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Weekly News from Around the World - 01-Apr-2011
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Особенности Highlights

Frankfurt Musikmesse Live-Report - Gemany
Дуэт «Митос» выиграл конкурс Radio Competition, Конпенгаген – Дания
Братья Гульельми и Master-Production, Musikmesse Frankfurt – Germany
Дуэт Антонио Спаккаротелла/Альберто Ла Неве на выставке Musikmesse Франкфурт - Германия
Borsini New Products at the Frankfurt Musikmesse - Germany

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Roland Remembers Benny Layton, Los Angeles - USA
Emir Bosnjak in National Theatre Tour – Denmark
Eric Dabrowski Passes Away, Lancashire – UK
Tony MacKenzie Busking to the End, Mornington Penninsula, - Australia
‘14 Years Ago’ – Going back home…

Будущие события

Sergio Pinget‏ Concerts, Buenos Aires – Argentina
Yi Yao - Accordion and Organ Concert‏, London - UK
Paulo Jorge Ferreira Trio Concert, Lisbon - Portugal
‘The Great American Squeeze Off’ Accordion Festival, Nevada – USA
‘The Accordionist’ Reaches the Capital!, London – UK
Kimmo Pohjonen’s International Concerts – Italy, Germany, Poland
Euphonia‏ in Concert, Berlin – Germany
VibraTango concert, Barcelona – Spain
‘Accordions International’, Blackpool – UK
Super Button Box Bash Marathon, Euclid, Ohio – USA
RAM Club Prize Winner's Recital‏, London – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

April 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st April
April Accordion USA News Online 1st April
April Accordion Russia News Online 1st April

CD Отзывы

Tango CD by “Lo Que Vendrà” Ensemble

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Особенности Highlights

Frankfurt Musikmesse Live-Report - Gemany

See all about the Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2011_Accordion_Live_Report by Holda Paoletti-Kampl - Reports from each day of the Musikmesse Fair, live. New Products, artists, producers and enthusiasts meeting on the international fairground....check out the every day Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2011_Accordion_Live_Report !

The 2011 Frankfurt Musikmesse takes place from April 6th to 8th, with a day for the public on April 9th. The hours of opening are from 9am to 6pm.

The fair has international exhibitors from 46 countries presenting musical instruments, music software and hardware, sheet music, accessories and services connected with music making. Public day has many accordion demonstrators at the displays of the accordion manufacturers.

Advertisers displaying are:

Baffetti Location 3.1 H20
Ballone Burini Lido & C. s.r.l., Location 3.1 G20
Beltuna Akkordeons und Harmonikas, Location 3.1 F12
Borsini-Accordions & Exp. srl, Location 3.1 G17
Bugari Armando srl Location 3.1 G23
Cagnoni S.p.A., Location, 3.1 G19
Delicia Akkordeon Service Location 3.1 H13
Excelsior Accordions, Location 3.1 F15
Galassi S.N.C. di Roberto e Renzo Galassi, Location 3.1 G51S
Harmonikas_Titlbach Location 3.1 G16
Hohner Musikinstrumente GmbH & Co., Location 3.1 F60
International Music Company (IMC) Location 3.1 H21
Italcinte di Beniamino Bugiolacchi, Location 3.1 G51P
Master MIDI Production http://www.master-production.com Location 3.1 G51Q
Mengascini Nello S.r.l., Location 3.1 G51T
MusicTech snc, Location 3.1 H24
ORLA S.r.l., Location 5.0 B23
Paolo Soprani, Suoni s.r.l., Location 3.1 F19
Pasco Italia snc di Breccia e Moreschi, Location 3.1 F21
Piermaria accordions, Location 3.1 H21
Pigini Srl, Location 3.1 F15
Roland Elektronische Musikinstrumente Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Location 3.1 F13 & Location 5.0 B38
Scandalli, Suoni s.r.l., Location 3.1 F19
Siwa & Figli Accordions http://www.siwafigli.com Location 3.1 G51R
Soundwear Dimbath e.K. Location 3.1 G18 and Location 1.1 G10
Victoria Accordions Company s.r.l. Location 3.1 J23
Zero Sette Location 3.1 G23
Frankfurt Musikmesse picture


