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Weekly News from Around the World - 31-Oct-2008
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Conferenza Stampa, Roland V Accordion Finale - Italia
Grande Successo della 61a Coupe Mondiale, Glasgow - GB
Seminari Master di Armonica 2008 a Trossinger - Germania
Le Date della Convention NAA 2009 e USA/Canada Accordion Network
La Velikorusskogo Orchestra arriva al 120° Anniversario - Russia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘Vivat Accordion’, Klaipeda – Lithuania
Aidar Gaynullin Performances - Russia
Eichholzer Castle Concert, Wesseling - Germany
Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK
Alexander Mitenev Returns, Kaliningrad - Russia
Emir Bosnjak Wins Roland V-Accordion Festival, Denmark

Future events

Fall Polka Festival, Pennsylvania – USA
Guy Klucevsek Recital, Texas – USA
Accordion Demonstrations, Pontoise – France
Duo Balyk on stage in Salzburg – Austria
“Incontri”…next appearances with La Damigiana - Italy

New and Updated Sites

New Music - 'I Like It'
November Edition of USA Accordion News - USA

CD Reviews

Il Giardino di Sofia

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Primo piano

Conferenza Stampa, Roland V Accordion Finale - Italia

Roland - the sound of the future
Roland V-Accordion Festival logoCon una conferenza stampa Roland ha annunciato la finale internazionale del Roland V-Accordion Festival a Roma – Italia. Visita “2008 Rome Finals” per vedere fotografie e conoscere il programma completo della conferenza.

Il Roland V-Accordion Festival si terrà nel prestigioso Auditorio Parco della Musica a Roma. Durante la conferenza stampa sono stati annunciati finalisti provenienti da 17 Paesi diversi, sono stati presentati i membri della giuria e fornite tutte le informazioni riguardo l’evento.

Il 7 e l’8 Novembre i report giornalieri del Roland V-Accordion Festival saranno online su: 2008 Rome Finals


Grande Successo della 61a Coupe Mondiale, Glasgow - GB

coupe_posterLa 61a edizione della Coupe Mondiale CIA in Scozia ha attirato un numero record di partecipanti, delegati e appassionati da oltre 30 Paesi diversi, raccolti ed organizzati per questo evento annuale dalla Confédération International des Accordéonistes (CIA), ospitata quest’anno dal membro CIA del Regno Unito, il NAO (National Accordion Organization).

Ecco I vincitori:
Coupe Mondiale - Uladzislau Plihauka (Bielorussia)
Junior Coupe Mondiale - Momir Novakovic (Serbia)
International Competition for Piano Accordion - Marko Miletic (Serbia)
Virtuoso Entertainment - Eduard Akhanov (Russia)
Junior Virtuoso Entertainment - Benoit Nortier (Francia)
International Competition for Chamber Music - Yulia Amerikova e Alexander Selivanov (Russia).
Tutti I risultati e il report completo dell’evento : Scotland Daily Reports.

I Delegati presenti alla 120a Assemblea Generale, come i rappresentanti delle quattro più antiche e prestigiose competizioni fisarmonicistiche CMA, Klingenthal, Castelfidardo e CIA hanno tenuto un primo, storico, incontro, dimostrando la volontà di perseguire un futuro comune di intenti e di solidarietà negli obiettivi con grande riguardo verso i giovani artisti che amano le competizioni internazionali.

I 144 membri della ‘CIA World Accordion Orchestra II’ hanno suonato la prima di una nuova composizione: 'Film Noir: City at Night', del compositore di Los Angeles Leonard Stack, sotto la direzione di Joan Sommers (USA), oltre ad altri brani condotti dai noti direttori di fisorchestre del Regnio Unito Brian Laurie, Graham Laurie, Ronnie Brown e Elaine Beecham.

La responsabile dell’organizzazione della Coupe Mondiale 2008, e Vice Presidente Onoraria CIA 2008, Anna Bodell ed il responsabile del NAO Graham Laurie hanno concluso la spettacolare settimana invitando tutti i presenti al tradizionale ballo Scottish Ceilidh, condotto dal fisarmonicista Gary Blair.

Per un report dettagliato sulle attività di ogni giornata, visitare: 2008 Scotland Daily Reports.


Seminari Master di Armonica 2008 a Trossinger - Germania

Steve BakerHohner bannerOrganizzato a Trossingen dal 29 Ottobre al 2 Novembre 2008, questo evento vede quali docenti Steve Baker, Joe Filisko, David Barrett, Carlos del Junco (Seminario Master), Dieter Kropp (Seminario per Principianti Blues, 1 e 2 Novembre), Dick Bird (chitarra); Sessione accompagnamenti: Dick Bird (chitarra) / Georg Schroeter (pianoforte).

