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Weekly News from Around the World - 25-Nov-2022
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Primo piano

XXIX Concorso internazionale di fisarmonica "Arrasate Hiria" - Spagna
10° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica 2023 - Olanda
XXXIV Festival Internazionale "Bayan and Bayanists", Mosca - Russia
Ensemble di fisarmoniche viennese suona al castello di Perchtoldsdorf - Austria
Fisarmonicisti suonano al New Year Highland Hogmany – Scozia
1° Festival Internazionale Da Gaita - Brasile

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Vincent Peirani and Yamandu Costa: Virtuoso Fire - Austria
Recensione: Il quintetto Aotango si esibisce davanti a una folla entusiasta - Nuova Zelanda
Video: Cody McSherry, Multi-talented Performer with the Tamburitzans – USA
Saint Cecilia Celebrations – Spain
Nika Kushnir Galatz Radio Interview - Israel
2023 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar
Annie Gong: Guest at Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand

Future events

Handharmonika Club Walheim-Besigheim Church Concert – Germany
2022 Dream Concert - Korea
Hohenlimburg Accordion Orchestra e.V. “We Will Entertain You” Concert - Germany
Dave Evans "Accordion in the Courtyard" Concert - Australia
John Kirkpatrick Launches New CD “Joy and Jubilation” – UK
Orchestra "Patty Stella" Presents New CD – Italy
Alex Meixner at Tomball German Festival Christmas Market - USA
Christmas Weekend with Ian Lowthian - UK
Ferran Martínez Performs Christmas Concert with “Industrial Choir” – Spain
Closing Date Extended for 1st International Igor Zavadsky Accordion Competition - Ukraine

Links to Previous News Still Current

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New and Updated Sites

Marie Evelyn Jones (93) è deceduta (dal 1928 al 2022) - Nuova Zelanda
CNIMA_Ludovic Beier Masterclass di Gypsy Jazz 2022 - Francia

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Primo piano

XXIX Concorso internazionale di fisarmonica "Arrasate Hiria" - Spagna

Arrasate pster
Il XXIX Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica "Arrasate Hiria" si terrà ad Arrasate-Mondragón, Paesi Baschi, Spagna dal 2 al 4 dicembre 2022, organizzato da "Hauspoz" Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea, dal Municipio di Arrasate e dal Consiglio della Contea di Gipuzkoa.

Il concorso è aperto a solisti di qualsiasi età e nazionalità.

Il vincitore del concorso sarà invitato dagli organizzatori a tenere una serie di concerti in occasione del XXX Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica "Arrasate Hiria" 2023.

Scarica il programma del festival: 2022ArrasateProgram.pdf


10° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica 2023 - Olanda

Netherlands poster
Il 10° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica si terrà presso il Teatro Geert Teis di Stadskanaal, Paesi Bassi, il 16 aprile 2023.

L'intrattenimento sarà assicurato da Pietro Adragna (Italia), Marieke Kroes (Paesi Bassi), René Trok (Paesi Bassi) e Jonny Kerry (fisarmonica) & Harry Diplock (chitarra) (Gran Bretagna).

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: info@accordeonfestival.nl


XXXIV Festival Internazionale "Bayan and Bayanists", Mosca - Russia

Moscow poster
Friedrich LipsAlexander Selivanov, Maria VlasovaIl XXXIV Festival Internazionale "Bayan and Bayanists" 2022 si terrà presso la Concert Hall dell'Accademia Russa di Musica Gnesin (RAM) a Mosca, Russia, dal 14 al 18 dicembre 2022. Scarica il poster del programma: 2022MoscowPoster.pdf

Il Prof. Friedrich Lips è il direttore artistico del festival e Alexander Gataullin è il direttore del festival.


14 dicembre: Tra gli artisti che si esibiranno al concerto di apertura figurano lo State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble "Russia", diretto da Dmitry Dmitrienko, il professor Alexander Kapitan (fisarmonica), Stanislav Gerasimov (fisarmonica) e un'esibizione di gruppo del professor Alexander Tsygankov (domra), Vladislav Afanasiev (domra), Anastasia Zakharova (domra), Olzhas Nurlanov (fisarmonica), Rafael Sapukov (fisarmonica) e Mikhail Chernov (fisarmonica).

