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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Mar-2018
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Primo piano

2018 Concorso internazionale e Festival "Accordion Plus", Rostov-on-Don - Russia
Vitto e Alloggio Completo per i Candidati Stranieri 2018 Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - Cina
III Festival "Bayan, Accordion, Harmonica", Mosca - Russia
11° Annual Kevin Friedrich and Friends Concerto Dargaville Museum- Nuova Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

CIA Merit Award for Oswaldinho Do Acordeon - Brazil
Sam O’Doherty (1946-2018), Tipperary – Irish Republic
Stockport Accordion Band @ North Staffs Accordion Club, Stoke – UK

Future events

Paris-Moscow Master Class & Concert, Castanet Tolosan - France
Pierre Andre & Orchestra Grand Tea Dance, Saint Sornin – France
Wayne Robertson @ North East Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Gianni Mirizzi performs in ‘Scherzi del…Cechov’, Torre del Greco (NA) – Italy
Houston Zydeco Festival, Texas - USA
Craven Accordion Orchestra performs for dancing, Skipton – UK
Antonio Spaccarotella performs with Orchestra, Bacău – Romania
Duo Ranas 2018 European Tour – Switzerland, Germany, Italy

New and Updated Sites

Updated site: Competition Information Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) - USA
Updated Site: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips
AAA Website Update - Newsletters online updated
Updated Site: South Pacific Championships New Entry Form online - New Zealand

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Primo piano

2018 Concorso internazionale e Festival "Accordion Plus", Rostov-on-Don - Russia

I più grandi in Russia, il IX Festival Internazionale e il VIII Concorso Internazionale "Accordion Plus" hanno avuto luogo a Rostov-on-Don dal 23 al 27 marzo, organizzati dall’International Music Center "Harmony".

Hanno partecipato più di 500 ospiti e partecipanti a questo grandioso festival da tutte le parti della Russia e dall'estero e oltre 3.000 spettatori hanno partecipato ai concerti.

Per la prima volta nella storia della Corea del Sud, la Kim Korea Accordion Pops Orchestra è arrivata in Russia e si è esibita con successo alla competizione, classificandosi al primo posto.

Accordion Plus è stato inaugurato il 23 marzo con un concerto da solista del Grand Prix del 2017 "Accordion Plus" Alexey Murza (Odessa). Quella sera, Yuri Shishkin si è esibto nella sala grande del Rostov-on-Don Philharmonic.

Nella prima parte ha eseguito delle trascrizioni e nella seconda parte sono stati presentati nuovi lavori. Sonata n. 4 "Fusion" di Viatcheslav Semionov è stata eseguita da Yuri Shishkin e la prima mondiale di Sonatina "Francesca" di Semionov è stata eseguita dal vincitore delle competizioni internazionali Petr Yarinenko. Yuri Shishkin ha anche eseguito la prima della suite di Galina Gontarenko "Behind the Scenes of the Theater".

Il giorno successivo si è svolto il concerto "Jazz-Cruise", in cui si è esibito il virtuoso francese Julien Gonzales, insieme ai vincitori delle competizioni internazionali Aleksandar Kolovsky (Macedonia), Anna Kryshtaleva, Tatiana Ovsyannikova (Rostov-on-Don).

La stessa serata ha visto la partecipazione di Alexander Poeluev insieme al quintetto jazz "New Centropezn" e alla jazz-band della scuola intitolata a Kim Nazaretov diretta da A. Matchnev.

Il 25 marzo si è svolto il concerto "Revived Pages". Questo era un concerto di musica per bambini interpretato da giovani musicisti. Nel concerto, il fisarmonicista cinese Van Baoshang si è esibito con grande successo.

Il festival si è concluso il 26 marzo con un importante concerto con la Kim Korea Accordion Pops Orchestra, V. Murza (Odessa), Victor Romanko (Ekaterinburg), A. Chromov (Samara), trio "Charm" (S-Petersburg) e da Mosca " Vivat, Accordion!" (Valentina Bobysheva).

Grand Prix "Accordion Plus 2018" è stato il duetto "Fusion" da Mosca di I. Savina e N. Ukrainsky.

