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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Jun-2014
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Primo piano

Associazione Fisarmonicisti Americani (AAA) Festival 2014, New York - USA
Fismen “vola in alto” – Switzerland
Video: Lisa Angell e Jérémie Buirette alla festa della musica 2014 - France
Encuentro Internacional de Acordeones, Salto - Uruguay
Li Cong in Copertina, Shanghai Scene Magazine - Cina

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Leavenworth Accordion Celebration, Washington – USA
Box & Fiddle AGM & Celebrity Luncheon, Scotland - UK
Video: Renzo Ruggieri at the 2014 GoldenCup Concert, Shanghai - China
Video: Segment 3, Day of Bayan and Accordion, Kiev – Ukraine
Teodoro Anzellotti Performs at Aldeburgh, Suffolk – UK
Video: Segment 4, Day of Bayan and Accordion, Kiev – Ukraine
Nebl & Nebl Perform at the Würzburg Mozart Festival – Germany
Scandalli Accordions Day, Puurs - Belgium
Oksana Strokovskaya Article, South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand
‘14 Years Ago’: World War 2 commemorative concert in Paris, June 2000

Future events

Brendan Power Concert, Surrey – UK
Scoil samhraidh Christ LAngan 2014, Dublin – Irish Republic
Trio Voronezh Concert, Oregon – USA
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, Ikaalinen – Finland
Ksenija Sidorova and Thomas Gould Concert, South Wales – UK
Stockport Accordion Club Band Concert, Cheshire – UK
Courses at CNIMA J. Mornet, Auvergne – France
15/07/14 SULLE ALI DELLA MUSICA, III Edizione - Italia

New and Updated Sites

Jon Faukstad Releases eTracks Album - Norway
Zhang Guoping Releases eTracks Album - China
Jon Faukstad Releases eTracks Album - Norway
Phil Bouvier Releases eTracks Album - France
Jon Faukstad Releases eTracks Album - Norway
Roman Jbanov Releases CD and eTracks Album - Russia

CD Reviews

“3 Couleurs” CD by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTES

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Primo piano

Associazione Fisarmonicisti Americani (AAA) Festival 2014, New York - USA

American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 2014 Festival poster
Guy KlucevsekIl Festival della AAA (Associazione Fisarmonicisti Americani) del 2014 si svolgerà dal 9 al 14 luglio al Double Tree by Hilton, Tarrytown, New York. Il festival comprende concerti, concorsi, workshop, fiera, e un banchetto.

Gli ospiti di quest'anno comprendono Guy Klucevsek (foto a sinistra) e il violinista Todd Reynolds, Vladimir Mollov, il Dr. Robert Young McMahan, Steve Albini, Don Gerundo, Frank Carozza, il Plainville Plaid, Dallas Vietty, Julie Cardona, Beverly Roberts Curnow, Mary Tokarski, Mario Tacca e Mary Mancini.

La fiera si svolgerà presso la Hudson Conference Suite, ed è aperta tutti i giorni dalle 09:00 alle 17:00, con un'ora di pausa a mezzogiorno. Tra gli espositori: Titano, Pancordion, Pigini, Roland, Deffner Music Publications, Busy Fingers, Emilio Magnotta, Dino Baffetti, Bugari, Giulietti, Music Magic, Squeezin’ Art, e il Museo della Fisarmonica NE.

Il conduttore di quest'anno del Programma Gioventù è Vladimir Mollov. L'ensemble si esibirà Sabato nel pomeriggio al Concerto dei Premi, che è aperto al pubblico gratuitamente.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: ameraccord1938@gmail.com


Fismen “vola in alto” – Switzerland

Swiss Circus Monti
Kapelle SistersLa ditta Fismen Accordions che si è trasferita da settembre 2012 nello stabile di via Enzo Ferrari n 2, 60022 Castelfidardo è stata protagonista e produttrice della fisarmonica funzionante dello spettacolo del Circo Monti, Svizzera

Con la partecipazione acustica delle Kapelle Sorelle (Charlotte Widmer e Ursina Gregori), un duo di cabaret feminile. Per la loro performance hanno bisogno 1 mantice di dimensioni fuori misura di 10 volte del normale = 10x circa à 19 pieghe = 190 pieghe il quale è stata prodotta dalla ditta Galassi Mantici.

Questa formazione è il prossimo anno con il circo svizzero Circo Monti in giro con un tour di 8 mesi.


