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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Sep-2017
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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневная сводка новостей с Coupe Mondiale 2017 стартует 6 сентября, Италия
Breaking News: Passing of Tony Lovello - USA
MusicTech объявляет о выступлении Паоло Миля на Кубке мира, Италия
Бандонеон Александра Николича с симфоническим оркестром Вупперталь, Германия
Отпечаток ладони музыканта Лацидеса Ромеро, Рекоаро Терме, Италия
Мастер-класс Андреаса Небла в Боготе, Колумбия
Видеоархив и образование, 2017 Coupe Mondiale, Осимо, Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

The 2017 Seminars - A Great Success!
‘Johnny Handle Life and Soul’, Northumberland – UK
Suzanne Welch (1949-2017), New Hampshire – USA
Accordionist Eva Ybarra Receives NEA National Heritage Fellowship - USA

Будущие события

LAO Bellows Across Boarders Concert, London - UK
The Brandon McPhee Show, Scotland – UK
British Chromatic Accordion Course, Shropshire – UK
Etnie Musicali International Folk Contest
Accordeon Festival, Lessines – Belgium
Gianni Mirizzi in ‘Scherzi del Cechov’, Rome – Italy
Rob Curto Presentation of Luiz Gonzaga and Forró, @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA
José Alfonso Valadez Concert, Virginia – USA

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Sven Balvan music

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2017 Coupe Mondiale header

Daily Reports

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The results of the 2017 Coupe Mondiale in Osimo, Italy are published tomorrow late afternoon Italy time. The Weekly News is going live with these results at 8 pm.

In the meantime, please view the 2017 Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports and videos of all the contestants. Enjoy the superb music by the exceptional young musicians competing in Osimo, Italy.

Daily Reports since 6th September at: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2017/it_rev_04.html

Video Homepage & Video Timetable at: 2017CM-Video


Ежедневная сводка новостей с Coupe Mondiale 2017 стартует 6 сентября, Италия

2017 Coupe Mondiale header

Daily Reports

Video Center

Coupe Mondiale posterОткрылся международный конкурс Кубок мира 70th Coupe Mondiale, который был организован итальянским культурным центром аккордеона (IAC) под руководством художественного руководителя Mirco Patarini.

Президент CIA Raymond Bodell тепло приветствует участников, членов жюри и делегатов в Осимо, прибывших на Кубок мира, который впервые пройдет в Marche Regione, недалеко от знаменитого города Кастельфидардо.

Жеребьевка для конкурсантов начинается во вторник, а соревнования участников – со среды, 5 сентября. На Кубке мира 2017 года нас ждет превосходная музыка, высочайший уровень состязания в семи самых разных категориях конкурса.

Ежевечерне проводится концерт с участием одного из победителей каждой категории Coupe Mondiale.
На сайте Coupe Mondiale будет оперативно доступна вся информация: результаты конкурсантов, фотографии и видеоматериалы.

Ежедневные отчеты о конкурсе смотрите, начиная с 6 сентября: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2017/it_rev_04.html

Расписание и видео: 2017CM-Video
Fenice Theatre


Breaking News: Passing of Tony Lovello - USA

Tony LovelloAWW is sad to report the passing of accordionist Tony Lovello. Full information at:


MusicTech объявляет о выступлении Паоло Миля на Кубке мира, Италия

Claudio Sabbattini and Maria Rita Bartomeoli
Владельцы MusicTech Клаудио Саббаттини и Мария Рита Бартомели объявили, что Паоло Майлз выступит на концерте Digital Accordion, организованный в рамках Coupe Mondiale 2017 года.
Видео выше: Паоло Майлз исполняет «Medley of Movie Themes» на MusicTech цифровом аккордеоне. Информация об инструменте: 2017MT.pdf

Производители цифрового аккордеона были приглашены Международной Конфедерацией аккордеонистов (CIA) вместе с исполнителем, который сможет профессионально продемонстрировать на концерте все возможности инструмента.

Концерт, на котором будет звучать лучшая музыка цифрового аккордеона, будет доступен не только зрителям в зале, но и международной аудитории (по видео-трансляции).

