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Weekly News from Around the World - 25-Sep-2015
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Primo piano

Wang Hanzhi (Cina) Vince Categoria Premio PIF - Italia
2015 Coupe Mondiale e Assemblea Generale, Turku - Finlandia
Anna Kryshtaleva (Russia) Vince Categoria D, Concerto Musica Senza Limite di Età - Italia
Freeland Barbour libro 'The Music e The Land' + CD, Edimburgo - Regno Unito
Anatoli Taran, Bielorussia Vince Categoria Variété di Castelfidardo - Italia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordionist Celebrates 99th Birthday, Florida - USA
Video: Marco Lo Russo with Aurelija Matuleviciute on LRT TV - Lithuania
Video: Antonio Spaccarotella Trio, Opening Concert - Castelfidardo
‘14 Years Ago’: ‘Festival Alexandriana’ in Egypt, September 28th 2001

Future events

‘Old Prague Music Folklore Show’, Prague – Czech Republic
‘Day of the Accordion’, California – USA
Zoltan Orosz Concerts, Budapest – Hungary
Sharon Shannon Tour – Ireland, USA, UK
Steve Albini and Tatiana (Il Sole) @ Nevada County Italian Festival – USA
Erika plays for dancing, Chassepierre – Belgium
‘End of Summer Evenings’ Concert, Marcon (VE) - Italy
Susie Simpson SDB @ Banchory Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Tango Jazz Quartet @ 6 Spin Street Restaurant, Cape Town - South Africa, Argentina
Gala d’Accordeon’, Bourgneuf – France

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Friedrich Lips New CD Released, Fachwerk | Kapote - Austria
New Site: Wurzburger-Musikverlag Music and CD Catalog - Germany
Site Updated: Milwaukee Accordion Club - USA

CD Reviews

CD Review: Pauls Turn - Jazz Accordion

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Primo piano

Wang Hanzhi (Cina) Vince Categoria Premio PIF - Italia

Arseniy Strokovskiy,I risultati finali della categoria Premio PIF di 15 concorrenti con orchestra sono stati:
1°: Wang Hanzhi, Cina;
2°: Arseniy Strokovskiy, Russia;
3°: Vladimir Stupnikov, Russia.

Video sopra:
Video 1: Wang Hanzhi, parte A 1° turno della competizione;

Video 2: Wang Hanzhi, parte B 1° turno della competizione;

Video 3: Wang Hanzhi, 3° turno della competizione con il Conservatorio di Pescara, orchestra d'archi, il pezzo "Il Bosco della musica" composto e diretto dal celebre Roberto Molinelli. Scaricabile a: 2015Molinelli.pdf

Nei report giornalieri, 19 settembre, ci sono i video delle esibizioni del 1° turno dei vincitori del 2° posto Arseniy Strokovskiy e 3° posto Vladimir Stupnikov.

Notizie quotidiane con immagini, video e risultati completi a: 2015Concorso

Foto sotto: Presentazione del Sindaco di Castelfidardo Mirco Soprani e Roberto Molinelli a Wang Hanzhi
Castelfidardo Presentation to Wang Hanzhi


2015 Coupe Mondiale e Assemblea Generale, Turku - Finlandia

2015 Coupe Mondiale header
Raymond Bodell, Kimmo MattilaDal 6 al 10 di ottobre, la 68° Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Coupe Mondiale ha ricevuto 87 iscrizioni per otto categorie di concorso.

Ci saranno 26 paesi partecipanti tra cui 55 delegati delle organizzazioni affiliate della CIA.

Il canale televisivo finlandese Alfa trasmetterà in diretta ogni giorno dalle 13:00 in poi. Le gare nel pomeriggio, inoltre un programma in studio 18.30 - 19:00 e poi i concerti serali. Dettagli di visualizzazione internet completi saranno pubblicati la prossima settimana.

Il presidente della CIA Raymond Bodell e il presidente della Suomen Harmonikkaliitto Kimmo Mattila (foto a sinistra) vi invitano calorosamente a partecipare alla Coupe Mondiale 2015 a Turku presso il prestigioso centro eventi Logomo (immagine sotto del teatro principale).

'Badge Accesso Completo' garantirà l'entrata a tutte le competizioni e tutti i concerti per l'ottimo prezzo di soli € 80,00. http://bookings.coupemondiale2015.fi/en/

L'evento promette musica meravigliosa e i più alti livelli di concorsi e concerti.

