Brain, Jessica Grahn at TEDxWesternU - USA

Video of a lecture by Jessica Grahn about Music and the Brain.

Jessica Grahn, Cognitive Neuroscientist, talks about the power of the human mind and how it can be transformed through music.

The cognitive benefits of making your own music are also renowned and probably greater for accordionists than any other instrument. Our bellows instruments have (in most cases) a different treble and (standard) bass keyboard plus using the bellows for volume control. A most beneficial mental and physical co-ordination workout EVERY time you play and best of all, its FUN too! So how about making some time to play your accordion today and every day!


Video: Tuulispää (Kuu Records, 2016) CD by Karuna - Finland

Karuna – Tuulispää CD CoverTuulispää (Kuu Records, 2016) CD by Karuna,

Karuna features three talented contemporary folk music instrumentalists and composers from Finland. Tuulispää is Karuna’s second album and it brings together their own chamber music style with lively Nordic folk music influence.

Players are: Teija Niku (accordion and melodeon); Juha Kujanpää (piano and keyboards) amd Esko Järvelä (nyckelharpa, violin, and guitar).


Future events

Lady Maisery Concerts – Netherlands

Lady Maisery
The trio Lady Maisery, from the UK, visits the Netherlands this weekend, performing as follows:

Friday February 3rd, 8.30pm - De Oosterpoort, Gronigen
Saturday February 4th, 9pm - Muziekcafé De Lantaern, Zevenaar
Sunday February 5th, 3.30pm - Roots aan de Zaan, Zaandam

Lady Maisery is a BBC Radio 2 Folk Award nominated trio, whose members are Hannah James - voice, accordion, clogs, Hazel Askew - voice, harp, concertina, and Rowan Rheingans - voice, fiddle, ban-sitar. They have two CDs to their credit, ‘Mayday’ (2013) and ‘Cycle’ (2016).

For further information email: enquiries@ladymaisery.com


Antonio Spaccarotella Concert, San Giovanni in Fiore – Italy

Antonio Spaccarotella posterAccordionist Antonio Spaccarotella performs a recital on Saturday February 4th, 8.30pm, at the Salone Chiesa Padri Cappuccini, San Giovanni in Fiore, Italy.

Antonio Spaccarotella has won numerous international competitions. He holds master classes, and teaches modern and classical accordion at the Nuove Armonie Musical Institute in Italy.


Oivind Farmen and Havard Svendsrud ‘Trekspillcafe’ Tour – Norway

Poster Oivind Farmen and Havard Svendsrud
Accordion duo Oivind Farmen and Havard Svendsrud are on a tour titled ‘Trekspillcafe’ next week in Norway, February 4th to 9th, with concerts in six venues/cities. The details are on the poster.

Oivind Farmen has had many successes in competitions, including Klingenthal (Germany), the Internazionale "Città di Castelfidardo" (Italy), and winning the first prize in the Trophée Mondial de l'Accordéon in Faro, Portugal. He is much in demand as a soloist and as a chamber musician.

Havard Svendsrud is a well established professional performer of both classical and traditional entertainment music, both as a soloist and with many orchestras. He was appointed ‘cultural ambassador’ for the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, involving a long-term commitment in Venezuela in 1995. He has also toured in the USA, Iceland, Finland, Italy, UK, and throughout Scandinavia.


Budapest Café Orchestra Concerts, Channel Islands - UK

Budapest Cafe
The Budapest Café Orchestra performs concerts in three of the Channels Islands next week. On Monday February 6th, at around 11am, they will be playing and talking live on BBC Radio Jersey. The concert dates include:

Monday February 6th, 8pm - Jersey Arts Centre
Tuesday February 7th, 8pm - Alderney Town Hall
Wednesday February 8th, 8pm - Guernsey St James' Concert and Assembly Hall

Line-up: Christian Garrick – violin, darabuka, Eddie Hession – accordion, Kelly Cantlon – double bass, and Adrian Zolotuhin – guitar, saz, domra.

The Budapest Café Orchestra play traditional folk and gypsy flavoured music from across the Balkans and Russia, such as Klezmer, Romanian Doinas, Hungarian Czadas, and beautiful ballads. Evoking vivid images of Tzigane fiddle maestros, Budapest café life and gypsy campfires – plus a few surprises along the way – a show by the BCO is good enough to make you want to book that holiday down the Danube!


Marcelo Caldi and Soraya Ravenle Shows, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Marcelo Caldi and Soraya RavenleAccordionist Marcelo Caldi and the singer Soraya Ravenle and their backing band perform in shows on February 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th, 21st and 22nd, 9pm each evening, at the Teatro Do Leblon, Rua Conde De Bernadette, Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Marcelo Caldi, schooled in the many traditional folk music styles of Brazil in addition to a classical education, is an accomplished accordionist, pianist, composer, arranger, orchestrator, and singer. He has released several CDs documenting a wide range of different music influences from the Argentine tango to choral works.


Bayan Mix and Quartetto Gelato Concert, Ontario – Canada

Bayan Mix and Quartetto Gelato poster
A concert featuring both the duo Bayan Mix and the Quartetto Gelato takes place on Wednesday February 8th, 8pm until 11pm, at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, 10268 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 3B7.

