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Weekly News from Around the World - 02-Aug-2019
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2019 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Annuales Festival - Irland
Vier internationale Seminare an der PIF Academy - Italien
Hochzeit in der Akkordeonwelt von Noelle McCarthy & Fausto Fabi - Irland
2019 CIA-Videoarchiv und Bildungsprojekt, Shenzhen - China
„Vilda" Duo von Finland Tours - Finnland, Kanada

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Victor Prieto Jazz Masterclasses - Spain
Students who play musical instrument perform better academically - Canada
Demo video by Milonga de Cuatro, Lian Jones (accordion) - New Zealand
Festival de Acordeones – Argentina
“Live at Café De la Danse” Vinyl Edition Released – France
Video: David Bruce video about composing for the accordion and its amazing versatility - UK

Future events

Accademia del Ridotto Accordion Course Applications Now Open - Italy
Sam Reider and The Human Hands August Concerts - USA
Alex Meixner Band Performances - USA
Amateur Organetto Competition, 9th August, Castelfidardo - Italy
CNIMA August Courses – France
2019 Cotati Accordion Festival – USA
Andreas Gabalier in August - Schweiz/Austria
Santa Maria Band to Play at Thanksgiving Mass - Malta
2019 Pedone-Ballarini Accordion Clinic in Texas – USA

New and Updated Sites

New Book by Karthause-Schmülling Music - Germany
New and Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925 - 2012) Music Updated - Israel

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2019 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Annuales Festival - Irland

Fleadh Cheoil Poster
Nathan CarterCherish the LadiesDas jährliche Festival Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann findet vom 11. bis 18. August in Drogheda, County Louth, Irland statt.

Die Veranstaltung ist für alle, Jung und Alt, und das diesjährige Programm wird mit Sicherheit für Unterhaltung und Vergnügen sorgen, egal ob es sich um ein Konzert im Dom oder eine Aufführung in einem der vielen prächtigen Gebäude in Drogheda handelt oder um einen Besuch des Fleadh yu machen. Die vielen Wettbewerbe werden in örtlichen Schulen aufgeführt..

Über 1.000 Freiwillige werden benötigt, um das diesjährige Fleadh zu organisieren und Sicherheit zu garantieren, damit Drogheda den über 400.000 Besuchern, die in der Region erwartet werden, eine angenehme Erfahrung bietet.

Zu den Akkordeon-Entertainern gehören Four Men & a Dog (mit dem Akkordeonisten Donal Murphy), Clann Carberry (Familiengruppe - Bild unten), das irisch-amerikanische Ensemble "Cherish the Ladies" mit Mirella Murray auf Akkordeon (Bild rechts), Nathan Carter (Bild links) Die beiden Geschwister Tom & Jacinta McGorman (Dublin) und Catherine & John McEvoy (Birmingham), National Folk Orchestra of Ireland, Sárán Mulligan (Konzertina) und das Trio von Dermot Byrne, Éamonn Coyne & John Doyle.

Am letzten Tag findet der Senior Céilí Band Wettbewerb 2019 um 18.30 Uhr im Coca Cola Fleadh Concert Dome im St. Dominic's Park statt. Eine wütende Nacht voller mächtiger und wilder Wettkämpfe wird erwartet, während die Bands um den ultimativen All-Ireland-Ruhm kämpfen!
Clann Carbury


Vier internationale Seminare an der PIF Academy - Italien

PIF Academy logo
PIF Talking logoPIF veranstaltet jeden Morgen vom 19. bis 22. September um 9.30 Uhr im Salone degli Stemmi in Castelfidardo vier sehr interessante internationale Seminare von hochrangigen Instrumentenspezialisten.

