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Weekly News from Around the World - 25-Sep-2020
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Primo piano

Incontro Music Marche, Castelfidardo - Italia
Nuove date per il 2021 Musikmesse Frankfurt - Germania
CNIMA rende omaggio a Louis Corchia - Francia
Report quotidiani: 2020 PIF Castelfidardo International - Italia
Un tocco d’Italia a Dargaville - Nuova Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

2021 AAA Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition for Aspiring Composers
Alexander Poeluev Video Features Rostov-on-Don - Russia
Kevin Friedrich CD Release Launch, Dargaville - New Zealand
Video: Alessandro Mugnoz Quintet Recording of Felice Fugazza's "Scherzo" - Italy
Accordion Decoration Challenge by Maugein - France
Bridge & Wolak Film “Bach to Benny Goodman” - Canada
6 Year Old Boy Plays Reginella Campagnola - Italy
La P’tite Remorque Band at Tour de France

Future events

Ivan Dyma, Arseniy Strokovskiy & Nikolai Kurdyumov in Concert, Moscow - Russia
Luigi Carniglia Online Concert, Buenos Aires - Argentina
Cafe Accordion Orchestra Outdoor Concert, Minneapolis - USA
Piano Accordion Course at Halsway Manor, Sommerset - UK
Trossingen Workshops - Germany
Twin Lakes Trio at Milwaukee Accordion Club – USA

New and Updated Sites

Site Update: 2020 Coupe Mondiale Competition - Portugal
Tracey Collins Accordion Entertainer Updated Site - New Zealand
Russia News Updated

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Primo piano

Incontro Music Marche, Castelfidardo - Italia

Music Marche
Uno speciale incontro di Music Marche è stato organizzato dal neoeletto Presidente Massimo Pigini il 17 settembre 2020, per discutere del PIF, di Castelfidardo e del Museo della fisarmonica di Castelfidardo, di recente apertura e ristrutturazione, che è stato presentato su AWW News:

Molte aziende e partner di Music Marche hanno partecipato all'incontro, che ha l'obiettivo di mantenere tradizioni artigianali specializzate, sviluppare nuove idee e lasciare che il mondo intero ascolti, veda e goda la musica rappresentata da ottimi strumenti realizzati a Castelfidardo, suonati da eccezionali artisti della fisarmonica italiani e internazionali.

Music Marche ha lavorato a stretto contatto con i funzionari nella ristrutturazione del Museo di Castelfidardo, oltre a sponsorizzare Euro 10.940 al "Art-Bonus" che è un progetto del MIBACT/Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali - Assessorato al mantenimento dei beni culturali e attività.


Nuove date per il 2021 Musikmesse Frankfurt - Germania

Musikmesse 2021, la più grande fiera europea per l'industria musicale, gli strumenti musicali e l'educazione musicale, si terrà dal 22 al 24 ottobre 2021 a Francoforte, in Germania. Si tratta di un cambiamento rispetto alle normali date annuali di marzo o inizio aprile per molti anni.

La fiera della musica si terrà in concomitanza con la Fiera del libro di Francoforte e collaborerà con l'hub creativo THE ARTS +. Entrambi gli spettacoli rimarranno eventi indipendenti.

Musikmesse raccoglie circa 56.000 visitatori e quasi 1.000 espositori all'anno.


CNIMA rende omaggio a Louis Corchia - Francia

CNIMA header
Louis CorchiaVideo: Menzo Gatte, 14 anni, suona "Roulotte" di Louis Corchia, a Castelfidardo nel 2019

La scorsa settimana abbiamo riportato la triste morte di Louis Corchia a causa del Covid-19 e mostrato due video. La scuola internazionale di fisarmonica CNIMA con sede nel cuore della Francia rende omaggio a Louis Corchia.

Nathalie Boucheix, co-fondatrice e direttrice della scuola, ricorda con affetto tutti i concerti che ha suonato con il suo amico Louis Corchia. "Sono profondamente addolorata per la perdita di Loulou. Era un musicista straordinario, rispettato e apprezzato da tutti.

