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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Feb-2013
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Akkordeonisten Erfolg im inter.Wettbewerb 'Komponist des XXI Jahrhunderts " Russland
2013 CMA Trophée Mondial in Samara - Russland
Gary Dahl präsentiert neues Musik eBook - USA
Kokkola Winter-Akkordeon Festival - Finnland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released - USA
January 2013: Mirco Patarini in Brazil
Graeme Mackay’s Burns Nights, Nicosia – Cyprus
Frosini Society News, Stockholm – Sweden
‘14 Years Ago’ – Vladimir Ushakov’s Unusual Gig - Russia

Future events

SuBerri Akordeoi Orkestra Concert, Lasarte Oria – Spain
International Accordeon Festival, Stadskanaal – Netherlands
Orquestra de Acordeões Concert, Cartaxo - Portugal
Tony Kearney Gigs, Slough, London, Leamington Spa, Swindon – UK
Chico Chagas Trio Concert, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Harry Hussey @ Northern Box & Fiddle Club, Antrim - Northern Ireland
John Macdonald’s ‘Tribute to the Tartan’ Tour, Queensland – Australia
Djordje Gajic Master Class, Salford University – UK
Nick Ariondo Solo Recital, California – USA
International Accordion Competition, Pula - Croatia
Lácides Romero peforms at the ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’, Valledupar – Colombia

New and Updated Sites

Xu Xiaonan eTracks Album

CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

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Akkordeonisten Erfolg im inter.Wettbewerb 'Komponist des XXI Jahrhunderts " Russland

Bilder oben

Die internationale Veranstaltung 'Komponist des XXI Jahrhunderts "wurde am 24. Januar und 25. in der Haupthalle des Moskauer Komponisten Haus und Orgel Hall, Central Music School in Moskau abgehalten.

Dieser wichtige Wettbewerb um die Förderung von zeitgenössischer Musik lockte rund 120 Teilnehmer in 3 Kategorien an: beste Kompositionen, Ensembles und Gesangsinterpreten. Der Wettbewerb stand unter der Leitung des Präsidenten Igor Evard, Russischen Union der Komponisten, Moskau Union der Komponisten und der Musik Zeitung "Da Capo Al Fine.

Die Mitglieder der Jury waren wichtige Komponisten und Musiker nicht mit dem Akkordeon verbunden. Jede Kategorie hatte 3 Runden. Zu den Ensembles gehörten viele Duette, Trios, Quartette und Quintette der klassischen Instrumente, Klavier-, Streicher, Bläser und sogar Harfe.

Nur 5 Ensembles gingen zur endgültigen dritten Runde und alle Preisträger für Ensemble und Komposition hatten Akkordeon involviert.

Beste Komposition - Spanisch Szenen 'El y Ella ", die von Tatiana Shatkovksaya-Eisenberg, mit Texten von F. Garcia Lorca, für Quintett mit Rezitator, Sopran, Violine, Gitarre und Akkordeon. Der Akkordeon Teil mit Maria Vlassova, bekannte russische Akkordeon-Spielerin, Gewinnerin vieler internationaler Wettbewerbe.

Ensemble Nominierung:
3. Preis - "Ensemble des Shatkovskaya-Eisenberg ' mit Akkordeonistin Maria Vlassova. Bild oben.
2. Preis - Akkordeon-Duo "Una Sinistra", Yulia Amerikova und Alexander Selivanov (Bild oben). Programm des Duos enthielten Original-Stücke geschrieben und arrangiert speziell für das Duo: "Walzer-Caprice" und "Fest in den Bergen von Balkan Rhapsody", von Viatcheslav Semionov "Anantango ', von Gorka Hermoza.
1. Preis - 'Fandango' Ensemble (Bild unten). Dieses Quintett von Streichern und Akkordeon in mit Maxim Fedorov, Akkordeonist und ehemaliger Schüler von Professor Viatcheslav Semionov. 'Fandango' führt moderne und leichte Musik vieler Epochen. Für den Wettbewerb "Fandago 'führte für den Wettbwerb ein Stück für Streicher und Akkordeon," Ex Animo „ eines Jury-Mitgliedes/Komponist Efrem Podgaits auf, der viele Kompositionen für die russische Akkordeonist Friedrich Lips geschrieben hat.

