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Weekly News from Around the World - 29-Oct-2021
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Primo piano

Concorso annuale e festival della settima edizione delle Giornate internazionali della fisarmonica a Praga – Repubblica Ceca
Olzhas Nurlanov vincitore della Coupe Mondiale 2021 - Germania
Michele Bianco (Italia) 2° Coupe Mondiale - Germania
35° Festival della Fisarmonica del Rio Grande de la Magdalena - Colombia
Gorka Hermosa inizia il primo tour dal vivo post Covid – Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Russia e Spagna
Rilasciati i piani della Convention NAA del 2022 – USA
Video: 100 fisarmoniche eseguono "Singing the Motherland", Shenyang - Cina
Video: celebrazioni per 75 anni dell'orchestra di fisarmoniche di Norimberga - Germania
2022 Eastbourne Accordion Festival - England

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Dantong Wang (China) Winner of the 2021 Coupe Mondiale International Virtuoso Entertainment - Germany
Landesmusiktag State Accordion Competitions – Germany
Video: Karen Tweed Performing Online at Rejigged Music Festival in Nova Scotia - Canada
Online: 2021 Second Chinese Style (Futian Cup) International Competition for Accordion Composition - China
Video: “Alla Tirolese” Waltz by Nicola Scacchia - Italy
New Jazz CD “Castelfidardo” by Jonny Kerry - UK

Future events

Antonio & Miguel Figueroa Entertain at 157th Anniversary of Helvecia - Argentina
Massimo Signorini Performs at Costantino Costantini Theater – Italy
“The Heimatdamisch” Performs at 2021 Zeltln Festival – Germany
6th National Competition "L'Organetto nella Valle del Salto" - Italy
Online: ATG Professional Development Course – USA
John Kirkpatrick Performs for “National Forest Folk” – England
November Seattle Accordion Social - USA
Rob Reich Performs at The Maybeck Studio, California – USA

Childrens Corner

Video: Childrens Folk Song Performance – Slovakia

New and Updated Sites

Report giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2021, termina domenica, Monaco di Baviera - Germania

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Primo piano

Concorso annuale e festival della settima edizione delle Giornate internazionali della fisarmonica a Praga – Repubblica Ceca

Prague header
Il 7° Concorso e Festival Annuale della Giornata Internazionale della Fisarmonica a Praga è iniziato il 28 ottobre e durerà fino al 31 ottobre 2021 nella Sala Concerti del Conservatorio di Praga nella Repubblica Ceca secondo le attuali condizioni e normative igieniche.

La giuria del concorso 2021 è composta dal presidente della CIA Mirco Patarini (presidente - Italia), Stefan Hippe, Andreas Nebl (Germania), Jörgen Sundeqvist (Svezia), Ladislav Horák, Josef Hrebík, Markéta Laštovicková, Pavel Trojan e Petr Vacek (Repubblica Ceca).

Programma del festival come segue:

• 28 ottobre: Opening concert at the Exhibition Hall of UPMRUM with performances by the Czech Accordion Ensemble (L. Hrebík and L. Horák) and Students of Prague Conservatory
• 29 ottobre: Competition begins at the Prague Conservatory Concert hall. Results announced from 2pm
• 29 ottobre: Gala concert at the Prague Conservatory Concert hall with performance by the Prague wind trio and Ladislav Horák (accordion)
• 30 ottobre: Further competition classes at the Prague Conservatory Concert hall, with results announced from 2pm
• 30 ottobre: Award Ceremony from 7.30pm and performances by winners
• 31 ottobre: Concert in the Prague Orgel Hall from 9am with performances by Stefan Hippe (Germany) and Ladislav Horák (Czech Republic), followed by students of Hohner Konservatoriums Trossingen (Germany) and Prague Conservatory.
comp poster 2021


Olzhas Nurlanov vincitore della Coupe Mondiale 2021 - Germania

Bundesministerium für Kultur und MedienOlzhas Nurlanov (Kazakistan) è stato il vincitore della Coupe Mondiale 2021 tenutasi a Monaco di Baviera, in Germania, dal 13 al 17 ottobre. Sopra troverete i video delle sue tre esibizioni.

