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Weekly News from Around the World - 29-May-2009
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Apre il nuovo sito: Diatonic News – Austria
Fan Club ora su Accordion-Space4u.com
Il Campionato di Fisarmonica del Sud Pacifico – Nuova Zelanda
Gary Blair e suo figlio Gary su Cd, Glasgow – Regno Unito

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

World Accordion Day
President’s Night Celebration, Stockport – UK
Accordion Radio Show, Stanley – Falkland Islands
Celebrity Intervista di Corrado Rojac - Italy

Future events

Carlos Buono & Beltango Unica – Serbia, Germany
Jeancristophe in Concert‏, Lille – France
Frédéric Deschamps Seminar & Grayson Masefield Concert - USA
MAAA Special Meeting, Massachusetts - USA
Zoltan Orosz Concert Dates, Budapest - Hungary
Accordion Festival, Chatonnay – France
Akkordeon-Ensembles Hermi Kaleta Concert, Vienna – Austria
Friedrich Lips Accordion Workshop, Imst - Austria

New and Updated Sites

Zoltan Orosz new CDs
2009 Coupe Mondiale Website Update - New Zealand
USA News, June Edition - USA
Updated AATA Website, Download Program - Australia

CD Reviews

Accordeon Obsession

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Apre il nuovo sito: Diatonic News – Austria

Diatonic News logo
Werner WeibertÈ stato dato il via ad un nuovo sito internet intitolato Notizie Diatoniche. Il sito si caratterizzerà per le notizie relative a strumenti di tipo diatonico e sarà pubblicato ogni mese. L'editore è l'austriaco Werner Weibert.

Werner Weibert è il direttore del HVOe (l'Assoociazione Austriaca di Fisarmonica) ed è stato un esponente di spicco in questa organizzazione per molti anni come delegato e giudice CIA, membro del famoso Viennese Accordion Ensemble che ha viaggiato in molti continenti del mondo.

Il Diatonic News sarà caratterizzato da articoli come il VI International Diatonic World Championships e il XVI National Harmonika Championships a St. Kanzian, in Austria, che è organizzato dall'HVOe. Attraverso Diatonic News ci si può collegare a un eccellente report fotografico di questo evento molto popolare.

Per favore inviate notizie a Werner Weibert prima della fine di ciascun mese per l'inserimento nel sito Diatonic News. Le tue notizie possono essere inviate in ogni lingua e saranno pubblicate in lingua originale con la possibilità di usare i servizi di traduzione (translation) internet disponibile per la traduzione (translation).


Fan Club ora su Accordion-Space4u.com

Accordion-Space4u banner
accordion-space4u.com sta presentando un nuovo Fan Club ideato per fisarmonicisti, aziende, festival e concorsi, associazioni, orchestre e affari riguardanti la fisarmonica per promuovere loro stessi nel mondo della fisarmonica.

Questo progetto ti permette di scaricare foto, video, colonne sonore ogni volta che desideri, senza richiedere ad alcun sito. I visitatori al vostro sito non hanno bisogno di loggarsi – voi avete un semplice indirizzo web da ricordare che ciascuno può vedere e tu puoi aggiornare facilmente da qualsiasi computer connesso a internet nel mondo.

I vostri visitatori possono diventare fans molto semplicemente senza bisogno di fornire informazioni personali o password e potete inviare un messaggio, comunicato stampa, blog a migliaia di vostri fans molto semplicemente appena con un click.

Questo è un grande sistema progettato per tenere informati i vostri fans circa quello che state facendo, elencare i nuovi CD, video, concerti, concorsi, eventi, nuovi prodotti. Voi potete fare questo da soli, è incredibilmente semplice.

Il nuovo Fan Clubs stanno partendo ora e saranno elencati sulle news ogni settimana per alcuni mesi per promuovere questo meraviglioso e nuova struttura di comunicazione che vi permetterà di parlare la mondo.

Per maggiori informazioni o per applicare e avere il tuo fan club, email: holda@paoletti-kampl.com


Il Campionato di Fisarmonica del Sud Pacifico – Nuova Zelanda

NZAA Competitions logo
Il Report giornaliero del Pacifico del Sud (South Pacific Daily Reports) che include i risultati sarà disponibile online.
Il Campionato di Fisarmonica del Pacifico del Sud (South Pacific Accordion Championships) che include il Campionato di Fisarmonica Neo Zelandese che è in programma a Epson sabato 30 e domenica 31 maggio.

Quest'anno l'evento è più piccolo del solito perchè molti neo zelandesi preferiscono viaggiare a Takapuna per la Coupe Mondiale 2009 ad agosto.

Difficoltà sul visto per la Nuova Zelanda hanno trattenuto Marko Miletic (Serbia) il vincitore del 2008 della Coupe Mondiale nella categoria Fisarmonica a Piano dal raggiungere la Nuova Zelanda per esibirsi.

