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Weekly News from Around the World - 28-Nov-2008
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Primo piano

Collaborazione tra Hohner e Bob Dylan - Germania
Prima categoria “fisarmonica digitale” della Coupe Mondiale - Nuova Zelanda
Traduttori delle notizie settimanale su Accordions Worldwide - Europa
VIII Concorso internazionale di fisarmonica, Belgorod - Russia
Nuovo Numero di Strumenti & Musica - Italia
Nuovo libro: 90 anni di Maugein Accordions, Tulle - Francia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Premiere of ‘Rejoice!’, Segovia - Spain
Grayson Masefield Featured on French TV - France
Henry Doktorski as Artist-In-Residence, Iowa – USA
'Paris Moscou Duo’ School Concerts – Switzerland

Future events

New Accordion Club Opens, Pocklington – UK
‘A Christmas Carol’ with Accordion!!, Randers- Denmark
Alex Meixner Concert, Ohio – USA
Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra Concerts – France, Spain
Donal Ring’s Golden Anniversary Concerts, Cork – Irish Republic

New and Updated Sites

New Music - ‘Temptation', 'Anton Young'
New Music - 'Cool March', 'Fantasia Gitana'
Coupe Mondiale Website Updated

CD Reviews

“HEIMAT”, Leos Janacek, Stefan Heucke

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Primo piano

Collaborazione tra Hohner e Bob Dylan - Germania

Hohner Bod Dylan Signature Series
Hohner logoChe cosa succede quando si uniscono uno dei maggiori costruttori di strumenti musicali, con oltre 150 anni di storia, ed uno dei più leggendari musicisti al mondo? È fare storia, naturalmente!

La società Hohner e Bob Dylan sono orgogliosi di annunciare ' La Collezione Bob Dylan’ celebrando i risultati e le eredità di entrambi. Hohner ha fabbricato e distribuito strumenti musicali dal 1857, cio’ lo rende uno dei più antichi costruttori di strumenti musicali del mondo. Bob Dylan - venerato cantautore americano, autore, poeta - è stato una figura importante nella musica popolare degli ultimi cinque decenni. Nel corso della sua carriera, Bob Dylan ha vinto premi per la sua canzone d'autore, l'esecuzione e la registrazione, collezionando undici Grammys (compreso un Lifetime Achievement Award), Kennedy Center Honors, e un Oscar. Nel 2008 è stato assegnato a Bob Dylan uno speciale Premio Pulitzer per il suo "profondo impatto sulla musica popolare e la cultura americana, caratterizzata da composizioni liriche di straordinaria potenza poetica".

Da oggi Bob Dylan Firma una Serie di armoniche, questo nuovo prodotto è disponibile sia singolarmente in chiave di C, che anche nelle serie di sette chiavi naturale di A, B, C, D, E, F, e G. L’ armonica ha una custodia caratteristica firmata da Bob Dylan, ed in rilievo sulla custodia , il logo Bob Dylan's "Eye", regalo extra, un esclusivo poster di Bob Dylan.


Prima categoria “fisarmonica digitale” della Coupe Mondiale - Nuova Zelanda

2009 Coupe Mondiale New Zealand PosterAlla recente pubblicazione delle norme per la Coupe Mondiale 2009, hanno aggiunto una nuova categoria della Coupe Mondiale per la Fisarmonica Digitale.
I candidati sono invitati a svolgere a propria scelta un programma show / Entertainment . In maniera insolita, questo concorso permette ai candidati di utilizzare tutta la tecnologia disponibile inclusi moduli esterni, moduli MIDI, tracce tra file audio ,SMF, CD o lettori MP3.

Ogni candidato deve assicurarsi che tutte le sue attrezzature di lavoro sono compattibile con quelle fornite dall’organizzatore come mixer , sistema audio con un mixer plug-in per 1 o 2 canali e un unico cavo di alimentazione (spina locale) di 230 volt.

Queste nuove regole comprendono: "Tutti i tipi e di fisarmonica digitale che possono utilizzare il mantice per il controllo del volume principale di suoni digitali. Fisarmoniche digitali con i suoni acustici sono consentite a condizione che il candidato utilizzi il mantice della fisarmonica per rendere sostanziale l'uso di suoni digitali ".

