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Weekly News from Around the World - 28-Mar-2014
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2014 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week - Cina
Mika Väyrynen Presenta due Anteprime Mondiali, Helsinki - Finlandia
Punti salienti del Concerto di Apertura, V Festival Internazionale 'Accordion Plus' - Russia
23° Crociera per 2.100 amanti della Fisarmonica - Finlandia
2014 Pomeriggio di musica con Kevin Friedrich e Amici- Nuova Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Gorka Hermosa World Premieres, Teaching, Beijing Central Conservatory of Music - China
Ivano Battiston ‘Lifetime Achievement’ Award, San Miniato – Italy
Mie Miki is awarded the ‘Music Pen Club Award’, Tokyo - Japan
Baillies Mills Accordion Band’s 75th Anniversary, Northern Ireland - UK
Video: Viktor Sultanbeev Performs, Nur Dautov, Bashkir Elegy - Ukraine
Stolen Black Roland FR7X, Portland, Oregon - USA
Video: Excperts by "Retro Accordion" From Recent Concert - Russia
‘14 Years Ago’: Successful Accordion Festival in Blackpool, UK

Future events

Joey Miskulin @ The Grand Ole Opry, Nashville – USA
Young Accordionists Concert, Panevėžio – Lithuania
Ludovic Beier CNIMA Jazz Course – France
‘Ad Libitum’ Recital, Glasgow - UK
Patrick Sullivan Concert, Cork - Republic of Ireland
10th Festival Dell’Adriatico, Acquaviva – Italy
Veronique and Jean-Marc Marroni Accordion Course, Les Hautes Alpes - France
Stéphane Chapuis, Accordion Masterclass, 52ème Académie de Musique Tibor Varga - Switzerland

New and Updated Sites

Amy Jo Sawyer Updates Site - USA
Douglas Mews New Website on MusicForAccordion.com
Gary Dahl Updated Site - USA
Gary Dahl Updated eBooks - USA
MusicForAccordion.com eSheets Advertising Page

CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

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2014 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week - Cina

Prof. Wang HongyuIl 2014 Harbin China Summer International Accordion Art Week è organizzato dal Ministero della Cultura della Repubblica Popolare di Cina e il governo municipale popolaredi Harbin, realizzato da Harbin Normal College, Harbin, in Cina. L'evento fa parte del 32esimo Cina Harbin Summer Music Festival. Harbin è stata nominata Città della Musica UNESCO nel 2010.

Dal 07-11 Agosto 2014, alcuni tra i migliori fisarmonicisti di tutto il mondo saranno in competizione e si esibiranno al Concert Hall della Harbin Normal University. Ci saranno concerti, workshop e un importante concorso internazionale di fisarmonica. Le gare sono divise in 9 categorie di solisti e sezioni di gruppo per tutte le età.

Il capo organizzatore è il Prof. Wang Hongyu (foto a sinistra), Vice - Presidente del Media College di Harbin Normal University. Wang Hongyu è un tutor che è stato invitato in Russia, Francia, Italia, Sud Pacifico e altri concorsi internazionali di fisarmonica come membro della giuria circa 10 volte negli ultimi anni.

Wang Hongyu ha organizzato con grande successo i concorsi Harbin 2010 e Harbin 2012, che hanno attirato oltre 500 partecipanti con molti concorrenti da Cina, Russia, America, Serbia, Inghilterra, Francia, ecc

Un sito web di questo evento sarà presto online. Scarica il Regolamento 2014 e il modulo di iscrizione al concorso in cinese e inglese: 2014Harbin


Mika Väyrynen Presenta due Anteprime Mondiali, Helsinki - Finlandia

Mika VäyrynenPasi Lyytikäinen, Paavo KorpijaakkoIl fisarmonicista finlandese Mika Väyrynen presenterà un concerto, 'Danse Macabre', il 31 marzo presso il Music Center di Helsinki, Camerata Theater, alle 19:00, dove eseguirà in ante

Il programma del concerto unirà musica romantica e trascrizioni virtuosistiche a nuova musica originale.

Mika Väyrynen ha lavorato con i compositori per scrivere le loro nuove opere, e ha richiesto che i pezzi fossero in stile romantico, o almeno con ideali romantici come tonalità, virtuosismo, una larga scala di elementi interpretativi con la libertà di tempi e dinamiche.