Fedele, umile, accomodante. Era davvero un uomo eccezionale! Un modello per tutti. Sono veramente commossa dalla sua morte a causa della pandemia Covid-19. Si è fidato di me per tanti anni invitandomi regolarmente a suonare nei suoi numerosi galà e concerti con i migliori. Gli devo molto e lo ricorderò per sempre, nel profondo del mio cuore. Ci mancherà molto. Il mondo della fisarmonica è in lutto perché hanno perso un "grand monsieur"!

Addio Loulou e GRAZIE. Sarai sempre al nostro fianco".

Jacques Mornet, fondatore della scuola CNIMA aggiunge:
"Ci ha appena lasciato un grande uomo. Era un artista a tutto tondo, un grande musicista (2° nella Coupe Mondiale 1951 e vincitore del primo Trophée Mondial nel 1951 a Londra) che ha vinto l'orgoglio di suo padre Primo, anche lui talento della fisarmonica che è stato quasi trasmesso geneticamente a suo figlio.

La sua gentilezza e la sua onestà musicale erano famose. Amava la vita e sapeva come condividere la sua gioia e il suo buon umore. Tutti gli studenti del CNIMA e la direttrice della scuola Nathalie Boucheix, si uniscono a me per porgere le nostre più sincere condoglianze a sua moglie Jeanine ea tutti i membri della sua famiglia.

Abbiamo scelto Menzo Gatte, uno dei nostri allievi più giovani, per rendere un meritato omaggio attraverso l'esecuzione della sua "hit" (come direbbe lui) "la Roulotte". Addio amico nostro. Nel paradiso degli angeli, lassù... sii felice di aver ispirato questa giovane generazione che ti ha reso così orgoglioso."


Report quotidiani: 2020 PIF Castelfidardo International - Italia

PIF reports
I report quotidiani di Accordions Worldwide con risultati, immagini e video sono disponibili online su: 2020Castelfidardo


Un tocco d’Italia a Dargaville - Nuova Zelanda

Dargaville School
concertsFoto sopra: Christine Johnstone (a sinistra), Kevin Friedrich (al centro) e Linda Litt (a destra).

L’ambasciatore della CIA Kevin Friedrich sta sfruttando al massimo il suo lungo soggiorno in Nuova Zelanda lontano dalla sua casa a New York, questa volta tornando alla scuola dove ha frequentato e iniziato le lezioni di fisarmonica, la Dargaville Primary School. Dato che gli studenti hanno recentemente studiato l'Italia, è stata un'opportunità perfetta per presentare un programma educativo sulla fisarmonica e sul suo forte legame italiano.

Combinando musica, movimento e canto, il programma ha messo in mostra la storia, la costruzione e la musica della fisarmonica, consentendo al tempo stesso di partecipare ai giovani studenti entusiasti di età compresa tra 9 e 10 anni.

Durante i cinque concerti, circa 150 giovani studenti hanno ascoltato musica da Disney, Star Wars e The Muppet Movies, musica folk, pezzi nuovi e musica tradizionale maori neozelandese.

Ad assistere Kevin erano la fisarmonicista Christine Johnstone, redattore di AWW News e direttrice della North Shore Music Makers Accordion Orchestra (Auckland, Nuova Zelanda) e Linda Emmett Litt, (percussioni e timpani) la figlia di Doreen Emmett che per prima ha insegnato a Kevin la fisarmonica alla Dargaville negli anni '70.

I concerti riprenderanno in ottobre, quando inizierà il nuovo semestre scolastico con i prossimi concerti presentati ai sindacati della scuola elementare di Dargaville.

Immagini in basso e in alto a sinistra: coinvolgere i bambini e muoversi con la musica


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

2021 AAA Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition for Aspiring Composers

AAA Header
Elsie M. BennettThe American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 2021 Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition for Aspiring Composers has published Information, Awards, Regulations and Entry Form at: 2021Bennett.pdf

Entry closing date: January 10, 2021
International entrants can use the AAA Shopping basket to pay the entry fee and send the entry form information by email.

Winners will be notified about January 30, 2021. Winners are invited and encouraged to perform their compositions at the 2021 AAA Festival in West Philadelphia, PA. Details at: AAA


Alexander Poeluev Video Features Rostov-on-Don - Russia

Alexander Poeluev has released this video to celebrate the birthday of Rostov-on-Don, the city in Russia where he was born and raised, the city where he met his wife and where his son was born.