Дуэт «Митос» выиграл конкурс Radio Competition, Конпенгаген – Дания

Mythos Duo (Bjarke Mogensen and Rasmus Kjøller)
Дуэт баянистов «Митос» (Бьярке Могенсен и Расмус Кёллер), стали лауреатами 1 премии конкурса «Danish National Radio Chamber Music Competition 2011». Они соревновались с множеством молодежных профессиональных ансамблей – квинтеты деревнных духовых инструментов, фортепианные трио и т.п. Кроме этого, они получили специальный приз за исполнение современной музыки.

Дуэт исполняет большой разнообразный репертуар, включающий их собственные транскрипции Стравинского, Мусоргского, Чайковского, Моцарта и других классиков, современную музыку, в том числе написанную специально для них молодыми композиторами. Слушателей впечатляет их оркестровое звучание.
Один из участников дуэта также сотрудничает с выдающимся скрипачом Гидоном Кремером.

По этой ссылке вы можете перейти на сайт, на котором можно посмотреть фото и послушать запись выступления дуэта с финального шоу конкурса: http://www.dr.dk/P2/Begivenheder/kammermusikkonkurrencen-2011/


здесь можно послушать выступления дуэта во время конкурса:

30 мая у дуэта «Митос» дебют в Карнеги холл в Нью-Йорке!


Братья Гульельми и Master-Production, Musikmesse Frankfurt – Germany

Фирма Master Production di Antonella Toccaceli из Кастельфидардо является одним из лидеров в производстве различных технологий MIDI и микрофонной продукции для цифровых аккордеонов. Master Production предлагает заказчикам и любителям баянов и аккордеонов концертно-развлекательную программу на выставке Musikmesse во Франкфурте (6-9 апреля).

Среди исполнителей – знаменитый итальянский аккорденист Пино Ди Модуньо (он будет играть на стенде компании MASTER) и юные братья Гульельми. Во время исполнения, посетители смогут посмотреть, послушать и попробовать много новинок которые компания, в соответствии со своими 25-летними традициями производства качественных и надежных инструментов.

Два юных дарования, Алессандро и Габриеле Гульельми, 8 и 10 лет, выступят соло и дуэтом. Они уже являются лауреатами нескольких международных конкурсов исполнителей на гармониках и студентами Centro Studi Musicali Nuove Armonie of Paola (CS) и консерватории “Conservatory of Music Tchaikovsky Nocera Terinese” (CZ).

Эти два ярких таланта – гордость своего учителя Антонио Спаккаротеллы – без сомнения, одни их самых ярких исполнителей на диатонических гармониках. Фирма Master Production di Antonella Toccaceli счастлива оказать им поддержку.

Посетите выставку продукции Master Production на выставке Frankfurt Musikmesse, 3.1 G51.


Дуэт Антонио Спаккаротелла/Альберто Ла Неве на выставке Musikmesse Франкфурт - Германия

Дуэт Антонио Спаккаротеллы (аккордеон) и Альберто Ля Неве (саксофон-сопрано) будет выступать на выставке Musikmesse Frankfurt и демонстрировать инструменты Scandalli Accordions (Suoni Ltd), зал 3.1 место F19.

Дуэт получил высокие оценки музыкальной критики во время их концертного турне по Италии и Европе. Содружество двух музыкантов базируется на новых идеях в аранжировке, поиске уникального и оригинального звучания, собственного стиля.

Дуэт представит программу из пьес разных музыкальных стилей: от 'этно-танго’ и джаза до французского мюзета и собственных сочинений. Дуэт – участникм многих известных фестивалей: Peperoncino Jazz Festival 2010, the Musikmesse Frankfurt 2010, International Festival Castelfidardo, Strumenti & Musica Festival Spoleto 2010 и University Campus AFAM - MIUR.

Вскоре начинается их концертный тур – презентация CD ‘No-Time’. Этот проект состоит из новых произведений и поддерживается фирмой Scandalli Castelfidardoи фестивалем в Апельдорне, Голландия.