Rivoluzionario è anche il sistema di assegnazione dei punti .
“ Adjudicators " Il giudizio sarà basato su: show/ intrattenimento musicale e utilizzo della tecnologia digitale. Pubblico e/o di candidati provenienti da altre categorie della Coupe Mondiale potranno essere “ Adjudicators "con l'obiettivo di garantire la realistica performance dei candidati.

Questa nuova categoria assicura di creare enorme interesse tra i fisarmonicisti ed i paesi che nel 2009 utilizzeranno tali norme per le qualifiche di selezione nazionale.


Traduttori delle notizie settimanale su Accordions Worldwide - Europa

Accordions Worldwide squeeze logoAccordions Worldwide ha il grande piacere di presentarvi i traduttore delle notizie settimanale “Highlights” che vengono tradotte in 7 lingue:

Yulia Amerikova - Russian News
João Gentil - francese News
Holda Paoletti-Kampl - Tedesco News
Jesús Peñaranda Portilla - Spagnolo News
Antonio Spaccarotella & Mirco Patarini - Italiano News
Guo Xingming - Cina News

Questo è un servizio molto popolare che viene letto da circa 50.000 persone ogni settimana. Vorremmo ringraziare pubblicamente tutti i nostri traduttori per la loro preziosa collaborazione!


VIII Concorso internazionale di fisarmonica, Belgorod - Russia

Rear row jury: Miron Bulla, Yuri Brusencev, Michael Shvetsov, Friedrich Lips, Vladimir Besfamilnov, Oleg Sharov.  Front row guest artists: Pavel Mangasaryan (Saratov), Sergei Osokin (Moscow), Alexander Poeluev (Rostov-on-Don)
Alexander PoeluevDal 10 al 14 novembre si è tenuto a Belgorod il l'VIII Concorso Internazionale 'Cup Belogorya'. Nel 2008, questo concorso è diventato il più rappresentativo della sua storia con più di 130 giovani artisti provenienti 36 città e 3 paesi.

Il concorso ha avuto una grande giuria di prestigio: Friedrich Lips, Vladimir Besfamilnov, Oleg Sharov, Michael Shvetsov, Miron Boll.

Parte del festival è stata l'Ensemble 'Teremok Quartetto' (San Pietroburgo), che comprendeva i fisarmonicisti: Paolo Mangasaryan (Saratov), Sergei Osokin (Mosca), Alexander Poeluev (Rostov-sul-Don).

I risultati del Concorso internazionale di Belgorod 2008 sono allegati.


Nuovo Numero di Strumenti & Musica - Italia

Strumenti & MusicaOswaldinho Do Acordeon, Kevin Friedrich e il Mondiale CMA.
Nel nuovo numero di Strumenti&Musica interviste, storie e racconti dei maggiori musicisti italiani e stranieri. Non solo. Per tutti gli appassionati di fisarmonica la rubrica “Trucchi & Astuzie” di Frédéric Deschamps, la Fisarmonica Jazz di Renzo Ruggieri, tutte le nozioni necessarie, i microfoni giusti e le tecniche adeguate per poter amplificare la tromba e il trombone nella rubrica “L'arte di microfonare”.

E ancora le news, gli eventi ed i concerti organizzati in ogni parte del mondo.

Per abbonarti visita il sito www.strumentiemusica.com, ovunque tu sia...puoi farlo.


Nuovo libro: 90 anni di Maugein Accordions, Tulle - Francia

Maugein AccordionsUn nuovo libro, ‘90 ans d'éruption de boutons’, è stato appena pubblicato e ripercorre la storia della società di fisarmoniche Maugein fondata nel 1918. Gli autori sono Coudert Firenze - testo, e Pascal Rabot - fotografie, in collaborazione con Laurence Lamy (Direttore dell’ annuale Nuits de Nacre accordion festival e René Lachaise (direttore della società Accordions Maugein de France).