L’evento è organizzato dalla Città di Trossingen in cooperazione col l’Hohner-Konservatorium Trossingen e sponsorizzato dalla Hohner Gmbh., Direzione Artistica (Steve Baker).

Nel novembre 2003, Steve Baker ha unito le sue forze con l’Ufficio delle Cultura di Trossingen per presentare il primo “Harmonica Masters Workshops” a Trossingen, Germania, città della società tedesca Hohner. Questo evento annuale è unico in Europa e combina seminari diversi per alcuni giorni, pensato per preparare musicisti professionisti e didatti, con concerti serali e sessioni aperte al pubblico.

Verrà data molta enfasi allo stile contemporaneo ed alle tecniche di esecuzione sull’armonica Richter diatonica e sull’armonica blues. L’oggetto esatto di studio sarà stabilito in accordo tra i docenti e gli studenti.

Per maggiori informazioni:HMW 2008 Brochure English and HMW 2008 pdf -Deutsch


Le Date della Convention NAA 2009 e USA/Canada Accordion Network

Norman Seaton, NAA PresidentLe date della National Accordion Convention 2009 di Dallas organizzata dalla National Accordion Association Incorporated (NAA) sono 11-15 Marzo 2009. La NAA è nata nel 1986 sotto la direzione di Norman e Sharon Seaton ed è cresciuta molto velocemente.

I responsabili della National Accordion Association (NAA) annunciano un nuovo sito internet su Accordions Worldwide, con l’intento di mettere in contatto le associazioni, i club, le società, I festival ed ogni altro significativo evento connesso alla fisarmonica negli USA e in Canada. Visitate il sito su http://NationalAccordion.org

Al momento il sito è solo a livello iniziale, i reponsabili sono già al lavoro per aggiornarlo man mano che ricevono informazioni dalle organizzazioni di USA e Canada, con lo scopo di completare il sito entro Dicembre 2008. La NAA sta cercando uno sponsor per il nuovo sito web e per la propria convention annuale.


La Velikorusskogo Orchestra arriva al 120° Anniversario - Russia

Velikorusskogo Orchestra
Il 26 Ottobre nella Rostov State Philharmonic Great Hall, una platea completa in ogni ordine di posti ha presenziato al concerto per la celebrazione del 120° anniversario della famosa Velikorusskogo Orchestra degli strumenti folk della Russia, che fu creata da V.V. Andreev! L’orchestra include anche 4 fisarmoniche.

Al concerto hanno partecipato oltre 10 orchestre di strumenti folcloristici russi provenienti da tutta la regione del Rostov.

L’organizzatore del concerto è stato il direttore dell’orchestra "Don", Krikor Hurdayan, Professore al Conservatorio di Stato di Rostov S V Rachmaninov. Anche il celebre fisarmonicista di Rostov Alex Shalygin ha suonato al concerto

Alla fine del concerto, le orchestre riunite, che superavano I 100 componenti, hanno suonato una famosa “Polacca” composta da V.V. Andreev!


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘Vivat Accordion’, Klaipeda – Lithuania

Vivat Accordion Participants
Vivat Accordion PosterThe 2008 International Accordion Festival ‘Vivat Accordion’ finished very successfully a few days ago in Klaipeda, Lithuania.

Established in 1998, the festival featured a number of prominent musicians, including Yuri Medianik, Sergey Osokin, Aidar Gaynulin and Pavel Fenyuk.

Along with concerts in an acoustically perfect organ chapel, there were master classes and seminars organised on a daily basis.

This year the festival program featured both well known and new names. Three big concerts were given respectively by the Saratov Accordion Trio (with participation of Liudmila Slekonyte), bandoneonist Alexander Mitenev, from The Netherlands, together with the Klaipeda Chamber orchestra, performed Astor Piazzolla’s ‘Aconcagua Concerto’ for bandoneon, and music by Argentinean composer Gustavo Beytelmann. Miroslav Lelyukh, with his new project ‘M-Light’, played jazz and valse musette. Server Abkerimov (Professor from Moscow Gnesin’s Music Academy), together with Miroslav Lelyukh, closed the festival playing chamber music with the participation of Gennady Savkov, a member of Lithuanian Accordion Duet.

The festival was attended by hundreds of accordion lovers from all over Lithuania. Year by year ‘Vivat Accordion’ becomes an increasingly very remarkable accordion event in the Baltic. The next festival will be held in October 2010. The Artistic Director of the festival is Robertas Uzgalis.