Das erste Seminar am 19. September für zeitgenössisches klassisches Akkordeon - "Meet the Composer" mit Petri Makkonen (Finnland). Das Seminar beginnt mit seinen eigenen Kompositionen, um seine Geschichte zu erzählen. Im zweiten Teil beantwortet der Komponist Fragen der Teilnehmer. Dies ist eine seltene Gelegenheit, sich mit den interpretativen Nuancen der Werke des finnischen Meisters zu beschäftigen.

Am 20. September wird Raynald Ouellet (Kanada) ein Weltakkordeonseminar mit dem Titel "Europäischer Einfluss auf die Weltmusik Nordamerikas" veranstalten. Raynald Ouellet ist Gründer und künstlerischer Leiter des Festivals „Carrefour Mondial du l'Accordeon“. Dies wird ein Seminar mit einem unglaublichen Charakter und einer Mischung von Informationen sein, die Profis und Fans der Weltmusik nicht entgehen lassen dürfen.

Gerlando Gatto (Italien) veranstaltet am 21. September ein Jazz Akkordeon Seminar mit dem Titel "Akkordeon im Jazz: Von der einfachen Farbe zum Protagonisten Instrument". Gerlando ist ein gefeierter Journalist und Musikkritiker, der sich seit den 60er Jahren mit Jazz beschäftigt. Derzeit ist er Direktor eines viel beachteten Online-Magazins "A Proposito di Jazz" und künstlerischer Leiter des "Orpheus Award", des einzigen Preises für Musikjournalismus, der dem Akkordeon gewidmet ist. Das Seminar möchte mit Hilfe der Musik die Entwicklung aufzeigen, die diesem Instrument im Bereich der Jazzmusik gefolgt ist. Eine eingehende Analyse der Geschichte des Akkordeons im Jazz, die die Fans dieses Instruments nicht verpassen dürfen.

Das Abschlussseminar ist ein klassisches Akkordeon Seminar (Barock) mit dem Titel "Warnungen an den Girolamo Frescobaldi Leser", das am 22. September von Ivano Paterno (Italien) gehalten wird. Ivano Paterno beschäftigt sich seit über 30 Jahren mit den Werken von Frescobaldi. In der allerersten Ausgabe des ersten Buches der Toccaten erscheint ein Dekalog der „Warnungen“ des Meisters, die die außergewöhnlichsten sind, die zu einem Thema geschrieben wurden, über das „man nicht schreiben kann“. Der Barock ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Repertoires der klassischen Akkordeonisten und eine absolut unumgängliche Gelegenheit für Profis und Konzertinterpreten der Zukunft.

Bild unten: 1. Petri Makkonen 2. Gerlando Gatto 3. Raynald Ouellet 4. Ivano Paterno
Petri Makkonen, Gerlando Gatto, Raynald Ouellet, Ivano Paterno


Hochzeit in der Akkordeonwelt von Noelle McCarthy & Fausto Fabi - Irland

Noelle McCarthy & Fausto Fabi heirateten am 25. Juli in der Grafschaft Wicklow, Irland. Noelle ist die Tochter von Paddy Kavanagh aus Dublin, einem bekannten Akkordeonisten. Fausto ist der Sohn von Nando Fabi aus Castelfidardo und Verkaufsleiter bei Pasco Italia srl.

Sie heirateten im Beisein ihrer Familien und Freunde, darunter viele Freunde aus der Akkordeonwelt. Die Musik für ihre Hochzeitszeremonie wurde von Noelles Schwester Patricia gespielt - natürlich auf dem Akkordeon!

Accordions Worldwide und seine Leser wünschen den frisch Vermählten ein sehr glückliches und langes Zusammenleben
wedding photos, Noelle McCarthy & Fausto Fabi


2019 CIA-Videoarchiv und Bildungsprojekt, Shenzhen - China

Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project
Coupe Mondiale logoDie Scandalli Akkordeon Fabrik ist der Sponsor des 2019 Video Archiv und Bildungsprojekts.

Videos und Video Stundenplan: 2019CM-Video
vom Eröffnungskonzert am Montag, den 12. August und einschließlich aller Teilnehmer und Konzerte, das am Samstagabend, dem 17. August, endet.

