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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Oct-2020
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Primo piano

Concerto per la Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica "6th May in October", Skopje - Repubblica di Macedonia del Nord
Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble suona al castello di Perchtoldsdorf - Austria
Cotati Accordion Winter Festival Virtuale - USA
Global Accordion Project Orchestra, Nuove commissioni - Regno Unito

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Paris Museum Features “Accordion Night” - France
Postponed: 12th International Competition for Diatonic Accordion – Slovenia
Félicien Brut Performs at 19th Les Lisztomanias Festival, Châteauroux - France
Radio FMR “Play On” – Keeping Local Music Alive – South Africa
Vlasta Krsek Featured in Movie, Passes Away Recently - USA

Future events

Accordionists Perform in Live Online Concert - Brazil
Victor Prieto Trio Concert in Elmhurst, New York City – USA
Western Swing Night at Crooners Supper Club, Minneapolis - USA
Rudolf Würthner Memorial Concert, Ludwigsburg – Germany
Royal Academy of Music “Brass, Reeds & Wind” Online Concert, London – England
Milonga De Cuatro “Five Tango Sensations” Concert, Auckland - New Zealand
Duo Artina “Little Stories” Concert, Zagreb – Croatia

CD Reviews

CD Review: Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips

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Primo piano


Lorenzo Antonelli Award Presentation
Lorenzo Antonelli speechLorenzo Antonelli è stato insignito del "24 ° Premio Nazionale Gentile da Fabriano" (foto sopra), che è la prima volta che un produttore di componenti per fisarmoniche è stato selezionato per questo prestigioso premio consegnatogli il 10 ottobre al Teatro Gentile Fabriano. Invito: 2020Fabriano.pdf

Un video seguirà nella prossima edizione delle news.

XXIV EDIZIONE 2020 Sezione “Officina marchigiana”

Lorenzo Antonelli è Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di “Voci Armoniche”. L’azienda, fondata nel 1935 a Osimo dal nonno Luigi, è nel distretto marchigiano che da più di un secolo produce fisarmoniche. Le voci sono il cuore, il principio sonoro, l’elemento fisico essenziale delle fisarmoniche. Si tratta di assemblati metallici di altissima precisione che generano il suono attraverso il flusso d’aria.

I mercati richiedono oggi visione, coraggio di cambiare, energia e competenza. Lorenzo Antonelli, dopo la laurea e il Master in gestione aziendale, si è formato nei più avanzati metodi organizzativi. Dal 2012 ha iniziato una riorganizzazione a tutto campo per adattare l’azienda alle attuali sfide e attraverso la scelta del 100% fatto in Italia. Ha saputo prendere dall'artigiano e dall'industria il meglio delle rispettive specificità, in una sintesi che può definirsi manifattura d'eccellenza.

Lorenzo Antonelli ha coniugato il sapere della tradizione di una officina marchigiana con i più avanzati metodi organizzativi e tecnico - produttivi, creando un sistema di competenze strutturato e realizzando una bellezza del suono che dalle Marche conquista il mondo.

Il Presidente della Giuria / Prof. Vilberto Stocchi
Made in Italy Certificate, Award Hall


Concerto per la Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica "6th May in October", Skopje - Repubblica di Macedonia del Nord

All participants
Negli ultimi 12 anni, l'Associazione macedone dei fisarmonicisti “Ljubiteli na klasichna muzika” (MAA) - Skopje ha sostenuto il progetto internazionale "Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica del 6 Maggio" con vari eventi musicali entusiasmanti.

Quest'anno, per la dodicesima volta l'associazione ha organizzato un concerto solenne che celebra l'evento internazionale e la festa di compleanno dello strumento, denominato “6 maggio di ottobre”. Reportage fotografico a: 2020RN-Macedonia

Quest'anno il concerto è stato nuovamente trasmesso in televisione come parte della celebrazione della festa nazionale dell'11 ottobre, il giorno della rivolta macedone.

Il concerto ha visto la partecipazione di rinomati artisti e studenti di fisarmonica della classe della Prof. Zorica Karakutovska.

