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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Apr-2022
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Was machen Sie zum Weltakkordeontag? 6. Mai - International
2022 AAA Festival Wettbewerb wird virtuell - USA
Akkordeon-Meisterkurs mit Paulo Jorge Ferreira - Portugal
Gator by the Bay Krawattenfestival - USA
Concertina Accordion Band tritt im Palastsaal auf - Moldawien
Konzert des Londoner Akkordeonorchesters "Bellows Across Borders" - UK
2022 Südpazifische Akkordeonmeisterschaften und -festival - Neuseeland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

National Accordion Convention 2022 – A Special Anniversary
Buy Last Stock before Price Increase from Euro 29 to Euro 34 - Germany
Online: Dr. William Schimmel Accordion Seminars - USA
Meeting of Accordionists in Nymburk – Czech Republic
Budapest Cafe Orchestra 2022 Tour of Scotland
Video: Sibelius Academy Accordion Festival, Minna Ristamäki Concert - Finland

Future events

CNIMA Free Teachers/Students Concert – France
Maciej Frąckiewicz Accordion Masterclass & Concert – Germany
Concert to Commemorate Örvar Kristjánsson - Iceland
Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester Willi Münch e. V. Opera Concert – Germany
Dominique Paats Guest Performer - Netherlands
Dannong Wu Concert for Swiss Foundation for Young Musicians – Switzerland
Diatonic Accordion Manufacturing Course - France
North Staffs Accordion Club Charity Concert - UK
Duo Paris Moscou Perform at Marcel Azzola Tribute Concert - France
Cajun Accordion Festival & Competition – USA

Childrens Corner

Video: Eight Year old Performs with Los Garcia Brothers

New and Updated Sites

Online_British College of Accordionists 2022 Anniversary Festival - UK
Updated Site: Mike Middleton - USA

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment

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Was machen Sie zum Weltakkordeontag? 6. Mai - International

WAD header
WAD logoDie Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) freut sich, Sie zum Welt-Akkordeon-Tag (WAD) am 6. Mai oder in den Tagen danach begrüßen zu dürfen.

Da in vielen Ländern die Covid-19-Vorschriften gelockert wurden, die Akkordeonproben, -konzerte und -wettbewerbe beeinträchtigt hatten, werden für 2022 mehr WAD-Veranstaltungen erwartet. Die WAD-Website wird über die Veranstaltungen, die stattfinden können, berichten.

Für Gruppen und Einzelpersonen auf der ganzen Welt: Was tun Sie am Weltakkordeontag, um das Akkordeon in Ihrem Land zu fördern? Der WAD findet am 6. Mai statt, dem Tag, an dem das Akkordeon 1829 patentiert wurde.

Der Weltakkordeontag wurde 2009 von der CIA ins Leben gerufen und war sehr erfolgreich, da er viel positive Publicity für das Akkordeon erzeugt hat. Ein wichtiger Bestandteil dieser Veranstaltung ist die WAD-Website, auf der Sie Ihre Veranstaltung anmelden können und die Hintergrundinformationen für die Medien enthält.

Jeder Verband, jede Gruppe, jedes Orchester, jeder Musiker und jeder Lehrer wird gebeten, den WAD aktiv zu unterstützen, indem er/sie nationale und lokale Akkordeon-Aktivitäten in seinem/ihrem Land an diesem Tag oder am Wochenende vor dem Akkordeon-Tag fördert, falls dies günstiger sein sollte.

Jeder kann seine WAD-Aktivität auf der WAD-Website registrieren und anschließend einen Bericht über seine Veranstaltung an die Website schicken.

Keine Veranstaltung ist zu groß oder zu klein. ALLE Akkordeonveranstaltungen, die das Akkordeon feiern, sind willkommen. Dies ist eine CIA-Werbung für das Akkordeon, an der jeder Akkordeon-Enthusiast teilnehmen und dazu beitragen kann, unsere Akkordeonwelt zusammenzubringen und das Akkordeon stark zu fördern.