Bayan Mix are the Russian accordionists Dmitry Khramkov and Serguei Voitenko, who have extensively toured have toured in the cities of Russia,  Swiss, France, Germany,  Italy, Holland, Great Britain, Canada and China.

Quartetto Gelato is a Canadian classical crossover quartet whose members are Peter DeSotto tenor, violin, mandolin, Liza McLellan - cello, bass, Alexander Sevastian - accordion, piano, and Colin Maier oboe, clarinet, English horn, guitar, mandolin, piano, saw. Their musical repertoire consists of a mix of classical masterworks and operatic arias with tangos, gypsy and folk songs from around the world. Their performances include elements of humour and dance.

For further information email: info@rhcentre.ca


Nicolas Demizieux Dance Afternoon, Compiegne – France

On Thursday February 9th, 2.30pm until 7.30pm, there will be dancing to the music of the accordionist Nicolas Demizieux and his band at the Centre des Rencontres de la Victoire, 112 due Saint Joseph, Compiegne, northern France. Admission is 10 Euro.


Christine Schmid & Olaf Creutzburg Cabaret, Kirchzarten - Germany

Christine Schmid & Olaf Creutzburg
On Friday February 10th, 8pm, accordionist and vocalist Christine Schmid performs a cabaret concert with the actor Olaf Creutzburg at Buchladen, HollentalstraBe 96, 79199 Kirchzarten-Burg, Germany. Entrance is 15 Euro.

Christine Schmid studied at the Hohner Conservatory Trossingen and at the Opera Workshop at Basel Conservatory. Later she attended the Jazz School Basel and Paris in music theory, accordion and vocals. After her studies she had various engagements such as the title role in ‘Marlene Dietrich’ at the Musical Theater in Basel and regular appearances as a guest soprano with the Spa Orchestra Badenweiler, followed by appearances on radio and television. Christine Schmid is also vocal and speech trainer and also as a successful model and mannequin.

For further information email: christ.schmid@web.de
Christine Schmid


Ian Lowthian’s Accordion Weekends, Scotland – UK

Ian LowthianScottish accordionist and teacher Ian Lowthian regularly organises weekends for accordionists in the Borders region, and below are the current figures for spaces available in his 2017 programme.

February 11th/12th - Beginners/Intermediate Accordion Weekend 7/12 spaces taken
March 11th/12th - Intermediate/Advanced Accordion Weekend - Full Up!
April 8th/9th - Slightly Jazzy MIXED INSTRUMENTS Weekend - 12 so far
April 29th/30th – 2nd Box (Accordion Accompaniment) Weekend - 10/12 spaces taken
June 10th/11th - Anything Goes Accordion Weekend - 5/12 spaces taken
July 8th/9th - MIXED INSTRUMENTS Weekend - with Sunday afternoon concert - 12 so far
September 2nd/3rd - Accordion Bass Work Weekend - 10/12 spaces taken
September 30th/Oct 1st - Scottish Music Accordion Weekend - 10/12 spaces taken
November 11th/12th - MIXED INSTRUMENTS Ceilidh Weekend - Full Up!
December 9th/10th - Christmas Accordion Weekend - 6/12 spaces taken

For further information about the weekends email ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Ksenija Sidorova Concerts, Tokyo – Japan

Ksenija SidorovaLatvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova makes her concert debut in Japan next week, with two concerts. On Saturday February 11th, 6pm, and on Sunday February 12th, 3pm, she performs at the NHK Hall in Tokyo with the NHK Orchestra, conducted by Paavo Järvi.

The programme, same for both concerts, includes
‘Silhouette’, Hommage à Gustave Eiffel (2009) - Pärt (Japan première),
‘Prophecy for Accordion and Orchestra’ (2007) - Tüür (Japan première)
‘Symphony No.2 D major op.43’ – Sibelius

Ksenija Sidorova, a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music in London, UK, has pursued a hectic and highly successful international concert career, performing all around Europe, USA, Brazil, Israel, Senegal, and other countries.


Rosemary Wright Recitals, Rugby, Hinckley – UK

Rosemary WrightAccordion soloist Rosemary Wright performs two lunchtime recitals in churches, as follows:

Tuesday February 21st, 1pm – St Andrew’s Church, Rugby, Warwickshire
Wednesday March 1st, 1pm – St Mary’s Church, Hinckley, Leicestershire

Rosemary Wright is a former All Britain Champion, and also a former Principal of the British College of Accordionists. Her many accomplishments include adjudicating at NAO competitions, examining for the BCA, composing, teaching various instruments, performing at many accordion festivals and clubs, and recording two solo CDs ‘Accordion Divertimento’ and ‘Accordion Safari’.


2nd Grand Gala D’Accordeon, Gien - France

2nd Grand Gala D’Accordeon posterThe 2nd Grand Gala D’Accordeon takes place on Sunday February 26th, 2.30pm until 7.30pm, at the Salle Cuiry, rue Jean Mermoz, Gien, France. Accordionists performing non-stop for dancing include Angelique, Jerome Richard, Cyril and Virginie Danrey, and Jean-Francois Carcagno and his orchestra. Admission is 12 Euro.

