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Weekly News from Around the World - 21-Jan-2022
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Primo piano

A World of Accordions Museum ospita il concerto di Stas Venglevski - USA
Tour Foster & Allen Marzo 2022– Irlanda del Nord
Mie Miki si esibisce con la Hyogo Orchestra in serie di concerti - Giappone
Serata di anniversario per Andrey Ivanovich Ledenev, Mosca - Russia
Ryan Corbett vince £ 20.000 al Royal Over-Seas League Annual Music Competition - Regno Unito
Video: Martynas Levickis si esibisce per oltre 20.000 spettatori - Germania

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

CIA Winter Congress 2022 in February is Delayed - Sweden
Ian Watson, Bundesakkordeonorchester Guest Conductor - Germany
Video: TV Coverage on the Houston Accordion Orchestra Retreat - USA
Timbre Russian Accordion Group Concert in Moscow – Russia
Ever Popular Accordion Cruise Now In May - Finland
Zoe Tiganouria Performs in Unique Theatre Production – Greece
Video: “Swing of France” Performing Jazz Musette - France

Future events

Lionel Suarez Auditorium Concert - France
Royal Academy of Music Accordion Master Class – UK
Alex Meixner Performs with Terry Cavanagh & The Alpine Express in Texas - USA
Festival Eclat Neue Musik, Stuttgart - Germany
Ghenadie Rotari Solo Recital in Vienna - Austria
Accordion Orchestra Day in Cambridge – England

New and Updated Sites

Pubblicazione regolamenti Coupe Mondiale 2022, Zofingen - Svizzera
33° Festival Internazionale “Bayan e Bayanists”, Mosca – Russia
2022 CNIMA Workshops - France
80° anniversario ATG: 20-24 luglio a Chicago - USA
2022 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival – New Zealand
Yuri Shishkin CD's Sold Out, eTracks Available - Russia

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Primo piano

A World of Accordions Museum ospita il concerto di Stas Venglevski - USA

Stas Jan concert
Stas Venglevski (fisarmonica) si esibirà con gli artisti ospiti Brett Jones (percussioni) e Derek Bromme (tuba) dell'Università del Wisconsin, Superior, in un concerto intitolato "Accordion Blend" presso A World of Accordions Museum di Superior il 23 gennaio 2022 alle 15:00.
Il concerto sarà live in persona e verrà trasmesso in streaming online.
Vedi il poster sopra per i dettagli.


Tour Foster & Allen Marzo 2022– Irlanda del Nord

Foster & Allen Tour poster
Foster & AllenTitoli video: The Magic of Foster & Allen. Le canzoni includono The Old Rustic Bridge, I'll Never Stop Wanting You, Maggie, The Stone Outside Dan Murphy's Door, The Bluebell Polka, Morning Glory, After All These Years, The Mountains of Mourne, Remember You're Mine e Love Letters in the Sand.
Il popolare duo irlandese Foster & Allen (Mick Foster e Tony Allen) sarà in tournée nell'Irlanda del Nord a marzo di quest'anno.
I concerti dal titolo “We’ll Meet Again” fanno parte di una rassegna che si terrà nel 2022.
Dopo la loro esibizione alla Grand Opera House di Belfast l'11 gennaio, si terranno altri concerti dal 16 marzo a Newry fino al 27 marzo a Portaferry.
Vedi locandina per i dettagli.


Mie Miki si esibisce con la Hyogo Orchestra in serie di concerti - Giappone

Hyogo poster
La fisarmonicista Mie Miki si è esibita con la Hyogo Arts and Culture Center Orchestra durante la loro serie di concerti presso il Centro per le Arti dello Spettacolo di Hyogo dal 14 al 16 gennaio 2022.
I concerti, diretti dal direttore d'orchestra dell'HPAC Yutaka Sado, includevano un'esibizione di "Family Tree" di Toru Takemitsu, con il narratore Tamaki Shiratori (che tra pochi giorni compirà 12 anni).
Il programma includeva anche la Sinfonia n. 4 di Maler con il soprano Ishizawa Seimi.
Mie Miki ha eseguito "This Road" di Yamada come bis.