Mika ha anche suggerito la possibilità di utilizzare alcuni famosi temi romantici e Paavo Korpijaakko ha utilizzato alcune melodie celebri da 'Peer Gynt' di Edvard Grieg nel suo nuovo lavoro.

Mika Väyrynen è stato molto attivo nel lavorare con i compositori per assicurare nuove opere per la fisarmonica, e ha presentato numerose prime assolute di compositori, tra cui Bogdan Prez, Matti Murto, Jouni Kaipainen, Leif Segerstam, Juhani Nuovala, Tuomas Kantelinen, Olli Kortekangas, Aulis Sallinen, Kimmo Lintinen, Paavo Korpijaakko, Pehr Henrik Nordgren, Jaakko Kuusisto, Erkki - Sven Tüür, Matti Murto, Anatoli Kusjakov, Paavo Korpijaakko, e Kari Rydman.

Oltre alle premiere mondiali, Mika presenterà opere di Bach, Grieg, Galinin, Rachmaninov e Saint-Saens/Horowitz. Per maggiori informazioni, si prega di visitare il sito: Mika Väyrynen


Punti salienti del Concerto di Apertura, V Festival Internazionale 'Accordion Plus' - Russia

RostovSopra: Video Rapporto Punti salienti del Concerto di Apertura del V Festival Internazionale 'Accordion Plus' 2014 organizzato da ' Harmony', il Musical Center.


23° Crociera per 2.100 amanti della Fisarmonica - Finlandia

competition winners, group performing
Netta SkogFoto sopra: In alto, I finalisti dei concorsi Golden e Silver Accordion 2014: Seconda fila da sinistra: Sami Salonen, Iida Rajala, Jussi Valkama, Essi Elomäki, Pekka Jolkkonen e Aleksi Laukkonen. In prima fila da sinistra: Paju Uutela, Heidi Rintamäki, Emilia Jurvelin, Ilmari Tiainen, Iida Paakala, Eemil Ullgrén e Vilma Wiren.

Sotto: According to Rhythm ( un'orchestra di giovani musicisti dalla città Nivala ), direttore d'orchestra Henna - Maija Vannemaa.

La crociera annuale della fisarmonica più famosa al mondo con 2.100 ospiti e artisti si è tenuta il 23-24 marzo a bordo della nave M/S Silja Europa, la più grande imbarcazione da crociera nel Mar Baltico, passando da Helsinki a Tallinn.

Questa è la 23° Crociera annuale della fisarmonica e offre musica in tutta la nave. C'era una nuova sede "Open Stage" per i gruppi di giovani musicisti, dove si sono esibiti oltre 70 giovani.

Immagine a sinistra Netta Skog
Si sono svolte le semifinali delle categorie dei concorsi Golden e Silver Accordion 2014 per selezionare i finalisti.
I finalisti del Golden Accordion 2014 sono:
Essi Elomäki, Pori
Pekka Jolkkonen, Polvijärvi
Aleksi Laukkonen, Kauhava
Iida Rajala, Viitasaari
Sami Salonen, Lohja
Jussi Valkama, Teuva

I finalisti del Silver Accordion 2014 sono:
Emilia Jurvelin, Nivala
Iida Paakala, Valkeala
Heidi Rintamäki, Pori
Ilmari Tiainen, Lappeenranta
Eemil Ullgrén, Kontiolahti
Paju Uutela, Helsinki
Vilma Wiren, Kokkola
Le finali si terranno al Sata - Häme Soi Festival il 2 luglio 2014.
Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: minna.plihtari@harmonikkaliitto.net


2014 Pomeriggio di musica con Kevin Friedrich e Amici- Nuova Zelanda

Pippa Howes and Kevin Friedrich
Meg Fidler presentationIl Lighthouse Function Center a Dargaville, Nuova Zelanda era tutto esaurito per l'annuale 'Pomeriggio di musica con Kevin Friedrich e Amici' ospitato dal fisarmonicista Kevin Friedrich. Rapporto completo: Dargaville2014

Il concerto annuale di raccolta fondi per il Museo Dargaville, caratterizzato da una varietà di artisti e generi musicali tra classica, popolari favoriti e jazz, fino alla prima mondiale di 'Margherita', una nuova opera per fisarmonica e flauto del noto compositore neozelandese Gary Daverne. Nella foto sopra di Kevin Friedrich e Pippa Howes.