15 dicembre: Concerto di "Bayan e fisarmonica: classici e moderni" da parte dell'Orchestra da camera del Governatore "Russian Camera" (direttore artistico e direttore - Andrey Kruzhkov), solista Maria Vlasova, “Folk Music Orchestra” dell'Accademia statale di cultura e arte di Lugansk. M. Matusovsky, diretta da Irina Zolotareva, solista Alexander Selivanov.

16 dicembre: esibizione di Vladimir Stupnikov (fisarmonica) e del "Sib-Duo", formato dai fisarmonicisti Alexander Sirotkin e Andrey Bityutskikh.

17 dicembre: Esibizione di Dmitry Khodanovich (fisarmonica), celebrazione dell'80° anniversario del compositore Vladislav Zolotarev con il professor Yuri Sidorov (bayan), Olzhas Nurlanov (fisarmonica) e il Bayan Ensemble composto da: Semion Shmelkov, Timur Galinurov, Arslan Aliev, Lin Jing Han e Rafael Sapukov.

18 dicembre: concerto di chiusura con musica popolare e jazz con Eduard Akhanov (bayan) e amici, il Quartetto Ivan Talanin (bandoneon) "Tango En Vivo" e Peter Dranga (fisarmonica).

Alla cerimonia di chiusura del festival, verrà assegnato il "Disco d'argento". Tra i precedenti destinatari figurano Marcel Azzola, Viktor Vlasov, Alfred Ginzburg, Viktor Gridin, Yuri Kazakov, Alfred Mirek e molti altri.

Un report completo dell'evento sarà pubblicato in queste news. Vedi il report dell'evento del 2021 su: 2021Moscow


Ensemble di fisarmoniche viennese suona al castello di Perchtoldsdorf - Austria

New Castle Hall of Perchtoldsdorf CastleL'Ensemble di Fisarmoniche Viennese (Das Wiener Akkordeon-Kammer-Ensemble – WAKE) suonerà presso la Sala del Nuovo Castello del Castello di Perchtoldsdorf (foto a sinistra) in Austria il prossimo 4 dicembre 2022.

I membri del gruppo sono:

Signore - Sylvia Zobek, Margarete Gebauer e Elisabeth Weibert

Signori: Werner Weibert, Guenther Zobek, Walter Dietz, Anton Barink e Christian Hoeller.

In programma brani di Hummel, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms, Bernstein, Piazzolla e Strauss.

Inoltre il gruppo eseguirà la prima mondiale del Piccolo Concerto di Lowell Liebermann.

Per ulteriori dettagli telefonare al numero: +43 (664) 2106552


Fisarmonicisti suonano al New Year Highland Hogmany – Scozia

Hogmany poster
Brandon McPheeI fisarmonicisti offriranno intrattenimento serale in occasione della quattro giorni di Capodanno Highland Hogmany che si terrà presso il Jury's Inn di Inverness, in Scozia, dal 30 dicembre 2022 al 2 gennaio 2023.

Tra gli artisti che si esibiranno figurano Brandon McPhee Trio (foto a sinistra), Manson Grant & the Dynamos e la Kirkjuvagr Ceilidh Band (foto sotto).

Vedi poster per i dettagli.
Kirkjuvagr Ceilidh Band


1° Festival Internazionale Da Gaita - Brasile

Festival poster
Il 1° Festival Internazionale Da Gaita si terrà a Barra do Ribeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasile dal 9 all'11 dicembre 2022.

L'evento, organizzato dal Segretario alla Cultura del Rio Grande do Sul, vedrà la partecipazione del fisarmonicista brasiliano Fofa Nobre e di 40 artisti in totale.

Vedi poster per i dettagli.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Vincent Peirani and Yamandu Costa: Virtuoso Fire - Austria

Vincent Peirani and Yamandu Costa
Vincent Peirani (accordion) and Yamandu Costa (seven-string guitar) are internationally acclaimed for their superb technique on the accordion and guitar. The French accordionist shapes European jazz with a variety of projects, the Brazilian guitarist is referred to as the "Paganini of the guitar" and is considered the most renowned contemporary Brazilian guitarist. Both can refer to an extensive, award-winning discography.

In 2018 Vincent Peirani and Yamandu Costa met at the Festival “Jazz à Porquerolles“ and spontaneously decided to perform together. The concert was a firework of dynamic interaction and marked the beginning of a brilliant collaboration. Each of their performances promises an explosive mix of two gifted artists creating a space on stage that goes beyond the music and lets us experience something extraordinary! Now the gifted musicians have made their first guest appearance as a duo in the Vienna Konzerthaus. Their performance brought a breathtaking evening full of vibrant rhythms and ingenious melodies.