For further information: u.robertas@gmail.com


Aidar Gaynullin Performances - Russia

Aidar Gaynullin & Olga RostropovichThe festival ‘Crescendo’ was a special event organized in the occasion of the fifth anniversary of "Baltic seasons" - the largest Russian regional festival of arts. This year its concerts took place in Kaliningrad, St.-Petersburg, Moscow and Tel Aviv from October 1st to 10th.

The closing Gala concert of IV musical festival ‘Crescendo’ held in the St.-Petersburg academic philharmonic society on October 9th and 10th brought together the best representatives of the new generation of Russian musicians and stars of world size in the concert hall named after P.Tchaikovsky.

The performance of the musicians was broadcasted on the central television channel ‘Culture’. Led by Denis Matsuev, artistic director of festival, violinist Sergey Krylov, cellist Sergey Antonov, oboist Alexey Ogrinchuk, trumpeter Sergey Nakarjakov, pianist Miroslav Kultyshev and bayanist Aidar Gaynullin were performing on stage.

The program of the concerts in the northern capital included works by Enescu, Arban, Bizet-Sarasate, Ponchielli, Liszt, Piazzolla, Rimsky-Korsakov and Prokofiev accompanied by the Ural Academic Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Dmitry Liss.

After this festival Aidar Gaynullin has performed at a concert in memory of maestro MstislavRostropovich in the Kennedy Centre in Washington organized by his daughter Olga Rostropovich (the president of the fund of Mstislav Rostropovich).

From October 24th until November 7th, Aidar Gajnullin is performing solo concerts in different cities of Russia.


Eichholzer Castle Concert, Wesseling - Germany

Wesseling Accordion Orchestra Ensemble
‘Contrasts’ - that was the motto of the ‘Eichholzer Castle Concert’ organized by the music forum Wesseling with Mirjam Schroeder, harp, and the ensemble of the Accordion Orchestra Wesseling, taking place on October 22nd. A contrast not only between harp and accordion or solo and ensembles.

The Professor of Wesseling presented the "classic" harp sounds with the work "Introduction, Cadenza and Rondo" by Elias Parish-Alvars, also called "Liszt the Harp", and the Impromptu op 86 by Gabrel Fauré, but also unusual sounds in contemporary composition "With silver thorns ... " by Jörg-Peter Mittmann - atonal and sometimes grotesque.

The second half of the 25th anniversary concert was dedicated to the ensemble Accordion Orchestra Wesseling which was founded 25 years ago. From their extremely wide-ranging repertoire they presented a selection of original compositions for accordion and a spectrum of music, that ranged from compositions with themes of early music, combined with elements of swing, a neo-classical suite, the new music belong, to folkloric music from Argentina and Ireland.

With their enthusiasm the six amateur musicians stunned the audience with baroque swing pieces such as ‘Partita Piccola’, by Christine Bol. The concert included "The Londondary Air" - the fast folk dances Reel and Jig - with rigorous rhythm, stylized motifs present solo passages as well as tutti-passages.

With this work, the ensemble participated at the ‘2nd Rudolf Würthner Cup’, in 1987 in Trossingen. A technically and musically high level competition where from 60 worldwide participating orchestras they placed 11th, with "excellent" honours.


Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK

Colin Dewar SDBThe 2008 Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival took place from October 9th to 13th, and was another resounding success. Organised by the Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Club, the festival took place in a dozen venues.

The visiting guests included the Colin Dewar SDB, Duncan Black SDB, James Coutts SDB, Niall Kirkpatrick SDB, Tom Orr SDB, Nicky McMichan SDB, Craig Paton, George Balfour, Mark Cummine, Ian Robertson, Willie Johnstone, Liz Doherty, Larry Gavin, Terje Martinsen, Lynne Christie, and Neil Copland.

A DVD, ‘The 21st Shetland Accordion & Fiddle Festival’, featuring many of these bands and accordionists has been issued.

For further information email: info@concordemusic.com


Alexander Mitenev Returns, Kaliningrad - Russia

Alexander Mitenev (bandoneon), Grigory Palamarchuk (piano) and Miroslav Lelyukh (accordion)Russian bandoneonist Alexander Mitenev, presently living and studying in the Netherlands, played a concert in the most western region of Kaliningrad in Russia. The concert took place in the Russian-German Cultural Centre and hosted a capacity audience of 300. Alexander Mitenev played tango compositions by Anibalo Troilo, Enrique Delfino, Francisco de Caro, and his own transcriptions for bandoneon from different music genres.