L’International Music Center "Harmony" ringrazia tutti gli sponsor e gli amici per il loro aiuto nell'organizzazione di "Accordion Plus" 2018.

Risultati completi: 2018PlusResults.pdf


Vitto e Alloggio Completo per i Candidati Stranieri 2018 Harbin Summer International Accordion Art Week - Cina

2018 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week
Prof. Wang HongyuHarbin PosterRegole aggiornate in lingua cinese, modulo di iscrizione aggiornato in cinese e inglese e poster scaricabile all'indirizzo: 2018Harbin
Chiusura delle iscrizioni: 30 giugno 2018

Il direttore artistico di Harbin 2018 è il prof. Wang Hongyu (foto a sinistra), decano del Music College della Harbin Normal University, invita tutti i candidati stranieri e li informa che il comitato organizzatore di Harbin offre vitto e alloggio durante la competizione per i candidati stranieri.

Il Prof. Wang Hongyu e il Comitato Organizzatore di Harbin hanno gestito Harbin 2010, Harbin 2012, Harbin 2014, Harbin 2016 Summer International Accordion Art Week e Competizioni, che hanno attratto oltre 500 concorrenti di cui molti non cinesi.


III Festival "Bayan, Accordion, Harmonica", Mosca - Russia

III Festival  “Bayan, Accordion, Harmonica”
Alexander SelivanovIl festival "Bayan, Accordion, Harmonica" si tiene a Khimki, Mosca, dal 20 al 22 aprile 2018. Il primo festival si è tenuto nel 2013.

Quest'anno il festival si svolge grazie alle sovvenzioni del Presidente della Federazione Russa per lo sviluppo della società civile fornite dalla Presidential Grants Foundation, con il sostegno del Ministero della Cultura della Regione di Mosca e del "Moscow Governorate College of Arts".

Il direttore artistico e fondatore del festival-concorso è Alexander Selivanov (foto a destra), professore associato presso la scuola di musica Gnesin di Mosca, vincitore di concorsi internazionali e presidente in carica del Comitato Musicale della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).

Ogni festival ha una giuria altamente professionale composta da musicisti di fama mondiale e insegnanti eminenti. Quest'anno sono stati invitati musicisti e insegnanti di spicco provenienti da Italia, Croazia, Bielorussia e dalla Russia, da Mosca, San Pietroburgo, Belgorod, Samara, Surgut e Saratov.

Alcuni nomi della giuria sono: Mirco Patarini, Sergey Voitenko, Vladislav Pligovka, Eduard Akhanov, Vladimir Orlov, Marjan Krajna e altre stelle della fisarmonica.

2018 Regolamento in russo: 2018BAG.pdf

Tradizionalmente, ci sarà una selezione di giovani artisti che rappresenteranno la Russia alla Coupe Mondiale 2018 a settembre in Lituania.

Oltre ai riconoscimenti e ai diplomi, i vincitori riceveranno anche premi in denaro per il 1°, 2° e 3° posto e Grand Prix.

La struttura del festival comprende non solo le gare, ma anche un ampio sistema di master class per i partecipanti al fine di migliorare le loro abilità, sviluppare orizzonti musicali e consapevolezza nell'auto-presentazione come rappresentante della scuola performativa russa, corsi di aggiornamento professionale per insegnanti di scuole musicali con l'emissione di certificati, concerti delle stelle della fisarmonica più un'esposizione di strumenti di fisarmonicisti russi e stranieri.

Per ulteriori informazioni, e-mail: konkursbag@gmail.com
2016 Contestants


11° Annual Kevin Friedrich and Friends Concerto Dargaville Museum- Nuova Zelanda

Kevin Friedrich, Christchurch Accordion Orchestra
2018 Dargaville concert posterNella foto sopra: Kevin Friedrich, sotto la Christchurch Accordion Orchestra.

Il Lighthouse Function Center di Dargaville, in Nuova Zelanda, è stato riempito fino al limite per l’11° Annual Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich and Friends, uno show con fisarmonicisti e animatori provenienti da tutta la Nuova Zelanda.

La Christchurch Accordion Orchestra sotto la direzione di David Thorne ha aperto lo spettacolo eseguendo una selezione di elementi.