Video: Lisa Angell e Jérémie Buirette alla festa della musica 2014 - France

Jérémie Buirette and Lisa AngellVideo: Lisa Angell e Jérémie Buirette eseguono "L'accordéoniste" presso La fête de la musique 2014 a Montpellier. Pubblicato il 23 giugno 2014.


Encuentro Internacional de Acordeones, Salto - Uruguay

Encuentro Internacional de Acordeones poster
Il 5 ° Encuentro Internacional de Acordeones, organizzato da Silvio Previale, si tiene il 19 e il 20 luglio al Teatro Larrañaga, Salto, Uruguay. Questo festival internazionale dedicato al compianto fisarmonicista Silvio B. Previale, il padre dell'organizzatore, comprende fisarmonicisti di vari stili provenienti da diversi paesi sudamericani.

L'evento prevede una sfilata di strada seguita da un concerto serale, che inizia alle 20:00, coinvolgendo circa 50 fisarmonicisti. Si esibiranno Silvio Previale, Hugo Fatoruso, Victor Amaral, Acordeones del Uruguay (Uruguay), Morais Do Acordeon (Brasile), Max Zapata (Panama), Eris Bridges e Lácides Romero (Colombia), Ignacio Hernandez (Cile), e Mario Braun , Raul Varelli, Walter Gialdi, Adelqui Bertolo, Anibal Gomez, Facundo Torresan, e Mariela Campodónico (Argentina).

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: academiaspreviale@hotmail.com


Li Cong in Copertina, Shanghai Scene Magazine - Cina

Prof. Li Cong, Shanghai Scene CoverAl Prof. Li Cong è stata dedicata la copertina dello Shanghai Scene Magazine (copertina a sinistra), più un articolo di 8 pagine sulla sua carriera, iniziative di educazione della fisarmonica e le attività di promozione della fisarmonica. Scarica l'articolo: ShanghaiSM

Nello Shanghai Scene Magazine sono inclusi anche i lavori di Li Cong come la presidenza per la China Accordion Association, il suo lavoro da conduttore alla Coupe Mondiale 2011 di Shanghai, e la sua carriera di insegnante di successo, ora come Decano al Music College della Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) .

Nell'inserto di 8 pagine vengono citati anche i suoi colleghi alla SHNU Crystal Wang e Zhang Guoping ei fisarmonicisti di successo della SHNU. Questi includono successi da competizioni internazionali e la Modern Accordion Orchestra, che ha raggiunto un elevato di popolarità tra studenti e pubblico. In generale, il Dipartimento di Fisarmonica della SHNU ha guadagnato una reputazione nazionale e internazionale per la musicalità innovativa ed eccellente e studenti davvero entusiasti.

Come Decano della Musica, Li Cong è anche noto per i suoi rapporti musicali con altre università internazionali in diversi paesi.

Li Cong ha anche scritto e curato numerosi libri di testo di fisarmonica tra cui la serie di libri di testo per università cinesi, libri con test di qualità e per l'apprendimento della fisarmonica di bambini e ragazzi.

Scarica l'articolo: ShanghaiSM
Magazine pages


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Leavenworth Accordion Celebration, Washington – USA

Leavenworth Accordion Celebration logo
Tony LovelloVideo above: Naomi Harris performing Opale Concerto, part of her 1st Place Leavenworth Open winning program.

This year’s Leavenworth Accordion Celebration took place from June 19th to 22nd. Leavenworth is Washington’s ‘Bavarian Village’ and the perfect setting for this celebration.

The guest accordionists featured this year included Tony Lovello, Cory Pesaturo, Andy Mikovitch, Juan Barco & Conjunto, and the Spokane Accordion Orchestra.

Organised by the Northwest Accordion Society, this year’s event included accordion competitions, workshops, concerts, jam sessions, free impromptu performances at venue such as the gazebo, grange, and restaurants, trade show, free accordion lessons, and an Accordion Parade.

