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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Mar-2020
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Primo piano

Amore e amicizia da SMAAC Cina alle fabbriche di fisarmoniche di Castelfidardo, Italia
Dai mantici alle mascherine: l'azienda Galassi si adatta al mercato - Italia
AAA Festival 2021 - USA
Kevin Friedrich St Patrick's Day Entertainment a Dargaville - Nuova Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Just Released! “Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” Delightful original compositions by Guy Klucevsek
Mika Väyrynen Sends out Free Online Lesson Challenge Against Corona - Finland
Virus and Lock Down Jokes
Porch Music in Pennsylvania - USA
Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Videos for Your Pleasure
Accordion Babes 2021-2022 Call for Artists

Future events

Corona Cancellations, Country Alphabetical Order
Postponed Events, Country Alphabetical Order
Renzo Ruggieri Jazz Accordion Course - Italy
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France
Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration Plans to go Ahead - USA
Christ Church Concert in Constantia – South Africa

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Video Added to Stas Venglevski Music Page - USA
Updated: AAA Cancels Events and Updates Site - USA

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Primo piano

Amore e amicizia da SMAAC Cina alle fabbriche di fisarmoniche di Castelfidardo, Italia

SMAAC Forza Italia
Crystal Wang, Prof. Li CongLeggi 24 March 2020 Letter.pdf da Shanghai Music Association Accordion Committee (SMAAC) alla CIA.

Leggi: 25 March 2020 Letter.pdf della CIA al Sindaco di Castelfidardo Roberto Ascani

Lo SMAAC ha avviato questa donazione di 10.000 mascherine alla famosa città della fisarmonica di Castlefidardo e lo stiamo facendo attraverso la China Accordion Association (CAA) e l’organizzazione internazionale della CIA.

Numerosi importanti insegnanti di fisarmonica di Shanghai sono nel video a sostegno di questo dono molto pratico dai musicisti di Shanghai al popolo della fisarmonica di Castelfidardo.

Questi includono (ordine del video): Yu XinNa, Zhao WeiZhong, Shen YanHua, Hu Yun Yun, Zhou Jia, Jessica Shi Xuan, Nova Wan, Young Zhuo, Prof. Li Cong Presidente Onorario SMAAC, e termina con il messaggio pronunciato da Crystal Wang, Presidente SMAAC "Mano nella mano, chiederò alla brezza di portare i nostri migliori auguri. La fisarmonica è la stessa lingua in tutti i nostri cuori. Forza Italia, Forza Castelfidardo."

Che bel messaggio di amore e amicizia internazionale in questi tempi difficili.
Nova Wan, Prof. Li Cong


Dai mantici alle mascherine: l'azienda Galassi si adatta al mercato - Italia

Galassi masks
logoIl Gruppo Galassi di Castelfidardo, è stato fondato molti anni fa grazie alle fisarmoniche. Il Gruppo Galassi produce mantici, realizzati in cartone piegato e compresso insieme a tessuti e colori per renderlo esteticamente appariscente. Intervista di Know The People a: 2017Galassi

Oggi, con una pandemia che sta mettendo in ginocchio l'economia italiana (così come molti altri paesi del mondo), questa società, con la sua reputazione di tecnologia e innovazione, sta rispondendo al culmine dell'epidemia.

Il proprietario/direttore Renzo Galassi e il Gruppo Galassi hanno risposto alle richieste di produzione di mascherine. Galassi afferma di avere materiale adatto che può essere trattato con un processo di rammollimento che gli permetterà di adattarsi ai fini delle mascherine.

Gli ordini sono arrivati immediatamente da Amandola e Osimo. Il prodotto è adatto per un uso personale non professionale, per consentire alle persone di uscire per fare la spesa.

Il Gruppo Galassi ha già avviato una collaborazione con l'Università di Ancona per testare il prodotto. La società ha annunciato questa settimana che la produzione può essere di 5.000 al giorno e aumentare da 10.000 a 15.000 pezzi.

Le mascherine possono anche essere lavate in lavatrice e riutilizzabili, una funzione molto utile e verranno consegnate dalla prossima settimana.

Nella foto sotto: Renzo Galassi con i suoi genitori, Rino e Vanda Galassi, che hanno iniziato l'attività nel 1948


AAA Festival 2021 - USA

AAA 2021
AAA Festival flierL'American Accordionists' Association (AAA) è andata avanti rapidamente dall'annuncio del 19 marzo del presidente Dr. Joseph A. Ciccone "di annullare l'AAA Festival 2020 ad Alexandria, in Virginia".