Il libro è in vendita presso i locali Maugein, Tulle, o per posta alla società editoriale Mines de Rien.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: contact@editionsminesderien.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Premiere of ‘Rejoice!’, Segovia - Spain

Angel Luis Castaño, Carmen Gurriarán, and David del Puerto
Angel Luis Castaño, Spanish concert accordionist, took part last week in the premiere of ‘Rejoice!’. ‘Rejoice!’

Angel Luis Castaño – (accordion), Carmen Gurriarán (soprano), and David del Puerto – (guitar) presented the new music show ‘About the night’, by Spanish national award composer David del Puerto, at the Esteban Vicente Museum in Segovia. This concert-show was included in the XV Contemporary Music Days of Segovia.

This show included live music, electronics, poems and improvisations, and has been interpreted with voice, Roland V-Accordion, and amplified guitar. The journal critics said: "This new show presents an evolution of the contemporary music, and far from avant-garde languages, takes more influences from jazz and world music."


Grayson Masefield Featured on French TV - France

Grayson Masefield recording the LMTV show, FranceOn Tuesday 18th November, the TV show with Pascal Savard as the Presenter on LMTV Sarthe, featured as the guest artist, Grayson Masefield of New Zealand. View some of the performance at Grayson LMTV site.

Grayson was the winner of the 2009 Trophée Mondiale Variete entertainment accordion category and second in the classical accordion category, organized by the CMA, and held in Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1 to 5 October 2008.

From New Zealand, Grayson Masefield has spent much of the last 3 years in France for tuition with famous accordion teacher Frédéric Deschamps.

This is his first television performance on a French LMTV Sarthe and the first time in the history of the accordion, that a New Zealander has won this title.


Henry Doktorski as Artist-In-Residence, Iowa – USA

Henry DoktorskiFrom November 9th to 14th, accordionist Henry Doktorski served as Artist-In-Residence for the Ames Iowa High School Orchestra, and also performed as guest soloist with the orchestra in a concert on the last evening, under the direction of MD Mary Kay Polashek.

Henry Doktorski writes: “There was no question in my mind about the high artistic standards of Mary Kay Polashek and her orchestra when she told me that the world-famous harpsichordist Igor Kipnis had been one of their guest artists.

I had a terrific time working with Mary Kay Polashek and Emil. They kept me busy all day long! In the morning I was taken to various schools to give accordion presentations and lecture/recitals. Around noon was our rehearsal with the orchestra at the High School (what a terrific orchestra—87 string players!).

When Mary Kay Polashek began as Director of the orchestras 22 years ago, she had only seven students. Now she has more than 90 students!

I was particularly impressed with the first chair players who were as good as many professionals! It was quite a moving experience for me; to create such terrific music with such a talented Director and excellent young players.


'Paris Moscou Duo’ School Concerts – Switzerland

Domi Emorine & Roman Jbanov - Paris Moscou DuoDomi Emorine and Roman Jbanov, known as world the ‘Paris Moscou' Duo gave a series of school concerts in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, from September 22nd to 25th 2008. The musicians went to 5 different schools to make known the accordion to more than 2,000 teenagers.

Roman Jbanov began by presenting the instrument, its origins, and demonstrating the different sounds of the stops and possibilities of the accordion. Afterwards, the duo took the plunge facing an audience much more inclined towards modern music.

Surprisingly, the young students, very attentive and responsive in their vast majority, warmly appreciated this wide repertory, from Paris to Moscow, from French musette to traditional Russian classics, as well as Roman’s humour in his presentation of the pieces.

Students were even involved in the show by singing the famous ‘Cuckoo Waltz’, arranged by Maurice Larcange, admirably played solo by Domi Emorine. Thunderous applause and many encores at the end of the concert proved that the duo ‘Paris Moscou' managed to revive the accordion in the eyes of young people and perhaps even attracted interest for this wonderful instrument.

Many thanks to Roman and Domi for allowing all these young people to hear such beautiful music.


Future events

New Accordion Club Opens, Pocklington – UK

Harrry HusseyThe East Riding Accordion Club is having ‘A Musical Evening’, on Saturday, November 29th, 7.30pm, jazz starring accordionist Harry Hussey and folk accordionist Sam Pirt. The organiser is Harry Kipling.