Videos sollten ca. 1 Stunde nach der Live-Aufführung oder dem Live-Wettbewerb online sein, und die Zuschauer können kostenlos Coupe Mondiale-Wettbewerbe herunterladen, die eine Vielzahl verschiedener Arten und Stile von Musik abspielen.

Das "Video Archive Education Project" ist ein Projekt, das 2010 von der Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) mit Unterstützung von Sponsoren und Akkordeons weltweit initiiert wurde.

Für 2019 gibt es in China einen zusätzlichen Server für unsere chinesischen Zuschauer, der von MusicForAccordion.com gesponsert wird.

Wir danken der Scandalli Akkordeonfabrik für ihre Unterstützung, die dieses ehrgeizige, kostenlose Projekt ermöglicht, um Akkordeonschülern und Tutoren auf der ganzen Welt zu helfen
Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project


„Vilda" Duo von Finland Tours - Finnland, Kanada

Das Duo "Vilda" mit der Akkordeonistin Viivi Maria Saarenkylä und der indigenen Samí-Sängerin Hildá Länsman (aus Nordfinnland) wird diesen Monat durch Kanada touren. Sie genießen es, eigens komponierte und geschriebene Originalmusik zu spielen, die von der nordischen Natur, dem traditionellen samischen und finnischen Volk sowie der Popmusik beeinflusst ist!

Das Duo hat gerade sein Debütalbum mit dem Titel Vilda Vildaluodda / Wildprint (herausgegeben von Bafe’s Factory) veröffentlicht, das online verfügbar ist.

Vilda Konzertkalender:

9. August: Montréal First Nation Festival, Kanada
10.-11. August: Festival des Traditions du Monde de Sherbrooke, Kanada
14. August: Musique Nomade, Montréal, Kanada
16.-18. August: Summerfolk, Owen Sound, ON, Kanada
29. August bis 2. September: Soloauftritte des Akkordeonisten Viivi Maria Saarenkylä im Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon in Montmagny

Soloalbum von Viivi mit dem Titel Carnevale online verfügbar: Katalog: viivi01
CD cover


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Victor Prieto Jazz Masterclasses - Spain

Jazz poster
Victor Prieto directed and taught at International Jazz Accordion Master Classes at Centro Cultural Marcos Valcárcel in Ourense, Spain on July 13th & 14th and July 20th & 21st.

Subjects covered were Improvisation in pop, rock, bolero and jazz, how to form chords, differing styles such as jazz, blues, Brazilian, traditional tango, new Tango and other styles of modern harmony, and how to work and what to do in a recording studio when you get only chord changes.

The students also watched videos and analysed them plus they were given a book to take home with material for further studies and review.

The event also included an open Jam session at the Jazz Club "Cafe Cultural Auriense", so participants had the opportunity to play with other instruments, experiment, socialize and have a great time performing in front of an audience!


Students who play musical instrument perform better academically - Canada

accordionLearning to play a musical instrument and participating in a musical group can have a direct and positive impact on students' academic performance, a new study has found.

Music is a form of both personal and cultural expression. While giving your young child a recorder and listening to hundreds of hours of London's Burning may sometimes seem like a fast track to a headache, the earache may be worth it in the long run. New research shows that persevering through the novice musician stage and helping your child to master an instrument can help them to perform significantly better in academic subjects like science and maths when they get older.

Mastering a musical instrument isn't easy, and there are many challenges that students need to overcome: learning to read musical notation, developing specific hand-eye-mind coordination, balancing time to dedicate to practice and working on their listening and performance skills. These skills can help children with development in other areas of their learning, and research published in the Journal of Education Psychology looked into how these musically gained skills can help with academic learning in other fields.