Competition results:

Variety II, 1. Terry Ranstad, 2. Eileen Webber, 3. Greg Gordon
Variety III, 1. Corrie Sams, 2. Jack Donahue, 3. Diane Guffin
Variety IV, 1. Holden Tubbs, 2. Marie Cejnova, 3. Austin Hampshire
Variety V, 1. Anthony Kusmenkov, 2. Emil Haroldsen, 3. Lisa Niccum
Variety VI, 1. Kailyn Crossman, 2. Zachariah Harnett, 3. Rebecca Brandao

Duets (Adult), 1. Cejnova/Karban, 2. Tapio/Miller, 3. Hinterberger/Bakker
Diatonic, 1. Martin Hergt, 2. Ed Sapala, 3. David Emter
Bands, 1. Crazy Czechs, 2. Portatos, 3. Miss Chords
March, 1. Greg Gordon, 2. Bruce Bakker, 3. Herbert Hinterberger
Classical (Youth), 1. Holden Tubbs, 2. Anthony Kuzmenko, 3. Emil Haroldsen
Classical Open, 1. Jan Marhoul, 2. Michal Karban, 3. Marie Cejnova.
Leavenworth Open, 1. Naomi Harris, 2. Michal Karban, 3. Robert DeGoede


Box & Fiddle AGM & Celebrity Luncheon, Scotland - UK

Box & Fiddle logo
Box & Fiddle logoRob HowardThe NAAFC Annual General Meeting and Celebrity Luncheon (incorporating the Box and Fiddle Awards) take place on Sunday June 29th at the Huntingtower Hotel, Perth, Scotland.

The 2014 Guests of Honour are the accordionists:
Robin Brock
Calum MacLean
Hamish Smith

Each Guest of Honour will be presented with a complimentary copy of the book ‘Accordion: A Pictorial History’ (available online: robaccord06) by Rob Howard.


Video: Renzo Ruggieri at the 2014 GoldenCup Concert, Shanghai - China

2014 “Golden Cup” Competitions and Symposium

Renzo RuggieriVideo: Renzo Ruggieri with a local backing group in concert at the 2014 Goldencup Competitions and Symposium Concert in Shanghai in June. Printed Program and Daily Reports, photos and video at: 2014Goldencup

Renzo is performing two of his very popular compositions.
Video 1: Tango Italiano composed by Renzo Ruggieri
Video 2: Carnevale composed by Renzo Ruggieri

A solo virtuoso version of each of these two compositions by Renzo Ruggieri is available at:

10 CD's and eTracks (mp3) albums available online at: Renzo Ruggieri


Video: Segment 3, Day of Bayan and Accordion, Kiev – Ukraine

The event took place in Kiev, Ukraine, on March 29th and 30th. There were 18 mini-concerts for these two days, performed by at least 40 accordionists/bayanists from 5 countries.

We have 4 parts of this event on video, 2 parts this week, 2 parts last week.
Video 3 above is:
00:00 Valery Semenenko (bayan) - Lugansk, Ukraine
V. Zubitsky - "Perpetuum mobile" from Partita Concertante no. 1

05:50 The rewarding of outstanding Ukrainian bayanist Sergiy Grinchenko with grant of National All-Ukrainian Music Union. Sergiy Grinchenko have celebrated his 60th birthday recently.

13:55 Katerina Pilipenko (bayan) - Lugansk, Ukraine
V. Vlasov - "Telephone conversation"

19:10 Volodymyr Vysotsky (accordion) - Lviv, Ukraine
V. Zubitsky - Sonata no.2 "Slovyanska" (I, II, VI parts)

29:05 Georgy Koch (bayan) - Odessa, Ukraine
Natalya Chuprina (piano) - Odessa, Ukraine
A. Kusiakov - Concerto for bayan, strings and percussion (piano version)


Teodoro Anzellotti Performs at Aldeburgh, Suffolk – UK

Teodoro AnzellottiLast week accordionist Teodoro Anzellotti performed with distinction at the annual Aldeburgh Festival, founded in 1948 by the composer, conductor and pianist Benjamin Britten, and now one of the UK’s most prestigious arts festivals.

The following report is from ‘The Guardian’ newspaper, “In his recital on the small stage of Jubilee Hall, accordionist Teodoro Anzellotti covered three centuries of music, challenging assumptions and confounding expectations along the way. Music conceived for harpsichord (Scarlatti), for harmonium (some of the originals of Janácek’s ‘From an Overgrown Path’ and for piano (Ligeti and Kurtag) came over well, with no sense of any loss in the translation, but Anzellotti also played works specially written for him. Berio’s ‘Sequenza XIII’, the composer’s penultimate piece of that series, exploring both the accordion’s technical possibilities and its myriad cultural references, was testimony to the performer’s remarkable artistry”.

Born in Italy, Teodoro Anzellotti grew up near Baden-Baden, Germany. He graduated from the music schools of Karlsruhe and Trossingen, having studied accordion with Jürgen Habermann and Hugo Noth, and won various international competitions. Since the 1980s he has been a guest at major festivals and as a soloist with leading orchestras, and also teaches at conservatories in Switzerland and Germany.

