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Weekly News from Around the World - 26-Jul-2019
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Primo piano

Programma Online per 2019 Coupe Mondiale Record 173 Iscrizioni - Cina
2019 81° Festival AAA in Pennsylvania di Successo- USA
Giancarlo Borsini Deceduto - Italia
Masterclass con Paolo Vignani, Castelfidardo - Italia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

David Vernon New CD “On the Level”, Edinburgh - UK
South Pasadena Review Reports Nick Ariondo Bastille Day Performance - USA

Future events

32nd Annual Mission Folk Music Festival – Canada
“Les Dames en Melodies” Entertain at “White Night” Concert - Italy
University of Music & Performing Arts Concert – Bulgaria
Concert for Auckland Coupe Contestants - New Zealand
Folkworks Adult Summer School – UK
Beltuna Accordion Festival - Italy
2nd NordAccordion Festival – Norway
Crawley Accordion Orchestra Entertains – UK
Maine Fiddle Camp Accordion Courses – USA
2019 Sydney Folk Festival – Australia
Workshop: The Bellows - Sound Secrets on the Accordion – Germany

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Mike Middleton, Texas Entertainer - USA

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Primo piano

Programma Online per 2019 Coupe Mondiale Record 173 Iscrizioni - Cina

Coupe Mondiale header
2019 Coupe Mondiale posterIl programma della Coupe Mondiale 2019 con un record di 173 iscrizioni al concorso è ora online all'indirizzo: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2019/cn_schedule.html
in corso a Shenzhen, in Cina, dal 12 al 17 agosto 2019.

Ci sono tre sedi di gara che si svolgono contemporaneamente per gran parte dell'evento nella magnifica Xixiang Music Valley Concert Hall, con concerti in programma quasi tutte le sere che si concludono con il Coupe Mondiale Winners Concert e la performance della World Accordion Orchestra sabato 17 agosto.

Grazie al generoso sostegno del governo cinese, ci sono 42.500 euro in premi in denaro, nonché sussidi per tariffe aeree e alloggi!

Il Presidente della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Mirco Patarini "desidera ringraziare gli organizzatori e gli sponsor dell'evento:
- Dipartimento di pubblicità del Partito comunista cinese di Shenzhen
- China Accordion Association of Chinese Musicians Association
- Governo popolare del distretto di Bao'an
- Shenzhen Literary and Art Association"

"La Coupe Mondiale 2019 sarà un evento molto emozionante e per coloro che non sono in grado di partecipare, possono visualizzare i report giornalieri, le immagini, le informazioni e i video più dettagliati delle performance di ogni concorrente, incluso il concerto dei vincitori del premio finale a: Coupe Mondiale"
Competition/Concert venue


2019 81° Festival AAA in Pennsylvania di Successo- USA

AAA Header
Video 1: Petar Maric in concert
AAA Festival flierVideo 1: Petar Maric in concerto

L'81° Festival e Concorso AAA si è tenuto dal 17 al 21 luglio 2019 a King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Hanno partecipato in molti, è stato un evento pieno di emozioni, cameratismo, grande talento, competizione collegiale e molto altro!

Altre foto e video su: 2019FestivalAAA

Il primo giorno, mercoledì, è iniziato con i seminari di Joe Natoli e il dott. Robert Young Mcmahon, apertura di mostre e incontri. Lo straordinario “After Hours Club” ospitato da Michael Bridge ha incluso esibizioni improvvisate di Michael Bridge, Mario Tacca, Cody McSherry, Nathan Chapeton, “Papa Joe” DeClemente e altro. Ogni sera presentava un After Hours Club pieno di sorprese e spettacoli spontanei!

Il Luncheon Concert MC'd di Manny Bobenreith di giovedì comprendeva Nathan Chapeton (rappresentante AAA USA per la Coupe Mondiale 2019), il sassofonista Mitch Guido, Stanislav Culcicovschi e una straordinaria esibizione di Joe Soprani.

Pasta Night ha incluso ancora più esibizioni meravigliose tra cui Ray Oreggio, Cody McSherry, Mario Tacca e Mary Mancini, seguite dalla Westmont Philharmonia Accordion Orchestra diretta da Joanna Darrow.

Venerdì, ci sono state esibizioni presso il King of Prussia Mall con Major Sargent Frank Busso, Jr. a coordinare gli eventi. L'orchestra Busso ha suonato come Papa Joe DeClemente e altri.

