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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Jun-2017
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Accordionists & Teachers Guild International (ATG) Festival 19-23 Luglio - USA
Fritz Dobler Festeggiamento del 90° compleanno, Trossingen - Germania
Fisitala Release Innovativo "Bayan-Ergo" Design, Castelfidardo - Italia
Baffetti Accordions "Conoscere le Persone" Intervista, Castelfidardo - Italia
Compositori + Summer Academy - Lituania
Nuova App Android per accordions.com News Settimanali in Inglese

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

National Accordion Awareness Month Celebrated in June - USA
Gary Dahl Promotion, Any 3 or more eBooks @ 50% off - USA
Video: Astor Piazzolla’s Suite del Angel at The London Encounter - UK
Kosmos Concert Review, Shropshire – UK
Zoe Tiganouria Performing In Concert Against Drugs in Thiseio - Greece

Future events

Martynas' Summer Tour Dates – Netherlands, Germany, Spain, UK, Lithuania
Leipzig Accordion Ensemble and LIAO Summer Concert, London – UK
Akkordeon Orchester Erbach’s Anniversary Concert, Erbach – Germany
Christina Felder Bachelor’s Degree Concert, Trossingen - Germany
International Accordion Competition “City of Albufeira”, 7th & 8th July - Portugal
Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester Concerts – Germany
Accordzeam presents ‘Classique Instinct’, Avignon – France
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert - New Zealand
Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes, Ourense City – Spain
Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic Workshops and Concert, Klagenfurt – Austria
Antique Accordion Exhibition @ Hebridean Celtic Festival, Scotland – UK

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov Passed Away, 14th May 2017
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia
Updated Site: Grayson Masefield, New Pictures, Qualifications and Text - Switzerland
Updated Information: Osvaldo (AKA Ossie) Mazzei (1913 - 2017), Brisbane - Australia

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Accordionists & Teachers Guild International (ATG) Festival 19-23 Luglio - USA

ATG Poster 2017
Amy Jo SawyerIl 77° Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Festival si terrà 19-23 Luglio 2017 presso l'Hyatt Regency a Lisle, Illinois.

ATG pubblicizza un'entusiasmante line-up di concerti solisti e ensemble, workshop e attività divertenti e il Presidente ATG Amy Jo Sawyer (nella foto a destra) invita tutti a partecipare.

Gli incredibili artisti ospiti includono Quartette Gelato, la "Alex Meixner Band" dalla Florida, il fisarmonicista Jazz Paul Betken con Phil Gratteau (batteria) e Jim Cox (basso).

Workshop, concerti, concerto Nuova Musica per fisarmonica, pranzi, banchetti, venditori di fisarmonica, ATG Festival Accordion Orchestra diretta da Joan Sommers, Meet & Greet Party, CD e musica in vendita e nuove amicizie!

Amy Jo Sawyer dice: "Tutti noi amiamo suonare la fisarmonica quindi partecipate al festival 2017 ATG dove è garantito un divertimento incredibile!".

Per tutti i dettagli su tutti i workshop e seminari e l'Orchestra del Festival, si prega di visitare il sito web: Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG)


Fritz Dobler Festeggiamento del 90° compleanno, Trossingen - Germania

Happy 90th Birthday
Jochen HaußmannFritz DoblerIl 24 Giugno, il 90° compleanno di Fritz Dobler (foto a destra), l'importante associazione tedesca Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV) ha organizzato un ricevimento di oltre 60 persone presso il Dr. Ernst Hohner Konzerthaus di Trossingen per festeggiare il compleanno.

Fritz Dobler (un ex presidente del DHV) è un "colpo di fortuna" per il DHV e il movimento della fisarmonica a livello mondiale secondo l'attuale Presidente del DHV Jochen Haußmann (foto a sinistra).

Fino ad oggi prescrive la "nostra" musica. Non solo, le sue notevoli attività musicali durante nove decenni di vita, ma anche la sua caratteristica profonda convinzione interiore e l'entusiasmo per la fisarmonica.

Fritz Dobler non è solo un musicista e un solista (1° alla Coupe Mondiale1954). È anche compositore, direttore, docente, direttore musicale e ex presidente del DHV. Fritz Dobler continua ad essere un pioniere con una profonda passione per la musica e la fisarmonica.