More than 300 new works have been written for Teodoro Anzellotti, by composers such as George Aperghis, Luciano Berio, Heinz Holliger, Toshio Hosokawa, Mauricio Kagel, Michael Jarrell, Isabel Mundry, Brice Pauset, Gerard Pesson, Matthias Pintscher, Wolfgang Rihm, Salvatore Sciarrino, Marco Stroppa, Jörg Widmann and Hans Zender.


Video: Segment 4, Day of Bayan and Accordion, Kiev – Ukraine

00:00 Nazar Kurtyanyk (accordion) - Sokal, Ukraine (2001 date of birth)
Y. Shurovsky - Theme and variations

02:00 Roman Onyskiv (bayan) - Kyiv, Ukraine
B. Mironchuk - "Gipsy king"

17:20 Roman Voronka (accordion) - Kyiv, Ukraine
V. Runchak - "Devoted to Igor Starvinsky" (from suite no.1 "Composers portraits)

11:25 Kyiv Classic Accordion duo (Igor Saienko, Oleksii Kolomoiets - Kyiv, Ukraine)
J. S. Bach - Allegro from Brandenburg Concerto no. 2

16:30 Samuele Telari (bayan) - Italy
V. Runchak - Messa da requiem

34:00 Volodymyr Gitin (clarinet) - Odessa, Ukraine
Irina Serotyuk (bayan) - Odessa, Ukraine
V. Vlasov - Fantasy based on popular melody "Bubliki" for clarinet and bayan

40:15 Daniel Eliasson (bayan) - Sweden
T. Lundquist - Metamorphoses

48:10 Ivan Bykov (bayan) - Kyiv, Ukraine
J. Strauss/I. Yashkevich - Valtz "Voices of spring"

55:20 Pavlo Arhypenko (bayan) - Kharkiv, Ukraine
V. Podgorniy - Fantasy based on Ukrainian folk theme

59:40 Roman Kudrya (accordion) - Kharkiv, Ukraine
R. Galliano - Fou Rire

62:00 Bayan-Accordion duo Roman Kudrya (accordion) and Pavlo Arhypenko (bayan) - Kharkiv, Ukraine
A. Piazzolla - "La muerte del Angel"

65:20 Orchestra "GRAND ACCORDEON" (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Musical Director - Yevgenia Cherkazova
A. Piazzolla - "Ave Maria"


Nebl & Nebl Perform at the Würzburg Mozart Festival – Germany

Nebl & NeblThe duo ‘Nebl & Nebl’ - Andreas Nebl (accordion) and Frank Nebl (clarinet) - received an invitation to the Mozartfest 2014, Würzburg, one of the most important festivals for classical music, where they performed a much acclaimed concert.

The national press reported in the following days by a "fantastic concert", in which the two musicians "enchanted" the audience with works by Bach, Mozart and Schumann.

Even with the "unusual" instrument accordion, the "music lovers careful with their money" came, it was said. Congratulations to the musicians Frank and Andreas Nebl to this truly exceptional success in the "Bel Etage" of classical music!

For further information email: AndiNebl@gmx.de


Scandalli Accordions Day, Puurs - Belgium

Mirco Patarini at the Scandalli Accordions Day in PuursScandalli Accordions Day was held in Puurs, Belgium, on Sunday June 22nd. The day-long event, involving accordionists Mirco Patarini, Dennis Ab and Stan Maris, was well attended, and described by visitors as “enjoyable, informative and with very nice playing”.

There were demonstrations of many different piano and button accordions from the Scandalli range. The organiser was Iwein Jacobs.


Oksana Strokovskaya Article, South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand

Oksana StrokovskayaOksana Strokovskaya is a journalist by profession in Russia and is also the mother of 2014 South Pacific Accordion Solo Championships winner Arseniy Strokovskiy.

She writes about her first visit to Auckland City for the South Pacific International and New Zealand National Accordion Championships and Festival. Strokovskaya Article


‘14 Years Ago’: World War 2 commemorative concert in Paris, June 2000

Bruno MauriceThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending June 23rd 2000 included an article about a concert at the well-known Madeleine Church in Paris by the accordionist Bruno Maurice. This was an event marking the part played by the French resistance and by General De Gaulle in opposing the Nazi occupation of France, and followed on from D-Day commemorative events.