Dopo l'apertura della mostra 'Accordion Gems, A Master Collection of Accordions Through Time' al Museo Dargaville, il concerto è diventato un appuntamento annuale, i cui fondi vengono donati al Museo Dargaville per completare il loro lavoro nel preservare il patrimonio della comunità per le generazioni future.

Quest'anno, oltre a Kevin, al concerto hanno partecipato fisarmonicisti come Lionel Reekie e Maurice Jones ( foto sotto ) e la Christchurch Accordion Orchestra ( foto sotto ), condotta da David Thorne, così come altri strumentisti e cantanti. La fondatrice e direttrice della Christchurch Accordion Orchestra, Meg Fidler ha viaggiato con l'orchestra per condurre un pezzo, ed ha ricevuto il Kauri Award ( foto a destra ) per i suoi servizi a Music.

Per la recensione del concerto si prega di visitare la pagina: Dargaville2014
Christchurch Accordion Orchestra


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Gorka Hermosa World Premieres, Teaching, Beijing Central Conservatory of Music - China

Gorka Hermosa concert and after concert picture, Beijing
Gorka Hermosa and Helmut Jacobs Beijing posterFrom 10th to 16th of March, Gorka Hermosa was invited to the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing. Invited the same week was German accordionist Helmut Jacobs and both were giving masterclasses to the students of Prof. Cao Xiao-Qing, the Central Conservatory accordion tutor.

These superb students have enjoyed many successes at international competitions and some played compositions of Gorka Hermosa in their masterclasses.

Gorka Hermosa also made a class for the students of composition who this year, must all compose one work for accordion. Gorka explained the great possibilities of our instrument, and played examples of different composers so they might appreciate all the many possibilities of the accordion.

The 12th March, Gorka played a concert in the Concert Hall of the Conservatory playing his own compositions, including two World Premieres: Oda (dedicated to Christine Rossi) and Saudade Ártica (dedicated to Paulo Jorge Ferreira).

The same day, Dr. Pr. Helmut C. Jacobs also gave a concert playing some Spanish baroque fandangos and original works by Regondi, Roeseling, Brehme and Hermosa`s “Ekigrama”.

The 13th March was a very interesting meeting between Gorka Hermosa, Helmut Jacobs and the Professor of Cheng, the first free reed instrument. Of great interest was the different ways of playing the Cheng and the performance of various Cheng students.

On the 15th March, Gorka and Helmut each gave a seminar about the history of the accordion to the students of accordion which included a lot of new information from recent historical research.

Thanks to Cao Xiao-Qing.

For further information email: gorkahermosa@yahoo.es
Gorka Hermosa lecture Beijing


Ivano Battiston ‘Lifetime Achievement’ Award, San Miniato – Italy

Ivano Battiston presentationVideo above: Czardas performed by Ivano Battiston (accordion) and Avi Avital (mandolin).

On Saturday March 22nd at the Rotary Club of San Miniato, accordionist and teacher Ivano Battiston was awarded a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ in recognition for his concert performances and his long term educational activity, which includes leading many master classes. This latter aspect has been emphasized by the further award of a prize, ‘Spring’, to one of his former students, Pietro Adragna, not only for his great talent, but for his humanity and humility.

Ivano Battiston studied accordion with Salvatore di Gesualdo, graduating with a first-class honours degree with honours from the Castelfranco Veneto Conservatory. In 1978 he was awarded first prize at the CMA Trophée Mondiale, and subsequently he achieved a Diploma in Choral Music and Bassoon; he also studied composition with Bruno Coltro. He has performed as a soloist and with orchestras all around Italy, and in France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Croazia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Finland, Holland, UK, Malta, USA, Russia, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, and Brazil.

In November 2012, the Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini, Villa Favard (Rovezzano), Florence celebrated the 20th anniversary of the accordion being 'upgraded' to degree level on the 13th April 1992.

This established a Chair of Accordion and a degree course similar to the other instruments at the important Florentine institution. Florence and Pesaro were the two cities to obtain the first accordion chairs in Italy. Ivano Battiston (picture above) was the founder and is still holder of the academic chair.

Impressions of the 20th Anniversary in Florence: www.accordions.com/cherubini


Mie Miki is awarded the ‘Music Pen Club Award’, Tokyo - Japan

Mie MikiGerman-based Japanese accordionist Mie Miki is awarded the 26th Japanese ‘Music Pen Club Award’ (classical music division/chamber ensemble division) for her recital ‘21st Mie Miki Accordion Works’.

