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Weekly News from Around the World - 29-Jan-2021
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Primo piano

XXIII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival Online – Finlandia
Concerti Guardia Nueva e Maria Kalaniemi - Finlandia
CNIMA Jazz Manouche Corso intensivo per professionisti con Ludovic Beier - Francia
Online _ 38° Orkney Folk Festival - Scozia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Closing date Extended: 2021 AAA Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition for Aspiring Composers
Closing Date for Online: 58th International Accordion Competition Klingenthal - Germany
Accordionist Marcelo Caldi Bellows Marathon, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Video: Tracey Collins Performing at Cotati Accordion Festival – USA
Bachtopus Releases Third Commission - USA

Future events

Online: Ceilidh Cabin Grand Dance - Scotland
Online: Cory Pesaturo and Vibrato Jazz Concert - USA
Louise Jallu Quartet Concert, Caen - France
Online: Ghenadie Rotari Concert “Quarantine Diaries” - Italy
“Muset” Ensemble "Soviet Hits" Concert, Omsk - Russia
Online: 2021 "Not Just Oompah" Concert and Workshops, Texas - USA
Hohner Conservatory "Kons-Camp 2021" - Germany

Childrens Corner

Viktor Stocker, Winner of 2020 Online Vivo International Music Competition

New and Updated Sites

Rilasciato il regolamento della Coupe Mondiale 2021, Monaco - Germania
Updated: Russia News
Site Update: Wallace Liggett Passes Away - New Zealand

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Primo piano

XXIII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival Online – Finlandia

Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival - Finland
Video 1: Video: Sonja Vertainen performs J.S. Bach_ Prelude and Fugue in F-sharp Minor, BWV 883

Video 2: Vilda Duo
PosterIl XXXIII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival si terrà online dal 6 al 14 febbraio 2021 a Kokkola, in Finlandia.

Il direttore artistico sin dall'inizio è Raimo Vertainen e lui e il presidente dell'Associazione Finlandese della Fisarmonica Kimmo Mattila presentano ogni artista.

Il Kokkola Winter Festival sta generosamente mettendo a disposizione del mondo tutti i principali concerti online gratuitamente.

Le informazioni complete di ogni concerto, date e orari a: 2021Kokkola
Video sopra: Sonja Vertainen (9 febbraio) e Vilda Duo (10 febbraio).

Scarica e stampa il poster di Kokkola 2021 all'indirizzo: 2021KokkolaPoster.pdf
Report degli anni precedenti:

Il Comitato Organizzatore (foto sotto) desidera ringraziare gli sponsor elencati di seguito per il loro supporto.

Immagine sotto, Comitato Organizzatore ed elenco degli sponsor:
Seconda fila, da sinistra a destra: Sig. Olli-Matti Airiola, Presidente Onorario del Consiglio Sig. Teuvo Lempiälä, Sig. Jarmo Nissi, Sig. Martti Eurola.
Prima fila, da sinistra a destra: Presidente del Consiglio Sig. Pertti Kuosmanen, Sig.ra Harriet Jossfolk-Furu, Leader Artistico Sig. Raimo Vertainen
2021 Kokkola Organising Committee, Sponsors


Concerti Guardia Nueva e Maria Kalaniemi - Finlandia

Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival header
Video 1: El Choclo, Guardia Nueva

Video 2: Il mio Mondo, Guardia Nueva
Raimo VertainenMaria Kalaniemi, Guardia NuevaLa finale del Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival si terrà sabato 13 febbraio (dalle 19:00 alle 20:00, ora della Finlandia) con Guardia Nueva, il direttore musicale Raimo Vertainen (foto a sinistra) con i cantanti Virva Puumala, Matti Korkiala, Maria Autio e Jiri Tammilehto. Potrete vedere il concerto per la celebrazione dei 400 anni di Kokkola a: 2021Kokkola

Due video di Guardia Nueva qui sopra.