Il mondo della fisarmonica si unisce a DHV nel congratulare e onorare Fritz Dobler nel suo 90° compleanno.

Recentemente, è stato lanciato un nuovo sito web in lingua tedesca con dati anagrafici, interviste, esempi musicali di composizioni, immagini ecc Visualizza a: Fritz Dobler


Fisitala Release Innovativo "Bayan-Ergo" Design, Castelfidardo - Italia

Fisitalia Durante gli anni '80 alcuni produttori hanno sviluppato fisarmoniche con solo basso libero, ma la sensazione del basso non era la stessa del treble. I fisarmonicisti rimasero con il modello del convertitore.

Fisitalia scrive: Abbiamo sviluppato un design per fisarmonica completamente nuovo "Bayan-Ergo" con molti vantaggi:

- Il lato del basso chiaramente inclinato e tasti del basso più grandi consentono al musicista di avere una mano e la posizione delle dita più naturali, facilitando l'utilizzo del pollice;
- Il pollice anche può essere usato, sia per la mano sinistra che per la mano destra;
- Movimenti più semplici e liberi della mano e glissandi;
- La performance del legato è notevolmente più facile;
- Maggiore apertura della mano sinistra usando il pollice;
- Con il pollice il musicista aumenta la distanza raggiunta;
- Gli accordi a cinque note nella mano sinistra sono ora possibili;
- Tono più basso nel basso: Contra-C (secondo un organo o un armonio).
- I compositori possono utilizzare il pollice della mano sinistra per le loro opere;

Informazioni complete con immagini in più: Ergo_English e Ergo_Deutsch


Baffetti Accordions "Conoscere le Persone" Intervista, Castelfidardo - Italia

Know the People Baffetti Interview
"Conoscere le Persone" Intervista: con:
Genuino Baffetti (foto a sinistra)
Cinzia Baffetti (foto al centro)
Milena Baffetti (foto a destra)
di Baffetti Accordions

Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl

"Conosci le Persone" intervista alle persone che hanno reso questa piccola città in Italia così famosa in tutto il mondo per i loro prodotti di fisarmonica di qualità.

Intervista a: 2017Baffetti
Genuino Baffetti, Cinzia Baffetti, Milena Baffettim.


Compositori + Summer Academy - Lituania

Composers+ Summer Academy logo
Iñaki AlberdiMartynasI compositori fino a 36 anni ei fisarmonicisti fino a 36 anni sono invitati al Composers+ Summer Academy - l'evento internazionale che è iniziato nel 2014 come piccolo camp per compositori nel villaggio di Palendriai (Lituania) al monastero di St Benedict.

Adesso nel suo quarto anno, questo percorso giovane e unico non solo ha cambiato posizione nell'incantevole e attraente location del castello di Raudondvaris nei pressi di Kaunas, ma è anche stato rinominato come Composers + Summer Academy.

Date: 18-26 Agosto 2017
Scadenza per l'iscrizione: 7 Luglio 2017
Prezzo: Euro 200

Il principale obiettivo della Composers + Summer Academy è quello di produrre nuovi lavori per la fisarmonica, sia come strumento solista che con ensemble da camera.

Il Direttore Artistico Martynas (foto a destra) scrive: "Quest'anno sono orgoglioso e felice di dare il benvenuto al Prof. Iñaki Alberdi (foto a sinistra) come uno dei tutor dell'Accademia. Iñaki Alberdi terrà dei masterclass per fisarmonicisti ed è uno dei più importanti e attivi musicisti moderni di fisarmonica e iniziatori in tutto il mondo.

Il corso prevede anche lezioni dal compositore Dr. Ruta Vitkauskaite e dal giovane compositore britannico Ben Lunn - entrambi appassionati di musica contemporanea di fisarmonica.

Come al solito, l'evento ospiterà un ciclo di concerti accanto all'attività didattica, tra cui performance di prime mondiali di molte delle opere create durante il Composers+ Summer Academy.

Questi nuovi pezzi saranno inoltre stampati e pubblicati dall'organizzatore di eventi, PI accoAkademija in Lituania".