Per ulteriori informazioni: Coupe Mondiale
Logomo theatre


Anna Kryshtaleva (Russia) Vince Categoria D, Concerto Musica Senza Limite di Età - Italia

Anna KryshtalevaAnna Kryshtaleva (Russia) vince Categoria D, Concerto Musica Senza Limite di Età. Questa è stata una categoria molto competitiva con 34 iscrizioni divise in più giorni.

I risultati sono stati:
1° Anna Kryshtaleva (Russia)
2° Alberto Vernarelli (Italia)
3° Krzysztof Bratasz (Polonia)

Video sopra dell'esibizione di Anna Kryshtaleva.

Report quotidiani con immagini, video e risultati completi a: 2015Concorso


Freeland Barbour libro 'The Music e The Land' + CD, Edimburgo - Regno Unito

PosterUna delle principali case editrici della Scozia, Birlinn, ha pubblicato un libro contenente tutte le composizioni del famoso fisarmonicista Freeland Barbour, illustrato con delle superbe fotografie di alta qualità di Cailean Maclean da Skye, e una serie di altri fotografi.

Si tratta di un cofanetto di 2 volumi, a colori, pubblicazione stile rivista, e sarà lanciato ufficialmente in un concerto speciale al The Queen's Hall di Edimburgo, Sabato 10 ottobre, 19:30.

Ospiti speciali per il lancio saranno Phil Cunningham, Simon Thoumire, Gary West, Jane Gardner, e Billy Kay (compere), con la band The Occasionals, incluso Freeland Barbour, che suonerà per la parte di danza della serata.

Alison Smith e Neil MacMillan si uniranno a Freeland, Kevin Macleod, Mairi Campbell e Gus Millar.

Oltre alla pubblicazione principale, 'The Music e The Land', ci sarà un CD demo di 14 tracce dei The Occasionals disponibile gratuitamente con ogni copia del libro acquistato.

Freeland Barbour è ben noto a tutti nei circoli musicali scozzesi come fisarmonicista, pianista leader della band, produttore della BBC Radio Scotland, e compositore.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: contact@freelandbarbour.co.uk


Anatoli Taran, Bielorussia Vince Categoria Variété di Castelfidardo - Italia

PIF International
Anatoli TaranI risultati della Categoria I, nessun limite di età Variété Intrattenimento sono stati:

1° Anatoli Taran (foto a sinistra), Bielorussia;
2° Stanislav Gerasimov, Russia;
3° Mahatma Costa, Brasile.

Video sopra esibizione di Anatoli Taran.

Stanislav Gerasimov è stato un vincitore nella categoria F di gruppi musicali da camera con strumenti come la fisarmonica e altri - senza limiti di età come fisarmonicista del Expecto Trio.

I report quotidiani con immagini, video e risultati a: 2015Concorso


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordionist Celebrates 99th Birthday, Florida - USA

Jack SwenningsenJack Swenningsen, featured in CordeenMan News #25, celebrated his 99th birthday on September 18th 2015!

Picture left of Jack Swenningsen when 96 years.

I have heard that the St. Petersburg (Florida) Fire Department will be standing by when they light the candles on his cake!!

In addition to being a fine accordionist, Jack is an award winning (retired) photographer.  Several years ago he developed a series of emails called Pic of The Day, which he periodically sent out to friends and family.

Congratulations to accordionist Jack Swenningsen on his 99th birthday.


Video: Marco Lo Russo with Aurelija Matuleviciute on LRT TV - Lithuania

Marco Lo Russo with Aurelija Matuleviciute on Labas Rytas Lietuva on LRT Lithuanian National Television during part of their Baltic Sea Tour 2.0! Published on Sep 6, 2015


Video: Antonio Spaccarotella Trio, Opening Concert - Castelfidardo

Antonio Spaccarotella Trio performing at the Opening Concert of the 2015 Castelfidardo International Competitions and Festival.

Performers are:
Antonio Spaccarotella (accordion), Mike Applebaum (trumpet), Danilo Blaiotta (piano), Fabrizio La Fauci (drums).


‘14 Years Ago’: ‘Festival Alexandriana’ in Egypt, September 28th 2001

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending September 28th 2001 included an article concerning a concert, ‘Festival Alexandriana’ that took place in Alexandria, Egypt. It is noteworthy that this concert took place just two weeks after the September 11th horrendous terrorist attacks in New York.