Her lifework recital series ‘Mie Miki Accordion Works’ began in 1989, and she has always aimed for the expansion of the possibilities of this instrument. She has performed not only solo works but also works with combinations of different instruments. To date, there have been 18 instrumentations, and 30 new works premiered.


Baillies Mills Accordion Band’s 75th Anniversary, Northern Ireland - UK

Baillies Mills Accordion Band
The Baillies Mills Accordion Band celebrated their 75th anniversary recently with a concert at the Lagan Valley Island Centre, in Lisburn, County Down, on March 13th. The theatre was packed to capacity for a memorable night of music and entertainment. During the course of the evening, Stephen Dickson, the band secretary, recounted the history of the band, and particularly referred to the recent events which had seen the band take their music beyond these shores. The show included projected photographs relating to the band’s history and its various activities.

Also performing were the folk group Bakerloo Junction, and Rodd Hogg, a brilliant young magician from Coleraine, who thrilled the audience with his magic illusions and witty banter.

The audience included Robert Mackin, the last surviving founding member of the band. Recently the band lost a friend through motor neurone disease and a donation of £500 from the proceeds of the concert was presented by Arthur Gibson of the band to Stephen Thompson of Motor Neurone Association NI.

One other recent important engagement of the band was the celebration of the 80th birthday of Bobby Mitchell, now fondly regarded as the father of the band. A cake with the band’s crest was presented in his honour and the band made their own musical tribute to him.

The Baillies Mills Accordion Band, formed in 1939, have performed in Bergen for Norway’s Day of Independence Celebrations, in the Irish Republic, at the Battle of Flowers Parade in Jersey, and the Lord Mayor’s Parade in London.

The band takes on engagements including their own Annual Concert, both church and public concerts, open air performances, residential homes, and fetes. Their next performances are local concerts on April 4th, 7.45pm, at Keady Presbyterian Church Hall, and April 9th, 7.45pm, at Lylehill Presbyterian Church Hall.


Video: Viktor Sultanbeev Performs, Nur Dautov, Bashkir Elegy - Ukraine

Sultanbeev Viktor (accordion) Performs Nur Dautov - Bashkir Elegy at the Kharkiv National Kotlyarevsky University of Arts, released 25 March 2014.


Stolen Black Roland FR7X, Portland, Oregon - USA

Stolen Black Roland FR7XOn Saturday March 22nd, between the hours of 5.20pm and 8.20pm on NE 10th and Couch, Portland, Oregon, a car was broken into. Two leather cases were stolen, one containing a Black Roland FR7X midi accordion, serial number ZY90380, with a black and white keynote throw blanket.

In the second leather case, the contents were two black medal foot controllers Roland FBC-7 with 5 foot switches with black power cord, a Roland FC-7 with 6 foot switches with black power cord. Also, a black 19 pin heavy duty cord, 2 sets of black dual l/r audio cables, a grey midi cable cord, and white household extension cord.

For further information email: bjghw-4388487738@sale.craigslist.org


Video: Excperts by "Retro Accordion" From Recent Concert - Russia

Video of concert ensemble "Retro Accordion" with Elena Zybo (accordion) performing in Moscow. This video shows excerpts of there recent concert and was released 26th March 2014.


‘14 Years Ago’: Successful Accordion Festival in Blackpool, UK

Tom DuncanThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending March 21st 2000 included a report of the annual Blackpool festival then held at Pontins, founded by Tom Duncan, which was an accordion extravaganza with music to suit all tastes. This festival eventually moved to the Norbreck Castle, the largest hotel in Blackpool, and is nowadays organized by Heather Smith. This year’s festival takes place from May 11th to 16th.

International Accordion Festival - England
Contributed by Tom Duncan and David Batty

The International Accordion Festival Millennium "All Star" Show was held in Pontins Holiday Camp at Blackpool, Lancashire, England from March 15th to 20th. Intermediate, Elementary and Advanced bands as well as buskers held practice sessions each morning before performing on stage. Buskers also entertained diners on the Sunday, raising money for charity.

