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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 01-Sep-2017
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2017 世界杯的视频档案和教育, 奥西莫--意大利
Breaking News: Passing of Tony Lovello - USA
MusicTech宣布Paolo Miles将会在 Coupe Mondiale表演 - 意大利
班多钮演奏家Aleksandar Nikolic与交响乐团合作--德国
Lacides Romero 手印, 雷科阿罗泰尔梅--意大利
Andreas Nebl 大师班--哥伦比亚
Video Archive and Education, 2017 Coupe Mondiale, Osimo - Italy


2017年研讨会 - 成功!
Northumberland - 英国的‘Johnny Handle Life and Soul’
Suzanne Welch(1949-2017),新罕布什尔州--美国
手风琴家Eva Ybarra获得NEA国家遗产奖学金--美国


LAO Bellows Across Boarders Concert, London - UK
The Brandon McPhee Show, Scotland – UK
British Chromatic Accordion Course, Shropshire – UK
Etnie Musicali International Folk Contest
Accordeon Festival, Lessines – Belgium
Gianni Mirizzi in ‘Scherzi del Cechov’, Rome – Italy
Rob Curto Presentation of Luiz Gonzaga and Forró, @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA
José Alfonso Valadez Concert, Virginia – USA


Sven Balvan music

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2017 世界杯的视频档案和教育, 奥西莫--意大利

2017 Coupe Mondiale header

Daily Reports

Video Center

Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 发布了视频档案和教育项目,目的是使知识和信息能自由的传播从而提高手风琴演奏水品和国际音乐素养。

该项目于2010年首次启动,从每一组别的第一、第二和第三名获奖者的录像开始放送。自2013年以来,该项目已经扩大到放送每一位参与者的比赛录像。视频可在网站上找到:Coupe Mondiale。

2017世界杯视频开始于9月6日: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2017/video.




2017 Coupe Mondiale header

Daily Reports

Video Center

Coupe Mondiale poster第70届世界杯手风琴锦标赛将于9月6日在意大利举行。




Fenice Theatre


Breaking News: Passing of Tony Lovello - USA

Tony LovelloAWW is sad to report the passing of accordionist Tony Lovello. Full information at:


MusicTech宣布Paolo Miles将会在 Coupe Mondiale表演 - 意大利

Claudio Sabbattini and Maria Rita Bartomeoli
MusicTech 的负责人Claudio Sabbattini和Maria Rita Bartomeoli已经宣布 Paolo Miles 将参加作为2017 CoupeMondiale一部分的键盘手风琴音乐会。 视频: Paolo Miles 用键盘手风琴演示了 MusicTech DigiBeat "Medley of Movie Themes"。乐器信息: 2017MT.pdf

键盘手风琴的制造商被Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)邀请去为“专业的高级键盘手风琴演奏”提供演奏者。


Paolo Miles毕业于传统手风琴意大利巴里的 Niccolò Piccinni音乐学院,由Francesco Palazzo教授指导。


他的艺术生涯还包括与Katia Ricciarelli合作,他与她的乐团录制了CD,目前他正在意大利巡回演出。

9月10日星期日 17:00在奥西莫著名的 Teatro La Nuova Fenice举行音乐会。门票是免费的,可在9月4日下午两点开始在凤凰剧院“信息中心”领取,视频广播将从下午5:30开始。

"Know the People" 采访Claudio Sabbattini和Maria Rita Bartomeoli :2017MusicTech


班多钮演奏家Aleksandar Nikolic与交响乐团合作--德国

Tango Concert Poster
Aleksandar Nikolic交响乐团与班多钮演奏家Aleksandar Nikolic合作演奏Piazzolla作品。时间是9月29日下午五点。 将演奏:Antonín Dvorák, Dmitri Schostakowitsch, Astor Piazzolla, Arturo Marquez u. a.