Questa è stata una competizione serrata e qui sotto ci sono i video del 2° classificato Michele Bianco (Italia).

I Report Giornalieri con video e immagini sono iniziati mercoledì 13 ottobre con il Concerto Inaugurale. Ci saranno video di tutte le esibizioni e concerti dei concorrenti della Coupe Mondiale, forniti dal CIA Video Archive and Education Project. Risultati online con la conclusione delle premiazioni il 17 ottobre 2021.
Video Homepage e Orario a: 2021CM-Video
Report giornalieri, immagini, risultati a: 2021CM-Report
Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project


Michele Bianco (Italia) 2° Coupe Mondiale - Germania

Bundesministerium für Kultur und MedienMichele Bianco (Italia) è arrivato secondo nella categoria Coupe Mondiale. Divertitevi a guardare i video delle sue tre esibizioni.

Music Program
Round I
J. S. Bach Prelude And Fugue Bwv 858
V. Semionov Caprice N°1
P. I. Tchaikovsky/ V. Zubitsky Op. 35 Finale, Violin’s Concerto In D Major
Round II
A. Kusyakov Sonata N° 1
Round III
J. S. Bach Prelude And Fugue Bwv 543
A. Sbordoni A.D.C.E.
V. Vlassov Suite I Movement
J. Ganzer Silhouetten Iii Movement
L. Janacek Our Evenings


35° Festival della Fisarmonica del Rio Grande de la Magdalena - Colombia

35th fest poster
Il 35° Festival de Acordeones del Río Grande de la Magdalena (35° Festival della Fisarmonica) si terrà a Barrancabermeja, Santander, Colombia dall'11 al 14 novembre 2021.

L'evento è organizzato dalla Fondazione Vallenato del Magdalena Medio Festival grazie al sostegno del Sindaco del Distretto, del Governatore di Santander e del Ministero della Cultura attraverso il Programma Nazionale di Concertazione Culturale.

Il concorso del festival presenta ensemble tradizionali di musica vallenata e mira a preservare, mantenere e promuovere il folklore nazionale e i gruppi tradizionali che lo interpretano all'interno e all'esterno del paese.

Per i dettagli email: festivaldeacordeones32@gmail.com


Gorka Hermosa inizia il primo tour dal vivo post Covid – Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Russia e Spagna

Gorka poster
Il fisarmonicista Gorka Hermosa presenterà il suo primo tour dal vivo post Covid-19 in Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Russia e Spagna nei mesi di novembre e dicembre 2021.

Nel mese di ottobre, Gorka ha tenuto 7 concerti al Chillida Museum (Hernani), alla Settimana della musica basca "Musikaste" (Errentería), Antzuola e Ordizia in Euskadi e a Miengo, Polaciones e Solares in Cantabria, Spagna.

A novembre si esibirà presso:
• Il Conservatorio Superior de Las Palmas con il suo trio "Malandro Club"
• Masterclass e concerto solistico al Conservatorio di Maromme (Normandia, Francia)
• Masterclass e concerto solistico a Ostrava (Repubblica Ceca)
• Prima di "Rumbo Rodari" con l'attrice Natalia Erice al "Festival Internazionale delle Arti dello Spettacolo di Siviglia", Spagna.

A dicembre Gorka Hermosa si esibirà a:
• Novosibirsk (Siberia, Russia), con il quartetto d'archi dei solisti dell'orchestra sinfonica di quella città
• Palazzo Euskalduna a Bilbao, Spagna
• Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Santander come solista delle orchestre di fiati

Per i dettagli e-mail: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Rilasciati i piani della Convention NAA del 2022 – USA

NAA Banner
NAA logoLa National Accordion Association (NAA) ha pubblicato i piani per la convention del 2022.