Il concerto di gala del venerdì sera con il Joseph Natoli Chamber Ensemble (con il Dr. Robert Young McMahon, William Trigg e Cecylia Barczyk), hanno presentato le nuove composizioni di Joe Natoli. Michael Soloway e Joe, Peter Maric e l’artista ospite in primo piano, Michael Bridge hanno mostrato il loro talento.

Durante il festival, c'erano categorie di competizione e valutazione per tutte le età, prove della AAA Junior Orchestra, prove della AAA Festival Orchestra, corsi di perfezionamento/seminari presentati da Michael Bridge, Sam Falcetti, Mario Tacca, Dr. Robert Young McMahon, Joe Natoli, Cody McSherry, Ray Oreggio, Don Gerundo.

Il banchetto di gala del sabato sera presentato da Ray Oreggio 2020 ha visto la Junior Orchestra, il Youth Involvement Jazz Ensemble, i vincitori del concorso e l'Orchestra del Festival AAA 2019 diretta da Vesna Mehinovic.


Giancarlo Borsini Deceduto - Italia

Vincenzo and Giancarlo Borsini
Giancarlo BorsiniBorsini FamilyNella foto sopra: i fratelli Vincenzo e Giancarlo Borsini che hanno fabbricato fisarmoniche Borsini per decenni dal 2 gennaio 1922 fino a quando la società ha cessato l'attività nel 2015.

Giancarlo Borsini (Fisarmoniche Borsini) è deceduto il 22 luglio e centinaia di amici e fisarmonicisti di tutto il mondo hanno fatto le loro condoglianze su Internet.

In giovane età Giancarlo studiò all'Università degli Studi di Firenze, che è una delle più grandi università in Italia e fu fondata nel 1321.

Fino al momento della sua morte, Borsini viveva a Castelfidardo. Ci mancherà tristemente.


Masterclass con Paolo Vignani, Castelfidardo - Italia

Paolo Vignani and Cristian ChiaraluceLa Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani ha tenuto recentemente un "Seminario Pigini-Giaccaglia" di 3 giorni per giovani studenti del Maestro Luigino Pallotta.

La Masterclass è stata tenuta dal celebre Maestro Paolo Vignani, attuale professore al Conservatorio G. Rossini di Pesaro.

Una borsa di studio di Euro 500 è stata offerta dalla società "A-mare" e assegnata al promettente allievo Cristian Chiaraluce che ha dato prova del suo talento.

Foto a sinistra: Paolo Vignani e Cristian Chiaraluce (Fisitalia)
Nella foto sotto: studenti della masterclass
Masterclass students


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

David Vernon New CD “On the Level”, Edinburgh - UK

CD cover
Scottish accordionist David Vernon’s latest CD, ‘On the Level’, is an entertaining recording, which demonstrates not only his outstanding ability as an accordionist, but also his talent for composition and his renowned sense of humour.

The CD begins in lively style with a country flavoured polka “Terminal 3”, written during a ten hour wait at Heathrow, hence the title! Track 2, ‘Waltz for Irene’, also composed by David, is a melodic waltz dedicated to a lady in New Zealand.

Other David Vernon compositions include the plaintive Celtic tune “The Braid View”, the quirky and catchy “Frolickin’ Phil”, and the lively “Samba Samsara”. “The Roulette Wheel” is perhaps my favourite track, involving lots of triplet runs up and down the keyboard, conjuring up an image of a roulette wheel in motion – a very quirky tune indeed.

There are some typically Scottish dance numbers, including the popular two step “The Ornithologist” (composed by Freeland Barbour), sets of “Gay Gordons” and “6/8 Pipe Marches” tunes, “The High Level Hornpipe”, the melodic waltz “Jimmy and Mickie” (composed by Andrew Fitchet, and dedicated to Jimmy Blue and Mickie Ainsworth), and an Iain MacPhail composition, “The Grace Renwick Polka”.

Of special interest to me as I used to be an accompanist to the Polish dance team in Manchester, is the “Polish Medley”, containing four lively dance tunes in different tempos.

Other tracks are the Irish tune “O’Kanes March” and a lively musette waltz “La Valse Vernon”, dedicated to David Vernon and composed by Scottish accordionist George Burns.

