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Weekly News from Around the World - 24-Aug-2012
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Primo piano

65 CIA Coupe Mondiale Campionato Mondiale di fisarmonica, Spoleto - Italia
37° Festival/Premio&Concorso Castelfidardo - Italia
2012 Hohner Coppa Variété Concorso di fisarmonica, Pechino - Cina
2012 Baidi Competizioni Coppa Nazionale, Jinan - Cina

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil, Cavan - Republic of Ireland
Tweed’s CD ‘The First Weave’, Scotland - UK
‘14 Years Ago’ – Zydeco Accordionists Rally Round

Future events

Erika & Jean-Marie Play for Dancing, Losange – Belgium
East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Larne – Northern Ireland
‘Carnival of the Animals’, Frankfurt – Germany
Lácides Romero and Liliana Hernández Concert, Bogota – Colombia
Zamar @ Eikendal Restaurant, Stellenbosch – South Africa
Sancybérie Festival, Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne – France
Polish Arts Festival ‘Accordion Marathon’, Southend – UK
Festival Accordéon, Valais – Switzerland

New and Updated Sites

Charnwood Publications composer Sue Coppard has a new site
Don Grzanna updated his site

CD Reviews

Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion)

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Primo piano

65 CIA Coupe Mondiale Campionato Mondiale di fisarmonica, Spoleto - Italia

Coupe  Mondiale Daily Reports
65th Coupe Mondiale PosterI rapporti giornalieri sono ora on-line al seguente indirizzo: Coupe Mondiale
per la Coupe Mondiale 2012 che è ospitata e organizzata dal membro della CIA in Italia,la 'Italian Accordion Culture' (IAC).

Ci sono stati tre concerti, appena prima della Coupe Mondiale a Spoleto. Sabato scorso,il Direttore Artistico della 65 Coupe Mondiale e Vice Presidente Onorario della CIA MircoPatarini, artista internazionale e vincitore del Trophée Mondial de l'Accordeon, si è esibito con orgoglio in concerto nella sua città natale di Spoleto.Foto presso:2012Pre

Il secondo concerto è stato eseguito da un altro fisarmonicista di Spoleto Samuele Telari, che è stato il vincitore del 2009 e 2010 dello "Strumenti & Musica Festival" e vincitore del 2 ° premio della CIA Coupe Mondiale Junior 2009 a Auckland, Nuova Zelanda. Samuele si è esibito presso lo spettacolare Castello Pissignano a circa 15 km da Spoleto, in alto sopra il fondovalle. Immagini di: 2012Pre

Il duo "Una Sinistra", composto da Alexander Selivanov e Yulia Amerikova si è esibito Lunedi notte.
Rapporti giornalieri Lunedì: 2012Mon

La 128 Assemblea Generale Internazionale CIA dei delegati del Congresso ha avuto luogo Martedì e il concerto di apertura, quella sera.
Rapporti giornalieri Martedì : 2012Tues

Le gare Coupe Mondiale iniziavano il Mercoledì.
Mercoledì giorno Rapporti: 2012Wed
Giovedì Rapporti giornalieri: 2012Thurs
Venerdì Rapporti giornalieri: 2012Friday
Sabato Rapporti giornalieri: 2012Sat
Risultati completi: 2012Results


37° Festival/Premio&Concorso Castelfidardo - Italia

2012 Castelfidardo header
CASTELFIDARDO – Tempo di iscrizioni per il Festival internazionale di fisarmonica che confermando la location temporale scelta lo scorso anno, si svolgerà dal 19 al 23 settembre preceduto da alcune anteprime itineranti.

Il cuore di una manifestazione che nel tempo si è arricchita di eventi a latere che valorizzano in ogni forma l’immagine e le potenzialità dello strumento, rimane il Premio&Concorso per solisti e complessi. Strutturata sul genere “classica” e “leggera” ivi includendo il repertorio di Astor Piazzolla e nove sub-categorie, la partecipazione è aperta a tutti i musicisti che possono utilizzare qualsiasi modello e marca di fisarmonica, compreso il bandoneon.

La giuria sarà presieduta da un maestro di carisma universalmente riconosciuto, Claudio Jacomucci, insegnante di fisarmonica e di tecnica Alexander, direttore e docente dell’Accademia Fisarmonicistica Italiana e docente presso il Conservatorio “D’Annunzio” di Pescara.