Altri intrattenitori sono stati Heather Mitchell-Gladstone, QSM (voce e fisarmonica), Alexandra Reekie (voce e pianoforte), Roslyn Gilmour e Dennise Brownlie come il famoso duo neozelandese Topp Twins, Maurice Jones (piano) Lionel Reekie (fisarmonica e voce) e Alanah Jones (cantante), Alison Worthington e Harley Jones (duo di fisarmoniche) e Ken Cashin che ha preparato una presentazione multimediale mostrando anni di iconici neozelandesi e Kiwi-ana.

L'ospite del concerto Kevin Friedrich ha eseguito una serie di opere di fisarmonica tra cui la rarissima Whangarei March, una Suite originale di quattro pezzi chiamata Rehutai che ha composto per l'esclusiva fisarmonica diatonica Kauri, la prima del pezzo per fisarmonica e pianoforte Song of the Far North del celebre compositore neozelandese Gary Daverne e il magnifico Cinderella di Alexey Arkhipovskiy, (arr. A. Poeluev), per il quale si è esibito con l'undicenne Alina Reekie che ha ballato la storia di Cenerentola.

Una raccolta fondi della comunità per il Dargaville Museum, la sede della mostra permanente di Kevin ‘Accordion Gems, A Master Collection of Accordions Through Time', il 12° concerto annuale si terrà il 29 marzo 2019.

Foto in basso, pubblico e Kevin Friedrich con l'esclusiva fisarmonica Kauri
Altre foto: 2018Dargaville
Audience, Kevin Friedrich


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

CIA Merit Award for Oswaldinho Do Acordeon - Brazil

CIA header
Oswaldinho Do AcordeonAt the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Winter Congress in Kokkola was approved CIA Merit Award for Oswaldinho Do Acordeon of Brazil.

The official citation from Brazil includes:
Born Oswaldinho De Almeida e Silva, his first diatonic accordion of only eight basses, a gift from his father, began the accordion career path of the popular accordionist known to the people of Brazil as Oswaldinho do Acordeon.

The family moved to São Paulo and at age eight, Oswaldinho began to study piano, because there was virtually no accordion teachers in the city. At age 12 Oswaldinho began performing professionally with his father at Continental records and in 1976 Oswaldinho met the Italian teacher Dante D'Alonzo and started to study in earnest.

Oswaldinho studied classical music for 13 years, including being a pupil of Paul Feola at the "Conservatory Santa Clara." His talent earned him a scholarship to the Conservatory Dante Milan (Italy) in 1984 and Oswaldinho do Acordeon performed at the World Championships Accordion Festival to international acclaim.

From there began a professional career of many recordings with the bigger stars of MPB , festival performances and concerts in France, Switzerland, New York and the most in Brazil.

His career keeps a huge memory of recordings with the bigger stars of MPB and had the opportunity to open a All Jarreau concert, France and had many participations projects such as Pixinguinha, US-TOP, Free Jazz Festival, Rock In Rio, many other festivals in France, Switzerland, New York and Brazil.

(This part is not clear to me - I will ask Mirco to please translate - ) His talent was also present at MTV Acoustic Rita Lee, MTV Acoustic Cassia Eller, DVD SPC - Only For Counter, Show of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil - Network Globe, Festival of Amiens, France (2003), TIM Award 2008 (Tribute to Dominguinhos) and was winner this same award in 2005 - Best Album "Cada Um Belisca um Pouco" - Instrumental category.

Oswaldinho also performed with the many orchestras such as the Jazz Symphony São Paulo, Chamber Orchestra of Curitiba, Paraná Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra of St. Andrew, Experimental Repertoire Orchestra, Youth Orchestra of the State, Children and Youth Guitar Orchestra, Band Symphony of São Paulo, Santos Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra of Porto Alegre, Band Cubatão Symphony.

Oswaldinho discography had recorded 24 albums by 2003 when he released the CD "Asa Branca Blues," which shows his versatility inside one of the great classics of Brazilian music with a full version of Blues news and timbres.