I membri del consiglio di amministrazione della NAA 2022 e il team di pianificazione, che comprende Norman Seaton, Sharon Seaton, Nick Ballarini, Nancy Bernstein, Markus Baggio e Sabine Baggio, informano che dopo una pausa di due anni a causa della pandemia, non vedono l'ora di partecipare a un evento di persona a Richardson, Texas.

Salvate le date come segue:

Da mercoledì 16 marzo a sabato 19 marzo 2022
all'Hilton Hotel, Richardson, Texas, USA.

La convention includerà molte presentazioni, workshop, sessioni interattive, una Fun Band e la Dance Band (in memoria di Sheila Lee).

Ci sarà anche molto tempo per incontri informali e Jam Session notturne.

Un programma preliminare sarà pubblicato a novembre e le iscrizioni apriranno all'inizio di dicembre 2021.


Video: 100 fisarmoniche eseguono "Singing the Motherland", Shenyang - Cina

100 Accordions "Singing the Motherland"

2015 Golden Bell
Shenyang Conservatory"Singing the Motherland" è un'opera musicale classica composta nel 1950 dal famoso compositore Wang Xin.

Nel momento festoso in cui il popolo cinese celebrava il 72° anniversario della fondazione della Nuova Cina, il Conservatorio di musica di Shenyang, provincia di Liaoning, guidato dal vicedirettore del dipartimento di pianoforte Cao Ye, ha organizzato insegnanti e studenti per eseguire "Canto del Patria" con cento fisarmoniche.

Il video inizia con un assolo di fisarmonica introduttivo di Cao Ye che conduce alla popolare melodia luminosa, maestosa, che rappresenta i cuori della gente e cattura vividamente la voce forte ed entusiasta della gente e la magnifica nascita della Nuova Cina.

Quando questa bellissima melodia suona e la luminosa bandiera rossa a cinque stelle sventola nel vento, il cuore di tutti è sollevato. Il popolo Shenyin nella nuova era ha presentato i suoi doni alla madrepatria in questo modo unico con 100 fisarmoniche e benedetto la prosperità della madrepatria.

Cao Ye è un importante fisarmonicista cinese che si è classificato al 2° posto nel Klingenthal Variete Entertainment 2012 e al 2° posto al Premio Campana d'Oro 2015 per la musica da concerto per fisarmonica. Video sopra. Rapporto completo su: 2015GoldenBell

Cao Ye è stato protagonista di concerti in molti festival cinesi tra cui la Coupe Mondiale 2019 a Shenzhen Concert of Double Sense, immagine sotto.
Cao Ye and Tan Jialiang


Video: celebrazioni per 75 anni dell'orchestra di fisarmoniche di Norimberga - Germania

Video: Nel 2021 l'Orchestra di fisarmoniche di Norimberga, diretta da Stefan Hippe, festeggia il suo 75° anniversario. Buon compleanno, Orchestra di fisarmoniche di Norimberga!

La Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester è da molti anni tra i vertici degli ensemble di fisarmoniche europee. Nel 1946, Willi Münch e sua moglie Paula fondarono il quintetto che si trasformò rapidamente nella Nürnberger AO. Dal 1998, Stefan Hippe dirige l'orchestra.

Oggi la Nürnberger AO è composta da 30 membri ed è uno degli ensemble di fisarmoniche di maggior successo in Europa. Nel corso degli anni l'orchestra ha ottenuto numerosi riconoscimenti in concorsi nazionali ed internazionali. Tra i recenti successi più significativi figurano i primi premi alla German Orchestra Competition 2008 a Wuppertal e l'International World Music Festival di Innsbruck (2004 e 2010).
75th Nürnberger Accordion Orchestra banner


2022 Eastbourne Accordion Festival - England

Eastbourne logoKennet Accordion OrchestraThe 2022 Eastbourne Accordion Festival will be held in Eastbourne, East Sussex, England from February 4th to 7th, 2022.