Der große Erfolg der Akkordeonisten war eine wichtige Förderung der Akkordeons Kunst.
Fandango ensemble


2013 CMA Trophée Mondial in Samara - Russland

2013 CMA news header
Sergei VoitenkoZum zweiten Mal in der Geschichte der Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA), wird die Trophée Mondial in Samara, Russland, von international renommierten Akkordeonist Sergei Voitenko (Bild links) veranstaltet wird.

Die Trophée Mondial Termine sind 24-29 September 2013. In diesem Jahre gibt zwei neue Kategorien, eine "Variété Digital 'Kategorie gesponsert von Roland und eine neue Jazz Kategorie, für welche die Regeln in Kürze veröffentlicht werden.

Die anderen Kategorien sind:
Junior Classique, Senior Classique, National Trophy, Junior Varieté, Senior Varieté und Variety Diatonische.

Die Ausschreibung für alle anderen Kategorien können von der Website heruntergeladen werden: CMA


Gary Dahl präsentiert neues Musik eBook - USA

Gary Dahl 3 eBooks
Gary DahlEiner der beliebtesten Arrangeure für Akkordeon Musik ist Gary Dahl von Puyallup, Washington State.

Anknüpfend an den großen Erfolg von den Gary Dahl „graded specials series“ eSheet Musik (können per E-Mail gesendet werden), hat Gary Dahl jetzt drei Musik eBooks veröffentlicht.

Cat No: DH01 Collection # 1 Latin Spectacular - 10 Titel, Besame Mucho, Amapola, Tico Tico, Brasilien, Beyond the Sea, El Cumbanchero, Adios Muchachos, Spanish Eyes, A Day in the Life of a Fool, Amour, über 26 Seiten höchster Qualität Arrangements für nur US $ 24,95

Cat No: DH02 Collection # 2 Lieblings Französisch Standards - 10 Titel, La Vie en Rose, Les Bicyclettes de Belsize, Moulin Rouge, Clair de Lune, Pigalle, Domino, Michelle, Padam Padam, Under Paris Skies, The River Seine, 32 Seiten höchster Qualität Arrangements für nur US $ 24,95 .

Cat No: DH03 Collection # 3 Die American Songbook - 10 Titel, Zärtlich, Angel Eyes, Misty, September Song, Moon River, Summertime, Sentimental Journey, Crazy, Der Pate, Autumn Leaves, über 32 Seiten Musik für nur US $ 24,95

Sie können Musterseiten der Musik online (DH01, DH02, DH03) konsultieren und aus dem Warenkorb, Links mittels Sicherheit eCommerce Webseite von Worldpay.com, einer der weltweit größten Internet-Zahlungsabwicklungssysteme, bestellen.

Es gibt fast 200 Arrangements auf der Webseite von Gary Dahl.


Kokkola Winter-Akkordeon Festival - Finnland

Raimo Vertainen
Guardia Nueva

Teemu Haapaniemi Accordion Goes Laser
Das Kokkola Winter-Akkordeon Festival ist ein modernes Stadt Festival, das jedes Jahr im Februar seit 1999 stattfindet.

Das beliebte Festival präsentiert das Akkordeon als Musikinstrument in all seiner Vielseitigkeit bietet eine Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen und Events. Während der Woche gibt es hochklassige Konzerte klassischer Musik, Unterhaltung für Kinder Konzerte, erstklassige Jazz-Performances und entspannte Club-Shows mit moderner Volksmusik oder Rock.