The venue for this newly formed club is The Wolds Gliding Club, Pocklington Air Field, located on the A1079, near York.

For further information email: henrykipling@fsmail.net


‘A Christmas Carol’ with Accordion!!, Randers- Denmark

Emir BosnjakThe Randers Theater invites everybody to a Christmas story, with one of the greatest world literature classics: ‘A Christmas Carol’, by Charles Dickens.

”Emir Bosnjak’s beautiful and poetic music form a magic setting for this bubbling family event”. Emir is composer and an actor on the stage, where he uses very old accordion (about 100 years old), which have been repaired and tuned specially for this event by Jacob Eden, who owns an accordion museum.

Shows begin on Thursday, November 27th, and continue twice a day until December 22nd.

For further information email: emir@emirbosnjak.dk


Alex Meixner Concert, Ohio – USA

Alex MeixnerOn November 30th, 8pm, accordionist Alex Meixner performs at Sneakee Pete's, 35700 Lakeland Blvd, Eastlake, Ohio.

Alex Meixner is an accordionist and trumpet player who started playing the Polka circuit with his dad at the age of 6. Alex leads his band through an eclectic musical journey that includes Gypsy folk music, jazz, polkas, hoedowns, latin rhythms and more.

Alex recently was nominated for a Grammy for his work with Bubba Hernandez on their album ‘Polka Freak Out’ and is touring throughout the US this year as he prepares his next recording.


Zero Sette Akordeoi Orkestra Concerts – France, Spain

Zero Sette logoOn December 13th, 8pm, the Zero Sette Accordion Orchestra has been invited by The Venatoria Society, León, to perform in concert. Entrance is free.

The Zero Sette Accordion Orchestra performs on December 27th, 8pm, at the Coliseo Theatre, Eibar, Gipuzkoa, northern Spain. Entrance is free. The concert celebrates the 50th anniversary of the school ‘La Salle’.


Donal Ring’s Golden Anniversary Concerts, Cork – Irish Republic

Donal RingOn November 30th Donal Ring and his band perform two special concerts (afternoon, 3pm, and evening), at The Everyman Palace Theatre, McCurtain St, Cork.

2008 marks the 50th anniversary of the Donal Ring Ceilidh Band, one of Ireland’s most accomplished dance bands. Donal Ring, who plays the Shand Morino diatonic button accordion, turned professional in 1958.

Like many other accordionists of his generation, Donal was very much influenced by Jimmy Shand, whose frequent broadcasts on the BBC and Radio Luxembourg were heard in Ireland. Donal Ring specialises in strict tempo Irish dance music, with a tight band sound, and has also enjoyed a long recording career.

The present line up is very much a family affair that includes sons Dermot Ring – 5 row Continental button accordion and vocals, Donal Ring junior – 5 row accordion, daughters Mary (Ring) Devereux – piano and bass, Breda (Ring) Cashman – drums and vocals, and Pat Riordan – vocals.

For further information email: brydie@donalring.ie


New and Updated Sites

New Music - ‘Temptation', 'Anton Young'

Vassily Glubochenko - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, and scientist, release 3 new works for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Temptation', 'Anton Young' and 'Grandfather's Krutch'. Samples of these music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


New Music - 'Cool March', 'Fantasia Gitana'

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 4 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Cool March', 'Fantasia Gitana', 'Musette De Paris' and 'Valse D’Amour' . Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Coupe Mondiale Website Updated

The Coupe Mondiale international accordion competition run by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), has had the website has updated with all the rules and regulations for the 2009 Coupe Mondiale to be held in Auckland City, New Zealand, 25 to 29 August. For the first time, the Coupe Mondiale now has a Digital Accordion Category with rules that are different than what might be expected.


CD Reviews

“HEIMAT”, Leos Janacek, Stefan Heucke

HEiMAT CDThis CD is the confirmation (if any were needed) of the validity or rather, the great potential of the combination of accordion and piano.

This confirmation is provided here by the very capable duo of the accordionist Marko Kassl and the pianist Tobias Bredohl.

CD Reviews Index.


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