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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-Oct-2021
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Primo piano

Report giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2021, termina domenica, Monaco di Baviera - Germania
Concerto di gala per la Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica “6 maggio a ottobre”, Skopje - Repubblica di Macedonia del Nord
Ben de Souza insegnamento e spettacolo con la Birmingham Festival Choral Society - Inghilterra

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Creation of the Ivan Dyma Concert Agency, Moscow - Russia
Two New Recordings by Accordion Melancolique - Netherlands
Postponed: Craven Accordion Orchestra North Central Area Accordion Championships - UK
Video: Phileas Rogue Performs Conan the Barbarian Theme - France
New Video: Alexander Poeluev and Andrey Machnev - Russia
Oktoberfest 2021 Concert at A World of Accordions Museum - USA

Future events

“Les 24h de l'accordéon” - 24 Hour Non Stop Accordion Concert - France
Massimo Budriesi Band Weekend Concerts - Italy
“Mabon” 2021 Final Concerts “Last Huzzah” Tour, Wales and England – UK
Motion Trio Concert with Gorzów Philharmonic Orchestra - Poland
Victor Prieto Trio Performs in New York City - USA
Akkordeon-Orchester Dinslaken Oberhausen 1980 eV Concert - Germany
Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session - New Zealand
Royal Academy of Music Concert to Open New Academic Year - UK
Annual Wurstfest Festival Features Accordionists, Texas - USA
Davide Salvi and Massimo Budriesi Entertain, Porretta Terme - Italy
31st Musicora 2021 Festival - France

Childrens Corner

Video: Kolmogortsev Sisters Trio "Accord" Performance - Russia

New and Updated Sites

Report giornalieri, foto e risultati, PIF Castelfidardo - Italia
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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Primo piano

Report giornalieri, Coupe Mondiale 2021, termina domenica, Monaco di Baviera - Germania

Daily Reports Header 2021 Coupe Mondiale
Mirco Patarini2021 Coupe Mondiale posterVideo sopra: Naoko e Andreas Nebl al concerto di apertura della Coupe Mondiale.
I Report Giornalieri con video e immagini sono iniziati mercoledì 13 ottobre con il Concerto Inaugurale. Ci saranno video di tutte le esibizioni e concerti dei concorrenti della Coupe Mondiale, forniti dal CIA Video Archive and Education Project. Risultati online con la conclusione delle premiazioni il 17 ottobre 2021.
Video Homepage e Orario a: 2021CM-Video
Report giornalieri, immagini, risultati a: 2021CM-Report
Alexander Dmitriev, Hans-Günter Kölz, Oleg Sharov


Concerto di gala per la Giornata Mondiale della Fisarmonica “6 maggio a ottobre”, Skopje - Repubblica di Macedonia del Nord

Prof. Zorica Karakutovska
Picture above: Prof. Zorica Karakutovska
concert bannerFin dall'inizio nel 2009, l'Associazione macedone dei fisarmonicisti “Ljubiteli na klasichna muzika” (MAA) – Skopje ha sostenuto il progetto internazionale "May 6th World Accordion Day" con vari eventi musicali emozionanti.

Quest'anno, per la 13a volta l'associazione ha organizzato un concerto solenne per celebrare l'evento internazionale e il compleanno dello strumento, questa volta denominato “6 maggio a ottobre”. Servizio fotografico a: 2021RN-Macedonia

Il concerto della Giornata mondiale della fisarmonica si è tenuto nella sala della Filarmonica di Skopje, il 9 ottobre, in un'atmosfera intima con un pubblico ridotto seguendo tutti i protocolli e le raccomandazioni Covid-19. Il nuovo edificio della Filarmonica offre un luogo di alta qualità che gli artisti hanno sfruttato appieno. La sala è stata occupata da un pubblico molto entusiasta che ha reagito con grande commozione e ha premiato i musicisti con i meritati applausi. L’ospite dell'evento è stato il popolare presentatore televisivo macedone Ognen Janeski.