Festival Alexandriana – Egypt
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

On September 13th a concert was held at the theatre of the Sidi Gaber Cultural Palace in conjunction with the "Festival Alexandriana". Performers included Mirco Patarini (Italy), Saleh el Artist (Egypt) and other musicians from Spain, Sweden and France. The theme was "Meeting with Islamic traditions in the Mediterranean World."


Future events

‘Old Prague Music Folklore Show’, Prague – Czech Republic

The ‘Old Prague Music Folklore Show’ takes place at the U Fleku Brewery and Restaurant, Kremencova 11, Prague, on Friday September 25th, 6.30pm, and each Friday evening at 6.30pm through until December 25th.

The show consists of a sequence of well-known old Prague and international songs and tunes, two humorous skits and a beer competition. All that performed by three singers and four excellent musicians, including accordionist Franta. And of course there is the traditional dark beer from one of the oldest breweries in Central Europe, where the drink has been boiled continuously for more than 500 years.

The show lasts for about an hour and is intended for both a Czech and an international audience.

For further information email: info@showufleku.cz


‘Day of the Accordion’, California – USA

‘Day of the Accordion’ takes place on Sunday September 27th, 1pm until 8.30pm, at the North Star House, 12075 Auburn Rd, Grass Valley, California.

The event begins with a jamming session at 1pm, followed from 3pm by non-stop concert performances by a parade of top accordion artists.

The organizer is accordionist and comedian Corky Bennett. An all-day pass costs $20.

For further information email: info@corkybennett.com


Zoltan Orosz Concerts, Budapest – Hungary

Zoltan OroszAccordionist Zoltan Orosz performs this weekend in concerts on Friday September 25th, 7pm, in Marczibányi Square, Saturday September 26th, 8pm, and on Sunday September 27th, 6pm, in Pesterzsébeti CSILI-ben, both in Budapest, Hungary.

Zoltan Orosz began studying the accordion and the organ at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest in 1977when he was only 11 years old, later also studying at the Franz Liszt College in Budapest.

He has since enjoyed an internationally successful career, and has made several recordings.


Sharon Shannon Tour – Ireland, USA, UK

CD coverTo celebrate the release of her DVD/CD ‘In Galway’, Irish diatonic accordionist Sharon Shannon is on a tour that will play a series of UK dates.

Accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Alan Connor, the platinum selling accordionist who has played and recorded with Willie Nelson, Bono, Nigel Kennedy, Steve Earle plays a series of dates showcasing her unique high-energy cocktail of traditional Irish Music mixed with reggae, funk, classical and cajun.

Saturday September 26th - 'Che Do Bheatha' Festival, Kilkee, Irish Republic
Sunday October 4th - KVMR Celtic Festival, Nevada City, USA
Tuesday October 6th, doors open 8pm – City Winery, New York, USA
Saturday October 10th – IBAM, Chicago, USA
Saturday October 24th – Biggar Little Festival, Scotland, UK
Friday November 13th - Leicester Grammar School, UK
Sunday November 15th – Borderline, London, UK
Thursday November 19th - Kitchen Garden Café, Birmingham, UK
Friday November 20th - Colchester Arts Centre, UK
Saturday November 21st - St Marys Church, Kingskerswell, UK
Sunday November 22nd – Ilminster Square and Compass Inn, UK


Steve Albini and Tatiana (Il Sole) @ Nevada County Italian Festival – USA

Il SoleOn Saturday September 26th, 5pm, accordionist and vocalist Steve Albini with Tatiana Semichastnaya (Il Sole) will be headlining the Nevada County Italian Festival. Joining them will be drummer / percussionist Bob Belanski. Bob was a drummer for Cal Tjader, Vince Guaraldi, Buddy DeFranco, and others.

The Nevada County Italian Festival takes place at Gateway Park, Penn Valley, Nevada. The event features over 30 of the finest Italian food, wine and artisan vendors from the area who will sell ceramics, gelato, sausage, baked goods, pastas, flowers, herbs, sculpture, antique maps, produce, pizza and much more.

Festivities include local and regional Italian wine tastings for adults, chef demonstrations, live Italian music and dancing, a bocce ball tournament.


Erika plays for dancing, Chassepierre – Belgium

ErikaBelgian accordionist Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie, plays for dancing at a reunion event on Saturday September 26th, 9pm, at salle Le Breux 3, Chassepierre, Belgium.