2022 AAA Festival Wettbewerb wird virtuell - USA

AAA Header
Frank Busso JnrLaden Sie die virtuellen Wettbewerbsregeln, Kategorien und die Liste der erforderlichen Kompositionen herunter unter: 2022Rules&Entry.pdf

Einsendeschluss für die Anmeldeformulare ist der 1. August 2022. Einsendeschluss für Videos ist der 15. August 2022. Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Frank Busso Jr., den Vorsitzenden des Wettbewerbs (Bild rechts), unter frank@bussomusic.com.

AAA-Präsident Dr. Joseph A. Ciccone schreibt: "Aufgrund des Engagements der AAA für die Gesundheit und Sicherheit unserer vielen treuen Besucher und Gastkünstler und zur Unterstützung der Bemühungen unserer Nation, die Ausbreitung von COVID-19 einzudämmen, musste unser AAA-Vorstand eine schwierige Entscheidung treffen. Das AAA Festival 2022 wurde verschoben und wird zusammen mit dem AAA Achievement Award Dinner zu Ehren von Frank Busso Sr. für den Sommer 2023 neu angesetzt. Die Wettbewerbskategorien des Festivals 2022 werden daher in diesem Jahr virtuell sein."


Akkordeon-Meisterkurs mit Paulo Jorge Ferreira - Portugal

Paulo poster
Das Conservatório De Música Olhão (Musikkonservatorium von Olhão) in Portugal wird am 21. und 22. Mai 2022 im städtischen Auditorium von Olhão einen Akkordeon-Meisterkurs mit Paulo Jorge Ferreira veranstalten, der von der Stadt Olhão unterstützt wird.

Der Meisterkurs richtet sich an alle Schüler von Akkordeon-Konservatorien, Akademien, Berufsschulen, Musikhochschulen, Universitäten, Privatschulen u.a., von der Anfänger- bis zur Hochschulausbildung.

Das Programm und weitere Informationen zum Herunterladen: 2022Ferreira.pdf


Gator by the Bay Krawattenfestival - USA

Gator 2022
Geno DelafoseBilly Lee & The Swamp CrittersGator By The Bay ist das erste jährliche Zydeco-, Blues- und Crawfish-Festival an der Westküste, das ganz im Zeichen von Musik, Tanz, Essen und Spaß aus Louisiana steht. Die diesjährige Veranstaltung findet vom 5. bis 8. Mai 2022 (Muttertagswochenende) im Spanish Landing Park, San Diego, USA, statt.

Zu den Akkordeonkünstlern und -gruppen gehören Horace Trahan & the Ossun Express (Bild unten), Geno Delafose (Bild links), Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys, Los Fabulocos, Theo & the Zydeco Patrol, Billy Lee & The Swamp Critters (Bild oben rechts), Fontenot, Pappion & Plauché (mit Akkordeonist Joe Fontenot) und Ass Pocket Whiskey Fellas.

Für weitere Informationen: gator@gatorbythebay.com
Horace Trahan & the Ossun Express


Concertina Accordion Band tritt im Palastsaal auf - Moldawien

Moldova poster
Die Concertina Accordion Band wird am 5. Mai 2022 um 19 Uhr in der Palace Hall in Chisinau, Moldawien, auftreten.

Bei dem Konzert, das von der Nationalen Philharmonie "Serghei Lunchevici" organisiert wird, tritt die Concertina Band in Begleitung des bekannten rumänischen Musikers, Schauspielers und Dichters Tudor Gheorghe auf.

Für weitere Informationen: info@concertino.md
Concertina Accordion Band


Konzert des Londoner Akkordeonorchesters "Bellows Across Borders" - UK

London AO poster
Swiss orchestraDas London Accordion Orchestra (Bild unten) wird am 18. April 2022 um 17 Uhr (Ostermontag) in der Sacred Heart Church in Wimbledon, England, ein "Bellows Across Borders"-Konzert geben.

Als besonderer Gast wird das Schweizer Jugendakkordeonorchester (Bild links) auftreten.