Recensione: Il quintetto Aotango si esibisce davanti a una folla entusiasta - Nuova Zelanda

Grayson MasefieldVideo sopra: Il segmento di En Pampa dal concerto degli Aotango a Takapuna.

Il quintetto AOTANGO si è esibito nei suoi primi due concerti "Century of Tango" il 21 novembre alla Warkworth Town Hall e il 22 novembre al Westlake Girls Events Centre di Takapuna, Auckland. I concerti fanno parte della serie di quattro concerti "Century of Tango".

Nonostante un temporale a Takapuna, il numeroso pubblico ha goduto di un programma straordinario di musica tango - un viaggio musicale attraverso l'evoluzione del tango, che ha presentato brani popolari come El Choclo, Por una Cabeza e La Cumparsita, fino alle rivoluzionarie opere in stile nuevo tango del compositore argentino Ástor Piazzolla, Gardel, Galliano, Rodriguez e Jaurena & Torres.

AOTANGO vede la partecipazione di alcuni dei più apprezzati musicisti neozelandesi: Grayson Masefield (pluricampione mondiale di fisarmonica), Somi Kim (pianista del NZTrio), Andrew Beer (violino, Concertmaster della Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra), Gordon Hill (Principal Bass, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra) e Sam Swindells (chitarra jazz).

Chi parteciperà al concerto del 2 dicembre presso la All Saints Church di Howick, Auckland, e a quello del 3 dicembre presso la Chapel of Christ the King di Hamilton, si troverà di fronte a una "vera delizia"!

Prenota ora - Aotango Tickets


Video: Cody McSherry, Multi-talented Performer with the Tamburitzans – USA

Cody McSherryVideo: excerpts from the concerts by the Tamburitzans featuring accordionist Cody McSherry

Cody McSherry has performed concerts with the Tamburitzans in the USA since 2020.

The Tamburitzans, formerly the Duquesne University Tamburitzans, is an ensemble that has performed a wide variety of folk dance and music representing international cultures for over 80 years in the United States and internationally.

Cody was accepted into the Tamburitzans in 2020 following an audition that included singing, dancing and playing accordion.

Cody is now a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh with a double major in Classical Studies with an emphasis in Ancient Greek and French, and an additional certificate in Russian and in Slavic Studies.

See news item for further details about Cody McSherry: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=14-Oct-2022&lang=en#art19339


Saint Cecilia Celebrations – Spain

Saint Cecilia Celebrations poster
Saint Cecilia Celebrations were held at the Escola Municipal de Musica de Tarragona in Spain on November 22nd, 2022.

The celebrations included a concert by the music school teachers designed for the whole family.

Performers included Guillem Anguera (accordion), Alexis Lanza Bermejo (cello), Pau Duran Gual (guitar/ukelele), Xavier Pie (soprano sax) and Artemi Agras (bass) (pictured below).


Nika Kushnir Galatz Radio Interview - Israel

Galatz Radio
Nika KushnirAccordionist Nika Kushnir (picture left) was interviewed this month by music journalist Lior Friedman on the Israeli Radio Station, Galatz in Israel.

During the show they discussed music that Nika has written, followed by her performance of Princess Accordion (Roger Dufas), Romanian Gypsy Suite (Emil Aybinder) and Basso Ostinato (Victor Vlasov).

Nika is a member of the Haifa Cabaret Trio and performs regularly in Israel.


2023 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar

2023 calendarThe 2023 Accordion Babes Pin-Up calendar with CD is available for pre-order now.

Calendar Editor Renée de la Prade advises that they need about 300 pre-orders to meet their goal for printing costs. Calendars are due out soon.

For details email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


Annie Gong: Guest at Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand

Annie GongRaelene TurnerOn November 20th, 2022 the Canterbury Accordion Association (CAA) held one of its regular Jam Sessions where players of any instrument join in making music together.

The afternoon started with the group consisting of accordionists, a harmonica player, a brass bass and a keyboard playing a variety of selected pieces from the music provided (picture below). The audience clapped along to ‘Deep in the Heart of Texas’ and the group finished with a few favourite Christmas Carols.

93yr old soloist, Raelene Turner (picture above right) then performed ‘Remember You’re Mine’ and CAA 2022 Scholarship award winner, 10yr old Ivy Du, played ‘Raisins & Almonds’ and ‘Yossel Yossel’.