‘End of Summer Evenings’ Concert, Marcon (VE) - Italy

Fisaorchestra Armonia
The Fisaorchestra Armonia di Treviso (MD Angelo Smeazzotto) perform in an ‘End of Summer Evenings’ season concert on Sunday September 27th, 9pm, at the Piazza Mercato, Marcon (VE), Italy.

The orchestra’s large and broad repertoire includes ‘West Side Story’ (Bernstein), ‘New World Symphony (Dvorak), ‘Redezvous mit Gershwin’ (Gershwin/Renato Bui), ‘Marriage of Figaro Overture (Mozart), and many more.

For further information email: fisorchestra.armonia@libero.it


Susie Simpson SDB @ Banchory Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

The Susie Simpson Scottish Dance Band, from Inverness, will be the guests at the Banchory Accordion & Fiddle Club on Monday September 28th, 7.45pm. The club meets at the Burnett Arms Hotel, 25 High St, Banchory AB31 5TD, Scotland.

Band line-up: Susie Simpson (accordion, piano, whistle), Jock Fraser (2nd accordion), Gillian Stevenson (fiddle), Heather Donaldson (drums), Sheena Kelman (piano).


Tango Jazz Quartet @ 6 Spin Street Restaurant, Cape Town - South Africa, Argentina

Tango Jazz QuartetOn Saturday October 3rd, 7.30pm, the Tango Jazz Quartet from Argentina plays for dancing at the 6 Spin Street Restaurant, Cape Town, South Africa.

All the way from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where they host their own weekly milonga, the Tango Jazz Quartet will play favourite tango and milonga music, and are joined by special guest, accordionist Stanislav Angelov (Cape Town Tango Ensemble).

In addition to the wonderful music, 6 Spin Street Restaurant is offering a delicious Argentinian-inspired buffet. A full three-course dinner is available for R220 per person, as well as a dessert only option for R80.

For further information email: info@proyecto34s.com


Gala d’Accordeon’, Bourgneuf – France

Poster Gala d’Accordeon’The annual ‘Gala d’Accordeon de Bourgneuf’ takes place on Saturday (7.30pm) and Sunday (2.30pm) October 3rd/4th, at the Salle Polyvalente, Bourgneuf (73), France.

The ‘Gala d’Accordeon de Bourgneuf’ features musette accordionists Michel Pruvot, Evi-Danse, and Virginie et Cyril Danrey, plus guests. This will be non-stop music for dancing.


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Friedrich Lips New CD Released, Fachwerk | Kapote - Austria

Fachwerk | Kapote CD cover by Friedrich LipsThe new Friedrich Lips CD Fachwerk | Kapote is now released. The CD records two major works for accordion and orchestra.

1. Fachwerk by Sofia Gubaidulina (1931 - ) composed in 2009 for accordion with percussion and string orchestra. 33.44 mins

This was recorded in Moscow’s Gnesin Concert Hall on December 13th, 2013, Friedrich Lips soloist with the Symphony Orchestra of the Russian Gnesin Music Academy, conducted by Alexander Solovyov.

2. Kapote by Giya Kancheli (1935 - ) composed in 2006 for accordion with percussion, bass guitare and string orchestra. 28:24

This was recorded by the ”Orpheus” Radio Symphonic Orchestra, conducted by Sergei Kondrashev.

Notes about these two major works by Friedrich Lips are on the website about the Fachwerk | Kapote CD at: CD027

You can order online in Euro or US$ via the high security eCommerce site run by WorldPay.com, one of the world's largest payment processing system at: CD027


New Site: Wurzburger-Musikverlag Music and CD Catalog - Germany

Wurzburger-MusikverlagWurzburger-MusikverlagNew Site: Wurzburger-Musikverlag (music publisher) is based in D-70794 Filderstadt, Germany.

Wurzburger-Musikverlag has a new website selling sheet music, tutor books, music books and CD's.


Site Updated: Milwaukee Accordion Club - USA

Milwaukee Accordion Club
On Monday, September 28, the Milwaukee Accordion Club (MAC) meeting has ‘Bill Anderson with a Little Bit of Heaven' as their featured program.

The MAC site has been updated with future events, club officials, and updated contact information.


CD Reviews

CD Review: Pauls Turn - Jazz Accordion

Pauls Turn - Jazz Accordion CD CoverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Pauls Turn - Jazz Accordion in English and Italian languages. Accordionist is Paul Betken. Review by Paolo Picchio.


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