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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-Sep-2017
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Primo piano

42° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica e Festival "Città di Castelfidardo" - Italia
Crystal Wang si Esibisce con la Shanghai Symphony Orchestra - Cina
Mirco Patarini Eletto Presidente della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), Osimo - Italia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: 2017 Castelfidardo PIF World Music Competition Winners - Italy
Video: Roland Demonstrate New Software for FR8X at Coupe Mondiale - Italy
Video: Alexander Selivanov (Russia) Castelfidardo Concert - Italy
Franco Cambareri Composition Tristesse Available Online - Australia
Video: Students of Prof. Cao Xiaoqing Concert, CCOM, Beijing - China
Gary Dahl Releases El Choclo Tango Arrangement - USA

Future events

Martynas Levickis Autumn News - Switzerland, South Korea
Seminars and Concerts - Netherlands, Belgium
23rd Int. Accordeon Festival Hoogezand-Sappemeer - Netherlands
III. International Accordion Days in Prague - Czech Republic

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Primo piano

42° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica e Festival "Città di Castelfidardo" - Italia

Castelfidardo Festival Header
Artur Adrshin and Aliandre Gustavo AlmeidaIl 42° Concorso Internazionale di Fisarmonica e Festival "Città di Castelfidardo" si è tenuto da mercoledì 13 Settembre a domenica 17 Settembre.

L'evento di grande successo è stato ben frequentato con un'eccellente atmosfera del festival attorno al palcoscenico della città e alle sale dei ristoranti.

Report giornalieri con risultati, immagini, e video sono online all'indirizzo: 2017Concorso

Risultati del 2017 PIF Premio Competition sono:
1° Artur Adrshin (Russia)
2° Mao Junhao (Cina)
3° Zhang Ahiyuan (Cina)

Otto concorrenti sono stati ammessi al II Round e i video del II Round e del III Round sono online a:

Risultati del 2017 PIF Categoria I, Variety Music senza limite di età.
1° posto, Aliandre Gustavo Almeida (Brasile)
2° posto, Valerio Russo (Italia)
3° posto, Nikolay Ovchinnikov (Russia)

Video di tutti i concorrenti di questa categoria e anche la Categoria H (fino a 18 anni Variety Music) sono online a:

Risultati delle competizioni di tutte le categorie a:
Artur Adrshin and Mayor Roberto Ascani


Crystal Wang si Esibisce con la Shanghai Symphony Orchestra - Cina

Crystal Wang
Crystal WangCrystal Wang, insegnante noto a livello internazionale e Assoc. Professore, Music College of Shanghai Normal University (SHNU), Segretario Esecutivo della China Accordion Association, si è esibito con la Shanghai Symphony Orchestra diretta da Yu Long il 10 Settembre. 2017ShanghaiConcert

Il concerto che festeggia la 33° Giornata degli Insegnanti si è tenuto nella prestigiosa sala principale di 1.300 posti della Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, dove Crystal Wang e la Shanghai Symphony Orchestra hanno eseguito il sempre popolare Carnevale di Venezia (J. Benedict).

E' stato molto piacevole avere la fisarmonica così prominente rappresentata in questo concerto.

Le eccellenti performance di Crystal Wang sono state molto ben accolte dal numeroso pubblico con molti applausi.
Crystal Wang


Mirco Patarini Eletto Presidente della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), Osimo - Italia

CIA Presidents List
Raymond Bodell and Mirco PatariniMirco Patarini (Italia) è diventato il 12° Presidente della Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), il primo Presidente Italiano degli 82 anni dell'organizzazione. PastPresidents.pdf

Patarini assume il ruolo immediato dell'ex Presidente Raymond Bodell (Regno Unito) che ha completato i suoi due mandati (quattro anni), a capo della CIA (foto in destra).

Mirco Patarini nasce a Spoleto (Italia) il 26 Maggio 1966. Nel 1978 ha iniziato a studiare musica al CDMI (Centro Didattico Musical Italiano) a Spoleto. Ha continuato a competere in gare internazionali, vincendo il primo posto nelTrophée Mondial de l'Accordéon di La Caux-de-Fonds (Svizzera).

Nel 1988 inizia a collaborare con l'azienda "Farfisa-Bontempi" come direttore musicale e qui ha iniziato la sua evoluzione nel mondo della musica elettronica. In collaborazione con i produttori Scandalli, Paolo Soprani e Menghini, ha lavorato duramente per lo sviluppo di nuovi strumenti musicali con una maggiore qualità del suono e della meccanica.

Durante questo periodo il suo lavoro come artista da concerto è passato dal repertorio classico alla musica moderna. Con i fratelli Leonardo e Luciano Menghini, lui è proprietario e presidente della Scandalli Accordions Srl. Oggi, lavorando fianco a fianco i suoi colleghi produttori nella piccola ma rinomata città di Castelfidardo, lavora per promuovere l'eccellenza nella produzione della fisarmonica.