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: ask@composersplus.com o telefono: +370 621 62222


Nuova App Android per accordions.com News Settimanali in Inglese

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app banner
Nuova app Android per le news settimanali di accordions.com in inglese. E' stata progettata per telefoni Android, scaricala gratuitamente presso il Google Play Store. Cerca "AWW Accordions" per trovarla.

Link diretto per ottenere l'app:
L'app per gli utenti iPhone arriverà presto.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

National Accordion Awareness Month Celebrated in June - USA

Nashville Public Radio header
Nashville Public Radio - Jeff Taylor
Nashville Public Radio - Jeff Lisenby
Pauline Oliveros, A Love Song for Accordion, Voice and Bass Trombone.
Since 1989 Nashville Public Radio has designated June as National Accordion Awareness Month.

Excerpt from an article by Kara McLeland for Nashville Public Radio. "Chances are, if you’ve ever been around an accordion, it’s difficult to not be aware of it; the instruments (and its many variants) are unique in both physicality and timbre. So why a whole month dedicated to them?

While the accordion is commonly known to listeners, many might not be aware of the instrument's versatility and its role in the world of classical music.

Many incredible local musicians have performed at Nashville Public Radio, including two of Nashville’s finest accordion players.

Earlier this year on Live in Studio C, Jeff Taylor joined guitarist Jonathan Sargent in playing several of Sargent’s original compositions. Sound file above: Track list:
Mas que siempre,
Tango 4
For You
Spanish Sun Blazin'

In January, Jeff Lisenby performed a program with Matt Davich and Emily Nelson that included selections from Fiddler on the Roof and Turandot, as well as an original tango by Lisenby. Sound file above. (Jeff Lisenby has CD's and music available at: Jeff Lisenby )

Hear Music from an American composer and accordionist Pauline Oliveros who was always a forward-thinker. Oliveros’s A Love Song for accordion, voice and bass trombone exemplifies her meditative approach to environmental improvisation, and her love of experimenting in highly resonant spaces. She passed away in November 2016." Recording above.


Gary Dahl Promotion, Any 3 or more eBooks @ 50% off - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary DahlJuly promotion - Any 3 or more Gary Dahl eBooks @ 50% off. Email your order to: MusicForAccordion@yahoo.com and you will receive the invoice by email, payable online with Paypal (worlds largest) secure server system using your credit card.

Your eBooks music is emailed to you after payment.

Gary Dahl has released 10 great value eBooks in recent years. Click the links below for further information:
DH01-eB - Latin Spectacular! - eBook US$35.50
DH02-eB - Favourite French Standards - eBook US$35.50
DH03-eB - The American Songbook - eBook US$35.50
DH04-eB - Favourite Waltzes and Polkas - eBook US$46.50
DH05-eB - Easy Listening Variety - eBook US$35.50
DH06-eB - Easy Listening Variety - eBook US$57.50
DH07-eB - Traditional Polish Carols - eBook US$16.50
DH08-eB - Italian Spectacular - eBook US$35.50
DH09-eB - Traditional Christmas Carols - eBook US$18.50
DH10-eB - Polka - eBook US$18.50


Video: Astor Piazzolla’s Suite del Angel at The London Encounter - UK

Video: Published 04 June 2017. Astor Piazzolla’s Suite del Angel – at The London Encounter.

The Romano Viazzani Quintet presents the live recording of their debut performance with this line up at The London Encounter in 2016 with Romano Viazzani (accordion), Corinna Hentschel (violin), Jonathan Preiss (guitar), John Bailey (piano), Yaron Stavi (double bass).

The ensemble specialises in traditional Argentine and European Tango and other related music and is planning a tour at the end of 2017 and into 2018. Contact is: romanoviazzani@btconnect.com

Romano CD's available at: Romano Viazzani


Kosmos Concert Review, Shropshire – UK

Kosmos Trio
The trio Kosmos performed a concert in Shropshire on June 27th, and following review was written by Stuart Spiers for the Shropshire Music Trust.