Serata di anniversario per Andrey Ivanovich Ledenev, Mosca - Russia

Ledenev poster
La serata per l'anniversario di Andrey Ivanovich Ledenev (Professore Associato, Lavoratore Onorario della Cultura della Russia e membro dell'Accademia Internazionale di Informatizzazione) si svolgerà il 21 gennaio 2022 alle 19:00 presso la Sala concerti dell'Istituto statale di Mosca AG Schnittke.
Parteciperanno con esibizioni live e registrate i seguenti vincitori di concorsi internazionali:
Ekaterina Ledeneva, Marina Ledeneva, Alexei Alekseev, Galina e Alexei Efremenko, Aidar Gainullin, Roman Galiev, Mark Gataullin, Andrei Lukovsky, Andrey Marchenko, Maria Orel, Sergei Osokin, Joseph Purits, Robert Rakhimov, Pavel Ratynsky, Aidar Salakhov, Andrei Shelyganov, Anastasia Shkinnerova e Ayazhan Usembayeva.
Gli ospiti della serata sono i diplomati Olga Valerievna Kulagina e Lyubov Alekseevna Yankina.
Vedi locandina per i dettagli.


Ryan Corbett vince £ 20.000 al Royal Over-Seas League Annual Music Competition - Regno Unito

Ryan Corbett
Ryan Corbett ha vinto il 69esimo premio per tastiera del Royal Over-Seas League (Rosl) Annual Music Competition il 28 settembre, £ 5.000 primo premio, più un posto ricercato nella finale della medaglia d'oro tenutasi il 24 novembre.
Ryan Corbett ha poi vinto la finale della medaglia d'oro Rosl 2021 ed è diventato il primo fisarmonicista dal 1993 a vincere questo importante premio e il 1° premio di £ 15.000.
Corbett ha gareggiato contro il violoncellista Matthias Balzat, il soprano Milly Forrest e la flautista Marie Sato all'Over-Seas House, con un programma che includeva opere di Scarlatti, Franck Angelis e Viatcheslav Semionov.
Attualmente studia al Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Corbett è il secondo fisarmonicista a vincere il concorso nei suoi 69 anni di storia, dopo la vittoria di David Preston nel 1993.
"Ryan si è connesso sia al pubblico che alla giuria grazie alla sua innata capacità di comunicare attraverso la sua fisarmonica", afferma Geoff Parkin, direttore artistico della Royal Over-Seas League. "Il suo mondo sonoro, il fraseggio e la musicalità lo contraddistinguono come un musicista molto speciale e non vediamo l'ora di supportare la sua carriera futura".


Video: Martynas Levickis si esibisce per oltre 20.000 spettatori - Germania

Martynas Levickis"Più di 20.000 persone che ascoltano la mia esibizione con la Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra diretta dal Maestro Andrés Orozco-Estrada e condivido il mio amore con ognuno di loro. Spero che il prossimo anno ci riporti "il mondo normale"?"
Martynas Levickis si esibisce in: 
Václav Trojan (1907-1983) - "Fairy-Tales" for Accordion and Orchestra (1959)

2:28 1st mvt, Let us Dance into the Fairy Tales
5:26 2nd mvt, The Sleep Princess
9:24 7th mvt, The Acrobatic Fairy Tale


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

CIA Winter Congress 2022 in February is Delayed - Sweden

postponedDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Winter Congress 2022 planned to be held in Kungsbacka, Sweden from February 25th to 27th is delayed and will now be held online at a later date.

Due to Covid restrictions it is not possible to organise a public event with live music in February in Sweden.

The date of the online Winter Congress will be announced soon.


Ian Watson, Bundesakkordeonorchester Guest Conductor - Germany

BUAKKO logoIan WatsonComposer and conductor Ian Watson (UK - picture right) has begun 2022 as guest conductor of the German National Accordion Orchestra “Bundesakkordeonorchester” (BuAkkO)

The orchestra will rehearse at the historic music school in Schlitz (picture below) before their first 2022 performance at the Nuremberg State Museum of Art and Design in Nuremberg on February 20th at 11.15am.

