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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Apr-2021
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Primo piano

2021 3° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica "Shanghai Spring" - Cina
Seconda Settimana Internazionale della Fisarmonica a Kutná Hora - Repubblica Ceca
Akkordeon Musik Preis 2021 ora in competizione "video" - Germania
Online_Ghenadie Rotari si esibisce al NexTus Festival – Tutto il mondo

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mr Accordion Man at Funmantle Festival in Western Australia
Postponed: Prato Accordion Festival 2021 – Italy
Online: David Vernon Concert – Scotland
Open: 2022 Accordion Babes Calendar Artwork Submissions
Results: Online XX International Competition "Cup of the North", Petrozavodsk - Russia
“Chaika Band” at The Base, Newcastle – Australia
Video: Phileas Rogue Plays Terminator 2: Judgment Day Theme
Zoe Tiganouria on Iranian TV for her “Revolution 1821 - Long Live Freedom” Song! - Iran

Future events

Music from Scotland Online Concert by Matthew Maclennan - Scotland
Online: 2021 Big Squeeze Accordion Competition, Texas – USA
Découverte Tour With Didier & Irma Gilbert and Thierry Simon – Spain
Adults CNIMA Workshops - France
“Libertango - Tango of Freedom” Concert, Auckland – New Zealand
Live event: Alex Meixner Band at National Polka Festival – USA
“Diou Flo” June Accordion Workshop - France

Childrens Corner

Young Entertainer on Accordion, Guitar and Vocals, Houston - USA

New and Updated Sites

Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica 2021, Museo mondiale della fisarmonica - USA

CD Reviews

New Article: Astor Piazzolla 100 Years at: Articles

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Primo piano

2021 3° Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica "Shanghai Spring" - Cina

Il 3° Festival internazionale di arte e cultura della fisarmonica "Shanghai Spring" 2021 si terrà ad aprile/maggio 2021 a Shanghai, in Cina, e sarà dedicato alla Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica.

Il festival è un progetto importante in collaborazione con il governo. Comprende concerti, concorso di orchestra di fisarmoniche, workshop, fiere della fisarmonica.

Questo importante evento sarà riportato sul sito della Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica tra pochi giorni all'indirizzo: 2021WAD. Il festival della fisarmonica fa parte del 37° Shanghai Spring International Music Festival. Il report del Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica "Shanghai Spring" 2019 è disponibile a: 2019Shanghai


Seconda Settimana Internazionale della Fisarmonica a Kutná Hora - Repubblica Ceca

Poster, Accordion Week in Kutná Hora
La seconda settimana internazionale della fisarmonica si terrà presso il Teatro Municipale Tylova Masarykova, Casa Dacický a Kutná Hora, regione della Boemia centrale della Repubblica Ceca dal 17 al 22 agosto 2021. L'evento è organizzato da Prátelé akordeonu z.s.

Il festival è per tutti i fisarmonicisti, alunni e insegnanti delle scuole d'arte elementari, musicisti dilettanti adulti e tutti coloro che vogliono imparare qualcosa di nuovo o semplicemente sedersi, ascoltare e lasciarsi trasportare dal programma del festival.

L'evento comprenderà una serie di concerti, un concorso online, workshop, lezioni individuali per solisti e un'orchestra di fisarmoniche di musica da camera.

Docenti e tutor di fisarmonica includono Maria Cejnová, Markéta Laštovicková, Michal Karban e Ivana Laštovicková.

Si terranno concerti (compresi eventi all'aperto) che includeranno stili musicali come jazz, ebraico e fisarmonica con altri strumenti.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: michalkarban@hotmail.com


Akkordeon Musik Preis 2021 ora in competizione "video" - Germania

akkordeon musik preis 2021
logo Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV)Il 19 aprile, il Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV) ha annunciato che, a causa della pandemia, l'Akkordeon Musik Preis 2021 diventerà una competizione video.

La valutazione della giuria dei video inviati si terrà nelle date dell'evento, dal 3 al 6 giugno 2021, senza pubblico. I partecipanti registrati sono invitati a inviare i loro contributi in video.

L'Akkordeon Musik Preis è la competizione giovanile del DHV. È pubblicizzato per musicisti fino all'età di 27 anni con il primo luogo di residenza in Germania.

Si può partecipare con strumenti, fisarmonica, stiriana, armonica diatonica e armonica in diverse categorie da solista a ensemble. L'Akkordeon Musik Preis si svolge ogni tre anni.