Музыкант Паоло Майлз окончил отделение классического аккордеона в консерватории Никколо Пикчинни в Бари (Италия) под руководством профессора Francesco Palazzo.

У Паооло Майлза довольно интенсивный график работы: он успешно выступает в качестве аккордеониста и бандонеониста как солист, а также в составе различных камерных ансамблей и оркестров.

Музыкант также сотрудничает с вокалисткой Катией Риччиарелли (сопрано): был записан компакт-диск с ансамблем певицы, с которым Паоло в настоящее время гастролирует по Италии.

Концерт начнется в воскресенье, 10 сентября, в 17:00 в престижном театре Teatro La Nuova Fenice, горрод Осимо. Вход бесплатный: пригласительные можно получить в «Инфоцентре» в Teatro Fenice с 14:00 до 4 сентября.
Видео-трансляция будет в сети примерно с 17:30.

Рубрика «Наши знаменитости» - читайте интервью Клаудио Саббаттини и Марии Риты Бартомоли: 2017MusicTech


Бандонеон Александра Николича с симфоническим оркестром Вупперталь, Германия

Tango Concert Poster
Aleksandar NikolicСимфонический оркестр Вупперталь с солистом Aleksandar Nikolic (бандонеон) выступит с Концертом Пьяццоллы в пятницу, 29 сентября 2017 года, в 20:00. Прозвучит музыка Antonín Dvorák, Dmitri Schostakowitsch, Astor Piazzolla, Arturo Marquez и др.

На сайте оркестра можно прочитать: «Танго - это больше, чем просто танец, это - сама жизнь. Тот факт, что эта музыка теперь признана концертной музыкой - великая заслуга аргентинского композитора Астора Пьяццоллы. Всем его композициям присуща стилистика танго, поэтому неудивительно, что он посвятил концерт непосредственно инструменту танго - бандонеону».

Оркестр, вероятно, исполнит и одну композицию Николича из Balkango opus. Билеты можно приобрести в кассах здания Симфонического оркестра Вупперталь.


Отпечаток ладони музыканта Лацидеса Ромеро, Рекоаро Терме, Италия

Lacides Romero
В воскресенье 3 сентября в 9 утра колумбийский концертный исполнитель, аккордеонист Лацидес Ромеро, оставил отпечаток своей руки в Галерее аккордеонистов мира в итальянском музее, г. Рекоаро-Терме.

Лацидес Ромеро является профессором Университета Богота в Колумбии. Будучи самоучкой, он уже много лет исполняет классическую и латинскую музыку на аккордеоне в Южной Америке, с энтузиазмом и большим успехом продвигая музыку классического аккордеона. Среди его записей - «Acordeon En Concierto» и «Contrastes».


Мастер-класс Андреаса Небла в Боготе, Колумбия

Frank Nebl and Andreas Nebl
Фото вверху: Венцель Бильгер (директор Гете-института, Богота), Ева Зоелнер (художественный руководитель Академии аккордеона), Андреас Небл, Фрэнк Небл, Дагмар Бок (жена немецкого посла), Майкл Бок (немецкий посол) в Гете-институте.
Фото выше: Фрэнк Небл и Андреас Небл

Аккордеонист Андреас Небл был приглашен Гете-институтом Боготы вместе со своими коллегами Евой Зоелнер и Даниэле Занчини в Международную академию аккордеона Колумбии. Он также прочитал лекцию об истории аккордеона в «Universidad Javeriana».

Одним из ярких событий в Боготе на этой неделе был камерный концерт, который проводил Nebl&Nebl с участием около тридцати музыкантов из Колумбии; мероприятие посетили немецкий посол Майкл Бок и его жена Дагмар.


Видеоархив и образование, 2017 Coupe Mondiale, Осимо, Италия

Международная конфедерация аккордеонистов (CIA) семь лет назад инициировала образовательный проект видеоархива, цель которого - обеспечить свободное распространение знаний и информации и тем самым повысить уровень исполнительского мастерства на аккордеоне, и в целом - культуры на международном уровне.