Their program includes world premieres of new works by Ian Watson and Stefan Hippe as well film music by John Williams as follows:

• Simple London Symphony - Stefan Hippe (World Premiere)
• On Aldeburgh Beach - Ian Watson (World Premiere)
• Symphony 10, Movement 2 - Dmitri Shostakovich (arr. Ian Watson)
• Selection from E.T. - John Williams (arr. Joan C. Sommers)
• Black Mountain - Ian Watson
• Selection from Enigma Variations - Edward Elgar (arr. Stefan Hippe)
• Star Wars – Main Title - John Williams (arr. Ian Watson)
• Spoonful of sugar - Sherman and Sherman (arr. Ian Watson)

For details email: info@nmn.de
Schlitz Music School


Video: TV Coverage on the Houston Accordion Orchestra Retreat - USA

Video: Lauren Kelly from KPRC 2 Television interviewed Stas Venglevski while he was rehearsing with the Houston Accordion Orchestra this week. The Accordion Orchestra Camp hosted their 4th retreat in Kemah this week, where over 30 accordionists from all parts of the US gather in Houston to perform under the directorship of Stas.

Two Live Concerts were held last weekend featuring the Accordion Orchestra at the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and St. Matthew Lutheran Church.


Timbre Russian Accordion Group Concert in Moscow – Russia

Timbre pic
Video: Performance of Piazzolla at the Bayan and Bayanists Festival in Moscow, December 2021.

The Timbre Russian Accordion Group held their first 2022 concert at the Sanatorium "Marfinsky" in Moscow, Russia on January 15th, 2022, organised by the Moscow Region Philarmonic.

The group performed a variety of pieces with vocalist Yulia Zhuravleva including “Moscow Quadrille” (Temnov), “How were you?” (Dunaevskiy) and “I will go outside” (Russian Song) as well as works by Sviridiv, Rokhlin, Minkov, Listov, Soliviov-Sedoy, Polonskiy and Kanaev.

The group includes accordionists Pavel Zaitsev, Viacheslav Stoma, Kirill Rusinov, Maksim Tkachev and Viacheslav Kuzminskiy (Art Director).

Pavel Zaitsev is also a partner of the pigini-excelsior.ru business importing Italian accordions to Russia.
Timbre & vocalist


Ever Popular Accordion Cruise Now In May - Finland

postponedFinnish logoAs the Covid-19 situation has deteriorated sharply throughout Finland, the Accordion Cruise by Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL - Finland Accordion Association) planned for the end of January 2022 for over 2,000 accordion enthusiasts, will be postponed to May 2022.

The SHL and Tallink jointly decided to postpone the cruise.

New Date: Mother's Day weekend, May 7th to 8th, 2022.

Organisers do not want to cancel the cruise. Currently the epidemic situation is difficult and therefore a postponement is necessary. It is not possible to be sure that the restrictions on gatherings and other things will end and that the corona passport will be valid in the coming weeks.

The SHL will contact all customers who have made a reservation and agree to transfer their reservations until May. If the customer wishes to cancel the cruise booking, the cruise fee will be refunded in full. The SHL apologizes for the inconvenience of the date change and welcomes everyone to the Accordion Cruise for the spring vibe of May.

The Finnish Accordion Association is a national music organization whose mission is to promote the hobby and status of accordion playing. Both individuals and associations are welcome to join, regardless of age or playing skills.

For further information email: toimisto@harmonikkaliitto.fi
Cruise ship


Zoe Tiganouria Performs in Unique Theatre Production – Greece

Zoe T
Zoe CD coverZoe Tiganouria (composer and accordionist) is currently playing in 6 unique weekly performances at the Theater of the Day in Greece. The theatrical production of "Karaiskakis: The Misunderstood Hero" by Giannis Kostaras directed by Manos Antoniou began on January 5th, 2022.

Zoe Music has released the music to this successful historical drama on CD.

For details email: info@zoe-music.net


Video: “Swing of France” Performing Jazz Musette - France

Swing CD coverVideo: “Swing of France” which includes accordionist Erwan Mellec performing Jazz Musette pieces from their first album “La Contre-Attaque Du Jazz Musette Vol 1”.

1. La Flambée Montalbanaise (Gus Viseur)
2. Balajo (Jo Privat) - 2.50
3. Mystérieuse (Jo Privat) - 5.20
4. Modern'Valse (Jo Privat) - 8.20
5. Soir de dispute (Gus Viseur) - 11.00
6. Papillons Noirs (Jo Privat) - 13.15
7. La Sorcière (Maurice Vittenet) - 16.00
8. Passion (Tony Murena) - 19.25

The group have just released their second album "La Contre-Attaque Du Jazz Musette Vol 2".