Then came the highlight of the afternoon with the CAA having the good fortune to welcome Annie Gong (picture above left), professional accordionist and entertainer, (usually entertaining on Cruise ships from London), in New Zealand for the Summer season. Annie is currently in Christchurch and was available to join in the Jam Session.

Annie with her catchy enthusiasm and wonderful talent kept us all spellbound and wanting more. She played short excerpts from pieces such as Toccato in D Minor, Phantom of the Opera and a Jazz piece and then on to a very moving ‘Hallelujah’ and a country music piece ‘Cotton-Eyed Joe’.

The variety of music ended with Annie changing her accordion to sound like the bag-pipes and she marched to ‘Scotland the Brave’ much to the delight of a Scottish member present!

Annie then invited questions on how her MIDI accordion worked and she explained the programming system of different instrumental sounds to create whatever she wanted – even a full orchestra and voices!

Annie’s passion for passing on any information she could and seeing players enjoy playing the accordion was appreciated and well received by all present.

What a treat it was to have such a talented and exciting young player entertain us – thoroughly enjoyed by all! The CAA hopes to invite Annie to join in another one of their events before she returns to London.

Picture below: Jam session performers
Jam session players


Future events

Handharmonika Club Walheim-Besigheim Church Concert – Germany

HHC poster
Carmen BuchgraberSabina KeinerThe Handharmonika Club Walheim-Besigheim (picture below) will perform a church concert at the Catholic Holy Cross Church in Besigheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany on November 26th, 2022 at 6.30pm.

The 1. Orchestra and the ensemble "Accent" led by Carmen Buchgraber (picture left) and the youth orchestra led by Sabina Keiner (picture right) have prepared a program for an atmospheric concert evening.

Free admission.
Handharmonika Club Walheim-Besigheim


2022 Dream Concert - Korea

Dream concert poster
Accordionist DooHwan Jeon invites accordionists and enthusiasts to the next Dream Concert, which will be held in Korea on November 26th, 2022 at 2pm.

See poster for details.


Hohenlimburg Accordion Orchestra e.V. “We Will Entertain You” Concert - Germany

Hohenlimburg Accordion Orchestra poster
The Hohenlimburg Accordion Orchestra e.V. will perform a concert entitled “We Will Entertain You” in the Auditorium of the Realschule Hohenlimburg in Hagen, Germany on November 27th, 2022.

The orchestra will be joined by the Hohenlimburg theater group "Klamauk" and the "Elseyer-Nahmer Men's Choir".

Their program will include a mix of classical music such as Ludwig van Beethoven's "Scherzo", well-known pop hits by Elton John, Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now", "The Sound of Silence" (new version by the group Disturbed) and "One Tango" by Ian Watson.

For details phone: 02334/51493


Dave Evans "Accordion in the Courtyard" Concert - Australia

Dave Evans
Accordionist Dave Evans will play his favourite songs at a solo concert entitled "Accordion in the Courtyard" at Open Studio in Northcote, Victoria, Australia on December 2nd, 2022 at 6.30pm.

Free Entry.


John Kirkpatrick Launches New CD “Joy and Jubilation” – UK

CD CoverJohn KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick MBE (picture right) will launch his new CD “Joy and Jubilation” (Fledgling Records) at a concert at the SpArC Theatre in Bishop's Castle, Shropshire, England, UK on December 3rd, 2022 at 7.30pm.

The CD features songs relating to Midwinter and Christmas plus songs by the Bishop’s Castle Carollers.

At the CD launch, the Carollers will join John “for a grand finale to raise the roof!”

For details phone: 015 88 630321


Orchestra "Patty Stella" Presents New CD – Italy

The Orchestra "Patty Stella" featuring Filippo Bosco (accordion) will hold concert to present their new CD “Il Nostro Liscio” (Our Smooth) at the Parrocchiale Theatre in Verla di Giovo, Italy on December 4th at 5pm.

Admission is free. For details phone: +39 338 84 41 753


Alex Meixner at Tomball German Festival Christmas Market - USA

Tomball Xmas
Alex MeixnerThe Alex Meixner Band will entertain at the Tomball German Festival Christmas Market held in Tomball, Texas, USA from December 9th to 11th, 2022.

The festival includes three stages of live music, an open air market, street vendors and a variety of music and dance entertainment.

The Alex Meixner Band will perform on December 9th from 6pm to 10pm, on December 10th from 6pm and on December 11th from 3pm.