Madeleine Church Concert, Paris – France

On June 18th accordionist Bruno Maurice played in a concert celebration and tribute to General De Gaulle and the French resistance during the Second World War, held at the Madeleine Church in Paris. Bruno's performance with the French Army Choir and the ‘Garde Républicaine’ Symphonic Orchestra included well known songs from the war period. Bruno also gave a solo performance of ‘Don Rhapsody’ (Semionov) to illustrate the presence of Russian combatants during the war. This popular celebration concert attracted over 1500 people.


Future events

Brendan Power Concert, Surrey – UK

Brendan PowerHarmonica player Brendan Power is the guest on Friday June 27th, 8.30pm, at the Ram Folk Club, Old Cranleighan Club, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey KT7 0HB.

Brendan Power, UK-based but originally from New Zealand, is a complete virtuoso of the harmonica in all of its forms and genres. An All-Ireland Champion, and previously with the touring ‘Riverdance’ show, and an innovator and improviser of the first order, Brendan Power won this year’s (with melodeon player Tim Edey) BBC Radio 2 Folk Award for 'Best Duo'.

If you think a bloke playing a harmonica couldn't possibly hold an audience for an evening then think again, for with the aid of a variety of gizmos, beat-boxing and live looping he creates his own Folk orchestra and backing vocals as he goes, performing soaring tunes and songs over the top.

He also designs and makes harmonicas, often in tunings to allow him to play what he likes! Sting, Kate Bush, Van Morrison, James Galway, Paul Young, John Williams, Mary Black - he's played with them all and many more.


Scoil samhraidh Christ LAngan 2014, Dublin – Irish Republic

Scoil samhraidh Christ LAngan 2014 is an annual traditional music festival that takes place at St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush, County Dublin, from June 27th to 29th. There will be workshops in piano accordion, concertina, uilleann pipes, tin whistle, flute, guitar, bodhran, mandolin, fiddle and singing. Classes from 1pm to 5pm, refreshments included. From 9pm until late, an Open Seisius Mhór at Rush Sailing Club with Tumbleweed.

For further information email: lenny.martin@ashleyford.ie


Trio Voronezh Concert, Oregon – USA

Trio Voronezh Concert poster
The Trio Voronezh performs on Sunday June 29th, 5.30pm, at Pfeiffer Vineyards, 25040 Jaeg Road, Junction City, Oregon 97448.

The Trio Voronezh members are US-based Russian musicians Vladimir Volokhin - (domra), Sergei Teleshev - (bayan), and Valerie Petrukhin - (double-bass balalaika). Sergei Teleshev won many regional and international accordion competitions and was a finalist in the 1995 International Accordion Competition, Klingenthal, Germany.

For further information email: info@triovoronezh.com


Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, Ikaalinen – Finland

Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival logo
The Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, incorporating the Primus Ikaalinen 2014 competition, takes place from July 1st to 6th.

The Primus Ikaalinen has three main sections: The Golden Accordion (senior), The Silver Accordion (junior), and The Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championships for Chromatic and Diatonic Accordions.

The contestants in this year’s Primus Ikaalinen (Golden Accordion) competition include Xuan Shi – China, Sergey Lobkov – Russia, Guillaume Fric – France, Radu Laxgang – Moldova, Petar Maric – Serbia, Henriikka Santamaa – Finland, and Joni Stein – Finland.

The idyllic centre of Old Town Ikaalinen is the centre of the large scale Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, and music is in the air in the Festival Park and in the concert venues for a week. Both amateurs and world class musicians perform at Ikaalinen – providing the festival audience with an astonishing variety of musical styles.

For further information email: toimisto@satahamesoi.fi


Ksenija Sidorova and Thomas Gould Concert, South Wales – UK

Ksenija SidorovaLatvian-born accordionist Ksenija Sidorova performs in a duo with violinist Thomas Gould on Wednesday July 2nd, 7.30pm, at St Hilary’s Church, Killay.

This concert is part of the annual Gower Festival. The Gower Festival in South Wales, near Swansea, runs from July 1st to 12th.

Alfred Schnittke – ‘Suite in the old style’
Johann Sebastian Bach - ‘Sonata for violin and keyboard in G’
Béla Bartók – ‘Romanian folk dances’
Astor Piazzolla – ‘Café 1930’, ‘Oblivion’
Vittorio Monti – ‘Czárdás’


Stockport Accordion Club Band Concert, Cheshire – UK

Stockport Accordion Club Band
The Stockport AC Band (MD Tony Ainscough) share a concert with a ladies choir for a Scottish-themed evening at Hazel Grove Methodist Church, Wesley St, Stockport, Cheshire SK7 4JQ, on Saturday July 5th, 7.30pm.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Courses at CNIMA J. Mornet, Auvergne – France

There are accordion courses in July, August and October at CNIMA J.Mornet in the south of France. CNIMA J.Mornet is the well-known accordion school founded and run by Professor Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix.

