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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Dec-2022
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All
XXXIV Festival Internazionale "Bayan and Bayanists", Mosca - Russia
Concorso di composizione AAA Elsie M. Bennett - USA
2023 Youth Camp Mittelland – Switzerland
2023 NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships - Nuova Zelanda
2023 Sidmouth Folk Festival – England
2023 CNIMA Program of Events - France

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

7th International Accordion Festival Graz - Austria
Video: London Accordion Orchestra Christmas Carnival 2022 - UK
Video: Merry Christmas 2022 from Ludovic Beier - France
Closing Date: 2023 Classic Accordions International Competition – Dubai, UAE
Video: Miroslav Nisic Performs Bele Ruze - Germany
Video: Enzo & Nicola Scacchia Entertaining on Television - Italy
Video: Dorset Accordion Orchestra Christmas Concert, England – UK

Future events

Sun Trio Entertains at "Rock in Music Christmas 2022" – Italy
“Drops of Green” Performs in Ireland
Sylvia Pagni Performs at Atri Municipal Theater - Italy
Ana Bon-Bon Entertains at New Year’s Eve Juke Jump - Canada
Lomond Ceilidh Band New Year’s Day Ceilidh - Scotland
“Duo Fink” Benefit Concert - Switzerland
Fest-Noz and Dance Workshop - France
Sam Reider Performs in San Francisco – USA
2023 Diatonic Accordion Course – Réunion Island

Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

New and Updated Sites

2023 Convention della National Accordion Association (NAA) - USA
60° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica di Klingenthal 2023 – Germania

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All

Xmas banner
Accordions Worldwide would like to wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope you have enjoyed the news over the last year, and AWW will continue to keep you informed about accordion events wherever they are happening.

The first news for next year is on Friday January 13th, 2023.

We can still receive news of your upcoming concerts over the holiday season at:

All the best from the team at Accordions Worldwide


XXXIV Festival Internazionale "Bayan and Bayanists", Mosca - Russia

Video 4: 17 December 2022, starts 14:30

Video 5: 18 December 2022 Closing Concert, starts 9:40
Friedrich LipsIl XXXIV Festival Internazionale "Bayan e Bayanisti" del 2022 si è tenuto presso la Sala Concerti dell'Accademia Russa di Musica Gnesin (RAM) a Mosca, Russia, dal 14 al 18 dicembre 2022.

Il resoconto completo dell'evento è disponibile su: 2022Moscow con video e immagini dei 5 concerti principali.

Scarica il libretto a colori: 2022MoscowBooklet.pdf

Il Prof. Friedrich Lips è il direttore artistico del festival e Alexander Gataullin è il direttore del festival.

Il resoconto completo del XXXIV Festival Internazionale è pubblicato su: 2022Mosca


Concorso di composizione AAA Elsie M. Bennett - USA

AAA Header
Elsie M. BennettA tutti i compositori, fisarmonicisti e non:

L' American Accordionists' Association (AAA) invita a partecipare al Concorso di Composizione Elsie M. Bennett 2023 e a contribuire alla crescita di opere da concerto contemporanee per fisarmonica sola o per fisarmonica accompagnata da altri strumenti.

Tutte le informazioni, compreso il modulo di iscrizione, sono disponibili al seguente indirizzo: 2023Bennett.pdf

Elsie Bennett ha istituito il Comitato per la Commissione di Compositori AAA nel 1954. In qualità di presidente permanente, nel corso del secolo, fino a poco tempo prima della sua morte nel 2005, riuscì a commissionare 55 opere a 33 compositori, molti dei quali di fama mondiale.

Per ulteriori informazioni, si veda il tributo in memoria di Elsie M. Bennett da parte di Faithe Deffner e l'elenco AAA delle opere commissionate: http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions.php.

Le iscrizioni sono benvenute da tutti i Paesi. La data di chiusura delle iscrizioni è il 1° giugno 2023. I vincitori saranno informati via e-mail dopo il 01 luglio 2023.

Per i concorrenti non fisarmonicisti che non hanno dimestichezza con la fisarmonica, consultare il sito
per ricevere assistenza.