Gien is a commune in the Loiret department in north-central France. Gien is on the Loire River, 80 km from Orléans.


New and Updated Sites

Alessandrini Accordions Interview, Castelfidardo - Italien

Alessandrini Accordions

Daniela and Tonino AlessandriniVideo 1: Giorgio Conte at CQFP 2011
Video 2: Piotr Rangno @ Jazzfest Gronau 2013

"Lernen Sie die Leute kennen" Alessandrini Akkordeons/Interview 2017Alessandrini mit:

Tonino Alessandrini (Besitzer)
Daniela Alessandrini (Besitzer)


Renzo Ruggieri New Solo Arrangement With String Orchestra Arrangement Free - Italy

Renzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri has released a new arrangement. Catalog: rrenzo511 Figaro by Gioacchino Rossini.

This is a very skillful and useful arrangement. The accordion solo is arranged for solo concerts and the same accordion solo also works with full string orchestra accompaniment. Listen to the video above, performer Mario D'Amario.

To my knowledge, this is also the only version of Figaro for Accordion and String Orchestra.

This Renzo Ruggieri 40 page score includes the accordion solo, string orchestra conductors score and all the parts for the string orchestra. The price of the music is only €10 for the solo and Renzo is most generously giving the string orchestra score and parts arrangement for free. Samples from the pdf music file are online.

Catalog: rrenzo511 Figaro by Gioacchino Rossini for accordion solo and for accordion solo with string orchestra.


Two New Works by Douglas Ward Released by Charnwood Publishing - UK

Douglas WardTwo new works have been released by well known UK composer and performer Douglas Ward, published by Charnwood Publishing.

DW938 The Happy Whistler
Standard: Grade 4
Approximate playing time: 2 min 0 sec

This happy-go-lucky little piece will make you want to dance! Written in G major, the introduction is eight bars long. It is quite hummable and memorable. It clips along at a jaunty pace through the first section, which requires some treble fingering dexterity. It changes to C major for the second section before returning to G major.

DW939 Ali Baba’s Barber
Approximate playing time: 2 min 30 secs.

Written in D minor (using just three chords in the basses), this piece combines the mysterious with catchy, playful, and rhythmic. The introduction combines treble chords with a four-note lead-in bass motif. The treble melody and accenting invokes a Moorish feel, with accents and phrasing confirming the rhythmic theme.

The second treble section is rapid and requires smoothness and dexterity of the performer, with an extended section displaying playfulness between treble and bass rhythms. After returning to the original theme the piece ends with a showy four-note treble glissando.

The Douglas Ward page is now listing over 80 compositions and arrangements of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing. Purchase with credit card online.


Gary Dahl Releases Ashokan Farewell Arrangement - USA

Ashokan Farewell sample pageGary DahlCatalog No: DH0257 - Ashokan Farewell by Jay Unger

Arranger Gary Dahl writes about this new arrangement:
The minimal use of embellishments is intentional so as to retain the poignancy of this composition. This arrangement is not hard to play but requires exceptional emotion to best convey the beautiful melody to your audience.

Jay Ungar and his wife and fellow musician, Molly Mason, were running the Ashokan Camp, a summer arts school specializing in fiddle and dancing. While there, Ray Ungar composed the tune and their group, Fiddle Fever—recorded the song, including it as part of their 1983 album Waltz of the Wind.

The inclusion meant that the song would need a name. Mason suggested “Ashokan Farewell.”.

The release of the album generally coincided with the years Ken Burns spent researching and producing The Civil War documentary. In 1984 in particular, Burns was on the lookout for songs that could serve as the soundtrack for the documentary.

Ken Burns heard the album and the rest is history.

Sample page online and to purchase: Catalog No: DH0257 - Ashokan Farewell


Updated Site: New Information Alessandro Mugnoz CD

CD by Alessandro Mugnoz and Claudia Menghi.Information updated on site for CD by Alessandro  Mugnoz and Claudia Menghi.
A CD review has also been linked. Sounds samples online for: mugnoz01


New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden

Lars EkLars Ek, composer, arranger, performer and teacher of Sweden has now released his original compositions on the MusicForAccordion.com site. See samples of the music and further information at:

ek131 - Mikaelas Polka
ek132 - The Norrtulls Waltz
ek133 - Nu Blommar Angen
ek134 - Oh Wunderful Archipelago
ek135 - Polka for Fun
ek136 - Ransaterjoy
ek137 - Samba Isopor
ek138 - Sambo Hambo
ek139 - Schottis på Vikafjallet
ek140 - Ska Vi Dansa Schottis


New: Espana Cani Ensemble Arrangement by Palmer-Hughes - USA

Espana Cani graphicRe-released is the Espana Cani ensemble arrangement by the famed Palmer-Hughes with parts accordion 1 - 4 with an optional 5th accordion part.

This is an eSheet publication sent to you by email (no postage) within 24 hours of purchase. Sample page online. mfa8048


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