Дальнейшая информация по email: antonio.accordion@alice.it


Borsini New Products at the Frankfurt Musikmesse - Germany

Borsini FactoryThis year, the Borsini accordion manufacturer decided to be active again at the Frankfurt Fair and present some new and interesting options for their accordions.

- S.C.B. Sound Colour Bar
- C.D. Cassotto Driver
- B.D. Bass Driver
- T.W.B. Thiny Wood Box

You want to know more about it, you want to try it out and hear for yourself - then visit Borsini at the Frankfurt Musikmesse: Hall 3.1 Stand G17


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Roland Remembers Benny Layton, Los Angeles - USA

Benny LaytonLos Angeles, CA, March 30, 2011 — Roland-USA is extremely saddened to announce the passing of Benigno “Benny” Layton, a valued member of its V-Accordion® team, in a tragic motorcycle accident near San Antonio, Texas. He was 60. Benny is survived by his wife Irma and his four children: Benny Jr., Paul, Armando, and Janice.
A lifelong accordion player and music enthusiast, Benny came to work with Roland-USA in 2010 as a V-Accordion product specialist after a career of devoted public service in his local Texas communities of Edcouch and Elsa, where he was regarded among residents with their highest respect and admiration.
In his community, Benny served as a music educator, a municipal court judge, and as president of the Edcouch-Elsa school board. Over the years, he taught hundreds of students, and his impact on their lives has been immeasurable. In 1990, Benny instituted a school conjunto music program in order to preserve and pass on the traditional music he grew up with. In 2000, this program became part of the annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival.
Benny was also highly respected in Texas’ Tejano music community. In May of this year, he will be inducted into the Texas Conjunto Music Hall of Fame during the Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio.
“Benny was a fine musician, but even more, he was a great person,” said Chris Halon, Director of Product Management for Roland-USA. “He and his group were a highlight of our Roland-USA exhibit at the 2011 Winter NAMM Show. Benny was truly an amazing man and he will be so dearly missed.”
The Layton family has asked for privacy during this difficult time.


Emir Bosnjak in National Theatre Tour – Denmark

Emir BosnjakEmir Bosnjak participated in a play ‘Beautiful Charlie’ with the famous Danish actor Victor Marcussen. The show toured all over Denmark, large and small theaters, and most shows were sold out. On stage Emir Bosnjak played accordion, bandoneon, accordina, and blues harmonica.

In the show he introduced an exciting way to play accordion, standing with the accordion and bellows in the air.

The show had really good reviews, and Emir’s presentation on several instruments certainly made the audience aware of this wonderful instrument.

The team has released a CD with music from the show.

For further information email: emirbosnjak@gmail.com


Eric Dabrowski Passes Away, Lancashire – UK

Eric Dabrowski and Thelma DabrowskiThe amazing unicycling accordionist Eric Dabrowski died on March 26th, at the age of 86, in Darwen, Lancashire. Click the link Eric Dabrowski for historic photos of Eric unicycling, performing and also for photos with all the family.

Born in Poland in 1924, Eric Dabrowski was the son of a Professor of Music. When World War Two broke out in 1939 Eric was studying engineering in Germany. He escaped through France and Spain, across to North Africa in 1942 where he joined the Polish Commandos, attached to the British 8th Army, under General Montgomery. Eric took part in the invasion of Italy in 1943, including Monte Cassino in 1944. It was in Italy that Eric fell in love with the accordion. On visiting Loreto near Ancona, Eric was able to barter food, chocolate and cigarettes in exchange for his first accordion.

When the war ended, Eric arrived in England, where he went to work in a factory in Yorkshire. In his spare time, he practised the accordion, juggling, and built a unicycle, combining these skills into a unique stage act. Hughie Green, later to be famous as presenter of TV’s ‘Opportunity Knocks’, spotted Eric’s talents and took him touring in his variety show.

Eric married Thelma, a dancer, and they toured in variety shows as Eric D’Arcy & Diana. She learned to juggle, ride the unicycle, play xylophone and guitar. They were eventually joined by their daughter Pauline, an accordionist, and son Gregory, a drummer, and known as the D’Arcy Family.