Per soddisfare inoltre le crescenti richieste di assistere alle affascinanti audizioni della categoria più importante (quella dei concertisti), l’organizzazione ha deciso di farle svolgere nel prestigioso Salone degli stemmi del Municipio, che permetterà così l’ascolto ad un pubblico più ampio. Accanto alla sezione competitiva, si sviluppa inoltre la rassegna juniores (riservata agli under 18) e seniores dai toni meno spinti, con programma a libera scelta e un meccanismo di valutazione che non si basa sul punteggio ma su una serie di fattori come l’interpretazione stilistica, la preparazione tecnico-strumentale, la musicalità e l’espressività.

Le iscrizioni devono pervenire entro domenica 26 agosto: modulo, info e possibilità di effettuare la registrazione on line su: www.festivalcastelfidardo.it


2012 Hohner Coppa Variété Concorso di fisarmonica, Pechino - Cina

2012 Hohner Cup Variété Accordion Competition
Ding PengProf. Li CongRapporti giornalieri inclusi i risultati della competizione del Concorso Hohner Coppa Variété 2012, Pechino,dal 15 agosto al 17, 2012, on-line sul sito web 2012 Hohner.

Il nuovo concorso è diverso, in quanto ogni concorrente è tenuto a svolgere un provino con una base musicale che gli viene fornita dagli organizzatori del concorso.

Lo stile della musica è intrattenimento Variété. Le categorie sono per solo, duo, trio e ensemble più altri strumenti.

L'evento è stato organizzato da Ding Peng (foto a sinistra) e il team di aiutanti Hohner con un presentatore dalla China Accordion Association (Presidente Prof. Li Cong, foto a destra) che ha reso l'evento molto piacevole per i partecipanti, insegnanti, genitori e giuria.

Sia Ding Peng e Li Cong sono raffigurati alla cerimonia di apertura.


2012 Baidi Competizioni Coppa Nazionale, Jinan - Cina

Fu YongRapporti giornalieri inclusi i risultati delle competizioni del Baidi Coppa Nazionale 2012, Jinan, dall'11

agosto al 13, 2012, sono disponibili on-line sul sito web 2012 Baidi.

Si tratta di un grande evento con oltre 500 concorrenti che si sono recati a Jinan da ogni parte della

Cina per competere.

La persona che conduce l'organizzazione del concorso è Fu Yong (foto a destra), che è il direttore

permanente della filiale China Musician Association Accordion Branch e anche il capo della giuria per

questo evento.

Che cosa è molto eccitante della Coppa Baidi è il gran numero di giovani fisarmonicisti (sotto i 7 anni)

concorrenti a suonare in gruppo e orchestra. Immagini ei risultati on-line: 2012 Baidi


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil, Cavan - Republic of Ireland

The 2012 All-Ireland Fleadh Cheoil, organized by Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), took place in the town of Cavan, County Cavan, from August 10th to 20th.

The Fleadh Cheoil is a huge festival of Irish music, song and dance, with approximately 10,000 competitors and performers, including large numbers of accordionists, melodeon, concertina and harmonica players, as well as ceili bands, accordion and marching bands participating.

The results for all the 170 sections are on the Fleadh Cheoil website. The results of the accordion sections are listed, as follows:

Piano Accordion
Under 12: 1st - Bríd Ní Dhochartaigh, 2nd - Rónán Ó Colmáin, 3rd - Tomás Ó Pamier
12 to 15 years: 1st - Colm McMahon, 2nd - Oisín Ó Reachtaire, 3rd - Rhianna Ní Cheallaigh
15 to 18 years: 1st - Ryan Hackett, 2nd - Matthew Murphy, 3rd - Clíodhna Ní Chonghaile,
Over 18: 1st - Adam Dyer, 2nd - Kevin Murphy, 3rd - Tadhg Ó Meachair

Button Accordion
Under 12: 1st - Diarmuid Ó Fatharta, 2nd - Keelan Mac Craith, 3rd - Natasha Ní Bhriain
12 to 15 years: 1st - Colm Ó Slatara, 2nd - John McCann, 3rd - Seán Ó Lorcaín
15 to 18 years: 1st - Aisling Hunt, 2nd - Seosamh Ó Catháin, 3rd - Seán Dolan
Over 18: 1st - Máirtín Ó Conaill, 2nd - Christopher Maguire, 3rd - Michael Curran

For further information email: info@fleadhcheoil.ie


Tweed’s CD ‘The First Weave’, Scotland - UK

Tweed’s CD ‘The First Weave’ and Graeme MackayThe Scottish band Tweed’s first CD ‘The First Weave’ is lively traditional ceilidh music with funk, rock and ska influences.