Gli artisti e il pubblico hanno reagito in modo veramente emotivo e hanno premiato i musicisti con un meritato applauso. Al termine del concerto, il Presidente della MAA, la Professoressa Zorica Karakutovska, ha salutato e ringraziato tutti per il loro grande supporto.

Il concerto è stato tradizionalmente sostenuto dal programma nazionale del Ministero della Cultura della Repubblica di Macedonia del Nord.

Reportage fotografico a: 2020RN-Macedonia
Nella foto sotto: la professoressa Zorica Karakutovska, PR Manager della MAA Anica Karakutovska e la compositrice Bete Ilin.
Professor Zorica Karakutovska, PR Manager of MAA Anica Karakutovska and the composer Bete Ilin.


Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble suona al castello di Perchtoldsdorf - Austria

WAKE banner
Estratti video dal concerto alla Coupe Mondiale 2014 di Salisburgo: Franz Schubert, 3° movimento Oktett (Arr. Werner Weibert).

Il Viennese Accordion Ensemble (WAKE - diretto da Werner Weibert) terrà un concerto presso il Castello di Perchtoldsdorf a Perchtoldsdorf, in Austria, il 15 novembre dalle 16:00 alle 18:30.

Il loro programma includerà opere di Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Gershwin, Piazzolla e Johann Strauss.

Per i dettagli scrivere a: w.weibert@kabsi.at


Cotati Accordion Winter Festival Virtuale - USA

Cotati programCotati program2Il Cotati Accordion Virtual Winter Festival si terrà online il 19 e 20 dicembre 2020 dalle 11:00 alle 16:00 tutti i giorni.

Ci saranno esibizioni da fisarmonicisti internazionali provenienti da 8 diversi paesi come Cory Pesaturo, Guy Klucevsek, Tracey Collins (foto sotto), Jenny Conlee-Drizos, Matthias Matzke, Pietro Adragna ed Erica Mancini. Inoltre ci saranno chat in streaming, interviste, The Lady-of-Spain-a-Ring, The Grand Finale, lotterie e altro ancora.

Non ci sono costi per visualizzare il festival, tuttavia, si accettano donazioni. Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: info@cotatifest.com
Tracey Collins


Global Accordion Project Orchestra, Nuove commissioni - Regno Unito

Ian WatsonVideo: video più recente di GAPO - Horizon composto da Ian Watson

La Global Accordion Project Orchestra (GAPO) fondata da Ian Watson (foto a sinistra - direttore musicale) e Sam Cullen (primo bassista) della London Accordion Orchestra stanno assicurando un'ultima volta nel 2020 in cui potremo riunirci tutti per la musica.

GAPO sta commissionando a Ian Watson la scrittura di una nuova colonna sonora per questa esperienza. Il pezzo intitolato “The Challenge of Time” (La sfida del tempo) possiamo essere d'accordo, riassume il 2020. Non è la sfida dell'indicazione del tempo, ma conterrà alcuni ritmi impegnativi (ma non troppo impegnativi).

Sono aperte le commissioni per essere un membro dell'orchestra (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond). Tuttavia, poiché è un periodo dell'anno impegnativo, puoi essere un commissario senza registrarti e sarai menzionato nel video finale e nella partitura stampata.

"È stato fantastico essere supportato da fisarmonicisti di tutto il mondo. Sto cercando di introdurre nuova musica fresca nella scena dell'orchestra di fisarmoniche ed essere supportato in questo modo è stato incredibile!" Ian Watson, ottobre 2020.

Per ulteriori dettagli, inviare un'e-mail a: projectorchestraglobal@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Paris Museum Features “Accordion Night” - France

Paris MuseumThe City of Music - Philharmonie de Paris Museum will feature an “Accordion Night” as part of their 16th European Music Night event on November 14th, 2020 at 7pm. The Museum is dedicated to music, concerts, exhibitions, conferences and music practise.

The Museum of Music is partnering with the city of Tulle, which is preparing the opening of its City of Accordion and Heritage in 2022.