For details email: contact@swingoffrance.com


Future events

Lionel Suarez Auditorium Concert - France

Concert poster
Lionel SuarezConcerts de l'AuditoriumVideo: Lionel Suarez performing La Cambiada.

Accordionist Lionel Suarez will perform a concert at the 25th season of Concerts de l'Auditorium in Villefranche-sur-Saône, France on January 22nd, 2022 at 7pm.

The Concerts de l'Auditorium present a musical program that includes a wide range of musical expression such as lyrical, instrumental and orchestral ensembles.

For details email: billetterie@concertsauditorium.fr


Royal Academy of Music Accordion Master Class – UK

Alfred MelicharThe Royal Academy of Music will hold an Accordion Master Class at the Angela Burgess Recital Hall in London, England on January 27th, 2022 at 3pm.

The tutor will be contemporary music specialist Alfred Melichar (picture left), professor of accordion at the Anton Bruckner University in Linz, Austria.

The masterclass is “highly recommended for teachers and students seeking to broaden their knowledge of this important part of the accordion repertoire”.

For details phone: +44 (0) 20 7873 7373


Alex Meixner Performs with Terry Cavanagh & The Alpine Express in Texas - USA

AM poster
Alex Meixner will perform with Terry Cavanagh & The Alpine Express at a special live event on January 27th, 2022 from 6pm at Krause’s Café & Biergarten in New Braunfels, Texas.

The Alex Meixner Band will perform at this venue throughout 2022, including at Maifest and Oktoberfest later this year.

Tickets for the January event are now sold out, but weather permitting, additional tickets will be available at the door.


Festival Eclat Neue Musik, Stuttgart - Germany

Eclat poster
Teodoro AnzellottiThe 2022 Festival Eclat Neue Musik will be held in the Stuttgart Theatre, Stuttgart, Germany from February 1st to 6th.

The program will include an accordion performance on February 3rd at 8pm by Teodoro Anzellotti (accordion - picture left), Peter Veale (oboe) and Ensemble Musikfabrik. They will play “Eight ways to Breathe” by Benjamin Scheuer for clarinet, accordion and ensemble.

For details email: musik@mdjstuttgart.de


Ghenadie Rotari Solo Recital in Vienna - Austria

Ghenadie RotariGhenadie Rotari will give a solo recital at Alte Schmiede in Vienna, Austria on February 4th, 2022.

His program will include works by Matthew Shlomowitz, Katharina Roth, Trevor Baca, Philipp Christoph Mayer, Diana Rotaru, Tobias Leibetseder, and Gabriele Vanoni plus world premieres of works written especially for him.

For details email: g.rotari@yahoo.com


Accordion Orchestra Day in Cambridge – England

CAC orchestra day poster
The Cambridge Accordion Club will hold their Accordion Orchestra Day at the Stapleford Granary in Stapleford, Cambridge on March 6th, 2022 from 10am to 4pm.

The event will include lots of fun playing pieces arranged by Nigel Pasby and is for accordionists of all levels.

See poster for details.


New and Updated Sites

Pubblicazione regolamenti Coupe Mondiale 2022, Zofingen - Svizzera

75th Coupe Mondiale header
Yvonne Glur (President), Ruedi Marty2022 Coupe Mondiale PosterLa 75a Coupe Mondiale si terrà dal 4 al 9 ottobre 2022 a Zofingen, in Svizzera, ospitata dal membro della CIA accordeon.ch guidato dal presidente: Yvonne Glur (Presidente) e dal delegato della CIA Svizzera Ruedi Marty.

Il presidente della CIA Mirco Patarini e il segretario generale Kimmo Mattila invitano calorosamente concorrenti, insegnanti e sostenitori della fisarmonica a partecipare alla Coupe Mondiale 2022 che sarà caratterizzata da concerti e competizioni come segue:
• 75a Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• Concorso Internazionale di Musica d'Intrattenimento Virtuoso
• Concorso Internazionale Junior di Musica d'Intrattenimento Virtuoso
• Musica da Camera - Classica
• Musica da Camera - World Music

Regolamenti 2022 a: Coupe Mondiale
Visualizza le informazioni sull'hotel e le foto delle sedi dei concerti su: Coupe Mondiale
Scarica il poster stampabile dell'evento su: 2022CM-poster.pdf

Il sistema di iscrizione on-line aprirà in primavera e la data di chiusura delle iscrizioni è il 31 agosto 2022.