There’s plenty of great accordion playing and variety on this recording, plus there is sympathetic backing that never overpowers the lead accordion by Alex Ross (2nd accordion), Duncan Black (keyboard), Brian Nicholson (guitar), Kenneth Ross (drums) and Bob Miller (bass), plus Bruce Davies on guitar & keyboards on track 3.

For further information email: dvernon100@aol.com


South Pasadena Review Reports Nick Ariondo Bastille Day Performance - USA

Video: Musette a la Russe composed and performed by Nick Ariondo

Nick Ariondo was performing for Bastille Day at Nicole’s Gourmet Market & Cafe in South Pasadena and received a complimentary review from the South Pasadena Review Newspaper.


Future events

32nd Annual Mission Folk Music Festival – Canada

Mission festival header
Geoff BernerStrangelyVideo: Popular comedy performer Geoff Berner at Burdock in Toronto, Ontario with a "drinking" skit titled "Advice".

The 32nd Annual Mission Folk Music Festival will be held at the Fraser River Heritage Park in Mission, British Columbia from July 26th to 28th.

Accordion performers include Geoff Berner (picture left), Podorythmie (accordionist Pascale Lelong - picture below) a five member all-gal group known for their high energy, good time performances of French Canadian music and dance, and Strangely (Strangely Doesburg – picture right).

For festival information phone: 604 309 6079


“Les Dames en Melodies” Entertain at “White Night” Concert - Italy

Les Dames“Les Dames en Melodies” which includes Alessia Civalleri (accordion) and Flavia Gallo (flute), will entertain at a concert entitled “White Night” in Barge, Italy on July 27th.

The two women have a great passion in common – music and enjoy performing a repertoire that ranges from the French music of Edith Piaf, to the sweet and engaging melodies of Yann Tiersen, to the beauty and passion of the Argentine Tango.

For concert details email: flavia.gallo85@gmail.com


University of Music & Performing Arts Concert – Bulgaria

Bulgaria concert poster
Accordion students of Krassimir Sterev from the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München (University of Music & Performing Arts in Munich, Germany) will perform a concert at the Kazanlak Art Gallery in Kazanlak, Bulgaria on July 29th at 6.30pm.

Entrance is free of charge.

For details email Krassimir Sterev: krassimir.sterev@gmail.com


Concert for Auckland Coupe Contestants - New Zealand

NZ concert posterA farewell concert for 4 young New Zealanders who are travelling to Shenzhen, China for the 2019 Coupe Mondiale (CIA) will be held on August 2nd in Takapuna, Auckland sponsored by the Auckland Accordion Association.

Performances will be given by Adam Perry, Catrina Lin and sisters Angela & Jessie Chen (all pictured on the poster right), who will entertain the audience with their competition programs.

Guest performers include the North Shore Music Makers Accordion Orchestra (picture below). This orchestra was awarded the Cecil Smith trophy for a "performance that in some special way impresses the audience" at the 2019 New Zealand Accordion Association annual South Pacific Competitions and Festival held in June each year.

Entry is by donation and all proceeds will go to the 4 Coupe entrants.

For concert information email: heathermasefield@yahoo.com
NS Music Makers


Folkworks Adult Summer School – UK

Folkworks banner
The Folkworks Adult Summer School will be held in Durham from July 29th to August 2nd.
The week-long event of folk music, song and dance will include tuition from accordionist Karen Tweed and Simon Thoumire (English concertina). Karen Tweed and Joey Oliver will also take a Band with Dance Ensemble workshop and Simon Thoumire will tutor Advanced Band.

For further details email: folkworks.summerschool@sagegateshead.com


Beltuna Accordion Festival - Italy

Beltuna festival poster
An accordion festival entitled “Gran Galla della Fisarmonica” will be held at Parco v.zo Renda Vita on August 3rd, organised by Beltuna Accordions. The festival will include accordion entertainment and dancing.

Performances will be given by Pasquale di Marco, Mario Gatto, Diapason, Emanuale Pouzzi, Gianpiero Amato and Sergio Monacelu.

For details see poster above.


2nd NordAccordion Festival – Norway

Lips. Matti and Jostein
The NordAccordion Festival 2019 will be held from August 8th to 13th in Voss Norway and is a combination of master classes, seminars and concerts organised by Geir Draugsvoll and Ida Løvli Hidle.