A free and easy session was held each afternoon with a Songs of Praise session on the Sunday. Each night comprised of four acts followed by Scottish dancing with Roy Hendrie and his band. Entertainers included popular overseas guests Frederic Baldo (France), Oleg Sharov (Russia), The Vilnius Duo (Lithuania), and Barbara Anne Martindale (Canada). UK accordionists Steve Roxton, David Lukins, Janusz Zukowski, Gordon Glenn, Ken Hartley, Johnny Coleclough, Nina Suscenko, Larysa Bodell, Stefan Andrusyschyn, Liam Stewart, Johnny-Lee Leslie, The Promenade Accordion Orchestra, the Thistle Accordion Band, Starlets Accordion Orchestra, The Vintage and the Silver Sands also received great response from their audiences. Harry Hussey provided music in the bar every night until 2am and was joined by some of the performers for an impromptu session.

Steve Roxton, David Lukins and Oleg Sharov held an "after hours impromptu session" until the early hours and accordion music could be heard from various chalets all over the camp. The trade stall was attended by 8 companies selling everything from metronomes to accordions and a local radio station broadcast live from the event on Friday March 17th. Master classes were held by Barbara Ann Martindale, Oleg Sharov and John Leslie. The Wyre Accordion Festival was embodied in the festival activities with competitors playing to a capacity audience.


Future events

Joey Miskulin @ The Grand Ole Opry, Nashville – USA

Joey MiskulinVideo: Riders In The Sky perform Cool Water written by Bob Nolan. Released: 7th September 2013

The band ‘Riders in the Sky’, featuring accordionist Joey Miskulin, perform at the Grand Ole Opry, Nashville, Tennessee on March 28th and 29th, 7pm both evenings.

Joey Miskulin has played the accordion since he was 4 years old. When he was 13 he met and started traveling with "America's Polka King”, Frank Yankovic, with whom he made several recordings. Eventually, Miskulin became Nashville based and worked as a studio musician and record producer with the likes of Andy Williams, Doc Severenson, Alison Krause, and Charlie Daniels. He also worked with many polka bands throughout the USA, Canada, and Europe. In 1985, Joey produced the first polka recording to win a Grammy: ‘70 Years of Hits’ with Frank Yankovic. In 1990 he recorded the best-selling tuition video/DVD ‘Accordion Styles and Techniques’. Current projects include writing, producing, and performing music for Disney's ‘The Wild’ and Disney/Pixar's ‘Cars’.

Since 1987 Miskulin has been a member of ‘Riders in the Sky’, performing an average of 185 shows each year including the ‘Grand Ole Opry’.


Young Accordionists Concert, Panevėžio – Lithuania

Lithuanian Accordionists Association logo
At 6pm on Saturday March 29th in the Art Gallery, Panevežio, there will be a concert involving numerous young accordionists, from the Lithuanian Accordionists Association’s youth section. Admission is free.


Ludovic Beier CNIMA Jazz Course – France

Ludovic Beier posterLudovic Beier leads an accordion gypsy jazz course at CNIMA in Saint-Sauves d'Auvergne, southern France, March 31st to April 4th. The course is also open to other instrumentalists such as guitarists and violinists.

For further information email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


‘Ad Libitum’ Recital, Glasgow - UK

Djordje and Andrea GajicThe accordion and violin duo ‘Ad Libitum’ perform a recital at Renfield St Stephen’s, Renfield Street, Glasgow, at 7.30pm on Friday April 4th. Ad Libitum are Djordje and Andrea Gajic. Their programme includes works by Bach, Sarasate, Brahms, Bartok, Macmillan, and Piazzolla.

Djordje Gajic, from Serbia, graduated from the Russian Academy of Music in 1993 gaining a ‘Master of Music’ degree and Honorary Title, ‘Solo Performer’. He has won many International Competitions, amongst them Trophee Mondiale CMA in 1988 and the Grand Prix, France, in 1987. He has performed with the Russian State Symphony Orchestra, and has performed in Russia, Serbia, Andorra, Holland, France, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Norway, and Britain. Now resident in Scotland, he has given solo recitals in London, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester, Blackpool, Birmingham, etc. He has also performed at international music festivals in Dartington, Norwich, Salisbury and Birmingham.