“This concert in the Shrewsbury Music Trust series was at Concord College. Having seen Kosmos previously, I knew that I was in for a treat and they didn’t disappoint! Kosmos is a trio consisting of violin (Harriet MacKenzie), viola (Meg Hamilton), and accordion (Milos Milivojevic). These three virtuosi mix melodies and styles within pieces. Tempo, mood or dynamics can change at the drop of a hat. Throughout, there was a sense of playfulness and humour. Various effects such as ‘chopping’ and playing close to the bridge, or playing percussion on the accordion were heard.

The first half opened with ‘Armanaki’, a Greek island tune, which then became Klezmer. The level of precision and togetherness is outstanding. The group play as one. The scene was set and they continued to delight us with music from Ukraine, Serbia, Argentina (Tango), Scotland, Sweden, and Romania, finishing the first set with a classical piece by Sarasate.

The second set opened with ‘Liberklezango’, a mixture of ‘Libertango’ by Piazzolla and Jewish Klezmer. It was delivered with perfection and real energy, followed by a Kosmos original in a Japanese style, which was highly evocative. We were then treated to pieces from Serbia and the well-known Brahms ‘Hungarian Dance no 5’, given the Kosmos treatment. The last piece was a mixture of ‘The Lark Ascending’ and Romanian and Hungarian tunes. It was a truly memorable evening!"


Zoe Tiganouria Performing In Concert Against Drugs in Thiseio - Greece

Zoe TiganouriaVideo above: Excerpts from a concert in London Millfield Theater, 14 May 2017 with guest singer Elena Hadjiafxenti.

On Monday, 26 June, on the occasion of the World Anti-Drug Day, the Center for the Prevention of Dependence and Promotion of Psychosocial Health organized events in Thiseio.

Their main purpose was to spread the message against the stigma of exclusion and to give hope to the effort of our fellowmen and their families for a pure life away from dependencies.

The events were completed with the concert by Zoe Tiganouria (accordion) and the performer Nadia Karayianni (vocals). Nikos Karagiannis and Pelagia Mylonas also participated.


Future events

Martynas' Summer Tour Dates – Netherlands, Germany, Spain, UK, Lithuania

MartynasLithuanian accordion virtuoso Martynas' summer tour started in Germany, directing his ensemble Mikroorkéstra to a full house, with standing ovations and glowing reviews! His busy international tour schedule includes:

June 30th - Utrecht International Chamber Music Festival, Utrecht, Netherlands
July 2nd - Kissinger Sommer, Bad Kissingen, Germany
July 7th – Klosterkonzerte, Maulbronn, Germany
July 14th - Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Mestlin, Germany
July 15th - MDR Musiksommer, Meiningen, Germany
July 16th - Choriner Musiksommer, Chorin, Germany
July 18th - Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Haseldorf, Germany
July 19th - Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Schenefeld, Germany
July 22nd - Teatro del Mediterráneo, Alicante, Spain
July 23rd - Gran Feria de Julio, Valencia, Spain
July 25th – BARTS, Barcelona, Spain
July 29th - Petworth Festival, Petworth, UK
August 18th to 26th – Composers + Summer Academy, Raudondvaris, Lithuania
August 27th to September 3rd - Accordion Music Week, Lithuania
September 2nd - K29, Vilnius, Lithuania


Leipzig Accordion Ensemble and LIAO Summer Concert, London – UK

Leipzig Accordion Ensemble
On Saturday afternoon July 1st, 3.30pm, the visiting Leipzig Accordion Ensemble, from Germany, and the London Intermediate Accordion Orchestra perform in concert at St Gabriel’s Church, Warwick Square, Pimlico SW1V 2AD. The programme includes music by Vivaldi, Piazzolla, and original works for accordion ensemble and orchestra. Admission is £8, concessions £6, and under 12s free.

The Accordion Ensemble Leipzig Music School was formed in 1999 and currently consists of nine players aged between 16 and 28 years. The ensemble performs a wide range of music, from classical to klezmer. Conductor Valeri Funkner has successfully led the ensemble on several tours, such as the World Music Festival 2013 in Innsbruck and a tour to Syria in 2011.