This correlation between artistic endeavour and academic performance challenges some of the decisions made in our education system. Funding for music in schools is usually one of the first to be cut when finances get tight, with music seen as creative and artistic and perhaps not as "serious" as the more academic subjects like English, science and maths. Even without funding pressure, over time we have seen changes to the curriculum that have forced more specific study in reading, writing and algebra, with less time given to music. Underpinning these changes is, of course, the idea that to try and increase student achievements in these core subjects, more focus should be placed on practising these algebra, reading and writing skills.

Studying more than112,000 Canadian students who started school between the years 2000 and 2003, the researchers followed their academic achievements all the way through to Year 12 in high school. Controlling the data for demographic factors, including gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background and prior achievement in previous subject exams in Year 7, the researchers were able to see which factors seemed to help students perform at their best.

Looking at factors that correlate to higher academic results in maths and science, the researchers found that students who learned an instrument during childhood and developed enough mastery to perform in a group exhibited significantly higher performance. Specifically, students who in Year 10 and above had signed up to play in music groups like orchestra, jazz band, concert choir, vocal jazz and conservatory piano showed the most academic advantage, resulting in higher exam scores across all school subjects. The results were stronger for those who specialised in instrumental music skills rather than vocal music groups like choirs, with these students being around one full year ahead in learning than their non-musical peers.

In a number of school systems, once students reach high school they tend to be grouped, separating those who favour creative arts subjects from those who favour science and maths. Conflicting timetables sometimes force students to choose directly between science and arts. This research suggests that rather than creating subject silos, students might complement their learning by applying the mathematics of fractions through scales and the physics of waves and resonance through their instrument.

Studies like this serve as a helpful check as we design our education systems and structure our curriculums. Designing approaches that help students reach their potential can often mean investing time and resource in areas of study that may to some seem non-critical.


Demo video by Milonga de Cuatro, Lian Jones (accordion) - New Zealand

Demo video by Milonga de Cuatro.

Auckland Tango quartet Milonga de Cuatro performed their debut concert earlier this year and now have a demo video. The quartet includes accordionist and teacher Lian Jones, Natalia Meyta (piano), Irina Lgotkina (violin) and Marija Dimitrijevic (double bass).


Festival de Acordeones – Argentina

Festival posterThe Festival de Acordeones event was held at the Casa de Cultura in Federación, Argentina on July 20th. Performers included an ensemble of accordionists from Uruguay called “Acordeones del Uruguay”.

The group entertained with a variety of Uruguay national songs. Their aim is to spread accordion music and perform these national songs.

The festival also paid tribute to Argentinian Sixto Ríos with the song "Merceditas" performed by accordionists from Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina.


“Live at Café De la Danse” Vinyl Edition Released – France

CD cover
The Louise Jallu Quartet concert and the “Francesita” project performed at the Cafe´ De la Danse in Paris on 17th March 2018 caused much excitement with both the public and the media, and was thankfully recorded by sound engineer, Erwan Boulay. Today, the recording is being released in a rich vinyl edition, engraved with the main titles from the performance.

Performers include Louise Jallu (bandoneon), Mathias Lévy (violin), Grégoire Letouvet (piano), Alexandre Perrot (bass) and guest Sébastien Giniaux (electric guitar).

For details email: louise.jallu@free.fr


Video: David Bruce video about composing for the accordion and its amazing versatility - UK

David Bruce who has been developing an international reputation as a composer, published this video about accordion and composing on July 25th, 2019. Learn what an interesting instrument the accordion is for composers and how its great versatility can be used in so many different and interesting ways.


Future events

Accademia del Ridotto Accordion Course Applications Now Open - Italy

Accadamia logo
Antonio SpaccarotellaApplications are now open for the Accademia del Ridotto annual accordion courses – Academic year 2019/2020 tutored by Antonio Spaccarotella (picture left).

The Accademia del Ridotto is an advanced artistic and musical training center, (directed by Livio Bollani) based in the Theatre of Stradella. The Academy issues four types of Diplomas, up to Master.