Entro la settimana, l'AAA sta già pubblicizzando l'AAA Festival 2021 che si terrà dal 14 al 18 luglio 2021 al Marriott Philadelphia West, PA 19428.

Il 2021 includerà l'Orchestra del Festival diretta da Mary Tokarski, concorsi, workshop, venditori, coinvolgimento dei giovani, Jazz Ensemble Junior & Senior, Fun Band e "The Divas", le famose signore della AAA - Linda Soley Reed, Mary Tokarski, Beverly Roberts Curnow, Rita Barnea, Joan Grauman, Joanna Darrow, Jeanne Velonis, Marilyn O'Neil e Rachel Quirbach.

Altri artisti saranno annunciati nei prossimi mesi.
The Divas


Kevin Friedrich St Patrick's Day Entertainment a Dargaville - Nuova Zelanda

Il quotidiano Lifestyler a Dargaville, in Nuova Zelanda, ha riferito questa settimana che sebbene il concerto del fisarmonicista Kevin Friedrich intitolato "An American Journey", un pomeriggio di musica con Kevin Friedrich e Amici a Dargaville, è stato cancellato a causa delle norme del Coronavirus, ciò non significa che l'intrattenitore avesse intenzione di abbandonare la fisarmonica del tutto.

Kevin ha portato il suo strumento alla Dargaville Primary School per il giorno di San Patrizio, con grande gioia del personale e degli alunni. Kevin ha suonato un miscuglio di canzoni sia dall'Irlanda che da altre parti del mondo.

L'evento ha incluso una festa di dolci e prelibatezze per tutti coloro che hanno partecipato.

A seguito di questa esibizione, Kevin Friedrich ha poi suonato alla Dargaville RSA per la celebrazione del giorno di San Patrizio.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Just Released! “Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” Delightful original compositions by Guy Klucevsek

“Vignettes, Short Pieces for Accordion” by Guy Klucevsek is now available online. Read in detail the review by Joan Grauman about this "delightful and mesmerizing book" containing 24 of Guy Klucevsek’s compositions for accordionists of all skill levels.

Full information by Joan Grauman including links to sound samples and purchase online at: VignettesArticle


Mika Väyrynen Sends out Free Online Lesson Challenge Against Corona - Finland

Mika VäyrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen is offering a “Free Online Lesson Against Corona” each week to accordionists around the world. Last week’s free online lesson went to Spain.

Mika sends out a challenge to music teachers around the world to offer free online lessons as a project against corona!


Virus and Lock Down Jokes

working from home
Around the world, the internet is full of jokes about the Covid-19 situation and lock down that is happening in many countries to slow down the spread of the virus.

Many families in lockdown will find it tough to be confined together for weeks at a time.

Pictures above and below - working from home successfully!!!


Porch Music in Pennsylvania - USA

In this time of international lockdowns because of Covid-19, accordionists at home have more time to play their accordions and even put on a concert for the neighbours. Frank and Kathi DeLucca entertain you with some fun accordion playing from their porch in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Enjoy.


Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Videos for Your Pleasure

Mary & MarioAs we all are experiencing a most unusual time in our lives with Covid-19, music remains one of the most powerful healers. Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca hope you enjoy their version of the beautiful hymn, On Eagle's Wings.


Accordion Babes 2021-2022 Call for Artists

Accordion babesRenee de la Prade has announced that the official recruitment season for the 2021 and 2022 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar is officially launched!

All photos, forms and songs are requested by May 5th 2020 in order to be considered for the 2021 edition. Later applications will still be accepted, so don't worry if you miss the deadline, please still send in your art submission! That's why we're reserving spots for the 2022 edition.

The 2021 Edition will be themed "An Instrument Beyond Time" and will feature images which have a look associated to an era....any era. Do you love the 60's? The 80's? The Roaring 20's? 19th Century ballgowns? Film noir femme fatales? Or do you want to be a sci-fi space babe? Or a queen of ancient history?

The theme is broad-ranging so you can be creative with how you apply it to your photo. Wearing a vintage outfit in a plain-background studio can work just as well as having a more theatrical or natural background. Hopefully this theme will attract some amazing older lady artists (hint hint). It would be an honor to include you Grandes Dames of accordion in 2021!