2023 Youth Camp Mittelland – Switzerland

accordeon.ch logoThe 2023 Youth Camp Mittelland will be held at the Group holiday home Bruder Klaus in Lungern, Switzerland from April 10th to 15th, 2023 organised by accordeon.ch

The camp is for children aged 10 and under and will include a week full of music, games and fun! “In smaller level groups as well as in the large camp orchestra children will discover exciting pieces of music, learn a lot of new things and enjoy being together with other children”. Games, sports and leisure also have an important place.

Download camp information at: 2023LungernCamp.pdf


2023 NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships - Nuova Zelanda

NZAA banner
Sonja PalinichRenee JeffriesIl NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival 2023 si terrà nell'area della città di Auckland, in una sede da scegliere, il 3 e 4 giugno 2023.

La presidente della NZAA Sonja Palinich dà il benvenuto a tutti i partecipanti all'evento, che è aperto a concorrenti ed esecutori di festival di tutto il mondo e prevede una varietà di classi di età per solisti, duo, trio, ensemble e orchestre.

Le regole per le categorie internazionali di solisti seguono fedelmente quelle della Coupe Mondiale. La categoria concertistica internazionale del Sud Pacifico ha esattamente le stesse regole della Coupe Mondiale Masters e la categoria spettacolo del Sud Pacifico ha esattamente le stesse regole della Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment.

Allo stesso modo, la categoria Junior (sotto i 18 anni) di intrattenimento del Sud Pacifico. La categoria concerti solisti South Pacific Junior ha le stesse regole del primo turno della Coupe Mondiale Junior.

Le iscrizioni si chiudono il 14 aprile 2023.
Scaricare il regolamento e il prospetto del concorso su: 2023nz_prospectus.pdf

Per ulteriori dettagli inviare un'e-mail alla Segretaria NZAA Competitions Renee Jeffries all'indirizzo: nzaacompsec@gmail.com


2023 Sidmouth Folk Festival – England

2023 Sidmouth Folk Festival
TaliskTickets are now on sale for the 2023 Sidmouth Folk Festival, which will be held in Sidmouth, Devon, England, UK, from August 4th to 11th, 2023.

The festival includes a variety of concerts, ceilidhs, folk dances, a colourful array of dance displays, storytelling, a Children’s Festival, youth sessions, workshops and more.

Performers booked so far include Skerryvore, Talisk (picture left), Le Vent du Nord, and Good Habits.

The 2023 event will again include a pre-concert on August 3rd featuring “Fisherman’s Friends” - accordionist Jason Nicholas (picture below).

Workshops will be held by:
• John Kirkpatrick with his Festival Concert Band
• Squeezebox from Scratch (by Ed Rennie & Helena Painting) for beginners on melodeon, plus a new Next Step option for previous participants
• Advanced Melodeon, Concertina for Beginners & those more experienced, guitar, concertina song accompaniment with Steve Turner

For details email: abm.festival@gmail.com
Fishermans Friends


2023 CNIMA Program of Events - France

Nathalie BoucheixSee below for the 2023 program of events at the CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix (picture left). Download schedule: 2023CNIMA1

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr
2023 CNIMA


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

7th International Accordion Festival Graz - Austria

Graz participants
Graz bannerSlaviša Peric & Mayor Elke KahrPicture top: Festival participants.
Picture above right: Slaviša Peric (left) and Mayor of Graz, Elke Kahr.

For the seventh time Slaviša Peric organized the International Accordion Festival in Graz, Austria this month. It is the aim of the director of the festival to bring together artists, teachers, candidates from different countries for a peaceful competition with an extensive exchange of views every year. The positive development of the last few years proves his work right.

Young talents are thereby discovered and promoted and the accordion is made better known to a broader public. Even the Mayor of Graz, Elke Kahr (pictured above), honored the festival with her presence.

Participants from a total of six countries (Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina) showed their impressive skills in 13 categories (classical accordion, accordion with chamber music and virtuoso light music).

Dordje Peric (Bosnia and Herzegovina) showed his routine in international competitions and reached the maximum of 100 points. Also Peter Sokol, Sara Sokolova (both Slovakia), Marko Susac, Vladimir Stojanovic (both Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Croatian accordion quintet of the Porec School of Artists and the Austrian Marko Miletic were very close.