Venerdì 12 febbraio, dalle 19:00 alle 20:00
Maria Kalaniemi (fisarmonica e voce) e Eero Grundström (armonia) online su: 2021Kokkola
Guardia Nueva


CNIMA Jazz Manouche Corso intensivo per professionisti con Ludovic Beier - Francia

Il CNIMA diretto da Nathalie Boucheix annuncia i dettagli del terzo e ultimo (di tre corsi di formazione professionale intensiva) per musicisti professionisti.

Questo corso è intitolato "Jazz Manouche" con il fisarmonicista jazz Ludovic Beier e sarà disponibile online se i partecipanti non sono in grado di viaggiare.

Il corso è per tutti gli strumenti e si terrà dal 1 al 3 giugno 2021. I partecipanti impareranno i segreti dello Swing Manouche e della musica gitana per improvvisare, accompagnare e sviluppare un repertorio.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: cnima@orange.fr


Online _ 38° Orkney Folk Festival - Scozia

Orkney posterIl 38° Orkney Folk Festival si terrà online dal 27 al 30 maggio 2021 in Scozia.

A seguito della cancellazione dell'evento del 2020 a causa del Covid-19, gli organizzatori sono lieti di confermare che la stragrande maggioranza degli artisti che avrebbero partecipato al festival del 2020 apparirà invece nell'evento del 2021.

Si esibiranno ventidue artisti tra cui un forte contingente scozzese, insieme a importanti artisti provenienti da Canada, Danimarca, Norvegia, Svezia, India, Stati Uniti, Inghilterra, Shetland e, naturalmente, dalla fiorente scena locale di Orkney.

Gli artisti includono i rocker folk scozzesi Skerryvore (con i fratelli Daniel alla fisarmonica e Martin Gillespie alle pipe e alla fisarmonica), il trio scozzese Talisk (con il suonatore di concertina Mohsen Amini), il gruppo folk nordico "SVER", il quartetto scozzese Tannara (foto sotto - che include il fisarmonicista Joseph Peach) e The Chair (con il fisarmonicista Bob Gibbon, che è anche il direttore del festival).


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Closing date Extended: 2021 AAA Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition for Aspiring Composers

AAA header
Elsie BnnettThe closing date for the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 2021 Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition for Aspiring Composers has been extended to February 15th, 2021.

Winners will be notified by email on or about March 1st, 2021.

Download Information, Awards, Regulations and Entry Form at: 2021Bennett.pdf


Closing Date for Online: 58th International Accordion Competition Klingenthal - Germany

The closing date for entries to the 58th International Accordion Competition Klingenthal is 31st January 2021. The competition will take place for all categories online this year from 2nd to 8th May, 2021.

Video recordings of the participants must be recorded especially for the “58th International Accordion Competition Klingenthal” and may not be published by the participant before the end of the competition on May 7th, 2021. These videos of the participants must have been recorded after the end of the registration period on 31st January, 2021.

Download competition rules in German, French, Russian, Spanish and English languages at: 2021KlingenthalRules.pdf
Download competition entry forms at: 2021KlingenthalEntry.pdf

For further details email: info@accordion-competition.de


Accordionist Marcelo Caldi Bellows Marathon, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Brazil poster
Accordionist Marcelo Caldi (picture below right) took part in a Flute and Bellows Marathon along with guitarist Nelson Faria (picture below left) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on January 28th 2021.

Funded by the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture, the Flute and Bellows Marathon conducts classes, lectures, workshops, courses and presentations providing integration between teachers, students and family. In addition to musical skills, students learn to share experiences.

This free event included study tips for accordionists. How to coordinate the study time in order to assimilate all accordion aspects in an efficient way: two completely different keyboards, a bellows, harmony, melody, articulation and rhythm.

Marcelo Caldi and Nelson Faria discussed the study of the instrument, their careers and Brazilian music. This was followed by question time and interaction with the guests.