This is an independently-produced project geared towards professional musicians. The Accordion Babes calendar features photos of beautiful, empowered, alluring women with their accordions. Each artist is featured not just in the calendar, but with one song on the accompanying CD.

Distribution is mainly in the USA, Canada, and Europe, but we have also shipped copies to Japan, Australia, and Brazil... the love of the accordion has spread all around the world, and people really like what we're doing; using sexy accordion photos to promote indie music and providing a useful calendar as well.

For further details email: editor@accordionpinupcalendar.com


Future events

Corona Cancellations, Country Alphabetical Order

cancellationsEmail cancelled events to: cjmusic@outlook.co.nz for immediate listing

Vardos Trio Performance at Yackandandah Folk Festival in Victoria – event cancelled
Chaika Band March and April concerts in Victoria, NSW and the ACT, including 3 festivals (River Folk Festival, Yackandandah and the National) - all cancelled

London Accordion Orchestra concert in April - cancelled

Geoff Berner Concert Tour to Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands - cancelled

Roman Jbanov has announced that all his Masterclasses for March and April have been cancelled
CNIMA - closed until further notice - news update coming soon

Musikmesse, Musikmesse Plaza 2020 and all Musikmesse Festival events - cancelled
57th Klingenthal International Accordion Competition - cancelled

Accademia del Ridotto Stradella International Music Competition - April - cancelled

3rd Accordion Festival of Malta - April - cancelled

Black Pencil Concert in AT Mook, Limburg - cancelled
All April concerts by Black Pencil are also cancelled

New Zealand:
‘An American Journey’ an Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich and Friends, Dargaville - cancelled - ticket holders can ask for a full refund, leave it as a donation to the Museum, or use it to exchange for a ticket to the next scheduled concert in November 2020
Music Education Centre Performance Afternoon in Takapuna, Auckland in April - cancelled
Milonga de Cuatro concert in Mt Eden Village, Auckland on April 8th - cancelled
World Accordion Day concert featuring Coupe Mondiale contestants in Auckland has been cancelled. However, they are planning a live streaming project. Further information to come.

Swaledale Squeeze Concertina Weekend – May 2020 – cancelled
Leyland Accordion Club, Lancashire, England - all meetings are suspended until further notice
Sinfonia Cymru, Wales - all events cancelled up until April 1st, when further announcements will be made
Guildford Accordion Club March and April meetings cancelled
NAO UK Championships 2020 to be held in Liverpool in April - cancelled

2020 National Accordion Convention in Texas - cancelled - they advise that hotel reservations can be cancelled using your confirmation number
Milwaukee Accordion Club - all March events cancelled - Future events will be dealt with as the conditions change.
AWAM World Accordion Day celebration (May 2nd) and Eighth Annual Dr. Willard A. Palmer Festival (May 3rd) - both cancelled
2020 AAA (American Accordionists Association) July 8th to 12th Festival in Alexandria - cancelled
Alex Meixner Band - all concerts cancelled for the next 2 months
2020 New England Music Festival in Newton, Massachusetts from 27th to 29th March – cancelled


Postponed Events, Country Alphabetical Order

Fairbridge Festival 2020 in WA, Australia - April - postponed until 9th - 11th April 2021. All 2020 tickets will be valid for the 2021 event

2020 Val Tidone Music Competitions - postponed indefinitely

All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica at RAM Concert Hall Gnesin, Moscow – postponed until May 15th

South Africa:
World Café Trio Christ Church Concert in Constantia – postponed - see news item below

Sharon Shannon & Band concert on April 4th - postponed

2020 Annual ATAM New England Music Festival in Massachusetts - postponed
Hudson Valley Accordion Ensemble Concert in New York on March 26th - postponed
San Diego Accordion Camp - postponed until July


Renzo Ruggieri Jazz Accordion Course - Italy

Jazz poster
RenzoAccordionist Renzo Ruggieri is tutoring a Jazz Accordion Course at the Voglia D’Arte Music Academy, Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, Italy.

The course is aimed at students of all abilities and will be held in 3 levels in both English and Italian languages as follows:

Basic: jazz harmony and improvisation, voicings, patterns, standards, etc.

Intermediate: advanced harmony, re-harmonization, styles, roles of playing, etc.

Advanced: stylistic development, style analysis and realization of the final project

They plan to begin the course in May (depending on the Coronavirus outcome).