Lacides Romero 手印, 雷科阿罗泰尔梅--意大利

Lacides Romero
9月3日星期日上午9:00,哥伦比亚音乐会手风琴手 Lacides Romero 将在意大利雷科阿罗泰尔梅博物馆的世界手风琴家画廊里留下他的手印。

Lacides Romero是哥伦比亚波哥大大学的教授。他是一位自学成才的音乐家,多年来活跃于南美洲手风琴演奏和古典音乐、拉丁音乐,他用他的热情推动了手风琴在古典音乐节的成功。

他的录音包括  ‘Acordeon En Concierto’和‘Contrastes’。


Andreas Nebl 大师班--哥伦比亚

Frank Nebl and Andreas Nebl
上图:Wenzel Bilger, Eva Zoellner , Andreas Nebl, Frank Nebl, Dagmar Bock, Michael Bock 在 Goethe协会。

下图:Frank Nebl和Andreas Nebl

Goethe协会Bogota邀请Andreas Nebl教授大师班上课。


Video Archive and Education, 2017 Coupe Mondiale, Osimo - Italy

The Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) initiated the Video Archive and Education Project, the purpose being to enable the free spread of knowledge and information and thereby raise the levels of accordion performance and musicianship internationally.

The project was first initiated in 2010 and started with videos of 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners of each category. Since 2013, the project has been enlarged to include all competitors. The videos can be found at the website: Coupe Mondiale

The 2017 Coupe Mondiale Videos start 6th September at: 2017CM-Video



2017年研讨会 - 成功!

AAA Seminar
AAA Seminar我们的第23个突出的年份! - 标题:#The Red Lantern 手风琴家 - 一个出名手风琴家。并且,在美丽的Tenri Space中给观众带来三天的精彩表演,我们探索了#RED LANTERN各个方面的文化。

在下午,我们有大师班讲座 - The Red Lantern,买手风琴,创意格林威治村艺术舞台,本雅明,阿多诺,德里达等#DECONSTRUCIVISTS,#GRAPHIC表示法哲学,并作为向上的因素写手风琴#ART SONGS - 与歌手。

该音乐会是传统的,戏剧和前卫 - 其中的爵士,融合,摇滚僵尸,即兴ETC.百分之九十是世界首演。此外,研讨会还获得了两项赠款 - 一项来自I-park居民身份,另一份来自ICSM - 国际当代音乐学会。

与会者包括: Micki Goodman, Paul Stein (presented with a special Merit Award , Dr. Robert Young Mc Ma -han, Will Holshouser, Doug Makofka, Brian Dewan, Max Maples, Emmanuel Borowski, Gene Pritsker, Melissa Elledge, Mark Nathanson, Michiyo Suzuki, Akiko Hiroshima, Godfrey Nelson, Lorraine Nelson Wolf, Dragica Banic Curcic, , Erica Marie Mancini,Dave Soldier, Mayumi Miyaoka, Dan Cooper, The Yorkvillians, Rachel Swaner, The Main Squeeze Orchestra, Bachtopus, Milica Paranosic,, Peter Jarvis, David Stoler, Steve LaRosa, David First, Mary Spencer Knapp, Dr. Hugo Goldenzweig, Lee Mc Clure, Ken Laufer, John Foti, Kathleen Tipton, Marni Rice, Bob Goldberg, The Famous Accordion Orchestra, Corn Mo, Rachid Eladlouni, Carl Riehl, Linda Reed, Rita Barnea, Dr Denise Koncelik, Alicia Svigals, Jeanne Velonis, Cecylia Barczk, Devon Tipp, Sydknee, Michiyo Suzuki, Genevieve LeLoupe, Robert Duncan, Jenny Cho, Elliott Sharp, Sarah Starpoli,Sam Day Harmet, Steph Babirak, Sal Azzarelli Jules A. and ….Dr. Schmmel - surprise guest New York City Opera Diva Lauren Flanigan with two students: Shelby Casalina and Siobahn Sung.