Andrea Gajic received her early musical training at St Mary’s Music School, Edinburgh. When she was 12, she performed the Bruch Scottish Fantasy at St James’ Palace, London for Yehudi Menuhin’s 60th Birthday celebration. She subsequently studied in the USA, Russia, and London. She has performed as soloist in Britain, USA, Russia, Lithuania, Finland, Germany, France, and has been invited for three successive years to give recitals and master classes in Serbia.  She teaches violin at the RCS, Douglas Academy of Music and St Mary’s Music School, and plays on a violin made by Nicolaus Gagliano in 1766.


Patrick Sullivan Concert, Cork - Republic of Ireland

Patrick Sullivan Concert posterAccordionist and vocalist Patrick Sullivan performs in concert on Friday April 4th, 8.30pm, at the Briery Gap Theatre, Main St, Macroom, County Cork. In support are Hugo Duncan, Conor O’Sullivan and Gay Brazel.

For further information email: brierygapbo@eircom.net


10th Festival Dell’Adriatico, Acquaviva – Italy

The 10th Festival Dell’Adriatico takes place on Sunday April 6th, from 10am, and includes a competition for diatonic accordions. The festival is organised by L’Associazione “Pro Chiesa San Francesco” of Acquaviva Picena (AP), with the support of the Comune di Acquaviva Picena (AP) in collaboration with l'Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti.

The accordion competition takes place in the Council Chamber of the City of Acquaviva (AP), Via San Rocco no. 9, and is open to diatonic accordions of any type and brand. The competition is divided into age categories: under 12 years, under 15, under 18, and open age. Monetary prizes are awarded to the first three in the various categories.

For further information email: roncogia@libero.it


Veronique and Jean-Marc Marroni Accordion Course, Les Hautes Alpes - France

Jean-Marc MarroniVideo above: Published on Apr 21, 2013. Trailer of the show Accordion "l'accroche au coeur" (Of the heart) featuring Jean-Marc Marroni and Cecile Becquerelle.

An accordion course in the beautiful holiday setting of the French Alps, led by Veronique and Jean-Marc Marroni, takes place from July 6th to 12th. The venue is the Centre de Vacances Le Mélézin, Hameau de Serre-Eyraud, Chabottes.

Jean-Marc Marroni won the 1985 Coupe Mondiale plus other international competitions and has performed in many different countries during his career. He is the Prof. of Accordion at Conservatoire a Rayonnement departemental d'Aix-en-Provence.

Full details are available on request. The closing date for applications is June 5th.

For further information email: veronique.marroni@wanadoo.fr


Stéphane Chapuis, Accordion Masterclass, 52ème Académie de Musique Tibor Varga - Switzerland

Founded by Tibor Varga, the 52nd Academy of Music Tibor Varga in Sion (Valais, Switzerland) will take place from 11 July to 15 August 2014 at which 40 masterclasses will be taught by great masters. Tutors are from Asia, Russia, South America, East and West Europe.

Prof. Stéphane Chapuis of heMU-Lausanne and EJMA-VS, Switzerland will host the accordion masterclass, starting 9am July 14th to 6 pm July 18th.

Video above: ‘Tango Sensations’ features Stéphane Chapuis (bandoneon, accordion), Johanna Hernandez (violin), Tomas Hernandez (violin), Jorman Torres Hernandez (alto sax), Janaina de Aquino Salles (cello), and Leo & Eugenia (tango dancers).

The Académie Tibor Varga attracts every summer, nearly 300 students from around the world. Quality internationally recognized faculty, a wide range of instruments represented in the program, the friendly character of the organization, coupled with the opportunity to perform in public at concerts, homestay, offer participants a memorable event.

For further information, contact tutor: Stéphane Chapuis


New and Updated Sites

Amy Jo Sawyer Updates Site - USA

Amy Jo SawyerAmy Jo Sawyer updates her music and CD's site on MusicForAccordion.com
New accordion orchestra compositions are available online and can be sent by email.


Douglas Mews New Website on MusicForAccordion.com

Douglas MewsA new website about composer Douglas Mews (1938 to 1993) and his compositions for accordion is now online. Works available online and can be sent by email.


Gary Dahl Updated Site - USA

Gary DahlGary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated 33 music titles with new price for purchase on-line.

Sample for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl Updated eBooks - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks new cover
Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated eBooks music from Volume 1 - 6 with new prices for purchase on-line.
Easy purchase with credit card.
Gary Dahl eBooks new cover


MusicForAccordion.com eSheets Advertising Page

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New eSheets advertising page


CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minorCD Reviews Index for the Review of Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD by Mika Väyrynen, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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