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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 02-Dec-2022
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Beltango 与朋友的节日 将庆祝25周年的 Beltango 五重奏--波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
2023年第60届克林根塔尔国际手风琴比赛 - 德国
"Nathan and the Zydeco Cha-Cha's" 被提名为格莱美年度最佳区域根茎类专辑 - 美国
Rino Galassi (1928年至2022年),卡斯特尔菲达多 - 意大利
CNIMA 2022年最后一次研讨会 - 法国
2023年莱文沃思国际手风琴庆典 - 美国


Video: Accordion Class Recital of Professor Friedrich Lips, Moscow – Russia
Online: Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon Competition - France
HotScotch Ceilidh Band Performs at Edinburgh Christmas Festival – Scotland
AAA Commissioned Works Update on the AAA Website
2022 Lilburn Lecture: Ross Harris – New Zealand
“Scythian” Release Christmas Album “Christmas out at Sea”


Stiletto Sisters Entertain at “The Moldy Fig” – Australia
Sam Reider Quartet Performs Final 2022 Concert in Oakland – USA
RSC Accordions Recital in Glasgow - Scotland
Ditte Lykke Hansen Performs Masters Concert – Denmark
Cafe Accordion Orchestra Present: Cafe Christmas – USA
“The Band Who Knew Too Much” Christmas Party Concert - Australia
Aydar Gaynullin Performs at “Rhapsody in Sand” Concert Series – Germany
“Zamar” Entertains at Christmas in the Park – South Africa
Good Habits December Concerts, England - UK

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links


第三十四届国际节 "Bayan and Bayanists", 莫斯科 - 俄国
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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Beltango 与朋友的节日 将庆祝25周年的 Beltango 五重奏--波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那

25th birthday poster
视频。2023年Beltango & Friends节。

贝尔塔诺五重奏将于2023年6月29日至7月3日在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那比耶利纳的斯坦尼西奇民族村举行 "贝尔塔诺与朋友节",以庆祝他们的25周年。


该音乐节将是一个 "大型巴尔干探戈派对",包括研讨会、音乐会、展览和盛大的米隆加,国际艺术家们将享受5天 "充满音乐、舞蹈、爱、热情的招待、美味的食物、放松和欢乐"。

乐队成员有 领队 Aleksandar Nikolic(bandoneon)、Ivana Nikolic(钢琴和主唱)、Antonija Barna(小提琴)、Bogdan Pejic(吉他)和Petar Holik(低音提琴)。

注册和购票地址: 2023Balkan


2023年第60届克林根塔尔国际手风琴比赛 - 德国

Klingenthal banner





"Nathan and the Zydeco Cha-Cha's" 被提名为格莱美年度最佳区域根茎类专辑 - 美国

Best Regional Roots Album of the Year poster
视频。"Nathan & the Zydeco Cha Chas" 在2021年的路易斯安那州Cajun Zydeco节上.

"Nathan and the Zydeco Cha-Cha's" 已被提名参加将于2023年2月5日在洛杉矶Crypto.com Arena举行的第65届格莱美年度奖。 该活动将表彰2021年10月1日至2022年9月30日这一资格年度内的最佳唱片、作品和艺术家。

该类别是。年度最佳地区根茎类专辑 .

"内森早在1985年就组建了The Cha-Chas。 他在2005年入选路易斯安那州音乐名人堂,并在去年获得了Zydeco音乐协会的终身成就奖。Cha-Chas乐队被评为全国最优秀的节日乐队,并连续几年赢得了令人羡慕的Big Easy最佳Zydeco乐队奖"。


Rino Galassi (1928年至2022年),卡斯特尔菲达多 - 意大利

Rino Galassi
Galassi Bellow logo上面的图片。图片拍摄于2018年,当时Rino Galassi 和妻子Vanda仍然每天在工厂工作。 图为与儿子Renzo在一起。