The event will include a variety of concerts, workshops, orchestras and traders.

Confirmed performers include Claudio Allodi, Johnny-Lee Leslie, Roman Voloshuck, Julie Best and Jean Corrighan, Harry Hussey, Rosemary Wright, Nigel Pasby and Helen Newton and the Kennet Accordion Orchestra (picture above right).

Teachers/Orchestra include Jean Hanger - Vintage Orchestra, Sammie Catling - Up to intermediate level orchestra, Angie Lukins - Folk Workshop (All levels), Gennaro Fiondella - Roland accordion workshop and Nigel Pasby - Advanced Orchestra.

Traders include “The Accordion Shop”, “Harry Kipling’s Accordion Treasures” and “Squeezebox Market Place”.

For details email: sales@cgfmusic.co.uk


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Dantong Wang (China) Winner of the 2021 Coupe Mondiale International Virtuoso Entertainment - Germany

Dantong WangVideos above of Dantong Wang winning two performances.

Music Program
Round I
Michael Legrand Les Parapluies De Cherbourg
Renzo Ruggieri Carnavale
Round II
Sarah Vonau Saving All My Love For You
D.Saussure La Marche De Radetsky

Dantong Wang was born in China in 2001 and she started learning the accordion in kindergarten at the age of four. It was the first accordion class therel and her kindergarten was very special, in a way that they had art classes every afternoon such as music lessons, dancing and singing.

In 2007 her teacher in Beijing, Yansheng Li, invited Jaques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix (founder and director of the CNIMA) to give a master class in Beijing where she participated and since then, this master class is organized every summer in China. After several collaborations between her teacher and the CNIMA, Dantong Wang started to study with the French accordion school in 2017.

In 2019 Dangtong went to CNIMA international school in France, to study, first for two weeks and after that for a whole year and currently, she is still studying at CNIMA in France with Jacques Mornet.

The last year was a great experience for her in the CNIMA international school in France. According to her, it is not only the accordion you learn, but also studying music theory, harmony, chamber music, singing and so on. She likes pop music, classical music and her favourite: jazz music. After these years spent studying at the CNIMA, she is now a true ambassador of the Jaques Mornet method and pedagogy.

Dantong Wang has achieved being the winner of the following international competitions:
- 58th Internationaler Akkordeon Wettbewerb, Klingenthal 2021 (category virtuoso entertainment)
- 69th Trophée Mondial 2019 in Loulé Portugal (category senior variete)
- 74th Coupe Mondiale International Virtuoso Entertainment category, Munich 2021

Dantong Wang is now a highly demanded artist, and you can reach her at the CNIMA school, Email: cnima@orange.fr or phone: +33473222745
CIA Video archive Educational project


Landesmusiktag State Accordion Competitions – Germany

Music Day poster
FilumThe Landesmusiktag (State Music Day) festivities were held at the Filum in Filderstadt-Bernhausen, Germany (picture left) on October 16th, 2021 and included the State accordion competitions for soloists, duos, trios and ensembles.

Jury members included Anne-Maria Hölscher, Matthias Matzke, Sandra Eller, Ralf Schwarzien, Andreas Heimerdinger and Simone Tonka.

In addition to the competition, concerts were provided by the “AkkZente” Ensemble and the Concave Orchestra (pictured below).
Concave Orchestra


Video: Karen Tweed Performing Online at Rejigged Music Festival in Nova Scotia - Canada

Karen TweedAccordionist Karen Tweed (picture left) performed online with Tim Edey (guitar) at the “Festival 2021: Autumn Lights Concert” Rejigged Festival held live and online in Nova Scotia, Canada from October 21st to 24th, 2021.

The event was a celebration of new Celtic music and dance.