照片由Michael Ricciuti拍摄 - Sari Kalin的赞美



Northumberland - 英国的‘Johnny Handle Life and Soul’

Johnny Handle“Johnny Handle Life and Soul”是Pete Wood由英国手风琴家Geordie手风琴家,钢琴家,歌手,作曲家和艺人的传记。在五十年代,Handle是爵士俱乐部的一名钢琴演奏家,随后专业转向民间音乐,他是第一批民间俱乐部的创始人,成为20世纪50年代和60年代所谓民间复兴中最重要的人物之一。


约翰尼·哈德勒(Johnny Handle)出生于1934年,当时是一名煤矿工人,然后成为全职演员,这是英国民间俱乐部和节日盛宴中最棒的全能者和最有趣的音乐家之一。手风琴演奏也受到客人的喜爱,他独特的全能技巧作为一个艺人使他受到观众的欢迎。他的表演和录音包括歌曲,手风琴作品,ragtime钢琴独奏,独白,幽默故事等 - 一些自我组合,其余来自丰富的Geordie文化传统。

1964年,他和手风琴演奏家阿利斯泰尔·安德森(Alistair Anderson)创立了 High Level Ranters,,这是来自东北地区最着名和仍然活跃的民间舞蹈乐队之一。



Suzanne Welch(1949-2017),新罕布什尔州--美国

Suzanne WelchSuzanne“Sue”Gauthier Welch生活十分有意义,其大部分的创意来自于她对音乐的热爱。她受到钢琴老师的强烈鼓舞,继续高中毕业后的音乐教育,苏先生离开了她的乡村康乃迪克,北向新罕布什尔州的曼彻斯特,在巴黎圣母院学院获得全额奖学金,毕业后之后她在那里担任了高级班的校长。她的余生住在花岗岩州度过。

苏先生于1971年毕业于钢琴学士学位,并于丈夫亚瑟·韦尔奇(Arthur Welch)及时聘请钢琴和自由低音手风琴在扩大的音乐工作室。她和亚瑟相爱并于1972年4月初结婚。苏继续教书,但是到1984年,当他们关了曼彻斯特的工作室,并进一步向北移动时,亚瑟也创办了工作室。

亚瑟的职业生涯一直在表演,苏作为他不屈不挠的推动者。 1991年,这对夫妇开办了Accordion Connection LLC,以应对对亚瑟手风琴维修和销售时间的日益增长的需求,Sue再次担任办公室管理。






手风琴家Eva Ybarra获得NEA国家遗产奖学金--美国

Eva Ybarra
Eva Ybarra“手风琴女王”伊娃·伊格拉拉(Eva Ybarra)是一位女职业手风琴演奏家之一。 Conjunto起源于十九世纪末在德克萨斯 - 墨西哥边界的工人阶级社区,与该地区不同。

作为Eva Ybarray Su Conjunto的领导者,Ybarra专门撰写和撰写原创的连奏音乐,同时也探索非标准和弦进行,推动艺术形式的演变。

她还与她的乐队Eva Ybarra y Su Conjunto一起演奏和录制了许多专辑。

除了作为专业音乐家,Ybarra也是音乐教育家。 1997年,她是华盛顿大学的艺术家,在那里她教手风琴,bajo sexto和吉他。她是Palo Alto学院(圣安东尼奥)的手风琴专业教授。




LAO Bellows Across Boarders Concert, London - UK

LAO poster
The London Accordion Orchestra (MD Ian Watson) performs in concert on Sunday September 3rd, 4.30pm to 6.30pm, at the Old Diarama Arts Centre (near Warren St tube station), 201 Drummond Street, London NW1 3FE.

The LAO will share the concert with the highly accomplished Accordion State Youth Orchestra from Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. Touring with the German orchestra are the renowned American Baritone Douglas Yates and virtuoso accordionist Antje Steen. Admission is by a suggested donation of £10.


The Brandon McPhee Show, Scotland – UK

PosterBrandon McPhee and his band perform in concerts on Friday September 8th, 7.30pm, at The Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, Scotland. The show features Brandon McPhee on Shand Morino diatonic button accordion and also on guitar, singing country songs. The comedian Eddie Rose is also on the bill.