Проект был начат в 2010 году и начался с записи видеороликов победителей 1, 2 и 3 мест в каждой категории. С 2013 года стали записываться все участники конкурса. Видео можно найти на веб-сайте: Coupe Mondiale

Видеоролики Coupe Mondiale 2017 будут выкладываться с 6 сентября по адресу: 2017CM-Video


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

The 2017 Seminars - A Great Success!

AAA Seminar
AAA SeminarOur 23rd Smash Year! - The Title: #The Red Lantern Accordionist - the Accordionist who's is in to for the long haul. and, for 3 solid days to filled audience in the beautiful Tenri Space, we explored every aspect of #RED LANTERN culture.

In the afternoon master classes we had lectures - everything from Red Lantern topics, Buying an accordion, The original Greenwich Village art scene, Philosophies of Benjamin, Adorno, Derrida and other #DECONSTRUCIVISTS, #GRAPHIC NOTATION and writing for accordion as an backup factor for #ART SONGS - with vocalists.

The Concerts were traditional , theatrical and Avant Garde - ranging from Chamber pieces, Jazz, Fusion, Zombie Rock, Improvisational ETC. Ninety percent of the pieces were world premieres. In addition, The Seminars received two grants - one from the I-park residency and the other from ICSM - The international Society of Contemporary Music.

Participants included: Micki Goodman, Paul Stein (presented with a special Merit Award , Dr. Robert Young Mc Ma -han, Will Holshouser, Doug Makofka, Brian Dewan, Max Maples, Emmanuel Borowski, Gene Pritsker, Melissa Elledge, Mark Nathanson, Michiyo Suzuki, Akiko Hiroshima, Godfrey Nelson, Lorraine Nelson Wolf, Dragica Banic Curcic, , Erica Marie Mancini,Dave Soldier, Mayumi Miyaoka, Dan Cooper, The Yorkvillians, Rachel Swaner, The Main Squeeze Orchestra, Bachtopus, Milica Paranosic,, Peter Jarvis, David Stoler, Steve LaRosa, David First, Mary Spencer Knapp, Dr. Hugo Goldenzweig, Lee Mc Clure, Ken Laufer, John Foti, Kathleen Tipton, Marni Rice, Bob Goldberg, The Famous Accordion Orchestra, Corn Mo, Rachid Eladlouni, Carl Riehl, Linda Reed, Rita Barnea, Dr Denise Koncelik, Alicia Svigals, Jeanne Velonis, Cecylia Barczk, Devon Tipp, Sydknee, Michiyo Suzuki, Genevieve LeLoupe, Robert Duncan, Jenny Cho, Elliott Sharp, Sarah Starpoli,Sam Day Harmet, Steph Babirak, Sal Azzarelli Jules A. and ….Dr. Schmmel - surprise guest New York City Opera Diva Lauren Flanigan with two students: Shelby Casalina and Siobahn Sung.

The photos were taken by Michael Ricciuti - compliments of Sari Kalin
Pictures at: 2017Seminar


‘Johnny Handle Life and Soul’, Northumberland – UK

Johnny Handle‘Johnny Handle Life and Soul’ is a biography, written by Pete Wood, of the Geordie accordionist, pianist, singer, composer and entertainer from the North East of England. In the 1950s Handle was a pianist in jazz clubs, then moved into folk music, and as the founder of one of the first folk clubs became one of the most important figures in the so-called Folk Revival of the 1950s and 60s.

The book details his life and many achievements in music, assessing his renowned creativity seen through his extensive writing, performances and recordings.

Born in 1934, Johnny Handle was a coal miner, then became a teacher, and now is a full time performer – one of the best all-rounders and most entertaining musicians in the UK folk club and festival scene. Handle has also appeared as a guest in accordion clubs, where his unique all-round skills as an entertainer have made him popular with audiences. His performances and recordings include songs, accordion pieces, ragtime piano solos, monologues, humorous stories, etc – some self-composed and the rest from the rich Geordie cultural tradition.