Troverai un report completo della Coupe Mondiale 2021 su:
Home page video 2021 e orario video a: 2021CM-Video
Report giornalieri 2021, immagini, risultati su: 2021CM-Report
Hall Zofingen


33° Festival Internazionale “Bayan e Bayanists”, Mosca – Russia

Bayan festival poster
I video di cinque importanti concerti dei festival e dei premi Silver Disc sono riportati in dettaglio a 2021Moscow e ora ci sono molte immagini del 33° Festival internazionale "Bayan and Bayanists" di Mosca.

• Video 1: Concerto di apertura del 15 dicembre 2021
• Video 2: Concerto del 16 dicembre 2021
Altri concerti inclusi:
• 17 dicembre: Celebrazione del 75° anniversario di Viatcheslav Semionov, artista popolare russo
• 18 dicembre: Celebrazione del 70° anniversario di Alexander Dmitriev
• 19 dicembre: Astor Piazzolla – 100! Celebrazioni

Report completo a: 2021Moscow


2022 CNIMA Workshops - France

CNIMA logo
Nathalie & JacquesThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will run accordion workshops for all ages, levels and styles during January and February 2022. The workshops will cover developing accordion technique, the hold of the instrument, balancing of the bellows, sound support, various touches and musicality etc.

Dates as follows:

• January 24th to 28th: Adult workshop which covers additional training on specific problems adults can encounter with tutors Nathalie Boucheix and Jacques Mornet (picture left).
• February 14th to 19th: workshop for all ages and levels with Nathalie Boucheix and Jacques Mornet.
• February 21st to 26th: workshop for all ages and levels with Nathalie Boucheix and Jacques Mornet.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


80° anniversario ATG: 20-24 luglio a Chicago - USA

ATG Poster
La tanto attesa celebrazione del festival Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) si terrà la prossima estate!
Unitevi all'ATG dal 20 al 24 luglio 2022 nell'area di Chicago in occasione della celebrazione dell'80° anniversario dell'ATG.
Prenotate il posto per l'orchestra del Festival ATG di 80 elementi! Questa orchestra speciale è in onore dell'80° anniversario dell'ATG e sarà diretta da Joan C. Sommers.
La quota per prenotare il proprio posto nell'orchestra è di $ 25 e verrà applicata alla registrazione del festival. Le prenotazioni sono in base all'ordine di arrivo, quindi siate veloci!
La registrazione sarà presto disponibile sul sito: ATG


2022 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival – New Zealand

NZAA banner
The 2022 NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival will be held at a venue to be selected June 4th and 5th, 2022.

The event, due to current Covid travel restrictions, will be open to only New Zealand residents or NZ passport holders. A variety of age group classes for soloists, duos, trios, ensembles and orchestras will be available. Covid restrictions mean that currently, non NZ residents and non NZ passport holders are not allowed to come to New Zealand.

Entries close on April 14th, 2022.
Download the rules and competition prospectus at: 2022nz_prospectus.pdf

For further details email NZAA Competitions Secretary Renee Jeffries at: nzaacompsec@gmail.com


Yuri Shishkin CD's Sold Out, eTracks Available - Russia

Yuri Shishkin CD's
Yuri Shishkin writes that a number of his CD's have sold out, mp3 eTracks remain available. Three CD's remain. At the excellent price of Euro 13.50 plus post, CD fans should purchase now to avoid disappointment.

yshishkin07 Appliques CD - available
yshishkin04 Shishkin Plays Semionov CD - available
yshishkin06 Libretto (Bajan on the Russian Opera Stage) CD - available

yshishkin01eT Towards The Sun CD has just sold out, eTracks mp3 album available
yshishkin02eT Images Of The Passing Time - CD sold out, eTracks mp3 album available
yshishkin03eT Favourites - CD sold out, eTracks mp3 album available
yshishkin05eT Pictures at an Exhibition - CD sold out, eTracks mp3 album available
Yuri Shishkin CD's


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