Rino Galassi(1928年9月28日-2022年11月9日)已经去世,享年94岁。他在1948年二战结束后不久就开始了波纹管生产,当时他20岁。

他想开辟自己的事业,作为手风琴制造的工匠工作。在那个时候,自己创业的事情要容易得多。因此,他开始学习生产手风琴的风箱。由于他住在Osimo Stazione,那里有两家生产风箱的工厂,他可以很容易地进入。这些生产商就像当时的大多数生产商一样,在家庭的底层工作,家人住在楼上。 家里是工作的生产场所,这意味着 "在需要时,随时准备工作"。


Accordions Worldwide向所有Galassi家族表示哀悼。

"知人论世 "采访 Renzo Galassi(业主)在。2017Galassi


CNIMA 2022年最后一次研讨会 - 法国

Jacques Mornet and Nathalie BoucheixNathalie Boucheix 指导的CNIMA将于12月19日至23日举办2022年最后一次手风琴研讨会,由 Jacques Mornet 和 Nathalie Boucheix(图左)指导。

该讲习班适用于所有年龄、水平和风格。该讲习班将为与会者提供机会,以 Jacques Mornet 方法发展他们的乐器技术。


更多详情请访问 CNIMA 网站或发送电子邮件:cnima@orange.fr


2023年莱文沃思国际手风琴庆典 - 美国

Leavenworth poster


Festhalle 2023的表演者包括Joey Miskulin、Alicia Jo Straka、Andy Mirkovich、Andy Gonzalez & Juan Barco、Max Kyllonen和Toby & Lyle Duo(Frank Yankovic Tribute)。





MFA banner
Merry Christmas为朋友和家人准备的圣诞礼物在。2022 Xmas Gift Ideas


请支持手风琴艺术,并从2400多张电子乐谱、310张CD/DVD、2000多张eTracks mp3声音文件、1000多张印刷作品和众多书籍(文本)中选择:2022年圣诞礼物创意


Video: Accordion Class Recital of Professor Friedrich Lips, Moscow – Russia

Friedrich LipsVideo: Starts: 8:15 mins. Bayan and Accordion class concert of Prof. Friedrich Lips (People's Artist of Russia and Prof at Russian Gnesin Academy of Music), Small Hall, Gnesin Academy, November 29th, 2022.

The following laureats of all-Russian and international competitions took part in the concert: Arslan Aliev, Robert Alevetdinov, Sergey Berdnikov, Timur Galinurov, Ruslan Kochkin, Lin Jinghan, Leonid-Florin Muravyov, Olzhas Nurlanov, Alexei Pankratov, Gleb Sablev, Rafael Sapukov.

The concert program included works by D. Scarlatti, C. Saint-Saëns, M. Dupré, E. Grieg, S. Rachmaninov, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, E. Méhul, M. Moshkovsky, V. Troyan, A. Kholminov, Vl . Solotaryov, T. Lundquist and B. Lorentzen.


Online: Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon Competition - France

Online Schedule
The Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) Competition organised by President Frederic Deschamps will be held online from December 7th to 23rd, 2022. Yaroslav Oleksiv (Ukraine) will be President of the Jury.

See the above Online Schedule for dates / performances.


HotScotch Ceilidh Band Performs at Edinburgh Christmas Festival – Scotland

Paul ChamberlainOn November 26th, the HotScotch Ceilidh Band (pictured above) led by accordionist Paul Chamberlain (picture left) performed at the Ross Bandstand in Edinburgh’s Princes Street Gardens for an outdoor family ceilidh as part of the launch of Edinburgh’s Christmas Festival.

Paul has just recently been able to return to performing after a successful heart transplant at the end of January 2022 following several years on the organ transplant waiting list and now is looking forward to resuming his varied performance schedule both as a soloist and in a number of ensembles.

On January 12th, 2023, Paul will play with The Scottish Tango Ensemble (picture below) at the Kings Pavilion in Aberdeen for a concert organised by the Aberdeen University Music Department.

