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Weekly News from Around the World - 26-Feb-2016
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Primo piano

Kokkola XVIII Winter Accordion - Un Raggio di Sole di Festival Invernale - Finlandia
19° Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships, Carrickfergus - Regno Unito
Guardia Nueva NDR Tedesca Trasmissione Radio, 28 Febbraio - Germania
Video: Martynas Levickis Due Esibizioni Recenti - Lituania

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New CD & eTracks Album Canto Di Natale by Renzo Ruggieri - Italy
Tian Jianan Guest Artist, Celebrating Chinese New Year with Music - USA
UKAAT Workshop @ RAM, London – UK
Video: Iryna Serotyuk and Viktor Daniel Eliasson Perform Bach - Sweden
An Interview with Toralf Tollefsen’s daughter, Oslo – Norway
Video: Grossmütterchen Hatz Salon Orkestar & Robin Gillard - Germany
14 Years Ago: Friedrich Lips @ London’s RAM in 2002

Future events

Miguel Alfonso Concert, Las Palmas - Canary Islands
Cherish the Ladies Concert, New Jersey – USA
Bjarke Mogensen Concerts – Denmark
Davie Stewart’s 80th Birthday CD launch/concert, Perth – UK
‘Accordion Gala’, Bressana Bottarone (PV) – Italy
42nd NAAFC Accordion and Fiddle Championships, Falkirk – Scotland, UK
Tango Show @ El Querandí, Buenos Aires – Argentina

New and Updated Sites

Historical Composition 'Loganola' Released - New Zealand
Updated site: Sergey Osokin, Moscow - Russia

CD Reviews

CD Review: Fachwerk | Kapote CD by Friedrich Lips

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Primo piano

Kokkola XVIII Winter Accordion - Un Raggio di Sole di Festival Invernale - Finlandia

XVIII  Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival logo
Janne Astrom & Bengan JansonIl 18° Kokkola Winter Accordion ha fatto quello a cui il pubblico si è abituato nel corso degli anni - ha superato tutte le aspettative.

Il direttore artistico del festival Raimo Vertainen ha scritto: "Un festival fantastico, 5000 visitatori, 8 giorni di musica di alta classe, versatile, piacevole e divertente ed eventi gioiosi tutto intorno alla città di Kokkola. Concerti ed eventi vari per persone di tutte le età. 34 eventi in totale, 22 dei quali aperti al pubblico."

Il Kokkola XVIII Winter Accordion di quest'anno ha avuto una visita speciale dalla Francia "The Music Juggler" - un fantastico duo di Jérôme Thomas ja Jean-Francois Baez che unisce l'arte della giocoleria e la fisarmonica in un modo unico. Il duo svedese Bengan Janson e Janne Åström ha incantato il pubblico con il loro show "Ett Jäkla Drag".

L’artista Viivi Maria Saarenkylä ha scritto: "Il mio concerto ‘Thursday Jazz' con il Jakob Combo era a Pietarsaari e il canale televisivo finlandese Alfa TV ha trasmesso il nostro concerto.

Ho sentito altri due concerti al Festival. Martedì sera c’è stato un concerto del noto fisarmonicista finlandese Antti Paalanen insieme all'attore Jarkko Lahti. Lo spettacolo è stato chiamato 'Miehemme Hiidellä'. Ha unito la mitologia finlandese tradizionale alla musica e voce originale di Paalanen. Jarkko Lahti ha cantato, ballato e letto storie.

Mercoledì sera c’è stato un concerto meraviglioso del leggendario Trio Fratres (Raimo Vertainen, Heikki Jokiaho, Toni Hämäläinen). Un concerto di ritorno per questo trio di fisarmonica di alto livello è stato un set qualificato, preciso ed espressivo di perle classiche e composizioni finlandesi moderne per fisarmonica per citarne alcuni".

Trio Fratres ha anche pubblicato una registrazione 'Live At Kuhmo Chamber Music' durante il Kokkola Winter Accordion.