The premiere of the video took place in the large hall of the Rostov State Music Theater as part of the First International Congress of Culture and Media Volunteers. The Congress was held from 1st to 5th October 2019 in the Rostov Region with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Public Chamber, the Association of Volunteer Centers of Russia, the Government, Zak. Assembly and Public Chamber of the Rostov Region. The head of the organizing committee is a member of the OPRF Leonid Shafirov.

Accordion - Alexander Poeluev
Piano - Aram Rustamyants
Soprano saxophone - Andrey Machnev
Guitar - Elizaveta Poelueva
Bass - Vitaly Perov
Drums - Grigory Deratsuev

Producer and author of the idea - Elizaveta Poelueva
Director - Roman Kirimeev


Kevin Friedrich CD Release Launch, Dargaville - New Zealand

Kevin CD
Picture above: Kevin Friedrich (left), Sound Engineer Mal Smith and Gary Daverne (right).

New York based accordionist Kevin Friedrich will celebrate the launch of his CD ‘The Journey’ at an official reception to be held at the Dargaville Methodist Church Hall in Dargaville, New Zealand on October 4th at 2pm.

Marking a 30 year collaboration between Kevin and renowned New Zealand composer Gary Daverne, the launch of the CD entirely of Gary’s works, will include a talk by both the artist and composer as well as some sample excerpts from the CD performed both live and as pre-recorded items by Kevin and some of the supporting artists.


Video: Alessandro Mugnoz Quintet Recording of Felice Fugazza's "Scherzo" - Italy

Alessandro Mugnoz now has a youtube channel. The idea is to tell musical "stories", through various experiences of about forty years. Enjoy this historical recording/video.

Felice Fugazza's "Scherzo" (1922-2007), published in 1953 by Farfisa (later Bérben) editions, is one of the first significant Italian compositions dedicated to an accordion ensemble.
The author, a truly multifaceted musician (multi-instrumentalist, teacher, composer, arranger, publicist, designer), was one of the fundamental figures for the affirmation and enhancement of the accordion instrument.

The present was most likely not our best interpretation, but it is certainly the only one left to testify the ensemble's activity in the early 1980s.

The recording, now historical, was made in Potenza Picena (MC) in the summer of 1983; when the group recorded an entire concert / record program in a single session, practically live. Later it was included in the CD "Accordiones in concert", distributed by Prendinota editions.

Alessandro Mugnoz, 1st accordion
Miriam Mugnoz, 2nd accordion
Andrea Carnevalini, 3rd accordion
Fabrizio Sbacco, 4th accordion
Edgardo Mugnoz, bass accordion


Accordion Decoration Challenge by Maugein - France

new decorationnew decorationDuring the Covid-19 lockdown, Maugein Accordions challenged accordionists to create an accordion decoration on their models! Many of you participated by having fun creating original designs and colours, and Maugein thanks everyone for their efforts.

After a few hours of discussions, the Maugein team made their choice and have now produced the instrument!


Bridge & Wolak Film “Bach to Benny Goodman” - Canada

Michael BridgeMichael Bridge (accordion – picture left) and Kornel Wolak (clarinet) have released the trailer for their full-length film “Bach to Benny Goodman”.

The full film (1h 10mins) is being aired in local theatres and on laptop screens across the Canadian Maritimes this month, and then it will continue to be presented nationally and internationally!

Upcoming online Debut Atlantic shows will be held at:

Musique Royale, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia on September 26th.
Rotary Arts Centre, Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador on October 18th.
Bridge poster


6 Year Old Boy Plays Reginella Campagnola - Italy

Six year old Manuel Graziosi from Ancarano di Norcia, Perugia, Italy enjoys playing the accordion. Check out this video of him playing the popular folk tune "Reginella Campagnola".


La P’tite Remorque Band at Tour de France

Video: La P’tite Remorque Band entertaining at Tour de France in Sarran, Central France last week.


Future events

Ivan Dyma, Arseniy Strokovskiy & Nikolai Kurdyumov in Concert, Moscow - Russia

A concert entitled “Otoño Porteño” will be held in the Grand Palace, Bazhenov Hall of the Tsaritsino Reserve Museum on Sunday, September 27th at 4 p.m.

The concert is named after the composition "The Seasons in Buenos Aires" by Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla and his music will be part of the concert program. The program will be performed by the winners of international competitions Ivan Dyma (saxophones), Arseniy Strokovskiy (accordion) and Nikolai Kurdyumov (piano).