Come artista di concerti di fisarmonica, Mirco si esibisce in tutto il mondo come solista, con orchestre sinfoniche e con musicisti riconosciuti a livello internazionale, essendosi esibito in Germania, Svizzera, Spagna, Olanda, Gran Bretagna, Egitto, Brasile, USA, Russia, Norvegia, Svezia, Lussemburgo , Giappone, Cina, Svezia, Canada, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Ucraina e altro ancora.

Dopo essere stato Delegato e Membro della Giuria per l'Italia, Presidente del Comitato di Musica della CIA e due volte organizzatore della Coupe Mondiale negli ultimi anni, come Presidente, il sig. Patarini porta alla CIA un'ampia ricchezza di competenze su molti aspetti della fisarmonica nel mondo. Dalla creazione alla produzione fino alla fase concerto, alla stampa e alle pubblicazioni on-line di Strumenti & Musica, alla sua collaborazione con musicisti di ogni età e generi di musica, non vede l'ora di lavorare a nome dei 43 membri della CIA nei loro sforzi futuri, nonché promuovere l'importante collaborazione con il Consiglio Internazionale della Musica UNESCO.

CIA Foto sotto: Harley Jones (Public Relations Manager - Nuova Zelanda), Kimmo Mattila(Segretario Generale - Finlandia), Herbert Scheibenreif (Vice Presidente - Austria), Raymond Bodell (Ex Presidente - Regno Unito), Mirco Patarini (Presidente CIA - Italia), Li Cong (Vice Presidente - Cina), Viatcheslav Semionov (Vice Presidente - Russia) e Kevin Friedrich (Ambassador - USA).
2017 CIA Executive


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: 2017 Castelfidardo PIF World Music Competition Winners - Italy

Castelfidardo Festival Header
1st Place, Category M, World Music Ensembles, no age limit. Sangineto's Trio (Italy)

1st Place, Category M1, World Music Ensembles, no age limit. Smolevichi Accordion and Folk Music Childrens Orchestra (Belarus)

Highest placed diatonic solo competitor Marina Constanzo (Italy)

1st place Category N, World Music solo, Dan Wang (China)
Category J - Jazz, Soloists or groups (up to 8 people), no age limit was a new category that was watched with interest. Video of most of the contestants is online at: http://www.accordions.com/concorso/2017/15.htm


Video: Roland Demonstrate New Software for FR8X at Coupe Mondiale - Italy

Coupe Mondiale 2017 header
Ludovic BeierVideo: Ludovic Beier Performance at Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Concert.

On the last Sunday of the Coupe Mondiale in Osimo, manufacturers of digital accordions had been invited by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) to contribute a performer for a concert of "expert and high level digital accordion performance".

Sean Montgomery, Accordion Product Manager of Roland Europe Group Ltd had announced that Ludovic Beier (France) would perform using the just released FR-8X version 2.5 software update with additional functions:
- Support for the new FR-8x Editor;
- 37 new orchestral sound taken from the FR-4X;
- New keyboard layouts;
- Various new parameters to give the player even more control of how the FR=8X can be programmed / played live;
- Various bug fixes.

Enjoy the performance video above.


Video: Alexander Selivanov (Russia) Castelfidardo Concert - Italy

Video: A. Kusiakov - Spring Visions. First piece from the concert by Alexander Selivanov (Russia). Video of the rest of the concert is online at: http://www.accordions.com/concorso/2017/15.htm

Alexander Selivanov was born in 1979 in Kazan (Tatarstan, Russia). Professor of accordion in State Russian Academy of Music "Gnesins". Vice-Chariman of CIA Music Committee. Winner of accordion competitions in Spain, Italy, Germany, France, UK and Russia including 1st prize at the Coupe Mondiale, Klingenthal and Castelfidardo competitions. Performed in many countries of the world, lectures, workshops as well as a festival and competitions organiser in Russia.


Franco Cambareri Composition Tristesse Available Online - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released online his composition Tristesse (Tristezza) which he describes as a "Beautiful Sentimental Bossa Nova" of grade 3 level.

Listen to a sound sample of the music and view sample page at: Catalog cfranco231


Video: Students of Prof. Cao Xiaoqing Concert, CCOM, Beijing - China

Video: Yue Zihan (12 years old) was the first player of the concert of Students of Prof. Cao Xiaoqing Concert, Central Conservatory of Musicm, Beijing (CCOM).