Il tradizionale concerto Guardia Nueva condotto da Raimo Vertainen è stato un ottimo finale di un evento di grande successo.

Foto a sinistra: Grazie alla fotografa Anne Yrjänä per le immagini superbe.
Kokkola 2016 performers


19° Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships, Carrickfergus - Regno Unito

Clyde JohnstonI 19° Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships, tenutisi al Belfast Loughshore Hotel, Carrickfergus sabato 20 Febbraio 2016, sono stati un altro grande successo.

Organizzato da Clyde Johnston (foto a destra), è il più grande festival della fisarmonica tenutosi in Irlanda del Nord e ha attirato un record di 245 iscrizioni. I Campionati sono riconosciuti dall'Organizzazione Nazionale di Fisarmonica del Regno Unito (NAO) come qualificazione per i campionati del Regno Unito, che si terranno dal 22 al 24 Aprile presso l'Adelphi Hotel a Liverpool.

Clyde è stato felice di accogliere nuovamente i concorrenti provenienti da Irlanda, Inghilterra e Scozia e gli stand di Alan Shute, Roy Hendrie, Rob Howard, Glitterbug Bagz e Scotland Accordions hanno aggiunto interesse e atmosfera.

I giudici, Ivan Black, Audrey Gillian e Graham Laurie erano molto colpiti non solo per l'alto livello delle esibizioni, ma anche per il modo regolare ed efficiente con cui sono stati gestiti i campionati.

Ulteriore report, risultati e foto a: 2016NIreland


Guardia Nueva NDR Tedesca Trasmissione Radio, 28 Febbraio - Germania

Raimo VertainenVideo sopra: Guardia Nueva esegue tango finlandese Sä et kyyneltä NAA alla 2015 Coupe Mondiale.

L’ orchestra popolare di tango finlandese Guardia Nueva eseguito il concerto finale serale dell’Usedom Music Festival durato 3 settimane, Usedom a Kaiserbäder Hall il 10 Ottobre 2015. NDR Radio Germania trasmetterà questo concerto il 28 Febbraio, 2016 dalle 22:00 alle 24:00.

L’Usedom Music Festival è dedicato alla musica delle regioni baltiche e questo concerto finale è stato dedicato al tango finlandese che ha acquisito un significato particolare, non solo in America Latina ma anche in Finlandia. Il tango finlandese è più malinconico del tango argentino ed è anche per lo più in tonalità minori.

Fondata nel 2001 da Raimo Vertainen (direttore d'orchestra e direttore musicale), Guardia Nueva suona sia tango argentino che finlandese.

Il loro programma prevede musiche di tango finlandese e opere di Richard Galliano, Piazzolla, Barry Manilow, Josef Rixner, Gualtiero Malgoni, Zequinha Abreu, Jean Sibelius.

Tra gli ospiti: Teemu Roivainen (voce) e Jonna Pirttijoki (voce, fisarmonica, bandoneon).
CD disponibile on-line a: Guardia Nueva
Guardia Nueva Orchestra


Video: Martynas Levickis Due Esibizioni Recenti - Lituania

Video 1:
Video 2:
MartynasVideo 1: Il fisarmonicista versatile e popolare Martynas e la Vilnius Sinfonietta eseguono Inverno dalle "Quattro Stagioni" di Vivaldi registrato dalla Radio Nazionale Lituana e Televisione (Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija), pubblicato 26 Gen 2016.

Video 2: Martynas e Jurgis Didžiulis eseguono Papatinka ai Music Award MAMA, pubblicato 11 Febbraio, 2016.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New CD & eTracks Album Canto Di Natale by Renzo Ruggieri - Italy

Canto Di Natale CD CoverA new CD & eTracks (mp3) album titled Canto Di Natale by Renzo Ruggieri has been released. Catalog: rruggieri12

Canto Di Natale (A Christmas Carol) is inspired by the famous story A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Performers are: Renzo Ruggieri (accordion), Tiziana De Angelis (narrator), Mauro De Federicis (guitar), Umberto Fabi (narrator).