Arseniy Strokovskiy extensive achievements are listed on his website.
Ivan Dyma also has extensive achievements also on his website.
Nikolai Kurdyumov is winner of international competitions in Russia and abroad.

Their program will include:
M. Balakirev - "Islamei"
J. Gershwin - "Sabre Dance" from the ballet "Gayane"
N. Kapustin - Concerto for saxophone
A. Piazzolla - 20 Years Ago, Close Your Eyes and Listen, Years of Solitude, Deus Xango, 20 Years After, Reminiscence, Summit.

For details email: ars@stroks.su


Luigi Carniglia Online Concert, Buenos Aires - Argentina

Luigi Carniglia header
Luigi Carniglia pictureAccordionist Luigi Carniglia will perform an online concert on 2nd October, 2020 at 8pm in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Cafe Accordion Orchestra Outdoor Concert, Minneapolis - USA

CAOThe Café Accordion Orchestra (CAO) will perform in the Main Stage Tent at Crooners Supper Club in Minneapolis, MN, USA on October 8th from 7.30pm.

The band includes Dan Newton (accordion & vocals), Eric Mohring ( mandolin, violin and vocals), Erik Lillestol (bass and vocals) and Joe Steinger (percussion). Special guest Brian Barnes (guitar and vocals) will join them for this performance.

The band enjoy playing an eclectic mix full of French flare, Latin heat and Bohemian attitude with swing, ballads, cha chas, rumbas, and cumbias to create a wonderfully varied show.

For details phone: 763-760-0062


Piano Accordion Course at Halsway Manor, Sommerset - UK

Video 1:
Paul Hutchinson & Murray GraingerVideo 1: Some quick tips from Paul Hutchinson
Video 2: Murray Grainger and Adam Summerhayes (violin)

Following the cancellation of their annual Piano Accordion Weekend earlier this year due to Covid-19, Halsway Manor are welcoming Paul Hutchinson (picture left) & Murray Grainger (right) back to the Manor for a weekend of squeezing together from October 9th to 11th, 2020.

The event will be held at the Halsway Manor National Centre for Folk Arts in Sommerset, UK and cover new tunes and various techniques for intermediate and advanced-level players. Attendees will need to be able to read music for this course.

For details email: office@halswaymanor.org.uk


Trossingen Workshops - Germany

Hohner ConservatoryThe Hohner Conservatory Trossingen will hold a series of “Thinking Workshops” over the next three months. These are a public series of events with lectures, workshops, readings, discussion rounds and, of course, music.

The workshops will be held on Fridays at 7.30pm in the lecture hall.

Dates are:

16th October 2020
13th November 2020
11th December 2020

All lectures will include music by students of the Hohner Conservatory. Admission is free - donations to cover costs are requested.

For details email: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


Twin Lakes Trio at Milwaukee Accordion Club – USA

Twin Lakes Trio
The Twin Lakes Trio will be the guest performers at the Milwaukee Accordion Club in Franklin, Wisconsin on October 26th, 2020. The trio includes concertina player John Dietz.

The Twin Lakes Trio is “guaranteed to keep your event hopping!!”

For details phone: 414 861-3240


New and Updated Sites

Site Update: 2020 Coupe Mondiale Competition - Portugal

2020 Coupe Mondiale header
2020 Coupe Mondiale posterThe Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) has received an official letter from the Portuguese authorities informing us that they have been forced to cancel all public events by order of the Central Government.

Therefore, our Portugal member Mito Algarvio - Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve led by President João Pereirais is taking steps to organize within a few weeks, a series of concerts as planned in Faro and Castro Marim, even without audience, to showcase the diversity of the accordion in Portugal.

The CIA Executive Committee has assured the maximum support and availability to organize an online event lasting a few days, in the style of World Accordion Day, with interviews, videos, and the streaming of concerts of artists from Portugal.

Full letters at Coupe Mondiale.


Tracey Collins Accordion Entertainer Updated Site - New Zealand

Tracey CollinsVery popular accordion entertainer Tracey Collins has updated her website at:
Tracey Collins

Video above Tracey performing at an outdoor French themed occasion.


Russia News Updated

Russia news
Accordion Russia News has been updated with new items.


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