The opening concert will feature a performance by Friedrich Lips (Russia - top left) at the Ole Bull Academy in Voss at 8pm. Lips has arranged countless pieces of classical and modern music for the accordion in such a way that the instrument can be expressed in an ideal manner. He is also a renowned professor at The Gnesin Institute Moscow teaching a large number of price winning students.

Performances will also be given by Matti Rantanen (Finland – top middle) a tutor at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki and Jostein Stalheim (Norway- top right). Jostein Stalheim will premiere his piece “Langt av Garde” for solo accordion, which was written especially for NordAccordion 2019.

Further performances throughout the festival will be given by Geir Draugsvoll, (accordion) and Mette Rasmussen (piano) on August 9th, at the Voss Church, Aleksander Nohr (baritone), Sigrid Vetleseter Bøe (soprano), Ida Løvli Hidle (accordion) on August 10th at Tre Brør, Geir Draugsvoll (accordion) and Hanzhi Wang on August 11th at the Stalheim Hotel, Accordion students from the Summer Course at Bakka Church on August 11th, Skadedyr (which includes accordionist Ida Løvli Hidl) at Voss kulturhus, Kultursalen on August 11th, and a lunchtime concert on August 12th with Hanzhi Wang and Karla Sorcic.

Friedrich Lips will also hold a Masterclass during the festival, as will other performers at the event. A final closing concert will be held at the Ole Bull Academy on August 13th, which will include performances by the young students that took part in the week long event.

For festival information email: post@nordaccordion.com


Crawley Accordion Orchestra Entertains – UK

BandstandThe Crawley Accordion Orchestra will entertain on the Woking Bandstand in Woking Park, Surrey on August 3rd as part of their Summer Sounds program.

Their varied program will include themes from musicals and films with a bit of Latin thrown in.

Some chairs are provided and visitors can take a picnic and enjoy the entertainment.

For further information email: crawleyaccordionorchestra@gmail.com


Maine Fiddle Camp Accordion Courses – USA

Sylvia MiskoeJeremiah McLaneTwo Maine Fiddle Camp Accordion Courses will be held next month at Camp NEOFA, 219 Trotting Park Rd, Montville, ME, USA. The first course will be held from August 4th to 9th and will feature tuition by Sylvia Miskoe (picture left). Sylvia plays for contra dancing as well as Scottish and English Country Dance.

Tutor Julie Vallimont (picture below) will give tuition during this course as well as the second course the following week. She performs nationwide on the accordion with the bands Buddy System and Nor’easter and other collaborations. She plays for contra, English, and French dancing. Drawing on teaching skills developed over fifteen years as a natural science educator, Julie enjoys teaching and leading workshops.

The second course will be held from August 11th to 16th. In addition to further tuition from Julie, the music of composer, accordionist, and pianist Jeremiah McLane (picture right) is a unique blend of Franco-American, Celtic, jazz, and roots influenced music. He has recorded nine CDs with these and other musicians.

For camp information email: director@mainefiddlecamp.org
Julie Vallimont


2019 Sydney Folk Festival – Australia

Chaika band
The 2019 Sydney Folk Festival will be held from August 16th to 18th in central Sydney, Australia. The most exciting aspect of the festival is that festival goers will be able to explore so much new music. Several venues will operate simultaneously and audiences can pick and choose their own programming.

Performers include “Chaika Band” (which includes accordionist Emily-Rose Šárkova) who play genre-blending music inspired by Balkan vibrancy, Turkish markets, Celtic stories, and Australia’s own stunning landscapes.

For further concert information email: info@chaikaband.com


Workshop: The Bellows - Sound Secrets on the Accordion – Germany

Andreas NeblAccordionist Andreas Nebl (picture left) will hold a workshop entitled “The Bellows - Sound Secrets on the Accordion” at the Hohner-Konservatorium Trossingen on September 15th. The workshop will cover a bellows guide, breathing and sound presentation and is open to soloists and groups.

It is recommended that participants have 1 or 2 pieces prepared if possible.

Workshop registrations close on September 2nd, 2019.

For further details email: AndiNebl@gmx.de or: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Mike Middleton, Texas Entertainer - USA

Mike MiddletonUpdated site has a new schedule of concerts and some new photos for Texas entertainer Mike Middleton.


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