Renzo writes: "A Christmas Carol" closes the triptych of my the three "Jazz Musical Story" with "Opera?" rruggieri09 and "Valentino Tango!" rruggieri11.

In each of them, in which the musical aspect is always dominant appearance recitative, the composition is structured in five scenes, introduced by the narrative and musical improvisation, which follows the instrumental piece, describing the mood of the scene.

Defined as the most beautiful story about Christmas, it narrates the conversion of a miser unrepentant in a good and generous man. Scrooge redeems his miserable and guilty existence by meeting three spirits representing Christmas past, present and future.

The CD Canto Di Natale is available online, Catalog: rruggieri12


Tian Jianan Guest Artist, Celebrating Chinese New Year with Music - USA

Tian Jianan
Tian JiananVideo: Tian Jianan performing at the prize giving concert of the VI International Competition for Accordionists in Moscow in December.

Tian Jianan (China) has been a winner of many international accordion competitions and in Febuary, she was invited by Purdue University and Utah University, USA, for several concerts. Tian Jianan was performing both academic and light music and took two accordions to the USA.

Tian Jianan also gave lectures with the introductions of the accordion & master class to the students in Universities and also to other schools.

These were big events as they were also a part of the local Chinese New Year celebrations.

The West Lafayette newspaper, the Exponent reviewed one concert with a heading: "This accordion music might just take your breath away" and continued - "Previous conceptions of how accordion music should sound are completely upended by the genius of Tian Jianan, said one concertgoer."

Excerpts from an article on wlfi.com. "Guests were treated to a special musical talent Saturday night in the Purdue Union’s south ballroom.

Purdue was happy to invite Tian Jianan to perform in celebration of Chinese New Year. Tian is a 21 year old accordion player from Beijing, China.

Tian performed many traditional songs as well as a some contemporary pieces throughout the evening.

Purdue Convocation’s executive director Todd Wetzel (picture left) says by hosting events such as these, they can help to connect a community that has so many diverse cultures."

Tian Jianan is a student at the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, accordion tutor Prof. Cao Xiao-Qing, majoring in both accordion and composition.

CD's and DVD's available online at: Tian Jianan
Tian Jianan lectures


UKAAT Workshop @ RAM, London – UK

Romano ViazzaniThe UKAAT’s first workshop on February 7th was held at the Royal Academy of Music, London.

The day included a presentation by UKAAT President Romano Viazzani, then workshops by Prof. Owen Murray and Romano Viazzani (picture left).

There was a concert by accordion students of RAM, a book presentation by R. Williams and finally a workshop by Simon Zanchini (Italy, picture right).

Read a detailed report and pictures of the event written by Romano Viazzani at: 2016UKAAT


Video: Iryna Serotyuk and Viktor Daniel Eliasson Perform Bach - Sweden

Performance by Iryna Serotyuk (Ukraine, http://www.serotyuk.com) and Viktor Daniel Eliasson (Sweden) at the Chamber Musik Festival in Stokholm one week ago in the Big Hall, Royal Music College in Stockholm. Published on Feb 24, 2016

J.S.Bach. Concerto for Two Keyboards in C major BWV 1061, Part 2,3
II. Adagio ovvero Largo
III. Fuga. Vivace


An Interview with Toralf Tollefsen’s daughter, Oslo – Norway

Toralf TollefsenJon FaukstadJon Faukstad recently interviewed Toralf Tollefsen’s daughter Sonja Marie Tollefsen at her home in Oslo. Read the interview 'Tollefsen’s Daughter Remembers' in English at: 2016Tollefsen

Toralf Tollefsen (1914-94) was revered by generations of accordionists in Norway and the UK, where he lived between 1936 and 1961.