Die Fans der traditionellen Akkordeon-Musik werden dabei nicht vergessen. Eine Reihe von kostenlosen öffentlichen Auftritten garantiert in fröhlicher Atmosphäre in der ganzen Stadt von Kokkola, in den Einkaufszentren und Restaurants.

Der künstlerischer Leiter ist seit Festival-Debüt Raimo Vertainen und ist auch Leiter des Guardia Nueva Tango Orchesters. Die Festivalwoche hat als Höhepunkt den großen Auftritt dieses gefühlvollen und temperamentvollen Orchesters und jedes Jahr sind Gastkünstler mit Finland 's renommiertesten Musikern.

Weitere Highlights sind Richard Galliano, Solist mit dem Osthrobothnian Kammer Orchester, es wird das erste Mal sein, dass Galliano als Solist mit Orchester in Finnland spielt. Das Konzert wird live im YLE Radio 1 Kanal übertragen.

Teemu Haapaniemi Akkordeon geht Laser, eine Show mit Disco Stücken aus den 80iger Jahren. Laser-Licht, Kostüme mit Disco und Musik, Gesang und Tanz. Das ist absolut riesig.

Kokkola bietet viele andere musikalischen Ereignisse und alle sind herzlichst eingeladen, die musikalischen Erfahrungen des Kokkola Winter-Akkordeon Festival Aktien zu geniessen.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released - USA

Play Your Accordion Without Pain
John BonicaThis is an ebook (able to be emailed to you, Acrobat pdf format). John Bonica PT CMP NZRP has released the 2nd Chapter of his book 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain'. The chapter is titled: 'Learning to Read Your Body's Signals'

This exciting ebook will be published chapter by chapter, at least one chapter per month. There will be a minimum of 24 chapters. As a special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by email as it is released.

John Bonica writes: "This book is exclusively for accordionists, written by an accordionist, about accordion related problems and injuries, based on 50 years of professional clinical experience."

Further information at: John Bonica


January 2013: Mirco Patarini in Brazil

On January 16th, for the first time, Mirco Patarini visited the city of Brusque in Santa Caterina, where he was greeted in the Teatro do Centro Empresarial, Cultural e Social de Brusque (CESCB), by a large and lively audience. Mirco was been invited in this wonderful city by his friend and musician Bruno Moritz, who together with one of his most talented student Gustavo Almeida, organized this important concert.

Mirco Patarini performed some classical pieces, some transcriptions of the classical-romantic period and contemporary music also. He not only entertained the audience with a high quality performance but he has also introduced with Bruno some new Scandalli special models of accordions.

On January 18th was held Mirco Patarini’s second concert in Brazil, held in the  São Bento do Sul, with some local musicians as Leandro Paneitz, Edson Worrell and Bruno Mortiz.

As usual, thanks to all our friends for the friendliness and for the hospitality.


Graeme Mackay’s Burns Nights, Nicosia – Cyprus

Graeme MackayScottish diatonic accordionist has just visited Cyprus, where he played at two Burns Night functions.

Graeme says, “Superb evening last night in the Officers mess of RAF Akroti! In Nicosia now, ready to cross the border into the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus for the Caledonian Society’s Burns Night tonight! Not had any haggis yet though!”


Frosini Society News, Stockholm – Sweden

Lars Ek announces that the of the Frosini Society’s website has added new compositions by Australian accordionist Franco Cambareri to the Music sheet archive:

1. Blue Belle Blues
2. Flor de Sol
3. Mystic Feelings
4. Samba del Fuego

For further information email: lars@frosinisociety.org


‘14 Years Ago’ – Vladimir Ushakov’s Unusual Gig - Russia

Vladimir UshakovThe Accordions Worldwide Weekly News for the week ending February 5th 1999 included a report of a concert with a difference given by Russian accordionist Vladimir Ushakov in St Petersburg, on the deck of a frigate, in freezing temperatures, playing English sea shanties. We would bet that Vladimir has vivid memories of this particular gig!