Oswaldinho made many musical partnerships and also worked to record and promote the cultural music of Brazil including his latest work titled "Forró Chorado" - a brilliant retelling of the eternal "Choro" traditional rhythm of forró. Nominated for Latin Grammy in 2012 in the category "Best Album Regional Brazilian music ", this work came to consecrate the versatility and brilliant career of this icon Brazilian music which is Oswaldinho do Acordeon.

In 2014 launches “O Samba do Rei do Baião” in partnership with the singer Socorro Lira, with unpublished compositions of Luiz Gonzaga. At the same year, he made a major international tour to Europre, performing in Germany, France, Italy and Belgium.

In 2015 he made his another international tour going to Germany and France and later that year recorded a documentary about his life and a big concert in São Paulo broadcast on national network by TVSESC.

In 2016, Oswaldinho was invited to perform at “São João do CUMBE”, in Euclides da Cunha (Bahia BR), his father’s hometown in honor of his memory. Right after, he attended the Brazil “Scandalli Day” event with Renato Borghetti, Mirco Patarini and Albino Manique.

This Year, 2018, Oswaldinho celebrates his 50 years of career, releasing a new project and album that will provide a deep trip thru his own accordion legacy.
Oswaldinho Do Acordeon


Sam O’Doherty (1946-2018), Tipperary – Irish Republic

Sam O’DohertySam O’Doherty, from Country Tipperary, a 3-row diatonic accordionist and singer, passed away on March 23rd at the age of 70. Sam was a popular entertainer who played for dancing in Ireland since the 1970s, and in the 1970s performed extensively in the USA and Canada, where he was known as “The man from the Glen”. He also worked with the singer Nick McCarthy as the duo ‘Mac & O’, performing concerts and making recordings.

He was greatly respected by his contemporaries, and his wake at his local pub Nellies in Bansha, a village in County Tipperary, was very appropriately a mighty music session involving fellow accordionists Dermot Lyons, Peter Burke, and many more.

He is survived by his wife Kate, sons Shane and Sammy, daughters Kay, Saine, Samantha and Aisling, sons-in-law, partners, grandchildren, brother Thomas, sister Teresa, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, nieces, relatives and friends.


Stockport Accordion Band @ North Staffs Accordion Club, Stoke – UK

Rob HowardStockport Accordion Band’s visit as guests at the North Staffs Accordion Club on March 20th was an enjoyable concert, though not without some problems beforehand with the unavoidable withdrawal of the ladies quartet Accordion Spice and soloist Helen Rich. The Band’s programme was extended and Rob Howard (picture right) was drafted in at very short notice to do a solo spot.

The Band (using five conductors – Tony Ainscough, Adrienne Sharpe, Marj Howard, Dennis Pepler and Brennan Wilson – though not all at the same time!) played Bluebell Polka, Las Chiapanecas, Donauwellan, Myfanwy, Wien bleibt Wien, O’Carolan’s Concerto, After the Ball, Bells Across the Meadow, Simple Gifts, Amapola, Schneewalzer, Barbara Polka, Vienna City of my Dreams, Moonlight Serenade, Accordion Friends, My Way, Liberty Bell, Somewhere my Love, Policeman’s Song (by Gilbert & Sullivan, featuring humorous vocals by Ged Sweeney, dressed in police uniform), and New York, New York.

The club’s Scottish Quartet did a lively set of Scottish dance music, and Rob Howard performed a medley of music from Lionel Bart’s ‘Oliver!’. The programme went down well with the North Staffs regulars, and the evening was completed with a pie and peas supper plus an accordion sales stall.

After arriving back in Stockport it transpired that the conductors’ metal stand had been left on the coach, and the following morning the club learned that the coach had already departed for a week-long tour of Ireland!

This unexpected turn of events resulted in many members’ comments, such as “That sounds pretty Irish!!!!”, “Well let’s hope it has a good time and brings back some Guinness ????????”, “God, if I'd have known that I'd have gone with it”, and “Hilarious. Lucky music stand. Hope it has a good time. Jealous!”.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Future events

Paris-Moscow Master Class & Concert, Castanet Tolosan - France

Paris-Moscow Master Class & ConcertThe Paris-Moscow Duo – Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov – hold an accordion master class from Saturday March 31st to Monday April 2nd, 9am until 6pm (9am until 3pm on the Monday), at l’école de musique de Castanet (music school), Castanet Tolosan, organised by MJC de Castanet. The duo will also perform in concert on Monday April 2nd at 6pm. Castanet-Tolosan is a commune in the Haute-Garonne department in southwestern France.

Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine began performing together in 1998, and have performed in France, Russia, Denmark, Italy, Poland, China, Portugal, Lithuania, Canada, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. Domi Emorine’s achievements include winning the CIA Coupe Mondiale, CMA Trophée Mondial, Concours International de Klingenthal, and the Prix de la Sacem. Roman Jbanov’s achievements include Grand Prize Beloborodov in Tula (Russia), Scholarship of the President of the Russian Republic, and the CMA Trophée Mondial.

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


Pierre Andre & Orchestra Grand Tea Dance, Saint Sornin – France

Poster: Pierre Andre & Orchestra Grand Tea Dance
Accordionist Pierre Andre and his Orchestra play for a Grand Tea Dance on Easter Monday afternoon, April 2nd, 2pm, at Saint Sornin 16, France.

Saint-Sornin is a commune in the Charente-Maritime department in southwestern France.

Pierre Andre has performed all around France since the 1970s and is a prolific recording artist, with many CDs and DVDs available through his website www.pierreandre-siteofficiel.com

For further information email: pierreandre-music@sfr.fr


Wayne Robertson @ North East Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Wayne RobertsonOn Tuesday April 3rd, 7.30pm, accordionist Wayne Robertson is the guest at the North East Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is The Royal British Legion, Balloch Rd, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5EN, north-east Scotland.

Wayne Robertson, from Arbroath, a four times All Scotland Junior Champion, is a very versatile and experienced accordionist and also a dance band leader.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Gianni Mirizzi performs in ‘Scherzi del…Cechov’, Torre del Greco (NA) – Italy

Gianni MirizziOn Friday April 6th, 6pm, accordionist Gianni Mirizzi performs in a show, ‘Scherzi del…Cechov’, at Teatro Studio 4, Torre del Greco (NA).

Gianni Mirizzi, initially inspired by Pino di Modugno, studied the accordion with Giancarlo Caporilli in Rome and later with Emanuele Rastelli. He has taught the accordion in schools, performed many concerts, made numerous recordings, performed internationally, and formed his own dance orchestra. In 2008 he joined the ‘Musictech Digital Accordion Orchestra’, the first digital accordion orchestra that performed in Castelfidardo (Ancona) on the occasion of the 33rd ‘International Festival of Accordion’.

For further information email: teatrostudioquattro@libero.it


Houston Zydeco Festival, Texas - USA

Houston Zydeco Festival,The Houston Zydeco Festival on Saturday April 7th, 1pm until 10pm, is an annual one day festival showcasing Zydeco music from Texas and Louisiana, filled with amazing music, tasty food and great fun. There will be a variety of food vendors selling creole dishes, BBQ and crawfish. The festival venue is the Bayou Event Center, 9401 Knight Road, Houston, TX 77045.

The bands guest list includes Lil Nate & The Zydeco Big Tymers, Brian Jack & The Zydeco Gamblers, Keyun & The Zydeco Masters, Ruben Moreno & Zydeco Re-Evolution, Lil Jabb & The Zydeco Soldiers, and the festival DJ is Jack Frost.

For further information email: houstonzydecofest@gmail.com


Craven Accordion Orchestra performs for dancing, Skipton – UK

Craven Accordion Orchestra
Craven Accordion Orchestra posterThe Craven Accordion Orchestra performs for dancing on Saturday April 7th, 8pm until 11pm, at Skipton Town Hall, West Yorkshire. The Craven Accordion Orchestra have the pleasure of a guest musical director at this function, former army bandsman Mr Bob Nevin MA, BA (Hons), Cert.Ed., RN.Also performing will be the AW School of Dance. The format of the evening is dancing alla “come dancing” to a live orchestra with typical items such as tango, waltz, cha cha, etc. Renowned teacher, adjudicator and examiner Andrea Wortley (IDTA) with members of her AW School of Dance will also be presenting various demonstrations. Light tea is included in the ticket price of £10, tickets available from the Craven Accordion Orchestra.