When theatres started closing down in the 1960s they moved on to the club circuit. These years also saw them appear on Hughie Green’s ‘Opportunity Knocks’ television show.

In 1977 Eric took ill, dissolved the family act and retired from show business, which he had loved very much. Daughter Pauline Hardwick is nowadays an accordion and piano teacher, and a member of the North Staffs Accordion Club.

Click the link Eric Dabrowski for historic photos.


Tony MacKenzie Busking to the End, Mornington Penninsula, - Australia

Tony MacKenzieTony Mackenzie busked using his button box, voice and his giant heart, right up until the end. On March 16, battling liver cancer, the veteran charity worker grabbed his trusty accordion and headed down to the Mornington market, Victoria

The 77-year-old played, sang and chatted with market patrons for about two hours before heading home, and passing away on 21 March. For a man who was very much a part of the Mornington market scene, it was a fitting end to a life well lived.

Mr Mackenzie raised more than $100,000 for charities, particularly the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation. He was keen to support children with brittle bones. He had a real affinity for children who were disadvantaged.

In retirement, Tony Mackenzie played his accordion at the Red Hill, Mornington, Balnarring, Rosebud and Tootgarook markets to raise money for charities.

In an interview with a local newspaper in 2007, Tony Mackenzie said his childhood experience of being raised in an orphanage motivated him to reach out to children in need.

“I just want to help the little guys out. The people at the market are very kind to me and very generous to the kids,” he said.

A service was held at Dromana’s Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, where Mr MacKenzie regularly attended services on 25 March.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Going back home…

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending April 4th 1997 reported that Yuri and Ludmila Fedorov had toured France and Spain. The 1990s was the decade in which it became possible for artistes from Russia and other former USSR countries to freely tour internationally. This development has culturally enriched Western countries, and in the process has greatly benefited the accordion fraternity worldwide.

Contributed by Tatiana Lanchtchikova

Yuri and Ludmila Fedorov recently spent a month in France during which they toured the provinces, giving many concerts that were all well received. While there, they were also invited by the Arts and Music association to perform five concerts in Madrid, Spain, from 25th to 29th March.

Yuri Fedorov is an accordion soloist with the Kiev Philharmonic, a former soloist with the Red Army, and has won many competitions, including a Gold Medal at the 1986 Coupe Mondiale in Warsaw, a Laureat from Klingenthal (1994) and a first prize in the National Accordion Competition in Odessa, Ukraine, in 1981. He is a graduate of the Kiev Conservatory and currently a teacher there, along with his wife Ludmila. At 39 years old, Fedorov is part of the new generation of Russian performers.

He is often accompanied by Ludmila, who is a soprano with the Kiev Philharmonic and sings and plays the bandoura, a beautiful 15th Century Ukrainian instrument. They play some classical melodies by Mozart, Caccini, Bach, Gonoud, but mostly play traditional Ukrainian and Russian music.

Fresh, spontaneous and meticulous are words which have been used to describe the duo's performance, and they always leave their audience enchanted.


Будущие события

Sergio Pinget‏ Concerts, Buenos Aires – Argentina

Sergio PingetApril 2nd, 9pm - accordionist Sergio Pinget? takes part in another round of the TV show ‘Argentine Talent!’

April 8th – recital at the 39th Fiesta Nacional del Ternero y Día de la Yerra, Ayacucho, Buenos Aires

April 10th – afternoon concert in his hometown, Columbus, in a festival to celebrate an anniversary of the city, appearing with the Police Band and the group Amboé. Free admission.

May 4th – recital at la Sala Julio Cortázar, Fiesta Internacional del Libro, Buenos Aires.

For further information email: info@sergiopinget.com.ar


Yi Yao - Accordion and Organ Concert‏, London - UK

Yi YaoJust to let you know of a lovely concert coming up on Saturday April 2nd, 7.30pm, at St. John's Church, Bethnal Green, London.

Excellent accordionist Yi Yao, who some may remember from the London Accordion Festival in 2001 when she was still a student of the Royal Academy of Music, has established a successful career as a professional accordionist.