Video of the rest of the concert, performers Wang Jingyang (17 years old), Cheng Yuhan (19 years old), Mao Junhao (21 years old) are online at:


Gary Dahl Releases El Choclo Tango Arrangement - USA

Gary DahlGary Dahl has released an arrangement of the very famous tango El Choclo composed by Ángel Villoldo. Catalog: DH0262

El Choclo is one of the most popular tangos in Argentina and worldwide. The music has been performed and recorded by numerous bands, orchestras and accordion soloists all over the world. You can view a sample page at: Catalog: DH0262

Also, Gary Dahl announces an update of the arrangement of Ashokan, made famous from the PBS Series Soundtrack, The Civil War. Further information about Ashokan (US$5.95) including a sample page is at Catalog: DH0257

Gary Dahl now has released 218 arrangements and 10 great value eBooks in recent years with information at: Gary Dahl


Future events

Martynas Levickis Autumn News - Switzerland, South Korea

Martynas Levickis
Bethany Alexander, PR for Martynas Levickis writes: As the autumn leaves begin to change color, we think it is the perfect time to embark on the next adventures! After a packed summer season, Martynas is looking forward to developing fresh ideas, bringing vibrant projects and beautiful music to the concert stage.

24 September, Switzerland. First up, this weekend you can catch Martynas Levickis with a string quartet from Mikroorkéstra at the newly opened Theater Casino Zug on the shores of beautiful Lake Zug in Switzerland.

Martynas is delighted to return to South Korea in October 2017 with his chamber orchestra Mikroorkéstra. They will be giving a number of concerts in South Korea, including 24 October at the renowned Seoul Arts Center in the capital and 27 October at Ulju Arts Center in Ulsan.

Martynas will be directing Mikroorkéstra in his own arrangement for accordion and string orchestra of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons and other works. The sound of accordion and strings is exquisite and the South Korean audiences are in for a treat."

24 October 2017, Seoul Arts Center, South Korea

26 October 2017 Private event in Seoul, South Korea

27 October 2017, Ulju Arts Center, Ulsan, South Korea

28 October 2017, Lithuaniann Days in Seoul, South Korea


Seminars and Concerts - Netherlands, Belgium

Tim Fletcher, Michiel OckeloenSeminars and Concerts by Geir Draugsvoll, Rik Cornelissen, Tim Fletcher and Michiel Ockeloen,

Geir Draugsvoll is considered to be one of the very important accordionists worldwide. Geir Draugsvoll originates from Norway, but has lived in Copenhagen for decades, where he is a professor at the Royal Academy of Music. He receives headlines as "groundbreaking" and "music sensation" in the international music press. His repertoire ranges from Bach, Mozart, Grieg, Stravinsky to Piazzolla, Gubaidulina, Senderovas, Hosokawa, Berio and Norgaard.

Tim Fletcher (picture right) is a very experienced and special conductor of great class. He knows orchestras and how to achieve high musical levels.

Michiel Ockeloen (picture right lower) is a versatile renowned musician.

Schedule of events:

October 5, 2017, Masterclasses, Amsterdam Conservatory, Oosterdokskade 151, Amsterdam, Time: 10:00 - 17:00 hours Fee: € 100.00 for 60 minutes

October 5, 2017, Concert 'Scandinavian Accordion Music' featuring Geir Draugsvoll, Amsterdam Conservatory, In the pre-program students of the conservatory perform. Access: Voluntary contribution

October 6, 2017, Masterclasses, Ringtheater, The Ring 1A, Hamme (Belgium), Fee: € 100.00 for 60 min.

October 6, 2017, Concert, Ringtheater, The Ring 1A, Hamme (Belgium), Time: 20.00 hours Fee: € 11.00

October 7, 2017, Location: The Reggehof, De Höfte 5, Goor, Workshops and Lessons.

October 7, 2017, Location: The Reggehof, De Höfte 5, Goor, Time: 20.00 hours
Fee: € 10.00, Concert 'Scandinavian Accordion music'

October 7, 2017, Workshop Jazz and Pop for teachers by Rik Cornelissen, Location: ArtEZ Conservatory, Arnhem, Unknown, Fee: € 15,00

Further information and booking at: info@pigini.nl


23rd Int. Accordeon Festival Hoogezand-Sappemeer - Netherlands

PosterThe 23rd International Accordion Festival Hoogezand-Sappemeer is being held on the 8th October and is featuring Daniel Metz (Mon Amour Band), Daan de Groot, Roger Pluymers and Jan Dropmans.

Organiser for many years Adri Kruijer continues and for further information, email him at: info@accordeonfestivalhs.nl


III. International Accordion Days in Prague - Czech Republic

III International Accordion Days in Prague
Ladislav HorákThe main goal of "International Accordion Days in Prague 2017" is continuity and development of strong tradition of accordion playing in Czech Republic.

The III. International Accordion Days in Prague will run from November 2-5, 2017 and the Artistic Director is Ladislav Horák (picture right), Prague Conservatory, Accordion Department.

Entries close: 28 September
Categories for soloists, chamber ensembles and orchestras.
Professional international jury.
Competition categories at: 2017Prague.pdf


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