The Scottish Tango Ensemble, which features Paul Chamberlain (accordion), Gemma O’Keefe (violin), Gregor Blamey (piano) and Tom Berry (double bass), will perform a programme featuring a mixture of traditional salon tangos, the music of Astor Piazzolla, as well as the group’s own arrangements of more modern artists.
Scottish Tango Ensemble


AAA Commissioned Works Update on the AAA Website

Robert McmahonThe latest updated and expanded article was originally published in 2004 as part of my annual series discussing AAA music commissions carried out by Elsie Bennet, beginning in 1957 with Paul Creston’s Prelude and Dance. It examines the fifteenth and sixteenth commissions, Aria, Scherzo, and Finale, for accordion and orchestra (1961), by Louis B. Gordon, and Night Music, for accordion and string quartet (1964), by David Diamond. (Direct link: http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions9.php )

On the AAA website at http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions2.php you may view both a pdf of the original print version (click on “pdf”) and its updated, expanded webpage version. The updated webpage article provides deeper analytical information than the original print version, greatly aided by the new addition of musical examples. Since no recording has yet been found of the Gordon composition, electronically produced sound samples of the musical excerpts are offered instead. This aural feature will continue to be employed in future updated articles where no recording is available.


2022 Lilburn Lecture: Ross Harris – New Zealand

The Kugels - Ross Harris
The Lilburn Lecture 2022 was recorded by Radio New Zealand (RNZ) on November 2nd, 2022 (the anniversary of Douglas Lilburn’s birth) at the Tiakiwai Conference Centre, National Library of New Zealand in Wellington, New Zealand. The event was hosted by the Lilburn Trust and the Alexander Turnbull Library.

RNZ featured the following report on the event:
For the ninth annual Lilburn Lecture, composer and Arts Laureate Ross Harris dove deep into his own musical past, sharing colourful snapshots from his life and career.
He called his lecture The Endless Search for the Next Note: An Outline of a Composing Life from an Unlikely Beginning to an Unlikely Present.

From a 'salt of the earth' family with little interest in arts or culture, Ross emerged as a largely self-taught composer. He talks about his early childhood obsession with sound, learning by example from Lilburn in the 1970s as he listened to him wrestle sounds out of the primitive equipment in the Victoria University Electronic Music Studio, collaborating with writers Witi Ihimaera and Vincent O’Sullivan (who gives the Vote of Thanks at the end of Ross's lecture), tackling symphonies - seven so far, the freedom of composing and performing Klezmer music, and much more.

Ross illustrates his stories with a generous selection of musical excerpts from all throughout his career.

Ross Harris (pictured above) is a member of the popular group The Kugels, who performed at the event.


“Scythian” Release Christmas Album “Christmas out at Sea”

Scythian album
Dan Fedoryka“Scythian” which includes accordionist Dan Fedoryka (picture right) have just released their first Christmas album entitled “Christmas out at Sea”.

The album is a “seafarer’s take of celebrating Christmas at sea in the days of shanties, whaling, sea monsters and squalls. You’ll be taken on a journey from port town pubs to the open seas, with special guests like Boxing Banjo, HoneyDay, Catie Parker Fedoryka, Nolan Ladewski, Stevie Rees and more climbing aboard to join the lads in their musical journey through the Yuletide songs of yore. You’re invited to join them in a venture that is this Christmas album, to sing along as they weave and nest layers of treasured carols within songs that are meant to play out like a musical story from beginning to end.”

For details email: scythianmail@gmail.com



Stiletto Sisters Entertain at “The Moldy Fig” – Australia

Stiletto Sisters
The Stiletto Sisters (picture above) will entertain at The Moldy Fig in Brunswick East, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on December 7th, 2022 at 6.30pm presented by the Boite.