Auf dem Programm steht eine Vielfalt von Musik "von Bach bis Benny Goodman, sowie Originalstücke, die für die Orchester geschrieben wurden". Der Dirigent und Komponist des Londoner Akkordeonorchesters, Ian Watson, hat ebenfalls ein neues Stück für diese Veranstaltung geschrieben.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie per E-Mail: mail@londonao.co.uk


2022 Südpazifische Akkordeonmeisterschaften und -festival - Neuseeland

NZAA banner
Die NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships -Südpazifik-Akkordeonmeisterschaften und das Festival 2022 werden am 4. und 5. Juni 2022 an einem noch zu bestimmenden Ort stattfinden.

Aufgrund der aktuellen Reisebeschränkungen der neuseeländischen Regierung steht die Veranstaltung nur Einwohnern Neuseelands oder Inhabern eines neuseeländischen oder australischen Reisepasses offen. Es wird eine Vielzahl von Altersklassen für Solisten, Duos, Trios, Ensembles und Orchester angeboten.

Einsendeschluss ist der 14. April 2022.
Laden Sie die Regeln und den Wettbewerbsprospekt herunter unter: 2022nz_prospectus.pdf

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an die Sekretärin für Wettbewerbe der NZAA, Renee Jeffries, unter: nzaacompsec@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

National Accordion Convention 2022 – A Special Anniversary

NAA Youth Orchestra
Shelia Lee Memorial Dance BandLess than two weeks ago the National Accordion Association (NAA) Convention ended. It was a special anniversary: 35 + 1 year of the NAA. Yes, 2021 would have been the 35th anniversary, but we all know what came in the way. So, we celebrated this year the 35 + 1 anniversary. Norman Seaton (President) and Sharon Seaton (Board member) have been recognized on stage during the Saturday evening concert with an engraved plaque for their work and dedication. This was not the only thing “special” about the Convention. Due to ongoing pandemic we had to make a few changes to the setup.

Photo Up: NAA Youth Orchestra
Photo Down: Friday evening - Shelia Lee Memorial Dance Band
Photo Right: Saturday evening: Fun Band

Breakfast and lunch was paid and served buffet style in the main Ballroom. We also opted for some healthier options for lunch with a changing soup and salad bar. We had setup all sessions with double space to allow for social distancing. Different to previous years we gave our youth a dominant spot with their performance during lunch on Saturday to give them a bigger exposure. They were great. Thanks to Dick Albreski who managed and conducted the youth orchestra and Elena Fainshtein for sending in so many talented students.

We had scheduled 4 evening events which had been a full success. From the welcome reception on Wednesday, where Markus Baggio played a game of “Roast the Host”. The audience spun a wheel and whatever genre showed, Markus had to play this. Thursday was mainly an open mike session, but with a spin: We had three rooms dedicated to different regions of the world, so conventioneers could play anything from French Musette, Vienna Waltzes, Balkan Polkas to Country and Latin Music. The Friday Dance Party was opened by the Sheila Lee Memorial Dance Band, conducted by Dee Langley, followed by Jim Rommel, Gordon Kohl, and Mike Middleton. The dance floor was packed.

Saturday evening, we had our traditional banquet, but instead of having a conga line as in previous years, we organized an Accordion Flash Mob in the Hotel Lobby. What a blast! Finally, the culmination was our Saturday evening concert. The Fun Band opened with some good tunes, followed by Michael Soloway. His performance was a homage to the movies from Doctor Zhivago to Schindler’s list. Everybody was touched and he got standing ovations. There was much more: Tris Gour and John Simkiss played several duets with Tris singing with his smooth voice. A surprise guest was Elijah Clements, this fine young man took the audience by storm. Richard Noel followed with some swinging songs, getting even dancers on the floor. Jim Rommel played some Rock & Roll tunes. The concerted ended with Paul Betken playing some good old-fashioned swing and jazz songs. The last performer of the night was Eddie Monteiro, closing out with a French Musette, some jazz tunes and the ‘One-note-Samba’.

On a personal note: Norman Seaton, my wife Sabine and I spend months on planning and scheduling, emails, phone calls. Between Wednesday and Sunday, I walked more than 35 miles, just in the hotel. Did everything run smoothly? Well, most of the time, there were some hiccups, but we managed, improvised, and got it resolved. In total we had more than 40 sessions and more than a hundred conventioneers joining us. We also like to thank all attendees to make this a success.