The London Intermediate Accordion Orchestra (LIAO) was formed in 2014. It has around 20 players and is the 'little brother' to the London Accordion Orchestra, which has 40 players and performs all over Europe. LIAO performs original music for accordion orchestra as well as arrangements of pieces written for other instruments. Both of our orchestras have the goal of widening appreciation of this wonderful instrument and LIAO in particular encourages children to participate and experience the joy of playing music with other people.
London Intermediate Accordion Orchestra


Akkordeon Orchester Erbach’s Anniversary Concert, Erbach – Germany

Akkordeon Orchester Erbach’s posterThe Akkordeon Orchester Erbach celebrates 65 years since their formation in 1952 with a gala concert on Sunday July 2nd, 5pm to 7pm, at the Stadhalle Erbach, Leopoldsplatz 1, 69412 Eberbach, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany.

The concert will be shared with the Harmonika-Club Schonbrunn-Haag, appearing as special guests. Admission is 8 Euro, 7 Euro for concessions.

For further information email: kontakt@akkordeon-eberbach.de


Christina Felder Bachelor’s Degree Concert, Trossingen - Germany

Christina FelderChristina Felder performs her Bachelor’s Degree concert on Monday July 3rd, 8pm, at the Piano House Hermann in Trossingen, Germany.

The program includes:

Nicholas A. Huber – ‘On the wings of the harp’

Joseph Haydn – ‘Sonata no. 33 in C Minor’

Johann Sebastian Bach – ‘Viols Sonata no. 3 in G Minor’

Ole Schmidt – ‘Toccata no. 1’


International Accordion Competition “City of Albufeira”, 7th & 8th July - Portugal

International Accordion Competition, Algarve RegionThe international competition “City of Albufeira” will take place in a small village near the sea named Olhos de Água. Deadline registration: 6th July. Rules and Regulations: 2017Albufeira.pdf

The opening ceremony will be 7th July at 9.30 p.m. with a concert by the Algarve Accordion Orchestra and the Duo Gonçalo Pescada (accordion) and Albano Neto (trumpet).

The Winner’s Concert will be 8th July at 9.30 p.m., New Chapel of Nossa Senhora de Fátima – Olhos de Água.

Before the International Accordion Competition “City of Albufeira”, from 3rd to 7th July, famous French teacher Frederic Deschamps will give a Masterclass open to accordionists of any nationality and age at Albufeira Conservatory.

For further information email: goncalopescada@sapo.pt


Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester Concerts – Germany

Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester poster
Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester posterThe Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester performs a series of concerts titled ‘Another Night in Argentina’ in July, as follows:

July 7th, 8pm - E-Werk, Eschholzstraße 77, Freiburg
July 9th, 7pm - Musikakademie, Alois-Schnorrer 10, Staufen
July 15th, 8.30pm - Maja-Bühne, Steinstrasse, 2/2, Emmendingen
July 16th, 7pm - Rainhof-Scheune, Höllentalstrasse, 96, Kirchzarten


Accordzeam presents ‘Classique Instinct’, Avignon – France

‘Classique Instinct’ posterThe quintet Accordzeam presents ‘Classique Instinct’, a show featuring classical music, such as Schubert's La Truite and Dvorák's New World Symphony, in a visual and musical presentation. The venue is the Theatre De L’Oulle, Avignon, in the south of France, and the shows run nightly at 10pm from July 7th to 30th. Admission is 20 Euro, under 12s 8 Euro.

For further information email: patbarth@hotmail.com


Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert - New Zealand

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) PosterAuckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) conducted by Lionel Reekie has a concert on 8th July. Venue details are on the poster.

Guest Performers are:
Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin - Soloist Alexandra Reekie
Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra by Gary Daverne - Soloist Campbell Bettridge
New Zealand Accordion Championships winners:
Ave Accordeon Ensemble
Owen Fan
Angela Chen

For further information email: ghia@ihug.co.nz


Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes, Ourense City – Spain

Victor Prieto posterVictor Prieto’s International Jazz Accordion and Modern Harmony Master Classes take place at the Marcos Valcarcel, Ourense City, north-west Spain, on July 8th and 9th and July 15th and 16th. The master classes are in English, but French, Spanish and Portuguese are also spoken. There will be a rhythm section (bass and drums) available for both days.