The popular and highly accomplished Brandon McPhee, from Wick in the Scottish Highlands, has won numerous accordion competitions including the All Scotland Championship, the NAAFC ‘Box & Fiddle’ Championships, and the Open Accordion section at the Royal National Mod. He has recorded several CDs and DVDs, and is a much in-d


British Chromatic Accordion Course, Shropshire – UK

John KirkpatrickThe ‘British Button Box’ weekend takes place from September 8th to 10th at the Gleaning Centre, Gravelsbank, Minsterley, Shropshire SY5 0HG. The tutor is John Kirkpatrick, and the course is primarily intended for players of the 3-row diatonic BCC# tuned British chromatic accordion. Gather on Friday afternoon at 2.30pm for 3pm start – depart Sunday 4.30pm

This weekend is very much instrument specific, and John Kirkpatrick will be looking at what you can get out of the 3-row British chromatic accordion. These sessions will not be relevant for players of the Irish style 2-row accordions, tuned a semitone apart, nor for the usual G/D melodeon, nor for the Continental Chromatic button accordion.

John’s is based very much on traditional English music and style. As well as covering the fields of Morris tunes, Country Dance tunes, and folk songs, John will also be looking at the complexities of playing in all the keys available on this gloriously compact instrument, and exploring repertoire that may not be immediately associated with this type of accordion.

John Kirkpatrick is one of England’s most respected folk musicians. He has many solo albums to his credit, and has also appeared on recordings by many other artists.

The price £140, includes all tuition, Friday night buffet, home-cooked lunches and refreshments. The Gleaning Centre website includes details of local accommodation.

For further information email: yj.hart@virgin.net


Etnie Musicali International Folk Contest

7th Etnie Musicali International Group Folk Contest
September 8 at 6 PM and runs 8th to 9th September
Ball e Sone - Festival del Saltarello?Etnie Musicali International Folk Contest

Direttore Artistico: Danilo Di Paolonicola
3348365921 - 3484718714 - 3475153262


Accordeon Festival, Lessines – Belgium

Accordeon Festival, LessinesA second Accordeon Festival takes place on Sunday September 10th, 11am until 7pm, at le Centre Culturel René Magritte le Centre Culturel René Magritte Centre Culturel René Magritte, Rue de la Deportation, 37-7860, Lessines, Belgium. This event features the leading musette accordionist Gilou, from France, and Erika Honorez, Angelique Neuville, Jordan Simon, and Jerome Beroudiaux.


Gianni Mirizzi in ‘Scherzi del Cechov’, Rome – Italy

Gianni Mirizzi‘Scherzi del Cechov’ is a play with music, based on the writings of Anton Chekhov, the 19th Century Russian playwright and short story writer. Accordionist Gianni Mirizzi will perform the musical score. This play is presented on September 14th, 9pm, at the Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo, via Ostuni 8, Rome.

For further information email: info@capsaservice.it


Rob Curto Presentation of Luiz Gonzaga and Forró, @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA

Luiz GonzagaRob Curto presents ‘Luiz Gonzaga and the Story of Forró’ on Sunday September 17th, 3-4pm, at Brooklyn Accordion Club, 61 Local (61 Bergen Street), Brooklyn, New York. Admission - $10 (kids under 18 free). There will an open-mic session before the presentation.

This presentation utilizes photo projection, recorded music and live musical performance to teach students about accordionist Luiz Gonzaga, one of the most important Brazilian cultural figures and musical innovators of the 20th Century and about forró, the style of music that he revolutionized. Accordionist and composer Rob Curto has spent years playing forró in Brazil, the USA, and around the world.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


José Alfonso Valadez Concert, Virginia – USA

Accordionist José Alfonso Valadez and vocalist Dolores Martinez Rangal perform together in a concert titled ‘A Night in Mexico’ on Sunday September 17th, 4pm, at the Middleburg United Methodist Church, Middleburg, Virginia. Free admission.

There will be another concert in Washington DC on Tuesday September 19th at the Centro Cultural Mexicano.

These concerts have been organised with the assistance of the Mexican Embassy in Washington DC.

For further information email: joseavaladez@prodigy.net.mx



Sven Balvan music

Sven Balvan music


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