Thanks to all presenters, vendors and helpers: Dick Albreski, Bob Donovan, Tris Gour, Mike Middleton, Eddie Monteiro, Gene Neyer, Richard Noel, Paul Betken, Jim Rommel, Sharon Seaton, Michael Soloway, Hank Thunander, Dee Langley, Gordon Kohl, Jerry Jacoby, Craig Funderberg, Nick Ballarini Sr and Jr., Joe Petosa, Randy McPeck, Clara Trahan.

Thanks also to the Hilton Hotel staff for all their hard work.

If you haven’t done it join the NAA Facebook group to see tons of photos and videos. See you in 2023. We are schedule for March 15 - 19, 2023. So save the date!
Fun Band


Buy Last Stock before Price Increase from Euro 29 to Euro 34 - Germany

Cover: The Art of Accordion Playing
Prof. Friedrich LipsThe price from publisher is being increased from Euro 29 to Euro 34 on 1st April. We have books in stock so as long as our shopping basket shows the price Euro 29 you can still purchase at the old price. We expect to run out of stock within a few days so order now to get the special price.

Catalog: kslips00 This high quality reprint "must have" book that every teacher, enthusiast and student will cherish is now released.

The Art of Accordion Playing by Prof. Friedrich Lips is one of the most popular educational books for accordion with its focus being: Technique, Interpretation and Performance of Playing the Accordion Artistically.

The high-quality content now corresponds to the outward appearance of the book: four color printing on high quality hard cover in exclusive design with lamination and paper binding with long lasting thread-stitching.

Printed on chlorine-free, bleached, acid-free, stable and age resistant, high quality, matte, non-reflective paper for fatigue-free reading uses a high quality paper made in Germany. The major technical difference of the new print run comparing to the old one is the cover, paper quality and the binding: high quality hard cover with lamination now instead of plain softcover previously and thread-stitching instead of simple glueing.

The book is great value at Euro 29, Catalog kslips00 the same price as the older lower quality print version.


Online: Dr. William Schimmel Accordion Seminars - USA

Dr. William SchimmelDr. William Schimmel online accordion seminars are scheduled for July 29th, 30th and 31st, 2022, presented by The Accordion Global Association.

The Theme is: “Too Much Information, Too Little Time, But We Do It Anyway!”

The event will include Master Classes from 3pm to 4pm and concerts from 4pm to 5pm.

The distinguished list of participants include Micki Goodman, Paul Stein, Dr. Robert Young McMahan, Will Holshouser, Godfrey Nelson, Lorraine Nelson Wolf, Dr. Denise Koncelik, The Main Squeeze Orchestra, Doug Makofka, Jeanne Velonis, Sari Kalin, Brian Dewan, Erica Marie Mancini, Mary Spencer Knapp, Benjamin Ickies, Dan Cooper, Peter Flint, William Komaiko, Dr. Hugo Goldenzweig, Gene Pritsker, Peter Jarvis, Bachtopus, Mayumi Mayoaka, Robert Duncan, David First, Bob Goldberg, Carl Riehl, Rachel Quirbach, Melissa Elledge, Dave Soldier and more to follow.

Topics that will be presented incude In your face, Out of your face, The New Professional, The Vague Panther - dealing with navigation of rough waters, The technique of ideas, The technique of chops, Ideas and chops, The Accordion as Homing Pigeon, Accordi yoga, Zen Phrasing revisited, Accordio meditation, De stressing with your accordion, Fun with a purpose, Hard work - with payoff (instant gratification), Hard work with delayed payoff (the art of patience), Contraction and release, Aught Culture and Reverse Irony, New works, Old works - new angles, Nothing new, but how we look at it, The Accordion as Smile - La – Phone, Morality and the Accordion and much more.

Dr. William Schimmel’s versatility is evident by the many musical projects that he is involved in. He has devoted his life to musicianship particularly utilizing the accordion.

For further details email: accordionbill@gmail.com


Meeting of Accordionists in Nymburk – Czech Republic

Jan ČajanJan Cajan (picture right) invites accordionists to a meeting at the Nymburk Cultural Center, Nymburk Kokos Municipal House (Small Hall) in Nymburk, Czech Republic on July 23rd, 2022 at 2pm.