Founded in 1995, the Craven Accordion Orchestra (MD Harry Hinchcliffe) has competed often in NAO regional and national competitions, performs frequently in concerts, has recorded two CDs, and performed on local radio.

For further information email: cravenschoolofmusic@hotmail.co.uk


Antonio Spaccarotella performs with Orchestra, Bacău – Romania

Antonio Spaccarotella posterOn Tuesday April 10th, 6.30pm, Italian accordionist and composer Antonio Spaccarotella performs as guest with the Orchestra Filarmonica, conducted by Valentin Doni, at the sala Ateneu, Strada Razboieni 22, Bacau 600032, Romania.

Also performing as guests with the Orchestra Filarmonica are Carlo Torlontano – alphorn, and Marcello Giancarlo Dellacasa – guitar.

The concert programme includes: Lidia Ciubuc – ‘Periplus’, Giovanni D’Aquila – ‘The great Horn of Helm’, Leopold Mozart – ‘Sinfonia Pastorella’, Hector Villa Lobos – ‘Concert pentru chitara’, and Antonio Spaccarotella – ‘Suria  Oriental Tango’, arranged for orchestra by Renzo Ruggieri.


Duo Ranas 2018 European Tour – Switzerland, Germany, Italy

Duo Ranas
The Duo Ranas, formed in 2005, are Leandro Schnaider - bandoneon and Pablo Schiaffino – piano. For many years they have been the resident musicians in the famous Café Tortoni in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and have also performed at numerous festivals and milongas in Germany, Poland, Estonia, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, South Korea, Uruguay, and Argentina.

During April and May the Duo Ranas are on a European Tour, as follows:

April 26th – Wil, Switzerland
April 27th – Bonn, Germany
April 28th – Heidelberg, Germany
April 29th – Munster, Germany
April 30th – Berlin, Germany
May 3rd – Essen, Germany
May 4th – Aarau, Switzerland
May 5th – Aarau, Switzerland
May 6th, 7th, 8th – preparing the Martina Hug Band
May 9th – Chur, Switzerland (Martina Hug Band)
May 10th – Stampa, Switzerland (Martina Hug Band)
May 11th – Zurich, Switzerland
May 12th – Steisslingen, Germany
May 13th – Lucerne, Switzerland
May 14th – Venice, Italy
May 15th – Bolzano, Italy
May 16th – Munich, Germany
May 17th – Berne, Switzerland (Martina Hug Band)
May 18th – Einbeck, Germany
May 19th – Schwerin, Germany
May 20th – Veckenstadt, Germany


New and Updated Sites

Updated site: Competition Information Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) - USA

Header Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration
logo 25th Anniversary, Leavenworth International Accordion CelebrationCompetitions information now online: 2018 is the 25th Anniversary of the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society. The event is held, June 21 - 24 in picturesque Leavenworth.

The competitions include categories for Classical, Old Time, Diatonic instruments, Bands, Duets, as well as a range of categories for amateurs only, from children to 19-45 and 46 plus. A total of $5,525 prize money is being offered.

Rules and entry information at: 2018LIAC-Rules.pdf
Entry closing date: 08 June 2018

So book your calendar to visit beautiful Leavenworth, 21-24 June for a fun event with lots of excellent music of all styles.

For further information, visit the website: Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration


Updated Site: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionPrinted books are in stock. The site at kslips03 has been updated to include that printed copies are in stock and that a book review by Willoughby Ann Walshe has been added to the site.


AAA Website Update - Newsletters online updated

AAA site header
American Accordionists' Association - A number of site updates including AAA Commission works, 2018 competition rules and regulations, Newsletters online update, New Festival poster are all online at: www.ameraccord.com


Updated Site: South Pacific Championships New Entry Form online - New Zealand

NZAA header
NZAA posterA new entry form for the 2018 South Pacific Accordion Championships and Festival is now online. Superb venue in Auckland, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June, 2018.

Full details of the 2018 rules and regulations are online at: www.accordion.co.nz


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