Il Report giornaliero del Pacifico del Sud (South Pacific Daily Reports) che include i risultati sarà disponibile online.


Gary Blair e suo figlio Gary su Cd, Glasgow – Regno Unito

Gary Blair Senior and JuniorPer la prima volta lo scozzese Gary Blair e suo figlio Gary hanno registrato un CD insieme, “A Chip Off the Old Block”, nel quale ciascuno turno interpreta la parte principale. La musica è internazionale nel carattere e solo una traccia “The Hen's March to the Midden” ha una derivazione scozzese.

Gary Blair è molto conosciuto a livello internazionale come musicista, insegnante e artista da registrazione, mentre suo figlio adolescente è stato impegnato a vincere molti dei concorsi di fisarmonica a cui ha partecipato nel Regno Unito.

Le tracce includono: ‘Anna Polka’, ‘The Rose’, ‘Vacances Tyroliennes’, ‘Czardas’ (V. Monti), ‘Tutto Pepe’, ‘The Hen's March to the Midden’/’Chicken Reel’, ‘Marietta’, ‘Heidi's Waltz’/’The Levear Waltz’, ‘Dizzy Accordion’, ‘Retour des Hirondelles’, ‘Preludio’ (A. Volpi), ‘Minka’, ‘Carrickfergus’, ‘Clarinet Polka’, and ‘Das Kufsteiner Lied’.

Per maggiori informazioni email: gazzapt@yahoo.co.uk


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

World Accordion Day

World Accordion Day logoA large number of events on or near May 6th, World Accordion Day, took place in many countries. Reports on many of these events can be found on World Accordion Day Website.


President’s Night Celebration, Stockport – UK

SAC orchestra
Rob Howard and Marj HowardStockport Accordion Club’s contribution to World Accordion Day, on May 6th, was a ‘President’s Night’ concert, which proved to be a non-stop feast of music. With no booked guest, the club members provided most of the music.

This included the SAC Band (MD Dennis Pepler), SAC Orchestra (MD Brian Jenkins), SAC Jazz Band (Marj Howard – trumpet, Brian Jenkins – tenor horn, John Nixon – clarinet, Derek Pritchard – tenor sax, Tony Wynroe – keyboard, and Johnny Coleclough - vocals), a quartet: Rachel White, Sarah Hodge, Jason & Justin Ryan (playing a great version of ‘Lord of the Dance’), Dennis Pepler, Chris Green and Betty Molloy, Gillian Curvis (on keyboard), Brennan Wilson and Leo Hickey, Ray Peacock, Marj and Rob Howard ( trumpet and Roland FR7), John Higham, Derek Stubbs, and two short spots by SAC Vice President Pearl Fawcett-Adriano.

The concert marked the 75th birthday of SAC President Johnny Coleclough – a marvellous ambassador for the accordion, who revelled in the proceedings from beginning to end.

The President’s Night also saw the premiere appearance of Rob Howard’s new book ‘An A to the Z of the Accordion, Volume 4’, which sold lots of copies on the night.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Accordion Radio Show, Stanley – Falkland Islands

Accordion player and enthusiast Derek Howatt has begun to present a fortnightly programme of accordion music over Falkland Islands Radio Station.

The first show, broadcast on May 24th, featured the music of Arthur Spink, Harry Hussey, Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Will Starr, and Phil Cunnningham, not only entertaining the listeners, but also demonstrating the versatility and different sounds that can be produced by the accordion together with different styles of playing.

The next programme, on June 7th, 5pm local time, features the music of Sharon Shannon. FIRS radio can be heard on the Internet via the website www.reciva.com.


Celebrity Intervista di Corrado Rojac - Italy

Corrado RojacCelebrity Intervista di Corrado Rojac sul Celebrity Interviews sito


Future events

Carlos Buono & Beltango Unica – Serbia, Germany

Carlos Buono & Beltango posterBeltango is a quintet from Serbia, specialising in tango, in all its various forms. Their style of tango incorporates Argentinean and Balkan ethnic influences.

Beltango’s next two performances, in Belgrade and Berlin, will feature the famous Argentinean composer and bandoneonist Carlos Buono. The name of this collaboration is Buono & Beltango Orquesta Unica, and a major European tour is planned for spring 2010.

May 28th, 8pm - Madlenianum Opera & Theatre, Belgrade
May 30th - Ballhaus Rixdorf, Berlin Tango Festival

For further information email: info@beltango.com


Jeancristophe in Concert‏, Lille – France

Jeancristophe posterFrench accordionist Jeancristophe, from Calais, performs in concert at the Wazemmes Festival in Lille on May 29th, 8pm.

For further information email: management@vailloline.com


Frédéric Deschamps Seminar & Grayson Masefield Concert - USA

Seminar participants in Spokane, Washington State
The last 4 weeks has been a busy time for Frédéric Deschamps. He was in China for Master Classes and jury at the Shanghai Spring Accordion Festival. The back to Europe to attend Klingenthal and Spoleto International competitions. There his pupils won the first and second places in both competitions Petar Maric (Serbia - student Alexander Nikolic) and Grayson Masefield (New Zealand).