The jury (pictured below) was made up of Herbert Scheibenreif (Austria), Ana Štepin Zagoranski (Croatia), Aleksandar Stojanovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Maria Budzakova (Slovakia) and Slaviša Peric (Bosnia and Herzegovina).


Video: London Accordion Orchestra Christmas Carnival 2022 - UK

Video: The London Accordion Orchestra (conducted by Ian Watson) Christmas Carnival 2022 was presented to thank everyone who came to see the orchestra perform in 2022.

The video includes some fun Christmas pieces and 2023 dates for your diaries.


Video: Merry Christmas 2022 from Ludovic Beier - France

Video: Merry Christmas 2022 from Ludovic Beier who is performing “It’s the Most Wonderful Day of the Year" (Andy Williams).


Closing Date: 2023 Classic Accordions International Competition – Dubai, UAE

2023 Classic Accordions International Competition poster
January 30th, 2023 is the closing date for the 1st Classic Accordions International Competition, held in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) from March 6th to 11th, 2023.

For entry information see 2022 news item:


Video: Miroslav Nisic Performs Bele Ruze - Germany

Bele Ruze
Video: Bele Ruze (White Roses) performed by accordionist Miroslav Nisic (Serbia/Germany), Zoran Jankovic (vocals), Maurice Maurer (violin) and Boris Golubovic (guitar).

Miroslav Nisic plays a variety of classical, folk and entertainment music and is a member of the "Uwaga" ensemble.


Video: Enzo & Nicola Scacchia Entertaining on Television - Italy

Scachia brothersBrothers Enzo and Nicola Scacchia entertain on "Rai 1" Television in Italy.


Video: Dorset Accordion Orchestra Christmas Concert, England – UK

Video: The Dorset Accordion Orchestra (directed by Andy Hague) Christmas Concert at St Andrews Church in Kinson, Bournemouth, England, UK on December 10th, 2022.

00:00:00 - Welcome by Simon Wareham of St Andrews Church
00:01:09 - Introduction by the D.A.O. Musical Director Andy Hague
00:01:57 - A Christmas Festival
00:09:44 - The Frog Chorus
00:12:58 - Einzug Der Sieger
00:17:14 - Mary's Boy Child
00:20:55 - Erica Pretty - Twas The Night Before Christmas Poem
00:25:27 - Les Misérables Selection
00:36:21 - Winter Wonderland
00:38:52 - Donkey Serenade
00:44:13 - White Christmas
00:48:03 - The Young Amadeus
00:53:36 - Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton - Forgotten Dreams Duet
00:57:24 - ABBA Gold Selection
01:04:06 - D.A.O. Members Introduction
01:06:32 - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
01:08:17 - We Wish You A Merry Christmas
01:08:43 - Conclusion


Future events

Sun Trio Entertains at "Rock in Music Christmas 2022" – Italy

Christmas poster
Tiziana FrattaliThe Sun Trio will entertain at the Rock in Music Christmas 2022 event held at the Chiesa S.S. Agabito e Giustino Church in Rocca Sinibalda, Rieti, Italy on December 27th, 2022 at 6pm, organised by the Arte del Suono Cultural Association.

The trio features Tiziana Frattali (accordion - picture right), Pierluca Cesarini (guitar) and Matteo Di Giuliani (saxophone).

The Sun Quartet (Sun Trio plus Yuri Alviggi – percussion) will perform on January 7th, 2023 at the Chiesa S. Maria Assunta in Posticciola, Rocca Sinibalda.

For details email: info@associazioneartedelsuono.it


“Drops of Green” Performs in Ireland

Drops of Green poster
Sean Kearney“Drops of Green” will entertain at the Errigal Country House Hotel in Cootehill, Co Cavan, Ireland on December 28th, 2022 at 9.30pm.

Drops of Green are a lively five piece folk and ballad group hailing from Laois, Kilkenny and Waterford and featuring Sean Kearney (accordion, guitar & bodhran – picture left).

See poster for details.


Sylvia Pagni Performs at Atri Municipal Theater - Italy

Sylvia Pagni poster
Sylvia Pagni will perform in concert at the Teatro Comunale Atri (Atri Municipal Theater) in Atri, Abruzzo, Italy on December 30th, 2022 at 9.30pm.

See poster for details.