Pedagogical Direction and General Coordinator: Luciana Schmidt
Artistic Direction: Miguel Santos
Director: Flute and Bellows - Musical Studio Londrina-Paraná-Brazil
Marcelo Caldi


Video: Tracey Collins Performing at Cotati Accordion Festival – USA

Tracey CollinsVideo: Tracey Collins performing at the Virtual Cotati Accordion Virtual Winter Festival in December.

Tracey Collins is a professional accordion entertainer in New Zealand with a huge repertoire suitable for any occasion or venue. She performs solo and with various groups.

A sought after talent, Tracey has performed at many well known festivals and events thoughout NZ to extensive praise.


Bachtopus Releases Third Commission - USA

Bachtopus is happy to release the third commission from their 2020 Composers Commissioning Fund, “Jenny’s Goat Waltz,” which was arranged for them by Rob Curto.

This composition was inspired by a long-distance romance between Curto and his wife when they were courting. The original version of the piece was written as a trombone tune when they first met. Curto was staying on a goat farm at the time, and goats are Jenny’s favorite animal.

The Bachtopus ensemble includes accordionists Robert Duncan, Peter Flint, Denise Koncelik, Mayumi Miyaoka and Jeanne Velonis.

Their 2020 Composer Commissioning Fund is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).


Future events

Online: Ceilidh Cabin Grand Dance - Scotland

concert poster
The January Ceilidh Cabin monthly show will feature a special Robbie Burns Grand Dance on January 30th, 2021.

This event, which is one of a regular series of concerts, will feature special guests & themes to enjoy.

See poster for details.


Online: Cory Pesaturo and Vibrato Jazz Concert - USA

Vibrato posterCory Pesaturo will host the online Vibrato Jazz Concert on January 31st, 2021 at 3pm PST (6pm EST). The concert features a number of special guests.

Cory Pesaturo (C Pez) has performed in many countries of the world and is the only accordion graduate of the prestigious New England Conservatory of Music in Boston.

In 2017, he became a Guinness World Record Holder, as he flew to Austria to break the Marathon Accordion Record by playing for over 32 hours.

For concert details email: cory@corypesaturo.com


Louise Jallu Quartet Concert, Caen - France

Louise Jallu QuartetThe Louise Jallu Quartet will give a free concert at the Théâtre de Caen entitled “Jazz in the Foyers” on February 6th, 2021 at 5pm.

The program is organised by Michel Dubourg for the Caen Theatre.

Bandoneonist Louise Jallu performs a new project dedicated to Astor Piazzolla whose centenary of birth is celebrated in 2021. “This reinterpretation of the Argentine bandoneonist's compositions is between jazz and tango, between reverence and irreverence.”

The quartet includes Louise Jallu (accordion), Karsten Hopchapfel (violin), Grégoire Letouvet (piano) and Alexandre Perrot (double bass).

For details email: theatre@caen.fr


Online: Ghenadie Rotari Concert “Quarantine Diaries” - Italy

Ghenadie RotariGhenadie Rotari will give an online concert entitled “Quarantine Diaries” which will include new and “old” music on February 7th at 7pm CET (Feb 8th at 7am UTC+13 and Feb 8th at 8.15am UTC+13).

This is the first of these "diaries", a project started in March 2020 during the first lockdowns and consists of short pieces written for accordion solo by composers from all over the world.

"Quarantine diaries" will include works by Foresi, Ralli, Kittos, Samsaminia, Reis, Quinn, Shlomowitz and others.

The concert will also include "Flight Beyond Time" by Petri Makkonen, "Gavotte et Six Doubles" by Jean-Philippe Rameau, "Flora's Game" by Astor Piazzolla and "Omaggio ad Astor Piazzolla" by Vladimir Zubitsky.

For details email: g.rotari@yahoo.com


“Muset” Ensemble "Soviet Hits" Concert, Omsk - Russia

Muset poster
The “Muset” Ensemble will give a concert entitled "Soviet Hits" in 14th February 2021 in Omsk, Russia.