Except for the 1939-45 WWII war years, which he spent in Norway as member of the Resistance movement. Tollefsen was one of Europe’s first pioneers of the free bass accordion, and did a great deal to promote the accordion in the world of classical music in the post-war years.

A book, ‘Toralf Tollefsen World Artist’, edited by Jon Faukstad (picture of book cover right), gives an overview of the life and career of this outstanding accordionist. The book is available from Double Zed Ltd, UK. Price £13.50 plus postage (£2 UK, £4 USA/Australia;

Email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Video: Grossmütterchen Hatz Salon Orkestar & Robin Gillard - Germany

Performers are: Franziska Hatz (accordion), Richie Winkler (bass clarinet), Julian Pieber (drums), Simon Schellnegger (viola), Robin Gillard (percussion).
Published on Feb 21, 2015.


14 Years Ago: Friedrich Lips @ London’s RAM in 2002

The Accordions Worldwide News for February 22nd 2002 reported that the leading Russian accordionist and teacher Friedrich Lips had been appointed as a ‘Visiting Professor’ at the Royal Academy of Music in London. This happy association has continued to the present time.

Accordionist Nominated "Visiting Professor" – England
Contributed by Dr Herbert Scheibenreif Manager of Friedrich Lips Productions

Friedrich Lips has been nominated "Visiting Professor" at the Royal Academy of Music in London. Lips will travel to Great Britain several times a year to teach students of the accordion class of Professor Owen Murray. The first 2002 seminar took place from January 31st to February 2nd. Lips will return to London in May.


Future events

Miguel Alfonso Concert, Las Palmas - Canary Islands

Miguel Alfonso
Accordionist Miguel Alfonso performs in concert on Saturday February 27th, 8.30pm, at Sala insular de Teatro, Primero de Maya, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.

Miguel Alfonso, based on Gran Canaria, is a versatile and well established accordion entertainer. He is also the Artistic Director and organizer of the annual Folk Festival Canarias.


Cherish the Ladies Concert, New Jersey – USA

Cherish the Ladies
The all-female Irish American folk band Cherish the Ladies perform in concert on Saturday February 27th, 8pm, at the Pollak Theater, Monmouth University, New Jersey. Also performing in this show are the fiddling wonder herself, Liz Carroll, the mighty Ennis Sisters from Newfoundland, and the dancers Garrett Coleman and Jason Oremus.


Bjarke Mogensen Concerts – Denmark

Bjarke Mogensen
Danish accordionist Bjarke Mogensen performs this weekend and next month, as follows:

February 28th, 3pm – solo concert, Sengeløse Kirke, Denmark
March 10th, 8pm – soloist with the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Royal Academy of Music, Rosenørns Allé 22, Frederiksberg
March 20th, 7.30pm – Kottos, Ørslev Kirke

Danish accordionist Bjarke Mogensen made his concert debut at the age of 13 as a soloist in a German TV broadcast with the Munich Symphony Orchestra. Bjarke Mogensen studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Music as a pupil of Geir Draugsvoll and today he teaches chamber music there. He has given solo concerts all over the world, and in 2011 Mogensen had his solo debut at Carnegie Hall, New York, and in 2012 he received 1st prize in the prestigious European Broadcast Union’s ‘New Talent’ competition in Bratislava.

For further information email: bjarke@bjarkemogensen.dk


Davie Stewart’s 80th Birthday CD launch/concert, Perth – UK

Davie Stewart posterScottish accordionist Davie Stewart celebrates his 80th birthday with a CD launch for his recording ‘Momento’ at a concert on Sunday afternoon February 28th, 2pm until 6pm, at The Salutation Hotel, Perth. Sharing the concert with Davie and his band will be accordionist Leonard Brown and his band.

Well-known and respected on the Scottish dance band scene, Davie Stewart has been around as a player, band leader and composer for several decades.