Ana Bon-Bon Entertains at New Year’s Eve Juke Jump - Canada

Ana Bon-Bon poster
Ana Bon-BonAccordionist Ana Bon-Bon (picture right) will entertain at a New Year’s Eve Juke Jump held at The Princeton Pub and Grill in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on December 31st, 2022 from 7pm through to January 1st, 2023 at 1am.

Ana Bon-Bon is a “Chanteuse, accordionist, songwriter, and musical hostess that delivers an intoxicating dose of jump blues, western swing, cabaret, spirituals, and double-entendre lyrics."

For details phone: +1 604-253-6645


Lomond Ceilidh Band New Year’s Day Ceilidh - Scotland

Lomond Ceilidh Band New Year’s poster
The Lomond Ceilidh Band (pictured below) will hold a New Year’s Day Ceilidh at the Strathmiglo Public Hall in Strathmiglo, Fife, Scotland on January 1st, 2023 at 2pm.

The concert will also be streamed online.

See poster above for details.
Lomond Ceilidh Band


“Duo Fink” Benefit Concert - Switzerland

Duo Fink poster
Duo Fink (Sandra and Markus Fink) will perform a benefit concert at the Lyss Catholic Church in Lyss, Switzerland on January 2nd, 2023 at 4.30pm.

See poster above for details. See poster below for program details.


Fest-Noz and Dance Workshop - France

Fest-Noz 2023The Fest-Noz Folk and Dance Workshop which features the accordion, will be held in Fougeres, France on January 14th, 2023, organised by the AFAP (Association de Formation et d'Animation Populaire).

The goal of the AFAP is to promote the teaching of culture and traditional music and to make them accessible to all.

For details email: afap.fougeres@gmail.com


Sam Reider Performs in San Francisco – USA

Sam ReiderSam Reider will entertain at Bird & Beckett Books and Records in San Francisco, California, USA on January 14th, 2023 at 7pm.

Sam performs a variety of American music, from jazz and folk tunes to popular song and contemporary compositions.

For details email: sam@samreidermusic.com


2023 Diatonic Accordion Course – Réunion Island

workshopThe 2023 Diatonic Accordion Course will be held on Réunion Island from March 12th to 18th, 2023.

The course will include three sections: singing, percussion and diatonic accordion with the objective to understand the instrument rhythm and accents, to be able to play and accompany a piece of traditional music.

Speakers include Corinne Bazaline (singing), Fredo Piot (percussion) and Franswa Fct (accordion).

Participants must be able to play right and left hand fluently on diatonic and chromatic accordion.

For details email: oi.accordeon@gmail.com


Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article


New and Updated Sites

2023 Convention della National Accordion Association (NAA) - USA

La Convention della National Accordion Association (NAA) si terrà dal 15 al 19 marzo 2023 presso l'Hilton Hotel, Richardson, Texas, USA

La convention presenterà versioni 2023 di American Music. La musica è una combinazione di musica americana contemporanea originata da immigrati statunitensi che hanno portato i loro valori musicali e le loro tradizioni unendosi al grande melting pot americano. La musica è una miscela di stili musicali che includono, ma non sono limitati a, melodie popolari, musica folk, country e western (C & W), ballate che raccontano una storia, rock and roll, polke e valzer, musica europea, gospel e jazz.

Inoltre, l'evento del 2023 includerà opportunità di apprendimento superiore come il pensiero creativo e l'applicazione alla musica, l'ear-training, l'articolazione e il controllo del mantice, tecniche di pratica, lettura a prima vista, teoria musicale, tecniche di esecuzione e opportunità di performance.

Convention NAA e informazioni sulla registrazione su: 2023NAARegistration
Planning team pic


60° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica di Klingenthal 2023 – Germania

Klingenthal banner
Il 60° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica di Klingenthal si terrà a Klingenthal, in
Germania, dal 7 al 13 maggio 2023.

Il concorso comprende categorie di età per solisti, duo di fisarmoniche, trii di fisarmoniche
e gruppi. Possono partecipare al concorso musicisti di tutte le nazionalità e cittadinanze.

Le iscrizioni chiudono il 31 gennaio 2023.

Scarica qui le regole del concorso in tedesco, inglese, francese, russo e spagnolo:


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