The concert will include a variety of accordion music such as musette, jazz, traditional, current and contemporary music.

The event will also include a free visit to the Museum's collection, which presents nearly 1,000 rare and unusual instruments and art objects.

For details email: production@philharmoniedeparis.fr


Postponed: 12th International Competition for Diatonic Accordion – Slovenia

Postponed12th posterThe 12th International Competition for Diatonic Accordion (Styrian type) world championships have unfortunately been postponed due to Covid-19.

The event, organised by the HVO - Harmonica Verband Osterreichs (Accordion Association of Austria) was to be held in Terme Olimia, Slovenia in May 2021.

Further information will be posted at a later date when organisers can reschedule the event.


Félicien Brut Performs at 19th Les Lisztomanias Festival, Châteauroux - France

Brut photo
The 19th Les Lisztomanias Festival was held at the Équinoxe - Scène nationale de Châteauroux Performance Art Theatre in Châteauroux this month. This year’s festival was entitled "Beethoven and Liszt, Father and Son" and celebrated the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth.

On October 18th Félicien Brut (accordion) performed with Edouard Macarez (double bass) and the Hermès Quartet which includes Omer Bouchez and Elise Liu (violins), Yung-Hsin Lou Chang (viola) and Yan Levionnois (cello).

Their program featured a tribute to Beethoven or the meeting of Beethoven and the accordion - a meeting through nine creations by nine composers: Corentin Apparailly, Stéphane Delplace, Domi Emorine, Thomas Enhco, Patrice d'Ollone, Cyrille Lehn, Thibault Perrine, Fabien Waksman and Jean-François Zygel.

The group will include these works in their new CD NEUF (NINE) which is due to be released on November 13th, 2020.

This weekend on October 24th, Félicien will perform in duo with Lucienne Renaudin-Vary at the 2020 Festival Les Musicalies d'Émeraude, in the Stephan Bouttet Auditorium in Dinard, Bretagne (Brittany). See poster below.

For details phone: +33 (0) 6 35 48 15 22
Concert poster


Radio FMR “Play On” – Keeping Local Music Alive – South Africa

Radio SA poster
South African Radio Station FMR scheduled a special event entitled “Play On” – Keeping Local Music Alive during Covid-19 lockdown on October 19th.

The program included a variety of music and musicians who played jazz and new compositions including a new lockdown track.

World Café Trio (pictured above right), which includes Stanislav Angelov (accordion), Petrus de Beer (violin) and Schalk Joubert (bass guitar) entertained on the program.


Vlasta Krsek Featured in Movie, Passes Away Recently - USA

Video 1: "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" movie clip
Video 2: on the The Tonight Show
Accordionist Vlasta Krsek, who features in the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" parade scene, passed away at the age of 83 recently.

Vlasta Krsek was born in Prague, Czech Republik and resided in Spooner, WI, USA. She was known as the "Shirley Temple of Czechoslavakia", and also as "The International Queen of Polka".

Video 1: you will see her on the float playing during the performance of “Danke Schoen" sung by Ferris Bueller in the movie.
Video 2: Vlasta on the The Tonight Show in 2008 playing "Twist & Shout" by The Beatles.


Future events

Accordionists Perform in Live Online Concert - Brazil

Brazil poster
Accordionists Matheus Walter Meira Gaiteiro and Marcelo Pedro Sperandio from Videira, Brazil will perform in an online concert on October 25th at 10am. The event will be broadcast live.

See poster for details.


Victor Prieto Trio Concert in Elmhurst, New York City – USA

VP TrioThe Victor Prieto Trio will perform a concert at Terraza 7 in Elmhurst, New York City, USA on October 29th, 2020 at 7pm presented as part of the Terraza 7 Outdoor Concert Series.

The trio includes Victor Prieto (accordion), Vince Cherico (drums) and Ricky Rodriguez (bass). They will play a mix of Jazz, Tango, Classical and Celtic Roots music enriched with new rhythms.