Also playing will be organist David Buckley and pianist Ching Ching Lim in what promises to a really interesting combination for a concert.

If you're in London this weekend why not support one of the many accordion-related events which happen in our capital.


Paulo Jorge Ferreira Trio Concert, Lisbon - Portugal

Esther Georgie (clarinet), Paulo Jorge Ferreira (accordion) and Varoujan Bartikian (cello)
A trio consisting of Paulo Jorge Ferreira (accordion), Esther Georgie (clarinet) and Varoujan Bartikian (cello), perform in concert on April 3rd, 12 noon, at the Gulbenkian Museum (Museu Calouste), Avenida de Berna 45-A, Lisbon.

Admission is free. The trio will perform music composed by Beethoven, Ferreira, and Piazzolla.

Paulo Jorge Ferreira lectures in the Applied Arts Superior School in Castelo Branco, in Castelo Branco Regional Conservatory, in D.Dinis Conservatory in Odivelas and in National Conservatory in Lisbon.

Some of his students and chamber music groups have won first prizes in national and international accordion and chamber music competitions. Paulo Jorge often participates as a jury member in international accordion competitions.

His CD Percursos is available online for purchase by credit card at the website Paulo Jorge Ferreira.

For further information email: pjorgef@hotmail.com


‘The Great American Squeeze Off’ Accordion Festival, Nevada – USA

Squeeze Off poster‘The Great American Squeeze Off’ takes place at the Silver Baron Ballroom, N. Virginia St, Reno, Nevada, on April 4th and 5th. The chief guests are Dick Contino, Corky Bennett, and Mario Pedone.

The festival includes concerts, jam sessions, workshops, and trade show. Roland-USA, represented by Steve Albini, will be present.

For further information email: info@cbproductions.net


‘The Accordionist’ Reaches the Capital!, London – UK

‘The Accordionist’, co-written by and starring accordionist Romano Viazzani, opens at the New End Theatre, Hampstead, London NW3 1JD, on April 5th and runs until April 24th (Easter Sunday), with matinees at 3pm on 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 23rd, and 24th. 

Romano writes: “That's 7 performances per week for 3 weeks.  That’s quite a lot of tickets to sell in that time period so please try to come and see it! Happily we got some excellent reviews in Exeter so I hope it will be worth seeing it. Here's a recap to whet your appetites. (Don't tell me what night you're coming on as being a bit new to acting it will only make me nervous!) I hope to see you all after the shows. Do cheer and clap enthusiastically during the show especially after every song and of course at my full-frontal nudity scene (only kidding, just checking to see that you're still concentrating!).

‘The Accordionist’ is the story of talented Piaf tribute act Jacqueline Lacroix (Bethany Jameson) who returns to performing after years of enforced silence. An unexpected encounter with an enigmatic accordionist (Romano Viazzani) brings a mysterious past to bear on the uncertain present. But what secrets do the two artists share?
An intimate portrayal of love and loss, the unique sound of the accordion embodies both passion and pain in a highly-charged new text. The score features original arrangements of Piaf classics such as ‘Milord’, ‘La Foule’, and ‘Padam Pada,’ as well as new songs by Jameson and Viazzani. One of the songs is written by Karen Street.
It’s a short show, 7pm to 8.10 pm, and you can make it a night out with a drink or a meal afterwards in Hampstead. Or you could see both the shows on that night. The second show is called ‘Double Bass’, about a double bass player, written by Philip Suskind”.   

Romano Viazzani has three CD's available online at his website Romano Viazzani including sound samples.
For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Kimmo Pohjonen’s International Concerts – Italy, Germany, Poland

Kimmo PohjonenFinland’s Kimmo Pohjonen, an innovative accordionist and composer, performs as follows in early April:

April 9th, 9.30pm – performing ‘Controcanto’, by Rassegna, at the Auditorium  San Francesco, Castelfidardo, Italy
April 2nd – perfoming music by Pohjonen, Hannukainen, and Kluster, at Munich Jazz Lines, Muffathalle, Munich, Germany
April 1st - Teatr Lalek (Puppets’ Theatre), Kontrapunkt Festival (Iron Lung), Szczecin, Poland


Euphonia‏ in Concert, Berlin – Germany

Euphonia accordion orchestra ‏
The accordion orchestra Euphonia?, MD Sonja Merz, perform in concert on April 10th, 4pm, at Akkordia, Ernst-Reuter-Saal im Rathaus Reinickendorf, Eichborndamm 215-239, 13437 Berlin-Reinickendorf.