Il WAD Gala Concert negli ultimi anni è diventato un importante e prestigioso evento culturale e artistico nel paese e anche all'estero, grazie al fatto che il concerto è trasmesso in tutto il mondo da una TV nazionale. Quest'anno il concerto sarà trasmesso in televisione come parte dei festeggiamenti per la festa nazionale dell'8 dicembre, St. Kliment Ohridski.

Il concerto ha visto la partecipazione di rinomati artisti e studenti di fisarmonica della prof.ssa Zorica Karakutovska che hanno eseguito brani di Kusiakov, Semionov, Bete Ilin, Derbenko, Piazzolla, Schubert e Zolotaryov. Al concerto di quest'anno, Zorica ha eseguito la prima assoluta della composizione "Done" di Bete Ilin dedicata al Presidente del MAA Prof.Zorica Karakutovska.

Il concerto è stato tradizionalmente sostenuto dal programma nazionale del Ministero della Cultura della Repubblica di Macedonia del Nord.

Servizio fotografico a: 2021RN-Macedonia

Foto sotto: la compositrice Bete Ilin, la professoressa Zorica Karakutovska e la PR Manager del MAA Anica Karakutovska.
Bete Ilin, Zorica Karakutovska, Anica Karakutovska


Ben de Souza insegnamento e spettacolo con la Birmingham Festival Choral Society - Inghilterra

Ben de SouzaBirmingham Festival Choral SocietyBen de Souza (foto a sinistra) si unirà alla Birmingham Festival Choral Society (foto sopra) per eseguire la “Petite Messe Solennelle” di Rossini al The Ruddock Centre, King Edward's School di Birmingham, Inghilterra, il 30 ottobre alle 19:30.

Questo lavoro è stato originariamente scritto per coro con accompagnamento di pianoforte e harmonium, ma la parte di harmonium viene sempre più suonata sulla fisarmonica.

“Ben de Souza è lieto di essere stato nominato insegnante di fisarmonica alla Salisbury Cathedral School e alla Purcell School, da settembre 2021. È una notizia molto eccitante per la scena della fisarmonica britannica che queste due prestigiose istituzioni offrano agli studenti l'opportunità di studiare la fisarmonica. Questi ruoli vedranno Ben insegnare sia il basso standard al pianoforte che i sistemi di basso libero a pulsanti, oltre a offrire lezioni di musica da camera. Ci auguriamo che queste connessioni diventino stabili e durature e che la fisarmonica rimanga una parte dell'offerta delle scuole per gli anni a venire".

Per i dettagli del concerto e-mail: ba.desouza@yahoo.co.uk


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Creation of the Ivan Dyma Concert Agency, Moscow - Russia

Agency logo
Ivan DymaNatalia GelfenboimThe Ivan Dyma Concert Agency is the first agency in Russia, which is focused on cooperation with talented young musicians, both academic and jazz, provides them with the opportunity to maximize their creative activity and find their own Voice in art.

The concert agency was created to form an art space, thanks to which clients and the audience will discover qualitatively different emotions, and musicians will find new opportunities for cooperation and creativity.

Project manager, Ivan Dyma (picture above left) is a multi-saxophonist, soloist of the State Academic Theater of Theater named after S. V. Obraztsova, a teacher at the Institute of Music. A. G. Schnittke, Laureate of All-Russian and International competitions, artist of Yamaha, member of the "Musical Society" under the leadership of the rector of the Moscow Conservatory A. Sokolov and a member of the SaxAkkord Duo (picture below) with accordionist Arseniy Strokovskiy.

Art Director, Concert Director and Project Manager is Natalia Gelfenboim (picture above right).

For further information, suggestions and questions to the agency please email: gelfenboim.concert@yandex.ru
SaxAkkord Duo


Two New Recordings by Accordion Melancolique - Netherlands

Video 1: Barcelona

Video 2: Hattrick for a Clown
Barcelona CD coverHattrick for a Clown CD coverAccordion Melancolique, which features accordionists Jean-Pierre Guiran and Cherie de Boer have just released two new recordings arranged by Bob Zimmerman. The pieces are recorded together with 7 top musicians.