Now Frédéric Deschamps is in the United States of America as President of the CMA, invited by the national delegate CMA for the USA, Patricia Bartell.

Adults and children at the seminars will discover new pedagogy methods and innovative advice, as well as see the training of Grayson Masefield, a student of Frédéric Deschamps for 3 years.

This young artist, prize winner of the Trophée Mondial in Variety and Classical, winner at Castelfidardo Classical (category D) last October, will perform the entire repertoire of classic and variety programs, this Saturday evening at the theater in Spokane (Washington State).

Among the master class participants is Yevgeny Nosov, Belarusian-born American who is preparing for the CMA Trophee Mondiale which will be held this year in Portugal from 23 to 27 September 2009.


MAAA Special Meeting, Massachusetts - USA

Donna RegisOn Sunday afternoon, May 31st, New Hampshire Accordion Association (NHAA) will be guests of the Massachusetts Accordion Association (MAAA) at a special joint meeting at the First Congregational Church, 1.30pm, Natick, MA.

Donna Regis will be conducting and performing with the NHAA ensemble and has been invited to conduct the combined MAAA-NHAA ensemble. The NHAA performance will offer a preview of ‘Accordions Now! 2009’, scheduled for August 7th and 8th in Manchester, NH. The combined MAAA-NHAA ensemble will play two of Donna Regis’ arrangements (one co-arranged with Tony Lovello) from the 2008 ‘Accordions Now! Festival Orchestra program. Lynda Fish and Donna Regis will also perform a couple of duets.

For further information email: donnaregis@comcast.net


Zoltan Orosz Concert Dates, Budapest - Hungary

Zoltan OroszAccordionist Zoltan Orosz performs the following concerts during June:

June 2nd, 5pm – Vörösmarty, 1051 Budapest
8th, 5pm - Musikschule Galambos János, Grassalkovich út 169, 1239 Budapest
20th, 7.45pm - Caféhaus Apicius, 8440 Herend, Kossuth u. 135
20th, 10.30pm - Haus der Künste, 8210 Gödöllo, Szabadság út 6
25th, 1pm - Csili Kulturzentrum Theatersaal, Bubik István, Budapest
30 th, 8pm - Csongrád, Kossuth tér 7

Zoltan Orosz studied the accordion and the organ in Budapest, and has gone on to become a virtuoso performer, with an international repertoire and appeal, and with several recordings to his credit.

For further information email: csirmaz@harmonika.hu


Accordion Festival, Chatonnay – France

Accordion Festival posterThe first accordion festival, organised by the accordéon club de Chatonnay, takes place in Chatonnay (Nord Isère 5km from Saint Jean de Bournay) on June 13th and 14th. The festival takes place in the halls Polyvalente and Gymnase, with a guest list that includes Jean-Robert Chappelet, Jean Louis Noton, Peter Soave and Mady Soave and an accordion quartet from Zagreb, Croatia.

For further information email: pitcok@wanadoo.fr


Akkordeon-Ensembles Hermi Kaleta Concert, Vienna – Austria

Nikola DjoricOn Saturday June 20th, 6pm, in the Volksheim Groß Jedlersdorf 1210 Wien, Siemensstraße 17, the das Akkordeon-Ensembles Hermi Kaleta will hold a concert with Plamena Ivanova violin, and Nikola Djoric – accordion, as guests.

For further information email: kaleta.hermi@aon.at


Friedrich Lips Accordion Workshop, Imst - Austria

City of ImstFor the 10th time the city of Imst (located in Tyrol, near Innsbruck) will organize a workshop for musicians and artists of different styles from July 13th to 17th 2009.

Participants will have the opportunity to combine some relaxing days with artistic activity. Famous teacher/concert artist Friedrich Lips (from the Gnessin Academy of Music in Moscow) will give solo lessons to participants giving his view of how to solve musical and technical problems, performance on stage, etc.

A wonderful opportunity to have tuition from Friedrich Lips, from one of the worlds most famous accordion artist and teacher.
For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


New and Updated Sites

Zoltan Orosz new CDs

A new site selling 3 CDs titled "Accordion In Black And White", "Thousandfaced Accordion" and "Under The Paris Sky" with sound samples. Music performed by Zoltan Orosz. Purchase online.


2009 Coupe Mondiale Website Update - New Zealand

2009 Coupe Mondiale Website Update is now online. There is a new date of 30th June for registration at the discount price. Many other minor updates online too.


USA News, June Edition - USA

The next edition of the USA News, June edition, will be online on the 1st June 2009.


Updated AATA Website, Download Program - Australia

Updated AATA website for the 2009 Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival, Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th June, 2009. The program for the event is available online now as a download at: Australian International Championships


CD Reviews

Accordeon Obsession

Sergiu Popa CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Accordeon Obsession” by Sergiu Popa


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