Online_Ghenadie Rotari si esibisce al NexTus Festival – Tutto il mondo

Nextus logo
Ghenadie RotariIl fisarmonicista Ghenadie Rotari (foto a sinistra) terrà un concerto online l'8 maggio 2021 nell'ambito del NexTus Festival. Il suo concerto presenterà opere di tre compositrici contemporanee molto diverse tra loro: Rebecca Saunders, Natalia Prokopenko e Diana Rotaru.

Il NexTus Festival è stato avviato a causa della pandemia Covid-19 e include 34 esibizioni di 60 artisti con sede in 24 città in tutto il mondo per quattro fine settimana consecutivi. Il festival è iniziato il 17 aprile.

Ghenadie Rotari offre un prezzo speciale su Patreon.com che include un pass giornaliero per il suo concerto, gli eventi speciali del festival e alcuni regali promozionali.

Per ulteriori dettagli scrivere a: g.rotari@yahoo.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mr Accordion Man at Funmantle Festival in Western Australia

Mr accordion manFremantle logoThe Funmantle Festival was held at the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour, Bathers Beach in Fremantle, Western Australia from April 10th to 18th, 2021.

Mr Accordion Man, Frank Miranda (picture left) entertained festival goers who enjoyed a lovely sunny day of carnival rides, face painting and entertainment.


Postponed: Prato Accordion Festival 2021 – Italy

Prato festival
PostponedOrganisers of the Prato Accordion Festival have regretfully announced that they must postpone the festival yet again due the Covid-19 pandemic.

The new proposed date for the event is September 11th, 2021. Guest accordionists include Simone Zanchini, Roberto Gervasi and Riccardo Centazzo.

For further information email: festafisarmonica@gmail.com


Online: David Vernon Concert – Scotland

MFS logoVideo: David Vernon gave an online concert for "Music from Scotland" on April 12th. He plans to give another concert next month. Details to be advised.


Open: 2022 Accordion Babes Calendar Artwork Submissions

Accordion babes banner
Renee de la Prade has announced that submissions for the 2022 Accordion Babes calendar are now being accepted.

The theme for 2022 is: “The Music Never Dies”.

The art deadline is May 31st, 2021. If you would like to be involved, please let Renee know and she will assist you if you need help with your photo shoot.

For details email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com
Renee de la Prade


Results: Online XX International Competition "Cup of the North", Petrozavodsk - Russia

State conservatoryThe online 20th International Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments "Cup of the North" named after A.L. Repnikov, was held from April 12th to 17th at the Petrozavodsky State Conservatory by A.K. Glazunov.

Results of the bayan and accordion section are:

Academic Music Iintermediate category: 1st - Bertov Leonid (Saratov) and Kortikov Matvey (Arzamas)

Academic Music Senior category: 1st - Lysiakov Fedor (Nizhny Novgorod) and Pankratov Alexey (Moscow)

Pop Music Intermediate category: 1st equal - Loganov Alexey (Moscow) and Shevchenko Oleg (Belgorod)

Pop Music Senior category: 1st – Wang Xiao (Shanghai, China)

For full results see: 2021Petrozavodsk.pdf


“Chaika Band” at The Base, Newcastle – Australia

“Chaika Band” (which includes accordionist Emily-Rose Šárkova) performed at The Base (formerly The Black Malabar & Church of Groove) in Newcastle West on April 23rd, 2021.

Their program included a mix of original compositions and re-imaginings of traditional songs, influenced by a range of musical genres from contemporary jazz to the Balkans.


Video: Phileas Rogue Plays Terminator 2: Judgment Day Theme

Phileas Rogue Plays Terminator 2: Judgment Day Theme.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a 1991 American science fiction action film produced and directed by James Cameron, who co-wrote the script with William Wisher. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick, and Edward Furlong as its principal cast and is the sequel to the 1984 film The Terminator,


Zoe Tiganouria on Iranian TV for her “Revolution 1821 - Long Live Freedom” Song! - Iran

Zoe TiganouriaZoe TiganouriaGreek composer and accordionist, Zoe Tiganouria was hosted on Iranian satellite TV Symay Azadi by journalists & presenters Masoud Farshchi and Mehran Samimi, on the channel’s TV show for the Iranian New Year’s Eve - March 21st, 2021.

The interview discussed her tribute song “Revolution 1821 - Long Live Freedom”, composed by Zoe for the 200th anniversary of Greek Independence with lyrics by Tassos Theodorakopoulos and performed by Babis Tsertos.


Future events

Music from Scotland Online Concert by Matthew Maclennan - Scotland

Matthew Maclennan"Music from Scotland" will feature accordionist, Matthew Maclennan (picture right) on April 26th, 2021.


Online: 2021 Big Squeeze Accordion Competition, Texas – USA

2021 Big Squeeze header
The 2021 15th annual Big Squeeze Accordion Competition, presented by Texas Folklife will be held online this year.