The tracks on ‘Momento’ include Grand Marches, Old Favourite Jigs, Reekie Lynn, Raison D’Etre, Tiger Rag, John Sinton Marches, Petite Panache, Angus Fitchet Jigs, H.M.S. Pinafore, Mio Amore, The More I See You, Highland Medley, Eli Brackett Rag, Neapolitan Serenade, Candy, The Love Triangle, Set of Three Marches, Set of Reels.

For further information email: tommynewcomen@hotmail.com


‘Accordion Gala’, Bressana Bottarone (PV) – Italy

‘Accordion Gala’, Bressana Bottarone posterAn ‘Accordion Gala’ featuring accordionists Walter Losi, Giuseppe Spinelli, Dario Ghelfi, and many others, takes place on Sunday afternoon February 28th, 2pm, at Tabu, Bressana Bottarone (PV), Italy.


42nd NAAFC Accordion and Fiddle Championships, Falkirk – Scotland, UK

42nd NAAFC Accordion and Fiddle PosterThe annual NAAFC (National Association of Accordion & Fiddle Clubs) Accordion and Fiddle Championships take place on Saturday March 5th, 9am, at the Inchyra Grange Hotel, Polmont, Falkirk, Scotland.

The competitions include Traditional Accordion Solo, Polka and Musette, with other sections including Scottish Bands and Trios. There are also fiddle sections.

This year’s selected composers are Gordon Shand – accordion, Angus Fitchet – fiddle.

The festival this year includes an accordion workshop led by Liam Stewart, and a fiddle workshop led by Marie Fielding. Both are free.

The competitions are followed by a prize winners concert, and a ceilidh to the music of the Burns Brothers.

For further information email: magsknight19@gmail.cominfo@festacontinua.it info@festacontinua.it


Tango Show @ El Querandí, Buenos Aires – Argentina

Tango Show
The nightly Tango Show at El Querandí, San Telmo, Buenos Aires is a must-do for visitors to the capital city of Argentina. Watching tango in Buenos Aires can show insight into the Argentine cultural personality; its passion, sensuality, and reverence for history. The venue has been called 'living evidence of civic memory' and transport audiences back to the height of the tango era in the early 20th Century.

After pickup at hotels and transport to El Querandí, visitors have a traditional 3-course Argentine feast, and Argentine wines produced by Finca Flichman are included. After the dinner, the tango entertainment begins, accompanied by accordion, violin, bass, and piano. Buenos Aires is the cultural centre of this seductive dance, and many first-time tourists eventually return again and again to see the shows and dance the tango themselves. The evening ends with hotel drop-off.

For further information email: info@querandi.com.ar


New and Updated Sites

Historical Composition 'Loganola' Released - New Zealand

Loganola by Clarrie BruceThe New Zealand Accordion Assocation Inc. to preserve original New Zealand accordion music has typeset and released Loganola composed by Clarrie Bruce. Purchase online and view sample page at Catalog: mfa8050

This is the first accordion music to be published and printed in New Zealand and was published by Arthur Eady, Auckland, New Zealand during the 1930's (exact date unknown).

The original copy of this music was donated to the Dargaville Museum Accordion Gems display, curator Kevin Friedrich, by Titano Accordions (NZ) Ltd Director Maurice Jones.


Updated site: Sergey Osokin, Moscow - Russia

Sergey OsokinUpdated site with biography and 3 CD's by Sergey Osokin for sale. Sergey Osokin has won numerous international competitions and is an accordion tutor at Schnittke's Moscow State Institute of Music.

- Eternal Returning CD and eTracks (mp3) album Catalog: os601
- IL Cinema Per Sempre CD and eTracks (mp3) album Catalog: os602
- Il Dolce Dolore CD and eTracks (mp3) album Catalog: os603


CD Reviews

CD Review: Fachwerk | Kapote CD by Friedrich Lips

Fachwerk | Kapote CD cover by Friedrich LipsCD Reviews Index for the Review of Fachwerk | Kapote CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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