On the evenings of July 8th and 15th, 10.30pm, there will be jam sessions in the Café Cultural Auriense, Praza do Correxidor, Ourense.

The master classes cover the following subjects:
Improvisation: in different styles and understanding scales (pop, rock, bolero) - not only in jazz.
-Comping: how to form chords, close position, open position, upper structures.
-Poly-Chords: technique "Chord Approach on both hands."
-Styles; how to phrase and comp: Jazz, blues, Brazilian, traditional tango, new Tango, and other styles of modern harmony.
-How to work and what to do in a recording studio when you get only chord changes.
- watch videos and analyse them. How the accordion interacts with other instruments depending on the instrumentation of the groups. (Duo, Trio, Solo, singer, piano)
- A book with material will be given to each student for further studies and review (to take home with you).
- Practice and perform with a rhythm section (bass and drums).
-How to use the registers and voices of the accordion to orchestrate and have a bigger variety of colours and sounds.

Victor Prieto is based in New York, where he performs regularly and also leads master classes. He previously studied classical accordion at the Conservatory in Ourense.

For further information email: masterclass@victorprieto.net


Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic Workshops and Concert, Klagenfurt – Austria

The accordion and cello duo Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic hold workshops for their respective instruments from July 10th to 14th at the Viktring Musikforum, Klagenfurt, Austria.

On Tuesday July 11th, 8pm, at the Stiftskirche, Klagenfurt, Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic perform in concert, with Russian accordion maestro Friedrich Lips making a special guest appearance. Tickets cost 19 Euro, 14 Euro for concessions.

Klaus Paier, Austrian accordionist and composer, studied accordion, jazz and composition at Klagenfurt conservatory. He became interested in other genres, from tango to jazz and world music, in order to fuse them into his own personal style. He works with various ensembles, including as a duo with the highly accomplished Croatian cellist Asja Valcic.

For further information email: klaus.paier@aon.at


Antique Accordion Exhibition @ Hebridean Celtic Festival, Scotland – UK

Caroline Hunt presents some of her extensive collection of antique accordions and memorabilia at this July’s Hebridean Celtic Festival, Stornaway, Scotland.

Caroline, who has been collecting accordions for the last 20 years, says: “One of my early Russian accordions was used in the film ‘Anna Karenena’ with Jude Law and Kiera Knightly. There are button accordions designed to look like piano accordions as the American bandleader didn’t want Frosini, who played a button accordion, to look different to the piano accordions!
“There are also early examples of accordions made by Paolo Soprani, who founded the Italian accordion industry and also numerous German Hohners – a Hohner Sax that looks like a Saxophone but is played like a cross between a melodeon and a mouth organ!
"And I also have a Hohner Shand Morino which was designed by Sir Jimmy Shand with Morino at the Hohner Factory in Germany, specifically for Scottish music.”

Caroline Hunt’s exhibition of antique accordions is at The Masonic Hall, 55 Kenneth Street, Stornoway, on Friday July 21st and Saturday 22nd, from 10am - 4pm. Car parking and refreshments are available.

For further information email: accordionbook@huntc.fsbusiness.co.uk


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov Passed Away, 14th May 2017

Prof. Vladimir BesfamilnovNew video about life added to obituary article about Prof. Vladimir Besfamilnov passing away.
Read about the life of this great educator and musician at: Vladimir Besfamilnov
This site has has been updated and will be updated further. Besfamilnov is sadly missed and our deepest condolences to the family.


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco226 - Guitar Romanca
Guitar Romantica is a Pleasant Sweet Samba.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

cfranco227 - For Little Chiara
For Little Chiara is a sweet melody written for my new grand daughter.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


Updated Site: Grayson Masefield, New Pictures, Qualifications and Text - Switzerland

Grayson MasefieldUpdated Site. The site of Grayson  Masefield has been updated with new pictures and text and also to list his Master of Arts degree qualifications.


Updated Information: Osvaldo (AKA Ossie) Mazzei (1913 - 2017), Brisbane - Australia

Ossie MazzeiA video with a lot of historic information about Ossie Mazzei including some music, has been added to the obituary published in April.

Thank you to Leo Mazzei and family for the video.


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