Christmas Weekend with Ian Lowthian - UK

Ian xmas
Ian's music weekendIan Lowthian will run his popular Christmas Weekend on December 10th and 11th, 2022 at Kirkhope House, Ettrickbridge, Scottish Borders, UK.

This will be a live event and also online for those who prefer to attend from home

Ian will cover some Christmas music along with the usual festive lights and decorations!

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Ferran Martínez Performs Christmas Concert with “Industrial Choir” – Spain

Ferran Martínez
Ferran Martínez will perform a Christmas concert with the “Industrial Choir” at the Acadèmia Catòlica
Carrer St Joan, in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain on December 18th, 2022 at 6pm.

Their program will include works by Mozart, Piazzolla, Vivaldi, Bach, Scarlatti and Brahms.

For details email: ferranacordio@gmail.com


Closing Date Extended for 1st International Igor Zavadsky Accordion Competition - Ukraine

1st International comp
The closing date for the 1st International Igor Zavadsky Accordion Competition, due to be held in Kyiv, Ukraine next year has been extended until December 31st, 2022.

The competition itself consists of three rounds. the third with the orchestra of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine.

The event is planned to take place in Kyiv from May 23rd to 28th, 2023 or May 21st to 26th, 2024 (if martial law is still in place in Kyiv at the beginning of spring next year).

The competition jury includes Igor Zavadsky (Ukraine), Renzo Ruggieri (Italy), Franck Vilain (France), Olga Mykytenko (Germany) and Victor Makarov (Belgium).


Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article


New and Updated Sites

Marie Evelyn Jones (93) è deceduta (dal 1928 al 2022) - Nuova Zelanda

Jones/Masefield Family generations
Marie JonesVideo sopra: The Holy City composta da Stephen Adams, uno dei preferiti di Marie Jones, eseguita da Alanah Jones e dal padre Maurice Jones in occasione della celebrazione della vita di Marie Jones il 13 novembre 2022.

Marie Jones nella foto sopra a 90 anni con famiglia.

Poco prima del suo 94° compleanno, Marie Evelyn Jones è morta al Lady Allum Care Suites. Dopo aver recentemente sofferto di Covid, una gamba rotta e due ictus, ora è in pace.

C'è stata una cremazione privata, e una Celebrazione della Vita tenutasi il 13 novembre, per onorare una vita dedicata alla fisarmonica e alla famiglia, che è stata lunga e ben vissuta.

Marie Jones era la madre molto amata dei fisarmonicisti Harley Jones, Maurice Jones e Heather Masefield e l'amata nonna di Amber Masefield, Grayson Masefield e Alanah Jones. È ancora viva sua sorella Nita Rotherham, l'ultima dei suoi 6 fratelli.

Vivere al 4 O'Neills Ave, Accordion House Importer/Retailer, per quasi 60 anni, significava che ogni giorno c'erano molte telefonate e visitatori che venivano a trovare prima suo marito Allan Jones e poi, dopo il 1980, suo figlio Maurice Jones, che importava fisarmoniche per il mercato australiano in questi locali.

Nell'ottobre 2003, Marie Jones è stata la prima persona insignita del premio Honored Friend of the Accordion Award della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) al Congresso della CIA in Ungheria per il suo pluriennale contributo alla fisarmonica in Nuova Zelanda e per il suo lavoro in occasione di eventi internazionali tenutisi in Nuova Zelanda.

Per ulteriori informazioni e molte immagini, visita il sito: Marie Jones
Marie Jones at 2011 Coupe Mondiale


CNIMA_Ludovic Beier Masterclass di Gypsy Jazz 2022 - Francia

Ludovic BeierLudovic BeierVideo: Informazioni promozionali sulla CNIMA Jazz Manouche Masterclass 2021 di Ludovic Beier.

Il tutor CNIMA Ludovic Beier terrà una Masterclass di Gypsy Jazz dal 14 al 16 dicembre 2022.

Il corso coprirà tutti i segreti della musica Gypsy Jazz: come improvvisare, accompagnare e sviluppare il proprio repertorio.

Ludovic Beier è un noto fisarmonicista jazz. Ha suonato con Stochelo Rosenberg, Angelo Debarre, Dorado Schmitt, San Severino, Thomas Dutronc e Guy Marchand per citarne alcuni e ha un dottorato di ricerca in Gypsy Jazz.

È appena tornato dall'esibizione al Birdland NYC, negli Stati Uniti, per il Django Reinhardt Festival di sei giorni tenutosi all'inizio di novembre.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: cnima@orange.fr


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