In 1964 he and concertina player Alistair Anderson founded the High Level Ranters, one of the best known and still active folk dance bands from the North East.

For further information email: pwood49@outlook.com


Suzanne Welch (1949-2017), New Hampshire – USA

Suzanne WelchSuzanne “Sue” Gauthier Welch lived a meaningful life, its path largely carved by her love of music. Strongly encouraged by her piano teacher to continue her musical education beyond high school, Sue left her native Connecticut, headed north to Manchester, New Hampshire, for a full scholarship at Notre Dame College, where she was president of her senior class. She stayed to live the rest of her life in the Granite State.
Sue graduated in 1971 with a Bachelor of Music in Piano and was promptly hired by her future husband, Arthur Welch, to teach piano and free-bass accordion at his expanding music studio. She and Arthur fell in love, marrying in early April 1972. Sue continued to teach but also managed the office until 1984, when they closed the Manchester studio and moved further north.
As Arthur devoted his career to performing, Sue worked as his indefatigable promoter. In 1991, the couple opened Accordion Connection LLC to handle an increasing demand on Arthur’s time for accordion repairs and sales, with Sue again managing the office.
In 2005 the Welches started New Hampshire Accordion Association [NHAA], offering Accordion Connection’s Music Room in Gilmanton as a friendly meeting place for the group. Sue served as Executive Secretary of NHAA, which, with Accordion Connection, proudly co-sponsored the very popular and successful ACCORDIONS NOW! Music Festival she co-founded.

The festival went on hiatus in 2014 as the demands of organizing and running it became too exhausting. Despite the ever-encroaching symptoms of disease, Sue continued to maintain an active musical career as teacher, choir director, and accompanist at churches in Concord, Gilmanton, and Laconia.
Throughout seven-plus years of increasingly difficult treatments, Sue kept her sense of humor and never failed to appreciate the kindness and love of those who loved and cared for her.  
Sue Welch passed away on August 25th at St. Francis Rehabilitation & Nursing Center in Laconia, New Hampshire. She touched so many lives that her loss is incalculable. May she sing forever in our hearts.


Accordionist Eva Ybarra Receives NEA National Heritage Fellowship - USA

Eva Ybarra
Eva YbarraEva Ybarra, the “Queen of the Accordion,” is one of only a few professional women accordionists in conjunto music. Conjunto originated in the late 19th century in working-class communities along Texas-Mexico border, and is distinct to that region.

As the leader of Eva Ybarra y Su Conjunto, Ybarra has specialized in writing and composing original conjunto music while also exploring non-standard chord progressions, advancing the art form’s evolution.

She has also performed and recorded many albums with her band, Eva Ybarra y Su Conjunto.

Besides being a professional musician, Ybarra is also a music educator. In 1997, she was the artist-in-residence at the University of Washington, where she taught accordion, bajo sexto, and guitarron. She has been an accordion instructor at Palo Alto College’s (San Antonio) conjunto program.

Ybarra has received a number of awards in her life and the NEA National Heritage Fellowship further recognizes her contribution to Conjunto music.


Будущие события

LAO Bellows Across Boarders Concert, London - UK

LAO poster
The London Accordion Orchestra (MD Ian Watson) performs in concert on Sunday September 3rd, 4.30pm to 6.30pm, at the Old Diarama Arts Centre (near Warren St tube station), 201 Drummond Street, London NW1 3FE.

The LAO will share the concert with the highly accomplished Accordion State Youth Orchestra from Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. Touring with the German orchestra are the renowned American Baritone Douglas Yates and virtuoso accordionist Antje Steen. Admission is by a suggested donation of £10.


The Brandon McPhee Show, Scotland – UK

PosterBrandon McPhee and his band perform in concerts on Friday September 8th, 7.30pm, at The Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, Scotland. The show features Brandon McPhee on Shand Morino diatonic button accordion and also on guitar, singing country songs. The comedian Eddie Rose is also on the bill.