Covid-19 regulations will be in place including masks and physical distancing.

The concert is free, however, donations of $10.00 are suggested. For details email: info@victorprieto.net


Western Swing Night at Crooners Supper Club, Minneapolis - USA

Honky Tonk Jump
Honky-Tonk Jump with accordionist Dan Newton will perform at Crooners Supper Club in Minneapolis, MN on November 5th from 7pm to 8.30pm.

The performance will take place in their Main Stage Tent, set against the romantic backdrop of Moore Lake, and has been reconfigured to ensure that all tables are tent-sheltered and comfortable temperatures will be maintained with a custom heating system.

Face masks are mandatory when not at your seat. You can sit at a table with full service meals/drinks or sit in the comfort of your own car for the show - drive-in style!

Honky-Tonk Jump will play a tribute to Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys and other great Lone Star State swing bands. Whether you call it Western swing, Hillbilly Jazz, or Gulf Coast Boogie, this music just swings.

For details email: daddysqueeze@daddysqueeze.com


Rudolf Würthner Memorial Concert, Ludwigsburg – Germany

concert poster
The Harmonika-Gemeinschaft Ludwigsburg e.V. will host a concert to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Würthner on November 8th in the concert hall of the Waldorf School Ludwigsburg in Ludwigsburg, Germany.

Organisers advise that Covid-19 regulations such as physical distancing, contact tracing etc will be in place, so tickets must be purchased in advance.

See posters above and below for contact details and concert program information.
concert program


Royal Academy of Music “Brass, Reeds & Wind” Online Concert, London – England

Flavio RodriguesVideo: Flávio Albino Rodrigues performs "Boîte a Rythme" (Rhythm Box) by Franck Angelis

The Royal Academy of Music “Brass, Reeds & Wind” Online Concert will be streamed from the Duke’s Hall in London on November 11th at 6.30pm.

The event will include 2 world premieres performed by Flávio Albino Rodrigues (picture left).

The first is “Gerhard Nonet” for solo accordion by Howard Skempton (English composer, pianist, and accordionist). This will be followed by “She Keeps Walking Over Paper” for solo accordion by Claudia Molitor (composer, artist and performer).

For details phone: +44 (0) 20 7873 7373


Milonga De Cuatro “Five Tango Sensations” Concert, Auckland - New Zealand

Milonga poster
MDCPopular quartet, Milonga De Cuatro will give a concert entitled “Five Tango Sensations” at the Nathan Homestead in Auckland, New Zealand on November 15th, 2020 from 5pm to 6.30pm.

The quartet consists of Lian Jones (accordion), Marija Dimitrijevic (double bass), Celina Reyes Badger (viola) and Natalia Meyta (piano).

This concert will feature Astor Piazzolla's "Five Tango Sensations", a suite of works written in Tango Nuevo style which is a "work of tragic beauty" . This is the last piece that the composer wrote and recorded in his life. The quartet believe this is the first time this work has been performed in New Zealand.

While "Five Tango Sensations" is the central piece of the concert, there will be other Piazzolla's melodies as well as the music of Eduardo Rovira (Argentina) and you will be surprised by his Tango!

This concert replaces their August 30th, 2020 concert which was cancelled due to the Covid-19 lockdown in Auckland.

See poster for details.


Duo Artina “Little Stories” Concert, Zagreb – Croatia

Duo Artina poster
Duo Artina, which includes Martina Jembrišak (accordion) and Andrea Jelavic (flute) will perform an online concert entitled “Little Stories” from Zagreb, Croatia on November 22nd at 7pm.

The concert will include world premiere pieces written by Louis Franz Aguirre, Michalis Andronikou, Moira Lo Bianco, Marianna Filippi, Chris Hung, Takumi Kawamoto, Juan Maria Solare, Kotaro Watahiki and Bernie Walasavage

See poster for details or email: duoartina@gmail.com


CD Reviews

CD Review: Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips

Quodlibet CD cover by Friedrich LipsCD Reviews Index for the Review of Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers in English and German languages.


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