Accordionists are welcome to perform at this event, have fun and make new friends.

To register your interest please email: info@cajansluzby.eu


Budapest Cafe Orchestra 2022 Tour of Scotland

Budapest CA poster
Video: Budapest Café Orchestra performing Ketshpelek from Ashkhabad of Turkmenistan.

The Budapest Cafe Orchestra will tour Scotland from May 10th to 28th, 2022 giving concerts in Whithorn, Dalswinton, Stobo, Drumnadrochit, Portmahomack, Lyth, Wick, Rosehall, Lochinver, Achiltibuie, Gairloch, Torridon, Waternish, Portree, Arisaig, Oban and St Andrews.

The group, includes Eddie Hession (accordion), who won 2nd prize at the Coupe Mondiale in the USA in 1981. Other group players are Christian Garrick (violin & darabuka), Kelvin Cantlon (double bass) and Adrian Zolotuhin (saz, guitar, balalaika & domra) play a variety of traditional Balkan, Russian, Hungarian and Romanian gypsy and folk music.


Video: Sibelius Academy Accordion Festival, Minna Ristamäki Concert - Finland

Video: Minna Ristamäki: Master recital "From the Shadows”

Kasper Rofelt: Nightsong 2 (with Essi Höglund, violin)
Sofia Gubaidulina: De profundis
Martin Lohse: 6 Preludes
Harri Vuori: The Hour of the Wolf
J. S. Bach: Fantasy and Fugue in A Minor BWV 904
Paavo Korpijaakko: Peer Gynt Fantasy

The four-day Sibelius Academy Accordion Festival, held from March 23rd to 26th, 2022, showcases the endless possibilities the accordion presents in all genres of music.


Future events

CNIMA Free Teachers/Students Concert – France

Nathalie BoucheixThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix (picture left) will give a concert featuring teachers and students at Poulailler in Saint-Pierre-Roche, France on April 7th, 2022 at 8.30pm.

Entrance is free. For details email: cnima@orange.fr


Maciej Frąckiewicz Accordion Masterclass & Concert – Germany

Maciej Frąckiewicz poster
Maciej Frackiewicz will give a multimedia concert “See you in a Dreamland. Portrait of a lover” at the Chamber Music Hall of the Essen-Werden Campus, Folkwang University of Arts on April 8th, 2022 at 7.30pm.

This will be followed by an Accordion Masterclass at the same venue on April 9th and 10th from 11am to 6pm with students from Mie Miki’s class at the Folkwang University.

The course is made possible by the support of the Dr. Josef and Brigitte Pauli Foundation and is open to interested public members. Entry is free of charge.

For details email: karten@folkwang-uni.de


Concert to Commemorate Örvar Kristjánsson - Iceland

OK concert poster
A concert to Commemorate Örvar Kristjánsson, one of the nation's most beloved accordionists, will be held at The Hall in Kópavogur, Iceland on April 8th, 2022.

During his 60-year career, Örvar released 13 albums that were very popular and these concerts are held on a regular basis to commemorate Örvar and his contribution to Icelandic music history.

Performers include accordionists Jón Þorsteinn Reynisson and Margrét Arnardóttir who will play some of Örvar's best-known songs.

See poster for details.


Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester Willi Münch e. V. Opera Concert – Germany

NAO poster
The Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester Willi Münch e. V. will perform at the Nürnberger Orpheum in Nurnberg, Germany on April 10th, 2022 at 7pm.

“Orchestra conductor Stefan Hippe invites you to a short journey through opera and operette, host Barbara Schofer expertly teaches us the way and sopranist Isabel Blechschmidt excites us with her extraordinary voice”.

Their program includes works by Bizet, Lehár and Verdi.

For details phone: 0911/53 03 888


Dominique Paats Guest Performer - Netherlands

Show poster
Accordionist Dominique Paats has been invited as a guest performer on the "Paulus Schäfer invites" show. He will join musicians Jelle van Tongeren (violin) and Matheus Nicolaiwelsky (double bass) at a concert at the Café de Stam in Gerwen, Netherlands on April 11th, 2022 at 8pm.