For detailed information or assessments of your level of preparation email: info@renzoruggieri.it


Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France

Belles banner
Léo Lagrange Club d'Hergnies, organisers of the Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival in Hergnies, France advise they plan for the event to go ahead if the health situation allows.

From May 30th to June 1st, 2020, the event will feature three days of music, celebration and conviviality to the sound of all styles of accordion, in the shade of the tall trees of the grassed square of the village of Hergnies and is free and accessible to all.

The Belles Bretelles need the registration of all available volunteers to plan the organization.
Everyone will remain informed as the situation evolves and, of course, no health risks will be taken. All guidelines related to the Coronavirus crisis will be strictly followed and enforced.

Every year during the weekend of Pentecost, the Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival has close to thirty bands for three days of concerts, celebrations and entertainment for all ages.

For information email: contact@bellesbretelles.com


Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration Plans to go Ahead - USA

Leavenworth poster
The Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration in Leavenworth, Washington plans to go ahead from June 18th to 21st, 2020, sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society.

The event will include a competition, workshops, concerts, spontaneous jam sessions, a parade and much more. Competition judges are Kevin Soleki (USA) and Emmanuel gasser (Canada).

There are three main venues for the festival:

The Festhalle - for the competition, concerts, and vendor displays in the foyer.

Grange Hall - the education center. It has two floors. The upper floor will have a performance space for all levels of performers; we will offer workshops, CD sales, sheet music sales, other vendor displays. The lower level will be used for workshops and free accordion lessons

Gazebo - a great place to perform outdoors for tourists and accordion friends. We have a sign-up sheet with 15 min. slots where accordionists may perform. In late afternoon on Friday and Saturday, the Gazebo Ensemble will perform.

On March 23rd, organisers announced that “the situation in the country and our local area has changed so much since the advent of COVID-19. There has been a lot of discussion on whether we will be able to have LIAC 2020. We are hoping for improvement in the situation but it is difficult to be optimistic.

We are holding-off on Advanced ticket sales, competition registration, and gazebo sign-up for 2-3 weeks. If we have to cancel LIAC 2020, we will reschedule it for June 17th to 20th, 2021 with as much of the same program as possible”.

For details email Chairperson Bonnie Birch: bonniebirch@msn.com


Christ Church Concert in Constantia – South Africa

World Cafe Trio
The World Cafe Trio concert of Vivaldi's Four Seasons at Christ Church Constantia, Corner Parish & Constantia Roads in Constantia, South Africa has been postponed until August 2nd, 2020. The second half of their programme comprises popular tunes from the movies, ending with Zorba the Greek.

The trio includes Stanislav Angelov (accordion), Petrus de Beer (violin) and Schalk Joubert (bass guitar).

In October 2016, the World Café Trio were invited to the Cape Town SABC studios to record this show for Radio Sonder Grense and this was broadcast for the first time a month later. This led to the release of the arrangement on CD.

For tickets phone Anne: 082 218 0100


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Video Added to Stas Venglevski Music Page - USA

Video added. Summer Sunshine composed by Stas Venglevski. A video of Stas performing Summer Sunshine has been added to the page about the sheet music, available online, catalog: vstas056


Updated: AAA Cancels Events and Updates Site - USA

AAA header
AAA FlierAmerican Accordionists' Association (AAA) Cancels its annual Festival and updates to the site have been made about future events.

AAA Festival 2020 Canceled
March 19, 2020

It is with great disappointment that due to the circumstances surrounding the Corona Virus (COVID-19) emergency, we have made the necessary decision to cancel the AAA Festival July 8-12, 2020 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites in Alexandria, Virginia.

Our guest artists have been working hard over many months to prepare this wonderful event and we are so sorry that we will not be able to share these magnificent performances with you. Hopefully our artists will be available to perform at our 2021 AAA Festival in West Philadelphia.

We are committed to public safety, including that of our many loyal attendees, guests and performing artists, and to help support the nation’s strong efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19, we join a long list of events that have already been cancelled.

For those who purchased event packages and tickets, we offer them the following options: a full refund, leaving it as a donation or applying it to the 2021 AAA Festival at the Marriott Philadelphia West Hotel in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania July 14-18, 2021, The rate for the hotel remains the same - $130 plus free parking.

We sincerely apologize for this cancellation but feel it is absolutely necessary for the good of everyone at this time.

Dr. Joseph A. Ciccone, President


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