The popular and highly accomplished Brandon McPhee, from Wick in the Scottish Highlands, has won numerous accordion competitions including the All Scotland Championship, the NAAFC ‘Box & Fiddle’ Championships, and the Open Accordion section at the Royal National Mod. He has recorded several CDs and DVDs, and is a much in-d


British Chromatic Accordion Course, Shropshire – UK

John KirkpatrickThe ‘British Button Box’ weekend takes place from September 8th to 10th at the Gleaning Centre, Gravelsbank, Minsterley, Shropshire SY5 0HG. The tutor is John Kirkpatrick, and the course is primarily intended for players of the 3-row diatonic BCC# tuned British chromatic accordion. Gather on Friday afternoon at 2.30pm for 3pm start – depart Sunday 4.30pm

This weekend is very much instrument specific, and John Kirkpatrick will be looking at what you can get out of the 3-row British chromatic accordion. These sessions will not be relevant for players of the Irish style 2-row accordions, tuned a semitone apart, nor for the usual G/D melodeon, nor for the Continental Chromatic button accordion.

John’s is based very much on traditional English music and style. As well as covering the fields of Morris tunes, Country Dance tunes, and folk songs, John will also be looking at the complexities of playing in all the keys available on this gloriously compact instrument, and exploring repertoire that may not be immediately associated with this type of accordion.

John Kirkpatrick is one of England’s most respected folk musicians. He has many solo albums to his credit, and has also appeared on recordings by many other artists.

The price £140, includes all tuition, Friday night buffet, home-cooked lunches and refreshments. The Gleaning Centre website includes details of local accommodation.

For further information email: yj.hart@virgin.net


Etnie Musicali International Folk Contest

7th Etnie Musicali International Group Folk Contest
September 8 at 6 PM and runs 8th to 9th September
Ball e Sone - Festival del Saltarello?Etnie Musicali International Folk Contest

Direttore Artistico: Danilo Di Paolonicola
3348365921 - 3484718714 - 3475153262


Accordeon Festival, Lessines – Belgium

Accordeon Festival, LessinesA second Accordeon Festival takes place on Sunday September 10th, 11am until 7pm, at le Centre Culturel René Magritte le Centre Culturel René Magritte Centre Culturel René Magritte, Rue de la Deportation, 37-7860, Lessines, Belgium. This event features the leading musette accordionist Gilou, from France, and Erika Honorez, Angelique Neuville, Jordan Simon, and Jerome Beroudiaux.


Gianni Mirizzi in ‘Scherzi del Cechov’, Rome – Italy

Gianni Mirizzi‘Scherzi del Cechov’ is a play with music, based on the writings of Anton Chekhov, the 19th Century Russian playwright and short story writer. Accordionist Gianni Mirizzi will perform the musical score. This play is presented on September 14th, 9pm, at the Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo, via Ostuni 8, Rome.

For further information email: info@capsaservice.it


Rob Curto Presentation of Luiz Gonzaga and Forró, @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA

Luiz GonzagaRob Curto presents ‘Luiz Gonzaga and the Story of Forró’ on Sunday September 17th, 3-4pm, at Brooklyn Accordion Club, 61 Local (61 Bergen Street), Brooklyn, New York. Admission - $10 (kids under 18 free). There will an open-mic session before the presentation.

This presentation utilizes photo projection, recorded music and live musical performance to teach students about accordionist Luiz Gonzaga, one of the most important Brazilian cultural figures and musical innovators of the 20th Century and about forró, the style of music that he revolutionized. Accordionist and composer Rob Curto has spent years playing forró in Brazil, the USA, and around the world.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


José Alfonso Valadez Concert, Virginia – USA

Accordionist José Alfonso Valadez and vocalist Dolores Martinez Rangal perform together in a concert titled ‘A Night in Mexico’ on Sunday September 17th, 4pm, at the Middleburg United Methodist Church, Middleburg, Virginia. Free admission.

There will be another concert in Washington DC on Tuesday September 19th at the Centro Cultural Mexicano.

These concerts have been organised with the assistance of the Mexican Embassy in Washington DC.

For further information email: joseavaladez@prodigy.net.mx


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