July 14th to 19th - teacher Pascal Meurge
July 21st to 25th – composer Franck Angélis
August 11th to 16th – composer Claude Thomain
August 11th to 16th – 18th to 23rd - Jacques Mornet (jazz)
October 20th to 26th

CNIMA J.Mornet is based at Les Ludines, 63950 Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne, in the south of France. There is easy access to Cnima by highways A71, A75 and A89, and a train station locally where the CNIMA’s team can pick up. Information at CNIMA J.Mornet

For further information email: cnima@wanadoo.fr
Tutor book available: Jacques Mornet


15/07/14 SULLE ALI DELLA MUSICA, III Edizione - Italia

Giancarlo CaporilliProseguendo nelle iniziative per realizzare il “Sogno” del Comitato “Dopo di Noi”, la Pro Loco “Città di Anzio”, in collaborazione con la Pro Loco di Lavinio – Lido di Enea e Pro Loco Nettuno, con il Patrocinio dei Comuni di Anzio e Nettuno, organizza Martedì 15 Luglio 2014, ore 20,45, c/o il Teatro all’Aperto di Villa Adele, la III Edizione della manifestazione “Sulle Ali della Musica”.

“Musica e Danza simulano e ricordano un linguaggio divino e rimandano a quel che parola non disse, quel che il verbo non potè esprimere”.

La manifestazione, che sarà presentata da Sara Santostasi, vedrà la partecipazione gratuita di: Angelo Proietti, Essenza del Due, Pontina Guitar Orchestra diretta dal Maestro Massimiliano Romano, Avio Focolari, Rock in Two, Giancarlo Caporilli, Di Meo Claudio, Sara Laurenti, Massimiliano Drapello, I Cubanitos, Salsa Crew, Eugenio Picchiani, Gabriele Marconi e….

La regia sarà di Mauro Paccariè.
L’incasso sarà interamente devoluto al Comitato “Dopo di Noi” per la costruzione della casa-famiglia per disabili adulti.
Costo del biglietto € 10,00
Vendita biglietti c/o :
Pro Loco “Città di Anzio”, Via Mimma Pollastrini, 5 (Anzio -RM), Tel. 06.9831586
Pro Loco Lavinio, Piazza Lavinia (Lavinio Mare)
Pro Loco Nettuno, P.I.T.(Punto Informazione Turistica), Lungomare Matteotti (Nettuno -RM)
e c/o le Associazioni del Comitato “Dopo di Noi”.


New and Updated Sites

Jon Faukstad Releases eTracks Album - Norway

Konsert Pa Kleppe CD cover by Jon FaukstadJon Faukstad has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Konsert Pa Kleppe', catalog: faukstad201

with sound samples. Music performed by Jon Faukstad.


Zhang Guoping Releases eTracks Album - China

Happy Sheng CD cover by Zhang GuopingZhang Guoping has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Happy Sheng', catalog: guoping02

with sound samples. Music performed by Zhang Guoping.


Jon Faukstad Releases eTracks Album - Norway

Classic Accordion CD cover by Jon FaukstadJon Faukstad has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Classic Accordion', catalog: faukstad202

with sound samples. Music performed by Jon Faukstad.


Phil Bouvier Releases eTracks Album - France

Mister Phil CD cover by Phil BouvierPhil Bouvier has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Mister Phil', catalog: phil01eT

with sound samples. Music performed by Phil Bouvier.


Jon Faukstad Releases eTracks Album - Norway

Jon Faukstad has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Norske Drag', catalog: faukstad203

with sound samples. Music performed by Jon Faukstad.


Roman Jbanov Releases CD and eTracks Album - Russia

Duo Paris Moscou CD coverRoman Jbanov has released this CD and eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Duo Paris Moscou', catalog: jroman104

with sound samples. Music performed by Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov


CD Reviews

“3 Couleurs” CD by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTES

“3 Couleurs” CD Cover by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTESCD Reviews Index for the Review of “3 Couleurs” CD by Lydie Auvray e AUVRETTES, Accordion, in Italian language, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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