The competition searches for the next generation of accordion stars. Genres include Zydeco, Cajun, Polka (ages 25 and under) and Conjunto (ages 21 and under).

Since 2007, Texas Folklife has promoted Texas accordion music genres through the Big Squeeze program. More than 350 young, talented players from dozens of Texas communities have participated in the program.

Semifinals were held on April 17th and the finalists have now been announced. See list below. The competition finals will be held on May 8th, 2021 and be put on https://texasfolklife.org/


Découverte Tour With Didier & Irma Gilbert and Thierry Simon – Spain

Event posterAgence de voyages Découverte (Discovery Travel Agency) have accordionists Didier & Irma Gilbert and Thierry Simon to entertain guests on a holiday from May 9th to 16th, 2021.

The event is a special 8 day, 7 night "Dancing Trip" and hotel stay, organised by Agence de voyages Découverte (Discovery Travel Agency) which will include entertainment by the accordionists in the resort hotel dance hall.

Download poster with full details: 2021MaiDecouverte.pdf


Adults CNIMA Workshops - France

CNIMA logo
Jacques MornetNathalie BoucheixThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will run two workshops especially for adult learners as follows:

May 17th to 21st, 2021
June 7th to 11th, 2021

The workshop tutors are Nathalie Boucheix (picture right) and Jacques Mornet (picture left) and they will cover content identical to regular workshops, but more suited to the specific problems adults can encounter.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


“Libertango - Tango of Freedom” Concert, Auckland – New Zealand

Milonga de Cuatro
Tango Quartet "Milonga De Cuatro" (which includes accordionist Lian Jones – pictured below) will perform a concert entitled “Libertango - Tango of Freedom” at the Raye Freedman Arts Centre in Epsom, Auckland on May 30th, 2021 at 5pm.

The concert will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Argentinian composer Astor Pizzolla. The group includes Lian Jones (accordion), Irina Lgotkina (violin), Marija Durdevic (contrabass) and Natalia Meyta (piano).

For details email: nataliameyta@yahoo.com
Milonga De Cuatro


Live event: Alex Meixner Band at National Polka Festival – USA

NPF logoThe Alex Meixner Band (pictured below) will entertain live at the 2021 Annual National Polka Festival in Ennis, Texas, USA on May 30th, 2021.

The event is held every year on Memorial Day Weekend and was established in 1967.

For further details email: media@nationalpolkafestival.com
Alex Meixner Band


“Diou Flo” June Accordion Workshop - France

Brittany poster
Diou Flo, which includes Florence Pinvidic and Florence Glorion, will hold an accordion workshop in Kernilis, Brittany, France from 21st to 25th June, 2021.

The workshop is for diatonic and chromatic accordionists of all levels and will cover technique and ensemble music.

For details email: florence.glorion@gmail.com


Childrens Corner

Young Entertainer on Accordion, Guitar and Vocals, Houston - USA

Two young members of the Luzeros family of Houston entertain on accordion, guitar and vocals. Riccardo on guitar


New and Updated Sites

Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica 2021, Museo mondiale della fisarmonica - USA

WAD poster
L'Harrington ARTS Center (HARTS) e A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) ospiteranno un festival di musica dal vivo a Superior, Wisconsin dal 6 all'8 maggio 2021. Questo evento si terrà in concomitanza con il World Accordion Day (la Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica) e la nona edizione del Palmer Festival.
• 5 maggio: prove della band
• 6 maggio: concerti, musica e conferenze per il World Accordion Day si svolgeranno dalle 10:00 alle 19:00 con rinfresco disponibile.
• 7 maggio: presentazione del Dr Willard del 9° Palmer Festival dalle 10:00 con concerti, dimostrazioni, workshop e concerti.
• 8 maggio: Evento speciale aperto al pubblico - La Norsk Hostfest Polka Service Band suonerà un'ora di musica folk.
La grande sala da concerto di AWAM consente le giuste distanze di seduta e sarà necessario indossare mascherine.
I biglietti possono essere ordinati o pagati alla porta per US $ 75 al giorno o US $ 125 per i primi due giorni. Il servizio di polka è gratuito.
Molte delle esibizioni saranno online. Un ricco programma di eventi a: 2021USWAM

Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare: A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM)


CD Reviews

New Article: Astor Piazzolla 100 Years at: Articles

Astor PiazzollaA new article titled "100 years of Astor Piazzolla" is now online at: Articles
The article was written to celebrate Argentine composer, Piazzolla’s 100th anniversary of his birth, written by Edizione Curzi.


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