In the second part of the concert Alexander was accompanied by Miroslav Lelyukh on accordion and pianist Grigory Palamarchuk, and this trio played music by Astor Piazzolla.

Alexander (previously an accordion student of Professor Nikolay Kravtsov, St. Petersburg), started working closely together with tango communities since 2005, playing on numerous milongas and festivals. These include ‘Tango of White Nights’ (Russia), ‘Sata-Hame Soi’ (Finland), ‘Tango Fest’ (Sweden), and ‘Ransater Festival’ (Sweden).

In 2005 Alexander bought his first ‘Alfred Arnold’ bandoneon, and was self-taught, including it step by step into his performances. The following year, 2006, Alexander appeared as a soloist in the premiere of the opera ‘Maria de Buenos Aires’ in Moscow, together with Pablo Zinger, Leonardo Granados, Juan Villareal, and other great musicians.

In 2007 Alexander Mitenev began studies in Rotterdam Conservatory with maestros Leo Vervelde, Victor Hugo Villena and Gustavo Beytelmann.


Emir Bosnjak Wins Roland V-Accordion Festival, Denmark

Emir BosnjakThe winner of the Danish V-Accordion Festival 2008 is Emir Bosnjak, from Aalborg, who has impressed us with his enormous talent. There was no trace of doubt that we would like Emir to be our contestant at the international V-Accordion festival in Rome.

Emir Bosnjak, originally from Bosnia, took his music teacher degree in 2000 majoring in accordion, graduating in 2001. In 2003, he completed a two-yearclassical post graduate course at the Soloist class Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus.

His musical background of classical music, Bosnian folk music, love of French musette, passion for Tango, inspired a press report: “Bosnjak will undoubtedly have a great and probably innovative significance for the expansion of his instrument on several fields.”

Emir Bosnjak has performed with the Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, Aarhus Sinfonieta and Randers Chamber Orchestra. As a composer he has written and released music for the accordion and computer, string quartet, tango trio, as well as film music for several Danish motion pictures. Lately Emir Bosnjak has worked as composer and conductor at Aarhus Theatre with famous Danish actor/instructor Soren Ostergaard.

For further information email: mette.danielsen@roland.dk


Future events

Fall Polka Festival, Pennsylvania – USA

Eddie Blazonczyk's VersatonesThe 34th Fall Polka Festival takes place from 5pm, October 31st until 5pm, November 2nd at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort, 777 Water Wheel Dr, Champion, Pennsylvania.

Bands appearing include Eddie Blazonczyk's Versatones, Polka Family, America's Polka Sweetheart - Stephanie Pietrzak, The Knewz, Stas Golonka & The Chicago Masters, Ray Jay & The Carousels, The Dynabrass, Buffalo Concertina All Stars, and The Nu-Tones.

For further information email: BelAire7208@aol.com


Guy Klucevsek Recital, Texas – USA


On Saturday, November 8th, 2pm, Guy Klucevsek will present a solo accordion recital of original works from his album ‘The Well-Tampered Accordion’ (Winter & Winter) at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas.

For further information email: gklucevsek@si.rr.com


Accordion Demonstrations, Pontoise – France

The Accordion Club in Pontoise, situated in the North West suburbs of Paris, organises a series of accordion demonstrations on November 9th, December 14th, and January 25th 2009. The organiser is Josiane Legoff.

For further information email: josiane.legoff@orange.fr


Duo Balyk on stage in Salzburg – Austria

The Duo Balyk – bayan and domra - perform at the Michael Haydn Gedenkstätte, Stift St. Peter, 5020 Salzburg, on November 22nd, 7.30pm.

For further information email: office@akkordeonstage.com


“Incontri”…next appearances with La Damigiana - Italy

The well known folk-group La Damigiana will be seen and heard at:

7/11 ore 10.30 ed ore 12.30 : Klaus + Turisti
8/11 ore 21.30 Falconara Notte Rosa
9/11 ore 16,30 Ripe Casa di Riposo
9/11 ore 17.00 Torrette di Ancona Auto e Moto Raduno
14/11 ore 20.00 a Belvedere Ostrense Festa Cantine

For information e-mail: sergio.badialetti@telecomitalia.it


New and Updated Sites

New Music - 'I Like It'

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online. 'I Like It'. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


November Edition of USA Accordion News - USA

The November editions of the USA News will be online tomorrow.


CD Reviews

Il Giardino di Sofia

carlotti_cdPopular – National: these are terms used repaetedly when one wisjes to talk bout the more banal aspects of Italian culture.

CD Reviews Index.


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