Their program includes:
The Quiet Kings (by Karen Tweed)
The Wild Geese (by Therese Hanley)
Nip and Tuck (by Norman Holmes)
Splendid Isolation(by the late Brendan McGlinchey)
Back Home At Önsbacken (by Karen Tweed)
The Keeper of the Treasure (by Martin Barry)
Orlando Polecat (by Karen Tweed)


Online: 2021 Second Chinese Style (Futian Cup) International Competition for Accordion Composition - China

Chinese poster
The online 2021 Second Chinese Style (Futian Cup) International Competition for Accordion Composition was held on Shenzhen, China this month.

The competition included categories for:
• traditional, free bass, pop, and children’s solos
• pop and children’s ensembles
• chamber music
• adapted work

The Executive Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Li Yi has announced they received 67 valid entries and commissioned works from six composers since the competition regulations were issued in May 2021.

The event aims to promote national culture, prosper accordion works, attract the attention of composers to accordion, promote original and excellent accordion works, and tell the story of China through accordion music.

Compared to the first edition (held in 2019), they are pleased to see that the second edition of the event has significantly improved in terms of both the quantity and quality of works; the participation of professional teachers, students and the community from both domestic and international music schools has greatly increased. At the same time, the competition was also more intense.

Chinese and international Jury members were Cao Xiaoqing (Chairman), Bai Luping, Liu Wenping, Liu Wenlin, Song Liquan, Zhang Xuru, Zhang Xinhua, Chen Jun, Fan Zheming, Luo Han, Meng Hui, Lu Xiaoling, Efrem Podgaits (Russia), Franck Angelis (France), Gorka Hermosa (Spain), Inaki Alberdi (Spain), Petri Makkonen (Finland), Viatcheslav Semionov (Russia) and Volodymyr Runchak (Ukraine).

Results: Free Bass Solo Category 1st place: Yan Gang from the Tianjin Conservatory of Music for the composition: “Gobi – Mirage”

Download full results here: 2021FutianResults.pdf


Video: “Alla Tirolese” Waltz by Nicola Scacchia - Italy

Video: “Alla Tirolese”, waltz by Nicola Scacchia from Teramo, Italy for your enjoyment.


New Jazz CD “Castelfidardo” by Jonny Kerry - UK

Jazz CD coverStamford (England) based Jazz accordionist and vocalist, Jonny Kerry will release his new album “Castelfidardo” on December 17th, 2021. The album is being released to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the accordion’s invention.

The name of the album, coming from the beautiful Italian town where accordions were first created, is also the home of Jonny’s own handmade reed accordion which has become the center piece of Kerry’s musical repertoire and forms a central part of this upcoming album.

Tracks include “Exactly Like You”, “Smile”, “I Surrender”, “Bossa Dorado”, “Lockdown” any many others.

For details email: jonnykerry@hotmail.co.uk


Future events

Antonio & Miguel Figueroa Entertain at 157th Anniversary of Helvecia - Argentina

157th anniversary poster
Accordionists Miguel Figueroa and the Antonio Figueroa Trio will entertain at a “Mega Fiesta” to celebrate the 157th Anniversary of the town of Helvecia (founded in 1865 by Dr. Teófilo Romang), on October 30th, 2021 at 9pm.

The event will be held at the Helvecia Communal Recreational Complex in Helvecia, Santa Fe, Argentina.

For details email: antoniofigueroa55@hotmail.com


Massimo Signorini Performs at Costantino Costantini Theater – Italy

Massimo SignoriniAccordionist Massimo Signorini will perform a concert in duo with Roberto Cecchetti (violin) at the Teatro Costantino Costantini (Constantino Constantini Theater) in Radicofani, Province of Siena, Tuscany, Italy on October 31st, 2021 at 9pm.

Their program will include music by P. Mascagni, A. Villoldo, G. Bregovic, A. Square, E. Satie, N. Rota, J. Petersburski and A. Brudno.

For details phone: +39 0578 55905


“The Heimatdamisch” Performs at 2021 Zeltln Festival – Germany

The Heimatdamisch
Video: The Heimatdamisch performing a fun version of Highway to Hell (AC/DC).