The event is organised by “Resonate”, which is part of On the Road Again, a Victorian Government initiative to bring live music back across the state.

The group, which features accordionist Judy Gunson, will “bring the sound of Eastern Europe….and woo their audiences with their seductive blend of Hungarian gypsy, tango and love songs from around the world.”

Entry is free of charge.

For details email: admin@boite.com.au


Sam Reider Quartet Performs Final 2022 Concert in Oakland – USA

Sam Reider
Sam Reider has announced his final 2022 concert will be held at The Sound Room in Oakland, California, USA on December 8th, 2022, from 7pm to 9pm.

For this concert, Sam will be joined by Ben Flocks (saxophone), Shawn Meyers (drums) and Giulio Xavier Cetto (bass). The quartet will play a variety of pieces such as jazzy versions of "Human Hands" tunes as well as songs by Django, Piazzolla, and Duke Ellington.

For details email: sam@samreidermusic.com


RSC Accordions Recital in Glasgow - Scotland

RSC Accordions
RSC Accordions will perform a concert in the Ledger Recital Room of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow, Scotland on December 8th, 2022 at 1pm.

Their program will include:
J.S. Bach - Preludium BWV 552
V.Zubitsky - Karpathian Suite
J.Tiensuu Mutta/Astor Piazzolla - La Muerte del Angel
A.Lyadov - Music Box
V.Semyonov - Don Rhapsody
J.P. Rameau - Entrée de Polymnie from Les Boréades
M.Majkusiak - Concerto Nevrotico

For details email: boxoffice@rcs.ac.uk


Ditte Lykke Hansen Performs Masters Concert – Denmark

Ditte Lykke HansenDitte Lykke Hansen (picture left) will perform her Master’s Exam concert at The Royal Danish Academy of Music (DKDM) in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark on December 8th, 2022 at 3.45pm.

All are welcome to attend.

For details email: dkdm@dkdm.dk


Cafe Accordion Orchestra Present: Cafe Christmas – USA

The Cafe Accordion Orchestra will present a concert entitled Café Christmas at the Dunsmore Jazz Room in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA on December 8th, 2022, 6pm, where they will put “their own special spin on holiday classics from many lands.”

The group includes Dan Newton (accordion & vocals), Brian Barnes (guitar & vocals), Eric Mohring (mandolin, fiddle & vocals), Erik Lillestol (bass & vocals), Joe Steinger, (percussion) and Elizabeth Rowan (percussion).

For details email: daddysqueeze@yahoo.com


“The Band Who Knew Too Much” Christmas Party Concert - Australia

The Band Who Knew Too Much
“The Band Who Knew Too Much” will hold a celebration Christmas party concert at the Open Studio in Northcote, Victoria, Australia on December 10th, 2022, at 9pm.

The group features Dave Evans (accordion), Matt Earl (drums), Craig Fermanis (guitar), Rory Boast (double b & vocals), Andy Reid (clarinet, washboard & vocals) and special guest Eugene Ball (trumpet).

There will be singing and dancing and a joyous atmosphere!

For details email: openstudio.enquiries@gmail.com


Aydar Gaynullin Performs at “Rhapsody in Sand” Concert Series – Germany

Sand concert
Aydar GaynullinAccordionist Aydar Gaynullin (picture right) will perform at the “Rhapsody in Sand – Artists Against War” five-concert series in Berlin, Germany this month, diected by Dimitri Sakharov.

This “magical world of music” and the unique project "Sand Rhapsody" will also include Vladislav Lavrik (trumpet and conductor), Alexey Wagner (guitar), Ravi Srinivasan (Indian table), Gregor Schulenburg (flute), Euphoria Orchestra Berlin who will perform with sand painter Alla Denisova.

Dates are:
December 11th at 5pm: Passionskirche Kreuzberg, Berlin
December 13th at 6pm: Auenkirche Wilmersdorf, Berlin
December 14th at 6pm: St. Matthew's Church, Berlin
December 15th at 6pm: Auenkirche Wilmersdorf, Berlin
December 18th at 4pm: Luther Church, Berlin

See poster for details.