The recordings, “Barcelona” and “Hattrick for a Clown”
took place on May 28th, 2021 in the Power Sound Studio, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

For details email: info@acmel.nl


Postponed: Craven Accordion Orchestra North Central Area Accordion Championships - UK

PostponedGargraveFor the second year in succession, the co-ordinator of the Craven Accordion Orchestra North Central Area Festival has had to postpone this year’s event, which was originally scheduled for 20 November 2021, due to the ongoing pandemic situation.

A new date has been set for May 7th, 2022 at the Gargrave Village Hall in Gargrave, Skipton. The festival provides an opportunity for soloists, duos, groups and ensembles to perform and receive feedback, as well as being an important social occasion for musicians and supporters. Competition classes include accordion, guitar, keyboard and piano.

“After careful consideration of the current situation and the void that would be left by postponing the festival, a decision has been taken to put in place a series of smaller events in order to restart the process of live performance while maintaining the welfare of all people involved. The first of these events was held on September 23rd, 2021 at St Peter’s Methodist Church, Cross Hills.

Further details will be advised as soon as possible. For information email: cravenaccordionorchestra1@gmail.com


Video: Phileas Rogue Performs Conan the Barbarian Theme - France

Video: Accordionist Phileas Rogue (Alsace, France) performs the theme from Conan the Barbarian “Anvil of Crom”. Original music by Basil Poledouris and arranged for accordion by Phileas Rogue.


New Video: Alexander Poeluev and Andrey Machnev - Russia

Video: Alexander Poeluev (accordion) and Andrey Machnev (saxophone) performing “Adagio” by T. Albinoni.

Producer: Elizaveta Poelueva
Operators: Andrey Sorokin, Elizaveta Poelueva
Aerial photography: Andrey Sorokin
Editing: Anna Barsukova
Recording, mixing, mastering: Dmitry Vodogretsky

"We are grateful for the help in the implementation of the project: Administration of the Kaltansky urban district."


Oktoberfest 2021 Concert at A World of Accordions Museum - USA

A World of Accordions Museum celebrated this month with an “Oktoberfest with Music” concert in Superior, Wisconsin on October 10th, 2021.

Performers included former Senator, Florian Chmielewski, Cheryl Husby’s Ukulele Band, Accordion Concertina Music Studio Band, and Paul Vargason who entertained on Lorren Lindevig’s PanCordion, Ronny Setniker’s Half-Chromatic and Helmi-designed Slovenian Button Diatonic.


Future events

“Les 24h de l'accordéon” - 24 Hour Non Stop Accordion Concert - France

24 hour poster
“Les 24h de l'accordéon” - 24 hour non stop Accordion Concert will be held in Toulouse, France this weekend beginning at 6pm on October 23rd until 6pm October 24th, 2021, organised by La Cave Poésie René-Gouzenne.

The event will feature a 24 hour marathon of non stop accordion concerts in various genres such as rock accordion, forró accordion, poetic accordion, musette, jazz, accordion fanfares, trad ball, tango, classical accordion, tender and romantic accordion (boleros, slow and other mazurkas) etc.

Performers include Emmanuelle Adler, Alice Behague, Fabio Binard, Julien Chéné, Marie Constant, L'Ensemble Toulouse Accordéon, Florian Demonsant, Bastien Fontanille, Rémi Geffroy, Jawid Ghani, Antoine Girard, Virgile Goller, Miguel Gramontain, Raoul Gourbin, Philippe Krümm, Michel Macias, Yann Malardé, Agnese Migliore, Alexis Palazzotto, Hubert Plessis, Rémy Poulakis, Corentin Restif, Claude Romero, Adrien Séguy, Markus Thiel, Théo Voisin, Ambre Vuillermoz and many others.