Their program will feature famous songs from the repertoire of Eduard Hil, Tamara Miansarova, compositions by Raymond Pauls, Andrei Petrov as well as melodies from Soviet films.

The program also includes live communication with the musicians and the opportunity to perform your favorite songs together with the soloist of the ensemble.

For more information phone: +7 913 647 8115


Online: 2021 "Not Just Oompah" Concert and Workshops, Texas - USA

Elena & Gregory FainshteinNot Just Oompah (NJO) will host an online concert and workshops with Elena & Gregory Fainshtein in February, 2021.

Elena & Gregory are classically trained accordion musicians originally from Belarus, Russia.

Dates as follows:
• February 21st: free concert from 3pm to 4pm CST
• February 22nd and 23rd: Light Classical & Pop Workshops from 7pm to 9.30pm CST

Workshop attendees will learn:
• Different types of light classical music with some pop tunes in the mix, just for fun!
• Yes, a classical polka will be included as well
• Music that has beautiful expression for every audience
• How to express each note with emotion & to play with proper intonation
• To control the bellows & to articulate each note with clarity and expression
• Proper position & posture for playing the accordion
• Methods to reduce physical stress

Materials are designed for players at all levels and for all types of accordion (chromatic button accordion or piano accordion).

Workshop registrations close on February 20th, 2021.

For further details email: accsaj@gmail.com


Hohner Conservatory "Kons-Camp 2021" - Germany

Camp posterThe first Hohner Conservatory Kons-Camp 2021 weekend will be held at the Hohner-Konservatorium Trossingen from March 5th to 7th, 2021.

Participants must be 16 years of age or older and will get the opportunity to join with other students to play in an ensemble and orchestra, eat together, chat about music and get to know the music city of Trossingen.

The deadline for registrations is February 15th, 2021. For details email: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


Childrens Corner

Viktor Stocker, Winner of 2020 Online Vivo International Music Competition

Viktor StockerViktor Stocker (11 years old from Czech Republic) was awarded 1st Prize - Judge's Pick playing "Gernika" by Gorka Hermosa at the 2020 "Vivo International Music Competition" held in December 2020. Viktor (whose teacher is Markéta Laštovicková), was given a perfect score of 10 by the judges.


New and Updated Sites

Rilasciato il regolamento della Coupe Mondiale 2021, Monaco - Germania

CIA 2021La 74a Coupe Mondiale si terrà dal 13 al 17 ottobre 2021 a Monaco, in Germania, ospitata dal membro della CIA, il Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV), il capo del progetto è il primo vicepresidente: Georg Hettmann.

La nostra Coupe Mondiale in Germania celebra anche il 90° anniversario della DHV, membro fondatore della CIA.

Il festival presenterà le seguenti competizioni:
• 73a Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Junior International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Musica da camera - Classica
• Musica da camera - World Music

Regolamento 2021 a: Coupe Mondiale
Potete visualizzare le informazioni sugli hotel e le immagini delle sedi dei concerti a: Coupe Mondiale
Scarica il poster stampabile dell'evento su: 2021CM-poster.pdf

Il sistema di iscrizione online sarà aperto in primavera e la data di chiusura delle iscrizioni è il 25 agosto 2021.

Troverete un report completo della Coupe Mondiale 2019 su:
In cinese


Updated: Russia News

Russia banner
Russia News updated with new items, competition results, videos and future events.


Site Update: Wallace Liggett Passes Away - New Zealand

New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA)
Book Cover, History of the Accordion in New ZealandWallace LiggettSite update for Wallace Liggett who passed away 18th October, 2020 He was the author of the book The History of the Accordion in New Zealand.

November 13th, 2020 news item

In 1990, the New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) commissioned Wallace Liggett to be the author of the book "The History of the Accordion in New Zealand) , to ensure that information about the early history of the accordion in New Zealand, the individuals and their struggle for the wider acceptance and appreciation of the accordion by musicians and public alike, was not lost through the passage of time.


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