“Zamar” Entertains at Christmas in the Park – South Africa

Zamar Xmas poster
“Zamar” will entertain at Christmas in the Park held at Lyndon Park in Sunset Beach, South Africa on December 14th, 2022 from 6pm.

The event is sponsored by Sunset Beach Real Estate Re/max Living and Team Atlantic.

The group features Monika Stuchlik Kahl (accordion & vocals), Veronica Bell (violin & vocals), Philip Vermeulen (guitar), Warren Joubert (bass) and Ronald Siegelaar (drums).

For details email: Info@zamarmusic.co.za


Good Habits December Concerts, England - UK

Good Habits poster
Video: Good Habits performing “She Bangs The Drums”. The video was filmed by Cadby Kong at the Devonport Folk Club in Auckland, New Zealand.

“Good Habits”, which features Pete Shaw (accordion) and Bonnie Schwarz (cello & vocals) will perform December concerts in Shropshire, England, UK as part of the Arts Alive & Flicks in the Sticks series.

The duo “mix vivid storytelling with eclectic sounds, drawing on their diverse musical tastes and weaving them into an action-packed narrative of folky goodness.”

Concert details as follows:
December 16th – Bitterley Village Hall in Ludlow,
December 17th – Llanymynech Village Hall in Llanymynech
December 18th – Cawley Hall in Luston

For details email: hello@goodhabitsband.com


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article



第三十四届国际节 "Bayan and Bayanists", 莫斯科 - 俄国

Moscow poster
Friedrich LipsAlexander Selivanov, Maria Vlasova2022年第三十四届国际音乐节 "巴扬和巴扬人 "将于2022年12月14日至18日在俄罗斯莫斯科格涅辛俄罗斯音乐学院(RAM)的音乐厅举行。下载节目海报:2022MoscowPoster.pdf

教授。Friedrich Lips 是该音乐节的艺术总监,而 Alexander Gataullin 是音乐节总监。


12月15日。 由州长室内乐团 "俄罗斯相机"(艺术总监和指挥 - 安德烈-克鲁日科夫)、独奏家玛丽亚-弗拉索娃、卢甘斯克国立文化艺术学院 "民乐乐团 "举办的 "巴扬与手风琴:经典与现代 "音乐会。M. Matusovsky,由Irina Zolotareva指导,独奏家 Alexander Selivanov

12月16日。 弗拉基米尔-斯图普尼科夫(手风琴)和包括手风琴演奏家亚历山大-西罗特金和安德烈-比尤茨基赫在内的 "西布二重奏 "的演出。

12月17日。 德米特里-霍达诺维奇(手风琴)的表演,与尤里-西多罗夫教授(巴扬琴)、奥尔扎斯-努尔兰诺夫(手风琴)以及由以下人员组成的巴扬琴乐团共同庆祝作曲家弗拉迪斯拉夫-佐洛塔雷夫80周年。Semion Shmelkov, Timur Galinurov, Arslan Aliev, Lin Jing Han and Rafael Sapukov。

12月18日。闭幕式音乐会将以流行音乐和爵士乐为主题,由爱德华-阿哈诺夫(Bayan)和朋友、伊万-塔拉宁四重奏(bandoneon)"Tango En Vivo "和彼得-德兰加(手风琴)参加。

在音乐节的闭幕式上,将颁发 "银盘奖"。 以前的获奖者包括马塞尔-阿佐拉、维克多-弗拉索夫、阿尔弗雷德-金兹伯格、维克多-格里丁、尤里-卡扎科夫、阿尔弗雷德-米列克等人。

该活动的完整报告将在本新闻中公布。 请看2021年的活动报告:。2021Moscow


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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The Accordion Russia News has been updated with new additional articles.


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