Euphonia offers its audiences a varied and ambitious repertoire which includes original compositions, classical works and modern arrangements, with new points of focus all the time. The two dozen accordion enthusiasts are always ready to try new experiments, while remaining true to the motto “We play everything – except folk music”.

For further information email: mail@euphonia-berlin.de


VibraTango concert, Barcelona – Spain

The trio VibraTango perform in concert on April 14th, 7.30pm, at Auditori Unimm, Caixa de Sabadell C/ d´ En Font, 1 Sabadell, Barcelona. Music includes compositions by Carlos Gardel, Astor Piazzolla, Errol Garner and Vladimir Vlasov.

VibraTango are Ferran Martinez (accordion), Mario Bernaus (bass guitar) and Raul Serrano (percussion).

For further information email: info@vibratango.com


‘Accordions International’, Blackpool – UK

‘Accordions International’, organized by Heather Smith, takes place from May 15th/20th at the Norbreck Castle, Blackpool. The guest artistes to date include the excellent accordion/clarinet duo David Vernon & Dick Lee, Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion) & Denise Leigh (soprano), Romano Viazzani, Harry Hussey, Bert Santilly, and Scottish accordionist Roy Hendrie, with more details to be announced.

The festival includes a trade show and numerous workshops. To book, tel 01780 782 093 during office hours (Sceptre Productions).

Sharing the week at the Norbreck Castle will be the annual ‘Blackpool Extravaganza’ organ festival, whose guests include Claudia Hirschfeld, Kevin Morgan, Jean Martyn, Len Rawle, Chris Powell, Andrew Nix, and many others.

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


Super Button Box Bash Marathon, Euclid, Ohio – USA

The Super Button Box Bash features the unique sound of the diatonic button accordion as played by 12 different bands in a marathon of music in two halls.

“Held on April 3rd at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave, Euclid, 1pm to 8 pm, the Button Box Bash is one of the largest Slovenian polka events of the year in the Cleveland area," said Kathleen Trebets, a Willoughby resident and board member of the Slovenian Society Home as well as the Circle Director of the Slovenian Junior Chorus, which will perform at the event.

"It's a tradition that seems to live on year after year and each year draws well-known musicians as well as others who enjoy picking up their accordions and showing off their talents," Trebets said. "The atmosphere is lively and contagious and you can't help but sing along or tap your toes or get out on the dance floor.

"The Bash brings together a community of people of all different nationalities who love to listen and dance to some great polka and waltz music."


RAM Club Prize Winner's Recital‏, London – UK

Amadej Herzog
Accordionist Amadej Herzog will be giving a recital, with the cellist Jonathan Rees, on Wednesday April 6th at 7.30 pm in the David Josefowitz Recital Hall, Royal Academy of Music, London. He will be performing pieces by Bach, Gubaidulina, Vitja Avsec, Kusyakov, Jukka Tiensuu, Viatcheslav Semionov, Piazzolla and Schnittke. Tickets will be available on the door at £7 (concessions £5) or in advance from the box office on 020 7873 7300.

Amadej Herzog, from Slovenia, recently won the Royal Academy of Music Club Prize. He recently finished his post-graduate diploma at the RAM, a very fine young player, who is now performing professionally.

For further information email: K.INGRAM@ram.ac.uk


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April Accordion Russia News Online 1st April


CD Отзывы

Tango CD by “Lo Que Vendrà” Ensemble

Tango by Ensemble “Lo Que Vendrà”CD Reviews Index for the Review of “Tango” CD, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performers are “Lo Que Vendrà” with Simone Marini on bandoneon.


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