For details email: contact@cave-poesie.com
24 hour program


Massimo Budriesi Band Weekend Concerts - Italy

Massimo Budriesi Band
The Massimo Budriesi Band will perform 2 concerts this weekend.

The first is at the La Stala Social Centre, San Giovanni in Persiceto, Bologna, Italy on October 23rd.

The following day (October 24th) the band will perform at the Circoloarci Maranella in Maranello, Modena, Emilia-Romagna in Northern Italy.

The band features accordionist Massimo Budriesi, his twin brother Alessandro (guitar & lead vocals), Milena Montanari (lead vocals), Gino Alboresi (bass & vocals), Stefania Lazzaroni (drums & vocals) and Giuseppe Nobili (sax & keyboards).

They enjoy performing a mix of international hits, disco and dance music.


“Mabon” 2021 Final Concerts “Last Huzzah” Tour, Wales and England – UK

Popular Welsh band “Mabon”, which includes Jamie Smith (accordion & vocals), Oliver Wilson-Dickson (fiddle & vocals), Ron Juppy (guitar & vocals), Matt Downer (electric & upright basses & vocals) and Iolo Whelan (drums, percussion & vocals) will perform their final concerts to wind up their “Last Huzzah” tour of the UK.

The group have decided to disband after twenty years of good times and so many good memories of great concerts across the years and they are truly grateful for your support and enthusiasm along the way.

Concert dates as follows:
• October 23rd: The Clarence Hall, Crickhowell, Wales
• October 24th: Wyeside Arts, Builth Wells, Wales
• October 27th: Theatr Mwldan, Cardigan, Wales
• October 28th: Bridport Arts Centre, Dorset, England
• October 29th: Pavilions Teignmouth, Devon, England
• October 30th: Canolfan Glyn Ceiriog, Wrexham, Wales (this concert is sold out).

For further information email: info@jamiesmithsmabon.com


Motion Trio Concert with Gorzów Philharmonic Orchestra - Poland

Motion TrioJerzy MaksymiukVideo: Motion Trio live in TVP Kultura performing "Orawa" by Wojciech Kilar.

Motion Trio (picture above left) will perform a concert with the Gorzów Philharmonic Orchestra (conducted by Jerzy Maksymiuk – picture right) in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland on October 29th, 2021.

The trio includes accordionists Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek and Marcin Galazyn.

Their program will include “Arbor vitae II” composed by conductor and pianist, Jerzy Maksymiuk, “Liscie gdzieniegdzie spadajace” (Leaves Falling Here and There) for string orchestra and piano, “Vers per archi When Dreams Burn” for 3 solo accordions (Motion Trio) and “Music of Silence” from Lamentation of the Heart for orchestra and vocalist.

Guest performers include Iwona Hossa (soprano) and Maciej Koczur (assistant conductor).

For details email: annawojtarowicz@akordeonus.com


Victor Prieto Trio Performs in New York City - USA

Victor Prieto
The Victor Prieto Trio performed at "Terraza 7" in Elmhurst, New York City on October 20th, 2021. The trio featured Victor Prieto (accordion), Edward Perez (bass) and Juan Felipe Mayorga (drums).

Their next performance at the same venue is on October 29th, 2021 from 7pm to 10pm. These free concerts are part of the "Terraza 7" Jazz Outdoor Concert Series.

The trio at this performance will include Victor Prieto (accordion), Vince Cherico (drums) and Ricky Rodriguez (bass). Their program “embraces Jazz, Tango, Classical and Celtic Roots enriched with new rhythms and colors”.

For details phone: +01 347-808-0518


Akkordeon-Orchester Dinslaken Oberhausen 1980 eV Concert - Germany

AOD poster
Johannes BurgardVideo: Most of the concert, Danse diabolique (beginning missing) • Cité tango • The Moldau

The Akkordeon-Orchester Dinslaken Oberhausen 1980 eV will perform in concert at the Kathrin-Türks-Halle in Dinslaken, Germany on October 30th, 2021 at 7pm.