Contributed by Tatiana Lanchtchikova

On January 29th accordionist Vladimir Ushakov performed an evening of English traditional sea shanties. This event was organized by the ‘Shtandard’ Club and the General Consulate of the UK. The ‘Shtandard’ Club are involved with historical restoration including the first frigate, which was built by Peter I and the ‘Peter's Admiralty’ historical area in St Petersburg.

Over one hundred people gathered on the frigate deck, in freezing temperatures of minus 25 degrees Celsius to sing and dance to traditional English sea shanties. Among the audience were club members, representatives of the UK, Holland and Norway Consulates, and foreign tourists.


Future events

SuBerri Akordeoi Orkestra Concert, Lasarte Oria – Spain

The SuBerri Akordeoi Orkestra perform in concert on Saturday February 2nd at San Pedro’s Church, Lasarte Oria, Gipuzkoa, in the Basque region of northern Spain. The concert will follow the 7pm Mass.

For further information email: info@suberri.es


International Accordeon Festival, Stadskanaal – Netherlands

The first International Accordeon Festival takes place at the Theater Geert Teis, Stadskanaal, on Sunday February 3rd, 1pm. The guest list includes accordionists Henny Langeveld,  Johan Kleine, Matthias Matzke (Germany), Hermine Deurloo (chromatic harmonica), Bert van Erk (bass), and Rene van Astenrode (drums, vibraphone, percussion). Entrance is 14 Euro.

For further information email: info@accordeonfestival.nl


Orquestra de Acordeões Concert, Cartaxo - Portugal

The Associacao Academica Orquestra de Acordeões do Cartaxo perform in concert on February 3rd, 4pm, at the Tuna Universidade Senior, Cartaxo, Portugal.


Tony Kearney Gigs, Slough, London, Leamington Spa, Swindon – UK

Tony KearneyIrish 3-row diatonic accordionist Tony Kearney has performances in February, as follows:

February 1st – Slough Irish Club
February 3rd – Ceili, Irish Centre, Camden Town, London
February 9th – St Patrick’s Club, Leamington Spa
February 10th – Corby Irish Centre
February 16th – St Joseph’s Club, High Gate, London
February 17th - ceili, Irish Centre, Camden Town, London
February 23rd – Reading Irish Club
February 24th – Castle, Swindon
February 28th – Tea Dance, Irish Club, Harringay, London

For further information email: starr63@gmail.com


Chico Chagas Trio Concert, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Chico Chagas TrioThe Chico Chagas Trio perform in concert on February 8th, 9pm, at Trib-Oz, (Centro Cultural Brasil-Australia), Rua Conde des Larges, 19 Lapa, Rio de Janeiro.

The trio includes Chico Chagas (accordion), Alexandre Cavallo (bass), and Christiano Galvão (drums), and featuring Mú Carvarlho (pianot) and Ana Zingoni (vocals).


Harry Hussey @ Northern Box & Fiddle Club, Antrim - Northern Ireland

Harry HusseyOn February 6th, 8pm, jazz accordionist Harry Hussey is the guest at the Northern Box & Fiddle Club, Lylehill Suite, The Hilton Hotel & Country Club, Castle Upton Estate, Templepatrick, County Antrim BT39 0DD, Northern Ireland.

The organizer is Amanda Robinson.

For further information email: northernboxandfiddleclub@hotmail.co.uk


John Macdonald’s ‘Tribute to the Tartan’ Tour, Queensland – Australia

John Macdonald tour posterJohn Macdonald, popular Australian-based accordion entertainer, will undertake a 14-date tour of Queensland venues in a show called ‘Tribute to the Tartan’, from February 14th to March 3rd.

John is looking forward to starring alongside old friend and fellow entertainer, the Scottish-born singer and well-known compere Billy Raymond. John has appeared with Billy many times throughout Australia, and was involved in the first colour TV production series ever made in Australia, called ‘A Touch of Tartan’, which was produced at the studios of NBN Television in Newcastle NSW.