The band is a trio from the highlands of Scotland: Graeme Mackay (Shand Morino 3-row diatonic accordion), Duncan Farquhar (fiddle), and Sam Mcleod (drums).

Graeme Mackay is the third generation of a Scottish accordion playing dynasty, and has been competing since the age of 13, having won multiple button accordion trophies, 2 major traditional championships and came second in the national accordion masters championship.

The tracks include: Caberfeidh/Battle of Waterloo/Dundee City Police Pipe Band/Leaving Port Askaig; The Wee Man From Skye/Angus Mckinnon; The Sleeping Tune; Jackie Coleman's Reel/The Maid Behind the Bar/The Reconciliation; Jenny Dang the Weaver; Islay Rant/Barrowburn Reel/Andy Renwick's Ferret/The Maid Behind the Bar; Spootiskerry/The Pumpkin's Fancy; Kartushka/Kalinka Malinka; Captain Carswell/Mrs.H.L.MacDonald of Dunach; Glasgow Reel/W.C.Donald McKenzie; Crossing the Minch/Rory McLeod; High Drive/ Ramnee Ceilidh; Drowsy Maggie/Morrison's Jig/Unknown Reel; The Gael

For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com


‘14 Years Ago’ – Zydeco Accordionists Rally Round

Jo Jo ReedThe Accordions Worldwide news for August 28th 1998 reported that leading Zydeco accordionist and bandleader Jo Jo Reed was seriously injured when his car was hit by a drunk driver. Fellow Zydeco musicians rallied round to assist with the resultant medical expenses, and it is also good to be able to say that Jo Jo Reed is today still performing and pursuing his musical career.

Contributed by Dennis Gurwell

The Swamp Gators performed at a successful benefit dance for Jo Jo Reed on August 23rd in Gardena to over 200 people. Jo Jo Reed is a Zydeco accordionist from Louisiana. He plays accordion, bass and drums. He was badly injured earlier this year coming home from a gig when a drunk driver going in the opposite direction, crossed over the centre line and hit Jo Jo's car head on. He has had to undergo a series of facial reconstruction surgeries. He is now up and around and is scheduled to play at the Louisiana Zydeco Festival on September 5th and 6th, but has been left with large medical bills.

The benefit dance was one of several held this week on the West Coast of the USA. On August 22nd, Geno Delafose and Balfa Toujours performed a concert in Seattle, Washington, and donated their pay to the cause. In the San Francisco Bay area on the same night, Zydeco accordionist Kenny Menard and his band donated their services at another benefit dance.


Future events

Erika & Jean-Marie Play for Dancing, Losange – Belgium

Erika & Jean-MarieOn Saturday August 25th, 8pm, ‘la princesse de l'accordéon’ Erika & Jean-Marie play for dancing at Le Calypso, Losange N4, Belgium.


East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Larne – Northern Ireland

East Antrim Seniors Accordion OrchestraThe East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra (MD Clyde Johnston) perform in concert, as follows:

August 26th, 4pm until 5pm – Dixon Park, Larne, Northern Ireland
September 2nd, 4pm until 5pm – Carnfunnock Park, Coast Rd, Larne BT 40 2QG

For further information email: clyde.johnston@hotmail.co.uk


‘Carnival of the Animals’, Frankfurt – Germany

Carnival of the Animals
After the success of last year, again this summer ‘Carnival of the Animals’, by Saint-Saens with Michael Quast and the ‘Baroque Main Ensemble’ will be presented. Musical Director of the Instrumental Ensemble is Rhodri Britton, and for the accordion part - Mirjana Petercol.
Bolongaro Palace, Frankfurt Höchst:

Dates: Sundays August 26th and September 2nd at 11 am, and Wednesday August29 th at 3pm.