Available courses include Diploma programs: Higher education – First Level (Three year program) - Professional Diploma; Higher education – Second Level (Three year program) - Specialization Diploma - Two-year training course and Master - Annual training course.

The training programs, intended for gifted students have the goal of helping them achieve a high international standard of musical interpretation and reaching a professional career. Employment outlooks include Career as soloist, teaching career, preparation for international music competitions, career as consultant, reviewer and editor for music publishers and record labels and career as agent, organizer and music consultant.

For further course information email Accademia del Ridotto: info@accademiadelridotto.com


Sam Reider and The Human Hands August Concerts - USA

Video 1: "The Murder" by Sam Reider, recorded live at the Green Note in London
Video 2: "Dance of the Djinn" by Sam Reider and the Human Hands featuring Jorge Glem

Sam Reider is a composer, accordionist, pianist and singer from Brooklyn, NY.He’s been featured at Lincoln Center and on NPR and collaborated with pop stars, jazz and folk musicians around the world. Reider is the leader of a “staggeringly virtuosic band” (RnR Magazine) of bluegrass and jazz musicians based in Brooklyn called The Human Hands.

Sam’s performance schedule includes:
August 1st - Galway, NY \\ Cock n' Bull 7:30 PM
August 2nd - Hancock, NY \\ Hancock Town Square 7:30 PM, Free!
August 3rd - Putney, VT \\ Next Stage Arts 7:30 PM
August 6th - Ridgefield, CT \\ CHIRP 7 PM, Free!
August 8th - Annandale-on-Hudson, NY \\ Bard Fisher Center Spiegeltent
w/ Kéren Tayár, presented by Catskill Jazz Factory 8 PM
August 10th - West Kortright, NY \\ West Kortright Center 8 PM
Sam Reider and The Human Hands


Alex Meixner Band Performances - USA

Alex Meixner BandMusikfestThis month the Alex Meixner Band will entertain at a variety of Musikfests, clubs, fairs and Oktoberfests. The band performs approximately 180 times a year across the country for venues ranging from intimate events and clubs to massive festivals.

Tour dates as follows:

August 2nd and 3rd: Musikfest in Bethlehem, PA
August 4th: Plattduetsche Park Restaurant, Franklin Square, NY
August 11th: German American Club of Marion County, Ocala, FL
August 17th & 18th: The Alpine Wurst & Meat House, Honesdale, NY
August 24th: Polish Craft Beer & Polka Block Party with Jan Lewan at West Palm Brewery, West Palm Beach, FL
August 28th: Alex Meixner Duo (Alex & Paddy) at The Great Allentown Fair, Allentown, PA
August 30th to September 2nd: Cleveland Oktoberfest, Middleburg Heights, OH

For further concert details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Amateur Organetto Competition, 9th August, Castelfidardo - Italy

Gara di Organetto
This event will be held along with Craft Workshops in the Piazza della Repubblica (town square), Castelfidardo on Friday 9 August 2019 at 6:30 pm. The competition takes place during the "V Historical Reenactment" festival in Castelfidardo.

Further information and competition rules in Italian at:


CNIMA August Courses – France

CNIMA logo
Jacques MornetCNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will run a series of workshops in August starting on August 12th with 2 ½ day and 5 day improvement courses. The courses are open to all ages, all styles and levels, run by the CNIMA team. Subjects covered will be body positions and use of joints, phrasing and bellows control.

Dates are:
2 ½ day courses from August 12th to 14th and 19th to 21st
5 day courses from August 12th to 17th and 19th to 24th.

In addition a new Accordion Training Group will be held from August 12th to 16th. Throughout the five days, there will be working groups and individual tuition. This is a new way forward collectively in the friendly atmosphere and the spirit of CNIMA. Subjects include: Title 1: The Romance of Paris (Charles Trenet) and Title 2: Tango Passion (Jacques Mornet - picture left).