Paulus Schäfer is a guitarist, composer, and arranger from the Netherlands and his regular show "Paulus Schäfer invites" features a variety of guest musicians.

For details email: christien@sintimusic.nl


Dannong Wu Concert for Swiss Foundation for Young Musicians – Switzerland

Wu concert info
Accordionist Dannong Wu (China) will perform a concert at Spalenvorstadt 25, Basel, Switzerland on April 14th, 2022 at 12.30pm organised by the Swiss Foundation for Young Musicians.

His program will include Bach’s Partita 2 and excerpts from French Suite 5.

Entrance is free of charge. For details email: info@foryoungmusicians.ch


Diatonic Accordion Manufacturing Course - France

Diatonic poster
Ewen d'Aviau will run a 10-day diatonic accordion making course from April 20th to 30th, 2022 in Corrèze, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.

Course participants will be able to make and assemble their own diatonic accordion during the course as well as experience evening concerts and share their talents as the last half-day will be devoted to a musical practice on the accordion with an outside speaker.

A second course is planned in St Nazaire in August this year.

For details email: ewen.daviau@gmail.com


North Staffs Accordion Club Charity Concert - UK

NS Charity concert
The North Staffs Accordion Club have organised a Charity Concert to be held at the Kidsgrove Town Hall in Kidsgrove, England on April 22nd, 2022 at 7.30pm.

Performers include the North Staffs Accordion Band and Stefan Andrusychyn who will accompany vocalist Denise Leigh.

See poster for details.


Duo Paris Moscou Perform at Marcel Azzola Tribute Concert - France

Azzola tribute concert
Duo Paris Moscou which includes accordionists Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine will perform at a Marcel Azzola (10 July 1927 – 21 January 2019) tribute concert on May 1st, 2022 at 5pm.

“Marcel Azzola's name was associated with all the faces of the accordion, from the musette ball to the original creation and jazz.”

The event will be held at the Chatel-Guyon Theatre in Châtelguyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.

See poster for details.


Cajun Accordion Festival & Competition – USA

Cajun AF poster
Pine leaf BoysSavoy bandVideo: Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys Quartet performing at the Rhythm and Roots Festival 2021

The Cajun Accordion Festival & Competition will be held at Vermilionville in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA on May 14th, 2022, organised by Steve Riley Productions.

The event will include performances by the Pineleaf Boys (picture above left), Savoy Family Cajun Band (picture above right) and Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys.

Registrations close on May 11th, 2022.

See poster for details.
Cajun regs


Childrens Corner

Video: Eight Year old Performs with Los Garcia Brothers

Video: Eight year old Hector was invited on to the stage in Texas, USA to play Conjunto Tejano music with the Los Garcia Brothers.


New and Updated Sites

Online_British College of Accordionists 2022 Anniversary Festival - UK

BCA poster
Raymond BodellDas British College of Accordionists (BCA), unter der Leitung von Raymond Bodell, wird im Mai dieses Jahres sein 2022 Anniversary Festival online veranstalten.

Die Veranstaltung umfasst einen nationalen Solowettbewerb für jede der 12 Prüfungsstufen und einen internationalen Wettbewerb für Solisten aller Altersgruppen sowie für Junior- und Senior-Ensembles.

Der Einsendeschluss für die Videos ist der 15. April 2022. Die Wettbewerbsvideos werden dann an die Jurymitglieder weitergeleitet. Die Videos werden von den nationalen und internationalen Jurymitgliedern anhand der Bewertungskriterien des BCA beurteilt, wobei jede Darbietung mit einer Note von 100 bewertet wird.
Jedes Jurymitglied wird seine Noten an das BCA übermitteln und das Ergebnis wird für alle Kategorien am Sonntag, den 15. Mai 2022, berechnet und veröffentlicht.

Für weitere Informationen: ray.annabodell@gmail.com


Updated Site: Mike Middleton - USA

Mike MiddletonUpdated Site: Texas accordionist Mike Middleton site has been updated with new information, future events and new pictures.


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