More information from Mirjana Petercol: miripetercol@gmx.de


Lácides Romero and Liliana Hernández Concert, Bogota – Colombia

Liliana Hernández (harpsichord) and Lácides Romero (accordion)Lácides Romero (accordion) and Liliana Hernández (harpsichord) perform in concert on Monday August 27th, 6pm, at the Sala José Francisco Socarrás del Centro Cultural, Gabriel Betancourt Mejía (Calle 73 N°14-53), Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Bogotá, Colombia. Entrance is free.

The programme includes: Anonymous, 17th Century – ‘Differences over La Gayta’; Antonio Soler - ‘Sonata in G major’; John Blow – ‘Fugue in C major’; William Byrd – ‘La Volta’; Mateo Albéniz – ‘Sonata in D major’; G. F. Händel – ‘Concerto Nº 5 for Organ in F major’; Nicolás Muñoz – ‘El grato momento’; José Fernández de Coca –‘Ave’; María Gallo and Enrique Guerrero – ‘La Kalunga’; Astor Piazzolla – ‘Libertango’; Lácides Romero – ‘Catalina’, ‘Adriana’, ‘Marcela’; Oliver Metra – ‘Serenata Española’.                       

For further information email: lacidesromero@gmail.com


Zamar @ Eikendal Restaurant, Stellenbosch – South Africa

The quintet Zamar
The quintet Zamar entertain at the Eikendal Restaurant, Stellenbosch, on Friday August 31st, 7.30pm. Booking essential.

For further information email: info@zamar.co.z?a


Sancybérie Festival, Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne – France

Sancybérie French-Russian themed festival Invitation
The Sancybérie French-Russian themed festival takes place September 1st to 8th in and near Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne in the South of France. Performing will be the Kazan Quintet Trio and ‘Piazzango’, featuring accordionist Félicien Brut. Organised by Roman Jbanov, the week includes:

September 1st, 8.30pm - Salle des Fêtes, Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne
September 2nd, 8.30pm - Salle des Fêtes, Laqueuille
September 3rd, 8.30pm - Maison des Associations, Chambon sur Lac
September 4th, 8.30pm - Salle Socioculturelle, Messeix
September 5th, 8.30pm - Foyer Rural, Egliseneuve d’Entraigues
September 6th, 8.30pm - Salle des Fêtes, Herment
September 7th, 8.30pm - Théâtre de Verdure, Le Mont-Dore

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


Polish Arts Festival ‘Accordion Marathon’, Southend – UK

Rafal Luc and Pawel ZagancykThe Polish Arts Festival welcomes accordion artists from throughout Europe for the ‘Accordion Marathon’, to be held in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, on September 1st and 2nd. The venue is the City Beach Stage, corner Southchurch Avenue and Eastern Esplanade, Southend.

The ‘Marathon’ will celebrate the role of the accordion in traditional, classical, and Polish contemporary contexts, and also its intercultural significance across the European Union.

Starting at 12 midday, four accordion artists will appear each day, one after the other. They will perform a concert of approximately 75 minutes each.

The performers are:
Stefan Heckel (Austria)? – 12noon (starting time)
Anne Niepold (Belgium) – 1pm
Sebastien Bertrand (France) – 3pm
Marko Hatlak (Slovenia) – 4.30pm
Vacily Ivanciu (Romania) – 12noon
Pawel Zaganczyk (Poland) – 1pm
Rafal Luc (Poland) – 3pm
Maurizio Minardi (Italy)? – 4.30pm

For further information email: douglas(at)hungryarts.org


Festival Accordéon, Valais – Switzerland

Jean-Yves SixtThe Festival Accordéon takes place at the Restaurant La Colline, Chamoson, Valais, on September 16th, 11.30am onwards. Accordion entertainers include Gigi and Danie Calabro, Pierre Glappey, Alain Bourgeois, Jean-Yves Sixt, and Fabrice Peluso (France) and his orchestra. The organizer is Jean-Yves Sixt.


New and Updated Sites

Charnwood Publications composer Sue Coppard has a new site

Sue CoppardCharnwood Publications composer Sue Coppard has a new site with 4 pieces listed titled,

'Piccolo Mio', catalog:M674,
'Vin Bleu', catalog:M669,
'The House of Fun', catalog:M676
and 'Serbska', catalog:M666.

Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.


Don Grzanna updated his site

Don GrzannaDon Grzanna updated his site. Video was added to 26 of his music selections available online so you can see and hear the video of the music.


CD Reviews

Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion)

Richness of the TonesCD Reviews Index for the Review of Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion), in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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