“The Heimatdamisch” will entertain at the 2021 Zeltln Festival, held at the Bergader Sports Arena in Waging am See, Bavaria, Germany on November 6th, 2021 at 8pm.

The festival is a figurehead in the Upper Bavarian cultural and event landscape and includes a mixture of concerts, cabaret and shows in the idyllic spa park near lake Waginger.

The band’s performance, “Let There be Brass!” will be held in the festival circus tent.

Covid-19 regulations will apply. For details email: info@bergbeat.de


6th National Competition "L'Organetto nella Valle del Salto" - Italy

6th comp posterThe 6th National Competition "L'Organetto nella Valle del Salto" will be held at the Hotel Restaurant "La Duchessa", in Corvaro di Borgorose, Rieti on November 6th and 7th, 2021.

The competition is organized by the Association "Gli Amici dell'Organetto" of Corvaro di Borgorose (RI) with the patronage of the Municipality of Borgorose, in collaboration with the Italian Musical Association of Reed Instruments, Diatonics (A.M.I.SA.D.) of Maiolati Spontini (AN) and the Musical Association "Friends of Music" of San Benedetto del Tronto (AP).

The event will include the selection for the 25th Italian Championship of Accordion and Diatonic Accordion (Edition 2022).

The competition will conclude with a winner’s awards ceremony.

See poster for details.


Online: ATG Professional Development Course – USA

The Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) have launched a new quarterly workshop series: Professional Development for Accordion Teachers.

The first workshop will be held online on November 7th, 2021 from 3pm to 6 pm Central Time.

Join Joan Sommers and ATG President Mary Ann Covone for a class on professional development for accordion teachers.

See the ATG website for registrations.


John Kirkpatrick Performs for “National Forest Folk” – England

John KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick MBE will perform in concert for the “National Forest Folk” at the Moira Miners' Welfare in Moira, Leicestershire, England on November 7th, 2021 at 8pm.

John performs many popular concerts on the accordion, melodeon and concertina and has been singing, dancing and playing his was around the English folk scene since 1959.

For details email: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk


November Seattle Accordion Social - USA

SAS poster
The Northwest Accordion Society will hold their next Seattle Accordion Social on November 8th, 2021 at the Senior Centre of West Seattle in Seattle, Washington from 7.30pm.

This month’s event will include guest performers Andy Mirkovich, John Morovich, and Mike Marinkovich.

See poster for details.


Rob Reich Performs at The Maybeck Studio, California – USA

Rob ReichThe Rob Reich Trio will perform live at The Maybeck Studio in Berkeley, California on November 14th, 2021 at 3pm.

The group, which includes Rob Reich (accordion & piano - picture left), Ben Goldberg (clarinet) and Daniel Fabricant (bass), will perform a set of original chamber jazz music.

Rob is a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory with a degree in Composition. He is best known for his work with Tin Hat, Gaucho, and Circus Bella.Tickets are limited. For further details email: rob@robreich.com


Childrens Corner

Video: Childrens Folk Song Performance – Slovakia

Video: This group of children are having fun playing and singing at a folk festival in Hrušov, Slovakia.


New and Updated Sites

Report giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2021, termina domenica, Monaco di Baviera - Germania

Daily Reports Header 2021 Coupe Mondiale
Mirco Patarini2021 Coupe Mondiale posterVideo sopra: Naoko e Andreas Nebl al concerto di apertura della Coupe Mondiale.
I Report Giornalieri con video e immagini sono iniziati mercoledì 13 ottobre con il Concerto Inaugurale. Ci saranno video di tutte le esibizioni e concerti dei concorrenti della Coupe Mondiale, forniti dal CIA Video Archive and Education Project. Risultati online con la conclusione delle premiazioni il 17 ottobre 2021.
Video Homepage e Orario a: 2021CM-Video
Report giornalieri, immagini, risultati a: 2021CM-Report
Alexander Dmitriev, Hans-Günter Kölz, Oleg Sharov


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