The orchestra, which is directed by Johannes Burgard (picture left) will perform a program of pieces from classical to jazz with a solo by guest saxophonist, Ralf Bazzanella.

See poster for details.
Akkordeon-Orchester Dinslaken Oberhausen


Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session - New Zealand

CAA posterThe Canterbury Accordion Association will run a “Jam Session” at St Stephens Church in Christchurch on October 31st, 2021 at 3pm.

Due to Covid restrictions, there will be no singing or afternoon tea, but they will have fun making music!

Everyone is welcome. Entry is free of charge.

See poster for details.


Royal Academy of Music Concert to Open New Academic Year - UK

Iulian CiobanuFlávio RodriguesThe Royal Academy of Music will begin their new academic year with a concert (after all the lockdowns) on November 4th, 2021 at 1pm.

Accordionists Flávio Rodrigues (picture right), Jinjie Kang, Emmy-Constantin Dumitru, Alise Silina and Iulian Ciobanu (picture left) will perform at the Angela Burgess Recital Hall, Royal Academy of Music in London, England.

Their program will include Two Keys to One Poem by J Brodsky (Sergey Akhunov), 200 PIECES Iconoclast (world premiere - Des Oliver), Mist on the Hills (Rhian Samuel), Fratres (Arvo Pärt), 200 PIECES Unbroken (Howard Skempton), Metamorphoses (Petr Fiala) and Rhythms of Doubt (third movement - Mikolaj Majkusiak).

For details email: go@ram.ac.uk


Annual Wurstfest Festival Features Accordionists, Texas - USA

Wurstfest logoVideo: "Wipeout" by the Chris Rybak Band.

The annual Wurstfest Festival will be held on the Wurstfest Grounds in Landa Park, New Braunfels, Texas from November 5th to 14th, 2021.

The event features a unique celebration rich in German culture. During the 10-day festival, you’ll find a variety of entertainment, food and fun on the Wurstfest Grounds in Landa Park as well as many special events throughout New Braunfels and Comal County.

Accordion performers include Mollie B Squeezebox Band and Ted Lange, Alex Meixner Band, Chris Rybak Band, Terry Cavanagh and the Alpine Express and more!

For details email: info@wurstfest.com


Davide Salvi and Massimo Budriesi Entertain, Porretta Terme - Italy

David & Massimo poster
Accordionists Davide Salvi and Massimo Budriesi will entertain at the Centro Sociale Ricreativo Culturale (Cultural Recreational Social Center) "Alta Valle Del Reno", Lorenzini Civic Center, Porretta Terme, Italy on November 11th, 2021.

The event features a dinner and musical show.

See poster for details.


31st Musicora 2021 Festival - France

musicora header
The 31st Musicora 2021 Festival will be held at La Seine Musicale in Boulogne-Billancourt, France from November 19th to 21st, 2021.

Musicora is the meeting place for music and musicians and offers a rich program of meetings, concerts, conferences and workshops.

This year’s event includes accordion instrument repair, maintenance, tuning or restoration of your instrument workshops, teaching workshops, digital workshops plus much more.

For details email: contact@musicora.com


Childrens Corner

Video: Kolmogortsev Sisters Trio "Accord" Performance - Russia

Video: The Kolmogortsev Sisters Trio "Accord" from Kokhma, Russia performing
"Under Paris Skies". Their performance was at the 2017 "Golden Ring" competition and the girls are members of the Children's School of Arts in Kokhma.

Snezhana and Steshana are 9 years old and Milan is 10 years old. Their teacher is Isaeva Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna. The Kolmogortsev sisters became popular after Maxim Galkin's show "Best of all".


New and Updated Sites

Report giornalieri, foto e risultati, PIF Castelfidardo - Italia

PIF Castelfidardo header
Report giornalieri, foto, risultati, giuria, concerti e informazioni online su: 2021Castelfidardo  sulla 46° edizione del PIF Castelfidardo in programma dal 27 settembre al 2 ottobre.


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

Accordion Russia banner
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with information on upcoming events.


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