The Queensland concerts  will be a series of daytime Morning Melodies Productions, produced by Scottish Entertainment.

‘Tribute to the Tartan’ Queensland Tour Dates:
February 14th - Burdekin Theatre,  Ayr
February 15th - The World Theatre, Charter Towers
February 16th - Johnstone Shire Civic, Innisfail
February 18th - Civic Theatre, Cairns
February 19th - Civic Theatre, Townsville
February 20th - Civic Theatre, Townsville
February 21st - Cultural Centre, Prosperine
February 22nd - Entertainment Centre, Mackay
February 23rd - Entertainment centre, Capella
February 25th - Pilbean Theatre, Rockhampton
February 26th - Logan Entertainment Centre
February 27th - Events Centre, Caloundra
February 28th - Brolga Theatre, Maryborough
March 2nd - Performing Arts Centre, Redlands

For further information email: jmacshow@dodo.com.au


Djordje Gajic Master Class, Salford University – UK

Djordje GajicDjordje Gajic holds an accordion master class on Friday February 8th, 2pm - 3pm, at the Peel Hall, Peel Building, University of Salford, The Crescent, Salford M5 4WT. Admission is free.

Djordje Gajic graduated from the Russian Academy of Music in 1993 gaining a Master of Music degree and Honorary Title, ‘Solo Performer’. Following the recommendation from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music for post-graduate study he continued his studies there and was appointed Assistant to Professor Yuri Dranga.

Djordje has won many international competitions, amongst them Tropheo Mondiale CMA in 1988 and the Grand Prix, France in 1987. He has performed with Russian State Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Yevgeny Svetlanov, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, BBC Scottish Orchestra as well as many solo recitals throughout Europe: Russia, Serbia, Andorra, Holland, France, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Norway and Britain. Since arriving in Britain Djordje has given solo recitals in London, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester, Blackpool and Birmingham. He also performed at international music festivals in Dartington, Norwich, Salisbury and Birmingham.

Djordje Gajic is an Accordion Professor at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and St Mary’s Music School, Edinburgh.

For further information email: gajic@talktalk.net


Nick Ariondo Solo Recital, California – USA

Nick AriondoAccordionist and composer Nick Ariondo performs a solo concert recital on Saturday February 23rd, 8pm, at the Boston Court Performing Arts Center, Pasadena, CA 91116

Nick Ariondo, a Grammy Award Winner with the Los Angeles Opera Orchestra, has worked with music icons from Paul McCartney to Placido Domingo. He can be heard in the 20th Century Fox film ‘Life of Pi’ (Best Original Score, Golden Globe Award), which has been nominated for 11 Academy Awards.

For further information email: accomusic@nickariondo.com


International Accordion Competition, Pula - Croatia

The 38th annual International Accordion Competition takes place in Pula, Croatia, from April 24th to 27th. The competition includes age sections for solo accordion, chamber ensembles, and orchestras.

The event is organised by Okud Istra and the closing date for entries is March 25th.

For further information email: okud.istra@pu.t-com.hr


Lácides Romero peforms at the ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’, Valledupar – Colombia

Lácides RomeroThe highly accomplished classical duo Nuevo Mundo, Lácides Romero (accordion) and Francisco Rivera (clarinet), from Colombia, are the guests at this year’s ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’.

The 5th ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’ takes place in Valledupar, Colombia, June 19th to 22nd. The event is organized by the Reyes Y Juglares Vallenatos Foundation.

The festival offers competitions for solo accordionists and ensembles that use accordions, and the closing date for entries and participation in the festival is April 18th 2013.

For further information email: eldiariovallenato@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Xu Xiaonan eTracks Album

Xu XiaonanXu Xiaonan releasing his eTracks Album titled

'Sunrise', catalog: xxu500eT

with sound samples. Music performed by Xu Xiaonan. Purchase online.


CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

Stas & Sam - Two Step CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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