For further details email: cnima@wanadoo.fr
CNIMA group


2019 Cotati Accordion Festival – USA

Cotati poster
Cory PesaturoThe 29th annual Cotati Accordion Festival will be held on August 17th and 18th at La Plaza Park in Downtown Cotati, California. The popular event will include performances by over 40 local and international groups and soloists including Cory Pesaturo (picture left), Gary Blair, MotorDude Zydeco, Sourdough Slim, Steve Balich to name a few.

In addition to music, there will be accordion vendors present at the festival to assist with questions re buying or selling an accordion and repairs etc.

For details email: info@cotatifest.com


Andreas Gabalier in August - Schweiz/Austria

Andreas Gabalier poster
Video: Andreas Gabalier, ein Ausschnitt aus Volksrock'n'Roller Live in Wien.

Andreas Gabalier ist Steirer und braucht nicht mehr vorgestellt zu werden. Seine Tourneen führen ihn seit Jahren durch die größten Hallen, Stadien und Arenen. Allein in seiner Heimat Österreich wurde er mit zahllosen Gold- und Platinauszeichnungen belohnt. Seine Alben charten traditionell auf der Pole Position.

Der beliebte österreichische Künstler ist im August wieder auf Megatour. Beeilen Sie sich, wenn Sie noch einige Tickets ergattern möchten.

Um Ihr Ticket online zu buchen, besuchen Sie: Andreas Gabalier
Andreas Gabalier posters


Santa Maria Band to Play at Thanksgiving Mass - Malta

Malta poster
The Santa Maria Accordion Band will participate in a thanksgiving Mass at St Francis Church in Valletta, Malta on September 6th.

The accordionists will play a variety of hymns at the Mass which will include readings and blessings of Pope Francis.

All are welcome to attend.

For further details email: intia680@gmail.com


2019 Pedone-Ballarini Accordion Clinic in Texas – USA

LogoMario PedoneThe 2019 Pedone-Ballarini Accordion Clinic will be held in New Braunfels, Texas from November 10th to 13th. Tutor Mario Pedone (picture right) is a popular performer, teacher and bandleader.

The event will include daily concerts, study groups, workshops, jam sessions, group & individual lessons, impromptu performances, an international dance party, and guest artists & instructors as well as great food and drink!

For further information email: ballarini@sbcglobal.net


New and Updated Sites

New Book by Karthause-Schmülling Music - Germany

Book coverUlrich SchmüllingA new book entitled “Summer Accordion Music Seminars and Associated Illustrious Media Stars” by Ulrich Schmülling (pictured) has just been released, published by Karthause-Schmülling Music, Book and Art Publishing in Kamen, Germany.

The book has been translated into English by Willoughby Ann Walshe, with cover and layout designed by Lukas Stanionis.

This multi-faceted guide book for pupils, students, teachers, stage performers, amateur players, professional musicians and especially for music lovers of all ages, provides a vivid report about two outstanding music seminars and festivals of the international accordion scene:
• Peter Soave Music Academy in Sauris (Italy)
• International Accordion Festival and Seminar in Palanga (Lithuania)
and Celebrated Media Stars “Made in” the Baltics:
• Martynas Levickis
• Ksenija Sidorova

52 pages · Format: 23 x 32.5 cm · four-colors throughout · hard cover · thread stitching · 700 grams · 90 photos · ISBN 978-3-925572-19-7 · Euro 22.50

Purchase the book online with credit card - Catalog No: 572-19


New and Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925 - 2012) Music Updated - Israel

Yehuda OppenheimerFollowing the sad death of Yehuda Oppenheimer in 2012, further music has been added to his site.

OY614 Omaggio A Bach - Cheerio, Mr. Bach! (Solo) composed by Yehuda Oppenheimer € 4,00
OY617 Lullaby (Solo) Mozart, arranged by Yehuda Oppenheimer € 2,00

More music will be added to his site in the coming weeks.


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